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The individual mandate is gone the most unpopular part of obama. It was just upheld. So i said in my letter to pelosi, by proceeding with their invalid impeachment, you are violating their oath of office. Youre breaking your allegiance to the constitution. You are declaring open war on american democracy. You dared to invoke the Founding Fathers in pursuit of this election nullification scheme. Yet your spiteful actions display unfettered contempt for americas founding, and your egregious conduct, its so true, it threatens to destroy what our founders pledged, and in fact their very lives to build. You are the one interfering in americas elections, you are the one who are dirtying americans democracy. We did nothing wrong. Nothing whatsoever. This is just an excuse. [cheering] you are the ones obstructing justice. You are the ones bringing painandsuffering to our republic. For your own selfish personal political and partisan pain. Youre bringing pain, the work we could be doing a lowering drug prices, or getting rid of these horrible horrible situations on the border. As the woman okay . Shes okay . Okay thank you very much. Thank you. [applause] i mean some of these people have been waiting here for three days. Thank you. Come back. Come back. Thank you. Merry christmas. But what they have done, with this perversion, it is perversion. And when you watch some of these people get up and speak today, they dont even you have violated the constitution. What is he done wrong . What we dont know that. They dont even have a crime. This is the first impeachment where there is no crime. I said please tell me what i did. What we dont know, you violated the constitution. You have turleys smart give Alan Dershowitz coming of all of them, there is no crime. There is no crime. There is no crime. Im the first person to ever get impeached and there is no crime. I feel guilty, you know what they call it impeachment like. Its impeachment like. Thats why you know with Richard Nixon, i just see it as a very dark era. Very dark, yawning like to think about it. I dont about you, but im having a good time. Its crazy. [cheering] but i also know we have a great group of people behind us and the Republican Party. We really do. Maybe i wouldnt feel the same way, but we have a great group of people behind us. We had it in the house and we have it in the senate and they are doing a great job. So im not worried. Im not worried. So its always good when you dont do anything wrong, and you get impeached, that may be a record that would last forever. But you do know what they have done . They have cheapened the impeachment process. And now, now, anybody who becomes in this position and its a sacred position and anybody that becomes president , i mean they could have a phone call and they get impeached. So if the republicans have a democrat is president and they dont like the guy for whatever the reason of the woman. They impeach the person. Its cheapened it. Its exactly what our Founding Fathers did not want. And they said it could happen. And it has happened. But i know one thing, americans will show up by the tens of millions next year to vote policy the hell out of office. [applause] [cheering] but its so disappointing, i see a woman shes a long time nothing much. Shes a congresswoman from manhattan side. I was with her her first race i helped her. She was always so nice. Zero thank you thank you, i made lots of contributions over the air. In new york can be like none other. So what happens, i make lots of contributions, years and years and years. I go and run, the first person i see maloney i raise my hand to impeached parade will then give me that back the damn money ive been paying it. Let her pay me back all the money. Let her me back all of the money. They have this deal, dingell from michigan. [booing] you ever heard of dingle michigan . Debbie dingell thats a real beauty. So she calls me up like eight months ago, her husband was there for a long. But i didnt give them the senior the d, and i couldve. I gave the a treatment. Take down the flags, larry taken down . The next congressman dingell. Okay do this, do this, do that, do that, the rotunda everything. I gave them everything. I dont warning thing for, and i dont it. She calls me up, and says its the nicest thing thats ever happens, thank you so much. John would be so thrilled. Hes looking down, hed be so thrilled. Thank you so much sir. I said thats okay, dont worry about it. Maybe hes looking up i dont know . [laughter] maybe . Maybe . [applause] but lets assume hes looking down. But i gave him eight months, not a not b i gave them the a . And she called me and i wont go into the conversation, because is not fair to do that. Probably want to say is lets put it this way. It was the most profuse thank you that you could ever get on a scale from zero to ten is a ten. So okay that was one, not for yourself today. Now they talk about this phony impeachment. And shes out there while we have to look seriously at our president. Because he may have violated the constitution of the nine states. [booing] and i cant be happy with that because i love this i love that, she loves every thing. And i said shes a no. Okay. No but i look at her and she is so sincere in what happens . I vote to impeach trump. And you know what, i didnt say who the hell even knew this is gonna come up. I went up through the whole mueller hoax. I went to the whole report, i was totally exonerated, they didnt even bring it up at the impeachment because i was totally exonerated. If they have one little colonel one Little Corner of a sentence, look what they did with one word. Look at this, remember this, what did i do . What did i do . It is us. But they dont say it that way. They say i read it totally different. You know chef and his band of thieves. I say basically its very simple. It was a favor. Our country, to us, not me, our country. And then what do i say . I say United States attorney general, the attorney general of the United States to speak to you would be great. Because its known from major corruption. In fact the new leader of ukraine got in on aikins platform where he looks for all of the problems of dishonesty and everything. All that was going on in ukraine. He looked for, thats how we got into office. He got into office that way. So we take it and they repeated a thousand times. And they never say anything and i go out and the republicans have it and so we correct them. I use the word us for the United States, our country. And then i think it actually says, country. But they dont say that. They say do me a favor. How many hot times have you heard it . Where they say in the speech and then the person said do me a favor. Well, thats not what i said. I said do us a favor, our country. And then i said the attorney general of the United States i didnt say my campaign manager. I said the attorney general, and these people want to impeach the president of the United States for that . [booing] and then what happens . So then the president of ukraine, who is a quality person, said there was no pressure exerted whatsoever. That was a killer for the democrats, right . Finis foreign minister said the same thing. He said there was no pressure exerted whatsoever. There was no pressure. Thats a killer. So now to deceive the democrats did a couple days ago . They tried to say that hes not a strong person. That he was weak. They use the word week. That he was a week under the power of trump. Do you know how insulting that is . Anybody that becomes president of a country, and thats a big country in a tough country. Youve got to be tough. He is tough. So what theyre saying now as he was a week because the wording is just that way. These are really dishonest people. And if the press was fair, this thing never wouldve happened. [applause] so the House Democrats are surrendering their majority, their dignity, their reputations. They look like a bunch of fools. And i will tell you, we have a lot of new stars in the Republican Party and i could read off a list of 20 names. But they are giving up their honor, they will receive a big backlash at the box office. When you take a look, that ballot box, that ballot box on november 3 i think we are going to have crowds like weve never had. And i will tell you something, it was always over the republicans, you know in 2018, i didnt run. They also said we picked up two seats in the senate but these guys ever talk about it. We just approved 171 Supreme Court justices, federal court justices. 171 federal justices including courts of appeal, hundred and 71 will be up probably by the end. Itll be up to a hundred and 82 and for that i think president obama. He gave me 142 openings. [cheering] he gave me hundred 42, i said to him the people i got there i said the most important thing he could do as a president is justices. And Supreme Court. We have two great Supreme Court justices, right . Right to justices of the Supreme Court they are great men. And how about the pain that they put Justice Kavanaugh through. [booing] over a phony deal i hate to tell you. Over a phony deal. What a disgrace, what they put that man in that family through. Just remember it come november. Youve got to remember. Its a long time. In the life of trump, ten months is an attorney. Somebody said congratulations sir and i said dont say that. Just dont talk about it. Lets always pretend youre one point down. Like last time. Itll be close, nope its can be close. But what they put that man through his horrible. What they put his family through his horrible. And you know, those stories largely have been recanted and those that havent, i dont know what a Supreme Court judge, said but he should sue them. He should sue them. So, we want to take back the house, will hold the senate, and will keep the white house. You will have the greatest health care, you will continue with the greatest judges. You know we have judges, we just had a great story in the wall street journal. I have to be very truthful. Because if i am a little bit off, they call me a liar. They will say he gets the pinocchio, the stupid washington post. Pinocchio i mean even if you like saying things perfectly, theres nothing you can say for you dont get the pinocchio. So what happens is we have the wall street journal the other day. Got the best story. They say would you like him or not. The job is done on judges. Supreme court, justices, but the job is done on justices is amazing. They say its the most important thing. I dont agree its the most important, the defense the military and the most important. But once you are beyond the military, i think defense is the most important because without defense we would need judges so much. Its like somebody said well we violated the budget. I said do me a favor, dont worry about the budget. If we are attacked, and arent doing very well and someone says what lease we have a good budget, that doesnt work too well. Right . That doesnt work. So we have great military, we have great judges, we have great everything. Drug prices are down for the first time in 51 years. Drug prices are down. [cheering] and that was with no help from the democrats. If they help, because you need their votes. If they help, i could get those drug prices down 40 and 50 . Okay . But we just approved and are proving very soon for the governor of florida where he can buy, he has the right to go and buy from a foreign country where the prices for the identical drug, identical drugs are 50 less. And he is going to do that for the people of florida. And we are good and do that for your governors if they want to do that. Well get that down so far. Everyone in america can see straight through the washington democrats phony, dangerous charade. Shift makes up so many things, pelosi makes up so many things and she backs them up. I saw her on a Television Show and joyce stephanopoulos. Thats another beauty. He said even he said he was defending me. He made that but he lied on that, he made it up so he means nancy pelosi said no with the statement he made up. But its all going to end soon. And its going to come out to a beautiful, grates, victory for the Republican Party and for this nation. [cheering] [applause] four more years. Four more years. Four more years. Four more years. Four more years. Four more years. Four more years. Thank you very much. So, thats it. We have the greatest country. Weve turned around the ship. We need four more years, if we dont have it, if you want to drive them crazy, we had one group in pennsylvania, some guy started screaming 16 more years, 16 more years. [laughter] they went crazy. And you know what they dont understand . When i do get out, they are all gonna go out of business. They are more and making more money than theyve ever made it. The crazy new york times, one of the worst newspapers in the world. One of the most dishonest newspapers in the world, totally phono. [booing] they came out with a story that is a great headline for me. And the people that read it, the super radical left, they called in complaints and much that they change the headline and took it from positive to negative. Can you believe it . So they are among the most dishonest people. I will never forget, before i took that great escalator ride down with our first lady. Our first lady is so great. I said, first lady, youre so lucky lucky i took you on this journey. This wonderful beautiful journey, and it is. You know why its a wonderful beautiful journey . Look what we are accomplishing. What we are complementing is unbelievable and unprecedented what we are accomplishing. We are so lucky. So i tell my people, i have great people in the back. Say you folks are so lucky i took you on this, you could be home relaxing. But id rather be here, frankly than any place. These rallies are great. They are inspiring. You are inspiring. And you know its funny, we are not even into election season, its a long ways away. And were not even in it. And yet i think the enthusiasm right now is greater than it was even before the 2016 election. Does that make sense . [cheering] i think a lot of it has to do with the witchhunts, a lot of it has to do with the phony witchhunt because youre the smart people. You are the elites, they are not the elites, you are the elites. You did better than they did. , i know you hate it, to be called in elites. Really i went to better schools in any a view go to better schools. We are going talk about homes even though your homes are nicer. Well talk about jobs because each the jobs report . Do you see with the wages are going up . You know when i first started here, one of my first speech as people made more money, and that was four years ago so is 20 years before that. It was 2425 years ago. They made more money 24 years ago than they were making when i got elected president. And they worked one job versus two or three jobs. And now its going up beautifully. And we want that. The salaries, and you know the Number One Group of people that are going up is the bluecollar worker. [cheering] the percentages the best, the bluecollar worker. They have two and three jobs. The bluecollar workers going up the most. Anyway, so you know what else, the thing im happiest about. Africanamerican unemployment, the lowest in the history of our country. [cheering] africanamerican remember i used to say, you remember, you, are you the greatest . Everyone thanks, im telling you i have a group of africanamerican guys and gals by the way, that follow me around and they think i pay them and i dont. I love them, they love me. How many rows if you come to . A lot. They are great people, just great. Thank you. [cheering] i dont even know who the hell he is, but i like him. I see them at so many rallies i really appreciate it. You and your group. You are great people. Youre obviously doing well if you can travel around like that. Right . He knows. I appreciate it, i really do. Thank you. Thank you. But think of this, africanamerican unemployment is at the lowest it has ever been in the history of our country. Their poverty levels they had a horrible poverty levels in the negative sense, and other poverty levels are the best they have ever been in the history of our country. Same with hispanic americans. The best unemployment numbers and the employment numbers. And the same with asians. The best unemployment and women, im sorry the best and 71 years. I let the women down. But i think within another couple of months youll be historical periods only 71 years. The best in 71 years. But we are doing has been an incredible thing. Its an incredible thing. And what im on the debate stage with one of these characters, and they try to say negative stuff, and ill just say well heres the story. In the history of our country, this group is doing the best in that group is doing the best, and the women are doing the best, and everybodys doing, and frankly the whole countries doing the best. Okay . [cheering] [applause] so we have records on everything and yet they are trying to, and they really are they are accusing me really of doing what joe biden admitted what he did. How about this . They protect him. Did you see the crummy debates, those debates are so boring. They are dying in the ratings. They are dying. They are dying. Well its totally unsupported, whats unsupported, hes on tape saying hes holding back a billion dollars from ukraine unless you change the prosecutor. How about that question. I wont say who asked it because i actually used to like the guy. He was a nice data may but now i dont like him so much. But thats okay. But he says well is totally unsubstantiated. But what we beg your mercy that you would even bring up this question. But President Trump said you refuse to give a billiondollar taxpayer money to ukraine. Unless they get the prosecutor to stop looking at your son and your sons company. [booing] and sleepy joe gives the sleepy answer. And that sand of it. Thats it. And then whenever i bring it up, have you ever noticed they just say well these charges are totally unsubstantiated. Hes on tape. If that were me, its the electric chair. They would bring the electric chair back. Now the guys on tape, and they always say its unsubstantiated. It is not supported by facts. Boas at the other day they finally change their word its not supported by facts, notes supported by tape. No its unbelievable. In many ways i would like to have him and when eventually has to answer that question. She said he doesnt know where he is. Thats the other problem. Now ive been doing this for a long time. And i have much bigger crowds and anybodys ever had an issue. And ill say it again against the fake news. Because you know what theyre gonna say. Every stadium was packed . I give my people want instruction. Get the largest state and you can get. Thats why was little surprise. But in battle creek you dont have that. But i wanted to be here. Because one and to be here, first of all the crowd is incredible. [cheering] but let me tell you, you know why wanted to be here . [cheering] because we have a lot of choices. But he wanted to beer because this area supported me so overwhelmingly. [cheering] its pretty simple. Very simple. [cheering] pretty simple. I wanted to beer for that reason. And i just want to say thank you. Because i will tell you what, i know i didnt get out 100 , but we got a damn good percentage, right . [cheering] so its really thrilling to be here. But we are joined tonight by many terrific republican leaders. Your Michigan House speaker lee chatfield, worsley . [cheering] fully come up if you want, what the hell, with got nothing else to do. Lee come on up. Come up, get up here. Come on appellee. Republican Party Chairwoman mcdaniel is here and the bottom line on the end of her story, so when i want i said whos gonna head up the rnc. Ive gotta get that woman from michigan. And they all said you cant win michigan, now organ awaited by so much you better remember that. Every time a car plant opens please think about that. Come on up here, leave. Gop chairwoman lara cox. I hate to tell you, but all your congressman, you know where they are right now. Your congressman, all of your congresspeople, men, wonderful people they are in a place called congress right now. They are doing an unbelievable job of supporting me as president and supporting you. So they had a choice. Sir, should we leave . I said dont leave sarah you are. We need that vote. The chairman of the womans workers and workers for chum, and a proud union autoworker terry bowman who is been so terrific, thank you. [applause] come on up. And while democrats are obsessed with impeachment, were focused on jobs, jobs, jobs. This group, local leaders and all of you washington folks they are right where they have to be in washington tonight. Thank you. [applause] great job, thank you very much. Weve eliminated more job killing regulations than any administration in the history of our country. Whether its for years, or eight years, or in one case much more than eight years. In a period of two and a half years, we have eliminated more regulations than any other president by far. [applause] youre saving almost 3000 a year because of regulation cuts. Total income gains or median households will reach 10000 a family. [applause] i will give you come look quick numbers. So under president bush, for eight years, you say 450, meaning you chicken 450 bucks. Under president obama, you chicken 975. Under President Trump, including the Energy Savings and the regulation savings, and the tax cut savings. Its more than 10000 and less than three years. Thats pretty good ha . So for eight years think of 40450 and a 975. In an eight years 450 and in less than three years she had more than 10000. That goes right into your pockets. [applause] its one of the reasons our economy is doing so well. The consumer is doing better than theyve ever done. B5 what a great time for consumers to be doing well right before the holidays. Ladies and gentlemen this president has been speaking for just about an hour and a half and he also has just been impeached. Alright sing them them if you known, abuse of power and instruction of congress. But the president will get the last left here after months of hearing the house represented us tonight held two votes. One for each article of impeachment. Democrats run on both, this is the only the third time in American History the president has been impeached as you well know. The other two, andrew johnson, very unpopular. Bill clinton was very popular became unpopular moments ago House Speaker nancy pelosi had this to say. December 18 a great day for the constitution of the United States. A sad one for america that the president s reckless activities necessitated us, are having to introduce articles of impeachment. Kennedy osama needs a nap. Before the vote vote all both sides fought all day long. The founders were very concerned about a partisan impeachment where politics of the majority had their strength can do what they want to do, irregardless of any facts. All we keep hearing from the other side are attacks on the process and questions of our motives. We do not here because we cannot hear, because they cannot articulate a real defense of the president s actions. Kennedy at the exact same time as impeachment both the president , you just saw there holding his Campaign Rally in battle creek michigan, started the speech with a little commentary on the capitol hill action. Check it out. By the way, it doesnt really feel like were being impeached. [cheering] the country is doing better than ever before. We did nothing wrong, we did nothing wrong, and we have tremendous support and the Republican Party. Kennedy were in a cover all the bases here including what this impeachment means for the 2020 race. And for the president s legacy. But first for more on todays extraordinary events, lets bring in fox news senior capital producer live in d. C. Chad tell me everything. Well good evening we have a little bit of breaking news just in the past for five minutes here and this might be one of the more dramatic things we have seen all day long. The house of course impeached President Trump unto articles of impeachment. Obstruction of congress, abuse of power. But what weve learned in just the last five or ten minutes hear from House Speaker nancy policy is that a senate trial might not start anytime soon. Why . Because after impeaching the president there is a secondary or tertiary resolution that the house has to approve to send over to the senate. At a 1998 with president clinton that happened about tenants after the vote. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has said that she is going to hold the ball, shes in a hold on said that to those articles of impeachment and not send them to the senate, also not announced to the impatient managers are. These of the house manager to go across to the senate to prosecute the case before the senate. Because the reason she wants to hold the ball here kennedy is they want to see if they can get a fair trial for the president and the senate. Kennedy it sounds like an excuse chad. It very well may be but this is a card nancy pelosi comply because she can say wait a minute if youre gonna play politics with this the senate, regardless, you might say they played politics in the house. With eric and a tilt the field toward the president and the republicancontrolled senate, and keep in mind who the target is here. Mitch mcconnell. All your long weve heard democrats say that he is the grim reaper, hes advertised himself as such is the legislative graveyard as they try to pick up three senate seats to get the majority. So what theyre trying to do here, the democrats are is create this narrative or Mitch Mcconnell is not there, they are trying to tilt the fields from the president and they are knifing it to send the articles over there because its not going to be a fair trial in the United States senate. Kennedy im trying to see how this benefits them politically . Because they have to be somewhat worried that pulling for impeachment is going in the wrong direction for democrats, so what does withholding of vote do . I dont think youre going to force people like flint lindsay grandma Mitch Mcconnell to change their positions. They both have stated publicly that they are very well dug in. And i dont think this is going to get a lot of report from americans who are either bored or put off by this. Its been. But what is this do for swing state republican senators. Cory gardner in colorado. Amick sally in arizona. Kennedy when they just want to get this over with . But they also might say we need to get a fair trial few could see where this could cut two ways. If you have an explosive senate trial, kennedy with all kinds of witnesses and adam schiff, the bidens, met mulvaney. Kennedy to be like the side opposite of seinfeld. It could be extraordinary. But the same token you could see were maybe nancy pelosi, if the polling is going poorly, maybe this is the escape valve. Kennedy can she hold onto it indefinitely . Is that an escape hatch . Potentially. And i will say this and this is a little bit in the parliamentary ways ago and i mentioned this scenario might be in place. Articles of impeachment are what we call privilege. In that resolution to set it is privilege. And that means that any member can call for a vote immediately to try to try that loose and sent it over tonight state senate. Now the danek but kratz holds together they can continue to repress that. And this is going to be a decision that House Speaker nancy pelosi estimate. Thats why we are in such rare territory. Weve only had this happen twice with american president so theres not a lot of precedents with this. Kennedy and they said they were gonna follow the precedent and they love the constitution and they love the founders and now they hate them. But now they are the freestyle, theyre making up their own rules. And its creating a level thats bad for democrats, and bad for the country. Yeah and i will tie this i talked with the spin privilege, the public doesnt follow this subterranean parliamentary procedure like i do. If theyre going to try to make that case, theres an old saying appear in capitol hill than any time you start talk about process, youre probably losing. Now democrats argue they thought republicans are losing because one of the talk about process. For weeks and weeks are in impeachment. Kennedy well it got a whole new process here and we dont know where were going and its fascinating. Thank you so much chad. We might turn to again. Alright lets meet tonights panel. The party panel for the ages on the sister ignite. Democratic pollster in Fox News Contributor just guitar laugh is here. Along with the president s of the Young Americans for liberty cliff maloney, and cofounder of the federalist, he is back, ben dominus. Welcome everyone. So break it down. Is this the most predictable culmination of a very strange time . It is. This is situation that has been built into the expectations of washington, certainly for months now. The decision by nancy pelosi she in this moment to hold onto the impeachment managers. What is that sadie is. Its estimates this is not something shes been excited to deal about since they won. She wishes she didnt have to. But she was boxed inandout. But in a situation like this, she is just trying to find some way to get something out of the senate other than just a very quick bipartisan likely acquittal. I think this is a situation that is really misplayed. The bend them they said transcripts from day one were in impeachable acts. With the peach of what was set on the phone call was a bejewel. I think they shouldve pushed ahead with it and then we would have had a trouble played out over the months now its drifting into election year. A lot of this is a jump ball that involves a lot of people who are currently running for president , and that makes it a real wild card for the president. Kennedy its also a clumsy for the democrats. Because as ben points out there so many variables here in one of the variables that i dont think democrats anticipated was making the president of victim in all this. And thats essentially this on the heels of the war with horwitz report plays to his advantage a little bit. Yeah i think the voters are trying to understand that youre making good. That there probably losing. And i think the democrats are finally hearing democrats and some republicans talking about the constitution. Talking about the rule of law. Talking about the bill of rights, its a beautiful thing. But i think when it comes down to it i think a lot of people are looking through some of this partisanship. Al bauer focused on kind of these all the sudden constitutional scholars popping up, we are passing trillion dollars spending bills. Weve got the afghanistan war, were these lies coming out. I think all these things that could be such great moments further solve problems. Kennedy and if there are really a time to wrap up with the constitution should me on a broader scale, i think both both parties have failed. But nancy plus he also must be concerned with her legacy. So what does tonight do for nancy . I think the extremely positive night for nancy and her legacy. Impeachment, whenever you think about it, and i think i know you guys think about it, its the something the Democratic Base is demanded. This was not going to not happen. Im democrats were very clear on that. Kennedy i thought it wasnt political . I didnt say it had to happen from the second donald trump was elected. When the ukraine story came out, that it was very clear from the uproar that this was a serious offense, and something that the Democratic Base felt wasnt peaceable so thats when they were brought in impeachment articles beforehand people said no go on this. But the ukraine circumstance was different here. Kennedy it was, and were gonna talk a lot more about this because there are some many aspects to delve into and so much that were going to need contacts in time to make sense of at least some of it. And weve got that. With got mower the pound a little bit later. 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Tum tututum tums kennedy back in action with the big news of the night, democratcontrolled house has impeached President Trump. But what does that mean for 2020 . And his reelection efforts. Former trump manager cory lukowski. So is this night the ultimate gift or the ultimate curse . Will this is a night where we know that his series of these members in the 31 congressional districts that donald trump won and 2016, just signed their fate to make sure they are not returning to congress in 2020. So when you look at South Carolina that won a district with 13 points in the favor of not voting for trumps impatient. If you look at new york 11. Utah four, oklahoma five, New Hampshire one, these are all districts, their swing districts that donald trump won that he will win again, and those members sign their own fate tonight. What theyve really done in the breaking news that Nancy Pelosis skin to send the articles of impeachment that shes not going to has reassured him that she will be in the minority and donald trump is going to be elected by a larger margin that he wasnt my 16. Kennedy so it is conceivable that matthew are talking about, could certainly work and republicans favor. And some of these voters look at these represent lives and say really . We didnt want you to impeach and he voted to impeach. Republicans could get the house back, if the president loses in 2020, will be because of impeachment . I dont think so. You have to look at the totality of the job is done. Where there its the economy, rebuilding our military. Kennedy what if people look at this and say oh two distracting, he was impeached. Im in to give varney a try. I level burning. Ball may be, but the truth is this, with this president was just impeached for, there is no underlying crime. There wasnt like a breakin at watergate karen it wasnt a perjury or being disbarred. There was no underlining crime. This was not only partisan, but it was the republicans who couldnt keep their caucus together. They could not even control their own members in this. So this was hyper partisan, washington at it worse, and we know unequivocally that the senate is not going to vote to remove the president of the United States. In this screaming nancy pelosi has the same shes gonna delay sending this over to the senate . How does she think that helps her caucus or her group . How does she justify back home . Kennedy why didnt she have now blueshift delay and wait for some of those judges to rule on the subpoenas . So are some of these witnesses, could have been potentially forced to testify. You know if youre gonna wait, that would be the time to wait. So the democrats at least have a little more ammunition. But at least they didnt want to do that so i dont buy her arguments, necessarily. Is this what the president was hoping for . While the president obviously did not want to be impeached. Before going to do this, he wants to get it done quickly, he wants to remind the American People like he did tonight in battle creek have all the success of his head. Inda showed just how partisan this was. There was no crime, there was nothing to impeach and four. The democrats are gonna pay for this the ballot box. This helps the president when in battleground states that he didnt one last time. New hampshire, minnesota, nevada, new mexico, the members of those districts he voted for impeachment, against the will of their constituents are going to end up paying the price of the bout. Kennedy very good question willie five seconds left you think the president should dump mike pence . Its. Absolute night mike pence is the best addition to did mr. Shim. Coming up this whole heated battle will pride be the defining moment in the for President Trump and nancy policy. But in 20 years whos going to be looked at the status and the villain. Let anyone remember . The panel returns my come right back. Liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. I wish i could shake your hand. Granted. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Most people think as a reliable phone company. But to businesses, were a reliable partner. We Keep Companies ready for whats next. man we weave security into their business. second man virtualize their operations. woman and build ai customer experiences. second woman we also keep them ready for the next big opportunity. Like 5g. Almost all of the fortune 500 partner with us. woman when it comes to digital transformation. Verizon keeps business ready. Beyond the routine checkups. Beyond the notsoroutine cases. Comcast business is helping doctors provide care in whole new ways. All working with a new generation of technologies powered by our gigspeed network. Because beyond technology. There is human ingenuity. Every day, comcast business is helping businesses go beyond the expected. To do the extraordinary. Take your business beyond. Kennedy many legendary figures have boosted their stature by having a hated bible during their careers. Mohamed ali had smoke and joe frazier. Bill clinton had hillary clinton. And donald trump has nancy pelosi. Both will go down in history, but who will end up with a better legacy . And how does this compare to the clinton and Richard Nixon and andrew johnson. The partner or party pals back jessica, cliff, and ben. As we discussed this had to happen. A Trump Presidency is not weird enough. He had to be in peach and then reelected. But what are your predictions for this week and the new cycle . Because things happen so quickly. We dont remember any of the scandals after a week and a half. Will this impeachment will adjust adrift in the wind like that . First leg and i have devote the usmca vote and markets will love that. Youre going to have a lot of controversy about the star wars movie thats coming out common. [laughter] youre going to have a lot of things coming out for the holidays. And you also now have the situation where policies kind of holding this grenade, and refusing to let it move for various political reasons that were going to see. Its the kind of thing that people are gonna mock, another process argument. But think one of things we need to keep in mind is that in all likelihood, impeachment is not going to be a primary issue on the minds of voters a year from now. And i think it really is only going to be a factor in those districts where as a lot of republicans consultants told me today, they leave they can attack a lot of democrats who ran and won in trump positive districts because they said they were moderates who would be willing to work with the president on a lot of different things. Can they still make that argument if they voted to impeach him . Thats a be hard for them to do. Lets talk about the political fundraising. Yeah they might die off, but the end of the day the consultants or can jump on in the gonna raise money. Theyve already said this is been a boon for us because we are raising tons of money and our base has never been more excited. And youre going to see this in both parties the democrats again he is the say hey they were defending and. [inaudible] they are going to keep pushing this, you are exactly right in the swing districts that will, i think thats the one area that will remain an issue because they will continue to pound it. Kennedy they already called in the dirty 30. I love how he wont answer the question. What party are you . I have to go to the bathroom. What . I cant hear you. Kennedy so if the president is reelected, will it be, ill ask you the same question i asked corbett will be because of impeachment . No wont be because of that it will be because of the economy is going well people vote for the positive. You love him. Not that part, the love party only talked my mother about. But i do an essay though about the democrats, the dirty 30, is that the fact they are unified makes a big difference. If they had splits, and 15 had said yes and 15 and said no, i think that would better rebut the the fact that its everybody, i think that President Trump got up each. Thats cool. Kennedy the panels amazing great to see again be right back. My body is truly powerful. I have the power to lower my blood sugar and a1c. Because i can still make my own insulin. And trulicity activates my body to release it like its supposed to. Trulicity is for people with type 2 diabetes. Its not insulin. I take it once a week. It starts acting in my body from the first dose. Trulicity isnt for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. 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Kennedy what a show and what a night. Thank you for making it the best out of your strange day. Please follow me on twitter an instagram at kennedy nation on facebook. Kennedy and beyond. Email, kennedy at fox news. Good night. Good evening everyba dark day in the history of the democratic party, the party of hate and lies. Set the vote for the resolution of impeachment against President Trump as they have intended from the beginning of the truck presidency from the very beginning of his candidacy for president. On march 7, 2016 less than a year after President Trump had announced his run for office, the New York Daily News Editorial Board wrote a piece entitled impeach trump. Noting its not too early to start. And from his election to his inauguration the radical

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