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President trump you have the greatest economy in the history of our country, the highest stock market, the highest employment and unemployment numbers. We have close to 60 Million People working. We have never been close. Africanamerican unemployment hit a number nobody thought was even possible. The numbers are so good. David we turn to Edward Lawrence in washington for the latest. Reporter 128,000 jobs created, beating expectations. The Unemployment Rate ticked up to 3. 6 , but within breathing distance of the 50year low. Whats important in these numbers is the revision. It shows the fundamentals of the economy still strong. The numbers were revised up, not down. 95,000 jobs up. White house Economic Advisor larry kudlow helping the administration do a victory lap with all of this. The president saying the stock mark it up big. The u. S. Trade keptive Robert Lighthizer and treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin talked by phone with the chinese vice premier. The white house released a statement saying the call was constructive and made progress in a number of areas. Some of the issues could be on intellectual property theft section. Enormous progress has been made on intellectual property theft issues. Reporter agriculture, forced partnerships with Chinese Companies and currency manipulations are almost finished. The chinese release their own statement on the call saying it was constructsive but there are still concerns to work out. David President Trump touting the numbers and taking up the impeachment inquiry, calling the democrats crazed lunatics. Reporter tupelo, mississippi, its the president s First Campaign rally since that first important vote yesterday. The president talking you have the big economic numbers suggesting american prosperity could be at risk if democrats impeach him. President trump you have the greatest economy in the history of our country. The highest stock market, the best employment numbers. Reporter President Trump continues to insist there was nothing wrong with this phone call with ukraines president and told the Washington Examiner he may read it to the American People. He said perhaps i will sit down in a fireside chat on live television, and i will read the transcript of the call. He announced hes giving up his lifelong status as a new yorker to take up residence in florida. He tweeted despite the fact i pay millions in state, and local city taxes, i have been treated very badly. He will trade the 16 inheritance thanks for zero. The president ripped cuomo and bill deglassi d and bill deb. David joining me, kimberley strassel, author of the new book, how trump haters are breaking america. Tim morrison was going to come out and spill the beans. He was actually on the call. He said there was nothing illegal that went on. A total disappointment for the left. So for all the bluster, have we heard of any high crimes and misdemeanors . I cant find any evidence, david. You would think given the democrats strategic leaks and the way they have been leaking the Opening Statements from people who are clearly hostile to the president , they believe they have a high crime and misdemeanor, but they have not sold that to the public because there is no factual basis for it. You have the call transcripts. You can read it for yourself. If you are going to have a qid, you have to have a quo. The ukrainians didnt know the aid was being withheld. The deal werent through and the money float, and not on the basis of an investigation its just not there even by the democrats own definition. David thats why not one single republican voted for this inquiry yesterday. I would say that plus an important reason you saw no republicans vote for that. The democrats have so twisted this process, its not a fair approach. It doesnt bear of any relation to the impeachments we have had in modern history. It gives adam schiff a veto or the republicans calling witnesses. This is not what you do if you have a solid case and you are interested in finding facts and if you want the public to know. This is what you do when you are worried about your case and you are trying to craft and leak narrative. David this is what you do when the last time you tried to impeach the president based on the mueller report, you end up flatfooted. For all of adam schiffs claims he had evidence of collusion are russia. Robert mueller went through an extensive process and found none. That was the lesson they learned from that. If you do this in the open and the facts come out, potentially you wont win your case. Thats why they have taken the unprecedented step of holding it in the House Intelligence Committee held in secret where no one has seen a transcript, including most of of congress. Which is why the republicans are right to say we are not going to validate this process. If this is the way it continues, the senate is well in its right saying we are going to dismiss this. We cant go to a trial based on rigged evidence. David even if there is an Impeachment Vote, there wouldnt be a senate trial because mcconnell would say hes going to vote against a trial. You look back into history. This ways happened in 1998. The precedent is there. Mcconnell doesnt have much choice, he has to take this up under senate rules. But in the clinton impeachment a democrat from West Virginia offer sad motion to dismiss. It can pass on a simple 51vote majority. In that case it failed and the trial proceeded. There are a lot of republicans saying it would be bad for the constitution and future use of impeachment if we were to sign off and validate with a trial something that is irregular as the process leading to this. David Speaker Pelosi is saying since the vote happened yesterday, everything is out in the open. But as you just mentioned, we still have a lot of secrecy. There were two democrats who joined with the democrats against this vote. One is collin peterson. Hes implying what pelosi said wasnt true. I am amazed watching people of on other Mainstream Media saying this is similar to what happened in bill clintons impeachment. Thats just a falsehood. In pry proceedings democrats and republicans had equal ability to call witnesses. They didnt have to beg republicans for permission. The public was given hundreds of hours of testimony, reames of documents. Adam schiff will be able to decide what goes into his report. What they will craft their articles of impeachment own wont be from a fair fact finding exercise, it will be from what has been a partisan event. David kimber live strassel. The bikes resistance at all costs. Congrats on the book. Good luck with it. Appreciate it. The dow up 301 points, just shy of the record close. The s p up 29. This is the 16th record close of the year. The nasdaq is up 94 points. Nasdaq jumped 1. 74 percent. One republican senator goes after president obama and Hillary Clintons emails. A member of the leftwing National Media is claiming the u. S. Constitution is wrong on the definition of impeachment. Well ask president ial historian doug wead about that and more. That our new house is haunted by casper the friendly ghost . Hey jill hey kurt movies . Ill get snacks no, i cant believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on our Car Insurance with geico. I got snacks ohhh, i got popcorn, i got caramel corn, i got kettle corn. Am i chewing too loud . Believe it geico could save you fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance. Strongve is one of a kind brilliant unbreakable Engagement Rings now 20 40 percent off shop unique bridal styles at zales, the Diamond Store its what gives audible themembers an edge. Listening; it opens our minds, changes our perspective, connects us, and pushes us further. The most inspiring minds, the most compelling stories audible. Doprevagen is the number oneild mempharmacistrecommendeding . Memory support brand. You can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. And my side super soft . Be firm . With the sleep number 360 smart bed you can both. Adjust your comfort with your sleep number setting. Can it help keep me asleep . Absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. And snoring . No problem. And done. Will it help me keep up with him . Yup. So, you can really promise better sleep . Not promise. Prove. And now, during our veterans day sale, save 1,000 on the new sleep number 360 special Edition Smart bed, now only 1,799. Only for a limited time. David breaking news regarding the future head of the department of Homeland Security. A Spokesman Says chad wolf has not been named as the new acting Homeland Security secretary. He is one of the candidates but no decision has been made. He was chief of staff to dhs secretary kirstjen nielsen. Alison camerota use an exchange with matt schlapp to suggest the constitution has it wrong on impeachment. If there are no crimes and if they dont come forward with articles that show any criminality,. It does havent to be a crime. A crime is not the standard. It doesnt have to be a crime. You know that. It has to be a crime or misdemeanor. Its in the constitution. David article 4 section 2 of the constitution says conviction of treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors. Joining us now, president ial historian doug wead who is probably shaking his head. Author of inside Trumps White House. The constitution is wrong. Okay . Apparently trump haters want the phrase high crimes and misdemeanors taken out. Banished from the constitution. What do you think . Well, they have got to do something. This impeachment is unlike any other impeachment we have seen. In 1868 in the impeachment of Andrew Johnson there was a crime. And it was bipartisan. And the impeachment hearings of richard nixon, they were bipartisan there will be was crimes. 1998, bill clinton there was a crime. And it was bipartisan. Five democrats joined with republicans. So what makes this impeachment so unusual and different david right from the getgo they wanted to get rid of donald trump even before he was president. They hatched this huge plan within the deep state in order to do so. Once he was elected they tried to get rid of him. Now even to the point of trying to change the constitution. Because again correct me if im wrong, the constitution states you have to be convicted of a crime to be thrown out of office. Thats part of the problem. History is part of the problem the democrats have including the russian collusion. If the russians elected a president of the United States who is one of their spies, that would be like Christopher Columbus crossing the ocean. It would be like landing a man on the moon, it would be like the assassination of julius ceasar. But the problem is it didnt happen. Because they tried to impeach him even before he became president and because they tried this russian collusion thing, they are in trouble with their impeach many idea. David they are also having antidemocratic suggestions concerning the election and the responsibility of people in the deep state which some of those in the deep state admit now actually exist, for getting people who have been voted into office out. Let me play for you a sound bite from a former cia acting director to get your impression. Thank god for the deep state. I mean, i think everyone here has seen this progression of diplomats and Intelligence Officers and white house people trooping up to capitol hill saying these are people doing their duty or responding to a higher call. David a higher call is more important than the voters will. This is tragic and scary. In inside Trumps White House i interviewed the president s kids. They feel very deeply whats going on. Its frightening. The cia has some tremendous people, and the fbi. But do we want these agencies, do we want the pentagon to be independent . We dont want civilian authority . We want to aban dont u. S. Constitution . Its one thing for the cia to topple a government in iraq, the philippines, chile, south korea. Its another thing to topple our own government. The American People elect the president webs accountable to them and we have civilian authority. What would happen if the pentagon decided suddenly like this former cia agent, we answer to a higher power. Thats what happens in other countries and we hope that wont happen here. David doug wead, author of quinn side Trumps White House. As the radical left focuses on impeachment. Senator ron johnson is requesting access to all email communications between president obama and Hillary Clinton to try to shed more light on whether the former secretary of state discusses sensitive matters through an uncure account while overseas. Catherine Catherine Ron johnson says fbi Text Messages between peter strzok and james comey suggest there are emails between Hillary Clinton and president obama that went through her unsecured personal server. The letter reads in part i write to request emails between Hillary Clinton and president obama. I requested the department of justice produce emails Hillary Clinton sent to president obama while she was located in the territory of a sophisticated adversary. Strzok writes, jim, that appears to be an fbi agent. I had the potushrc emails. I hesitate to leave them. Please let me know a convenient time to drop them off. The president s high security blackberry aloud it to only receive emails and contacts from a preapproved list. President ial communications are highly classified. And while we dont know the nature of their communications, this section from comeys Public Statement in 2016 continues to stand out. Chains concerned matters that were classified at the Top Secret Special Access Program at the time they were sent and received. There is testified to support a conclusion that any reasonable person in secretary clintons position or in the position with whom she was orsing about those matters should have known an unclassified system was no place for that conversation. Catherine if we get a response from the doj or the archives, our team will bring it to you. David new concerns about the chinaowned social media act tickto be. Tickttock. Homeowners arrive, well inform them that Liberty Mutual customizes home insurance, so theyll only pay for what they need. Your turn to keep watch, limu. Wake me up if you see anything. [ snoring ] [ loud squawking and siren blaring ] only pay for what you need. Liberty. 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Military given a c in capacity, capability and readiness. In the 7th fleet in the indopacific region. The u. S. Has 50 ships. China as 150, and russia has 23. Joining me now is rick fisher, a senior fellow and Senior Military Affairs at the global tie a juan institute. On ticktock, how if indeed its a threat. Its using, sweeping up this data from u. S. Users, how does it weaponnize that data . How does it use it and weaponize it. China seeks global hegemony. It has weaponized Internet Companies like huawei and cpe, and it controls the telling for 5g which is very important. Apps like ticktock are like tentacles that are being deployed. All Chinese Companies are connected to the communist party, and when necessary, to chinese intelligence organs. Ticktock is kind of like downloading your life, all your life on your phone to a chinese Intelligence Data base. David they are hitting the young here. They know it appeals to the young. It has great appeal to people under 18. They are starting early. They want to get their hooks in right at the beginning of their experience using the internet. There is a real continues between United States democracies and china. In the United States ticktock is fun. My daughter enjoys it. But in china ticktock is about war. David you dont want to keep your daughter off of it . I tried to talk to her by the, but i need some help. David lets switch to Solomon Islands. Even those federal government of the solomon side is trying to prevent the deal of the china takeover of one of them. This is the modus operandi china works in third world regions where they go in, find some institution or some government local or federal, try to bribe it, then make a plant there and use it as a military base if necessary. Am i right on that . Absolutely. These deals were revealed right after the Solomon Islands changed its deliberatic recognition from taiwan, free taiwan to communist china. We then learned quickly about the deal to lease the whole island of you lagy and also a new former gold mine in the larger island of guadalcanal. In world war ii guadalcanal was about as pivotal a battleground as the battle over midway island. Over 7,000 american and allied troops died in that campaign. You control the Solomon Islands, goddal camel, you lagy, you control the south pacific. And antarctica and you put pressure on the western half of latin america and affect their relations with the United States. David there is a military aspect to this and there is also a commercial aspect. In nicaragua they find a way of bribing the Public Officials which isnt very difficult. Its controlled by danny ortega, then they go in and take out what they want, whether its mahogany trees and overfish areas that are rich in seafood. They are very predatory about pursuing both resources. David wednesday a speak outlined what this administration is not going to take any more that other administrations have with the way china works. Today we are timely realizing the degree to which the Chinese Communist party is truly hostile to the United States and our values. We are able to do that because of the leadership of President Trump. David whats your reaction to that. The secretary gave an excellent speech and it will be followed up by more. We are going on the offensive. But china seeks global hegemony. Americans need to wake up to this fact. We need to support governments that will defend our freedoms and the freedoms of our children. David senator Elizabeth Warren releasing her medicare for all funding proposal. It comes at a price tag of 52 trillion, more than twice the national debt. Warren plans to target the wealthiest corporations and americans to pay for her plan claiming there will be no tax hike for the middle class. But she does acknowledge it could put millions of people out of work. An economist said that could result in 2 million jobs lost. He said it would be mostly administrative positions, insurers, doctors offices. I agree. Its part of the cost issue and should be part of a cost plan. David the latest in the case to clear the name of general Michael Flynn. Adam schiff is running the dems impeachment probe but does he have the authority to do so . Performance comes in lots of flavors. Theres the ampedup, overtuned, feedingfrenzyof sheetmetalkind. And then theres performance that just leaves you feeling better as a result. Thats the kind lincolns about. David federal prosecutors are rejecting claims that lisa page edited form ear National Security advisor Michael Flynns 302 report and lied to the doj about the edits. In a reply to Sidney Powell they argue that there were no material changes made to the 302s. They said even if an earlier draft exist, there is no reason to believe it would materially differ from the agents notes. Congressman adam schiff learning credence to republican concerns the Intel Committee chairman would block their witnesses from testifying in the impeachment inquiry. We have asked for a prover of what witnesses they believe will be relevant and we have concerns they will be used to smear and used for other purposes. David do you think Michael Flynn has a chance with his lawyers for a review . It will depend on the specific factual layout of those questions and what was said. Those issues are generally extraordinarily fact dependent. But it seemed like a nondee nile denial. On to the impeachment inquisition. For all the talk of openness that we have from Speaker Pelosi. There is still a close investigation going on. Correct. The closed door depositions are continuing. David so the suggestion its all out in the open is nonsense, is it not . Publicly there are no public hearings. Everything occurred behind closed doors. And members of congress who attempted to observe have been exclude arguably in violation of the rules governing when members can sit and watch proceedings. You have say the subpoenas that have been issued by schiff, by this committee or organization are illegal. Why . Trier to the House Resolution. The House Intelligence Committee didnt have jurisdiction over an impeachment matter. All committees in the hownls have such jurisdiction as the house gives them. The Supreme Court has been very clear. If you have investigate outside of our jurisdiction your investigation is invalid. If you look at the rule 10 thats establishes party jurisdiction. There is nothing in there that would give chairman schiff jurisdiction. In fact the house went into federal court in the mueller grand jury case and told a judge there that the Judiciary Committee has jurisdiction over impeachment and has for 100 years. David as you have well know, the political side of this is the Judiciary Committee was investigating this, and it was viewed politically the chairman of that committee did a terrible job. He left too many stones unturned, et cetera. That if he had gone his job if he had done his job proper live they would have had more luck with the mueller report. I think thats right. Thats my read of the situation as well. They made a clear decision that adam schiff is going to do everything and the Judiciary Committee will have no more function than a prove forma approval d than a proforma approval. David this is an investigation sort of like a grand jury investigation and those have to be secretive. But whether its a special prosecutor or grand jury, those institutions are supposed to be nonpartisan. Adam schiff is a complete partisan and its been proven that he lied about evidence in the past, whether its evidence of russian collusion or whether its evidence with regard to the whistleblower. So this is they are claiming this is being done like a grand jury. But a grand jury is supposed to be nonpartisan in a way adam schiff is not. Thats correct. A grand jury also is not supposed to leak. If a prosecutor was leaking the way it appears the democrats are in this instance, they would find themselves on a contempt charge. Its interesting you mention adam schiff conduct it. Its widely reported that adam shift ordered a witness not top answer a republican question. There is no authority for him to do that. David wouldnt republicans have been within their rights if they had said that and asked the witness anyway and said sir you are forced to answer my question . I cant speak to what happened because we dont have the transcript. And in fact the new House Resolution gives adam schiff the power use laterally to release edited transcripts on sensitive gnat matter. We wont have the transcript until he releases them rather than following regular order. So weave just dont know. David its preposterous if it wasnt so deadly serious. You just have to shake it off. But you cant. This is affecting our republic here. Thank you for being sheer. President trump says hes drawing the most of energized support from in his fight against impeachment. Well have all that and more right after a break. So you onr what you need. I wish i could shake your hand. Granted. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Now you can, with shipsticks. Com no more lugging your clubs through the airport or risk having your clubs lost or damaged by the airlines. Sending your own clubs ahead with shipsticks. Com makes it fast easy to get to your golf destination. With just a few clicks or a phone call, well pick up and deliver your clubs ontime, guaranteed, for as low as 39. 99. Shipsticks. Com saves you time and money. Make it simple. Make it ship sticks. President trump i have to say we have tremendous support. The evangelical numbers came in. The evangelical christians and other faithbased organizations, churches, tumbles temples, synagogues. They have never seen it so sunnified and energized. D so unified and energized. David one evangelical leader, Franklin Graham even asking the nation to pray for President Trump. He said the Impeachment Vote yesterday was a sad day for america saying nancy pelosi has weaponized the impeachment process and is trying to tarnish and embarrass the president before the next election. Joining me, pastor of the First Baptist church of dallas, robert jeffress. What did you make of Franklin Grahams comment that nancy pelosi weaponized the impeachment process. I think hes right that we need to be praying. I was fortunate to be one the faith leaders with the president tuesday and i did pray for him. We should pray, but we can do more than pray. We can take action. The people who know their god should stand firm and take action. Its important for every citizen in this country who sees this impeachment proceeding for the sham it is, they need to get on the phone and call both of their senators. We are tired of this and we want an end put to this so the government can get back to doing the peoples actions. Its time for people to stand up and raise some he double hockey sticks, if you have know what i mean. David im wondering if when the time comes and the Election Campaign gets into gear, are you going to preach from the pulpit that your members should go out and out and lobby for the president . Well talk about lobbying for those values the president embraces. Tuesday when we met with the president , one of the things we talked about was 99 of evangelical republicans oppose impeachment. And the reason for that is very clear. Never in the history of america have we had a president who was a stronger warrior for the judeochristian principles upon which this nation was founded than in president donald j. Trump. And evangelicals understand the effort to impeach President Donald Trump is an effort to impeach our deeply held faith values and we are not going to allow that to happen. Thats why you are getting such pushback from his evangelical base. David its not just evangelicals. He tapped into people who are fed up with certain movements that have gone too far. You thrift lateterm abortion movement, the transgender bathroom movement. Movements that may have started out for a different reason and turned into something americans feel is too much and time for a pushback. Thats right. The democrats have been honest about what they are going to do good they gain control. They want to take away our right to religious liberty and the right to life by continuing this barbaric practice of abortion. Thats why all of us who are christians see this as not a political skier anywhere, this is a battle between good and evil. Thats why it many so important. People of all faiths to stand up for validity use of this president. We never had a stronger president than donald j. Trump. David you would have to be to stand up to what he has taken. Its hard to imagine that anybody could put themselves in his place. But at the same time when you have think of everything what was his mood. Does he show any signs when you saw him of being beaten down . President trumps opponents who are fantasizing that hes in the oval office curled you have in a fetal position sucking his thumb will be sorely disappointed. Thats not the president we saw. I have never seen him for energetic, positive, funny than was tuesday. The president is not melting down, hes doubling down on what he believes is necessary to keep this country great. Hes work every day on our behalf. David you saw him on the heels of that magnificent albaghdadi raid where we got the founder of isis. Pastor, great to see you again. Thank you for being here. Have a wonderful weekend. President trump preparing for a major rally tonight in mississippi. Well no doubt have some fun when the dems try to impeach him. Theres a power in listening; its what gives audible members an edge. It opens our minds, changes our perspective, connects us, and pushes us further. The most inspiring minds, the most compelling stories audible. Skip to the good part with alkaseltzer plus. Now with 25 more concentrated power. Nothing works faster for powerful cold relief. Oh, what a relief it is so fast strongve is one of a kind brilliant unbreakable Engagement Rings now 20 40 percent off shop unique bridal styles at zales, the Diamond Store cologuard colon cancer and older at average risk. Ive heard a lot of excuses to avoid screening for colon cancer. Im not worried. It doesnt run in my family. I can do it next year. No rush. Cologuard is the noninvasive option that finds 92 of colon cancers. 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Because beyond technology. There is human ingenuity. Every day, comcast business is helping businesses go beyond the expected. To do the extraordinary. Take your business beyond. David President Trump talking before a mississippi rally targeting the whistleblower and the whole impeachment process. President trump the democrats are crazed. They are lunatics. We have a man on the other side, adam schiff, who is a corrupt politician. He made up a speech and he read what i said and it wasnt what i said it was a terrible thing he said. He started it as a con. We have to find out about the whistleblower. David lou will be back monday night. Secretary of state mike pompeo and Judicial Watch tom fitton will be among his guests. Catch my show bulls and bears at 5 00 p. M. Eastern on fox business. Trish the president reminding people of the damage the democrats are doing to our economy. President trump i think the stock market has been have much affected. I think the stock market would be substantially higher. But you finally got to see it. Most of people thought it was the adam schiff rendition he made up. If that ever happened, you would have a crash the likes of which this country has never seen. Trish dysfunctional politicians can hurt the value of a country just like dysfunctional boards can hurt the stock price of a company

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