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Here now is the latest worldwide casualty count on the wuhan virus. More than 3. 6 million cases, and more than a quarter million billion dead. In the United States, the wuhan virus has infected nearly 1. 2 million americans and killed more than 70,000. And today for the First Time Since the wuhan virus pandemic took hold of the country in mid march, President Trump took his first major trip away from the white house. The president traveling to phoenix where he toured a honeywell factory that manufactures n95 respirator masks critical, of course, to the safety of our countrys Health Care Professionals on the front lines of this pandemic and necessary also for all americans as the president plans to reopen the economy safely. A topic he talked about today before leaving the white house. Everybodys excited. Theyre going back to work safely, but theyre going back to work. Were opening up our country again, and this is what were doing. And ill tell you with, the whole world excited watching us, because were leading the world. Lou fox news correspondent jeff paul with the president this evening in phoenix. Jeff . Reporter yeah, lou. President trump arrived to a few dozen or so Trump Supporters who were lined up here on the street right outside the honeywell facility as the president entered in. This is pushed up against Sky Harbor International airport, and the president right now is inside meeting with a couple local leaders to discuss how the coronavirus is impacting the native american population. Hes also going to be touring this facility. Now, this is an important visit for a couple of reasons. It is really the first time the president has left the d. C. Area across the country for a visit since the coronavirus pandemic really started to intensify, and he chose this honeywell facility because theyre one of two honeywell facilities making millions of n95 respirators. The president is hoping this trip symbolizes that the country is ready to get back to business. Together were fighting for everybody, but were fighting this horrible coronavirus. Its a tough opponent, but were winning, and were starting to see our country come back. Its been a very exciting few days. Were starting to see it all come back. Reporter now, the last time President Trump was in the grand canyon state he had a big rally with lots of his supporters there for a campaignstyle event. That wont be happening this time, hell be leaving here shortly, just about a twoandahalf hour trip, and then hell head back to d. C. Were also being told that anyone whos coming into contact with President Trump is being tested for the coronavirus. Lou . Lou jeff, thank you very much. Jeff paul reporting from phoenix. Thank you, jeff. Back in washington the swamp is stirring this evening as the scrutiny of the deep state, the radical dems and their crimes and conspiracies intensifies. Republicans in the house judiciary e and oversight committees today demanded congressman adam schiff release 53 transcripts from witnesses in the russia investigation. The fbi today also released a statement in support of fbi director Christopher Wray who is under increasing pressure to answer questions directly about nowdocumented partisan political corruption within the upper levels of the fbi and Justice Department. For the latest we turn to correspondent david spunt in washington. David. Reporter lou, two senior members of the republican side of the House Judiciary Committee, mike johnson and jim jordan, sent a letter to fbi director Christopher Wray. They were displayeded that some of the problems involved with the general Michael Flynn case, the former National Security adviser at the white house, took so long to come out. I want to read part of this letter, lou, tonight from johnson and jordan to fbi director wray. Quote the American People continue to learn troubling detail it is about the politicization and misconduct at the highest levels of the fbi during the obama biden administration, even more concerning we continue to learn as these new details from litigation and investigation not from you. This letter is mostly symbolic as the republicans are in the Minority Party in the house, but it is the latest signal of increased frustration with the directors leadership. Now, way was not the director when the Michael Flynn matter happened, lets be clear, and the fbi today released a statement in support of correcter wray director wray. Quote director wray remains firmly committing to addressing the failures under prior leadership while maintaining the foundational principles of rigor, objectivity, accountability and ownership in fulfilling the bureaus mission to defend the constitution and protect the American People. Lou, also House Republicans on the judiciary and oversight committees are calling for Intel Committee chairman adam schiff to reelite 53 Interview Transcripts related to his committees probe into alleged ties between the Trump Campaign and russia. Part of the letter, quote if accurate, its disturbing especially in light of chairman schiffs cries in 2019 for transparency regarding allegation that the Trump Campaign colluded with russian russian with russia. They want those transcripts to be made available to the committee if not the entire public. Well continue to follow fit, hugh. Lou david, thank you very much. David summit from washington. Or our first guest tonight obtained a 2019 letter last month showing that congressman schiff sent a letter to thendirector of National Intelligence dan coats. It revealed how schiff secretly hid dozens of transcripts of the spygate scandal. Joining us tonight is john solomon, awardwinning investigative journalist, fox business contributor, editorinchief of just the news. John, great to have you with us. If lets start with the pretext under which schiff does not release this information to the committee, at least to the republicans and, frankly, im far more interested in it being released and i would suspect you are to the American Public. Sure. And, remember, there was a vote of congress, the House Intelligence Committee on devin nunes watch voted to have these transcripts released back in september of 2018. And, by the way, adam schiff voted for the release of those transcripts. But thats when he thought that the russia conspiracy case was going to end up in indictments of Trump Officials when it turned out that the collusion case fell apart as nothing more than Christopher Steeles fiction. Then all of a sudden adam schiff moved into a different gear. First, he tells the white house dont share any of these transcripts with President Trump or his lawyers, they might help them. And secondly, when the odni declassifies the transcripts, adam schiff has held them for months, not allowing the American People to see what he and the committee originally voted to make public. Lou its extraordinary. It is straightforwardly almost the same as an indictment of schiff himself for hum to hide this for him to hide this. And speaking of hiding this testimony, Christopher Wray persists in stonewalling at every instance and now we are seeing as a result of other investigations and litigation why he probably didnt want a lot of that information out before the public. And then to see the Public Affairs spokesman for the fbi talking about what a grand fellow he is. Do you make anything of the fact that that support didnt originate with the attorney general himself rather than a spokesman for the fbi . Yes. Listen, the fact that the white house and the Justice Department have been silent while the chorus of concern about Christopher Wrays leadership has grown much, much louder in the past week probably a telling sign. Right after devin nunes issued his report hitting it on the money that there were fisa abuses at the fbi in the russia case, it turns out there were fisa abuses in many cases but particularly in the russia case, chris wray issued a statement challenging devin nunes saying you got your facts wrong. Now, three years later it turns out devin nunes had his facts right, and Christopher Wrays defense had his facts wrong. Today this idea that hes been transparent doesnt add up to what members of congress have seen. As the letter said, we wanted to hear this from you, director wray, and instead we had to hear from all these side avenues two and three years later. The frustration among republicans is growing much larger with Christopher Wray. Lou and i, i personally, i applaud devin nunes because it was in the toughest of times that he stood up and spoke out. Thats right. Lou and the American People owe him a great debt, dont you agree . Yeah, listen, he stuck to the facts as opposed to the emotion and the politics that the etch else was using to attack the Trump Administration before there was any evidence of wrongdoing. He stuck to the facts, and those facts have persisted, and i think history will show devin nunes report was right and adam schiffs is wrong. Im writing a story tonight thatll be out tomorrow, the biggest loser of declassification is adam schiff because so many of his statements now are contradicted by the ed weve belatedly gotten the American Public evidence. Lou and the president s comments have been supported by the evidence and by truth. He, what this president has had to put up with, what this nation has had to put up with because of nancy pelosi, because of schiff, i can bauer hi say his name barely say his name. I think he is so repugnant. Give us a sense, if you will, of what youve got coming on just the news tomorrow, and you give us just a tease of that . I sure can, absolutely. So ive gone through three dozen statements thatta. That adam se factually contradicted by the evidence that the fbi had. If you remember back, two months into the Trump Presidency adam schiff read into the record the steele dossier, wig big parts of out. The parts he read turned out to be now determined by the Intelligence Community to be russian disinformation or information passed from the russias intelligence service. So the very thing that schiff was accusing the president of, he did himself. My storys going to go new all of that to. Through all of that tomorrow. Lou and im pleased to say that john has agreed to join us tomorrow evening to take up all that reporting which you can read on justthenews. Com. John, great to have you with us, john solomon. We appreciate it. As always, great reporting. On wall street, stocks up for a second day in a row. The dow up 133 points, though off its highs. The s p up 26, the nasdaq gained 98. Volume on the big board, moderate trading levels, 5. 2 billion shares. Crude oil surged more than 20 , its up to 25. 04 a barrel. A reminder to listen to my reports three times a day coast to coast on the salem radio network. Coming up here tonight, why is dr. Anthony fauci suddenly the focus of so much Media Attention . Congressional and senatorial inquiries . One of the me anything mas we address on lou dobbs tonight. Stay with us for that and much more as we continue. To keep customers and employees in the know. To keep business moving. Comcast business is prepared for times like these. 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He has been compelled by a february 12th order from judge Emmett Sullivan to produce all evidence in the governments possession that, quote, is favorable to defendant and material either to the defendants guilty or punishment. He has long informed judge sullivan that this socalled brady material obligation has already been met. However, for more than two years into that case, notes were released showing discussions of whether the fbis goal during a 2017 white house interview with flynn was to, quote, get him to lie so we can prosecute him or get him fired. Joining us tonight is congressman doug collins, the Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee, republican candidate for the senate from georgia and also a signatory on those letters demanding the 53 witnesses testimony that has been denied to the republicans and to the American Public for two years. First of all, congressman, great to have you here. Lets start with van grack. This is outrageous and what is also outrageous is a federal judge who is not obviously managing the case before him and not, apparently, real interested in speedy justice for a man who is clearly now innocent and who was framed by the federal government, for crying out loud. Lou, would you expect literally anything else out of the Mueller Investigation . These folks weve been talking about now for a long time. This is simply talking taking and putting into reality what you, i and many others have been talking about for a long time. Devon sounded the alarm on this a hong time ago. This was a problem in which you had a group in the obamabiden administration, the fbi, the doj, they thought it was their job to police what everybody of else was going to vote for. They attacked the candidate, and then they attacked the president as he was transitioning. And jim comey is just despicable. He has admitted it all. Remember also, i signed on to this letter, but i was the one last year that released all the transcripts from the House Oversight and House Judiciary Committee that did this so it began to open this occupy this up as we go forward. Lou i just, as i look at this, this im watching a federal judge who had at one time a good reputation. What he has done to general flynn is without, without excuse. We know the facts. We have seen the facts as a result are of judicial watch, as a result of mitigation, the Defense Attorneys efforts in this case, sidney powell, and without them we wouldnt know what the hell was going on. And general flynn himself, i dont believe, knew what was going on. His previous Defense Attorneys, they look like keystone cops without any concept of what they were doing or or whether they were doing it at the behest of the deep state. I have no idea. What i do know, that justice isnt being served here, and weve got federal judges sitting on cases, we have federal judges making decisions and rulings that make absolutely no sense given just Public Knowledge of the events and the circumstances and the conduct. What are we to make of this . Well, were to make of in that the judge needs to get off his case, so to speak, and start dealing with this. Sidney powell and others, as you mentioned, has taken a case in which everybody was saying this is over, this is it expect for those of us who are really concerned about what we were seeing in the investigative techniques under comey, mccabe, page and strzok and the corrupt cabal thats always been there. But now its been brought to light. This needs to be moved to the front burner, it needs to be moved up and acted upon quickly, and then lets begin as attorney general barr has put attorney jensen in charge of this. Lets get everything out there, and then lets turn our attention to when u. S. Attorney durham is going to be coming forward with what should be accountability for all of these involved. We cannot let this sit by. And also let me say this to the president , this goes back to the very heart of the fisa reauthorization. The senate cannot simply do a reauthorization without dealing with what happened in these cases in which the fbi was taking basically false evidence and manipulating the fisa court. We cannot let this happen again. Lou senator lindsey graham, whos has promised an investigation of the investigators from the moment he took over as the chair of the judiciary chair, has been a joke. He has done not. He should have have had his committee focusing exactly on those issues because its within the purview of the judiciary committee. It is his responsibility. Instead hes hunting for the right sound bite for the right broadcast and playing games. And, by the way, i think some of the most duplicitous and toxic games that could be played while he ignores, ignores the reality that this fbi, this Justice Department and this federal court system including, of course, and especially the fisa courts are rancid with incompetence, with political corruption as well. I dont know how many, but i know a good number of them, and they are in critical roles right now, are they not . They are. And we need hook, i can speak for what weve done in the house even from a minority perspective when we had to go under the nothing but go after trump nadler or and schiff who makes up everything. He has trouble spelling truth, the much less telling it. Weve been fighting for this for a long time, and we couldnt bring them in, but weve been pointing out whats been happening, and others have taken it and gone forward in flynns case and the others. If they were able to have such an environment to be corrupt on american citizens and take that out, it could happen to you or i. The most horrible thing is one of the most appalling things be besides comey is mccabe lied to his open colleagues, yet he was part of the plan to hijack and ambush general flynn. And yet they charged him with lying while mccabe got, was fired but never charged. This is the problem weve got to deal with. And, yes, it needs to be looked at, and weve been trying to do that, and youve been bringing that out as well. This is something the president has talked about many times, the fisa court has to be redone. We have to put in safeguards. And if we dont do that, we are failing at our job. Lou which raises the name of another judge, the chief justice of the supreme court. He is, i just, you know, i just cannot even begin to express my disappointment in the chief justice who is responsible for that fisa course. Its appalling. I want to conclude with the letter for the testimony of the 53 witnesses before the committee that should be in the hands of all of you. What do you think will be the outcome here . Well, weve got to lou because some of it is exculpatory. I believe so. Remember though hes still not released all the transcripts from the investigation in the, quote, sham impeachment that he did in the hidden chambers of the Intel Committee. Hes still not released one of those, the inspect generals transcripts either. This man is a habitual hider of the truth. He typically does not want to address it. But then he wants to get out and make claims. Remember, this is the same hand who said theres corruption in plain sight. Why does anybody believe anything adam schiff says . And now hes holding this back, and now we have all this other evidence that says its probably excull papa story, probably doesnt make him look good which is par for the course for adam schiff. Lou yeah. He is, i think, far less than that in so many ways. This is, this is the conduct of a criminal, not a u. S. Congressman serving the public interest. He is serving something quite different as his, as his master, his values are just so corrupt. Its just to me, its ineffable what he has become and what he has done. By the way, i think the most troubling part about all of this is what he and pelosi and schumer and the deep state tried to do to a sitting president of the United States. They werent running a hoax, they werent overcome by trump derangement syndrome. They were trying to overthrow president of the United States. Congressman doug collins, thank you for all you do. We appreciate it. Always good talking with you. Up next, who is well, this chinese general . You see him there . What role did he play in the wuhan virus . Its another mystery we take up here tonight. In this instance we take it up with dr. Michael pillsbury. Stay with us, well be right back. 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And there are more similarities discovered between the wuhan virus and sars. Dutch Scientists Say an antibody that blocked the sars virus from hooking onto cells and inserting its generic material into healthy cells acts similarly to the wuhan virus. Researchers believe the effects are similar because both sars and the wuhan virus stem from the same coronavirus family. Well, joining us tonight, dr. Ian lipken, director from the center of infection and immunity at columbia university. Hes personally recovered from coronavirus. He is conducting Clinical Trials using plasma drawn from recovered patients to protect others. A promising, promising technique, and i want to ask, first, how the trials are going. Are you pleased . Theyre going well, lou. And its a great leadin to this antibody story that you just related. The identification of an antibody that has the potential to prevent the virus from attaching to your cells and causing infections is excellent news. Typically when we have Something Like this, we prefer a cocktail because you always have to be worried about a mutation that might influence the ability of the antibody to bind. Now, this is a regional virus that has to be conserved, otherwise its not going to to be effective. So this may actually lead to a therapeutic. There are at least two other companies i know of im sorry . Lou i apologize for interrupting you. Two companies sorry. The two other companies are making antibodies that im very excited about. One is veer in san francisco, and the other is regeneron in tearytown. I think were going to see antibodies coming along rapidly now. Lou were also seeing a constitution of Antibody Testing a discussion of Antibody Testing, some controversy about it creating false positives. Give us your sense because as a leading scientist in this pursuit, you are, you are well qualified to give us a good perspective if and answer. Well, there are two way we use antibodies. One is to follow whether or not were doing well in controlling the outbreak. That just tells us whos been infected. And the other way we use them is the way we just described, for treatment. Now, the presence of antibodies that detect the virus is not the same thing as a neutralizing antibody. The latter is much more stringent, much more important. And so whats going on now is that there are a number of tests, some of them not well validated,that dont perform for either function. Even if they do detect the virus, however, it is not clear that they will tell us that a patient is is immune. To know that, we have to know that they neutralized the virus just like these monochromal antibodies do. So its a complicated story. Lou we, we dare to take on the complex on occasion because we have such good stewards of comprehension as you. We thank you very much, dr. Ian lipkin. Great to see to you, thanks for being with us. My pleasure. Lou up next, we want to show you a picture. This woman is the socalled bat lady at the Wuhan Institute of virology. Why do so Many American doctors doubt the wuhan virus came from wuhan . Joining us tonight to take that up and more, dr. Michael pillsbury. Stay with us, hell be with us next. Being prepared and overcoming challenges. Usaa has been standing with them for nearly a hundred years. And well be here to serve you for a hundred more. And well be here to serve you for a hundred more. We could never do what they do. But what we can do it be a partner that never quits. Verizon is the most Reliable Network in america. Built for interoperability and puts First Responders first, giving their calls priority, 24 7. We do what we do best so they can too. This. Whole world. Of people. Adventurous people. And survivors. It was interesting to think about their lives. Their successes. And. Their hardships. I think thats part of what i want my kids to know. They come from people who. Were brave. And took risks. Big risks. No pressure. [short laugh] bring your Family History to life, like never before. Get started for free at ancestry. Com lou President Trump today announcint dr. Anthony a few will testify fauci will testify in the senate next tuesday. This announcement follows an interview with national geographic, an interview in which dr. Fauci took the position to have World Health Organization about the origins of the wuhan virus saying, quote if you look at the evolution of the virus in bats and whats out there now, the Scientific Evidence is very, very strongly leaning toward this could not have been artificially or deliberately manipulated. Everything about the stepwise evolution over time strongly indicates that this virus evolved in nature and then jumped species. Thats fascinating. Fauci denying the virus started in the wuhan virology center. Interestingly, thats a laboratory that receive more than 7 million from faucis National Institute of health funding. A laboratory where a chinese doctor who is known as the bat lady was with conducting Coronavirus Research involving bats. Research that may have been part of chinas socalled seventh domain, an initiative run by this man, Major General hofu chu who believes that biology becomes the new commanding heights of chinas military defense. He is now the Vice President of the academy of military sciences which leads chinas military enterprise. Joining us tonight is dr. Michael pillsbury, leading chinese expert and scholar, director now of the center for chinese strategy at the hudson institute, author of the 100year marathon. Mike, good to have you with us. Let me begin with the bat woman and her research in the virology lab which at one time she was conducting in the United States. Thats right. [laughter] lou how did we get to this point . Well, first of all, bat woman is a positive nickname. She likes it. She was profiled in Scientific American not too long ago, two months ago. Shes very proud of being bat woman and takes considerable courage to go boo as many caves into as many caves as shes been into, get samples and bring the whole animal out and do the work in this laboratory. So shes at the heart of the investigation if in term of what she knows, why she was doing this. And she says that she was first shown the virus not until december 30th. So her story is, yes, the virus is in wuhan, yes, she saw it e, but it was after a month that was in wuhan before it was brought to her. If thats true, thats very good news for china. Many people suspect its not true, lou. Lou well, i think right now that no one knows what is exactly the case. What we have, our intelligence agencies that are aligning themselves with consensus on the part of scientists, but they dont have direct evidence. And since the beginning of january, u. S. Doctors have not been permitted boo that laboratory into that laboratory to do any kind of investigation. So i would like to turn now back to a statement if from her, the wuhan Virology Research which was disallowed by the United States. She migrated then to china to carry on her Research Since that point in 2014. Now we go to dr. He i mean, general he who is leading the defense planning arm of the pla and who authored a book, you know, as you have informed us previously on the commanding heights that he sees for biowarfare. Give us a sense of why we havent had more discussion about chinas biological warfare capabilities and interests. Well, president obama in 2010, thats where the story begins, lou, heed asked the chinese politely do you have a biological weapons program. He believed they were, they might be in violation of a treaty that most countries in the world is have signed not to develop or use biological weapons except theres a loophole. Each country that wants do can keep a small sample of possible biological weapons for reference purposes. So if you go beyond that, youre in violation to of the treaty. Obama basically was turned down by the chinese, and its not been pursued more recently. But in the last, id say, seven or eight years, lou, the Chinese Military taliban to write a lot of began to write a lot of books, even textbooks on this idea that the commanding heights in the future will be three things; cyber warfare, outer space warfare and biological warfare. General he, whose picture you put up, hes the leader of the Chinese Academy of military science. We think of military science as casualty it is or surgery, keeping people if getting yellow fever. The chinese do all that, but they also have an offensive component to it that they write about. They shouldnt be doing this. Its against the treaty they signed, and if the inspections were carried out, they may fear that we would find something that theyre not allowed to have by treaty. I think thats the sensitivity, lou. Lou well, there are many sensetivities, and there is also much outrage in this country for the deadly virus that can china unleashed on an unsuspected world that they could have have well is have warned and saved hundreds of thousands of lives and millions of infections. Well be back with more from dr. Michael pillsbury on china and its intent and, well, sense of destiny. Well take that up next. Stay with us. I wanted more from my copd medicine thats why ive got the power of 1, 2, 3 medicines with trelegy. The only fdaapproved oncedaily 3in1 copd treatment. Trelegy the power of 1,2,3 trelegy 1,2,3 trelegy man with trelegy and the power of 1, 2, 3, im breathing better. Trelegy works three ways to open airways, keep them open and reduce inflammation, for 24 hours of better breathing. Trelegy wont replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. Trelegy is not for asthma. Tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high Blood Pressure before taking it. 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Were committed to keeping you connected. For more information on how you can stay connected, visit xfinity. Com prepare. Lou were back with the hudson institutes Michael Pillsbury e. Michael, i think its also interesting to take up the idea of brain warfare, if you will, what used to be called sciops by the United States military. It is that and general he depending on whether or not you anglicize it, i certainly bastardize it so there it is this is critically important because its a foundation as well of the disinformation and propaganda campaigns theyre run against the United States vigorously, aggressively right now. Give us a sense of their capacity and how much of a threat it is to the United States which often seems defenseless against that, that domain of the chinese aggression. Well, lou, this goes back 30 years. We took the Chinese Military planners, the longrange planners at the academy of military science, we took them into darpa, and we showed them what darpa was doing, and one of the things darpa was working on was this kind of brain war fare information operations. We dont do much on it. The chinese for some reason fell in love with the concept. They took it back to their academy of military science. Whenever i would visit that academy, lou, roughly once a year, they would tell me, you know, future warfare is going to be mainly biological, brain, information, this kind of thing. Its not going to be bullets and ships firing cannons. This has been their focus of a lot of their research and development. Theyre making a bet that the future of warfare in 10 or 20 years is not going to be oldfashioned world war 1, world war ii. Something quite different. And this academy of military science where general he is the deputy commander, thats their focus. The future of warfare, how we can do things differently, theyve got a wonderful concept they say we americans cant understand. They call it assassins mace. Its a kind of equipment that takes advantage of your weakest point. Theyre really quite focused on this, and theyve made no secret of it. They even kind of are smug about it, frankly, lou. Lou well, theyre smug if, it seems, about just about everything. I cant think of i cant imagine an area of modesty for the chinese. And, by the way, i should also point out we americans have been a little consumed with hubris ourselves. Its time to come to terms with the fact we were at war with china, because when you look at precisely those forms of warfare, theyre running a full scale propaganda campaign, disinformation campaign, psychological operations against us as are other countries as well. I would not want to leave out, for example, russia in that or iran. But, but when we look at cyber warfare, we havent had a response to the chinese attacks at this point. They have every reason to be arrogant and smug because we have not brought them to heel. We have to have a response at least in the same levels that they are attackings us vigorously and stealing, by the way, our inte intellectual propy as soon as we create it. I once wrote an article called the 16 fears of china. One of their biggest fears with President Trump is tariffs and decoupling. Theyre quite concerned just especially over the last few weeks, theyre very concerned that therell be worldwide backlash against them for the virus. At the money if mum, they withheld minimum they withheld crucial information. Theyre afraid its going to result in tariffs against them and decoupling because when you raise the price of chinese products, you make American Products made here at home far more attractive. They write a lot about this. Theyre praying that their friends, they call it the american progressive left, that their friends will block President Trump from raising these tariffs which they now see as potentially putting china back 10 or 20 years in their longterm socalled marathon plan to dominate the world. Theyre kind of afraid right now lou they consider the, they consider the american lap to be their ally, in point of fact. Did they not . They actively write about that. They even know individuals they dont like bernie very much. They think hes too tough on china. Most of our democrats, they dont like nancy pelosi lou well, they dont have to worry. [laughter] they dont is are to worry so much about bernie. A lot of other folks on the left. Dr. Michael pillsbury, fascinating discussion. Come back soon, well do out again soon. Thank you very much. Stay with us, were coming right back. Y managers dont understand why. Because our way works great for us but not for your clients. 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Learn more about why you should choose an aarp Medicare Supplement plan. Call today for a free guide. Lou President Trump today touting honeywell for its effort in producing millions of n95 respirator masks and its efforts to reopen for business. Then one day they said, we have to close our country. Well now it is time to open it up. You know what . The people of our country are warriors. Im looking at it. Im not saying anything is perfect, yes, will some people be apeffected . Will some people be affected badly . Yes. We have to get our country and we have to get our country open soon. Lou that is the president on a quick trip to phoenix, to talk to the folks at honeywell and to thank them for all theyre doing for our Health Care Professionals. Tomorrow, here, we have a special guest, secretary of state mike pompeo joins us. Well also be joined by investigative journalist john solomon, Foreign Policy expert kt mcfarland, former deputy National Security advisor a reminder to follow me on twitter loudobbs. Like me on facebook. Follow me on instagram loudobbs tonight. Have a good evening and good night from sussex. Elizabeth welcome to the evening edit. Im elizabeth macdonald. President trump just visited a mask manufacturers plant run by honeywell in the battleground state of arizona. Lets listen to what the president just said. One day they said we have to close our country. Well now it is time to open it up, and you know what . The people of our country are warriors around im looking at it. Im not saying anything is perfect. Yes, will some people affected . Yes. Will some people be affected badly . Yes. We have to get our country open and we have to get it open

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