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Wrapping up his joint press conference with turkish president erdogan, welcoming him to the white house, despite turkey attack on our antiisis partners in syria and erdogans cozying up to russia. Thank you for joining us on bulls and bears i am david asman, joinin joining us. President President Trump and top aides ignores bipartisan calls to cancel turkish president erdogans visit to the white house, a possible war crime by Turkish Backed forces in syria. Also threatening to buy Russian Military jets, could pose a risk to a Nato Alliance partner, here is how the president addressed that. Turkeys acquisition much sophisticated Russian Military equipment, creates some very serious challenges for us. Were talking about it constantly, we talked about it today, we are talking about it in the future, hopefully well be able to resolve that situation. David bring i in former state department official, former Senior Adviser in Trump Administration and bus. You know, erdogan is a troubling figure. This country will be around after erdogan leaves the scene. It is opinion to try to get along. This is liz peek. What is our National Interest in turkey . What to we want from turkey . President trump made is clear that is what drives our foreign policy. What is it were asking of turkey atthispoint. What asking curtail some things we think are unhelpful like purchasing Russia Air Defense system that would com compromise some of our more sophisticated air equipment. But more broadly, u. S. In usiy as a counter weight. It say country that has not thrown in the towel on history unlike a lot of other members of nato. I was exploring who was angering people after the press conference, one of the comment is president shaking hands with erdogan saying you are doing a fantastic job for your people of turkey. Second thing, i would like to commend fox roberts of fox news, asking erdogan about letter that president sent to him, was not being a tough guy. And attacking the kurds, christian, if you could comment on that relationship right now, the fact that erdogan they are ignoring that situation. Well, yes. Erdogan is a very mixed bag, turkey does not do things that are very helpful. That is true with a lot of these political contests in middle east. At the end of the day, i think that President Trump gave a standard, he often says that about any foreign leader he meets with, compliments are free. But the turkish do have until last electtion or two erdogan lost some of his pizazz. We have entered into a hyper state of diplomacy, we look at germany this year. Brokering a deal, energy deal with russia, now we have erdogan threatening to buy military equipment from russia. This is a very delicate situation that President Trump instead of pushing our allies away or frenemies away he is looking to engage everyone, but with that said, we know our interests, but what does turkey want out of this . You know i think that turkey want stability, they are worried about the terrorist elements among kurdish faction. It did come across later that kurds are not uniform, some that we have alied with, Northern Iraq and others with u unpalatae interests. Does not want to be ignitedded by terrorism. But the point, entire world is shifts, alliances are shifting, nato, you know, turkey is it is technically a member but it really is not, idea that turkey would fight in a nato engagement is unrealistic. But nonetheless an important player. I just dont understand the president shaking his hand. And saying what a terrific job you are doing, when you have erdogan saying, were repatrioting the kurds because they are terrorists but we know it ethnic cleansing. Everything that turkey seems to do right now is antiu. S. Kind of stick together right in our face. Buying from russia. I can give you a laundry list, and i am thinking why even meet with this guy when everything he does is against our best time . A good point, but you know if you want something from someone you have to meet with them, and yes president does pay him some comp amcompliments they are free does that with almost any foreign leader h areas of possie cooperation, i think i saw a hint of a possibility that maybe turkey would back away from purchasing russia s400 and instead buy patriot missiles. Some theory that erdogan got backed into the si s400. David i have to follow up on gary. What bothers me most about erdogan, where we need him most in neighbors syria to help isis, isis is squariest helping fight isis, isis is scariest thing of all right now, erdogan and his family actually was involved in helping isis get started, sell the oil they had control over. How can we rely on turkey to fight isis, when they helped to create them . We cant rely on turkey to do that they will do some things that are helpful like detain, captures and detaining sister offa albaghdadi. But other times they play foot se with them, that i can be a county balance to iran, they play footsy with russians but they hate the russians, i think they always have. We have to touch on a really big initial story, chaos in hong kong. Police are warning city on the quote brink of a total break down. Open warfare you see on the screen. Protesters over taking the business district, closing universities, people have been tolded to stay home from work. It is a very scary situation. Christian, what do you think will happen in do you think that military force will step in any day or u. S. Will step in what do you think . I think the invasion is happened. People speculating, would be it a tiananmen style massacre. Where they roll to hong kong and shoot a bunch of people. In fact Hong Kong Police have been poured in man land brutal tax mainland brutal tactics. They have picked up the tactics, this is the hybrid intervention from beijing, but protestors and free world still has the lever. That is where their power comes from, but it is sinking fast, the economy has in recession, the flow of funds in and out of hong kong is changing rapidly, my concern that Mainland China is building a narrative that will allow them to go in swash this squash this no matter the cost, and reving up nationalism in Mainland China again these protestors, do you think there is an Organization Behind the protest ors . Hard to imagine the violence were seeing now, is moms and pops and doctors and nurses, this seems to have gone beyond the average person in the street. It is, that is a problem some of the protesters think that violent works but not all, i have met a number who are committed to nonviolence, every time protestor are violent is seems Hong Kong Police do something stupid like start to shoot people who are unarmed. You see today, clerks from hong kong were applauding some blackclad protesting out outyo, so far not like Umbrella Movement in 2014, but one last thing, with alibaba, coming up in hong kong everyone think that is beijing showing everything is normal in hong kong. Christian thank you so much. We appreciate. Congress kicking off first day of public impeachment hearings, it democrats convince anyone that president should be impeached in we ask congressman tom mcclintock. You were not on the call were you. I did not. Never talked with chief of staff mulvaney. I never did. You never met the president. Correct. This i cant believe, you are their star witness. Fun fact 1 in 4 of us millennials have debt we might die with. 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Time to compare plans. Were fine with what we have. Thats what the johnsons thought until they tried medicares new plan finder. The johnsons . We saved a lot on our prescription costs and got extra benefits. How bout it, fred. Plans change every year. Use the new plan finder at medicare. Gov. Comparing plans really pays. Look how much we can save. Aewith Medicare Advantage plans designed for the whole you. And monthly premiums starting at 0. Plus hospital, medical and Prescription Drug coverage in one simple plan. And Health Coaching and fitness memberships to help you age actively. So you can be ready for what matters most. Call today. Well send you a 10 visa reward card with no obligation to enroll. Medicare annual enrollment ends december 7th. David adam schiff brought secret of the impeachment hearings into public view today. It of the put on full view. Hillary vaughn on capitol hill with the latest. Reporter acting Ukraine Ambassador bill taylor came with new information, but from someone else, described a phone call his staff member overheard. But staff member said they could hear president loud and clear. Your staff member overhears president asking about investigations, means burisma and the bidens in 2016. Ambassador sondland told President Trump they were ready to move forward. He did. What President Trump thought about ukraine his respond that President Trump cares more about investigations of biden, is that right. And burisma, yes, sir. More than ukraine . Whethe yes, sir. Reporter trying to crackdown the sources behind the testimony. We have 6 people having 4 conversations in one sentence, you just told me this is where you got your clear understanding. Which i mean. Even though you had three opportunities with president zelensky for him to tell you, you know what, well do these investigations to get the aid, never told you, never made an announcement or tweet about or a interview, ambassador you were not on the were you . You did not listen. No. You never met with chief mulvaney. No. And you never met president. President zelensky never made an announcement . This is what i cant believe, you are their star witness. Reporter another star witness next week, ambassador sondland will get to explain whether or not the things that ale or said about him today are true. David someone who knows the president , thank you. Here now republican congressman tom mcclintock, he sits on house judiciary committee, traditionally the committee that takes lead on impeachment, so far have you heard any evidence of an impeachable offense. Absolutely not, president has full responsibility and authority under constitution to conduct the foreign affairs, and that laws be lawfully executed. Requires president to certify that ukraine is taking steps necessary to reduce corruption before he is release the money, he did what the law requires him. The constitution requires, and last year, three democratic senators, wrote to ukraine government demanding they cooperate with the mueller investigation. The president asked they cooperate with ongoing investigation. The fact that one of those american hooped to be Vice President of United States who is now running for president does not shield him from scrutiny over what seems to be a clear abuse of power. Congressman this is Gary Kaltbaum. I dont know if you want to to answer, but what are your conversations behind close doored with democrats, ordinary me this is getting real depressing watching, when this are so many other things we could concentrate on right now. That is a problem. This is an obsession, only so much bandwidth went congress, and most of our attention now going to this when it could go to issues of great important to American People. I watched first witness, kent, give his testimony, within first two minutes, i said he laid out the lineage, his career, service, you know people in the family that served country and as officials, i said, what perfect definition of deep state. He actually indicted the democrats by clearly outlining that you know what, he his view point as far as how that convery conversation looks and terms of the direct where country should go, as gary said, were all exhausted with the russian collusion hoax, but now we enter into impeachment hearings. How long is it g going on go . Do you think it would create more fatigue on left or right . It has a very strong potential backfiring on the democrats, the public is not stupid, they understand that the democrat have been talking impeachment since before the election. Before the president took office, and the day nadler was made judiciary chairman he was plotting an impeachment process. They have been searching democratly for a pretext to do, that they put a lot of hope on mueller hearing that unvalved, we heard from president tax returns to Stormy Daniels and on and on, now this ukraine. Which is within the scope and authority of the presiden presis constitutional duty. You had taylor testify that harm of withholding aid from ukraine could send a negative signal to russia that United States is weakening its support. Wyou think this is a hoax, the fact that we talking about it constantly is that not a concern for u. S. And foreign policies, especially are russia. First it was not with held, it was lethal aid. This was aid that was with held under the obama administration. What were hearing right now in the hearing is the opinions of career bureaucrats, who seem to confuse their role with that of the president. All executive authority is vested in president of United States, that is what the cop the constitution says, they are entitled to their opinion but not e entitled to usurp his role of president. Some reporting out of iowa not a Single Person in lest several weeks asked a single candidate about impeachment, they talk about healthcare and usmca, do you fine that with your constituents as well, they are not interested . Very much. I am in california, where every time the we have a windy day, the power is blacked out. Sometimes for days at a time, i tell you that gets peoples attention. Impeachment not so much. And i think a lot is fatigue, the democrats have been banging this drum for 3 years now, people see that. David okay, congressman, thank you so much for joining us, come back see us. Thank you. David google wants to be your bank with a new investigation into company over your health data, would you really want to get google access to your finish financial records that debate coming up after this. Google is using the data it accumulated from Bank Accounts and search data to create a profile of you and me that is troubling. E. A former army medic, made of the flexibility to handle whatever monday has in store and tackle four things at once. So when her car got hit, she didnt worry. She simply filed a claim on her usaa app and said. I got this. Usaa insurance is made the way kate needs it easy. She can even pick her payment plan so its easy on her budget and her life. Usaa. What youre made of, were made for. Usaa david google latest big tech giant to make a move to banking, to offer checking accounts next year but we learn that google is facing a federal investigation of their partnership with a health care. So, christine would you trust google with this personal and Financial Information . I want po sa to say no right away. I use google, i use facebook, i use all of these. I will continue because it is more convenient. All of the Big Technology is getting involved with financial service. We talked about apple credit card even venmo is launching a debit card, and facebook pay. To get theircas me. David but convenience over safety. American people are people in globe have showed that. That is the point. Particularly outside of United States, Banks Services are soft are than here. I think this is something to going to happen, question who will get there first, we thought that facebook will edge because they have 2 billion users in world that is an extraordinary place to start, it may be that google has just as good a shot, because everyone engages with google in one way or another. David would you trust them. Yeng i i dont think it woula question of trusting them, your dattal bdata will be hacked it vulnerable with your bank. I am a true patriot, a down trust the government i dont trust big business. They have too much information. They should start launching these products, in a second or third world country. They are. A lot of people globally, there are some in use. That is actually the gap internationally before they bring this here. To challenge that even in africa, using your phone to send money, that is more than here in north america. If if you dont trust government or corporations. And they have allior notch, your information, should regulation come in. Oh, i could hear Gary Kaltbaum right now, no. There is smart regulation, something needs to be done. What . That is the problem, right . We rely on lawmakers to make our decisions in terms of laws. And have lobbyist influence them. It is time for American People tong about certain ideas. My daughter saw me writing a check the other night, she said what are you doing . Dont you have automatic withdrawal, i feel like ancient. Using a checking account. That i answer88 antiquate. New trouble for cbs and abc. After collusion, dan sounding off next. Do you recall, not long ago we would walk on the sidewalk all around the wind blows we would only hold on to let go blow a kiss into the sun we need someone to lean on blow a kiss into the sun we needed somebody to lean on all we need is someone to lean on colon Cancer Screening for people 50 and older at average risk. I took your advice and asked my doctor to order cologuard, that noninvasive colon Cancer Screening test. The delivery guy just dropped it off. Our doctor says it uses advanced science. Its actually stool Dna Technology that finds 92 percent of colon cancers. No prep, and private. Colon Cancer Screening thats as easy as get, go, gone. Ask your doctor if cologuard is right for you. 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David new reports that abc is hunting for person behind leak of a tape showing anchor complaining about a piece on epstein getting shelved, abc thought they had the culprit and convinced cbs to fire a woman they thought did the job, now an anonymous surfaced claiming the responsibility, and identity of author has been verified by site this posted it, i sit here with you all in shock how it horizonn handled, company has spun into a mission of seek and destroy, innocent people have have nothing to do with this, hunted down as if we were a sport. We have reached out the cbs separate times to see if they are reconsidering to considering to rehire. They did respond, decline to comment, dan gainer is joining us. This not coverage, this is coverup. David what are they covering up . The fact they his the story for 3 years. If you go back to what amy roebuck said, they did to because they didnt want to send important people, including royals, clinton, who know who who all, put pressure on them, but they buried that story for access and because of politics. Three years ago for when the tape came out, was president ial election, if it came out on a Major Network tying bill clinton to the lolita express as everyone called it, it would have been a huge story then. They buried it 6 feet under. It is incredible to me that reporting energies are going to tracking down the leaker but not original story or who supposed that story, the woman who was fired from cbs does she have recourse, do you think she could sue nbc for wrongful termination or resource this appalling. Well, i think depends on local law. When you reach to another emo get one of your former employees fired, the idea. This is just amazing that you could do this. I think where she will win money, is simply because so egregious, they wont want it to go to court. Your comment, about amy saying that Buckingham Palace threatened abc news after finds out Prince Andrew was a part of this story. Were talking about media possibly hides and this made me think of ronan farrow who originally wanted to public that Harvey Weinstein piece. And then to new yorker, and started that me too movement. Is this a commonality we need to accept in media world . Unfortunately, yes. If you look at it you know major media they surprised Harvey Weinstein, and epstein story suppressed epstein and charlie rose, matt lauer, the number of sex scandals and Media Outlets is huge. And you know, when they break people, they leave. Who watches the watchers. David gary . Lets be clear. This is simplistic. This is covering for the powerful. People Little People like us, we would not happen, they would go after us. But you know the names that are involved, i have been watching this, i saw it i was you have to be kidding me this is what they hill back on after going after kavanaugh with a fervor with one persons thought process from 25 years ago, this is a same, and with all said and done, nothing will come of with, right . Some people some money will exchange hands, i think. And maybe someone else would lose their job. But they wont be held accountable, they are those who are supposed to hold themselves accountable. Look at what abc news did not just kavanaugh, they tried to destroy nick sandmann, a high school student. Destroy him because they did not like who he is, what he stood for, and his whole high school. And yet, they wont go at this, they cover for sex criminals. And you know accused second sex criminals could people in their own industry because it works for them. Freedom of the press, First Amendment cornerstone of foundation about democracy, but over last 10 years, weve seen in terms of mainstream media, engages in censorship and politically involved, this is scary. Where is journalism going from here . Unfortunately why journalism is going is probably worse. The stories that come out of northwest were university this week, they covered a campus protest, and when they got pushed back from the lefty snow flames on campus, rather than saying well do journalism, they apologized and said no, we wont. I think that future of journalism is up in the air. And more it deteriorates from a press to goes to powerful and comfortable afflicted the more it is another tool of the left. David dan gaynor i hope you are wrong. I hope consumers will demand some type of fair and planned approach to journalism thank you. Democrat president ial feel growing big field growing bigger with a new announcement this afternoon. And is the third time really the charm for Hillary Clinton . What she is now saying that has many speculating she will jump in the race as well. I am the twisting thundercloud. I am royalty of racing, i am alfa romeo. Audreys on it. Eating right and staying active . On it audrey thinks shes doing all she can to manage her type 2 diabetes and heart disease, but is her treatment doing enough to lower her heart risk . [sfx crash of Football Players colliding offcamera. ] maybe not. Jardiance can reduce the risk of cardiovascular death for adults who also have known heart disease. So it could help save your life from a heart attack or stroke. And it lowers a1c. Jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration, genital yeast or urinary tract infections, and sudden kidney problems. Ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. A rare, but lifethreatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. 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We still dont know if he will officially declare. Former obama attorney general eric holder is considering throwing his hat in the ring. Now she is back, Hillary Clinton said she is facing enormous pressure to run. I as i say never, never, never say never. I will certainly tell you, im underre enormous pressure from many, many people to think about it, as of this moment, sitting here, talking to you it is absolutely not in my plans. David were less than 3 months out of iowa caucus. What does this say. Continuing search fors contender . It says a lot. Looking at governor patrick. And his comments in 2016. Governor mitt romney. Not 16, further back in terms 12. Governor romney was running, he said, look at what private equity has done, it has torn the fabric of america. But you know what, governor patrick did . Right after his second term . He went to work for bain capital, why because he wanted to make money. But back to politics, you look at awesome. You look at huge field of democratic candidates, you know there is no enthusiasm. There is a big threat to the centrist philosophy in terms of ideological view points with respect to democratic parties, they are not happy with far left, they are not happy with biden. People said, we have to run someone again biden and take down warren. David then there is hillary. John is right. People are not satisfied. The polling in iowa shows 67 of the voters, they would not be unhappy if their first choice was not candidate, and i that are willing to change their vote, a plurality videos ditto, they dont like their first choice, they are really waiting for someone else to come in, were less than 90 days to iowa caucus, this is unbelieveable. Hillary clinton, i think waldo has a better chance of showing up than Hillary Clinton. That is absurd premise. Im just getting over mark sanford leaving the republican primary yesterday. So sad. Mark who . Lets be clear. Momentum. Sanders warren, Democratic Party must be losing their mind these two i mean left of socialism, and i think that big worry with biden is, and look biden, i think is big trouble for trump, he is lacking what i call oomph to win, you need oomph. And it just does not seem to be there even though poll numbers seem to be good, but in iowa. You have to win. I dont blame these people for getting in i not sure they will gain track, i believe there could be a shot on bloomberg. If he does no have oomph, i do believe that is opportunity for bloomberg. Charlie gasparino said today, based off his sour sources thatg campaign has begun hiring. David Charlie Gasparino also, reported that they are more worried about getting democratic nomination, because it is sea sr left. Elizabeth mac macdonald. I am listening to you. The number of 2020 democrat names is bigger than list of my family reunion. White house adviser Peter Navarro talking about china trade deal. And will we see a deal by christmas. We have ke cuchnally. People said this big chunks of population may en up in u. S. , we have House Oversight member jody heist on what is next in public impeachment inquiry. David well watch. Chinese hackers launching massive cyberattacks into a u. S. Manufacturing group during trade talks, details coming up. Peyton, what are we doing here . Brad, welcome to peytonville. Whats this for . Song inspiration. I started in my garage, but nationwide protects so much i had to expand. Nationwide helps protect everything you see in here, brad. Every family, every business, every dream. See mrs. Hoffman . Nationwide protects her home and car, but also her dream of retiring to become a yoga instructor. Oh, they have backstories. Of course they do. Here, i got more to show you. Keep up, now. A little hustle. Here, hello starts with hi mple. How can i help . A data plan for everyone. Everyone . Everyone. Lets send to everyone [ camera clicking ] wifi up there . Ahhh. Sure, why not . Howd he get out . a camera might figure it out. That was easy glad i could help. At xfinity, were here to make life simple. Easy. Awesome. So come ask, shop, discover at your xfinity store today. David shocking details of ahack allegedly conducted by chinese hackers pulled off just as trade talks with u. S. Were intensifying, christina this shocking. You had trade war for 15 months but this summer chinese hackers that went after National Association of manufacturers, nam, it was all about timing, they did it a few days prior to when president of United States and president of the Industry Group were to meet as well as just before you know second round or whatever round of negotiations were at that time in summer, we reached out the to get comments, last line is most important, this highlights unfortunately reality were all targets, why would they be targeted . They have meetings, hundreds of meetings with members of congress to talk about trade, they have Sensitive Information when china attacks them, that gives them a leg up with negotiation. That is sea seeps to case ses to be case. This is just one example of the story. Another reminder we cannot trust the chinese. And sadly, this happened in middle of trade talks where were trying to get them to stop hacking, stop saling intellectual property stop stealing intellectual property, and other misdeeds it is shocking. And you know how dow deal with h people like this. Kick them how the. What does it tell you, . What does this tell you . What does it tell you wont we did a deal with china . Do you think well just, you know do a deal and all of a sudden, change . Look china hacks, china steals, that is is not going to change, hopefuhopefully we with move nea little bit or do a little bit better, but i have no confidence as xi, leap leaning more towardt of left of left. You look at trade, and you look at data security, and roll out of 5g. You know, doing dealing china doing deals with different companies, country globally. They huge threat, not just to trade but to the information so many different things, if they could hack to a showin a associ, what e else can they hack into. We just talked about google. This is huge. If they could hack to you know, companies and our associations in america, they could hack to our infrastructure. David a note, by the way, trade reps are doing a terrific job in keeping their feet to the fire or trying, to. Peter navarro is coming up at top of the hour with liz. Cooking up controversy, arbys restaurant under fire for telling parents, no brats allowed. But now they are make a public apology, did they need to . Wit, there are zero reasons to invest anywhere else. Fidelity. There are zero reasons to invest anywhere else. I wanted more thats why ive got the power of 1 2 3 medicines with trelegy. 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With Medicare Advantage plans that offer Health Coaching and fitness memberships. Plus hospital, medical and Prescription Drug coverage in one simple plan. With monthly plan premiums starting at 0. Aetna Medicare Advantage plans call today to learn more and well send you a 10 visa reward card with no obligation to enroll. Medicare annual enrollment ends december 7th. David an ash arbys in minnesota made parents angry, with a sign. If you cant do this, you will be asked to leave. Sign has been removed, and Corporate Headquarters gave out a statement, we recognize language on the sign was incentive, we removed it and disciplined manager and team working, does not reflect our company values. In the Family Friendly environment. So gary, was there any justification for the sign . In year 2000, yes. In 2019, no because everyone gets upset about everything. I do say this, one of the parents, say my child is autistic, i never know when things get out of hand, i get that. But you know, again. Just so much of you dont too much too much you cant say this, you cant say that, welcome to 2019. The sign was absolutely on point. Why . I just turned 50. I cant take noise any more. I go to restaurant, i am in shopping center, these kids are outrageous. Making chaos everywhere. You know, perhaps arbys should have used a different concept of words but meaning on point. Dont go out, stay in your house all day. My ears are hurting. To garys point, everyone keeps getting upset, we have become too pc, and too sensitive, people are tweeting and sharing stuff online all of too alltio quickly it gets out faster. David wait until have you kids. I think if kids are disrupt disruptive, disrupting other patrons, they are okay pushing back. The sign was unoffensive, people are overly sensitive these days, and i am so tired of a policies, everyone is always apologizes that does it, well see you next time. Elizabeth marketing rise in face of first public hearing. S p 500 deliver 1 hundreder close under President Trump. That hearing wrapped up, democrat set the bar high. Well dig in. Did they make their case . Does their charge have gravitas on bring down the president . It appears today is the unofficial start of 2020 campaign. People now taking notice. We have polls. This is about push to shape narrative for voters. Democrat are facin

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