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He is a guy looking for a Second Chance here in texas. He has been the governor of tennessee. Hes got military experience with the u. S. Army. He was an officer. Houston wanted to preserve himself in texas for a better day. Sam houston honorably led an started the process of the texa republic. Welcome to san antonio, texas. Behind your famous building bir that is the Church Inside the alamo were famous battle took place. We will talk about this battle in a way in which you never heard before. Before we do that, i want to flashback. Flashback to what texas was lik in 1920 when moses austin started bringing americans righ here. What brought americans to texas in 1820 . What was the attraction . People were on the move in there on the move because theres opportunity and theres also hardships to escape. What texas offers is both of those. You come to texas because the opportunity is the land and at that time, lee and his livelihood. If you dont have land, you cant make them living. Many people think of texas as being west texas. Were its rough terrain, but each texas was a garden of hardwood forest and great easy palling. They didnt have a lot of mexicans wanted to do that. So it became free lotteries. Moses austin had this idea that it saw bringing americans this way to deal with the spanish. What hes offering the spanish, the opportunity is we can bring you the people that will turn this from a wilderness into a productive area no longer a frontier. The spanish had been trying for years to establish communities. The comanches and the apaches , they said look, we have to have somebody in mexico live there. And they had the deal to bring in the americans who come down to texas we will give you free land, no taxes for ten years, but you have to turn and a lot of people started migrating int texas. People were calling it a new eden. You may be coming to the united states, but youre going to become spanish. When transition comes to mexico youre going to be good mexicans , youre going to obey the law, support the government youre not going to cause trouble. Many people drifted in from tennessee and kentucky. And they started getting their own identities. Moses never made it to texas. His son starts moving hundreds of thousands of southerners int the state of texas. The first 300 families are give property. What happens here, colonization changes, texas,. And it changes it physically because you have crops being grown that werent being grown before. They have plantation and farming. Youre dealing with the firstgeneration texans of the Stephen Austin group that had t have guns, head to protect thei homestead, that had to be very worried about comanche attacks and marauders and slaughter, so they formed a fierce identity and sense of community in texas that started growing. The culture begins to change and especially in east texas because there hasnt been very many spaniards or mexicans they are. By 1830, four out of every five People Living in texas were from america it was becoming less and less mexican stronghold. They were happy because they were on their own beer and. Led by mexico again and theres independence from spain. Santa ana now sought to destroy texas quest to find independenc themselves. These guys were on their own and ready to fight. The idea of liberty is very important. What they mean by liberty is what had come out of the American Revolution and such is that liberty to have input into our government, and so what the are saying is we are no longer for what the changes that are happening. Santa ana and that supporters, they are abolishing statehood and so texas, which had wanted to be estate, there are no states anymore and your officials will be appointed fro mexico city. That is happening to all mexica states. Stephen austin went to mexic city and pleaded for independence short of war and they put him in jail because heat they intercepted a letter he sent talking about. He became one of a number of texas patriots demanding independence. A series of revolts and with it the ruthless santa ana suppress them brutally. His goal was to use suppress th uprising prayed to get to texas he slowly, creatively builds hi army. Santa ana was marketing himself as the hole in the west. He was murderous, he encouraged troops to commit. He didnt have a great code of honor about him. He decided im not going to be known for giving away territory in northern mexico so id rathe defeat the texans and claim modernday texas then make a negotiating solemn settlement. When we come back, why this group of texans that included Davy Crockett felt they had no choice but to fight, literally to the death for their independence and how the mexica army led by santa ana responded. 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That happened when general sant anna took power. He immediately shelved liberty, which was the cue for the company to break away. Annexation to the u. S. Government not really in the cards even though now president Andrew Jackson and former president Thomas Jefferson were convinced, texas came along wit the Louisiana Purchase. These guys were on their own, and they were ready to fight early on to comment nothing but success. Would you think the truth is . Was texas actually in the Louisiana Purchase . Its a great question. I think the argument was jackso made it could be part of the Louisiana Purchase is a as he gave that what is clear is anybody that served under Andre Jackson and looked up to jackson , even people that challenged him like Davy Crockett did in tennessee and criticized jackson, many of the felt it should be part of the u. S. Because of the purchase. Why didnt america just take it. Mexico was just getting on thei feet. America didnt want to fight another war. America was trying to fight not to fight another war. There was the feeling of the future of america, we werent looking so much to go westward in the manifestation of steroids. The buy around the time of 1830s the western movement was starting to kick it in with people that moved to tennessee and now further westford this was before the gold rush in california. In the 1830s, get into texas, getting the big spread of havin the farm, this was considered a great move to make. Dont forget, along the louisiana border and texas were some of the great timberland in north america. In that industry you can make a fortune on raw resources down there. It started becoming very attractive. Would Stephen Austin gets ou of prison, he realizes the best thing he can do is to fight and become independent from mexico. They were in rebellion at th same time. How does the Mexican Government become aware that this date was beginning to brea away . I think the big moment was i san antonio when they started t texans over the alamo that ther they are fortifying it. A lot of freshwater system loopholes. Its not bad living around the hill country of texas. The idea is who controls san antonio you control that whole part of texas. Santa and i thought they could control the area around modernday houston and galveston , but they had to make an road that far up into san antonio and once we started having colonel travis and james buie, they are at the alamo, he is running the volunteers peopl who want to stay there. They wanted to restore a brotherinlaw was the commander. The texans captured the fort in 1835 great it was a bit of retribution and pride that show him coming that way. Instead of coming the other route. They bypass the alamo, arrived khmer reinforced the line. Santa ana moves north, his goal, simple, take his 2,000 troops and crush the rebellion. The texas rebellion had a lot o previous success. Sometime success is your undoing because its what we want and many start leaving because we won the war. They hadnt. Plus they had different people. Sam houston is one of them. This is what we should do, we should take our troops and this is my plan. There is so much infighting tha nothing is getting done. After the alamo is taken and he is asked to cover hes released with the promise to no fight again, but that promise i ignored. With forces on the arriving, sa houston gives orders to no longer hold the alamo recognizing it would be wise. But travis, foley, and crockett decide otherwise. They are holding it because of the town. Thats the part that often gets left out. The alamo is important, but it because important because of where it is. The town of behar has to battle spots there. One thats in december of 1835 where the texans capture it, an then it sets up sort of a logic where if rebels attached to something, the government has t recapture it. They say go income until these guys to move out. Davy crockett and others are fortified. They feel pretty good about it. They feel pretty safe. When buie gets there, he looks around and says this place is pretty secure. I will stay, i will fight with you guys. What he says, weve decided we would rather die in these ditches then give it up to the enemy. The reason we thought was to end tyranny by a tyrant who really wasnt representative of the mexican people. He was a tyrant. Santa anas philosophy was w kill everybody because he thought you make a big example. If you want to rise up against mexico, this is what will happe to you. Under carnage. To the surprise of many, the texas Army Although outnumbered and unorganized would take over the alamo mission. Up north, general santa ana in 2,000 troops, he wanted to stom out this revolution before it could take root. His first stop, the alamo. We pick up the fight when we come back. This is sam houston and the texas fight for freedom. music some Companies Still have hr stuck between employeesentering data. A. Changing data. More and more sensitive, personal data. And it doesnt just drag hr down. It drags the entire business down with inefficiency, errors and waste. Its ridiculous. So ridiculous. With paycom, employees enter and manage their own data in a single, easy to use software. Visit paycom. Com, and schedule your demo today. Many of lifes moments in thare being put on hold. Are staying at home, at carvana, we understand that, for some, getting a car just cant wait. Thats why the new way to buy and sell a car is also the safer way. At carvana, you can do it all 100 online from home, with a touchless delivery and pickup process to keep you safe. And for even Greater Peace of mind, all carvana cars come with a sevenday return policy. Shop now and get up to 90 days to make your first payment. Check out carvana the safer way to buy a car. 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Beyond that, the alamo is Something Different, its not just a battle, its a myth, but its a good myth. Its about brave people making sacrifice for something they felt was important. Two great commanders, jim buie and william travis. What were they like . Travis was that young man, h was headstrong and he was courageous. Really was a slave trader, but he also was a charismatic leader. He was with his own right of his brother, regrading the buie night in louisiana. He was known as crocodile alameda, a tough kind of character out of the value. They decided to dig in their heels and its freedom or death. We are going to make our stand here. It was the second American Revolution in their mind. Show us what they were up against. We brought the overhead shots o what it looks like today. The first thing is to think about we see the chapel and we think thats the alamo, actuall the alamo was a pretty big place. If you start with where the chapel is here, the actual alam went much further. This was even further out. This wouldve been that worthwhile someone wed think about walking or standing in th middle of the compound. How many would you need to full defend it . I think you would need five or 600 to fully defend it. Most of the defenders in the alamo overusing rifles which ar slower to load than a musket. If youre standing on the wall, and not many people around you, but then there is this period o nothing happening. The reality is you need more people on the wall to keep up the kind of fire that might kee the mexicans. Its kind of like the cascad effect. As the mexican troops rolled up and there in uniform, they havent been trained. What do they have . They have got this commitment. Suddenly you put a bunch of together into an ad hoc defense and asked them to defend Something Like a military force. General, they really felt good early on. They had the canon when the fla went up and they asked for surrender, how did travis answer . With a cannon shot. It would be the wall here at shooting down in toward the mexican forces. It was an act of bravado, and i was something that said were not going to back up. At that point they thought they would be reinforced. The idea that if they could be Strong Enough and if they could keep the mexicans from bringing up their full force and massing they would get reinforced and the problem would not be fatal. Where were the mexican troops , how far away are they . Gunshot range. Probably a mile away. Those troops come up and travis has had reinforcements. They live on forever. It decided not to leave, so he is decided not to make what would be a heroic stance. As you talk about time, the texans are here and as the mexicans arrive you have 13 day of the standoff. Not a daily site, not a tax on the walls, but stand up. During those 13 days, the mexicans are getting stronger. They are bringing more forces. In the people inside are gettin tired. It encourages Something Different and every person. Most people are not courageous alone. You get courage from the people youre around. If the people youre around sho optimism, if they show steadfastness, its contagious. You dont want to let your comrades dan. They have the courage to stay for the volunteers. She sorted to the fight. Show they are about to face the own known. They are led to believe though probably be killed and they mak this extraordinary decision. Commitment to each other to stand. On the 13th day of the siege, the full force of the mexican army attacks the alamo in the early mornings of march 6. They interact in the rear end down on the south as well. Travis is down so it now the commander is down. Luis is not able to get orders. Theyre were probably 187 separate battles fought in this compound. Mostly people could only see or hear the people very close to them. So the people in the north wall are fighting against. They have no idea whats happening on the south wall. Suddenly, each person is findin their own courage in small groups while making their own stand. His series of small engagements that add up to the battle of th alamo. The mexican army takes the alamo, executing the captured soldiers including Davy Crockett. Davy crockett was a very serious person. He had become a folk legend. Some people think he was the original american western hero. He felt like a peacock which ha put another feather in his back. He misread the victory. The truth is they may have gotten slaughtered. The slain bodies of the texa army are piled up and burned. Its supposed to intimidate sam houstons forces, it didnt. The story that trickled out of the alamo was the whole heartedness of the destruction. The word that spread out of the alamo. By showing up bloodthirsty brutality, santa and i had hope to intimidate the texans to given up the fight. How some houston had to overcom being outgunned and outmanned when we returned. In these uncertain times, look after yourself, your family, your friends. But know when it comes to your finances, we are here for you. What can i do for you today . Well take a look at the portfolio and make adjustments. Im free to chat if you have any more questions. Our j. P. Morgan advisors are working from home to help guide you through this. For more than 200 years, weve helped our clients navigate historic challenges. And we will get through this one. Together. But during this critical time, you can make a difference. Join the department of Veterans Affairs and save lives we need medical professionals at every level including retirees to help care for patients in facilities in every state and through telehealth. You can be brought on quickly, and this wont impact federal retirement for retirees. Will you join us . Visit va. Gov joinus to learn more. He welcome back to cm houston and the texas fight for freedom. 1836, weeks after the alamo massacre, the battle flashes here. To this fort behind me were 400 men led by jim fanon knew they were about to be engaged. Its an engagement that sam houston never wanted to see happen. Once again, his orders were not heeded. Scott mcmahon, where are we standing . We are standing in the northwest bastion. Unlike the alamo, elliott wa of work, it was supposed to be avoided. I look around and i feel like im in a forge brickey it was the only solid fort that existed. How many troops were here . Around 400 give or take. When the alamo is under siege , why did they reach to get it was ely garrison that existe beyond the alamo. Only 90 miles away so you can make it that distance. They had 200 troops, in charge, colonel james fanon. To me about him. He had a little bit of experience at west point. His real experience was with th georgia militia. He had fought in a couple of battles with buoy and a couple of the other notables from the Texas Revolution. So, he came out and said he wants to go. He said crossing over the river they had some issues with some of the wagons breaking down. They have oxen pulling carts. Their feisty animals that move slow. They decide its not going to work. Theyre wont be able to make i up there in time to help so the turn around. So what do cm houston told jim fanon and company to do . Around the tenth of march or so they receive a letter from houston that says gather up all your forces and head east and join up with me. By that point, they garrison knows the aloe low has fallen. The texans realize its time to gather up the forces that they have and consolidate. Fanon received word that a company of his men are pinned down by general urea of mexico. He sends reinforcements to extricate the men back to gilly at. But the men would not make the return trip. Art of the men that were there were killed, the other part of the men break off acros the prairie headed back towards victoria. What slows down fanon as he doesnt know whats going on. So he has two contingents down, doesnt find out what happen. Communication is terrible. He doesnt know what to do. He finally decides i have an idea. I think im going to leave. This is a fortress, it still stands hundreds of euros later, so im wondering would he have been better off staying . Get the problem with any of the fortifications is once you dig in and one spot, you could be surrounded fairly easily. He travels about 8 miles to the river where he surrounded b the mexican army. Dug in and ready to fight, hes told by the general that he can return to goliad where he and his men will be saved, prisoner of war. This turned out to be a lie. The men are marched and executed. If you would escape to tell their story. They dont just kill the men they dont let them onto their feet, theyre holed up in the church right here in the fourth. The broken up into three groups. The other two groups are told theyre going to be collecting wood and water so they can cook and clean with it. Theyre marched about a mile outside of the walls of the fort , theyre halted, the mexican soldiers step up to one side of the texans, turn on them , level their muskets fire into them. They shoot them at pointblank range in cold blood. On this property, or close to this is a memorial memorial. Can we take a look . They were burned after they were massacred, just like they had done at the alamo. The alamo head dry wood for the funeral pyre is. They had greenwood here, the fire didnt construct completel burned the body. As we get closer, we see two cannons on each side. Its not only symbolic that theyre being protected, but the eggs date back to the battle. Its hard to believe. Its the final resting place here in the story we tell their at the fourth. Its basically their their memorial, their marker. This date of the Texas Revolution was dire. Weeks earlier, most of the alamo , cm houston new winner lose his next battle would be his last, forcing him to make his most controversial decision to date. This cm houston and the fight for freedom, that decision and much more. In nearly 100 years serving the military community, weve seen you go through tough times and every time, youve shown us, youre much tougher your heart, courage and commitment has always inspired us and now its no different so, were here with financial strength, stability and experience you can depend on and the online tools you need because you have always set the highest standard and reaching that standard is what were made for and reaching that standard is what were made for its more than just fast. It keeps all your devices running smoothly. With builtin security that protects your kids. No matter what theyre up to. It protects your info. And gives you 24 7 peace of mind. That if its connected, its protected. Even that that petcamera thingy. [ whines ] can your internet do that . Xfinity xfi can because its. Simple, easy, awesome. [ barking ] april 16th 1836, sam houston and has texas army was just about here, in front of that very tree. Famously now known as the which way to reburied he looked at th limbs and said i could go through that women i could go t the american border right get more troops and maybe rest my guys, or you can make this decision follow that limb and g to see engines until where he knew santa ana and has mexican army would be waiting. After much deliberation, sam houston cm houston decided to finally fight. The place of the first and only time that santa ana and sa houston will square off. This is the battlefield. Who better to take me through this battle than stephen moore, the author of taking, texas rising in 18 missed. 18 minutes is the name of your book, why 18 minutes brickey thats how long it took for the texans to overwhelm and surpris the mexican army. It went on for another two hours , but 18 minutes was the time it took to achieve total victory. The group they got annihilated at the alamo, got massacred goliad takes 18 minutes to defeat santa ana right here brickey they achieve the ultimate surprise, its most lopsided surprise in american history. We have the scale model of what were seeing. The mexicans are over there. So they are sitting there and they are kind of undercover. A lot of big oaks and moss hanging from the trees. 2,000 guys . Prop more than 1500 guys plus. And then you have sam houston. How many are they have. 937 by my best count. We are in the midsection. This is where you get the sligh rise in the hill. How shocked are they as they get closer and closer and theyre not being shot at. Theyre expecting the artillery to open up any minute. He is going across the center o the fields on horseback brickey is that unusual for the leader to be in front like that part. Hes been in it hes not afraid of battle, hes been wounded before. He knows you need courage, but you need to be smart. When he was blindly showing courage and valor, he was getting arrows in the lake and musket balls in the arm. He gets a horse shut out from underneath him and then he get shot brett. He gets to have them shot up from underneath him that day. He doesnt quit until the battl has been decided or hes been allowed medical treatment to happen. In 18 minutes its done and where did the mexican troops go as theyre running for their lives . They are backed up to the water and huge body of water back year. Theyre trying to go across the lake and flee that way and swim for their lives. The horses are drowning, the me are just being clubbed to death with muskets. Outnumbered, nor formal training, just a few weeks together, that 900 plus army wa able to take 1,000 and more in 18 minutes and go for a complet victory. Then they get the ultimate priz the next day, they capture sant ana. Instead of killing him they do what . They keep them alive only because of houston. Most of the men wanted to kill him. They wanted to shoot him on the spot, treat him like they had treated their brothers. Houston was smart enough to kno this is pivotal. This is his key to securing the ultimate for texas. They are coming for houston and theyll be coming for revie and on hist and prayed he wante to end now. He gets general santa ana desig what . He gets a treaty signed to end the war, but he also uses his official letterhead to writ letters to his commander generals in texas saying we hav surrendered, the war is over coming from the commanderinchief. And he left about 1,000 men, mexican soldiers, turned around and left texas leaving texas as an independent country for ten years. Absolutely. When we come back, the moder fight to remember the men who fought so hard for texas isnt just a department. 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But know when it comes to your finances, we are here for you. What can i do for you today . Well take a look at the portfolio and make adjustments. Im free to chat if you have any more questions. Our j. P. Morgan advisors are working from home to help guide you through this. For more than 200 years, weve helped our clients navigate historic challenges. And we will get through this one. Together. To communities, childcare to First Responders and virtual programming. Were doing whatever it takes to help families get through this crisis. But we cant do this alone. Visit bgca. Org relieffund. For decades, the state of texas has had a thirst to rebuild the alamo. A lot of wellmeaning people on all sides cannot agree on how exactly to reclaim the footprin and that issue has fallen on th desk of land commissioner georg p bush right here in austin, texas,. He has embraced the challenge. You began land commissioner, did you have any idea the passion for the alamo to the people of texas and the need to restore it . I did. The reason is that its really at the centerpiece of what bein a texan is all about. Its a bloodied battle within a bloodied war that was fought fo the simple idea of fleet freedo and liberty. Many constituents have been her including six generations since the battle they tell me the sam thing, weve got to do a better job to restore and preserve it for its. In a time in which we seem t be running from our history, th people of texas are saying save our history. The alamo was falling apart when i showed up in 2015 and arco logical studies stated if the state did not intervene it would fall apart. I asked for an immediate appropriation from the state legislature to get that done. We were successful in doing that. We have a lot of work ahead of us in terms of maintaining the original church. But also restoring the sense of deference and reference to the original revolutionaries not to mention Building Visitor Center for the visitors he come throug here every year. How do you show the battle while being culturally sensitive. Tellme some of the groups that have come at you with their hopes and beliefs and wants. What leave told them as they have a seat at the table and they can communicate their concerns, but the reason why millions of people come every year to the alamo is because of the battle of 1836. What does it mean to you restoring the alamo. For me as a military veteran it shows tremendous pride. These were defenders that knew the consequence of not receivin support from other parts, despite the messages that were conveyed to ask for convoys and supports. They knew overtime that there were multiple opportunities for them to retreat, for them to surrender, and yet they didnt. It was the rallying cry for the last rest of the war of independence. He began the process of the texas republic. Is this an american story or is this just a texas story . This is a global story. I think it shaped not only our state, our country in terms of where you look at the lines tha are drawn even to the current day, but how politics play out and how geopolitics plays out around the world. We started this story in san antonio at the alamo. We continued it here right outside houston. The battle continues and austin texas the capital of the state on how to best remember the men who fought here regardless of how that turns out, but one thing is clear, without sam houstons leadership and the courage and valor of the men wh fought out out ahearn, ahern, texas doesnt get its independence. And america is much less does not take root like it did. Which leads me to why i tattled the book sam hissed and and the alamo avengers, the texas victory that changed american history. Thank you for watching, every from the fox studios in new york city, this is maria bartiromos wall street. Maria and happy weekend. Welcome to the program that analyzes the week that was and helps position you for the week ahead. Im maria bartiromo. Coming up in just a moment, ins managing director joins me, then later secretary of state mike pompeo on chinas culpability in the covid19 pandemic. But first, the cracks caused by the covid19 shutdown are continuing to strain the economy. The Economic Data this week has been awful, now 22 Million People have applied for Unemployment Benefits in the last four weeks

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