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In dc now growing. Democrats formalizing impeachment inquiry in a thursday vote, are democrats trying to set a new trap for the white house. Well tell you what that could be. The choice for voters, joe biden in trouble, even top Democrat Warning that democrat race could hit a wall in key Battle Ground states. Well explain what they are missing in the states. And awol, Elizabeth Warrens plan to pay for her government take over of healthcare, a bipartisan budget watch dog blows out of the water warren and sanders state run health care plan, it is ruin usually expensive, it could be why they have been dodging questions, and bernie claims why he does not have to explain thousand pay for it. And james comey, and adam schiff try to under cut the probe of the russia probe. I am elizabeth macdonald, the evening edit starts right now. Welcome, you are watching Fox Business Network this hour trump heading to a fund raise nir funn washington, Hillary Vaughn with more. Reporter u. S. Trade officials are adjusting expectations for a phase 1 deal with china. There no official date justity, a white house official tells fox business that a deal has been reached but text has not been finalized, that means signing of that deal may not happen in chile, Chinese Media this reporting that signing would happen november 17 with president xi jinping and President Trump meet at asiaa Pacific Corporation summit. Kushner saying he is optimistic and signals progress. I think we have a honest dialogue with china. But they saw we were serious, because a lot of these issues were not u. S. china issues. Issues like intellectual property china versus civilization, we have come on an understanding with china on where we want to head. Reporter as ambassador lighthizer continued to say, until the ink is dry and signed in these eyes there is no deal. Elizabeth to california, massive wildfires that could get worse effort caster predict biggest santa anas in years could hit los angeles tonight, mayor there warning it will take weeks to put out the getty fire, that 5 to 10 contained. And kincade fire in Northern California is now californias biggest fire of the year. Robert gray in brentwood with more. Reporter Southern California residents from los angeles to san diego, brace for what fire officials call extremely critical fire conditions. Winds to rage to 65, 70 miles per hour, begin tonight, and lasting through thursday midday. 20 thousand people remain evacuated from this neighborhood in brentwood in los angeles, that was hit hard yet by the getty fire. Concern that santa ana will breadth embers. Spread embers. In Northern California, the kincade fire growing, more than a million are without power, as pg e continues to cut power. Governor newsom saying that tactic is unacceptable, a little bit of calm before the storm. Fire officials taking their positions, they will be in place when the high winds arrive late therefore eve innothing thank you so much. Been three years in a row california fires, pg e, been blamed for faulty power lines igniting fires be now say its rolling pow or outages to prevent fires, does this have to be the new normal for Southern California. We bring in tom, former chair of California Republican party, you are in middle of the fires, is this the way for california. It will be for a while until they get their act together, there is a conflewence, two decades that pg e not following up or emphasizes mainnant in replacement of lines. Number two, there has been decades of allowing over growth, environmentalists stopping pg e from cutting trees that are near lines, and fact they build so many homes near all of the wooded areas and allow them to over grow, you put this together, that grew over 20 years, and then combine with we have a fire season in california. It called the fire season. You put all those Things Program with the winds things together with the winds, you get this, pea pg e has to return toe mission of providing safe power, democrat in sacramento have to stop blaming Global Warming, Global Warming did not create this in 3 years, and gavin newsom has to stop bailing out with Warren Buffett and do his job. Elizabeth droughts have turned california to a tend irbox, but you say, the liberal left in california, environmentalists say, or dictating that trees can be trimmed to a few short feet from power lines . Yes, even where i live, evacuations were occurred a mile from my home, local communities that argue with pg e, say they dont want their trees trimmed away from the wires more than 4 feet. That is or abouts, that ridiculous, trees grow back, what happens in branches break they fall or travel more than 4 feet, pg e has bowed to those environmentalist, then say shift the issue to say it Global Warming that wrong, safety must come forward. Elizabeth you said that sacramento, liberals there, they busy themselves with not needed necessary nonessential spending they should focus on safety. Final word environmentalist flame it on the federal government. It affects forcest management, they are not letting it thin out, but kincade fire is not near, that is a pg e line that broke. Even the getty fire, there is massive over growth, they allow this to go on all throughout this state where people live, you cant put people in such wooded areas without clearing it out. Elizabeth stay with me. Is the Trump Administration reversing the trend, doing biggest harvest of trees and weeding and winnowing out tries otritrees on federal land . Well in part it is. That a good thing, over growth, have you trees 303 an acre it should b75. They compete for very little water, they get weaker, you get a down season they die you create tinder boxes. The forest should not have 303s, per acre, that is what the environmentals have been for now good for Trump Administration doing that. It creates healthier forests and reducing risk of fire, there is no Good Environment in these fires, houk outside there is smoke in the air, tell me california environmentalists, how that is good for the state. Elizabeth quick word, will rolling back far left policies help save california in. It will in the short run, in the sense if you allow for greater thinning. If you cutback trees that is a good thing, but this a decade long fight. Tom great to see you, stay safe. All right. Thank you. Elizabeth next case, on capitol hill. Ceo of boeing, got a brutal grilling from lawmaker over the two 737 max air crashes, here is senator cruz. These 46 people are dead. Because what these chief pilots described as egregious and crazy, their long, that boeings internal language, mr. Muilenberg, how in the hell did nobody bring this to your attention in february. How did you just read this a couple of weeks ago. How did your team not put it in front of you, run in with their hair on fire . Elizabeth senator ted cruz, stock future point in green, they did close lower after s p hit a record high, gerri willis with the action on your money. Reporter we have stocks down, amid earnings and trade uncertainty and Federal Reserve tomorrow making a decision Interest Rates, widely expected to cut rates again. Dow falling, in three session losing 19, s p 500 down 2 1 2 points, it did hit alltime new high in middle. In nasdaq down 49. On poor google earnings. And talks to merge combined creates a 50 billion automaker if this happens, Fiat Chrysler this year broached a merger with renault that collapses, back to you. Elizabeth all right. Thank you. And stick to fox business. Big day tomorrow gdp news 8 00 a. M. , and fed decision on Interest Rates 2 p. M. And the debate taking hold, what is the democrat trap they are trying to set up for white house, well tell you what it could be as House Republican strategy. Is now full on defense to President Trump. Coming up, bipartisan bunch of watchdogs blown out of water as expensive warren and Bernie Sanders state run health care. It could be why they have been dodging questions about this for morning, and Bernie Sanders now claims he does not have to explain how to pay for it, coming up. We are a 97yearold firm built for right now. Edward jones. Its time for investing to feel individual. But maybe not for people with rheumatoid arthritis. Because there are options. Like an unjection™. Xeljanz xr, a oncedaily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well enough. Xeljanz xr can reduce pain, swelling and further joint damage, even without methotrexate. 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To help block out food particles. So he can enjoy the game. Super poligrip. Thbecause with nband after thleague pass on xfinityr. You can watch the out of market games you want all season long. And with the allnew xfinity sports zone, you get everything nba all in one place even notifications about your favorite teams. Watch the dropped dimes, monster blocks, and showstopping dunks. Plus get instant access to your teams with the power of your voice. Thats simple, easy, awesome. Say Nba League Pass into your voice remote to check out a free preview. Dont miss out. Elizabeth welcome back, army lutlutelieutenant co colonel teg behind closeddoors about ukraine. Catherine hairchcatherine herril hill with more. Reporter Republican House aide told reporters this resolution they believe will allow democrats in their words, curate the narrative and limit access for president s counsel to witnesses and evidence, they say this is not full, more narrow in scope there will be clear divisions between what happens in various committees and whether it reaches house judiciary committee. But all of this is happening as House Democrats have taken the formal step to codify the investigation. That means, it sounds unfair with thresolution. Right, it very procedural, Republican House aide saying they are still not satisfied that it will be full and transparent and allow president s counsel to get access to evidence that might be helpful to his defense or expulleler to evidence. He was less upping in, he had direct knowledge of the phone call. What he said in deposition, behind closeddoors, he is not the whistleblower, he immediately had objection to the content of the calls, he shared that with his chain of come mant. Mand. One command, he said, she shared it with people who were relevant, and had a need to know, and proper security clear antantanswer, president ial phons classified if they are shared with people who dont have a need to know that is a posh potl violation of leaking statute, if you watch this afternoon, republican congressman jim jordan said that chairman schiff repeatedly shut down lines of questioning including who vin montauked to, who did he share the contents of that call with. Is there a connection to the whistleblower. Elizabeth Catherine Herridge thank you. You bet. Elizabeth okay, you heard her break the news about the resolution from nancy pelosi now seeming to House Republicans to be unfair. House republicans now focused on defends the president on substant of the ukraine allegations on the process of impeachment. With us now republican congressman tom reed of new york. Catherine herridge with news that resolution is still unfair to the president. I would agree with that it keeps all power of the ability to ask questions and subpoena subject to review of adam schi schiff. I guess good news, if and when im not 100 they will put it on the floor. But it puts members on record, where to they stand with impeachment, you cant play the political game any more. About public sentiment. How voters fill. Schiff is now about his credible tie, he was the democrat who kept saying he does have ifd that have ievidencethat there ta collusion. Right. To give him all of the power in regards to reviewing evidence and making sure any minority request from republican party, looking for evidence that could support or be contrary to their articles of impeachment, this should not have occurred to begin with. I think it is too late to rectify. Worth noting that the constitution gives the house the authority to inquire, an impeachment, not the speaker, not adam schiff but the full house, thursday vote formalized the impeachment inquiry, will democrats try to set a trap for white house, making it easier for democrat to nail the president. I think there will be a fight over executive privilege and what is subject to review. This is not over site by congress, this is impeachment, this historic. To see them empraise th embracen democratic majority is disappointing. They really adopted reals in the nixon and clinton impeachment, they tried to give a fair shake. Right from get go this is clearly driven by politics to get after the president. Elizabeth that is how the voters may see it. Reportedly railroading the president before he was elected. Whether you agree or not, he ran through red light it is how he is being handled. Senator Lindsey Graham couldnt condemning the impeach inquiry. If could reveal 20 republican senators that may back up that are needed to convict in senate, they could reveal which republican senators are on the fen. That is an indication but i do respect senators that you know when they did not sign on to this it was about sending a message, how does impeachment impact people . They have issues of drug pricing reform over there in senate, they have mexico and canada deal over there you know that bowl impact farmers for example in our district and farmers in the country, in a positive way, drug pricing reform, American People pay way too much. And i think that where the Senate Objections are more coming from, political circus has to end. We have too folk out what the American People want, that is administratiopositive improveme. Congressman reed thank you. Great to be with you. Elizabeth great to see, tonight official investigate crash of a cessna to an unoccupied home in central new jersey. Sparking a fire. Local mayor said that plane originated in virginia. Appeared to have been trying to land at a airport in new jersey, the pilot of that crash unfortunately reportedly dead. Netflix creating a firestorm in hollywood. Testing a new Binge Watching feature would let you binge watch a sh a show at nearly trie normal speed, hollywood director,e dont blank with our timing, we give them nice things. President trump tweeting this, declassified picture of a military hero dog who helped take down abu bakr albaghdadi. Look at that face. A belgium who chased down former isis leader. Hero dog, returned to active duty, after treatment, and likely a lot of treats. Next up, we zoom in hard, Elizabeth Warrens betweening government plan sweeping government plan to take over capitalism, her tunnel vision faith in government, has always effective, we have proof that says otherwise. And joe biden in trouble. Top democrat reportedly warning whole democrat race is in trouble because party is missing a key thing in the key Battle Ground states, that story coming up. Liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. Nice. But, uh. Whats up with your. Partner . Not again. Limu thats your reflection. Only pay for what you need. Liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty most people think of verizon as a reliable phone company. woman but to businesses, were a reliable partner. We Keep Companies ready for whats next. man we weave security into their business. Virtualize their operations. woman and build ai customer experiences. We also keep them ready for the next big opportunity. Like 5g. Almost all the fortune 500 partner with us. woman when it comes to digital transformation. Verizon keeps business ready. Elizabeth were less than a hundred days thea wa iowa c caucus. Joe biden is behind warren and pete buttigieg. Joe biden insists he is the frontrunner, he is trailing warren in iowa and new hampshire, having trouble raising money, and not generating enthusiasm that other candidates are not doing grassroot networking you need. He is getting weaker and weaker. There is a reason that barack obama did not endorse joe biden, he knew he was not ready for primetime. How could you not be ready for primetime, he as been around since nixon era. Democrat party lacks voter turn out infrastructure in 10 key swing states. When you are the incumbent president like donald trump you have built in advantages, the nominee has to play catch up. President is stockin stalking cd full. Bipartisan watch dog group, now says there is no way that Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren can pay for their Single Player plan with just taxes on the rich. They will likely have to raise middle class taxes. Bench beeBernie Sanders said i e to have a plan to explain. Because he doesnt want to explain to voters. Data is clear, you could skate all that money, have you raise taxes. Mi middle class, and possible lower class. 70 of american consider themselves middle class, had they find out they will be footing the bill they will vote donald trump in coming up, a jampacked show. Shocking border statistics. Joe biden trying to have his cake and eat it too. Well have more for you coming up. Driverless cars, or trips to mars. No commission. Delivery drones, or the latest phones. No commission. No matter what you trade, at fidelity youll pay no commission for online u. S. 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Now across the region in lebanon there are protests they began about two weeks ago on proposed tax on the whats app messenger this of an, they found some success, as president tha hariri announced his resignation, they want the government elite out. Elizabeth rich edson thank you. Next case, to northern syria, fox news hall with a rare look in of womens isis prison camp, i story only on fox, well warn you, some of this is graphic. Reporter in a baron prison camp, tens of thousands of isis families, women, children, are running their own minnie state, guard mini state, guards tell us it is a ticking time bomb. They have secret religious courts and murder those who broken the law. Mutilating some of their bodies, they found a oneyearold baby beaten to death, but they cannot explain. At night, the isis sleeper cells smuggle things in it is a country on to itself. 71,000 people in this camp, we cant go further, it is not safe, the guards have no control inside. And they say it is a little vallecaliphate, we can hear pe shouting at us in english from inside, they are accusing us of being liars and throwing stones, they come from allest on world. If you come to talk to us, we can tell your story, we want to hear what it is like in here. No, no body wants to talk to you. You are liars. Baghdadi was killed during an american raid. There seems to be a leader who is telling others to not speak to us, they turn their back. They gather. They dont top speak. Reporter staggering to see is wha happening in camp, there are few guards they number no low hundred many have had to move north to repel turkish invasion, it is under staffed, membership people think it where possible isis resurgences could start from. Be benjamin hall, thank you. Turn to domestic issues, joe biden trying to have his cake and eat it too, tearing into the growing trump economy. Did not stimulate much Economic Growth. Peeling thpeoples of pressure on economy that is teetering on a recession, they are stifling the economy, stifling the economy. Elizabeth biden, flipflopping, trying to take a slice of credit for the economy. The economy. Donald trump inherit the a Strong Economy from barack obama and me, he is in the midst of squandering it. Joel can you straighten it out . I have been trying to. All afternoon. The Vice President claiming that things of beginning to pick up at end of the last administration. I have looked at numbers, here are the facts, in last year and a half, of barack obama administration, Economic Growth already record slow economic recover, slowest since world war ii, in last year and a half was 1. 6 annually, what happened since then . In time since President Trump has taken office, average 2. 6 and there are important statistic to look at. That is gross private domestic investment, that is important increase productivity, in 2013. 14, and 15, that rate slowed. In 2016 we saw a negative, we saw it decline. Yearoveryear. What happened after . In 2017 and 18 a sharp rebound and actual increase in growth in private investment it is important numbers that Vice President is ignoring. Elizabeth and he is ignoring that net small the business creation for first time in u. S. History went negative in obama, and biden admbiden does not ment they double federal debt, Federal Reserve came in 20 trillion in help in form of credit lines, and oil boom, that helped democrats. They now we have the Vice President biden actually denigrating the tax cuts, saying they are ne negligible, i cannot get my mind around that, 2900 a year in savings over 10 years, average family 45,000 dollars saved. I think if you are maybe sun off famous politician, perhaps Vice President and senator and you earn 45,000 plus per month, in foreign consulting contracts, then 45,000 over 10 years is not that much. But for typical american family, that kind of money when you talk about saving for your future and making ends meet that is a big difference. Elizabeth not crumbs. Joel, excuse me back soon. Thank you. Elizabeth coming up attorney general william barr slamming james comey, as comey and adam schiff now try to under cut the probe of the russia probe. And also coming up new stats in, how bad the border crisis is. Border officials apprehended or rejected, double amount of prior fiscal year . The size of city of austin . We debate. Isnt that the definition of a crisis . Coming up. What i love most about being a scientist at 3m is that im part of a community of problem solvers. We make ideas grow. From an everyday solution. To one that can take on a bigger challenge. From packaging tape. To tape that can bond materials to buildings. And planes. One idea can unlock a breadth of solutions. At 3m, we are solving problems that improve lives. Onewhether youreck or here on a wifi hotspot. 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Next up attorney general attorney general defending william barr defending integrity of john durham, william barr taking a swipe at james comey. I think we know that john durhams representation. Well see how it turns out, but i want to say one of the reasons mr. Durham is able to make progress is he making is because director ra wray and his team at fbi have been out standing in support and responsiveness. They have given to mr. Durham. You know, i have said before i felt there was a failure of leadership at the bureau in 2016, part of 17. But since director wray and his team have taken over there has been a world of change. I think that he is restoring the stead professionalism that has been the hallmark of the fbi. Elizabeth joining me now, Jason Chaffetz, fox news kris contrib, your reaction. I think that attorney general is right, directa director comet doing any favor, horowitz has been two reports were waiting for his bigger broader report, he called i believe comey dangerous. Called him insuppor insub fory prosecution or discipline acted, the picture is not prettiy there. Here is comey, and adam schiff trying to under cut the probe of the russia probe. He is demonstrating he is a tool of the president , president s hand, not representative of American People. I would hope for durham will do Everything Possible to protect his representation, from being damaged by those in leadership, and the most important way he could do that is give us transparency, i am not worried about a single thing in connect with any matters, gather the facts, write a report, share it with the American People, please do, that all this stuff in media, saying stuff does not jiv gibe is a atk on leadership. Elizabeth durham has a representation of being a serious prosecutor, what is your take from schiff, and comey . Schiff is a political hack. For him to attack barr, durham and oh hour hou horowitz it is , without merit, i think that is why they are worried, that is why there is an escalation in impeachment talk as a distracttion to take the eye all of the ball of what durham is doing. You say they are ramping up impeachment talk is correspondent to probe of russia probe, because fisa warn t wok reportedly sites unverified steel fire. You say now that the their democrat leadership is worried because the criminal probe or russia probe could put a lot of people on the hot seat. Absolutely this my personal believe and theory to why the timing and escalated, vote they will take in house thursday is a sham. It does not change anything. But i think they didnt get what they wanted out of the Mueller Report then that impeachment thing pops up. How convenient and take shots at attorney attorney general barr and President Trump saying, look, they are adam schiff said ha as much, the reason they are political tools that is wrong. It is irresponsible, adam schiff should not have a security clearance atthispoint. Elizabeth prince pehls by which we govern ourselves that are being shredded, Jason Chaffetz thank you. Thank you. Elizabeth new stats coming in on how bad the border crisis is, apprehensions doubled. Coming up. Liz trump policies his supporterred like, border officials rejecting Border Crossers. Its nearly double prior year, up 88 . Thats bigger than the pop laichtion austin, texas. They have had a hell of a year, the men and women at cbp and i. C. E. Luckily the president hit on this idea of the tariffs to get mexico engaged. The secretary of Homeland Security eve to engage the triae countries. If they change their minds or lose their never, well be back where we were this spring. Liz i. C. E. And the Border Patrol have been vilified. But they have rescued more than 4,900 Border Crossers from drowning and more. Nationwide the nation arrested gang members and drugs and more. 4,900 rescues. Those were people put in danger by the smugglers trying to bring them into the country. Luckily our men and women were out there to save them when they found themselves in that position. They dont deserve the kinds of things we hear from these politicians and what people say in the media. We went from 140,000 apprehensioned in may. We are well over the decades long average of what we have seen on the border. 1,400 apprehensions in a 24hour period. About 40 of the workforce being asigned to care for people in custody. This has to stop. There is still a crisis down there. Washington times quickly finding that illegal Border Crossers blending in with the construction crews of the border wall. Smugglers always try to find schemes of how to make it into the country illegally. When you have a construction site, there is a lot going on. Luckily our agents were able to spot that. So good for them. Thanks for joining us. And thank you for watching. Lou dobbs next on the Fox Business Network. Lou good evening, the radical dimms and Speaker Pelosi are trying something new to overthrow President Trump. The speaker shifted strategies after 35 days of secrecy, subversion and the outrageous refusal to acknowledge the essential testimony and evidence that clearly exculpates President Trump of their specious charges. The radical dimms propose this resolution to invalidate the efforts of several house committees to continue their

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