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Cautiously. Pursued cautiously, and the final decision should be made on the basis of whats in the best interest of america. Lets assume for a moment you think donald trump is terrible for america and they dont agree with him on anything. What is the right approach for our country . To defeat him at the ballot box or put the country through this process that has not been transparent. They are just leaking for every day as they see fit. Trish you have 63 million votes you are trying to undo. To think carefully about that, what kind of precedent is set. Of course, i made the comparison, it feels like we are a little bit latin america. The Banana Republic that cant get their act together as opposed to the United States of america. You think about the precedent thats set. Thats a great point. What will happen, both parties, any time there is somebody who gets elected. They immediately jump on it and they will pursue impeachment as a way to bring them down as opposed to beating them at ballot box. Here is the main point. These people should think about it before they vote. The American People did not send them here to spend their time on partisan investigations. They want people working on the things that matter to them, the people. Not thing that matter to them. So at the end, i hope they will take that into account. John bolton, let me ask you about him. We heard he was not very happy with Rudy Giuliani and this president and what was going on in ukraine. And he expressed those concerned with fiona hill who told congress about that. Do you think john bolton will testify next week . He has been subpoenaed. I have no idea. Up sure he will do whatever the law requires him to do. I dont blame you for asking the question. But we are operating on the basis of Opening Statements given by witnesses and answers that the democrats have chosen to leak to the press. We are not seeing all the evidence put together in its entirety. We are operating on the basis of what they have chosen to tell us. And i assure you what they are leak is favorable to the theme and narrative they have chosen. Trish will that happen if there is a formal impeachment inquiry vote . Will america get the chance to see whats going on down there . Eventually they will have to do something public and go to the floor and vote on articles of impeachment and eventually they will have to be a vote in the senate. But part of it is lets leak out information so we can impact Public Opinion so we can make more democrats and a couple republicans feel safer about voting for impeachment. This is about creating the environment so more democrats feel comfortable doing it. Trish you are work on trying to look at how american pensions are invested in china. I will start with the federal pension. Our members of the military and members of congress, employees, they all contribute to the federal thrift savings plan thats heavily invested in china. Chinese companies that dont allow us to see their books and audit them the way we would any other company in the world. American investment dollars are being invested so they can steal from us. When you have millions of American Government workers whose Retirement Fund can be wiped out if they decide to wipe them out . They dont operate under the same rules other Companies Operate under. I think its crazy. Trish from many Different Levels we should be thinking hard about what investment we are putting into china. Let me turn to our trade deal with china which was supposed to be signed by apec in chile. Chile was the one country, senator, that seemed to be okay, now chile is a problem, too. A lot of this action is the result of some decisions made that raised the cost of living on people. There is reason to suspect that leftwing elements from cuba and venezuela are involved in stoking these protests in chile and ecuador and involved in events in argentina and the recent election that appears to have been stolen in bolivia. The trade deal, it doesnt matter where they seen it. But the biggest problem is allegedly the chinese are saying they will do certain things but they wont publicly agree to it. Getting a public and signed commitment has proven harder. These are the games they have played for a long time. This administration has been good about standing up to it. They will sign anything then they wont comply. Thats hong kong. Trish whats going on in venezuela . It seeped like one point it was on track for regime change. That hasnt happened. If anything its kind of taken a turn for the worst. We are getting reports that the precious oil, pdvsa is looking to the russians for investment. Record from the Russian Media that russians are preparing to buy all of pdvsa. The chinese are investing down there right here in our hemisphere. Whats the plan . They are their Production Capacity is badly debilitated. It began a long time ago because they stole the money instead reinvesting it in the company like you normally would. The russians have been taking the venezuelan crude and reselling it on the Global Market to avoid sanctions. Its no longer a source of revenue for theft that it once was. The regime is stuck. They cant travel abroad, they cant access millions of dollars. Their relatives cant travel like they used to. They have no way out of a situation. American sanctions, as long as donald trump is president arent going anywhere until they have free and fair elections. Trish we run the risk of the russians go in there and get it all . How do we make sure we created a problem there. And we havent created. We have been trying to deal with it. How do we make sure countries that are not our friends dont establish a big presence in our country . They have a presence there, but let me tell you with the presence is. They owe the chinese and russians a billion dollars. The way venezuela is paying that is not cash, its oil. They are giving it as barter payment for the debt they already owe. They are really trapped. You see the constraint. You see the maduro regime had to dollarize the economy so people who have access to dollars can go into stores and buy things at inflated prices. Everyone else is starving. Trish you will find out what senator rubio thinks about ilhan omar. Coming up. You will hear senator riewb yoaps reaction. The liberal media. How do they tell President Trumps allies, attacking the patriotism of a purple heart recipient. I wonder if those attacking the Lieutenant Colonel served in uniform. Trish the liberal media didnt make a people when Hillary Clinton called Tulsi Gabbard a russian agent. Famed forensic expert dr. Michael baden. Our own Geraldo Rivera has been questioning this since epstein died. He will react t t t t our love is one of a kind strong brilliant unbreakable Engagement Rings now 20 40 percent off shop unique bridal styles at zales, the Diamond Store i need all the breaks i can get. Line . Liberty mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Thats a lot of words. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. No, just a sec. What would it look like if we listened more . Could the right voice, the right set of words, bring us all just a little closer . Get us to open up . Even push us further . It could, if we took the time to listen. The most inspiring minds, the most compelling stories. Download audible and listen for a change. What do you charge for online equity trades . Um ah, ill look into it. Lisa jones hey carl, what are you charging me for online equity trades . Laughs umm. And do i get my fees back if im not happy . Like a satisfaction guarantee . Ugh. Schwab oh right, im calling schwab. Thanks carl wait, lisa lisa. Are you Getting Commission free trades and a satisfaction guarantee . If not, talk to schwab. A modern approach to wealth management. Beyond the routine checkups. Beyond the notsoroutine cases. Comcast business is helping doctors provide care in whole new ways. All working with a new generation of technologies powered by our gigspeed network. Because beyond technology. There is human ingenuity. Every day, comcast business is helping businesses go beyond the expected. To do the extraordinary. Take your business beyond. Trish House Democrats prepare a resolution to bring their secret impeachment inquiry into the light. Democrats plan to wrap this impeachment process up before the end of the year. Joining me to unmake it, geraldo, rivera. They are getting ready for their big vote tomorrow. They think they have the votes. If they do, do you think it will provide more clarity into this process. I think the charade is a perfect way of putting it. This is a foreordained conclusion. I would submit this has been the foreordained conclusion since the moment he was declared the winner of the november 2016 election. They tried russia collusion for 2 1 years. Now for the last month, six weeks we have been subjected to this kangaroo court. The republicans rights have been severely diminished. They are rushing this to a house vote knowing they have the majority. They want have much to impeach him knowing they will probably fail in the United States senate. But they want this black mark against this president. They are asking john bolton to come forward and testify. Fiona hill said john bolton was no fan of what Rudy Giuliani was doing and criticized that pretty explicitly. Do you think they will get bolton . Probably. Eventually. I dont know if they will get him right next week or not. But i think eventually john bolton will give testimony. I have never been a fan of the other mustache. But, you know, hes a sharp guy webs articulate. He knows his stuff. Im reasonably confident what bolton testified to when he does come to testify sooner or later will be the truth as he remembers it. Im not worried about john bolton. Is it as they allege, geraldo . I think we have to accept that those of us who are broadly supportive of President Trump, and i love the guy for all his faults and the issues where we disagree. I think he has done a hell of a job as president. You mention with senator rubio, the economy and all the things he has done right. I want him to get a fair shake, to be judged fairly by history. But this is not fair. Whats happening with or without boltons testimony. This conclusion is something they arrived at very, very early on in their plodding. Everything they are doing now is trying to get the dots to connect, to get them to this place where they knew they woand up regardless, with the house vote, what the Party Line Vote in the house of representatives. Where the democrats because they are majority vote. The republicans stay together. They will vote the other way. That will push it into the senate for the trial. I think in the senate it will be a short trial with or without the testimony of bolton, with or without Lieutenant Colonel vindman. I think he had this call. Hes not a traditional president. Hes the kind of guy, hey hey hay how are you doing . I dont think this rises to the level of an impeachable offense. This is not what the framers envisioned when they wrote the constitution and they put bribery, treason, high crimes and misdemeanors. You give me a grease the skid, i will do this. I would put you a trillion dollars happens everybody time there is one of these big foreign aid packages. Trish a bombshell claim in the Jeffrey Epstein saga. Something you have been following all along. You have a top forensic scientist hired by he steins brother who says there is evidence epstein did not die by suicide. There are three fractures in the hyoid bone thyroid cartilage that are unusual for suicide and more indicative of strangulation, homicidal strangulation. Hanging does not cause these broken bones and homicide does. Trish do you think he was murdered, geraldo . I do. I have from the beginning thought the official conclusion by the medical examiner in new york was too hasty given the facts. In july he was found unconscious with strangulation marks around his neck. There was no talk of finding a ligature or rope he could have attempted to hang himself with in july. Flash forward to august after hes on suicide watch. Where are the guard who are supposed to be watching him every 30 minutes. They are asleep. There is a sophisticated camera system thats not work. The logs are falsified. At what point do you say who had a motive to see this guy dead. Trish it sounds like somebody who has a dakotas an inner gang to the prison system that able to rig this. Yes, the guy who was his roommate in july was accused of quadruple homicide. You got the killer from the prison. The guard can be asleep. The camera is out. The hulking accused murderer strangles him. Maybe with epsteins consent. Maybe epstein wanted to die. I dont know. I have the highest regard for Michael Baden. Trish what about the new york city medical examiner. She is standing by this as death by suicide. I heard that the staff of the medical Examiners Office were much more equivocal about the conclusions and the management at the very top, including dr. Sampson decided to jump toward suicide. I think it was way premature. It looks the veritas of an objective investigation. I think Michael Baden has provided enough evidence. Hes a little guy who weighs 125130 pounds. He ties the rope to the middle bunk and he didnt jump from the top bunk. He was on the bottom bunk. I think its very fishy. Trish ilhan omar doing it again. Remember these . The professor said al qaeda, the shoulders win the, al qaeda. You dont say america or england with the intensity. You dont air the army with an intensity. Cair was founded after 9 11 because they recognized that some people did something. He wrote israel has hypnotized the world. Trish i wil ilhan omar is refuo back a resolution calling the slaughter of the armenians a kren cried. Retired four star general jack retired four star general jack keane is joining its been a long time since andrew dusted off his dancing shoes. Luckily denture breath will be the least of his worries. Because he uses polident 4 in 1 cleaning system to kill 99. 99 of odor causing bacteria. Polident. Clean. Fresh. And confident. Of odor causing bacteria. Car vending machines and buying a car 100 online. 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Oh, what a relief it is so fast trish the pentagon release aerial footage of the raid and the bombing that killed Abu Bakr Albaghdadi in northern syria. Its amazing we can do. A proud moment for this country considering the hell he put so many people through. General jack keane. Welcome back. Number one and number two. Very, very, very good enough. Im glad the American People got to see a little bit of that. Thats called a breach team going up to that wall. They cut it off because they dont want to show you how they go through the wall. Just a remarkable operation. Requires an incredible amount of detail planning. The intelligence people helping to locate the target. As general mazloum said one of his syrian kurds was operating inside this compound. Thats tremendous that we had somebody on the ground telling them what the rooms were like, what is albaghdadis habits. Et cetera. So yes, credit to the president because he dogged this target and no one wants to give him credit for anything. But he kept pushing his National Security team, lets get this guy. Also the courage and daring we are seeing on the screen. We need partners and allies. Staying in the region, the president resides his position, the oil wells were part of that. Well continue to work with the Syrian Democratic forces, they are syrian kurds and syrian arabs. Well maintain control of the air space as we have been doing in the past and that will keep iranians from going across the river and seizing the out fields. Trish what about the border with turkey . The border with turkey is not going to be the same. The syrian assad regime will gain some measure of control of that border they never had before. The ypg though they are advertising they moved out. The truth is they havent moved all of their guys out of that 20mile zone. I think it russians know that for a fact but they dont want to get into a contest about it. Well see what erdogan does about it. He may accept what has taken place and just save okay, thats the status quo. I have got a good deal on this. They moved back some from the border but not as far as he would wants. Trish you think about us getting threw that air space volumed by russia. We needed permission to do that. What kind of posturing do you think the president might have wanted to do with putin and erdogan . We own that whole air space in eastern syria. We deconflict aircraft all the time moving through there. The same thing in western syria. I think it was a matter of coordination. We were not asking permission to be frank about it. We were telling them this is whats intend to do. We are not going to give them that kind of yes or no over something the United States intends to do. And we also at times let them use the air space for reasons of their own. They are moving aircraft into the region from another base in russia or something. Trish so the democrats complaining the president let the russians know before he get nancy pelosi know what was going down. Thats political theater. He didnt. Im confident we didnt tell the russians where we were going. We told them we wanted to use their air space for a certain period of time. They are in western syria. They can see us coming from some distance even though we are low. And they will see us exiting. They would never interfere with that operation. There won hell to pay if they did. You things we still have teams over there, intel and military ee. Well have teams on the ground to insure the iranians dont take the oil fields. They will be the trigger to call in airstrikes if they try. Knowing we control the air space the iranians wont try. They will die doing it. They have their proxies there. If we pulled out completely. We already saw this. They were beginning to amass their proxies on the west side of the euphrates river. And they were going to go across that river and seize those oil fields. Develop them and use that money to reduce the economic sanctions the president is imposing on them. Thats one of the things that helped revise the plan. Trish are we safer tonight . Yes. This is a major setback for isis. This guy albaghdadi formed a terrorist army and got on to the world stage by invading iraq. He had a safe haven in syria. In addition to establishing a caliphate, none of his predecessors had done. He developed sad Worldwide Movement in less than a year. He attacked or inspired attacks in dozens of countries. He attacked 9 nato countries with inspires or directed attacks. His reach went beyond obamas global reach. A setback for the organization. It will affect morale and recruiting and financing as well. Trish good news. General keane, good to see you. Trish the liberal media running to the defense of alexander vindman. How do iraq war veterans feel about the president s allies attacking Lieutenant Colonel vindman. Here is a what he. Why didnt the liberal media act the same when Hillary Clinton was out there calling veteran Tulsi Gabbard a russian agent . Well ask one of Hillary Clintons former senior advisers if your gums bleed when you brush, you may have gingivitis. And the clock could be ticking towards bad breath, receding gums, and possibly. Tooth loss. Help turn back the clock on gingivitis with parodontax. Leave bleeding gums behind. Parodontax. We can go down this what do you think . Woo yeah its good its refreshing. At northwestern mutual, this is what our version of Financial Planning looks like. Tomorrow is important, but shes only seven once. Spend your life living. Find an advisor at northwesternmutual. Com. Most people think of verizon as a reliable phone company. woman but to businesses, were a reliable partner. 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Congresswoman gabbard was upset and her supporters were and a number of the other candidates running for president said hillary shouldnt have said that. But what the difference is. Lieutenant col nel vindman is not a combatant. Hes still in uniform. Hes nonpartisan. Tulsi gabbard is running for president. Part of what hillary was saying wasnt to pick on congresswoman gab regard. Its to say what we have been saying, we have a problem next year. Everyone watching now who want her to stop talking about it, she is not doing it for herself. She knows if we continue on this track, about people meddling in our election. Thats fundamentally what she was saying about miss gabbard and miss stein. That was established that jill stein did in fact receive support from russia. Thats not nine or the clintons or democrats perspective. That was the republicancontrolled Intelligence Committee who said the ira. The Internet Research agency run by the russians actively helped her. Trish they were active in a lot of different places. To hurt her. Trish they were active. They had to take down all these instagram accounts. They were politically active communities. Black activist groups. All toward riling up the left. That is all to rule you have the left. Trish so they have maria batinna. Somewhat impact did it have. Imagine it this way. Lets say north korea and iran really are as afraid of him as he says he is because of what they have been doing. Lets say they wake up and say we cant have this man in office anymore because hes been tough on us. The on way thats going to happen is to siphon votes away from him. We need bill walsh or stanford or kasich. We have to make sure money goes their way. It starts with the United States government to make sure that doesnt happen. Trish you dont want meddling on either side. Vladimir putin will be saying thats pretty goode done good. It didnt matter to him if Hillary Clinton or donald trump won. He wants the chaos. He likes the current situation. Setting aside the larger debate and whether it had an impact. Putin doesnt get a vote. Trish is she going to run . She is not running right now. If there was a reason she woke up and thought she was the best person to beat donald trump, she said it herself. She is up for a rematch. We have a couple of president s Walking Around out there. I like Elizabeth Warren and be joe biden. If i dont mention biewpt judge, beto orourke. Trish you mentioned your twitter feed. We were going to promote that you are on tonight. Am i block you . I use a mass block algorithm that sometimes sweeps up too many people. Its not personal. You are part of 1. 47 million people. Trish i dont think i blocked anyone. It was collateral damage. Trish ilhan omar showing her true colors refusing to back a resolution marking limu emu doug and now for their service to the community, we present limu emu doug with this key to the city. 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Thats simple, easy, awesome. Say Nba League Pass into your voice remote to upgrade for a great low price or go online today. Trish more on my interview with senator marco rubio. But first lets get the senators thoughts on ilhan omars refusal to acknowledge the armenia genocide. I nots something you feel strongly about. You cosponsored the Senate Resolution on this in april. Whats your reaction to her vote or lack thereof. Her politics are weird and the things she stand for. She is not that relevant. She gets a lot more attention than she deserves in terms of her influence on our policies. But she does represent a line of thinking that has grown in currency in the democratic party. You have four or five Democratic Candidates saying we should cut off fund to israel unless we agree to a twostate solution. I dont know whats behind her support on that. I imagine we are opposed on that like many other issues. Trish she and others that you point out, why is that . Its right to recognize this for what it is. The timing is interesting. It wasnt necessarily put in place to irritate turkey. But its something that happened and something that should be recognized. It was the slaughter of innocent civilians, women and children. It was a genocide. It was a humanitarian catastrophe, it was a human rights violation. It was a crime that happened a long time ago. Ifered gains offended by it, hes a difficult guy to begin with. Trish do you disapprove of what the president did with syria and the border. It appears they are looking for a way to maintain a presence. Its not about endless wars. Its about having a presence there to do the kinds of things that happened over the weekend. To have relationships with people on the ground to provide us the source of detailed intelligence to allow us to target isis and not reemerge. That ideology is not going to go sea way with the death of one or two people. We have to have somewhere to do it from and people we are working with on the ground to find out where these people are and how to target them. When you pull your troops out you start to lose that capacity. Its my understanding the president is considering various options. Well see what they come out with and what he decides to do. That will help mitigate some of the damage i think could have been created by that decision. Trish thank you, sir. Of course we heard earlier from general keane who said we do have a lot of intel gathering and military personnel still on the ground in syria. Kennedy joins me with a sneak peek at whats coming up on her show. Kennedy happy hump day, trish. Wait until my Christmas Hall bum comes out just in time for kwanzaa. Everyone is getting in mood for halloween. The weekend starts now when halloween comes on a thursday. Gather the family around the tv set and enjoy yourselves as we light the holiday on fire. I am torn between a ladybug or a big floody peach for impeachment. And dr. Drew will be here, too. Trish its like a reunion for you guys. The internet is obsessed with this video of President Trump and the first lady putting candy on top of a childs minion does your broker offer more than just free trades . Fidelity has zero commissions for online u. S. Equity trades and etfs, plus zero minimums to open a brokerage account. With value like this, there are zero reasons to invest anywhere else. Fidelity. There are zero reasons to invest anywhere else. If you have postmenopausal osteoporosis and a high risk for fracture now might not be the best time to ask yourself are my bones strong . Life is full of make or break moments. Thats why its so important to help reduce your risk of fracture with prolia®. Only prolia® is proven to help strengthen and protect bones from fracture with 1 shot every 6 months. 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Trish we have a advis crazy vin arizona woman crashing into a suspected drunk driver, just before the driver would have hit a family crossing a cross walk everyone even the drunk driver everyone lived, amazing, unbelievable. This woman saved that family, the community was so happy, local car dealership gifted her a new car. This is a feel good story. This family was saved. Things dont always work out this way. However, i know that im a pessimist, after i saw, that second thing i thought, i bet that nice lady has to pay taxes on that car. Why does government ruin everything. I just you know, i can rain on any parade. You stay true, this is not fair she will be punished by the government for saving a family. I like your realist approach, we have another photo, to show. A father and a daughter proposed a halloween amazon zombie themed group. I dont like it i am not into halloween stuff like this. When i was three years old, i dressed up as vampire, when i have kids, i will my daughter, will be dressed up at you know all other kids will be a princess or animals, they will l 1000 be forced to dress like the undead it building character. Maybe, my kids were foing tomorrofoe doing tomorrow nien astronaut, a policeman, for a third year in a row. My little one wanted to be a cheerleader or basketball player, so i got the cheerleader. And see said, no, im going to be a basketball player. I would be what about zombie cheerleader, this kid quite the costume. Czech oucheck out that minion, e president taps him on the top. The basket. Trish candy goes off. I saw this as some people slamming President Trump they were this poor child. I am sure the child is okay for having candy on the head and more than anyone who does not find humor with that, that is funny. Trish i still have to figure out what im going as. Zombie. Trish next year, kat thank you,. Happy halloween, on halloween eve, have a great night, kennedy begins now, ill see you friday. Kennedy thank you, happy early halloween, what in the wide world of shorts is go sports going in adam schiff secret bumper, satan fac sacrifice, nue twister . Answers. For almost a month shifty adam schiff has been recordin lordine committee powwows behind closeddoors, that not okay, no cameras, no reporters, almost every day, a new witness goes

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