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Expected to meet with World Leaders on pressing issues like threats and foreign threats, the president gears up to meet with french president Emmanuel Macron after threatening 100 tariffs on french goods and also spoke about macron in the press conference, retaliatory duties coming in response to frances tax on American Technology giant and they include products like cheese, handbags, champagne and the latest on the updates all morning long, mornings with maria begins right now. Big show this morning, joining the conversation fox business dagen mcdowell, Ramsey Solutions expert chris hogan and Senior Writer with wall street journal Jon Hilsenrath. Thank you. Maria a lot of news already just from the press conference that President Trump gave in london. Dagen yeah, you see it driving down the futures but waiting until after the election was the quote about waiting until after the election to deal with china, it was a lot. The press conference went on and on and for the markets and investors that was the take away. Jon i think the really, really big question if they are going to wait until after the election do they go ahead with december 15th tariffs that are coming in just a week and a half, you know, i think theres been so much uncertainty about where the tariff picture is going with the chinese and if we go ahead and impose these tariffs on december 15th, the markets are going to take a hit on that. Maria especially since chinese have wanted to get the tariffs off the table now, this has been negotiating stance, lets put this aside and talk about other issues, the Trump Administration never said that it was not going to do those tariffs. No, maria, i think this was a power move by the president , hes let everyone know that hes in control of the timeline and this will be dealt with, they have an opportunity to come to the table and lets get a deal done or wait and we will push and push more america. Maria thats what he said, its my decision, i want a deal but if we dont get a deal not worried about it. East being cavalier about it. Jon so much is happening in the tariff front in the last 48 hours, we reimposed tariffs on argentina and brazil on steel and now the new french tariffs and possibility of another big hit on china coming december 15th, you just dont know where its going to go. Maria what comes out of macron meeting, dagen, you have been unnerved that he will slap tariffs on european and what about european cars he threw water and now talking about cheese and wine and all additional things . Dagen i think that the tariff man is back with a vengeance and the stance right now is going to raise other worries among investors whether theyre real and concrete or not and the backdrop of this is Manufacturing Industry thats con extracting for 4 months in a row, that was why the market sold off and despite gm strike in recent months, slipped a little bit and still under 50, still contracting, thats a huge worry for this economy and the president , hes up for reelection, needs to do things to give business a more stable operating environment and encourage them to up spending and increase spending and with these threats and, jon, tariffs with argentina and brazil, we dont know when they will go into effect. Maria he said Effective Immediately, i dont know, Effective Immediately i will be putting tariffs back in place and just a moment ago hawkish we are doing very well with china right now. I think in some ways its better to wait after the elections with china, i just think that, i tell you, in some ways i like the idea in waiting until after the election. Jon i wonder also watching that to what extent is this about the president trying to strengthen negotiating position because they are in the final stages and he just wants to squeeze them, yeah, i dont need to do it right now to get them to make one or two final con concessions, to what extent the president feeling emboldened on impeachment proceedings and he feels that he can kind of press economic front because using stronger position on impeachment. Maria he did get a request on that this morning. Dagen its not an advantage to anybody doing business in the United States. I will point out in terms of steel and aluminum tariffs wall street journal cows it mount tariffs erupts again, u. S. Steel is laying off worker due to weaker demand, have the steel tariffs helped manufacturers, primary metal manufacturing jobs have fallen since january, 1500 jobs fewer than when the tariffs were first imposed and i said it on this program, the very day that the idea floated steel and aluminum tariffs that it destroys jobs rather than create them. Doesnt help people in the steel industry. Jon an example that speaks to that, i just did a story on the wisconsin economy and there was an anecdote in the story about aluminum foundry which had a great couple of years and then the whole tariff war started and they went through 3 rounds of temporary not permanent but temporary layoffs. Dagen because higher prices on the industries and businesses that you steel, basically they pull back demands, they cut demands. Maria the companies that you steel as oppose the companies that you steel. Affects the home team and thats this side, we have to look at the whole picture and make sure its done in the timely manner. Would that be the same if we were to see tariffs on french goods . The threatening up to 100 tariffs on french goods after reports french digital tax is affecting large American Technology companies, the president talked about this in that process conference as well, watch. If france puts tax on our companies, again, these are companies that are against, they were against me if i read the papers correctly but they are American Companies, i dont want france taxing American Companies. If they are going to be taxed its going to be the United States will tax them. Maria of course, the tariffs would affect like cheese, wine, soap, handbags, so far we have not seen this passed on to the consumer in a meaningful way but everyday items that may very well become more expensive for americans. Two points, one is we are talking all about china, a lot of people have argued strategically that the president should be working with the europeans to to go after americas real adversary which is china. The president thinks that the europeans are just as bad as chinese. Maria or worse. Jon the other thing about these things hitting consumers, its not the First Channel that this works for, Consumer Prices have been really low. This works for business chance channels as you were saying, Company Profits slowing down investment and only hits consumer in later stages and thats what we have to see if that plays out but hasnt hit consumers. In the face all all of this the democrats scheduled impeachment hearing in the Judiciary Committee while the president overseas which really is not right, the Trump Administration slamming House Democrats for hosting the hearings while the president is abroad, comes as the department of justice is praising the upcoming ig report into the fbi surveillance of the Trump Campaign. We have a lot happening here, impeachment hearings this week that we will be hearing in and about the judiciary and the impeachment report coming from adam schiff and the democrats and then the upcoming ig report, you know, dagen, we have been seeing a lot of leaks on the ig report, to me it looks like there are certain people that are nervous about the ig report so they are leaking to the New York Times, o thats not going to be that bad, oh, yeah, lowerlevel people, this morning weve got the department of justice praising the ig report, i dont think anybody has a definitive answer on what the ig report will show us on december 9th, when it is going to be released. Dagen no, clearly the leaks look strategically. Maria exactly. Dagen sit back and wait and see what happens, thats my thats my gut. The Washington Post is reporting that the democrats are actually debating widening the articles of impeachment to include charters beyond abuse of power in the ukraine controversy, they have been privately discussing the possibility of articles of obstruction of justice and special counsel Robert Muellers report. Maria going back to mueller, huh . Dagen exactly. Theyre not they cant see the writing on the wall in terms of how the American People are how opinion has shifted or changed or support has lessened in recent weeks. Maria youre spot on, they cant see the writing on the wall, after going home for thanksgiving and having to explain what they did in the last couple of months. Andrew saying im going to vote no and this is concerning me because we are not getting anything done. Do you see reach if for light switch in the dark, this is one of those, lets make it bigger even though we dont have anything substantial to stand on. Maria good point, short break, when we come back we are getting started, on deck fox news senior strategic analyst retired four star general jack keane, pennsylvania congressman guy and strauss family on made in america new partnership with bmw and his cows, dont miss a moment of it. When we come back Winter Weather wrath slams the northeast, 2 feet of snow parts of new york and massachusetts, first snowfall of the season. Wework Silver Screen debut, producers working to bring this story, wework to stories to theaters, would you go see it, details on the way children playing dog barking Music Building experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list sales event. Sign and drive off in a new lincoln with zero down, zero due at signing, and a complimentary first months payment. People think my job is easy. You just go on tv and talk, right . Well, each season theres over 1,500 players and hundreds of games. Plus passing yards, turnovers, injuries. 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Thats why fidelity continues to lead the industry in value while our competition continues to talk. Talk fidelity. Maria welcome back, have you looked outside, powerful winter storm slamming the northeast bringing heavy snow, parts of new york seeing 2inches a snow an hour, several counties under state of emergency as Police Report hundreds of car crashes as well, look at this, bus slamming in semitracter trailer near massachusetts border, no one seriously hurt, hundreds of flights canceled, check your flights, thousands of others being delayed, extreme weather causing serious troubles as well, lets get to fox news senior meteorologist janice dean, janice. The coastal low thats finally exiting the coast, however, we will still see measurable snow totals for parts of coastal new england over the next several hours and then we can get travel delays back up and running, forecast temperatures we certainly saw temperatures go down hence the snow that we saw over parts of the northeast including long island and new york city. Here are travel delays, we will still see problems across the northeast as the storm exits, the rest of the country looks good with the exception of west coast, several storm systems moving inland, heavy rain for coastal california and snow for mountainous regions, improving conditions for the northeast, looking good in southeast, central plains, northern plains, upper midwest and great lakes and we will watch the next storm system move in the west coast that could bring travel delays, otherwise improving conditions and theres your silver lining, maria, back to you. Maria we love the silver lining, coming up trade tensions, futures tanking this morning after President Trump says hes fine willing to wait until after the 2020 election to make a deal with china and with that markets reversed, plus retail record, cybermonday, the numbers are in, sales on track to hit new highs, what this means for the markets coming up, stay with us. [ electrical buzzing ] [ dramatic music ] ahhhh ahhhh elliott. You came back song by song i try and make it easier for anxiety. O get help. Depression. Panic attacks. People dont want to talk about it. So i share it. The struggle and the joy with my mental health. I bare it on a stage, under a spotlight, and invite everyone to join me. Whats your mission . Use godaddy to help make it happen. Make the world you want. Maria welcome back, new china trade tension this is morning and thats impacting futures, triple digit decline at the start of trading this morning, dow poised to open down 100 points after President Trump cast shadow after trade agreement with beijing before december 15th deadline weighing in ahead of nato summit in london this morning, watch this. The china trade deal is depending on one thing, do i want to make it because we are doing very well with china and we can do even better with a flick of a pen and china is paying for it, in some ways i like the idea until waiting after the election for the china deal but they want to make a deal now and we will see whether or not the deal will be right. Its going to be right. Maria darrell, always pleasure to see you. Thanks, maria. Maria how did you read that . I took it as market negative straightup as the futures reacted, puts december 15th tariffs full scale right in the square getting enacted along with the brazilargentina tariffs, potential tariffs and start to impact how you think of 2020 and into next year. Maria why are markets as strong as they are this year with this uncertainty, arent we talking like 100 new highs for dow industrials so far this year . You are, overall the economy has weathered this not withstanding anything else, we are putting today 2020 outlook and we have put call to resilience, i think the key for next year we have to see Economic Growth reaccelerate and earnings reaccelerate both of which are wild cards and the news of this morning didnt help that matter. Maria when you say reaccelerate, we are getting Something Like 2 growth in annual rate, are you saying it has to be faster or would 2 year be enough to keep the economy going the markets going higher in 2020 . I think 2 would be sustainable, jon, call it 3, we will finish 2. 2, just above 2. We expect next year to be 1. 8. You get below 2 and you approach the stall speed where any kind of shock becomes material for the economy and reignite the conversation in the summer months about recession. Jon right. Dagen is expanding the Balance Sheet although, again, the fed says they are not doing to stimulate the economy but at what point because the fed is very weary about cutting again, thats the posture going into 2020, at what point does the market stop feeling the juice from the central bank and feeling the love so to speak. Well, so far we havent seen those 3 cuts completely filter through in Economic Data yet, 6 months from the time of last cut but we do think that the bias is still probably for another cut certainly before another hike, and so if you get first half of the year and a lot of the economists and the baseline suggest the first half of the year looks more like 31, 34 gdp and get you 18 for the full year, if you get really slow first half growth the fed questions on whether they cut. Maria you pensioned pmis drags down the markets, sluggish numbers, Manufacturing Index down to 48. 1 in november, thats the fourth straight sub50 reading pointing to contraction and we know that above 50 is expansion, below 50 is contraction, did that bother you . I want to know what you think about purchasing managers and manufacturing, i do have this report that ive been talking about a lot from Cornerstone Macro that pmis are bottoming out right now, what do you think . We tend to agree, data shows manufacturing fall in recession, its the strength of the consumer and the rest of the economy thats been chugging along nicely, manufacturing is putting a bottom in here and you might see better results which is a positive. Maria a second ago you said all of the unknowns bring us back to the conversation of recession. Youre probably seeing when youre seeing Consumer Spending, 70 of the economy and manufacturing which is 25 to 30 , manufacturing looks like its bottom and slightly accelerate but the Consumer Spending numbers are coming down, right, midyear we were 4. 2 in Consumer Spending in the Fourth Quarter here we are probably down to 2 and a half, maybe closer to 2. Maria thats a concern, go ahead, chris. I was going to ask, the markets are emotional and they respond to turmoil and all the things going on, all the talks about tariffs and all the trade battles, that creates turmoil, so whats your advice to investors out there . Well, we actually think the economy still sustains recovery in 2020, we dont think recession is the base case, obviously this mornings news increases the risk a little bit of that, we have in our outlook 3cs that are important, one is consumer, the consumer has to keep spending, the second is you should keep your eyes on credit spreads, if credit spreads start to widen out that would press the economy, i looked yesterday the triple cs were wider today than fourthquarter selloff last year even though the market jon what does that mean, when you say triple c, break that down . Im sorry, triple cs are your lowest tier credit ratings. Jon whats the signal that thats sending . Theres probably stress there and theyre not priced maybe appropriately and so youre going to start seeing deterioration in those credits, delinquencies going up, perhaps default. Jon a lot of corporate debt out there, some companies are starting to get squeezed by it. One of the signs we watch, cracks in the ice. Maria whats the third c . China. You dont have to see deescalation of china, you dont have to see reescalation of china and this morning puts into question. Maria what about the shopping numbers, cyber number, spending spree, 9. 2 billion in sales according to adboe analytics, on top of great weekend, so you say that the consumer is weakening, it didnt look like that this weekend. We will see when the whole season unfolds, if you looked at black friday onto itself in a vacuum, foot traffic was down about 3 to 4 depending on which measure, some down 6 , cybermonday up to 15 to 20 , that switch in the omni channel is happening at robust level but overall expectations are still for a weaker holiday season, you have a shortened calendar, the weather didnt help us particularly over the weekend with storms rolling in the country, we will see if the consumer shows up robustly and spend. Jon consumer keeps spend if jobs keep coming, we got a jobs report on friday, what are you expecting . I think you will start to see weakness there, probably somewhere on 150, 160 in jobs creation. Maria 150 and 160. Dagen our estimate that we are going is 180 but the estimate range is high, 237,000 jobs added. Maria you say 150. We think its probably lower, uaw strike thats filtering through, its enough to keep up with population growth but labor is not going to be as strong as its been the last couple of years, its cycle indicater that job growth does slow, unemployment at 3. 6 it will hit a cap. Jon theres a lot of happy people out there. 50year low in unemployment. Maria come on. Dont negate the fact that last month we set a new alltime high on consumer net worth, right, home prices, equity prices, up 11 , year over year, thats a healthy consumer. Maria and its a cycle, you feel richer, you spend more. Real quick, is usmca is priced in, i am hearing its going to come before tend of the year, nancy pelosi will bring it, do you think that could create a rally . We are backing that out a little bit, i dont think usmca was priced in. Maria car reel, thank you so much. Coming up troubles for twitter, Ceo Jack Dorsey revelation that he plans to move, hes going to africa, we will tell you whats behind that. Wework story to theaters, would you pay to see it . Back in a minute. Maria im maria bartiromo, tuesday december 3rd, fox business alert for you, we have fresh trade fears turning markets negative, futures reversing course this morning after President Trump in a press conference in london said that he ahas no deadline in china trade deal and he may wait until after 2020 election to ink a deal after he prepares for packed day, to meet with foreign leaders on trade. President trump pressing his vision for nato in london earlier this morning, the president held News Conference with nato secretary, nato secretary general and cited efforts to decrease nato defense spending. Nobody needs nato more than france and frankly the one that benefits really the least is the United States. We benefit the least, we are helping europe, europe goes against a common foe, that may or may not be a foe, i cant tell you that but there are other foes out there also but nobody needs it more than france and thats why i think when transmission Statement Like they made at nato, its a very dangerous statement for them to make. When i came in i was angry at nato and now ive raised 130 billion, and by the way youre talking annually, tremendous amount of money. I call them delinquent when they are not made in full. Maria joining fox news strategic analyst jack keane. Great to be here, maria. Maria he is about to sit down with Emmanuel Macron and what the president said in particular about france . First of all its 70 anniversary of nato and rightfully so, this is the most powerful political and military alliance thats ever been established and certainly stood up against the soviet union threat and one of the enablers that led to collapse and defeat, but despite that, theres a lot of differences and divisions inside of nato not the least to which has occurred recently with president macron making the statement that nato was brain dead and criticizing very severely, frankly, macron has so many problems domestically that i think he was trying to shift some of the focus to Foreign Policy and National Security and elevate himself to a status replacing Angela Merkel as the defacto leader of the European Union and and accent and 1 nato countries have been attacked by isis multiple times. And that will lead to more intelligence sharing, a lot more burden sharing inside of syria, 3 nato countries, the United States, uk and france, there could have been more propping that situation up, thats helping to maintain vigilance inside of nato, they have, they clearly have their issues and not the least which is turkey who is buying Russian Missile defense systems. Maria i want to ask you about china, lets stay on the meeting that the president is at in london at nato because he also weighed in on the situation in iran, watch this. Iran is killing perhaps thousands and thousands of people right now as we speak, thats why they cut off the internet, they cut off the internet so people cant see whats going on, but thousands of people are being killed in iran right now and frankly i dont know how you get in there and i dont know how you do your business but the press ought to get in there and see whats going on but the word is that thousands of people are being killed in iran. And the government there is admitting, Iranian State tv is admitting that the regular im has shot and killed protestors, general, your reaction to this . They started the day after the protest began and 200 plus dead, several hundred likely, thousands wounded, 8 to 10,000 in jail cells and if youre in yale cells youre being beaten and tortured on a leg basis. This is cut across the entire social and economic fabric of iran, very different than the 2009 protest which was about the urban educated class and they were protesting about Election Fraud that they think took place, two reasons, one impact of the sanctions but just the in Effective Governance and corruption of Iranian Regime even maintaining services for their own people and trying to provide an effective government, thats whats come thats whats come together and causing frustration, never seen before in the 40 years of the regime this kind of frustration. Maria really a sad situation for the iranian people, then theres the chinese people, let me ask you about chinas response to the u. S. , china is barring, they say they will bar any u. S. Navy ships and aircrafts from visiting hong kong an using their ports, this is in retaliation to the american bill which the president has signed, the markets, i think, initially when the president first signed this were relieved that the response from china wasnt even worse because this was not that big of a response, i mean, there are a ton of ports that they can use in asia, right . They dont need to use hong kong. Likely the United States will be able to go back into hong kong again with their port of calls, chinas reaction to the president signing piece of legislation as you indicated, it was not as strong as people thought it would be, i think china is still very much in the deal in terms of the tariffs and trade deal that the United States and china are attempting to make, they may have been actually slow rolling that deal a little bit hoping the president would not sign the legislation, but i think it was absolutely the right thing to do to stand up behind the hong kongers, as you know, maria, we are in a clash of values with the Chinese Communist party, Democratic Free nations are involved in that, the United States in the lead and the hong kongers, this is the front line of that battle and no doubt about it, they are fighting for the same values that we have. So you think it was right that the president signed it and your reaction to the way the chinese reacted not so i mean, they were threatening this massive retaliation. I think thats typical of the chinese and a lot of rhetoric and the action usually isnt matching the rhetoric, i think thats whats happening here, i think both countries are focused on a trade deal and likely will be one because both need to relieve the trade deal for sure. Maria general, great to see you, general jack keane joining us there, Trump Campaign making changes as it handles news organizations, Cheryl Casone with details from that, cheryl. Cheryl maria, that would be bloomberg, 2020 Trump Campaign has decided to issue press credentials to Bloomberg News after Company Announced it would no longer investigate 2020 democratic primary candidates but still investigate the president. While the wildly criticized decision happened after owner and officer bloomberg seeking nomination of president , changes to twitter, social media giant switching things up when it comes to privacy users will not be able to find out what kind of data could be collected and how twitter intends to keep the information safe, this move will comply with privacy laws, shares under pressure this morning as you can see red arrow on the stock right there. By the way, that stock extended losses from yesterday after Ceo Jack Dorsey announced he plans to spend as much as 6 months in africa next year, the dramatic rise and fall of wework and former ceo now heading to the big screen, producer jason bloom have agreed to take on the project. Wework canceled initial Public Offering in september after investors raised questions about mounting losses, we will see if it plays out in a theater for a general audience. Maria cheryl, thank you, coming up slipping away, planes evacuation slide landing in a front yard, a sandwich situation, subway ceo price cuts, not fully on board with that after the break with that, stay with us. Thats what the johnsons thought until they tried medicares new plan finder. The johnsons . We saved a lot on our prescription costs and got extra benefits. How bout it, fred. Plans change every year. Use the new plan finder at medicare. Gov. Comparing plans really pays. Look how much we can save. [maniacal laughter] gold. Gold right, uh. Thank you, for that, bob. But i think its time we go with gbtc. Its bitcoin exposure through a traditional investment account. Nice rock. Its time to drop gold. Go digital. Go grayscale. 1 in 4 of us millennials have debt we might die with. And most of that debt is actually from credit cards. Its just not right. But with sofi, you can get your credit cards right by consolidating your Credit Card Debt into one monthly payment. 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The faa is now investigating the pilot of a Delta Airlines flight 405 from paris says there was a loud noise as plane approached boston, workers discovered the missing slide after boeing 767 landed safely, no one was hurt, all that come up but first roe looking to slash prices, not everybody is happy about it. Find out when we come back. Eat a sandwich. Come on. Eat a sandwich. What shines forever . Diamonds. What is as rare as true love . Diamonds. What lights up every room . Diamonds. Beautiful diamond styles for the diamond in your life. Get 25 off everything, including these oneofakind deals at the winter jewelry sale. Exclusively at zales, the diamond store. At the winter jewelry sale. Wthats why xfinity hasu made taking your internetself. And tv with you a breeze. Really . Yup. You can transfer your Service Online in about a minute. You can do that . Yeah. And with twohour Service Appointment windows, its all on your schedule. Awesome. 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Lauren subway needs a good promotion, when was the last time you went to subway, not recently, you have the chicken sandwich wars, people going to popeyes, panera, youre not going to subway, subway is struggling, they have a new ceo and report that is he wants to slash prices to as little as 2. 99 on 6 sandwiches and the franchises, all of subway restaurants, 24,000 of them are franchises, they are really annoyed because that hurts their profits and theyre required to pay annual commission to subway about 8 even if they dont turn a profit, hey, john, youre affecting profitability but i think hes trying to drive foot traffic. Remember the 5dollarfoot long, people had a reason to go, right now, subway is experimenting with some menu changes like a beyond meat, meatless meatball sub. This can be an issue because the new ceo is apparently fighting with the franchisees and he did the same thing when he was ceo of burger king and he essentially he lost his job there. Dagen you didnt mention their primary competitors because there are so many names around the country, so theres these are not the ones im talking about, theres jimmy johns, jersey mike, pot belly, jasons and then fire house subs and those are in better locations, if you go into like prime Shopping Centers across the country, theyll but a jersey mikes, jimmy johns but there aint no subway. Jon can i geek out on the story a little bit . I look at this, i sigh price cuts from 4. 50 to 2. 99, we are always talking about when is inflation going to come back, theres no inflation in this country. This is this is a deflation signal for me. Its tinny little data point. You know, you really want to geek out, the fed is talking about when are they going to get inflation to 2 target, data point that says theyll not raise Interest Rates. Lauren if you want to geek out on that, the headquarters of subway now connecticut where its expensive to operate the business, the new ceo lives in florida, i wonder if they moved their headquarters, if you look at some chains in the past when you have new ownership or new leadership and you do have a move of headquarters, that can actually really change things and help sales believe it or not. Well, here is reality, if you dont have foot traffic, you dont have a business. Lauren yeah. They need something to stir up and get people back out because as dagen said theres so much competition with better offerings, they need to do something to shakeup process or theyll have more issues. Maria will cutting prices do the trick . Not for me. Maria exactly. Lauren maybe 2. 99 beyond meat. Jon i like the meatball subs for what its worth. Lauren when did you have one . Jon maybe a year ago. 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Im maria bartiromo. It is tuesday, december 3rd. Your top stories right now, just before 7 00 al o 7 00 a. M. On tt coast. We have fresh trade fear turning markets negative. President trump in a News Conference in london said he a has no deadline on a china trade deal and that he may even wait until after the 2020 election. This as he prepares for a first day for the nato summit in london. Hes expected to meet with a handful of World Leaders including Emmanuel Macron. Hell talk trade as well as foreign threats with the leaders. Markets are off of the lows, the major indices sticking off december with the steepest losses sinceing october 8th. Weak manufacturing data yesterday and trade tensions weighed on markets yesterday. Dow industrials were down 268 points, s p 500 down 27, nasdaq down 97 points yesterday, more than 1 . Global markets this morning are mixed after that Trump Press Conference and the president s comments on china trade. Fq100 down 68, cac in paris down 16, the dax index in germany is up 80 points, twothirds of 1 . In asia overnight, as you can see, the worst performer was japan, nikkei average down twothirds of a percent, pretty much across the board fractional moves. Starbucks sparking Holiday Cheer with a santa boots frappuccino. It has an unexpected topping. Joining me to break it down, fox business dagen mcdowell, author of everyday millionaires, chris hogan and Senior Writer john hilsenrath. Good to see everybody this morning. We had manufacturing data out yesterday. That impacted markets. It spoke to what weve been talking about a lot, dagen, on this program. There are weak spots in this economy, manufacturing and cap ex are the two areas we keep pointing to. Dagen four t straight months of a reading that says contraction in manufacturing despite the General Motors strike, that was worrisome to the markets. The president is piling on this morning, he is yesterday it was throwing out steel and aluminum tariffs on argentina and brazil, then the idea of 100 tariffs on about 2. 5 billion worth of goods coming in from france. I will add this. When the president said in the earlier News Conference in the comments he made in britain, in some ways i like the idea of waiting until after the election on doing a china trade deal, that is the president spitballing. Hes riffing and he throws it out there, but i think as the day wears on, investors will say you know, you cant place bets based on the president just kind of shooting from the hip. I dont think hes spitballing. I think hes negotiating. Maria right there, while hes to try to get some advantage. Theyre in the phi l nail throef this negotiation for the phase one deal. I think what hes hes just trying to get a little advantage in the final. Maria either one sounds plausible. Thats not to say he wont wait until after the election. Its part of the strategy. Its pushing and poking, trying to get some kind of movement. We cant stand pat. Its rule one of negotiation, take back power and control. Maria you futures completely reversed course after the president made the remarks. He implied a trade deal with china could be he delayed until after the 2020 election. Blake berman is live in london with more on that and the president s trip. Blake, good morning to you. Reporter maria, good morning to you as well. Live in london for the nato meeting, nato Member Nations in the u. K. The biggest headline has nothing to do with a nato Member Nation or a country thats not represented here in london, that being china as the president renewed questions about if and also when a trade deal could be reached with that country. Watch here. Mr. President in some ways i think its better to wait until after the election if you want to know the truth. I think in some ways to wait until after the hell election with china. Im not going to say that. I just think that. Reporter now, later today the president will have a sitdown with just continue jusf canada. The president will meet with Emmanuel Macron of france. That meeting has taken on added weight as the u. S. Trade Representatives Office says it will likely move forward early next year with some 2. 4 billion as a result of frances Digital Services tax. They say that is, quote, discriminatory against Companies Like apple, amazon, facebook and google. Here was the president this morning, ahead of that macron meeting. If france puts a tax on our companieses, againourcompanies,s that were against me, if i read the papers correctly but theyre American Companies. I dont want france taxing American Companies. If theyre going to be taxed, its going to be the United States, well tax them, okay . Reporter as for events here the rest of the day, maria, the president will head to number 10 downing street. The president was also very cognizant today of trying to steer clear of the elections that are taking place here in nine days time. And his day will also culminate with a return trip over to Buckingham Palace as the queen will be hosting nato leaders for a gathering there. Maria blake, thank you. Well be following your reporting. Joining us now is the director of heritage foundations Margaret Thatcher center for freedom and former policy advisor, niles gardner. Thank you for joining us. Thanks very much. Maria your takeaway from what you heard so far and what do you think will get accomplished at the nato meeting. A significant press conference on many fronts this morning here in london and i think most striking actually certainly from the perspective of being here in london is that the president is taking on Emmanuel Macron and the president made it very clear that he thought em ma Emmanuel Macrons comments about nato, that nato is on its death bed, these comments were hugely insulting to President Trump and i think Donald Trumps remarks were spoton. I think Emmanuel Macron is trying to undermine the Nato Alliance. Youre seeing significant increases in overall levels of defense spending. Emmanuel macron wants to build up the delusional European Army to challenge the United States and i think that the president is calling out Emmanuel Macron on the nato front and hes absolutely right to do so. So i think that the key flashpoint certainly for the nato summit is going to be this clash of visions between donald trump and Emmanuel Macron and also of course President Trumps making clear that the french protectionist Digital Services taxis unacceptable as well. A lot of tensions are under the surface and also of course in the background we have a u. K. General election on december the 12th, the most important British Election since 1979 when march threat gemargaret thatchee minister and the election will decide the future of brexit and President Trump reiterated his strong support for brexit but made it clear as well he was not intervening at all in the u. K. General election. Its very clear of course that i think jeremy corbin, the leader of the labor party, if he were to become prime minister, would make any kind of u. S. u. K. Special relationship very, very difficult, actually. Maria i think its fascinating. Just look at the pictures from a year ago with the president and Emmanuel Macron. Now all of a sudden macron is trying to build up be the de facto leader of the European Union instead of Angela Merkel and fighting with the president. How do you see it . Dagen niles, where is the money going to come from for europe to build its own army, if you will, to use your words, given the fact that they are held down, weighted down by a socialist state . Reporter yeah, thats a great point, dagen. And Emmanuel Macron as always is hugely hypocrite call. The french spend 1. 8 of gdp on defense, compare that to 2. 3 for the United States. Emmanuel macron is full of pomp and posture and very, very short i think in terms of real substance when it comes to defense spending and Emmanuel Macron is all about the political optics. He wants to present himself as the new leader of europe. He sees himself a as a modern day equivalent to tha nopolean n many respects. The reality is that Emmanuel Macron talks of building a grand europe peep union army, i think its a vanity project and exactly what the russians want. Vladimir putin congratulated macron ons his recent comments because the russians want to see nato split in two. They want to see nato being undermined by an eu paper tiger and so the russians are welcoming everything, actually, that macron is saying and its actually the u. S. President , donald trump, who is standing up for the Nato Alliance who is projecting strong robust leadership on the world stage and i think its u. S. Leadership that is keeping the alliance in place and strengthening the alliance and em ma emmanuel macs doing Everything Possible to undermine nato and its unacceptable. I believe we have turkey t this summit as well fresh off the incursion into syria. Do you see any progress on that front and in particular how to deal with all of these european citizens who went to fight in syria for isis and how theyre going to handle those individuals. Yeah, i think the turkish factor complicates this nato summit and the United States and also most European Countries have been very critical actually of turkeys intervention in syria, which is seen as hugely unhelpful. And i think that turkey is becoming a growing problem within nato, unfortunately, even though turkey is an important nato partner but its also disruptive one and i think youre going to see significant tensions at the summit over the next two days with regard to a clash between not only the u. S. And turkey but also between turkey and many other European Countries as well. Theres a lot of bad blood i think in europe between european nations and turkey, especially over turkeys intervention in syria. What news comes out of this summit on the turkish front . Any development on im not sure if youre going to see any Significant Developments with regard to some sort of agreed position with regard to turkey, but i have to say you this, though. Turkey is moving down a very, very dangerous path. Theyre moving closer towards moscow, buying Russian Defense equipment and i think that turkey really is undermining the Nato Alliance at the moment, its very unfortunate. File you mentioned the poll optics with all the pushing and joust linjostling going on betwn and drum. Trump. Do you see the french issue getting as bad as the chinese issue right now . Thats a very, very important question. I think that its very significant to acknowledge here that the European Union and the french in particular are very protectionist. Theyre not free traders, actually. And they often claim to be free traders but the reality is that Emmanuel Macron is a protectionist and he is unfairly targeting u. S. Companies through this Digital Services tax and i think thats going to significantly further complicate transatlantic trading relations and i think its a very dangerous move by Emmanuel Macron. I think the french are going to be the losers from this confrontation but its a reminder that Emmanuel Macron is not a free trader, hes a protectionist figure and he is targeting directly u. S. Companies here and i think also, Emmanuel Macron is increasingly isolated within europe itself on the nato front. The germans are unhappy with macrons movements on nato. Youre seeing an increasing split between berlin and paris, the two traditional big powers of continental europe. So i think its going to be a fascinating few months ahead i think in terms of Transatlantic Relations and also in terms of the power play within the European Union as well. Maria certainly as we await any partnership with china, well see about that as well. Dagen macron seems to have forgotten who saved their you know whats during world war ii maria thats right. Good to see you this morning. Thanks so much. Good to see. Maria coming up, member of the house Judiciary Committee guy reshenthaler is here. Plus, burt flickin ger is here on holiday shopping. Hunter yerger is here on snacks made in america. Dont miss that one, made in america is one of our regular segments here. All coming up. First, hitting back, the Trump Administration responds to a french digital tax thats slamming american Big Technology companies, the strategy coming up, certainly one of the reasons for those comments this morning in london. Starbucks sipping and skipping through the holidays, offering a boot full of flavor with its new salty and sweet frappuccino, coming up. One of these days these boots are going to walk all over you. P the epson ecotank. No more buying cartridges. Look at all this ink it comes with. Big ink tanks. Lots of ink. No more cartridges. 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The world trade oranization rejected the European Unions claims that it no longer subsidizes airplane manufacturer airbus. The move prompted the u. S. To say would increase tariffs on a range of european goods because the subsidies harm the u. S. Aerospace industry, think boeing especially on that story. tis the season for a new frappuccino. Starbucks is out with the santa boots chocolate frappuccino, it combines sweet and salty, with plenty of chocolate, whipped cream, Chocolate Candy and potato chips. Its only available in japan. Because why not. They do this to me all the time. Heres a great drink. Its only in japan. Maria chips in my coffee . Come on. Cheryl thats not for me but maybe you have a different take on that. All that chocolate and sprinkles, its disgusting. Maria salty and sweet. Dagen the chips are around the edge of the cup . Is that what it is. You have to eat them off the edge before they get soggy. Lets you pus put coffee i. Maria all right, cheryl. Thank you. Dagen at least a bad margarita will give you a little uh huh. Gives you, i dont know, a cavity. Maria the Trump Administration hits back on a european tax. What the president said, next. Mystery oreo revealed, the company divulging the must anticipated flavor. Well see if the oreo predictions were correct, back in the day. Stay with us. Like a hand out the window in the wind. Cars go by, its all weve been given. You better start living right now. Days go by. Woman my reputation was trashed online. I felt completely helpless. My entire career and business were in jeopardy. I called reputation defender. Vo take control of your online reputation. Get your free reputation report card at reputationdefender. Com. Find out your online reputation today and let the experts help you repair it. Woman they were able to restore my good name. Vo visit reputationdefender. Com or call 18778668555. What shines forever . Diamonds. What is as rare as true love . Diamonds. What lights up every room . Diamonds. Beautiful diamond styles for the diamond in your life. Get 25 off everything, including these oneofakind deals at the winter jewelry sale. Exclusively at zales, the diamond store. Maria welcome back. From cheese to handbags, the white house says it is considering up to 100 tariffs on 2. 5 billion in french imports, this is in response to a french digital tax. Grady trimble is covering the story. Reporter the french finance minister says the eu and france could retaliate if the u. S. Goes forward with the tariffs on 2. 4 billion worth of french goods. You mentioned some of them, many some of the items that could be taxed or put tariffs on, if this goes forward. It would include wine, cheeses, handbags, soap, makeup and many more items. This new tariff threat comes after france passed a 3 tax on Tech Companies doing business in france. That tax would apply primarily to u. S. Tech giants you see there, apple, facebook, amazon and google. The u. S. Trade representative leled a five month investigation into the tax and found its unreasonable, discriminatory against u. S. Companies and burden to u. S. Commerce. Of course, if any new round of tariffs goes forward, the president would have to okay it and he weighed in on that possibility this morning from london. If france puts a tax on our companies, again, these are companies that are against they were against me, if i read the papers correctly, but theyre American Companies. I dont want france taxing American Companies. If theyre going to be taxed, its going to be the United States will tax them. Okay . Reporter and as blake mentioned earlier in his report, President Trump is scheduled to meet with the french president , Emmanuel Macron, later this morning, this at a time when there are tensions between the two of them. We should note the u. S. Trade representative says it hasnt ruled out the possibility of investigations into other countries considering a similar tech tax including austria, italy, and turkey. Maria. Maria grady, thank you so much. Whats your reaction to this . You know, im going to use this to say that dagens been right about something for a really long time. Maria good. Lets hear it. Dagen has been saying from the beginning of this whole trade war that a tariff is a tax. Maria yeah. Here we are, today, the president said himself we dont want the french to tax our companies, if anyones going to do it, were going to do it. Tariffs are taxes. Maria yeah, right. I also thought that quote from the president was really interesting. If anyones going to tax american Tech Companies, its going to be us. You know, and they havent been very nice to he me. I kind of read a little bit into that, like this president is looking at going after american tech. Maria thats exactly right. Hes basically saying, look, these companies didnt like me, they didnt vote for me in the beginning, theyre against me but i dont want anybody taxing American Companies, but by the way im going to beat them up, not the foreig french. The taxis comingfrom us, not. Is this a flat tax on companies that are winning . If you look at the companies affected by this based off the ratios, you go what are they trying to do, is this just a money grab . Maria i dont like the idea of Foreign Countries taxing american businesses. These companies are more powerful and bigger than we ever expected and there are reasons to believe that new regulatory boundaries are coming. Dagen in terms of any tariff on french imported goods, there are replacements here in the United States for much of what would get hit. Look at cheese and wine. Dagen cheese and wine and handbags made in other countries. But particularly even Long Island Wine is quite delicious. Maria it is. Dagen its not maria lets not forget california. Does the president want to boost california by going after french wine. I dont know. Not a lot of love there either. Dagen theres delicious wine made in virginia. Thats a blue state. You look at items affected by this, people are getting emotional. Maria my favorite things from france, wine and cheese. Dagen just drink bourbon, its all american. Just drink bourbon. I think someone should tweet that out, just drink bourbon. Maria what about cheetos, cheetos is good. Dagen thats made in texas. Cheetos is not russian or french. How about bourbon and Cheddar Cheese from wisconsin. Maria done and done. Dagen ive got it better, bourbon and cheese straws made in america. We may have just developed something new. Maria weve got a made in america guest coming up on cheese. Well take a break and then well hear from him. First, the impeachment hearings, the countrys highest court being dragged into the inquiry. Inside the legal battle coming up. Made in america, one country producing tasty snacks at home. Well check it out and get his take on the tariff stories. Back in a minute. Were feeling so good just the way that we do. I have the power to lower my blood sugar and a1c. Because i can still make my own insulin. And trulicity activates my body to release it like its supposed to. Trulicity is for people with type 2 diabetes. Its not insulin. I take it once a week. It starts acting in my body from the first dose. Trulicity isnt for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Dont take trulicity if youre allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. Stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, or severe stomach pain. Serious side effects may include pancreatitis. Taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. 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We have new fears over china trade rattling markets, futures reversing course after President Trump in a News Conference in london says he has no deadline on a china trade deal and may wait until after the 2020 election, as hes preparing for a packed first day of the nato summit. The dow industrials are set to open down about 100 points, 107 lower on futures, s p down 9, nasdaq lower by 35. Weak manufacturing data and trade tensions weighed on markets yesterday. It was a triple digit loss for the dow after we got the ism report, the purchasing managers indexes have been weakening, dow industrials down 268 points at the close. S p was down 27 and nasdaq was down 98 points, better than 1 . Global markets are mixed after President Trumps comments on china trade. European indices as you can see fq100 down 87, cac down 25, the dax is higher by 69. Check asian markets overnight. Heres the story. The worst performer was japan, nikkei average down twothirds of 1 . Say cheese, we are introducing you into an American Company that produces cheese and even cookie straws and its all made in america. Hes coming up. Speaking of cookies, oreo has the big reveal of the flavor of the mystery oreos. Were our predictions correct . Remember, we were all betting on this months ago. Well tell you coming up in a bit. All those stories coming up. The top story this half hour, the impeachment battle is on, the house Judiciary Committee holding the first impeachment hearings tomorrow, calling on legal scholars to look at finding from democrats, this as devin nunes and other House Republicans issued their own report defending President Trump, claiming he was ac actinn l valid concerns about possible corruption by the bidens. President trump weighed in on the impeachment inquiry this morning from london. The impeachment witch hunt, its really just a continuation of the hoax thats been taking place for the last three years. I think its a bad thing for our country. Impeachment wasnt supposed to be used that way. All you have to do is read the transcript, youll see there was absolutely nothing done wrong. They have legal scholars looking at the transcripts the other day and they say these are absolutely perfect. Maria joining us right now to talk about that is criminal defense attorney, joe takapina. Great to see you. Whats your reaction to all this . Hes got a point. My reaction is hes got a point. Look, im not very partisan. Im not all good trump, all bad trump, but im analyzing this as a lawyer. And i will tell you this. This case is doa as far as im concerned. This would not survive in a court of law. Not even close. Because what were talking about is hearsay evidence, okay. Maria its second and third account. Second and thirdhand accounts that wouldnt get close to a courtroom, a real courtroom. What you now have is the alleged victim of this, this offense, because im going to analyze it as a lawyer. Zelensky, the president of ukraine saying i didnt see quid pro quo. I wasnt pressured to do something. You have that. You dont have one person giving direcgivingevidencegivingdirectd of a quid pro quo, a bribery if you will and it goes to the next level on purely partisan lines. So all the democrats are going to vote impeachment. All the republicans wont. But at the end of the day, legally analyzing this, its not even close. Maria i dont even know if all the democrats are going to vote impeachment, frankly. Jeff van drew from new jersey told me directly two weeks ago hes a no. So i think there are democrats that are facing their constituents that are saying were not getting anything done. They should. Were all hear to serve they are all here to serve us. This country. Their constituents. Theyre there to serve. They have to do it honorably. Impeachment is a grave and the most grave proceeding we could have when youre talking about the president of the United States. This should not fall on partisan lines. It should fall on whats right or wrong and whats legal and not legal. Here, this would be in a court of law amounting to about eight seconds manufacture its the maria its the process that people are change about. There were tweets from doug collins, he said its a sham, the process, chris, what do you sunshine. Its unbelievable. Joe, do you think theyll continue to add more articles to this, more issues . Are they not going to stop at all until they get the hearing they want . Dagen thats an article, an actual written newspaper article in the washington today. I saw that this morning. Ithe Mueller Report and other things. I used to be a prosecutor. Its a terrific sign of weakness when you start throwing as much stuff against the wall to see what sticks. Maria its going back too far. You dont have confidence in your court case. If they go with anything other than what this all started about, the ukraine quid pro quo, quote, unquote, bribery scandal, if they go with anything other than that, they basically conceded defeat. The Mueller Report belongs nowhere near this. Theyve been embarrassed by that once. They want to revisit it again in this . What does that do . Maria still no acknowledgement of the wrongdoing that took place in the 2016 election, when we know there was a coup underway to take down donald trump. The Washington Post is reporting that barr told associates he disagrees with the conclusion in ig horowitzs report that the fbi had enough information to justify investigating members of the Trump Campaign. We are awaiting these reports. The release is coming out on monday, december 9th. The president says he will he could expect some bombshells from that. Heres what the president said about the upcoming ig report. Is it going to be released on monday, monday or so. I think we have to read it and we have to see it but i hear theres a lot of devastating things in that report. But well see what happens. Look, we have a few days to wait. Weve been waiting a long time. I do think that the big report to wait for is going to be the Durham Report, the one that people are really waiting for. The ig report is a very important report. Maria and the Durham Report is a criminal investigation as you know, joe, and were all looking and going back to the origins of the russia collusion story. Why and how did they insert donald trump into russia meddling into the United States. Its, again, look, when i first heard of it, is was interested to see what they had. But they came up emptyhanded. I mean, theres been no ties at all. You dont think Robert Mueller would have loved to have taken it to trump . I mean, i they were mortal enemies. There was a war going on between the two of them and their consistent ficonstituents and ne out of that report. Maria yet american citizens who were innocent people were wiretapped like carter page and george papadopoulos. And when you see fbi agents going rogue and doing things to undermine the elections, because they thought they were doing the country a service, i mean, its scary stuff. Really is scary stuff. Maria i think all the leaks, john, basically people leaking stuff about whats in the ig report because theyre afraid and theyre trying to downplay it before the report comes out. You mentioned the report that attorney general barr is as odds with the Inspector General and the Inspector General report manufacture that maria thats what the Washington Post says. Does this suggest barr is going to push it more aggressively than the ig was. The report it is coming out and perhaps maria he traveled lik to placs like italy to meet with joseph missfid. Dagen there was a New York Times story last week. Im paraphrasing, the if you saw me looking through my notes, that essentially said that one of the ig conclusions is that the it is expected to undercut the idea that inform pimentseinformants were inserteo the Trump Campaign but the article points out they were still running informants, members of the Trump Campaign. So to paraphrase eli legg, thats a distinction without a difference. Its like okay, you didnt insert people into the Trump Campaign but you were running informants at members of the trump team . It was still Maria Stephan hallpert was paid a Million Dollars to write reports on china and russia. Nobody gets a Million Dollars to write reports on china and russia. He was paid to be an informant. The reports are going to confuse the heck out of people. Maria thats true. In the end, youre going to have people going to their camps, you know, the neverdonal Donald Trumps trumpy heres the evidence. Maria i think people should be upset if somebody in a position of power are putting their finger on the scale. Have you to let the presidency run its course. Where were at, this impeachment process makes no sense at all. We know what the end result is going to be. Hes not going to be removed from office. The community, the country has spoken by way of electoral votes. Thats the end of this story as far as im concerned. Lets see what the voters think in the next election whether or not they really believe theres something awry here. This has come up incredibly short from a legal standpoint. I see nothing but a bunch of speculation. This isnt just a legal process. Its a political process. Maybe its playing out the way it should which is one side says get rid of him, the other side says dont. In the end, the voters have to make a decision about whether they prefer an alternative. Youre right but heres where i take issue with this notion. This is an impeachment process. Thisms i this is the most grave process we can have in the country. The impeachment process should not be purely political. We know it is. It shouldnt be. There should be people who are able to look in the mirror and say im doing the right thing or not doing the right thing by my citizens. If its just about im a nevertrumper or whatever theyre called. Maria politics. If its just politics and its the impeachment process, weve really broken the system. Maria well be watching that. Joe, its great to get your insights. Thanks a lot. Maria joltin coming up, an fi warning your phone is vulnerability to an intelligence threat. And mystery oreo revealed, the much anticipated flavor, a secret no more. We all guessed what it could be. Find out if we got it right. Stay with us. Are we in the clear yet, in clear yet, in the clear yet, good. Are we out of the woods yet, are we out of the woods yet, are we out of the woods yet i try to find companies that turn these challenges into opportunities. Its these unique companies with Creative Business models that will generate value for our investors. Thats why i go beyond the numbers. 1 in 4 of us millennials have debt we might die with. And most of that debt is actually from credit cards. Its just not right. But with sofi, you can get your credit cards right by consolidating your Credit Card Debt into one monthly payment. Including your Interest Rate right by locking in a fixed low rate today. And you can get your money right with sofi. Check your rate in two minutes or less. Get a nofee personal loan up to 100k. Maria get this, chinese citizens are now being forced to scan their faces to buy a new cell phone. Cheryl casone with the details 6. Talk about a state citizen. Cheryl this is something else, maria. The new rule went into effect on sunday. Chinese Officials Say its aimed at reducing telephone fraud and preventing reselling and illegal transfers of phone cards. In the past, an id was required to get a new number. The new move is raising a lot of concerns obviously about security and privacy. Facial recognition has become more pref vent in the country over the years, one quick scan of the faiths ca face face can e citizen on a plane and into an office building. In the United States, the fbi is out with a warning about a face app, a viral hit that allowed you to make your face look younger or older. The fbi sent a letter to Chuck Schumer saying the russian made app is a Counter Intelligence threat that could be used to exploit americans personal data. Schumer says anyone who has face app should delete it. And who doesnt love a good mystery. We do on this show. Because months after oreo released its latest secret flavored oreo cookie, nabisco revealed the flavor that divided america. On mornings with maria, we had a few guesses about it at the time. We didnt know the answers. Maria and i thought it was cinnamon graham cracker. The winning flavor is churro. Those who entered the sweepstakes had a chance to win 50,000. Other top guesses, french toast, funnel cake and gingerbread. You and i both at the time, we said cinnamon toast. Were you here that day, dagen . Dagen yes, i was. I said its cinnamon toast crunch. I thought it would be a crosspromotional thing. Maria there was a big taste of cinnamon and thats churro. Cheryl dagen made the point that cinnamon and churros is kind of the same thing. Dagen its essentially a donutlike batter that you squeeze into a deep fryer and you toss them in cinnamon sugar. I think there was theres little ladies on the new york city subway. I certainly met one of them who sell churros that are not sweet and i think that one of them got arrested recently which is very sad. Is this, just to be kind of cynical and businessminded about this, is this an effort by oreo to tap a hispanic audience . I would totally agree with that estimation. Sounds right. Personally, i just like good old oreos. Maria me too. Dont mess with my oreos. Its my favorite cookie. If its not broken, people, dont change anything. Maria exactly. Dagen the churro lady wasnt arrested but she was removed from one of the subway stations by police and there was outrage among people who were watching. Maria they wanted those. Dagen yeah. Churros, i know Katie Pavlish told me she was lost on the subway and that saved her because she was starving. Now she can have an arrest yoan oreoinstead. Maria one company has been making tasty smacks in the United States for over 25 years, we have their story, cheese straws when we come back. Stay with us. Made in the usa. Made in the usa. What shines forever . Diamonds. What is as rare as true love . Diamonds. What lights up every room . Diamonds. Beautiful diamond styles for the diamond in your life. Get 25 off everything, including these oneofakind deals at the winter jewelry sale. Exclusively at zales, the diamond store. At the winter jewelry sale. [ electrical buzzing ] [ dramatic music playing ] [ squeaking ] [ screaming ] elliott . [ gasps ] elliott. You came back my son. My, my family. Lots changed since you were here. Its called the internet. Whoa whoa holiday movies. Im dreaming of a White Christmas family. Home. Woo [ gasps ] woohoo woo ill be right here. Aint that america for you and me. Aint that america, something to see. Baby. Aint that america, home of the free. Maria welcome back. Say cheese, the mississippi cheese straw factory is here, an American Made business founded in 1991 by a mother and her two sons. The Company Selling homemade cheese straws in a variety of flavors and sizes. The business introducing the worlds very first cookie straw. Joining us right now is the mississippi cheese straw factory ceo and president , hunter yeager. Thank you for joining us. Tell us about doing business in america and what kind of cost that involves versus producing this overseas. Weve never investigated producing overseas. Weve always been located here in mississippi in the United States and there are similar products made overseas but its difficult to get Quality Control when you do that and the cost would be less but we dont want to trade off our quality and our american identity. Maria thats terrific. Have you been affected by the tariff situation . We have. We have, minimally. Its not a serious issue for us but we have seen a little bit. We bring some packaging in from china and its difficult to get domestically, unfortunately. We used to be able to do that but things changed. Weve been in business 28 years. Over the years, those supply lines have changed and weve seen recently the packaging moving to china and so we have had that effect on us. Dagen so explain, hunter, cheese straws are a southern staple around the holidays. Absolutely. Dagen the ingredients are simple, its flour, Cheddar Cheese, butter, salt, pepper and cayenne pepper. Theyre a bear if you want to make them in volume. Youre going to wear out your arm with the cookie press. Dagen you push the dough into a cookie press. Thats right. Thats why we do that. So you make these with wisconsin cheddar. Wisconsin cheddar. How would it taste with french cheese . Weve never tried that. We tried goat cheese and other things. Now that were slapping tariffs on them thats right. Dagen why mess with perfection. Thats right. Dagen i say this as a southerner. One, theres no greater gift than cheese straws for the holidays. And two, they are one of the most add dic addictive things no peanut, that one individual can sit down with a glass of bauer don and eat an entire plate of cheese straws. It looks like youre not letting go of that box. That box is going home with you. Theres more where that came from. Maria awesome. Youve been in business 28 years. Yes. The last three years, what kind of challenges have you all experienced that youve never dealt with before . Well, we havent had really that many challenges in the last three years, quite the opposite, actually. The Business Environment has been great. As a longtime business person, were happy to have a businessman in the oval office who understands what it means to be in business and have employees and im grateful for that because i lived through a lot of president s. Samesometimes you dont feel lie anybody has your back. Maria you were at the white house for the made in america event. Tell us about that. It was great. Honored to be selected and representing the state. Wonderful thing theyre doing, bringing a business from each state there, representing their own state and focusing american manufacturing. How did business change with this president . Business is better overall. But i think that the Business Environment and just the feeling that we have that youre not being milked and targeted. Milked milked and targeted. As Business People sometimes the government sees us in a certain way. Maria hunter, its great to have you. Congrats. Thank you very much. Maria well be right back. Stay with us. chime shaq magenta . I hate cartridges not magenta not magenta. Im not going back to the store. Magenta cartridges are so. buzzer vo the epson ecotank. No more cartridges. It comes with an incredible amount of ink that can save you a lot of frustration. The epson ecotank. Just fill and chill available at. vo thewith every attempt, strto free itself,piders web. It only becomes more entangled. Unaware that an exhilarating escape is just within reach. Defy the laws of human nature. At the season of audi sales event. Bartiromo,tize, december 3 your top stories 8 00 a. M. On the east coast fears of a china trade this morning rattling markets futures reversing course after President Trump said he has no decline on china trade deal may wait till after 2020 election in adelibbing way in london ahead of nato summit the first day nato summit kicks off in london london set to meet with french president Emmanuel Macron after threatening one hundred percent tariffs on slew of Popular French goods in retaliation for potential tax on Technology Companies in america markets dick kicking off december with steepest losses yesterday dow industrials down 268 points yesterday down s p down 7 nasdaq lower by 97 yesterday it was a day of worry over manufacturings and weakening economy weak manufacturing data with trade tensions weighing on markets Global Markets mixed after president s remarks on china trade european incomes do down 1 2 cac quarante in paris down threequarters of one in germany dax up 42 points markets finished fractionally moving you can see biggest was japan down twothirds of a percent knew records for retail cyber monday sales on track to hit new highs, that on top of black friday sales pulling in strong numbers online, what this means for markets the consumer and the economy, is mr. Hitting the books we will tell you which country is home to smartest students in the world can you take a guess . We will talk about it, all those coming up Tuesday Morning joining me to break it down fox business dagen mcdowell, Ramsey Solutions financial expert offer ofbook everyday millionaires chris hogan here and Jon Hilsenrath great to see everybody. While you are you viewers are having breakfast we are talking bourbon and cheese strauss values . Straws. The holidays. Dagen antimartha stewart virginia diner peanuts cheese straws for holidays i speak from experiencing. Maria i like it a good one jay smeent . Kriz promised to bourbon did you promise it . Yes, i am now . I am definitely going to do it not giving him any that is for three of us. So yes . You want to today about tariffs. Dagen tariff man our president of the United States has done a big belly flop in the middle of markets with threat on argentina, and brazil, and france, yesterday. And the comments he made about a china trade deal we will see where this all goes whether negotiating tactic or just people in white house do not like to go on tv, and and reverse market rally they are afraid that the boss president is going to say why are you reversing course in markets he did it himself two days in a row . Talking about tariffs the markets, and the economy we are having important jobs report coming up on friday so people need to tune back in to your show 8 30 on friday, that will tell us how the economy is really doing. Handson deck fridays jobs report wide range is striking dagen in terms of expectation. Dagen right on the high end it is north of 200,000 jurors about 230,000 jobs. Maria ro from said as low as 50 on estimates. Dagen one thing i add an article in the journalism last week about, the particularly about wisconsin job market that is the one thing to watch in terms of the president s reelection chances you tight job market is people getting jobs laid off got evenb severance checks refired . Struck us we saw data turning in wisconsin, we saw the economy slowing we said take a look at it what we found is when people were getting laid off, they were getting offers before even old job ended. Maria sign of strong jobs market. Severance packages very light labor market that creates a safety net for the economy it used to be the layoff meant you no a ticket to 18 months of unemployment checks, maybe even longer, now, it is severance checks instead of unemployment checks and new job so a strong environment . Coming up this morning top storys is it hour impeachment inquiry continues this week ramps up Trump Administration slamming House Democrats for hosting impeachment hearings while the president is overseas. The president weighed in on this in this morning on inquiry, and his call with the ukrainian president . Not even word should be used i had a very good conversation with and by the way, yesterday he came out again and we affirmed again that we had a very, very respectful good conversation that President Trump did nothing wrong he did not really understand what is going on over here they look at us like is this country crazy . The democrats have gone nuts they are crazy. Maria joining me pence congressman house Judiciary Committee foreign savers member youve got hands if you will tell us what rapped in the Judiciary Committee now p . Tomorrow we are going to have a hearing in judiciary, and chairman nadler is going to bring in leftleaning College Professors to talk about historical precedence of impeachment. But really what i think he is trying to do trying to put on veneer on impeachment to show that it is a judicial proceeding that it is very impartial some way American People around the fooled by this this has been a political hit job since the very beginning just because jerry nadler is bringing in College Professors to talk legal precedence doesnt make this right . I dont i dont understand, College Professors talking about the presses dense of impeachment . What does this have to do with issue at hand bringing in these College Professors, were they on the call . Well said maria this is just all about the veneer jerry nadler is trying to present wasting fore mime with inte. We should work on usmca, doing something to have more Free Trade Agreements around the world, i was in taiwan they would would love a Free Trade Agreement with us we should work all over make sure we are winning trade war against china passing usmca doing something to lower cost of prescription drugs as well . My sources tell Us Nancy Pelosi many bring usmca bill to the floor before yearend in other words, next two weeks. Do you hear that are you expecting that i think with when they went home for thanksgiving a lot of congressman on democrat side had to answer to switzerland asked what have you been doing last two months you got nothing done for American People . It is so hard to predict nancy pelosi right now we have to remember the Democrats Party is in absolute chaos they are trying to deal with a radical leftleaning base that is demanding impeachment, but need to win the moderate voters to win swing voters in 2020. So their party is in tailspin so is nancy pelosi. My gut tells me we are having usmca, bill brought on the floor before years end built again so hard to predict why dust talking about this now . Usmca should have been run a year ago at least nine months ago a colossal wastes of time we should ask pelosi why this vent run sooner. By the way, the things they are asking for not like they are holding it up because they want changes because all these things are very minimal they have gotten lower amount of time to the patents want together below 10 years going to get that wands enforcement in place, so that, American Workers will be paid 6 dollars an hour even if mexico works paid two dollars an hour got that they got all things asked for in terms of tweaks, is you know why have toldup is nothing has been changed . None of this is on merits, usmca, would be would pass overwhelmingly if runs on the floor really good for American Workers for American Farmers this is all politics. Nancy pelosi wants to deprive president of a win in my state pennsylvania wisconsin michigan usmca having big impact trying to play politics with free trade we should not do that. This bill should have been run months ago if nancy pelosi was doing her job this would with hit the floor this week . How much is to put up noise ahead of theig report we know the Inspector General from fbi is coming out with its report on december 8th, that is in a week. Next monday. And we know that there was wrong wrongdoing doing on 206 Election Year canal of individuals tried to entrap people who worked for donald trump to take down trump we read text, insurance policy . The Washington Post reporting that barr told associates he disagrees with the conclusion, in the ig report, that the fbi had enough information to justify investigating members of Trump Campaign. What do you what do you think about this . Well, do i think that this that usmca is being talked about, because a nancy pelosi and far left democrats are trying to detract from ig report also from the fact they have gotten zero done because they have been dealing with impeachment, not working for the American People, as far as the ig report goes i am really interested i want to read the entire report, but we know that shady things were happening canal fbi was trying to have insurance policy against President Trump should scare any of us that you can weaponize fbi politicize fbi literally spy on American Campaign that is a day for america i am interested to see how nefarious actions with canal of the fbi . Political Campaign Want to being take down another Hillary Clinton paid for dossier trying to take down President Trump the things left on table because of impeachment inquiry usmca, hanging in the balance youve got a government that needs to be fund are you able to fund by december 20 . You would with hope so again all band width take off with impeachment, you are right we havent passed a budget . Prescription drug plans also up in smoke there . Yeah, we also could work on criminal Justice Reform could be bipartisan make sure we help those that a nonviolent federal offenses on record put book to work dee stigmatize memory in work we are wasting time with impeachment we have election less than a year away. China we are as you and i are talking i am watching the futures, deteriorate further with lows of the morning right now congressman the dow futures down 223 points, the s p futures down 20. And nasdaq futures down 7. Partly on idea President Trump said he is fine waiting until after 2020 election to do a deal with china, this president changed the the conversation on china what is your reaction to what is happening in markets this morning, as a result of uncertainty around trade . We have to look at this in a long term if we dont win this trade war let me be clear this is a trade war with china if we dont win this tried war it will have are repercussions kaikd ahead chinese taking a very long view we have to take long view as well we have to make sure American People know how predatory chinese have been currency inflation flooding markets with steel aluminum stealing i. Sp forcing American Companies to transfer over intellectual property, if they want access to the market in china. So again weve got to take at a very long view on this weve got to be clear this is a trade war. Maria yeah, i mean you you know read out the list quite quite clearly, we all know what is at stake i dont think the president can do a deal without getting some of those things taken care of we will watch forced transfer of technology where that is in any potential partnership . Congressman reschenthaler there, joining us in washington weve got a big hour ahead joining the conversation, is the managing director streeng errors group flickinger breaking down the state of consumer, a al better strauss the is here telling how business is teaming up with bmw to use methane from cows to power about electric vehicle charged stations you heard that right plus host of Varney Company Stuart Varney weighing in big rest of the hour first hitting the books the country producing smartest students in the world wait till you see this list, food fight mcdonalds fights chicken sandwich wars with popi chickfila we will tell you where you can get one back in a minute. So when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. Thats how you do it right. Usaa insurance is made just the way martins family needs it with hasslefree claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. Because doing right by our members, thats whats right. Usaa. 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And, when you open a new Fidelity Brokerage account, your cash is automatically invested at a great rate thats 21 times more than schwabs. Plus, fidelitys leading price improvement on trades saved investors hundreds of millions of dollars last year. Thats why fidelity continues to lead the industry in value while our competition continues to talk. Talk fidelity. Maria welcome back georgia governor taking a making a addition who will replace i canson . Republican to u. S. Senate, after isakson vai indicates that asset wanted representative doug collins, he can hold seat 10 months special election for reminder of the interpret. Excuse me things heated in wars mcdonalds with Crispy Chicken sandwich cab only be found in knoxville, tennessee houston, texas several trying to compete with popeyes chicken sandwich we had on set monday demand high after august debut sold out after two weeks only available again last month. Well, the smartest schoolchildren in the world live in china. Oecd study found 15yearold Chinese Students came out on top reading, science, math. The Organization Secretary general says findings suggest a stronger economy for china in the future but we should point out that chinese schoolchildren have a lot more restrictions on activities internet games Everything Else than other children in the world . Longer school days in school more in china this also brings you back to the trade war because there are some conversations happening about is there something to be done to limit Chinese Students in america, as eat leverage point for this administration, are to china gets into line in terms of certain ip theft et cetera, conversation yesterday . On the one hand bringing chinese signs is import i am sorry american export . Whiutes wa why universities if stealing sending to china you got to put an end to that. Dagen funded by taxpayers in instances through say grants from the government, to these students that take their research and ship it right back to the communist government the journal has written about. Maria to understand this . As far as study these kids do really well in testing i studied for a semester in hong kong when i was a graduated student, it is a totally different culture ant free with with wheeling creative as you get at american universities one hand very Good Students but they also might not be the kind of creative jean uses going to create next googlor amazon or facebook . University level one thing look at grammar schooling u. S. Is number 28 or 30, that is the bigger problem i am not hearing bying about this on campaign trail we need help request education. Dagen we are Creative Minds that give rise to say an iphone, then chinese can just turn around steal it from us. Maria o exactly right the issue, quick break futures completely reversing hours after President Trump puts dent in hopes for deal with china soon markets down at lows down 228 points, shoppers storming the internet for cyber monday poised to set alltime record high for one dan online sales, back in a minute. vo the moth without hope, struggles in the spiders web. With every attempt to free itself, it only becomes more entangled. Unaware that an exhilarating escape is just within reach. Defy the laws of human nature. At the season of audi sales event. What shines forever . Diamonds. What is as rare as true love . Diamonds. What lights up every room . Diamonds. Beautiful diamond styles for the diamond in your life. Get 25 off everything, including these oneofakind deals at the winter jewelry sale. Exclusively at zales, the diamond store. Trump making big news today, announcing during his visit to the nato summit in london a china trade deal may have to wait until after the 2020 president ial election watch this. The deal with china i want to make it if i want to make it, if they want to make i want it is if i want to make it. And we will see what happens. But i am doing very well if i want to make a deal i dont know that i want to make it but going to find out pretty soon . Some ways it is better to wait until after the election with china, but i am not going to say that i can think that i just tell you in some ways i like idea waiting till after the election for the china detail but they want a deal now we will see whether or not the he will do a is going to be rightets got to be right . With that futures completely reversed course dropping in premarket, all morning, along with yuan krunz investors hoping for quick phase one deal to minimize market volatility not sell, this morning lowes dow futures down 234 s p futures down 21 nasdaq futures down 75 lower across the board joining us mark lehman, a pleasure to see you thanks for being here . Thanks, maria maria i feel like he was adlibbing there. Felt like what did i call it earlier. Dagen spitballing tossing ideas out there i have a theory i am going to wait to share go ahead. . I mean. Maria how much of a worry . The market last two days 4500 points that is 2 , so that is not nothing we have a nice Fourth Quarter going into end of the year probably more optimistic than at any time the rest of the year, and that is throwing water on that probably not great going into Fourth Quarter saying i will decide not up to them it is up to me i would expect if rhetoric considered more down days than up days . Can we talk currencies a president putt tariffs on argentina brazil, chinese yuan falling on this use talk about dollar where it stands how much increase is Market Forces in action how much is you know trade actions by other countries just trying to hurt us . I am not sure south american currencies are the Reference Point of anything to american dollar i wouldnt expect they have bigger problems internationalist trade some countries you just mentioned. Listen, when things get till about to marketplace in 30 year investing american there are a has been place of strength safe haven currency i guess that is going to continue the rest of my investing career because that is what is happening i am not sure some are based on tariffs they are more based on fundamentals when we like or not our economy continues to chug along is probably the best economy going . Isnt it more than chugging along we have incredible weekend of shopping not just chugging along . My point we have best economy in world some weaknesses of currencies right safe haven currency globally . What we see dollar gets strong it becomes a focal point in trade war do you have to start watching this as an investor, dollar gets strong, maybe that means new tariffs, stocks come i think the market is telling you that weve seen last few days rhetoric got louder our currency got stronger feeds on he itself i think we do maybe, have to take a blitz of a step back and figure out what the ramifications are, because spitballing may not be to way to go to policy jay look no further as proof of american greatness, than biotechnology biotech stocks talk about outperform you till say undervalued under owned a catalyst coming up . This is your specialty . This is our special steele jandp sector coverage oncology central informs system cns, this quarter overall performance great for market, weve had offer half a dozen stocks that are up over 100 this quarter that is not just because people decided it was they want to get back in secretary of state that is fundamental news look at trade wars look at investigations look at all things going on fundamentally potential for slowdown rust belt et cetera not slowing down notification in Life Sciences has definitely not sloedz down what were seeing more approval more rare zs cured there are things we would change about work. And there are things we wouldnt. When work is worth it. Work is worth it. Work can be closer to home. Pay more. Make us proud. Careerbuilder. Work can work. Find your work at careerbuilder. Com. Dot. Maria welcome back, good Tuesday Morning. Thanks for joining us. Im maria bartiromo, tuesday, december 3 top stories 8 34 a. M. Eves china tensions driving markets lower with lows of the day right now we are expecting a decline of 250 points, rights out of open this morning, the dow futures down 25 subpoena futures you down 24, nasdaq futures lower by 87 futures reversed entirely earlier after President Trump said that he has no deadline on china trade deal may wait until after the 2020 election to ink one the president s in london this morning, for the first day of nato summit we are covering that this morning, top story this half an hour cyber monday, smashing record sales again, shoppers ringing up whopping 91 4 billion dollars online yesterday alone that is up 16. 9 from last year smartphones contributed 3 billion dollars in single day, amazon also reached record levels Company Announced cyber monday single biggest shopping day in the Company History joining us is Strategic Research Group Managing director Burt Flickinger characterize what we saw yesterday and this weekend . Spectacular success, accelerating as we get to most important shopping days, in december, before hanukkah christmas new years . Spectacular what is your comment . What were seeing price discovery, it is ironic, that the stores werent ready to merchandise for frozen recordbreaking childrens movies number one seller for cyber monday frozen toy elsa, the polar bear, and the mere chanters are not following key strategy of dillon best multiformat ceo last 20 years, from fred meyer to kroger used to take disney movieretize . Have nothing exciting in stores down 3 hence cyber monday up 16. 9 only sale approaching 20 increases . How is of your what is your advice how to manage information flying about consumers there is data on credit card sales, samestore sales, cyber monday, black friday, and the Government Sales you got conflicting signals how to sort through that to figure out what is happening . From consumers point of view this smart shoppers, out smart the stores by waiting the long toast buy as close to christmas as possible after christmas for investors the key thing invest, in the advertising mechanisms not retail stories invest in fox networks, invest in lamar, invest in outdoor the Digital Media companies recordbreaking media president ial election spending in upcoming year will increase, hundreds versus last year the advertisers benefit look at who has best tip offing amazon i dont have annis leonardo the Blues Brothers song Everybody Needs somebody to lover somebody sometime record advertising on tv walling mart fantastic advertising cal one hallmark 5 off on cal one card for walmart. Com 2 off back in the stores, so look at the peter lynch commercial common sense, retailers doing the best in advising merchandiseing in stores, are the ones to invest in, and for shoppers price discovery for desperation discountsing starting this month stores did not make plan in november . Is a hear this i think from the consumer pint of view i am teaching be smart pay cash there is 11 billion dollars spent mere responsibility astronomical getting worse toward christmas do you agree . I had the will get worse you are great guidance so important not to go in debt not for want what we are seeing tariffs or no tariffs walmart not regulates lowes isnt regulates no one regulates prices the prices keep going down why take on debted when you are going to get a better price next month than this month . To wait . Okay. So dont get caught in hype . Yes, sir . Pay cash . People manage budgets around christmas . Set a budget first foremost spend money tell your money where to go, meaning understand how much is coming in what can you afford to live on set a dollar amount eating i am going to send xamount i dont go over that how do you stay connected with that . Are you a Christmas Shopper . I am here is how i shop make a list of people im going to apply for put a dollar amount, maria burt dagen my dollar amount doesnt indicate how much i care about you it indicates how much i am going to spend more than 10 dollars . Dagen said something important before amazon prime day in june dad used to tell her when you have a little extra jingle in your pocket spend what you have in your pocket but dont spend more than the jingle in pocket . I see sale whether i need it or are not going to buy it because on sale that is a problem i know that . Maria that is a problem. [laughter]. Maria dagen i drove twoforone pants, on sale. Maria a sale we got new daet revealings what women spend more on spending more on tech, instead of clothing 50 shoppers tech centered retail outlets best buy apple, women up from 35 in 2014 what does that mean for Department Stores who wins who losses the season is it all tech. Going to be tech but also the retailers that have the most women as executive officers, marketsing merchandising, you look at carol mayer tjx, you look at the the other retailers, carol . Women. Dagen hope home depot, lowes. A warmer tone in lowes than home depot looks like trying to encourage women to come in, lowes as opposed to home depot sort of lining rough and tumble . Important point women make influence or make 80 purchase decisions at lowes, so lowes markets mere diesees better to women going to win . The woman is ceo of the household . Exactly should be the ceo of the ce of more retailers old caddyshack country club guys, running merchandising monarchies a lot of chains dont get it the way women do. . Exactly . Always good to team up . That was a lot of fun thank you. Coming up frozen ii on thinnize disney slammed with antitrust suit accusing the popular fairytale monopolizing theatres, how automaker is teaming up with one dairy creamer to pour electric details the dirty details coming up till the cows come home whats this for . Song inspiration. I started in my garage, but nationwide protects so much i had to expand. Nationwide helps protect everything you see in here, brad. Every family, every business, every dream. See mrs. Hoffman . Nationwide protects her home and car, but also her dream of retiring to become a yoga instructor. Oh, they have backstories. Of course they do. Here, i got more to show you. Keep up, now. A little hustle. shaq chime magenta . I hate cartridges not magenta not magenta. Im not going back to the store. Magenta cartridges are so. buzzer vo the epson ecotank. No more cartridges. It comes with an incredible amount of ink that can save you a lot of frustration. The epson ecotank. Just fill and chill available at. Woi felt completely helpless. Hed online. My entire career and business were in jeopardy. I called reputation defender. Vo take control of your online reputation. Get your free reputation report card at reputationdefender. Com. Find out your online reputation today and let the experts help you repair it. Woman they were able to restore my good name. Vo visit reputationdefender. Com or call 18778668555. Maria welcome back markets lower we want to zero in on disney down as well one percent. Gerri willis the market opening down 250 points . Not pretty we will keep an eye on it one of the stocks down disney the question is disney violating korean antimonopoly laws one critic is saying after frozen ii opened in 88 local the conversation turning in korea should there be a adequateda system, so that disney doesnt dominate in that country more than half disney movie revenue comes from overseas think about it north america, canada u. S. Accounts less than half revenue for disney,twitter also down this morning, after jack dorsey said he was going to spend 6 months in africa analysts are saying who is going to run the company in that time some saying, that it is abdication of pour and reckless dorsey saying africa will define future especially for bitcoin, Payments Company africa said wideopen, for bitcoin. Back to you. Maria you are right leaving continent . Thank you so much, lets look at iran more turmoil security focuses killed rioters gas price protests joining us Stuart Varney to weigh in good morning to you . My bottom line is this when President Trump in oval office doesnt go real well for unmideast iran is an enemy and is not going well for them right now. We have for start weve got protesters being shot in the street by the hundred unarmed protesters. The economy is collapsing the people in revot, interior ministers said 50 military bases have been attacked in iran revolt by people had enough of ayatollahs, mullahs, i think President Trump pressure applied to iran created this situation, where iran is in collapse mode so to speak. This is i am not going to say a win for President Trump, but this is where trump in the white house experts enormous pressure overseas hurts our enemies that is story hasnt received that much publicity, i think it should because, again i dont want to say is a win for trump, but an example where our hard line from our president , has tangible results overseas against our enemies i think we should make the most it. Maria i think the iranian people appreciate what donald trump has been doing by the way. Didnt get much from from. Obama 10 years ago when same thing happened . I know more 12 minutes Varney Company every day 9 00 a. M. Eastern after mornings with maria join stuart . Cash cow have automakers teaming up with a dairy creamery to use cow manure o Power Electric vehicles taking care of business every day, taking care of business, every away, taking care of business what shines forever . Diamonds. What is as rare as true love . Diamonds. What lights up every room . Diamonds. Beautiful diamond styles for the diamond in your life. Get 25 off everything, including these oneofakind deals at the winter jewelry sale. Exclusively at zales, the diamond store. At the winter jewelry sale. Thats it. Im calling kohler about their walkin bath. Nah. Not gonna happen. My name is ken. How may i help you . Hi, im calling about kohlers walkin bath. Excellent happy to help. Huh . Hold one moment please. 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Maria may have needed trash to fuel car my guess part of initiative to power cars with different kind of garbage, teaming up with bmw to use methane from cow waste to pour electric vehicle charged stations, strauss familyly creamery founder Albert Strauss thanks for joining us. Good morning. How would that work . Thank you for inviting me . So i think you need context for what were talking about, so we have farming cries in United States 4. 6 million dairy farms in 1940 less than 37,000 today dont expect 20,000 diaries to survive next decade. So what i did, i have a small family farm in marin county above san francisco, we converted our farm to be Certified Organic first Certified Organic diary and creamery in the western United States, and now 85 diaries in two counties are Certified Organic there is now 12 farms that supply creamery the basis of our farming system model is to create a sustain land important solution for planet animal welfare, treating animals well with grazing part of organic standards, and creating a collaboration where we by farms producing only amount of milk that we can sell able to sustain a price more that can really, farms can start to look at paying themselves as managing their business improve on next generation . How does cow mainitiative ure fuel charging stations what i want to know trying to understand how it works . So what we have he is last 15 years we collect manure from continuous being milked fed goes into a pond where we have a floating cover the bacteria die jests manuer gives methan gas as fuel in engine, produces electricity all electricity for the farm, and last 15 years, and keep a Greenhouse Gas out of atmosphere in california we have laws reduce methane emissions by 40 by 2030. This collaboration with bmw is a really crucial essentially to taking a Clean Renewable Energy source around the virtually powering the bmw vehicles, and working with bridge renewables to help that happen a Company Helping us as well. Albert this methane motor where did this come from who developed it . Where is it right now . Quick, sir. So methane, this technology has been around quite a few decades. The this is not new. It is just how we can do more efficiently better expand through evolution . Incredible albert great to see you thanks for all your effort to protect our are environment Albert Strauss joining us there. Stay with us. May 1 of 75. The magic moment. Congress really democratized wall street. I wanted to have a firm that wanted to get everybody in. Because people couldnt access wall street. We wanted to be agents of change. For the better. Hey fred its medicare open enrollment. E. Time to compare plans. Were fine with what we have. Thats what the johnsons thought until they tried medicares new plan finder. The johnsons . We saved a lot on our prescription costs and got extra benefits. How bout it, fred. Plans change every year. Use the new plan finder at medicare. Gov. Comparing plans really pays. Look how much we can save. Maria welcome back. Final thoughts from this allstar panel. I wonder if the president might be getting himself in a trap on trade, talking tough on it, talking the markets down in the process and putting himself in a position where hes got maria good point. Real quick. Regardless of all the cyber sales that are going on, stay in control of your money. Dont let ore people make other people make decisions for you. Maria see you tomorrow. Stuart, take it away. Stuart maria, good morning to you, and good morning, everyone. Hardline trump on full dismay in london this morning. Hes meeting nato leaders, and he has come on strong. I dont want france taxing American Companies. Thats what he said. The p french are trying to do that with a socalled digital tax that hits our Tech Companies. If they go through with it, the president s going to slap a 100 tax on european luxury products. And he loudly criticized germany for failing to pay for its own defense. He said they have to shape up, or things are going

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