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Or at least number of cases and number of deaths appear to be slowing. Certainly in the new york area, new york metropolitan area. Neil across the country, by and large across the globe. That does not mean cases are still increasing. It is theyre not increasing as much. Like yesterday the markets are seizing on that. That is lifting pretty much all of the major s p 500 sectors. All 11 that weve been keeping an eye on here. That despite what youre seeing happening in americas busiest thoroughfare, what used to be times square in new york, the crossroads of america, has been all but tumbleweed territory but again a lot of what youre seeing shows that right now at least in the markets maybe there is a sense those roadways will be busier and soon. There is no way of telling. Blake burman is looking what does justify or will describe what gets people out of their homes and what the government is looking at, what the United States is looking at, what states are looking at, to sort of get going. So lets follow that first with blake, blake . Reporter neil, speaking of the government we heard from Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell i guess a separate part of the government or elected official just a little while ago with some pretty big news saying on thursday the senate will take up the Small Business loan program, the ppp program, as it is known to try to get it more funding. I was told by a single source, 200 billion, at least 200 billion is one of the numbers that is being floated. That Program Stands at 350 billion and that announcement could come as soon as today but mcconnell saying they will take it up on thursday to try to get it more money. The senate will take it up. Treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin telling Maria Bartiromo earlier this morning if that Program Needs more money it will get more money. Now we have a target date as to when this potentially could be happening as it relates to capitol hill. Speaking of the treasury secretary he also told maria this morning that President Trump at this point is, quote, very much looking at how we can reopen parts of the economy. A pretty big statement there. Mnuchin though acknowledged when that happens, not like every industry or part of the economy or the country will do so on the same timeline. This could be at different points in time. Listen here to the treasury secretary earlier today. I think certain parts of the economy you are going to see come back immediately. Certain things will take a little bit longer, but i have every expectation we will kill this virus soon and when we do that youre going to see a very big bounceback. Reporter elsewhere today, neil, im also told one of the president s top advisors, Peter Navarro wrote a memo on february 23rd that was circulated internally which he warned that the u. S. Needed to start loading up on all the personal protective equipment and fund Vaccine Development a source familiar with that memo confirming to me that navarro wrote, quote, there is an increasing probability of a fullblown covid19 pandemic that could affect as many as 100 million americans with a loss of life as many as one to two million souls. New york times and axios are also reporting there was another memo written as well by navarro a month earlier which he warned that economic losses could rack up into the trillions of dollars. Here was the president s top Economic Advisor earlier today when asked about the warnings from navarro . I cant sit here secondguess three months ago should have done this, should have done that. I know you will. Part of your job. I respect that. In all honesty it was a very mixed bag at that point. Reporter the president this morning also pointed the finger at the World Health Organization saying in a tweet the following, quote, the w. H. O. Really blew it. For some reason funded largely by the United States, yet very chinacentric. We will be giving that a good look. Fortunately i rejected their advice on keeping our borders open to china early on. Why did they give us such a faulty recommendation . President , neil, taking issue there with the outside bod you did i, the World Health Organization. Back to the ppp, neil, 350 billion. Were hearing 200 billion added to that as one of the targets or moving targets but we should know, where that stands, if not in the upcoming days but certainly in the upcoming hours as well. Neil. Neil sounds like the president is blasting the World Health Organization what it knew and when about china, not saying outside after side comment by larry kudlow what Peter Navarro would be a very big threat in our own country to the same virus . You have two memos. One in which the New York Times and axios have been able to verify came on january 29th. A second memo which came a month later, february 28th or february 23rd which i have been able, neil to, verify. You have the two memos to Peter Navarro, as close to the president as you get a china hawk as you know. First one saying this would be economic toll. The second one ringing alarm siren we have to get going on this thing. Im told, neil, on the february 23rd memo, once that was circulated internally there were some who thought navarro was being quote, unquote, too aggressive as it was put to me at that time. There was also someone the white house, nsc as well, pretty much along the same track as navarro. We know six, testify weeks later, one or two million souls, projections of the Health Experts if nothing was done there could have been more than a million americans who died in all of this. As this source put it to me as it relateds to some of these aspects, navarro was right on at the time. Of course the big question when we potentially hear from the president later today, neil, did you get that memo . Or memos, what were you told . Why did you not react sooner if you were told . It was labeled as quote, unquote, memorandum to president . I asked neil whether or not the president was presented this information and the source who i spoke with earlier today wasnt aware, did not know. Neil . Neil so if it didnt reach his level, the president s attention, you could say it was bureaucratic screw up within the administration. If it did you have to wonder why it was poopooed or dismissed. Why all of sudden now the World Health Organization and what it might have missed is the focus, and not what this administration might have firsted on china. Very easy to play monday morning quarterback here. Does seem to be a need for consistency here . Very easy to play monday morning quarterback. We are in the middle of a pandemic as you know. Right now theyre trying to deal with getting this thing contained. Once this is all over it, certainly, dr. Web bore raw birx talked about this, did, deborah birx about this. What and how we could have reacted differently. If there is Something Like this down the line, certainly could be lessons learned. Neil well follow closely on the timeline to all of that, to blakes point, were knee deep in the middle of this, what was missed, what opportunities were missed to address it. Wont do a lot of good right now. But it does serve as reminder there will be a lot of secondguessing on all of this as time goes on about who knew what and when, who was warned and how much they were warned. But openended questions at a time when most traders on wall street, for example, are focused on the fact at least the cases that are out there, the rate of increase does appear to be slowing. I want to hop skip over the pond if we get, or atlantic ocean, were getting some updates on the status of british Prime Minister Boris Johnson who were told still being treated for the coronavirus virus. He was sent to a hospital sunday night dealing with some extreme symptoms were told. That he might have been admitted to oxygen, not on a ventilator. He is expected to be back at the helm according to his foreign minister in short order. Lets hear from the status report from british authorities. That is another thing moving in the right direction but i do want to hearsay, a big thank you to everybody in the nhs, the front line staff who are working sew hard to make this work. One other point, as well as looking at numbers, there are Clinical Trials starting trying to look at treatments that might make a difference and as of this afternoon there are over 1900 patients in Clinical Trials across 100 hospitals. That is an important part how were going to tackle this. The icu beds are important. The next slide please. Shows that the number of icu beds has been increasing. So this is a graph over time from the 21st of march, the 6th of april, showing an increase in the icu beds. London which has had the biggest outbreak so far but it will increase in the rest of the country and the new nightingale hospitals in london, birmingham, bristol, further increases in capacity what the nhs is planning for to cope with the numbers were talking about. Finally i talked about about the beginning, talked about the fact that we need to see that coming through to admissions in hospitals and to icu and then it takes a few weeks for thatfeed through unfortunately for some people into death. I would like to share the death figures. These are the graphs showing number of deaths across different countries. You can see he despite a little up tick in the numbers today, the numbers do bounce around, the uk is on track, were roughly couple weeks behind france a few weeks behind italy in earlies of it the numbers, you can see broadly things across europe move in the same direction and we would expect the numbers of the deaths to lack of a the icu pace is by a couple weeks. We should expect these to start coming down in two or three weeks time. Thank you, foreign secretary. Thank you, patrick. Now having to take some questions from the media. From the bbc. Thank you very much, foreign secretary. With the Prime Minister absent at this vital time if there is a genuine disagreement in the cabinet, who actually makes the decision . If i can ask to the scientific advisor, you have shown the there sin crease in capacity of number of intensive care beds available around the country but on the current numbers will there be enough beds as this grows . Well first of all, Decision Making by government is made by collective cabinet responsibility. So that is the same as before but weve got very clear directions, very clear instructions from the Prime Minister and we focus, with total unity and total resolve on implementing them. So when he is back i hope in very short order we will have made the progress you would have expect, and that the country would have expect. In terms of the icu beds and which he has been clear about this as well, there are always times in every winter when icu beds top out in individual hospitals and that may happen and i cant guarranty it wont. What we can say though, that the numbers as we look at them now look as though we should come in about right. There shouldnt be an overall increase above the number of beds available. The nhs i think has done an amazing job of increasing the capacity of i. Cu so things seem to be tracking in the right direction. I dont think i can say more than that i dont know, chris, if you want to add anything. I agree. Is that okay . Do you want to come back on any of it . Reporter foreign secretary, cabinet always in theory runs on collective responsibilities but there are us a times in the end one person has to make the decision in normal circumstances the Prime Minister is the ultimate decisionmaker. In these circumstances are you that person, what happens if there is no agreement . We, as i said we have collective cabinet responsibility but the arrangements are very clear. The Prime Minister is asked me to deputized for him in discharging responsibilities for as long as he is unable to do that and we have got in the discharge of those responsibilities and frankly the direction, the instructions he has given very clear plans so were all focused with the unity of purpose and a clear and calm determination to get that done from the procurement of ppe, getting to it the front line, to supporting businesses and all of the work in the Foreign Office that were doing on the International Level to reinforce that effort on the home front. Itv. Reporter good afternoon. Mr. Raab, you say you have very clear instructions from the Prime Minister what needs to do but if there is very clear need of change in direction do you have the short to make that change in direction or would you wait for the Prime Ministers return . If i could ask sir patrick and mr. Witty, your own charts today does show the rate of growth in the number of deaths in germany is much slower than the other European Countries including the uk that you cite. What is there that we can learn from germany . Well, on your question to me, ive been tasked when i was appointed given clear steer from the Prime Minister obviously as weve been going through this crisis very clear instructions in terms of dealing with coronavirus and he has asked me to deputized for him as long as necessary. The normal cabinet, collective responsibilities and principles that inform that will apply. Patrick. We look at all of the countries and try to understand what differences there are in terms of responses. We look across the world in regular contact but with the chief scientific advisors and chief medical officers in the country try to understand different approaches taken and different effects. Youre right, the german curve looks as though it is lower at the moment. That is important. I dont have a clear answer for you as exactly what it is, reason for that. There are obviously two things one will look at in terms of any response to any outbreak. One is the virus itself and the other is the society which that virus comes. There are things to do with demographics. There are things with to do the way systems are organized. There may be differences in the way certain responses have been taken. We dont know, but were in regular contact with the other countries. See if chris wants to add anything to that . One thing i would add to that, we all know germany got ahead in terms of its ability to do testing for the virus and there is a lot to learn from that and weve been trying to learn the lessons on that. Do you want to follow up . Reporter just didnt quite say that you feel confident that if you had to make a change of direction and you werent able to communicate with the Prime Minister, would you have the confidence in doing that . Ive got total confidence in the arrangements the Prime Minister put in place so i can discharge responsibility for him, deputizing for him, while he is out of action and we hope that will be a very limited time. Mark austin from sky. Reporter thank you very much indeed, foreign secretary. First and foremost everyone on this program and everybody at sky news send their very best to the Prime Minister. We wish him a speedy recovery. My question is this neil youre listening to an update on the status of british Prime Minister Boris Johnson. Youve been hearing right now, you know from a number of top officials including dominic raab, the foreign secretary, when the Prime Minister is incapacitated, the highest ranking cabinet equivalent in britain is the foreign secretary. So he or she emerges as sort of acting Prime Minister although secretary raab went to Great Lengths saying he is not the acting Prime Minister. He is just fulfilling a lot of duties that Boris Johnson has passed along to him. Were told that the Prime Minister himself is in good shape, in intensive care at this local London Hospital where he entered sunday night with breathing differ consults. Were told he has utilized some oxygen but none of the ventilators were thought to be of a particular issue or concern if he was dependent on them. Were hearing all of this occurs as britain reported that the death toll rose, that is in britain by 786 in the latest period to 6159. That is a rate of increase that exceeds other countries in european theater, including france, including germany, not just italy among the Major Players there. No indication how soon Boris Johnson will be returning to work but mr. Raab making very clear hopes and thinks it will be very soon that he is stable, the Prime Minister, in intensive care, not on a ventilator. All things look promising. As that was coming out by the way we got announcement passed along by the New York Times out of china the lockdown has ended in wuhan. You might recall this was the epicenter of the virus when it first started and led with a lockdown of some 60 million chinese residents. The vast majority were from the wuhan area. That does not mean theyre returning to business as usual but the lockdown is over. They can freely leave their homes. They can move back and forth among would you hewn and the wuhan and the above province itself. We rely on data and information we get from china. The growing wave of skepticism not only on the data were getting now but the data in the very beginning we told you at the beginning of show, that the World Health Organization is fingered for buying that data to early or hiding that some politicians look at it, that the chinese were hiding it and World Health Organization knew that. We can only rely on the chinese providing it, in wuhan the lockdown is done. Craig dillon, former digital strategist for Boris Johnson. Craig, i imagine for you this is welcome news on the Prime Minister but he is still in intensive care and no indication how soon he will be out of there. What do you make of all of this . Thats right. I know for a fact that the Prime Minister will be itching to get back to work. It is probably the main reason why i ended up in there because he is not a politician that doesnt sit back and not get involved. He was straight in there, in hospitals, meeting people, which means how he ends up catching it. He will be most annoyed not being there when the country really needs him to be there. Neil now you know him very well and maybe he was too stubborn or not doing everything he should have been doing but concerns a lot of people when he checks off a lot of boxes that worry folks. He is 55 years old. He had past medical issues, nothing too severe i want to stress but he is among the vulnerable group. What makes him noteworthy he is the highest, boldfaced name if you will to have contracted this virus so it gets maybe a little more attention than normally would be the case. Are you worried about him . Have you heard anything maybe this is more than his office is letting on or people are sharing . No, i think if you looks back to his time, even while he was mayor of london or foreign secretary he is so active. He was always cycling around. On the boris bikes here in london. He is quite fit and healthy for some one of his age. I have no doubt he will come straight through. Neil now what is the procedure, you can educate me how britain handles Something Like this . You dont have a Vice President role like we do in this country, when the Prime Minister is incapacitated, what is the procedure . He calls on his foreign secretary to pick up a lot of his duties . This is a rare event but explain that to me . Yes, we dont have a Vice President system and the Prime Minister has decided to hand over and ask dominic raab to deputize for him but the main thing is, as dominic raab was saying in the press conferences our system, it is a cabinet. It is mutual agreement, they all decide together. We dont know what happens behind those doors but eventually they come to agreement and they do things, so i imagine not a lot is going to change because the Prime Minister is not there they have already been making those decisions anyway. I think theyre in, especially with boris new position, he has very large majority, a lot of power in the government. I think theyre all on the same path anything. So i dont think much will change. That is basically now, so dominic raab is standing in for the Prime Minister. Neil all right, thank you very much, my friend. It was a great perspective on all of this. We were mentioning the Prime Minister and number of cases of coronavirus certainly in britain. Were hearing from the uks chief scientific advisor, it is possible, im quoting here, we are seeing the beginning of a change in terms of a curve flattening. We wont know for a week or so. The cases are still increasing in britain, we want to emphasize that, but theyre taking some hope the number of cases that are increasing is lower than what it was. Now typically the rule of thumb, you look for a socalled apex and a high point which things improve after that is 14 days of that type of activity, 14 days in a row where you are seeing a decline each die in the number of new cases. After that if it is going well you should start to see a decline in cases period. But again britain a long way from that, as we are in this country, most countries are by the way, but that 14day rule of thumb is one of the catalysts they use to get Something Back to business as usual whatever that is in this country or any other count but i thought i would pass that along. By the way were looking at a number of companies and institutions getting back to what they were doing, right now including Major League Baseball, kicking around the idea of resuming the baseball season as early as next month but with a caveat here. All the games would be played in arizona among all the times. I dont know how many stadiums they have ready in arizona right now but they might even be playing to empty stadiums at that maybe a good time to get the read from senator martha mcsally, republican from arizona. Senator, do you know anything about this, this idea that your state would sort of be, the baseball home, at least in the first potentially weeks of the season, all games being played among all teams in arizona . I saw that report this morning. We do host spring training. So you know, should they look to open up while still abiding by what we need to do to save lives arizona would certainly be a great place to host that. Neil so you have not heard anything beyond that or how many youre right, spring training, people tell me it is a dry heat, not a bad thing but that would be a lot to sprinkle around the entire league in a few choice stadiums. I know you have many but im just wondering oh, we have a lot. Neil do you think the state would be up for that if asked . We do have a lot, again hosting spring training. Ive seen same reports as you. Were focused on saving lives in arizona but it is an interesting report. We certainly would be ready if it is the right time. Neil let me ask you about it, how are the virus cases in arizona and where do things stand now . Well, theyre growing, talking to constituents every single day, just like every state. We need additional testing capability. Our Health Care Workers on the front line are just doing Amazing Things all across the country and our hearts continue to be with the families who are suffering from coronavirus and those who lost their lives. Were doing everything we can as a state to get ready, for a surge, if needed but also doing our part to flatten the curve. Neil what will it take in your opinion, senator, just your opinion, no one is right or wrong on these things, to get people to unwind from the stay at home provisions . The president of course is holding out to the end of april to reassess that. Are you comfortable, maybe, slowly returning people back if we have, you know, a slowdown in the increase in cases, not a reversal of cases but say we have consistent period . Yeah. Neil Authorities Say 14 Straight Days where the increase is ebbing, is that good enough for you . Well, neil, were talking to the experts. Were learning more about this virus every day. I think listening to them and just engaging, i think we need widespread testing, so we know who has it. We need to protect our front line Health Care Workers and nursing home staff. We protect the vulnerable. We also need widespread antigen testing so we know who had it now likely to be immune. Were learning more about the virus every day. Unfortunately because of chinas communist coverup of it, we could have learned all of this back in january. So as our experts understand the virus more and more well be able to make more targeted decisions moving forward. Unfortunately again it could have been earlier but china put us in this position because of their lies and coverups and complicit World Health Organization. Neil but it might not have been just the World Health Organization. Now we have reports that Peter Navarro was warning the president of a danger of a virus that could have huge impact on the economy but nothing to say of health of americans, what do you say of those developments, to be true, we dont know, senator, to be fair this get up to the president s attention, but does it trouble you . Neil, this is what i know, day i entered the military, never trust a communist. China is to blame for this pandemic and beth of thousands of americans. They knew about this virus. Their dangerous, inhumane and deadly wet markets where live and dead animals are being sold allowed this to spread. Allowed people to continue to travel. Lockdown, their doctors and did not allow them to speak out and punish them when they did. They then used a Propaganda Machine and kicked out journalists so the rest of the world would not understand what is happening with this pandemic. Looks like the World Health Organization was parroting their propoganda. So that is what we do know. One thing is for sure, we would be in a better place as a country, cleareyed, realistic, toe attack this virus and kill this virus and minimize the economic impact, if china, communist china, and the World Health Organization wasnt so reckless. Neil all right, but we apparently knew enough or suspicious enough about it, at least Peter Navarro was he did send out alarms and they were ignored. It is easy to play monday morning quarterback, who knew what and when, whatever china did and the World Health Organization allegedly ignored there is possibility here that within the white house itself they knew about this as well and didnt do anything . Yeah. Neil, i havent seen that report. Im sure it will be internal debriefing but as i said one thing is for certain, that communist china is responsible for so many deaths and if we had access with our doctors, if they had allowed our journalists, our doctors, our experts in there, if they were honest about what was happening, allowed their doctors to act, even, one, two, three weeks earlier, they could have stopped, studies have shown 95 of the deaths. So that. Neil snort, hear senator, hear what im saying those in the white house might have known about this youre right to be angry if your allegations prove true what the people of the World Health Organization didnt knew or but you seem to ignore the possibility those who were concerned about china, what it might be hiding Peter Navarre recomes to mind were ignored for whatever reason. I cant speak to that report. I can only say over time in january, february, and march, there was a lot of people having different opinions about this in america but we didnt have a lot of the facts. We certainly understood that we were relying on china for ppe and medicines. That is something we also need to fix and bring that manufacturing home. Neil senator, thank you very much. Martha mcsally of arizona, could be hosting a lot of baseball games in the next month. Which will see on that. Want to go to the former Spirit Airlines ceo. Ben, good to have you. Were already hearing a lot of airlines that want aid are going to get aid but a lot of their business has cratered. I think their traffic is down 90 from what it was three months ago. Im wonder fog some of them this, this could lead to bankruptcy with or without the help, what do you think . Well, neil, it is great to be with you. Great to see you again. The industry is clearly in a tough spot right now. Who wants to be on an airplane, same reason you dont want to go to a restaurant to be around crowds. Were all social distancing. Demand is way down. There are still some people flying, but still some planes flying but the 80, 90 number down is about right. Airlines are in a mode of thinking how do we survive through this . The industry was in better shape coming into this than previous issues like 9 11 or the financial crisis or things. So Balance Sheets were stronger. The industry consolidated between 2008 and 2012, so fewer players in the industry also as you know. So the net effect of that is the industry is better prepared to handle this because of that but they clearly have to save as much cash as they can to protect their balance sheet. I dont foresee right now, neil, an u. S. Airline, a big u. S. Airline, claiming bankruptcy as a result of this yet. I think it is premature to say that. The Government Grant Program from the cares act essentially pays payroll through the end of september. That program, while it looks like grants to an industry is really all about employment. Without that grant the industry would be laying off hundreds of thousands of people and that wouldnt be good and would have mulitplicative effects in the economy. So keeping payroll up through september is a good thing but industry is not flying airplanes. They deferred delivery of some airplanes but what you havent seen the industry do a big way yet to delay airplanes or. I think that will be start happening before we see a bankruptcy. Neil ben, you mentioned the payroll issue. There is talk to expand aid for direct payroll assistance to the airlines. I do wonder, im like you i believe eventually well be out of this, well be moving again, economy will be moving again. I dont know how wick l quick it will be. I dont know if there is zeal for filling a lost airplanes, people want to travel for business or personal, when they might be leery of guesting in a crowded jet to do so. Do you think for the Airline Industry then, that this is going to be a tough hill to climb . Maybe for a long time, a lot of people will be leery to fly period . Youre right, neil i think people will be leery to flip. However at the time customers, at the time people feel like it is okay to go to a restaurant again that is about the time they should become customers for the Airline Industry again because air circulates very well in airplane, better than most restaurants. It really comes down to when are we as individuals comfortable being in social environments again . So i do think that could take a while. I think the Fourth Quarter of this year is the First Quarter where the industry could start seeing sort of a good return of traffic. The reason i say that, neil, is because, the industry works on a booking curve. Customers buy, four, six, eight weeks in advance for their travel. So for the Third Quarter which starts in july to be strong, you need to see strong bookings starting in may and i dont really see that happening now. I think the Fourth Quarter where we could look. I do think leisure traffic, discretionary traffic will come back strong and the industries could have a very strong summer 2021 for example. I think cloistering, sheltering in place were all doing will have equal and opposite reaction when it comes to wanting to get out of the house especially after being closed in, some cases with kids and things. I think that will be really good. For businesses a lot of travel will come back, but i think a small segment of travel, Business Travel may not come back, neil. People are getting used to using zoom, using skype, using teleconference things to make some things happen. You cant really audit a plant other do a really Effective Sales call necessarily this way but there is some kind of a business that can be done this way. People are learning that now. So for the airlines that are most focused on Business Travel, and that would include sort of the southwest, american, united, deltas in the world, i think they have a bigger, a bigger road to hoe here. Theyre not only going to have to wait until people are comfortable on airplanes again, but as all of the demand for business will come back, or will some more permanently convert to the way were talking right now . Neil yeah, i think youre right. Ben, i always learn a lot. Very good seeing you again. Sorry under these circumstances. The former ceo of Spirit Airlines. I remember himself in the ads where he would squeeze himself into overhead compartment, how cheap is it was to fly spirit, baggage room, pay a little extra, brilliant marketing, brilliant guy. Market got a little sort of boost here, china at least wuhan province the lockdown is over, it is over and for the vast majority of 60 million chinese told to stay in their homes not go anywhere, they can go places right now, go to the great wall, go to Shopping Centers that might be open. Some are reopening. A promising sign the market interprets since china is couple months behind us will eventually happen here. The question is when. Stay with us. There are times when our need to connect really matters. To keep customers and employees in the know. To keep business moving. Comcast business is prepared for times like these. Powered by the nations largest gigspeed network. To help give you the speed, reliability, and security you need. Tools to manage your business from any device, anywhere. And a team of experts here for you 24 7. Weve always believed in the power of working together. Thats why, when every connection counts. You can count on us. Neil all right. You know, seven out of 10 ever us according to a Financial Times survey, seven out of 10 americans are worried about the financial future. This covers the well to do even not so well to do. The longer they are sheltered at home, they are wondering what the effect financially will be on their home. John lonski, im not at all surprised by that. It seems to confirm anecdotal reports all the time that people are getting very, very anxious. What do you make of this . This has to be a big problem for low to middle income americans. I worry about those Many Americans that live paycheck to paycheck. Very dependent upon Unemployment Compensation as well as that 600dollar bonus per week theyre supposed to be getting over the next four months. Weve got to get that money to them as quickly as possible in order to prevent an even deeper collapse by consumer spending. Neil you know whats interesting too, john, when you start looking into the findings of this survey, we talk about the seven out of 10 americans who are feeling this pinch but a third of them are saying it is very significant and very life altering. Thats now, as of now, a few weeks into this. What do you think . This came out of the blue. This is a total shock. Many probably find themselves with insufficient savings. The big problem here is that nobody knows where it ends. How long of a wait before we can begin to normalize the economy, before we can begin to return to work . Meanwhile, we know some of these companies that shut down may never be opening again. They may be permanently shuttered. Of course that would add to the longer term problems stemming from covid19. Neil thank you, my friend, very, very much. Just latest again. Were seeing more and more of this, not only in hard Economic Data but those that survey average americans and how they feel about that, pelted with this kind of news, increasingly what it means for them and their own financial wherewithal. We will not stop following that. Meantime we want to let you know there is good news out there, particularly Companies Like Little Caesars promise to deliver million pizza pies to Health Care Workers, firstresponders, making good on that as we speak. Get read on all of that, a bit of good news we can all appreciate. We have the little sees source ceo. Nice idea. What made you do this . It started with our franchisees. We know who is really important today, the Health Care Workers, our hospital workers, theyre the true heroes. Were a Family Company and our franchisees are Small Business owners across america and we got toth, we said what can we do to give back . We said lets serve them a million pizzas. Neil obviously theyre very grateful to them. How do you get it to them . How do they take advantage of it . We have a big network. So what weve done we have our corporate colleagues, who work out of our headquarters typically are all at home. So we have 150 people that are calling hospitals around the country and also firstresponders, police officers, firefighters, and then were going to put orders right in the computers at the store. They will get delivered directly to the hospital. In fact we just had our first delivery today. I was there i helped and it was at the detroit medical center. Detroit is right at the center of this pandemic and we were able to give them 300 pizzas at 11 00 this morning and another 300 pizzas this evening. Neil wow. I always argue, dave, never too early for pizza. 10 00 is fine. 9 00 in the morning is fine. Let me ask you, dave, i would imagine your business is doing quite well in middle of all of this. For people to order pizza, quick and he is thing to pick up or have delivered. We talk about how much the restaurant, fastfood, industry, has been hurting. Youre kind of like a stand out, and others kind of do what you do. How long do you see that continuing . Well, it is interesting because were a carry out chain. We just started delivering earlier this year. So our delivery sales are up. Carryout is a little soft but we have what we call a pizza portal where you can get contactless pickup, you go on the app and order, scan a qr code. It is stored in a heated cabinet, customers pick it up, very safe effective way to get inexpensive food. Our pizzas are five dollars. It is a great way for the public to access us. It has been very helpful during these trying times. Neil i wonder when people pick up, is there leeriness on their part . Do you have a special procedure for them to get the pizza, or even when you do send it out or deliver it, how are your workers, customers, dealing with that . Yeah, well, two things. On delivery we have contactless delivery. So he just place the order on the app are. Well leave the pizza at your doorstep. Or, you go on our app you can walk in, and scan the pizza on our pizza portal, you never touch the machine. Of course in our stories, in our cleanliness procedures are at the peak, masks, gloves, sanitizer, were wiping down all the servicers. The pizza is great. Comes out the oven, 475 degrees. Never touched by hands. Put in the books using pizza peel, only touched by customer. Neil sound good, dave. Lots of luck. Youre doing a lot of good. All the folks appreciate that, Health Care Workers, firstresponders, people on the front lines getting rewarded with a little bit of pizza which is always good. Meanwhile Hillary Vaughn is following the whole Restaurant Industry desperate for pick up in activity, if theyre not Little Caesars or the business is not booming how are they surviving . Hillary vaughn, theyre coming up with a lot of ideas, right . Reporter thats right, neil. Half a million, independently owned restaurants are issuing a plea to congress of ideas they think, fixes that need to be included in the phase four rescue bill targeted at restaurants. One chef, who works in a d. C. Area restaurant here told me that a lot of restaurants dont have the up front capital that they need to open their doors. They owe a lot of their suppliers payment for other shipments that they received. They dont have the money to buy the stock that they need to fill their shelves in order to open their doors and actually serve patrons. There needs to absence of urgency from congress, you know. With sense of urgency, were confident we can reopen our restaurants and rehire our staff and pay our suppliers and be Even Stronger but without a sense of urgency we lose a sense of hope. Reporter there are changes he says need to be made with the Paycheck Protection Program including extending the time period that people have to repay the loan from the current time period of two years to 10 years. They also want the loan time period to be extended that you have to apply for this, extending it three months after a restaurant is actually able to open their doors because, neil, one of the issues that theyre flagging here, a lot of restaurants arent allowed to open their doors. Even though the federal government is offering to cover their payroll and their rent, what happens when that runs dry . They wont have any revenue coming in to sustain them which means theyre in the same predictment. Theyre also asking for congress to pressure Insurance Companies to force them to cover covid19. This pandemic, as one of the issues that they would cover under insurance claims for businesses that already have insurance with different companies. We also did just hear congress is pushing to add more money to the Paycheck Protection Program through a unanimous consent vote on thursday. Were still waiting for details on how much money theyre adding to that program. Neil . Neil very interesting report. Hillary vaughn, thank you very much. Hillary speaking, before i get to Charlie Gasparino, interesting statistics, that the pentagon put out on the type of aid and help that is being provided on various facilities. Pentagonrun facilities to take care of patients. 2500 National Guard troops now reportedly deployed to new york city along with hundreds of active duty medical personnel. Furthermore, we have 60 patients already being treated at the Javits Center in new york. That has a capacity of some 2500 beds, so 60 of those beds are now being utilized. On the sns comfort, 41 patients, 500 bed capacity, that is down from 1000. The u. S. Mercy out of the west coast that has treated 25 patients with a 1000 bed capacity but obviously they were preparing for the worst, still might be able to fill all such beds. 27,000 National Guard troops now mobilized across the country to deal with this. Just some covid19 updates that are a little sobering when you look at it. In the military alone 1521 cases, 56 hospitalized. 127 of those by the way have recovered. All right. That is where we stand right now. Were giving you a quick snapshot what is happening in new york and new jersey where the cases continue to climb as they do across the country now. Were dealing with 378,000 such cases and close to 12,000 deaths. All right, lets go to Charlie Gasparino on what types of things are being considered to address this and much, much more. Charlie . Neil, last week we reported exclusively on cavuto on business and on the claman countdown that the federal government was going to add tense of businesses of dollars more to the Small Business stimulus. That is now coming together from what we understand. Again as hillary said thursday is the day. We understand it is 200 billion. And we understand that majority leader, Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell will be unveiling this. Again another 200 billion to that Small Business loan program as we first reported last week and number is now coming together. And i think that it is good news for Small Businesses. Well get into why that is later on. A couple of other points to make. As i reported yesterday on the claman countdown they are talking about another trillion dollars to the overall stimulus package, that when we say they, we mean congressional leaders and the white house. Were not exactly sure how that is all cobbled together. It is three, 200 billion in Small Business stimulus, probably be probably some tax relief as part of that, maybe some infrastructure but thats coming together as well. We reported that last night. Washington post came out today. So this is coming down the pike as well. Couple of questions here. Couple issues here, neil. This Small Business portion of this stimulus package still leaves a lot to be desired. Im going to be reporting about this throughout the day. Were going to be putting something on foxbusiness. Com. Money is just not getting to Small Businesses for a lot of reasons. If youre not, for example, youre a bug customer of wells, guess what . Wells is not giving out the loans. Theyre telling customers because of the fake Checking Account scandal the Treasury Department is not allowing them to give out loans to Small Businesses. So the Small Businesses have to go elsewhere. Guess what . When you go elsewhere youre not prioritized because youre not client say of jpmorgan chase. There is a lot of kinks to be worked out here. We should point out citigroup, that is the Third Largest bank in the country after bank of america and, jpmorgan chase, citigroup does not have its program up and running. From what i understand the money is not exactly flowing out to many businesses. I havent met a single Small Business person that has got a check yet. So this, as were talking about, neil, new money for Small Businesses we should point out that the old money, the money that was earmarked is not getting to them just yet, not at least in the numbers that matter. Again, we understood this was always going to be a work in progress. It was never going to work seamlessly. Time is of the essence as it is here. We have connie in freefall. I know markets are up today, you about we have main street economy that is not up right now. Money needs to be given to Small Businesses. They represent half of the american workforce. Theyre virtually shuttered, half of them because of various lockdowns and quarantines and theyre not getting the support they need right now. You have the framework set up but the money for some reason cant get to people that need it. It is frustrating situation as you talk to Small Business people as i have. Money is needed here. As we reported last week that money is being delivered, probably by thursday to the Small Businesses, number we hear, 200 billion. We hear it, thursday they will be unveiling it, another stimulus package after trillion, 1. 5 trillion on top of the 2. 2 trillion they already have. As keynes said, gallows humor, but in the long run we dont exist. I think that is part of the problem. We will have to pay this back but you know in the short term it is definitely needed being back to you. Neil thank you for that upbeat note in the long run, we dont exist. Let me ask you though, about this phone call that joe biden had with the president. Do we know anything more about it . Do with you know what joe biden is going to do . How he is going to handle this . It is a tough role to be in, what do you think . Right. Here is what i know from inside the biden camp, it is funny, i spoke to a senior person in there, guy that works on wall street who deals directly with the former Vice President. The advice he was given was essentially, at this point not to politicize directly the, what is going on here. You know, speak to the president , you know have, or you know speak broadly about issues but dont go out there and politicize this. Let others do it if they wanted to do it and i think, you know, on the short run, again there is, you know, because he is not attacking, attacking, attacking, a lot of democrats think that is attributed to, essentially a modest bump in President Trumps Approval Ratings through all of this. Long run, the people in biden camp say listen, if you want, if you go on the attack now, if you look like youre looking to make a bad situation worse, if you dont at least have phone calls with the president and at least, you know, there is some olive branch there, you will look petty. In the long, there will be plenty of time to judge his response or maybe lack of response to the virus, and i think that is what we got here. We have his advisors telling him, you know, joe, be a team player right now and well go on the attack when this thing recedes. Neil all right. Well see how that goes or how long it lasts. It is tough election year. Charlie, great job as always. Charlie gasparino. Were in and out of session highs right now, latest news out of china, wuhan province, that is accounted for vast majority of 60 million in the lockdown, you can leave, lockdown done. More after this. Together, well weather this storm. Its a voice on the other end of the phone. 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With nearly two decades in business, over a billion dollars in transactions, and more than a half a million clients worldwide, u. S. Money reserve is one of the most dependable gold distributors in america. Neil all right. We have a market riproaring along. We were up 1600 points yesterday, up about 700 points today. In case youre counting, we are up close to 30 from our lows, not being exact there, these are fastmoving conditions, so if you think about it, little more than a couple weeks ago, we were at dow 18,000. Now dow 23,000. I know about a month and a half ago, of course, we were at close to dow 30,000. Im just putting it in perspective here. Thats quite a ways that we have clawed back across all the major market averages, with all the s p 500 sectors advancing. So thats been a rather robust commentary on a comeback here. Whats interesting about this, though, is whats drawing the attention. It isnt Economic News because thats been lousy but its been expected to be lousy. And the forecasts are grim and they were expected to be grim. Some saying we are going to see a 30 slide in gdp, others saying as many as 30 unemployment or as high as 30 Unemployment Rate which would dwarf the highest we had certainly during the recession in 1932, when we got up to about 24. 9 unemployment. But its the belief here that the virus itself, not so much the stimulus around the virus or the economic course of events and earnings and how they are impacted around the virus, but the virus itself that seems to show this mitigation and social distancing just might be working. Its way too early to tell right now but the number of new cases, the number of new deaths, you heard this many, many times, is still high. In fact, alarmingly high. Im not dismissing that. But its the rate of increase that has proven the trend to be the markets friend right now. In new york in particular, that is welcome new. David lee miller in the middle of all that. Hey, david lee. Reporter across the state of new york, there are now nearly 139,000 people who have tested positive for the coronavirus. That number surpasses the number of people infected in italy and it accounts for about onethird of the people infected in the entire United States. That said, we got a mixed message today during his Daily Briefing from the new york governor andrew cuomo. The governor said the state saw its largest single day increase in the number of fatalities from the coronavirus, but he did caution that that is a lagging indicator because patients are often hospitalized for some time before dying. He pointed out that although new hospitalizations are up, the average threeday hospitalization rate is down. He said icu admissions are also the lowest in 17 days. Cuomo says the new York State Health department has approved Antibody Testing which will make it possible to tell who has recovered from the virus, and thats crucial to planning for the restoration of the economy. How do you start the economy back up, how do you start getting back to work as quickly as possible. Its going to come down to testing. Youre going to have to know who had the virus, who resolved the virus, who never had it and thats going to be testing. Reporter the governor thanked the president for helping transition the Naval Hospital ship the comfort the a facility that will treat coronavirus patients. The change will reduce bed capacity from 1,000 to 500 and another temporary hospital is now in the works. The cathedral of st. John the divine on the citys Upper West Side will work in partnership with mt. Sinai hospital, says it will provide sanctuary space for hospital beds. Mayor bill deblasio says for the moment the city has enough ventilators, as well as gloves, masks and other personal protection equipment. The mayor also points out that the impact of the virus isnt just physical or emotional. He said it also is economic and underscoring that, he said that new yorkers, either half a million of them are either out of work or he says they soon will be out of work. He vowed that even though the situation might resemble in some ways the great depression, his comparison, he said no matter what happens, we will not let any new yorkers go hungry. Neil . Neil david lee, im just curious, i dont want to hit you broadside with a question like this, but the cases on the comfort and Javits Center and even in the tents in central park and elsewhere in the city, are they reserved for covid19 patients only . I know in the case of the comfort it was starting out as alternatives to covid19 cases to reduce the stress on existing hospitals, but now it seems to have expanded to them as well. Do you know who these are, the patients in these facilities . Reporter youre absolutely right, neil. All those facilities now are going to be treating people with covid19. The governor made a point the other day of saying some of the facilities like the navy ship the comfort were to treat other patients originally but the governor observed that because of all the shutdowns there are far fewer people needing hospitalization, theres no more elective surgery so very few hospitalizations. These beds were staying empty and thats why the governor in the case of the comfort said to the president lets make the most use of this hospital ship, lets treat coronavirus patients. Thats what you see happening at many of these facilities as well. Neil . Neil all right. David lee, great reporting. I appreciate that. David lee miller following this very very well in manhattan. You know, we always talk about what would be a return to normalcy or what would constitute doing Something Like the chinese just did in wuhan, the socalled epicenter, ground zero, if you will, of this entire virus back in december of last year, january of this year. Remember wuhan was the largest of the cities and areas shut down, better than 60 million folks who were told to stay where you are and do not move. That has been lifted today. Its the longest lockdown in global history that we know of. Its been lifted. So the chinese are encouraged to get out of their homes, walk around the streets, you have seen a lot of these pictures where they are at the great wall enjoying all the shrines and vacation haunts that we would go to if we were similarly released from this. But there is a definition and some criteria we are apparently thinking about to justify easing back on these stayathome provisions. I know i have been like a dog with a bone on this but i want to know what would make it happen, what would make those in this country ease up on these restrictions. I have gotten some curious answers on the phone, talking with guests on air. I want to share them with you. The first thing that must happen is they are quoting here, must be sustained reduction in cases and deaths for 14 days. 14 Straight Days. In other words, a day or two where you have an unusually low death and or case cut wont cut it. It has to be for 14 Straight Days, at a minimum. Meanwhile, states must be able to test anyone who has symptoms and up to 750,000 such cases should and must be registered every week at a minimum. This is a countrywide minimum that will apply to states hit with these viruses. Finally, hospitals must be able to track all patients requiring hospitalization, not turn anyone away, but be able to handle whatever counts theyre getting and whether its an onsite hospital or some of these adjunct sites that have been set up in new york like the Javits Center or uss comfort but those are the top three things they kind of look for. They have all got to be together. Not everyone subscribes to the view that all three have to be in place and all states must agree to that criteria but thats kind of the back of the napkin scenario they look at. That would call for them to say all right, we can ease up on this. It doesnt mean easing up nationally, in all 50 states. It might be sort of bifurcated where some states are allowing it, others are not, others are accounting for the fact that young healthier workers can go back to their offices, Older Workers or those vulnerable might have to hold off. I did want to share that with you, because i have been stuck on this wondering what would get us to change this. Some thoughts from jackie deangelis. We got Connell Mcshane and last but not least, jared levy. Connell, let me ask you about that. Those are some of the ideas they kick around that would warrant or maybe justify just easing up on these sheltering provisions. How likely is that by the end of this month . Its not impossible. Im almost positive you are reading from that American Enterprise Institute Report or at least part of that is coming from there, that Scott Gottleib helped write. I spoke to Mark Mcclellan at duke, used to be at the fda, that helped on that as well. While we talked through some of those options and not putting the strain on the hospitals, mentioned new york and he was saying because you guys in new york are getting the peak earlier, it is possible that once the turn is made and we have some signs that you guys are talking about with david that maybe we are starting to see some stabilization, lets see how the next few weeks ago, because maybe new york does lead the way. I will say the other thing worth watching the last few days is what some European Countries have started to do. I talked to art laffer yesterday about austria. He says their government reached out to him to talk about their plans and they have it in a real order, 14th of april, small shops, 1st of may, larger shops start to open, midmay, some restaurants and cafes. They will start thinking about the schools. They are doing it in a real staged way every couple weeks. Maybe thats something that we could think about as well. By the time we get going, we will have a chance to watch how it goes over there, too. Neil then the big factor, if you think about it, the people you talk to all the time, whether they would feel secure enough in leaving their homes. Some of them havesheltered for awhile, they are worried about catching this virus. Surely the appearance of cases still out there, albeit down from what they were, will give them pause, right . Absolutely. There are so many ifs that have to happen to be able to lift some of these restrictions, then people have to decide they want to go out. I was talking anecdotally to a Restaurant Owner who has a restaurant, prominent restaurant, here in manhattan. We were discussing how things would work for him if those restrictions were lifted. Six weeks, eight weeks, whatever the case may be, would he have the tables spaced farther apart, how much staffing would he have, would um kwconsu even want to go to a restaurant if testing isnt in place the way Governor Cuomo was talking about today. He said it all comes down to testing. This owner actually said look, im not going to do it and open up when im not really sure im ready or consumers are going to be coming out to the restaurant. It means a waste of food, for example, throwing out resources. It means having staff on board that maybe isnt really doing much if you dont have customers sitting down. He said so im really looking at this and saying i could be closed for a year. I wonder who else is looking at it on that scale and thats really what i worry about. I have certain friends who are itching and dying to go out right now and they cant wait until restaurants are open, and i personally dont feel as comfortable with it. I think you are really going to have a split mix in terms of the population. Neil i wonder, you are a wall street guy here, a darned good one, jared, whether with all conditions go and the green light to return to business as usual, whether it will be a quick return. In other words, i can still see a lot of people leery of going on cruises, leery of hopping on a plane, particularly abroad, maybe leery of going, you know, in a crowded venue like a theater or to jackies point, a restaurant or stadium. I dont know how quickly that turns, but it could take awhile. What do you think . Yeah. I agree. Jackie brings up some great points here. In the fact that there really has to be an individuals choice and theres a change in our social fabric, in our societal sort of interactions, right. Its already happened. Its going to be that way for a long time. So regardless of whether the government says yeah, we are open for business april 30th, all of these Small Business owners have the right to stay closed, as does medium size and Larger Companies and do what they need to do. Not just that they have that right, but from a financial perspective, obviously theres a humanitarian element, but like look at Something Like a company like macys. Furloughs 130,000 workers or close to it. When operations begin again, when they are allowed to open their stores again, i dont think the company is going to rush back to bring all 130,000 employees. It will probably be a slow, gradual build back up to see what confidence looks like, to see how consumers feel about shopping and being out in the open. Lets not forget, once we open up i hate to use this word but the floodgates and allow people to come out of their homes maybe in areas where people are more confident to interact, we could see a resurgence of the virus. We could see curves start to change. So theres a lot of, so many moving parts to this. I talked to many physicians and mathematicians about trying to model this and again, because the data is so dirty, because we know so little, its really difficult to say this will happen and that will happen. What i can say is i think its going to be a much longer duration for this country to get back to where it was precovid, if you will. Im thinking three, four times what the president or five times what the president s hopeful for. Neil wow. All right. Final word. Guys, thank you all very much. We are still a long way from the end of the month and what might change or not change, but these are some of the variables that they are kicking around that would justify at least letting the spigot open a tad. In the meantime, we got to eat. Bottom line. Maybe not at restaurants or as many as were an option before, carryout and delivery, but miguel joins us now, really if you think about it probably among the Worlds Largest food providers putting a lot of emphasis on packaged foods. Theres a strategy for that, right . Very good to have you. Explain. Yes, neil. Theres a big demand right now for food and thats our responsibility to bring food to the tables of american people. We understand the sense of duty that we have right now, the responsibility that we have and we have morale very high to keep bringing food to the tables. We are working very hard in the vast majority of our factories. Neil let me ask you, you would have 25 million in net sales worldwide, you are in more than 40 countries but in the packaged goods arena, you are second to no one. What of the packaged goods, we are showing macaroni and cheese right now, i assume thats a popular one, but what others are in high demand right now . I would say almost all our brands are in very high demand. For sure, kraft mac and cheese is the leading one but i can mention classico pasta sauce or oscar meyer bacon and hot dogs, kraft cheese, even koolaid, many, many brands, philadelphia cream cheese. Lot of brands that consumers love that in a way they feel comfort at these moments to have them. Neil you know, im curious, we talk about restaurants and how their Business Model has changed, in other words, either for delivery or pickup, but im betting that in kraft heinzs case, the same applies. Its not just a matter of you getting those goods to stores or whathave you, but the online option for a lot of folks. I think its changing the way they get their food. Have you noticed anything thats different now for what you do and how you do it . For sure. I think this behavior will change maybe forever. A lot of consumers are downloading apps for ecommerce. Ecommerce is growing through the roof. But its not only ecommerce, its Home Delivery as well. People after this will buy more online. People will buy more, you know, food to be delivered at home. So a lot of things are going to change for sure. They are already changing. Neil you are absolutely right about that. Miguel patricio of kraft heinz, giving us insight into whats happening in one of the biggest food packagers on earth and doing a lot of good. They have also committed millions of dollars to feed food relief programs and they dont talk about it much. They are doing a lot of that. You see a lot of companies doing that. You are seeing a lot of companies that are trying to protect workers, providing a safer environment as well. You are hearing about a lot of companies trying to shore up their Safety System for workers. In walmarts case, taking temperatures of those workers and if they want gloves and or masks, they can have them. Whats happening on the walmart front to deal with that, given the fact one store in particular had two deaths and how its changing operations there, part of a whole new change in strategy about how many can go into a store, how many can work at that store, because everything we know has changed. Stay with us. Boston light, americas oldest lighthouse, has stood strong through every dark hour and bright dawn our country has endured. It has seen the break in the clouds before anyone else. For the past 168 years, weve also stood by you, helping you weather storms like this one, to protect your loved ones. And well do it for 168 more. Neil all right. We are told Boris Johnson is okay, hes still in intensive care at a hospital not too far from 10 downing street, his official residence as Prime Minister of britain. We did hear that he used oxygen but he did not use a ventilator. That is a common procedure, we are told, as well. That he was in good spirits, hopes to be back to work soon. The foreign secretary kind of taking on the role of Prime Minister even though the foreign secretary disavowed that description, saying hes confident very soon Boris Johnson will be back to work. Greg palkot with the latest on all that. Reporter we got an update on the uk Prime Minister johnsons condition just in the past 90 minutes or so. Yes, hes in stable condition but hes also in good spirits. He was diagnosed with covid19 some ten days ago. He left selfquarantine sunday night, protecting at a nearby hospital, and is still there. Last night his condition deteriorated. He had a high fever, persistent coughing, and that prompted the move to the intensive care unit. Yes, he is using oxygen, hes on oxygen treatment but importantly, as you noted, hes not yet at least on a ventilator. Here is what his standin currently, foreign secretary dominic raab, had to say. Take a listen. Hes also a colleague and hes also our friend. So all of our thoughts and prayers are with the Prime Minister at this time, with carrie and with his whole family, and im confident he will pull through, because if theres one thing i know about this Prime Minister, hes a fighter. He will be back at the helm leading us through this crisis in short order. Reporter thats the fighting spirit, for sure. Overall numbers are pretty tough for the uk. According to their health department, 786 deaths just in the last 24 hours. That is a new oneday record for the country. New cases, well over 3600, approaching 56,000. The situation here still very serious. One final note. The government is in a little bit more disarray. Your viewers will know michael gobe, one of the key ministers. He too is in a 14day selfquarantine. He doesnt appear to have the disease yet but he was exposed to a Family Member who looks like they did. Its a challenge on all levels. Back to you. Neil to put it mildly. Thank you very much. Greg in london. We will continue to get updates on the Prime Ministers situation and the status and all that but again, hes the highest ranking official worldwide who is dealing with this so you hear of a lot of names like tom hanks and a host of celebrities and the like who get this, but when its a head of state, a lot of people step back and say whoa, if it could happen to him, could it happen to me. Good question to bring up with dr. Mike, family doctor, much, much more. What do you think of the attention on Boris Johnson, maybe it has a lot to do with the fact the guy is the head of state. If anyone you think would have the wherewithal or ability or maybe the wherewithal to avoid Something Like this, its him, but its a reminder that this virus shows no discretion, does it . Yeah. I think this is a wakeup call for anyone who in the past was taking this virus lightly, possibly comparing it to a common cold or the flu. Thats not what this is. This virus spreads very quickly amongst the entire global population, it gets people very sick in certain circumstances, as we see with Boris Johnson, and youre right, this is a virus that doesnt care about your race, location, status in life. It can affect anybody. Thats why i urge even my younger viewers on my Youtube Channel to not take it lightly for themselves, because there are 20yearolds, 30yearolds who have been hospitalized, even lost their lives because of this virus. So its not something to be taken lightly, its not something to joke around about and we should be doing what we can. Thats staying home. Neil you have a lot of social media followers. Last count, more than eight million. Thats quite a few. I would imagine they are of all ages and stripes. What is their biggest worry they communicate to you . The biggest worry, the fear of the unknown. How long is this virus going to last, what impact will it have not only on the economic standpoint right now, but whats it going to mean for their livelihood. Is this going to affect them throughout their entire generation. I think thats a very smart question to be asking right now. When we see certain countries that were already going through economic tough times, now this is only going to be further exacerbated by this virus because we have had this huge economic shutdown. What is it going to mean for the future 401 k s, for the savings. Are we still going to be investing our money in the same way. Should we be preparing for Something Like this with our Investment Strategy moving forward. I think all those are very valuable questions that young people should be asking. Neil let me ask you as a doctor, we know some of the parameters that governments around the world might be considering for when they loosen the sheltering spigot, for want of a better term. Among the things they say is that perhaps the more common theme is 14 Straight Days of declining cases. By that i take it to mean declining increase of cases because its not as if they would suddenly reverse. But thats among the major ones. Is that what you would look at . In other words, in this country as we look to the 30th of this month when we might ease back on these restrictions. Is that a good barometer to use . I actually had the pleasure of interviewing dr. Anthony fauci for my Youtube Channel and that was my first question i posed to him, that we know that the virus doesnt have a timeline, it doesnt care whether we want to get back to work or not, but what is the yardstick we are going to be using to measure when it might be safe to start lifting up these sanctions. The answer he gave me was very simple. We need to start looking at the numbers once we have all the Testing Capacity in place and not looking at it universally, not looking at it in totality of the United States but looking in specific areas where the virus isnt so prevalent but we see that peak starting to drop off. Then we start making changes on a small scale, in specific counties and specific cities, and seeing what happens to those numbers. Now, we in the medical community, we know looking at how a virus behaves whether or not these sanctions are having an effect and right now, in my own city here, in your city, new york city, we are seeing the numbers start taking a dip down. That doesnt mean we are completely out of the woods yet because that is subject to change, but in the smaller area where theres natural social distancing, where people arent so close together, those are the areas we are going to Start Testing first and understand how the virus behaves once we open up these social distancing rules. Neil do you think that what might be fine for younger people to go back to work or venture out of the home might not be fine for older, more vulnerable workers . In other words, it cant be one size fits all . How do you think it should be ultimately handled when it is . Yeah. I think theres no such thing as one size fits all, in all of medicine. When we are giving a treatment to an individual sitting in front of us, i have to take into consideration their age, other medical conditions they may have, their allergies. We need to do the same thing with this type of planning. We need to look at a city like new york and understand that whatever directions we give to new york city, its not going to have the same impact as we give to someone in a small city in arkansas. We need to really think about this as an individual but when we say individual here, we are talking about individual areas. So yes, absolutely, those who are elderly, those who have comorbidities, especially ones with compromised immune systems, they are going to have a slower return back to the community, back to work than the rest of the world, because they need to tread carefully. They need to understand this virus poses them even a greater danger than the rest of the community. That being said, we need to understand that even if we start putting younger people back to work first, they could potentially serve as vectors for those who are elderly and compromised so we are still going to have specific social distancing guidelines in place about what young people do so that they dont get those who are more vulnerable sick as well. Neil finally, we did learn from the spanish flu, im not old enough to have covered that one, but i read the history books, but one of the things we learned is that some cities had different strategies to deal with it, cities like st. Louis imposed very sharp restrictions on social activity, the equivalent of a lot of the distancing measures we see in effect today. Others like philadelphia, im not here to disparage philadelphia, did not. There was an acceleration of cases there. How do you avoid a snapback in cases and how do you juggle that . You have to tread carefully here. You have to start easing restrictions in areas where you are not going to have a parade of 30000,0,000, 600,000 people at once because thats opening the floodgates. You are asking for trouble if you do that. While everyone will have a unique strategy, we need to constantly monitor that situation. Any time we do medical treatment we have to reevaluate to see how the treatment is going. If i prescribe an antihypertensive medication for a patient, i have them come back in two weeks to see how are they doing in terms of side effects. If we institute any policy for a city or state, we have to check in and see how the numbers are doing to see how our hospitals are faring because honestly, the biggest worry that i have with this virus is the amount of strain we are putting on our health care system. Now, you as an Economic Expert know how bad it is to have a run on the banks or run on the markets. Well, a run on the hospital is equally, if not more so, as bad. Because not only are hospitals going to be overrun with covid19 patients, but the concern is going to be that patients who have other conditions, cancer, car accidents, other traumas, they are not going to be able to get care because their beds are going to be taken by covid19 patients or they may be hospitalized with another condition and then get covid19 just because of the amount of patients in the hospital with covid. So im concerned about that and the way we mitigate it is by constantly reassessing what we are doing and funding proper research. We need to know how the social distancing is affecting the virus trajectory and to see once we start loosening those social restrictions, how thats affecting the virus as well. Neil well put. Thank you very much. Thank you so much. Neil all right. We have a lot more on that later in the show. Meantime, you might have heard about this case of a Walmart Store in illinois where there were two deaths. Walmart is trying to address that right now. Grady trimble with more on what has happened since. Grady . Reporter i believe my colleague jeff flock is actually on that story. Neil i apologize. That was my fault. About the baseball season, that might be resumed as soon as next month. Go ahead. Reporter yes. On a little bit of a lighter note, you could say, the mlb is considering starting baseball back up, according to reports, as early as may. It would be a Beautiful Day for baseball here but theyre not talking about baseball at wrigley. They are talking about possibly in arizona at spring Training Facilities as well as the Arizona Diamondbacks field. But the stands would be empty, there would be no fans allowed. That would be a big downside for the league that generates about a third of its revenue, 10 billion a year, about a third of that coming from fans. So the way these games would be played, the teams would essentially be sequestered at nearby hotels in the area. They would only go to play the games and they would be socially distancing while they do so, according to these reports. One big upside for fans who are thirsting for some live sports to watch right now, while they would be able to and the league would generate a lot of tv rights from that. Listen. You know, its going to be weird. Its going to be kind of odd for the players, playing to a quiet ballpark. Maybe not for the rays or anything, but its going to be different but i think its really kind of necessary for everybody to bring some normalcy about right now. Reporter as someone from tampa, i dont appreciate that jab at the rays. The mlb i should say is pushing back a little bit on these reports, saying while we have discussed the idea of staging games at one location, we have not settled on that option or developed a detailed plan. Some people are skeptical of this plan and if you are skeptical of that, let me tell you what the usc is considering. Dana white has said, the president of the ufc, that hes considering having fights on a private island and they would fly the fighters into and out of the island on their own plane. So the sports world adapting to not having sports right now and whether its the mlb possibly having games in arizona or having fights on a private island, they are trying to figure it all out. Neil . Neil they are creative. I will give them that. Grady, thank you again. Sorry for the confusion on my part. So Major League Baseball starting next month, all the games in arizona to kick things off. Le dave, what do you make of this . How realistic is that . Its about a 2 on a scale of 1 to 10. Remember, what baseball is trying to do is walk a very fine line. They want to try to protect as much of their season as possible in order to capture as much of the annual revenue as possible, but they also want to make sure that they are not tonedeaf as it relates to whats going on in this country in every one of the baseball cities. So walking that fine line requires no pronouncements and the report last night was a pronouncement that mlb then steps back from as quickly as this morning. Neil so presumably they would have these games, now im learning from the senator of the state there are plenty of stadiums and venues to host and have all these games among all the teams. It seems inconceivable to me but i defer to her expertise. You would be playing to empty crowds, right . There wouldnt be anyone in the stadiums, right . To me thats almost the last issue. Lets start with the fact you would have to have testing widely available because you would have to test not just players and often you are hearing including some agents who are way out in front of their skis saying this is a good idea because they want the players to get paid. I get that. But that said, youve got issues of testing. If theres not wideranging testing available, i dont think baseball wants to be the poster child for taking tests away from people who need it who have symptoms. Then its not just the players who need to be tested, the whole supply chain. Youve got people making food, hotel workers, security, then we first have to get into social distancing at games and them saying that actually, the players will always stay six feet apart. I wonder what happens when theres a popup. Neil yeah. I was wondering the same thing. The immediate issue would be the players themselves, right . Yeah. For this to happen, you have to have the Players Association have an agreement with Major League Baseball and the owners. Now theres a commonality of interest in that the players want to get paid and they want to play and the owners want there to be games so they can take in revenue. But again, there are so many other economic implications that we have to talk about and the number one of which is called the revenue sharing, where large market teams give a portion of their locally generated revenue into a pool that goes to smaller revenue teams. So say the dodgers make a lot of money in local revenue. Part of that goes to a team like the marlins in florida. The marlins have their payroll budget based on the amount of money they projected to get. With local revenue decreasing, that means that payrolls will have to go down, including for this year, which we did see in baseball when it resumed after the 94 strike and the montreal expos had to basically do a fire sale before the 95 season. Neil wow. All right. Im with you. It doesnt seem likely to me, but things could change. Dave samson, former Miami Marlins president , good catching up with you again. We have a lot more coming up, including whats happening at the corner of wall and broad where the dow is sprinting ahead 580 points right now. Its made up a lot of ground from lows that were reached little more than a couple weeks ago, about 5,000 points in that time. Close to 7,000 from alltime highs that were reached four weeks prior to that. They will take what they can get. They are getting a lot of green arrows. Bit today, knowing were prepared for tomorrow. Wow, do you think you overdid it maybe . Overdid what . Well planned, well invested, well protected. Voya. Be confident to and through retirement. Neil welcome back, everybody. I screwed up a little earlier when i had the wrong reporter assigned to the wrong story, on this walmart story, two deaths there and how walmart is trying to deal with it afterwards. Jeff flock is covering that. I apologize for that earlier. He joins us right now on where this stands. Hey, jeff. Reporter i dont know who you thought i was but there you go, neil. Yeah. Crazy times these days, and here in, well, just outside chicago, evergreen park, the walmart you see behind me is where two walmart employees died from coronavirus. I dont want to say the moves they made were in direct response but certainly, this is what is happening largely across the walmart footprint. Take a look. Number one, they have reduced their hours to give them more time to clean and sanitize the stores. Number two, employing sneeze guards, we have seen these in a lot of locations, at the checkouts. So the cashiers dont get hammered somehow. They have also limited the number of people inside. We were a little closer earlier and the folks at walmart asked us to leave so we did. We are on the sidewalk so you cant see the lines. In fact, there are no lines at the moment but they are eliminated to about 20 of store capacity. They are also going to, in some stores, employ oneway aisles. Maybe you walked some of those aisles here, you will see a person coming one way, you are coming the other way, you say i dont want to get too close, they will turn them into oneway aisles. Some pictures inside the walmart, before we were asked to depart, its one of the super walmarts with the food in there as well. Fairly well stocked. You can see sanitizing going on by the employees inside. They are being allowed to wear masks and gloves which they will be given if they ask for them. Not everybody is employing them. They also have on the floor those little markers that say heres six feet from the next guy so heres where you stand to kind of help with the social distancing. One of the employees that died filed a wrongful death suit against walmart alleging that they werent following social distancing procedures, werent enforcing them, and also, he said or at least the lawsuit says, hes dead, that if he had told the folks at walmart about his symptoms and it was ignored so there you go. Walmart in response has not made a direct response to the lawsuit but said their heart is broken for the loss of the employees and they are mourning with their families. One final note, neil, this is parenthetical, maybe you see its sunny, you cant tell how hot it is but its going to be in the 70s in chicago today. Im certainly no expert on this but i have read some accounts of coronavirus, other coronaviruses being somewhat seasonal and having the warm weather help along. So if you are looking for a positive in this, its 70 degrees in chicago today. Having said that, tomorrow, back in the 40s. Neil . Neil incredible. There is that. Jeff, thank you very, very much. Jeff flock on the latest from walmart, how its handling all of this. I want to go to Charles Payne right now. Hes a day away from a virtual town hall on dealing with all of this and trying to get a sense of all of this. Ahead of that, charles, you heard on your show and some of my show, throughout the business channel, news channel, this concern, this palpable fear people have beyond the virus for their own financial wellbeing. 7 out of 10 americans along the entire income stream who are getting nervous. Should they be . Charles absolutely. Listen, over the years, how many stories have we done and how Many Americans have 2,000 in reserve or they had an emergency, how long would it take before they had to dip into savings and then ask friends and take out a loan. We have always kind of talked about them in this kind of way like almost as an answer to trivial pursuit not necessarily thinking it would be put to the test. Well, now its being put to the test and the clock is ticking. You look out your window, its becoming beautiful around the country, people are eager to get out there, eager to feed themselves and families and they are afraid. They are afraid that these job losses, how swiftly they have gone away, can they actually rematerialize just as quickly. Neil i got ahead of myself. Your town hall will be on thursday. What are the kind of things you want to help people with here . Charles well, neil, people, yeah, thursday. Neil, people are really anxious about the plan itself. Listen, its a brand new plan, its the payroll protection plan, its got 350 billion in it. The big banks werent ready, theres been a lot of confusion how you qualify for it, and very Small Businesses dont think its enough money, they dont think it covers a long enough list of time and then they are also concerned about some other aspects. Theres a lot of amazing questions, anxieties building out there. People have been reaching out to me for more than a week since this thing was announced and there are still too many question marks. I saw earlier where you talked about Mitch Mcconnell working on more money for the fund, the Federal Reserve is doing something, were not quite sure, but they will be buying perhaps these loans, will those be for Small Business loans and does that free up additional money to help Small Businesses and more importantly, we will have larry kudlow and i want to be able to make sure the administration truly understands, we are talking about very Small Businesses with on average, less than 24 days of cash to operate. They dont think its enough. What more can be done. Neil you always get to the heart of the matter and always get to the issues that matter. Charles payne, thank you, my friend. I will see you in about ten minutes. Charles thanks, neil. Neil hes coming up very, very soon. Do not forget that special on thursday. He gets right to it and answers your questions. All right. In the meantime we are up about 539 points on the dow. A lot of this has to do with optimism not so much about the economy but the virus itself. Well explain and explore after this. 300 miles an hour, thats where i feel normal. Having an annuity tells me my retirement is protected. Protected Lifetime Income from an annuity can help your Retirement Plan ride out turbulent times. Learn more at protectedincome. Org. 100 online car buying. Carvanas had a lot of firsts. Car vending machines. And now, putting you in control of your financing. At carvana, get personalized terms, browse for cars that fit your budget, then customize your down payment and monthly payment. And these arent madeup numbers. Its what youll really pay, right down to the penny. Whether youre shopping or just looking. It only takes a few seconds, and it wont affect your credit score. Finally a totally different way to finance your ride. Only from carvana. 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These musicians are still performing, basically saying we are in our living room and you are in your living room and we will still continue to bring you this kind of music. One example of an Upcoming Event people might be interested in is Global Citizen and the World Health Organization. They Just Announced one world together at home. Its sort of like live aid and its goal is to celebrate all the Health Care Workers who have been so responsive and so brave throughout this pandemic. The proceeds are going to go to the u. N. Foundations covid19 Response Fund and you can look for it on saturday, april 18th. Its an alist lineup curated by lady gaga. Paul mccartney, stevie wonder, lizzo and there will be special star appearances as well. It sort of gives you a sense of whats happening. There have been so many of these together at home themed events happening and they are happening on television certainly, but they are happening on social media, too. On the traditional platforms like facebook and twitter but also new mrplatforms like twitc as well. It may take awhile after things go back to normal before people feel comfortable sitting elbow to elbow in a concertlike venue. This is something the industry is trying to adapt to, perhaps it lasts a little longer than expected. Neil . Neil well, its a good idea. Jackie, thank you very much. Jackie deangelis. All right. This is a shoutout to all you parents out there with your kids of all ages, taking their Classes Online. Do they have what they need to take those Classes Online . Laptops, ipads, those sorts of things are in relatively short supply. Greg prendergast to the rescue. He found a way of getting a lot of laptops to kids and pretty fast. Good to have you. Explain. Yes, thanks neal. We planned extra inventory getting out in front of the chinese knew year, no idea the pandemic was lurking behind that we entered the year with a lot of inventory. It allowed us to deliver Record Number of devices to schools across north america the past month or so our basically business doubled yearoveryear. Were looking at schools future proofing, getting ahead of it. We think demand will stay strong through summer and fall next year. Neil i suspect even after this whole thing lifted, there will be a lot of Online Activity going on at home. I dont know across the board for schools, but more than we have had. Im curious, are the laptops that you have put in kids hands are they chrome books, how would you describe them . In our case i would describe chrome books. We shipped literally hundreds of thousands of units in march. Windows devices are in demand along with monitors. Larger School Districts like boston, contacted us last thursday, needed product on monday, 20,000 units. We delivered 60,000 to a district in las vegas, nevada. A lot of big demand coming in with shortwaves in tight time frames. I think this will continue, most of our customers, deal with thousands of School Districts havent thought through how they will procure product in the fall time frame. I think demand will continue up there the summer. Neil when you talk about the fall time frame, are a lot of your customers looking toward even then that far out, make on the safe signs they should have plans and supply in place . We kind of look at the Education Market now that theyre all going to move to oneonone environment. Meaning if there is 200,000 kids, they will have 200,000 student devices. Hopefully acer devices but have devices ready. When the districts fire back up sometime, july, august, september, normally they deliver all the product in summertime so the kids are ready when they start school. I think this year will be a little bit of a late wave. Well see demand in october, november, as school years get pushed back. Were also seeing demand neil what about businesses beyond schools . Anything beyond that, beyond schools, Small Businesses and the like . Yes, huge demand for work at home. Acer is good example, online 600 people are working from home. Were seeing a lot of demand for monitors. Windows notebooks, chrome books. Were seeing a lot of people buy gaming notebooks. People have more free time. Our gaming notebooks sales are through the roof right now. Neil i would not be at all surprised by that. Thank you, very, very much. This is a good update. A reminder this might not be a passing fad. Thank you again. Corner of wall and broad, the dow up 477 points. The latest seems to be goosing this market or could, the fact that the administration is asking for 250 billion more bucks to support the Paycheck Protection Program. They already set aside for that. They want quicker, more immediate bang for the buck would be more immediate. We dont know anything more beyond that, outside of the fact that the administration will outline a lot of plans, small and Business Leaders in white house in hour 1 2. More money on the way. Dont get me started on maybe a fourth stimulus. Now to Charles Payne. Charles. Charles thank you very much, neil. Good afternoon, everyone. Im Charles Payne. This is making money. Right at this moment, we have another rally on hands. Has experts frowning. Individuals breathing a sigh of relief. Dow 25,000 is back in your sights. The question, is it too much too soon . We have allstar panel all throughout the hour. As the death toll in the United States tops 11,000, well have latest hunt for a treatment, the company of a ceo who says theyre seeing signs of progress. Are you ready for some baseball . Well tell you how Major League Baseball is planning

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