all times. we are getting a read from susan we who's following it. >> we just came out of the committee hearing on coronavirus and return to maintain and control the spread of it, we also spoke to doctor anthony who said he wouldn't be surprised there might be more additional cases. listen. >> as long as you have a high traffic from china, he will see cases. the chinese response adequately appropriate. putting them in isolation. the cdc is doing contact traces. getting a case in chicago, i wouldn't be surprised if we have additional cases. >> she says it's a risk to the public, it's still very low in his view and it's not a pandemic. he wants to caution the public to not call it that yet. there's two confirmed cases in the u.s. right now. sixty-three other individuals across 22 cases on top of the 800 cases confirmed in china, death toll at 26. the uk thankfully said all 14 cases have been tested and it's not in their field. it's come back negative for coronavirus. twelve of the chinese cities, 35 million chinese citizens are now being quarantined, literally within their own borders. we heard from josh hawley, he's a senator, possibly travel restrictions in those cities. the deadly coronavirus spreads right now around the world, he said the britton secretary of state wants to make travel restrictions for areas, it may be necessary. if they are, when american travels will be notified. here in the u.s., we have checkpoints at the five airports, lax, jfk, others are, chicago and san francisco. they are all being funneled right now and the other 12 affected areas are coming through those five specific airports. make sure people are monitored and checked further temperatures. >> we've been telling you in trying to get this running count, at least 830 cases, others reporting 900 cases. fast-moving, a lot of smart doctors have been telling me that a lot of it has been getting conversation that this is mimicking the virus. many are sure that it's at least at 900. sorry for that apparent confusion. they're talking about mortality rate that has some concerns it could get to the sars level back in 2002, 2003. we are nowhere near that. we've been noticing our own departments have been issued a level four warning on travel. this does not negate travel across the globe. it pinpoints to this area. that includes cities like go by and a host of others out of abundance of caution, not as a worldwide travel freeze. there are probably a lot of things that average folks want to consider when flying or traveling, what to do. how easy is it to contract? what is your sense early on about how sabia this is? it's freaking out a lot of people because it keeps growing, the numbers started so small. >> in the last 24 hours, six marked as an 200 more reported cases. this is getting scary for people to year. but the risk for the american public is still considered low. this is an emergency in china and that's why they are taking all these actions. 35 million people stopping transportation for them and making them wear masks. >> infected cities cannot leave or come in? >> correct. >> pretty -- >> it is. this is what they need to do to quarantine. i know we just got our second confirmed case in chicago, we have to understand this is still considered a very low risk for american public. i look at it as a testament to well are public system is. a gentleman in washington and chicago in the identified they had the coronavirus and got tested. all contacts are being contacted to make sure this is not spreading. again, that's a testament to the american healthcare. >> let me ask you about the innovation. five to six days, it could be as much as two weeks. so that could mean people flying in from this region don't exhibit any signs or symptoms, nor temperature or nothing to telegraph they might be carrying this. what you do? >> that is right. we don't know about the incubation period. that's why communication is key. this is a novel virus. we think mbyte be but we don't know. we need to test to see how long to test people. >> what you do if you're careful? i know they say wash your hands, wash her hands. >> these are representing mass infections. you cannot underestimate, you always wash your hands before you eat before you touch your eyes or nose or mouth. again, not just for the coronavirus but also the flu that killed over 80000 people the year before. >> this is airborne? >> at first it went through animals and now humans. they thought i was sharing utensils or kissing, but not by me be suspecting it may be in the air. if you cough, sneeze, we don't know how long it hangs out in the air. >> sars was what? >> that had a 30% mortality rate. this has a 2% mortality rate. it's affecting people who have, who are frail, other illnesses such as heart disease or cancer so they may not be as robust so it's almost equally as devastating as getting the flu for people in terms of mortality great. >> what about people taking trips to asia? >> the cdc put out nonessential travel should probably be avoided. you have the right to travel but if you do travel, common sense. stay away from sick people, always wash your hands, stay away from animals. that's in general. always do that. >> thank you very much. she's been in high demand. thank you for taking the time. oil prices, the notion that this is going to cut back on people who want to fly. that might be an over reaction but it is what it is. this is a fear of a pandemic crisis, we are nowhere near there but they say ask questions later. is this reaction justified? is not too surprising to me that we are seeing this reaction but it does raise questions about china from china just signed this tray to deal with us and now concerns about whether this is going to make good for them, to make good on that. it seems like people are freaking out. >> well, it's already a human tragedy so that's what the fear is, that it could spread. china is going to get hit more than hours. with this phase one trade deal, it's really an economic opportunity for the entire market regions to celebrate or kickstart an economic resurgence into 2020. how is a lot of the baseline forecast. markets were forced to have a good year for imagine travel, this will be surprised by a depression and travel, amusement parks, theme parks, hotels, airlines. even chopping falls could eventually have economic activity surprised. is the fear of this -- whether or not it's us serious as sars, it doesn't matter. it's people's behaviors change. that's why think the market concern and risk is no. >> i think you're right, just the fear of this is affecting the stocks. airlines, hotels, those with even limited exposure, so it's getting everyone caught up. obviously you have to get proof that they have escalated or it's gone up to even a sars level which is far from being at the time. what you do? >> if you're long-term, i think it's too early to bail out right now. a couple of thoughts are, he mentioned oil prices earlier, or concerns me more about oil stocks is that debt. the high-yield market is heavy into energy and one of the risks when we were looking at going into 2020 was potential weakness in the bottom market. with all the energy debt out there, somebody largely price dependent, this depression and travel is weakening oil prices and that could be a bigger risk if high-yield market falls or at least weakens. that's a big risk. if you are an optimist in this in your thinking this is going to pass the cdc and others will get their arm around it, this could create the crash and a lot of investors heavy in cash are looking for. we had a virtually uninterrupted market since the third quarter. if we have pulled back, the economics look to be intact and it looks to be contained. it might just be an entry. >> people who use this to take some profits. they might have a good excuse to self right now. not leave the market but just leave for a little while. >> i think in some cases, it's prudent to take money off the table. when we had this virtually uninterrupted run up, a lot of it in vigil investors, especially, were a little bit over them and they were looking i getting out. they were looking for cause, what they what the market drop? yet, this could be the catalyst that gets the greed of equation replaced by fear. the fear may overwhelm the greed at this time. you might see, especially a program trading, if we start seeing some of these triggers where the algorithms say it's now time to self, you could look at wholesale reductions given the market cap of these indexes, stockpicking will go out the door. you might see a momentum trade and that's what could create the opportunity. >> well put. a good setback. thank you very much. i appreciate it. >> this is sort of following the sars reaction got initially in the markets before it got to be a big deal. as it got to be a bigger deal, incidences started to rise, it dissipated as that dissipated. it does seem to be following that pattern. way too early to tell. i want to put a perspective there. he speaking at the rally in washington. they addressed that with megaphones and sound systems set up there. this is the first time the u.s. president has come in person since brophy weighed became the law of the land. i will bring you up-to-date on the angry dad over student loan debt plan. ♪ limu emu & doug and now for their service to the community, we present limu emu & doug with this key to the city. [ applause ] it's an honor to tell you that liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. and now we need to get back to work. [ applause and band playing ] only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ here's the thing about everyone's college education be paid for. a lot of people work hard to make sure they can pay for themselves. challenge senator warren, i did everything i could to make sure my own child was paid for. now you're giving the benefit to other people. here's the details and follow. >> elizabeth warren is not walking back her plan to make that disappear for 43 million americans, even though voters on the campaign trail are not thrilled that they aren't getting the money back for paying off their own debt. >> my daughter has been here on my money. you're going to pay for people who didn't pay any money? my buddy bought a car, went on a vacation, he may made more than i did. i worked hard for my daughter to go. we get screwed. >> it didn't make sense to people like that who paid for themselves. she's defending her plan. >> we build a future going forward by making it better. by that same logic, what would you have done, not started social security because we didn't start last week or last month for you? >> she doesn't live on acting congress for permission for $640 billion in college debt. she only needs the secretary of education to sign off on the plan to cancel up to $50000 for people who make less than $100,000 a year. there is a catch, she may not need congress to sign off on her disappearing debt plan deal that she does need them to sign on how to pay for it. she wants to pay for the strong wealth tax and she'll need congress to approve that. >> the one student's father, who cornered her. thank you very much. the taxpayers unit, the data did have a good. >> absolutely. i am the father of young children and i think about change and saving for my child's education. but should i bother? are we being suckers? if she's going to pass a deal enabling us to have free education, heck, i would rather put that money towards a trip to disney world or something. there are a lot of concerns that parents have. it doesn't sound all that fair. >> you also might start to wonder about who puts the bill. obviously not the people who are getting the loan forgiveness, it's the very people who try to sacrifice to make sure they wouldn't have to do that themselves. >> absolutely. blue-collar workers putting in extra trips like that gentleman said he did, working extra hard, making sacrifices in their day-to-day lives to have those resources and the people who act more irresponsibly will be rewarded for it, essentially. in the form of debt forgiveness. there are some problems here. i think elizabeth warren is so quick to go to the populace solution. free education for everybody, free healthcare but she doesn't look at the real world consequences and trade-off that means to be made. >> comparing back to social security we would have never gotten, because this is similar, i thought it was leap. >> absolutely. we are looking at a different scenario here. social security benefits with ownership principles like a 4o1k or retirement accounts, it's a pretty different situation. people are and have made sacrifices to save for retirement and education and so forth. we need to encourage more of the activity, not simply hand out colors as if we can make everything free. thanks to the federal government. i don't think the mathworks, i don't think there's fairness associated with that. it's just problematic across the board. >> you are on your own. i'm not going to try to pull on your strings. it's good seeing you. thank you very much. we have the stocks down 1168 points. it's a focus on this contagion in china and reports now that it's escalating a little bit on the side. the 26 confirmed dead and 900 cases we've been telling you about. this lockdown in china, this happened in dozen cities, more than 40 million individuals affected. never in human history have we seen a quarantine of that size. stay with us. you are watching coast-to-coast. get a no-fee personal loan up to $100k. doprevagen is the number oneild mempharmacist-recommendeding? 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[cheering] a very simple reason, to defend the right of every child born and unborn to fulfill their god-given potential. [cheering] for 47 years, america backgrou background, people have traveled from across the country to stand for life. today as president of the united states, i am guhle proud to stand with you. [cheering] i want to welcome tens of thousands, this is a tremendous turnout. tens of thousands of high school and college students who took time to be here at our nation's capital. to make you feel even better, there are tens of thousands of people outside that we passed on the way in. if anybody would like to give up their spot, we could work that out. we have a tremendous group of people outside. thousands and thousands wanting to get in. this is great success. [cheering] young people are the heart of the "march for life". it's your generation that's making america the profamily, pro- nation. [cheering] the movement is led by strong women, amazing faith leaders and brave students who carry on the legacy of pioneers before us who fought to raise the conscience of our nation and have all the rights of our citizens. you embrace mothers with care and compassion. you are powered by prayer and motivated by fear, unselfish love. you are grateful and we are so grateful, these are incredible people. to be joined by secretary elex lazar and callie on conway. thanks to senators, mike the end james who are here. thank you, follows. representatives steve scalise. [cheering] ralph abraham. [cheering] john joyce. and brad, thank you. [cheering] i have to say and i see it exactly, we have many are politicians in the audience but if you don't mind, i won't introduce them all. all of us here today understand every child is a precious and sacred gift from god. [cheering] together, we must protect, chairs and defend the sanctity of every human life. when we see the image of a baby in the womb, we glimpse, the majesty of god's creation. [cheering] when we hold a newborn in our arms, we know the endless love each child brings to a family, when we watch a child grow, we see the splendor that radiates from these human souls. one life changes the world for my family and i can tell you, i sent love and great, great love. from the first day in office, i've taken historic action to support america's families and protect the unborn. [cheering] my first week in office, i reinstated and expanded mexico city policy and reissued pro-life rule to govern the use of title ten taxpayer funding. [cheering] i notified congress that i would really tell any legislation that weakens pro-life policies or that encourages the destruction of human life. [cheering] at the united nations, i made clear that global bureaucrats have no business attacking the sovereignty of the nations that protect innocent life. [cheering] unborn children have never had a stronger defender in the white house. [cheering] the bible tells us each person is wonderfully made. [cheering] we've taken decisive action to protect religious liberty, so important, religious liberty has been under attack all over the world and frankly, very strongly attack in our nation. you see it better than anyone but we are stopping it and we are taking care of doctors, nurses, teachers and groups like the little sisters of the poor. [cheering] we are preserving faith-based adoption and to uphold our founding documents, we have confirmed 187 federal judges. [cheering] who applied the constitution as written, including two phenomenal supreme court justices. [cheering] meal course which and brett kavanaugh. [cheering] we are protecting pro-life students to college campuses. if universities want federal taxpayer dollars than they must uphold your first amendment right to speak your mind and if they don't, they pay a very big financial penalty, which they will not be willing to pay. sadly, the far left is actively working to erase our god-given rights, shotgun faith-based charities. fan religious believers from a religious grant and silence americans who believe in the sanctity of life. they are coming after me because i am fighting for you and we are fighting for those who have no voice and we will win because we know how to win. [cheering] we all know how to win. you've been waiting for a long time. you've been waiting for a long time. together, we are the voice for the voiceless, when it comes to abortion, democrats, you've seen what happened. democrats have embraced the most radical and extreme provisions taken and seen in this country for years and decades and you can even say for centuries. nearly every top democratic congress now supports taxpayer-funded abortion, all the way up until the moment of birth. [cheering] last year, in new york, they cheered with the passage of legislation that would allow a baby to be ripped from the mother womb right up until delivery. then we advocate of the democrat governor in the state of virginia, the commonwealth of virginia. [crowd booing] we love the commonwealth of virginia but what is going on in virginia? what is going on? the governor stated that he would execute a baby after birth. you remember that. senate democrats even blocked legislation that would give medical care to babies who survived attempted abortions. that's why i've called on congress, two of our great senators here, so many congressmen here. called upon them to defend the dignity of life and pass legislation prohibiting late-term abortion of children who can feel pain in their mother's womb. [cheering] this year, the "march for life" is celebrating the 100th anniversary of the 19th amendment, which forever enshrined women's rights to vote in the united states and given by the united states constitution. [cheering] such a big event. today, millions of extraordinary women across america are using the power of their votes to fight for the right and all of their rights as given in the declaration of the independence, the right to life. i. [cheering] the world of women here today, your devotion and leadership uplifts our entire nation. we thank you for that. the tens of thousands of americans gathered today, not only stand for life, it's really here that they stand for it so probably together. i want to thank everybody for that. you stand for life each and every day, you provide housing, education, jobs and medical care to the women you serve. you find loving families for children in need of a forever home. you host baby showers for expecting moms, you make it your life's mission to help spread god's grace. [cheering] to all of the moms here today, we celebrate you and we declare that mothers are heroes. [cheering] your strength, devotion and drive is what powers our nation and because of you, our country has been blessed with amazing souls who have changed the course of human history. we cannot know what our citizens yet unborn will achieve. the dreams they will imagine, the masterpieces they will create about the discoveries they will make. we know this, every life bring gloves into this world. every child brings joy to our family. every person is worth protecting. above all, we know every human soul is divine in every human life born and unborn, is made in the holy image of almighty god. [cheering] together, we will defend this truth all across our magnificent land. we will set free the dreams of our people. with determined help, we look forward to all the blessings that will come from the beauty, talent, purpose and grace of every american child. i want to thank you, this is a very special moment. it's so great to represent you. i love you all. [cheering] i say with true passion, thank you, god bless you and "god bless america". thank you all. [cheering] ♪ >> you've been witnessing history here, no matter your views on the movement. this is the first time a united states president since the passing of roe v. wade by the supreme court of the united states in 1973 as addressed right to life martyrs in person. other presidents from ronald reagan, certainly through bush presidencies would talk to them or communicate with them, the megaphones or sound systems but donald trump about the first in person, not only rally his base but those in the right to life movement to say i'm here for you, i stand by you. i will continue to pound this theme on behalf of you. all life is sacred. let's go to campus reform reporter. alayna, looking at this and wondering the president wanted to make this, he addressed these groups, right to life martyrs in the past but this is the first time in prison. many will say it's a political risk because he could have just as many men and women would like to be standoffish on this. he decided not to do that. what you think? >> this is an issue that president trump decided to make his issue, even on the 2016 campaign trail. i remember speaking with a ton of people from these pro-life groups including. [inaudible] a lot of these social conservative groups who originally weren't sure how sincere he was about being pro-life and anti- abortion but in the month since and years since, he's done a lot of, he's made a lot of action including their executive action to help further these pro-life stances and movements and a lot of these groups have said we believe this is something he cares about sincerely. he made this big issue during last year's they have a unit, continuing to do that now. he's gone full force i had with the pro-life stance regardless of whether he thinks it might hurt him or help him to be more moderate on this. >> we are not lost on this, this is occurring literally across the street of the united states capital, the impeachment here in the trial for continuous but that president is saying, letting them know what i'm doi doing, economic recovery. rally at base and for whom, this is a very important issue. what you make all of of all of it? >> like you said, it's a historic moment. not just his dark for the rest of us but it's also courageous for trump to take upon this issue of pro five. something we've been covering he made a reference to, how it affects students, how many students were out here at the smart today? from professors the president trump has said not only to young students but americans across the board, i am with you. i've got your back. it means a lot. >> i'm wondering, too, when we look at what happens next, the president, they didn't get into impeachment but it's essentially a waste of time. he wants to expedite that. we might see it expedited. what's your sense there? >> as of now, it's looking like there's a very high likelihood that there's a vote on whether to remove president trump from office next week. i've been on the hill every day covering impeachment and not only does the president's team want to expedite this as quickly as possible, they are looking at using only a portion of the 24 hours that they are given to defend him but also, there's a lot of ducking behind the scenes trying to make sure republicans stay in line, do not vote for witnesses or documents that could extend this further. >> i want to get quickly to the importance of the historic nature, a president to do what this one dead, to say what this one said, i get the fact going back to saint this to this phase, he seems to also be saying it's worth the risk to rally the religious rights. when it comes to media coverage, this thing will get a lot more. what you think he is signaling? >> you are right. in years past, they have not been covered to the degree that it would be covered if president trump was speaking at them like he did today but the signal he here, media does not cover the pro-life movement because they are not on board. just like they are not on board and democratic areas of establishment. president trump understands his power. he understands his role as president but also wherever he goes and speaks, there are cameras that will be there. he can essentially shed light on whatever issues he wants. that's what he did today. it's going to be important going into 2020. >> i want to thank you, when it comes to the media coverage, there are 324 hour news networ networks, you have to pick and choose what you cover here. the pro-choice movement, but you can cover pro-life movement as well. you have plenty of time to do both. after this. good morning! oh no, here comes the neighbor probably to brag about how amazing his xfinity customer service is. i'm mike, i'm so busy. good thing xfinity has two-hour appointment windows. they have night and weekend appointments too. he's here. bill? karolyn? nope! no, just a couple of rocks. download the my account app to manage your appointments making today's xfinity customer service simple, easy, awesome. i'll pass. it's our most dangerous addiction. and to get the whole world clean? that takes a lot more than an alternative. so we took our worst vice, and turned it into the dna for a better system. materials made from recycled plastic - woven and molded into all the things we consume. we created bionic and put the word out with godaddy. what will you change? make the world you want. nine days until the super bowl, which is kind of a big deal. not just for rings but pay off is in the line. doug, good to have you here. big payouts, big game and all this. particularly this year. >> absolutely. on a couple of different levels, the winning team will take $124,000. losers will take 62000. remember, both teams have played in the divisional and conference round which means the divisional round from $31000 check. last week, 56000. both teams are coming in having already earned $87000 in post season. the winters can leave with as much as to 11000 while the losing team can come away with 149. with those kinds of numbers, i would say they are all winners. this isn't just the postgame check. it is the ability for the players to set up the rest of their career and set up their families for the rest of the lives. seven years ago, the last time, he put up one of the most prolific seasons. zero interception, 1100 yards, they won the super bowl title, he won mvp and one month later in march, he signed a record 600 million dollar contract. that was the biggest in the time. there's really a lot at stake. both short and long-term. >> who's going to win? [laughter] >> my luck hasn't been too great this postseason. i'd say the real winner is the nfl because it's breaking all sorts of records. ticket prices to expected numbers, nfl is the real winner. >> when we talk about fox, they set a record for the average 32nd spot, just ten years ago, the last time they were in the miami, it was 3.1 billion for 32nd spot. we are seeing record ticket prices. $9000 this year, ten years ago, they were roughly 2300. that's almost 4x in the course of a decade. in 2008, the nfl, or 2009, they did 8 billion in revenue. 2019, almost doubled at 15 billion. 2010, 3.1 million. this year it's 5.6. it's scale. it's rising. >> you are an encyclopedia. thank you. speaking of charlie, you are onto the super bowl. >> no, i'm going to be enough box. i will be on the field for the kickoff. >> the administration doing what? >> i just began asking. something called phase one, learn that might be a phase two. what effect going to do? they said this, there's probably not going to be a phase two. maybe never. they are putting a lot of cold water out, given all the problems, that was a modest feel. we do a couple of things. >> that would be even harder with this. he. >> maybe but it seems like they are trying so in phase two, they were saying is going to be a much heavier lift. what we are hearing, they don't believe me. [laughter] >> even, they don't think, they are telling us it's not coming. in this election year so they said don't hold your breath. there's a lot of heavy lifting involved. if the market is trading off a phase two, it's way ahead of itself. it might not need to trade off phase two but i'm telling you, if you think and phase two will be signed, it's not. according to these folks. >> any update on the impeachment stuff? >> people i know who know him say he's unbridled because he knows he will be exonerated by the senate. nobody on "wall street" thinks he will lose the election. like nobody. >> is built into the market -- >> they are high-fiving each other given how crazy what's going on on the democratic side. you let that other guy talk longer than me. >> i like him more. this is football. >> people play. didn't care about the game, my old man. >> i hope you had fun there. we are monitoring closely this impeachment as they resume this for another hour. like foodies. like foodies. would you like to try our trashy back ribs? oh, that sounds great... everything is locally harvested, farm to dumpster to table. uhhh, what do you... what else do you got? (stammering) w-we have a melon rind stew. comes with a pork and bean reduction. yeah, we're going to just do a lap and we'll come back. okay. well, we'll be here. man! why isn't this working? my mouth is watering. i think that's just your rabies flaring up. with geico, the savings keep on going. just like this sequel. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. we got gristle pot pies! through the at&t network, edge-to-edge intelligence gives you the power to see every corner of your growing business. from using feedback to innovate... to introducing products faster... to managing website inventory... and network bandwidth. giving you a nice big edge over your competition. that's the power of edge-to-edge intelligence. neil: all right. the senate is about to reconvene, i guess this is day four of the impeachment trial. democratic managers from the house are going to make their final case for impeaching the president, an uphill battle. no minds clearly have been changed here. republicans get an opportunity to state their case and respond to democrats' case tomorrow but first, of course, the big story, the coronavirus fears that are now hitting the united states. the cdc confirming a second u.s. case in illinois, reports possibly of a third case. we just don't know for sure. the agency is deploying a team right now to chicago. russia's tourism watchdog is advising halting sales of packages to china and our own state department has said proceed with caution if you are looking to go to that neck of the woods. jonathan is following it all as well as anyone i know on the planet. he has the very latest. it's fast-moving, isn't it? reporter: it is indeed. as far as the second case of confirmed coronavirus in the u.s. goes, the patient is a woman in her 60s, a chicago resident, and she became ill after returning from a trip to wuhan, china. wuhan is, of course, the city where the outbreak initially began. doctors say the woman is in stable condition and doing well clinically. she remains in a chicago hospital primarily for infection control. the only other confirmed u.s. case is a man in his 30s who became ill after traveling to central china. he's under quarantine at a hospital outside seattle and is also said to be doing well. according to the cdc, there are 63 u.s. patients in 22 states under investigation for possible but still unconfirmed coronavirus infection. they include a texas a & m student who developed mild symptoms after returning from wuhan. he's voluntarily isolating himself at home, as texas health officials await test results from the cdc. >> contact tracing will begin and all contacts will be monitored for development of symptoms. reporter: the vast majority of cases remain in china, where health officials report 830 confirmed cases and 26 deaths. the chinese government has expanded full or partial travel lockdowns on at least ten cities in the province which includes wuhan. outside that region, several popular tourist sites have closed, including the forbidden city and shanghai disneyland. u.s. health officials believe the threat to the general public in the u.s. is relatively low but if you have traveled to central china within the past 14 days or have had contact with someone who has, and you start developing symptoms, they say it's important you contact your health provider and this part's important, call first so they can get infection control measures in place before you present yourself in person. neil: thank you very much, my friend. jonathan serrie trying to keep track of this. the cdc is seeking emergency authorization to allow states to go ahead and use their own diagnostic testing to curb the outbreak or at least get ahead of it. to our infectious disease expert. thank you for joining us. how do you think this is developing right now? are you concerned? worried this could be another sars thing? put it in perspective. >> i am worried about the events that are going on in china. i'm not so much worried about what will happen in the united states. i think we will be able to handle these cases, isolate them appropriately and get them the correct treatment and really minimize the impact on the united states. we have seen that, no secondary transmission has occurred in any of the other countries. what's going on in china is very concerning. we have really big questions that need to be answered about trans missability and severity. it doesn't appear like it right now but there are some worrying comparisons that can be made to sars. neil: go ahead and make the comparisons. we remember that back in 2002-2003, it too started off a little slowly, then escalated. you had 800 deaths and a lot of people saying it was going to go out of control. ultimately it got contained but not before scaring a lot of folks in the meantime. compare the two. >> well, they are both from the same viral family. they are both coronaviruses. they both came from china. they both likely have an animaloriginand they appeared in winter. there was a lot of uncertainty about the viruses when they first appeared. the difference is sars had infected about 8,000 people, multiple countries and there was a coverup on the part of the the chinese government at that time in 2003 so we were very late to the start with trying to contain the virus. in this case, the chinese government has put out information very quickly, they released the sequence of the virus and generally have been very transparent with other countries and getting people notified about this virus. medicine is much better in 2020 than it was in 2003 so we are much better at diagnosis, isolation and a lot of things in the wake of the outbreak of ebola in 2014. neil: doctor, thank you very much. i know you have requests for your time and expertise. we appreciate your sharing it with us. meantime, the state department is advising at least americans not to enter the china province. to south china morning post bureau chief, robert delaney. thank you for taking the time. if you can update me, because i'm not familiar with that neck of the woods as you are, certainly, we know of at least ten cities under this lockdown affecting upwards of 40 million people. when they say lockdown, do they mean you can't get in, you can't get out? how can you describe it? >> well, they mean that they are closing down airports, bus terminals, train stations and this has spread from wuhan to a number of neighboring cities, so the lockdown would be -- should be fairly tight. i don't think there's any evidence that they are managing to keep everyone from traveling in and out of the province, but it seems quite substantial, the measures they are taking on the ground. the government is taking it very seriously and what we are hearing, we are trying to confirm reports that it's no longer just 11 cities in the province that is locked down, it may be spreading to the entire province. so again, we are still looking into whether that's the case. neil: normally when you have a situation like that, 32 of china's 34 provinces reporting cases of one degree or another, that's a pretty big deal. by some measures, it's thought to be the largest quarantine ever and i'm wondering if the chinese are seeing or sensing something that other world officials are not. what do you think? >> well, i think the chinese government certainly do not want a repeat of 2003 -- sorry, 2002-2003 during the sars epidemic. the government took a big p.r. hit at that point because they tried to cover up a lot of the details of what was happening. so the way that they are reacting on the ground i think it's difficult to say at this point whether they know more than -- whether what they are finding out is more disconcerting than what we know at this point, or whether they are just acting as quickly as they can and robustly as they can to make sure that they don't have -- we don't see a repeat of what happened back in sars when it's generally understood that the response was not good enough and it caused the contagion to spread more widely than it otherwise would have. neil: you are also very good at following the market reaction. i'm sure you are familiar as well that a lot of people have been selling first, asking questions later, including with asian securities and anyone or any business sector that has anything to do with that neck of the woods. so if you are a casino or hotel stock, you have been feeling it, an airline stock, you have been feeling it. i'm wondering for china, who just scored this trade deal with the united states, if this is going to have an impact, that maybe their commitment to give this the time and attention to make good on the promises they made to buy more of what they committed to buy, that this could sort of monkey that up. >> i think it's too early to say whether or not the measures they are taking and the spread of the virus and the consequences will have any effect on the commitments they made in terms of buying u.s. products. the purchase of u.s. products are coming into the country through very different routes than the routes that passengers and we know at this point, passengers might be vectors for spreading the virus. i think as far as we can see at the moment, these are two separate situations. so i don't know that there will be much of an effect at this point to the trade deal. neil: so this knee-jerk reaction that you are seeing in the markets might just be overplayed. if that's true, i think history bears you out, that was the case with the sars situation, that was the original case with ebola which has nothing to do with china, but the knee-jerk reaction tends to be a little bit overdramatic. >> it could be, although certainly airline stocks, airlines might take a hit from this, because as we know, the travel ban might affect a lot of the airlines who service china. neil: robert delaney, south china morning post u.s. bureau chief, thank you very, very much. i appreciate it. >> thank you. neil: taking you back to washington, where the impeachment trial of the president of the united states continues, entering day four right now, republicans will get a chance at this tomorrow. by the way, we will be covering that live tomorrow at 10:00 a . a.m., with the live weekend show, as long as it takes. maybe not just the traditional two hours. we will be there every step of the way. we've got you covered. more after this. we made usaa insurance for members like martin. an air force veteran made of doing what's right, not what's easy. so when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. that's how you do it right. usaa insurance is made just the way martin's family needs it - with hassle-free claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. because doing right by our members, that's what's right. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. usaa tit's great actually, i've been listening to audible. it's audiobooks, news, meditations... gotta go! ♪ ♪ hey! you know, i do think it's weird you've started commuting when you work from home. i'll be in my office. download audible and start every day off right. can you help keep these iguys protected online?? 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i mean, the market selloff, what there is of it, is more to do with this virus in asia than anything political in washington, but sort it out. >> i also think if you look at the polling, more independents actually are against impeachment than they were before this started. my feeling has been all along that the democrats have done themselves a great disservice by moving ahead with impeachment the whole way. the president has accomplished some very substantial things, trade with canada, trade with mexico, china trade deal, wages last month hit an all-time high. he's doing things. the democrats are doing nothing and between the mueller report and reading the transcript of the ukraine phone call, i think this is all, most americans feel this is bogus. i think this is actually good for the president and i think it's bad for the democrats. neil: i wonder what the republican strategy, too, i'm going ahead and holding theirs on a weekend, earlier on a weekend, whether they are robbed of the time in dramatic fashion and a key ratings period, in their case, or do they just want it quick, out of the way, done and that's what matters? >> that's an interesting point. you could make the counter argument that people actually have time to sit there and watch over the weekend and pay close attention to it. neil: i like to point out we get very high ratings. >> the people who they want to hear it will tune in to neil's show. neil: that sets up the sunday show discussion as well. maybe they are going for that. i just do wonder whether republicans have already said we are not going to go 24 hours doing this, whether you think that's tactical or what? >> i think it's the right move because i think they just don't want to give it too much more credibility. they have already addressed it, already said that it's a hoax, it's the third time they are trying to impeach the president essentially so i think they want to focus more on the bigger picture, on what's going on not only here in the united states but also abroad, how things are going, what president trump's agenda has done for the american people, what it's done globally, and i think that's a positive move for them. i think focusing, going down the road of focusing on what adam schiff is saying or not saying would be a mistake. neil: i just wonder, to the earlier point, whether it's changing any minds. in other words, whether republicans are more open, i guess at the very least, to entertaining witnesses. that might be up for doubt. certainly not to impeaching him. isn't it kind of a foregone conclusion? >> yeah, i think for the public again, i think independents i think it's changed their minds in favor of trump. you have people on the far left and probably on the far right -- neil: it's not a substantial body of evidence. you're right, it's ticked a little more in that direction. >> my point is considering how long this has gone on, day in, day out. you know, attacking the president, attacking the president, attacking the president, the fact that it's actually ticked eig eed at all favor shows how little evidence, how little substance there is to anything the democrats have towards impeachment. neil: let me switch gears on the other side, talking about the democrats and these reports right now that some party higher-ups going all the way to former president barack obama are concerned that bernie sanders is surging. charlie gasparino has reported to the point that obama might be recruited or recruit himself to attack sanders. what do you think? >> yeah. like hillary clinton did. neil: that's right. >> which was great. hillary clinton said no one likes him, then trump said no one likes you. i don't know, it seems like what trump has said about the party, how they went after -- not only went after candidate trump in the last election but also went after candidate sanders, it appears as though it's playing out again. i don't know why, but apparently maybe they think he can't win. neil: maybe that's the concern. they are obviously upping the ante. this is not the first time i heard something. this is the first time i have heard they might recruit barack obama to make that statement. he early on in the process was warning about hey, let's not go too extreme here, paraphrasing, but now we might take it to the next level and say this guy would be a mistake. i don't think he would say it like that. >> i still think the concern right now among democrats is that it's an open question whether they can elect somebody who can win the primaries and also win over independents and more moderate americans. i think especially in the context of this impeachment show that we are seeing right now, this is being conducted as an entirely partisan exercise. there's not a great deal of effort to persuade to make a case to reach out to people whose minds aren't already firmly made up. neil: the point is just to bang up the president a little bit and remind people that even if you don't think what he did is impeachable, it should bother you. that's what they want to leave, sort of a stink. >> i mean, i think that's a question they haven't sufficiently addressed, why are we doing this when you have an election just around the corner. it is about reputation, it's about the decisions, it's about performance in office. neil: let the american people decide. >> doing this in such a partisan fashion hurts their cause. >> now that bloomberg is involved, you will have bernie and elizabeth warren going after bloomberg, the billionaire, who is kind of like, gives trump the playbook for how one of them, if they end up going against president trump, how they would attack him. i don't know if that helps the democratic side or actually hurts it. neil: way too early to see. these folks will be back with me later on. in the meantime, the fight against climate change, where are you on this? right now, there is such rampant confusion that could actually be going the president's way. after this. so what are you working on? >>i'm searching for info on options trading, and look, it feels like i'm just wasting time. wasted time is wasted opportunity. >>exactly. that's why td ameritrade designed a first-of-its-kind, personalized education center. see, you just >>oh, this is easy. yeah, and that's >>oh, just what i need. courses on options trading, webcasts, tutorials. yeah. their award-winning content is tailored to fit your investing goals and interests. and it learns with you, so as you become smarter, so do its recommendations. >>so it's like my streaming service. well exactly. well except now, you're binge learning. >>oh, i like that. thank you, i just came up with that. >>you're funny. learn fast with the td ameritrade education center. call 866-285-1934 or visit get started today, and for a limited time, get up to $800 when you open and fund an account. that's 866-285-1934, or ♪ neil: all right. we're about i think 15% through earnings season right now, about 7 out of 10 companies are beating estimates out there, but we've got some biggies coming up and that's going to get a lot of attention come next week. gerri willis to sort of preview that from the new york stock exchange. hey, gerri. gerri: that's right, so it's earnings-palooza next week, all the big companies coming out. let's take a look. more than a quarter of the s&p 500 companies reporting, half the dow members, it's going to be big, big, big. big cap consumer names and tech titans, apple, microsoft, facebook, amazon, tesla, coca-cola, mcdonald's coming out. i just want to say, all of those stocks are trading lower save apple right now in this coronavirus selloff that's taken the dow below 29,000. it's just back up above it now. big multi-national names also reporting next week, boeing, caterpillar, utx, 3m, exxon. the only one up here is 3m. right. so interesting how things are shaping up today and how it sets us up for next week. as you mention, expectations for this quarter were in the toilet. at one point analysts were forecasting year over year earnings down 2% but as you can see, with about 16% of those companies reporting, they are up 3.1% year over year. that's the actual. so you know how this is, neil. this is like a game, right. like the companies kind of guide this way and then analysts sort of set their expectations from that. so it's really a managed experience and typically the companies beat. that's what we are seeing right here. but it should be exciting next week. should be lots of action, especially given this current environment. back to you. neil: thank you very, very much. in the meantime, weather forecasts could become meaningless pretty soon except fox's weather forecast. anyway, a lot of scientists going head-to-head over whether this 5g interference with weather sensors. i have no idea what it means. fortunately, brett larson does. the guy knows his stuff inside and out. what is this about? >> so the problem here is the frequency of these 5g signals. they are very high frequency, in the 20 to 30 gigahertz range. we never used -- we used them for satellite services but we haven't used them here on the ground for communication services. the concern is that when the weather forecasters using their doppler weather radar is where they are seeing maybe an errant 5g signal, that might show up on their radar as looking like rain or snow since rain and snow and clouds all have these different frequencies that they apparently travel in. so their concern is when they are looking at this forecast, you know, when they look at what the satellites are telling them and they try and draw a model, that the data they are looking at might contain some artifact from these 5g signals. the solution here is going to be probably a mix of some human ingenuity and artificial intelligence because the artificial intelligence with the right data points will be able to say well, there are some 5g signals over here so that might actually be what it is. and we might just need some better weather radar forecasting equipment. neil: will this improve that? in other words, are we still at the mercy of weather casters who sometimes -- >> weather casters don't always get it right except for janice dean. she's right every single time. the m wouwoman is never wrong. noaa has been complaining about this for awhile. they expressed concerns about the 5g signals for quite some time, since discussions started about where they were going to be on the spectrum and that's really what it boils down to. where are the frequencies falling on the spectrum, how will that interfere with other things. i think the other aspect of this that we are not really looking at is our smartphones that we all have in our pocket, have a lot of sensors inside of them. they are going to be able to give weather forecasters even more information. you can actually start to crowdsource these bits of information where your phone is going to know the humidity, barometric pressure, knows the temperature surrounding you, so if you take off the little bits of information we may end up getting better forecasts with 5g because we will have the ability to transfer that data back and forth faster. neil: sort of like waiting for godot here. >> it's sort of like that. t-mobile has their 5g networks in the 600 megahertz frequency from the old tv spectrum they purchased. i still think we are two years away from -- neil: two years? wow. >> we still only have two to three smartphones that can access these 5g networks and apple is not in the game. they are usually last in the game. they want to make sure the technology works so that their customers have a good experience with it. we shall see. neil: thank you, my friend. you made sense of it. brett larson following all of that. meanwhile, the test that may turn things around for boeing. some surprisingly good news for the aerospace giant, from an unlikely source. after this. this is the age of expression. everyone has something to say. but in a world full of talking, shouldn't somebody be listening? so. let's talk. we are edward jones. with one financial advisor per office, we're built for hearing what's important to you. one to one. edward jones. it's time for investing to feel individual. this round's on hey, can you spot me? come on in. find your place today, with silversneakers. included in most medicare advantage plans. enroll today by calling the number on your screen or visit neil: all right. we know with the dow down 188 points, you might ask where is this money going. apparently into the safety of bonds. that's been a big theme this week. the ten-year treasury note dipped below 1.7%. the guy who follows this for us, our stocks editor, kevin brady, was reminding me we have not been down there -- charlie, i'm sorry, kevin brady. there's a lot of bradys running around. it's been tiring, folks, the impeachment, everything else, the virus. anyway, charlie brady is telling us, our stocks editor, this has not happened since november 1st which was all saints day. now it's not and we are back to this. meantime, combatting climate change with your cash. some california restaurants are implementing what they call an option, 1% surcharge to fund a restoration program. in other words, you will be asked at the restaurant do you want to go ahead and write off on that. depends on who you are out with, but you look cheap if all of a sudden you say no, i'm not going to pay for that. depends who you are with, obviously. we have jillian, mike and mike with us. jillian, if you think about it, there will be enormous pressure on folks to sign off on that or risk looking like a cultural luddite. what do you think? >> i find this really annoying. they have already done this with straws where you have to ask for it. it's like virtue signaling in reverse where you are the jerk if you ask for a straw even if you want one. neil: even if it's a paper one. >> yeah, and i think with this, you go at rush hour, you've got your poor waitress who already brought you your check. are you going to make her go take the 1% off? but it's our money -- neil: it's already built on the bill? >> that's my understanding. neil: i didn't know that. >> i have so many questions about this. in addition, where is the money going? what nonprofit is it? a nonprofit that's planting trees or a nonprofit involved in activism to raise my taxes in other ways? is it a shady nonprofit? there's just a lot i don't know about this. neil: or is it just going to the state. that's another thing. >> or do you pay the 1% because you don't want to look bad, but then leave less of a tip? neil: i can see you doing that. >> somebody somewhere is going to pay for this 1%. you know, restaurant workers, they rely a lot on tips. just like raising the minimum wage to a certain point, it comes back to hurt the workers. neil: what do you think? >> seems like california should take a page out of not new york, but texas or florida, where people are flocking to, see what they are doing with their tax situation and try to emulate that. this to me seems like -- if you want to tax people, tax people. eventually, no matter how much you want to save the environment, no matter how left you lean, you don't want it all coming out of your pocket. if you did, you know where you can send money elsewhere. this will backfire. neil: they are getting the write-off, not you. >> exactly. exactly. neil: meantime, let's say you do everything from home, you could be risking your mental health. turns out there's a study that says people who work out of the home after awhile, they get a little funky. they get lonely. what do you think of that? >> you know what, i buy into it. from personal experience, from time to time, like if the weather's really bad, i come from new jersey into the city. working from home from time to time throws my family's ecosystem out of whack. i'm relegated to down in the basement. i have to use that pc and i'm told to stay out of the way, everything runs fine without you. i like being back at work, as does my family, talking to co-workers and stuff like that. neil: a lot of people i know, you know, they are teleconferencing and all that stuff. is it that bad? so many more are doing it now. >> i guess it's how you structure your days. if you are sitting at home, in front of your television -- neil: i would be eating nonstop. i don't know how some people have the discipline to do it. >> it is nice to have a break to your day. i also know a lot of people who use the working room opportunity to visit family, to be productive and i think that's a positive. >> the survey sponsored by the commercial real estate association of america. they want people not to work at home. neil: that makes sense. >> there's a real plus to not having to commute, to not having to stop and speak around the coffee pot or around the water cooler, to just be home, and focus on it. for some people, it's great. some people, now that you have technology that enables you to work from home, being serious about this, people will work from home more than they ever have in the past. a lot of people will still go to work. neil: my brother is very disciplined at it. god bless him. me, i would just be on snack high. anyway, new research suggests the average household wastes about 30% of the food that it buys. that's about $240 billion in wasted food nationally. that doesn't surprise me one bit. >> no. no. [ speaking simultaneously ] neil: what do you think? >> it's a crazy number. you know, i think the free market can move to solve this problem. i think they will eventually come up with a way to get more of what is now being wasted. my brother-in-law actually works for a company that takes food from restaurants and places like that and distributes it -- neil: right, right. quite a few of those throughout the region. >> hopefully we are moving in the right direction. unfortunately, there is still a lot of hungry people. if there's food being wasted, this could be a great opportunity to get that food to them. neil: america is a unique food waster here. >> now not only do you have the food waste, but it's because of technology, you can order food in so your food comes in a nice big package and then you can throw out half your food and the package as well, so forget about the straws. the packaging for all this is also adding to the waste problem in this country. neil: encourages you to waste. >> technology will figure this out. neil: we shall see. meantime, the dow is in and out of session lows right now. interest rates are coming down as well. so that's where a lot of the flight to quality we have been hearing about. for awhile it was going into oil. of course that's been dissipating and falling off on this whole virus situation, going on in china. the notion being it's going to cut down on travel, going to cut down on oil demand and it is going to cut down on economic recovery. they are overdoing this, a lot of analysts are telling me, but they are doing it. selling first, asking questions later. just not right now. at fidelity, online u.s. stocks and etfs are commission-free. and when you open a new brokerage account, your cash is automatically invested at a great rate. that's why fidelity leads the industry in value while our competition continues to talk. ♪ talk, talk while our competition continues to talk. managing lipids like very high tryou diet. exercise. 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right now. jillian, looking at that, you could argue well, he's got the money to burn. the president has raised a good deal of money himself so he's got the money to burn. but this could be a nuclear financial war here. >> it's going to be entertaining to watch for sure. i'm actually more excited about this than the super bowl itself. neil: where is that bloomberg ad. >> i do think it's an indication of how open this democratic primary race is right now, that you've got somebody who is not even going to be in iowa showing up and trying to disrupt the race in this way. i've got to laugh when democrats still complain about big money in politics. i think that's a nice little thing to jab at them. neil: not too many are going after bloomberg. maybe they feel it will benefit us anyway, but he could also benefit himself. he's hoping, i guess, to arrive at the convention, you know, where someone doesn't win on the first ballot, then maybe all that money is well spent and he could position himself. >> you wonder, will bloomberg always use this money or his ad spend to attack trump, will he use it to try to beat a bernie sanders or elizabeth warren? neil: so far it's been the big picture stuff, him and trump. >> but you wonder, so he has the money to burn and he's earned it so he can do whatever he wants with it. what is his main agenda? is it for him to get into the white house or is it for president trump to be defeated? we'll see. >> what bothers me about it is the reason why it seems like it's a waste of spending for mike bloomberg, instead of running on his accomplishments like having made new york safer and stop and frisk and how that helped and his success with his corporation and building that up and what a great entrepreneur he is, he's apologizing for his stop-and-frisk policy, apologizing for having made new york city safer, and he's like the other democrats, you know, now he seems to be attacking wealth and attacking income inequality, whatever that is. so he's gone from being what i thought his appeal would be which is kind of a centrist into way over on the left. so to me, that almost seems like a big waste for him. neil: the impeachment thing obviously for all these democrats candidates, they think ultimately it's going to be decided on pocketbook issues. even they admit the impeachment thing is going nowhere. >> i think most people in the country are also looking past it because they see it as going nowhere. we played this last year with the mueller investigation. i don't think it's anything new. and people feel good, people have more money in their pocket, people are getting, you are seeing wage increases, the entire country we are seeing whether it's white, black, hispanic, job rates are at lowest -- jobless rates at lowest levels we have seen in a long time. people, aside from the headlines, feel good when there's more money in their pocket. neil: real quick, what did you guys make of the president addressing right-to-lifers in washington? >> not surprised. bold move, but you know what, of the major things he said he was going to do, he has tried or done almost all thechl. this was another path he said he was going to take. he was going to push for pro-life and he has. neil: what do you think? >> i think this is about the evangelical vote. this is a constituency that's been behind him lately. we have seen some dissent in the ranks so i think he's trying to shore up that support. neil: what do you think? >> i don't agree with every position he takes. i think this from a political standpoint, it's good, he's speaking to his base and doing it at a time when he's being attacked with impeachment so he's trying to gather his base -- neil: he does the same in davos. might be a strategy. thank you very, very much, guys. meantime, ralph nader says tesla could lead to the end of the bull market. we wanted to get an idea what he meant by that so we phoned him. he's coming on next. by the strolle♪s ♪ i want to go, go, go 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[ applause ] it's an honor to tell you that liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. and now we need to get back to work. [ applause and band playing ] only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ neil: all right. there's a big test going for boeing right now. the jet maker is testing the biggest twin engine passenger plane ever built today after a turbulent week for the plane maker. dan springer following all of this very closely, joins us right now. dan? >> yeah, neil, boeing and all the reporters covering this test flight today for the 777x just can't seem to catch a break. this test flight was actually supposed to happen yesterday, but the weather was too bad for it so they rescheduled it for today. now we are getting hammered with wind and rain. so we had the 777x just go past us here, a row of cameras from all over the world here watching this inaugural flight, this test flight of this massive jumbo jet, and it just is now parked at the end of the runway and it's waiting for the winds to die down a little bit. but you mentioned the week boeing has had. if ever a company has needed to have a good story, a positive story, it's boeing, with the year that it's had, the week that it's had, ending production of the 737 max and announcing it will not have that plane probably recertified and back in the air until sometime in the middle of 2020. so they were really hoping for a very good test flight today for this 777x, and it's just being delayed right now as they wait for the winds to die down and the rain to die down a little bit, too. this is january in the seattle area, so i guess get used to it. but this test flight actually was delayed for about six months because they had a problem with the ge engine which, by the way, is the largest plane engine in the world. they had a problem with that months ago and also a stress test exposed some problems, so this was supposed to happen in the middle of 2019. it was delayed, it's supposed to happen today, we are still waiting for it. but important for boeing to get this thing right and get this plane certified sometime next year so they can get the -- compete with the airbus 350-1000. this will be a very important plane for boeing. they say it will be the most efficient jumbo jet out there, the twin engine, twin aisle widebody plane. about 10% less fuel per passenger used for this plane. this will be the big cross-country international flight. this plane we are about to watch take off if the weather will cooperate, will seat about 400 passengers. it's a massive plane. it's actually wider than the airbus 350-1000 so they say they can create a better comfortable cabin for the customers. again, we are waiting for it to take off. we should be able to see it when it will take off but right now, i will send it back to you as we get hammered by the rain in the puget sound. neil: what a soldier you are. thank you very much. we are also following tesla shares, unsafe at any speed. apparently for the former green party presidential candidate ralph nader, has a warning for the automaker. he joins us on the phone now. very good to have you. happy new year. >> same to you, neil. neil: you have concerns about this. why? >> i'm concerned with the overall stock market bubble. it's getting out of hand and the peak of the bubble, it seems to me a company like tesla. neil: why? >> i'm not talking about tesla's products. they broke the technological stagnation of the auto industry, they proved to gm, ford, all these wrong, they exposed the propaganda of r & d by these companies going nowhere. they are into efficient electric cars, they are into solar energy. but i'm not talking about the product. i'm talking about the wild speculation in the price which, you know, is now -- has a valuation, hold on to your seat, neil, has a valuation greater than that of general motors, fiat chrysler and porsche combined, and a valuation greater, by the way, than volkswagen which sells over ten million cars compared to the slightly less than 400,000 cars that tesla has sold in the same time period. neil: to counter that bearish argument, its future, the prospects for electric cars in general, are far more promising than the future of those other auto makers, you mentioned on the fact they are stuck in reverse, so to speak, and that this is justified. what do you say to that? >> well, obviously a healthy valuation is just fine, but this is in the stratosphere. it really hasn't had any competition for its ev and the competition is coming. neil: there is a lot of competition, right. all the auto makers have, you know, electric divisions. volvo, for example, is going to go all electric within the next couple years so it's out there in the market. you could be right but the market for the time being seems to be saying you are the market leader, you are the guys with the most style and panache, you guys are the ones we think will lead this charge. you don't buy that? >> it's all a matter of scale, neil. there's no price to earnings ratio here. it's in the stratosphere. it's around 570, tripled in less than a year and that is not reflecting the earnings and sales which are increasing. neil: -- that applies to the overall market, that's a little too giddy, is that right? >> far too giddy. it reflects the giddiness of many companies in the stock market. apple is an established profitable company but 27 times earnings? give me a break. you know, there's a lot of speculation going and when you see that more individual investors are rushing in, that's just one step from hearing cab drivers saying i got a stock tip for you. neil: all right, but donald trump keeps talking about these markets as a nice backdrop, a reflection on him, his tax policies, confidence in his overall direction. what do you say to that? >> well, the tax impact on profits is wearing out, everybody knows, you know? they are going to have to prove, these companies that are making so much money are going to have to prove that they have to invest in productive outlets, because investment is declining at the same time that the stock market is soaring, and stock buy-backs are booming which don't create a single job, and increase the metrics for executive compensation. that kind of disconnect raises serious warning signals for all the pension funds and mutual funds. that's my main worry, neil. all those pension funds and mutual funds of millions of americans, trillions of dollars invested, in a bubble stock market. somebody has to utter a note of caution. neil: a lot of them are enjoying this runup but you seem to think it's going to be short-lived. we will see what happens. thank you very, very much. good talking to you. >> the china epidemic is not helping, either. neil: no, it is not. all right. ralph, thank you very, very much. mike murphy, you heard what he said. what do you think? >> i think tesla may be overvalued, if you are long the stock, if you have owned tesla and it was 255 back in october, it's almost 600 now, good for you. if you owned it. i don't think tesla is going back to 255. if it were to be cut in half, would have any impact on the overall stock market. to say apple at 27 is expensive, i will agree. should it be 20, should it be 25 times earnings, should it be 15 times earnings, not sure. i own apple. i'm not selling it. i think it's doing a phenomenal job. i will stay holding it. the market as a whole is priced for a lot of positive things to come out. if they don't come out, we could have a correction. neil: it wouldn't take much. that's his argument. you buy that? >> yes. watch the dollar. if the u.s. dollar remains strong and stable, that bodes well for the stock market. we are actually being helped in this country right now by negative interest rates abroad. negative interest rates destroy capital. powell, the fed chairman, made a very positive statement not too long ago where he said he would not use negative interest rates in this country. that's a very bullish statement for the stock market. neil: the giddiness ralph nader alluded to, what do you think of that? he's not the first one to say it. he's one of the more prominent names to say it. what do you think? >> we have more certainty now in trade direction. deregulation doesn't get enough credit in this market and it's a vote of optimism that these companies are going to be able to do what they do best, and to be able to function without government suppressing them. i think that's a really significant point. how long it can sustain it, who knows. >> this is an interesting situation seen today. i'm not a ralph nader contributed to this, but we were down 120 points and doubled those losses on the dow. a lot of this has to be the china virus thing but it is escalating. sometimes i think the market will look for an excuse to sell but could there be something more afoot we are missing? >> i don't think so. but we do need some sort of pullback, whether that's 3% or 5%. that's healthy for a market. that comes in markets but for people watching at home, if you have a 401(k) plan or retirement plan that you gained 30% on last year, do you sell that now? and wait for what type of pullback? it depends on your time horizon but you have to know when to sell, assuming you cannot pick the top, you need to know when to sell, when the pullback is coming, when to get back in, when to sell again. neil: i'm very good at getting into something, never getting out. it's no wisdom. >> historically speaking, that's why you are neil cavuto. neil: but a lot of people look at it and i say yeah, you could be smart to pull out at this point, i get that, there's a lot to that, but yeah, you could argue this but i always remind people of keeping a chart of the dow over the last century in my office, you know, when you are looking from afar, it goes up. now, when you get closer, you see the jagged things, to mike's point, crises, assassinations, scandals, terrorist attacks, but over the course of time, it's your friend. now, he seems to be saying this is coming up for a big hit. >> if you look at how aggressively the democrats meddle in just about any of the important markets right now, it's something that could have a negative -- neil: how would wall street respond if it looked more likely the democrat would get elected? is that playing into this? because these guys, it's all about money to them. no offense to you. >> we will see that reflected a little closer to the election, at least until we know who the democratic candidate is going to be. but i do think that it's worth taking into consideration that if you want the markets to continue performing, if you want the economy to continue performing how it's been performing, you don't want someone coming in with a plan to completely remake health care, to completely remake the energy economy. these are pretty sweeping policies and i think -- neil: the u.s. is always that bastion, right? >> if you look at polls right now, president trump is trailing if you believe the polls, so if wall street believes those polls, assuming they are correct, you would think that they are already factoring in someone else coming in and we are at all-time highs in the market. neil: unless they don't believe those polls. >> they are fox polls. they have to believe them. neil: wait a minute, yeah, that's the ticket. all right, guys, thank you all very, very much. just take a look at what's going on here. we have escalated on the selling side here. a lot of this again as new developments of the second, potentially third person who might have this virus from china. that would include now at least 12 countries that have been caught up in this, better than 40 million in china quarantined. never in human history have we seen anything like that. that could explain this. to charles payne. hey, charles. >> chicago, a second case, that's confirmed in the united states, we are going to have a live update on all of that very shortly. also big earnings from big companies mitigating the down side. there's the latest negative speculation on the boeing 737. but we are all over these markets for you. he may be on trial in the senate, but i will tell you why a sentence from president trump is the winner of the week and words that we all should live by. all that and so much more on "making money". stocks reversing coursear

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