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Here is one of president trumps tweets showing this. The president ial dare comes in the midst of yet another wave of disappointment and bad news for the lying leftists and radical dimms. President trumps attorney Rudy Giuliani is still debating whether he will defy congressional subpoenas. The secretary of state mike pompeo flat out rejected the radical dimm Committee Chairman saying the state department will not allow congress to bully and disrespect distinguished diplomats. Their obvious fictional plot to take down the president. New reports that joe manchin and jon tester are worried pelosi and schiff have already damaged the party with their halfbaked impeachment probe that is spinning out of control. And it could prove costly in next years elections. For the latest, we turn to chief white house correspondent, john roberts. Reporter the president s outside attorney, Rudy Giuliani hasnt decided whether to comply with a congressional subpoena for documents. Neither has the secretary of state. But mike pompeo was doing his best to Keep State Department officials away from capitol hill. The secretary of state fired back today against a house demand to depose five current and former state department officials. In a letter to Foreign Affairs chairman elliott engel. He said the demand could only be understood as an attempt to bully distinguished professionals at the department of state. While posm pay oh didnt say no, he said the subject of your letter may not appear without counsel from the executive branch present. The president demanding to know his or her identity of the whistleblower tweeting why arent we allowed to know the identity of the whistleblower and the person who gave the information to him. Michael cat kin on revealing Michael Atkinson revealing the whistleblower said he or she possessed beth first and second hand information. The i. G. Did not say what information the whistleblower had information on. Members of the relevanting congressional committees may get a chance to meet with the whistle blower as soon as next week. Fox news is being told plans are being made for a possible meeting away from capitol hill to help protect the whistleblowers identity. So what are the radical dimms, pelosi, schiff, schumer, left with . Right now it appears not much. How should the Trump Administration deal with a congress unyielding in its efforts, no matter how futile and silly to overthrow president trump. To take that up, we have the senior policy advisor for the president , Stephen Miller. What a week it has been. Lets start with a backdrop for this if i may. Suddenly we are hearing from schumer and pelosi and several others that they want to negotiate with the president and are ready to sit down and talk about usmca, gun control, you name it, apparently. They seem to think they shouldntly have the upper hand with the president. Your reaction. I do agree Senate Democrats are probably terrified about the cliff they are being driven over by pelosi and the radical election nullifying democrats in the house of representatives. I dont doubt thats the case. But lets be clear what the even deep fear is. The deepest fear is the deep state is terrified of being exposed. What we have now is a situation in which the attorney general of the United States and john durham are going to get to the bottom of what really happened in 2016. And well find out what went on and what was done to try to sabotage this president and sabotage this administration. That has the deep state and their democrat allies terrified. Lou terrified it seems of ways an highly unusual effort in what is a bizarre plot at best. Not even the stuff of fiction, because its so implausible. But the idea that they would make much of the president asking a foreign leader to meet or talk with his attorney general and to accommodate the Law Enforcement and National Security investigative needs of this country and ally of ukraine. On what basis would that be irregular . I have some breaking news, lou. The president of the United States is the nations highest ranking Law Enforcement officer. It seems like some of our democrats need a civics lesson. Just because joe biden may be running for president , doesnt mean hes immune from scrutiny and his family is immune from scrutiny for corrupt behavior in ukraine and china. The president of the United States is together American People a profound service by getting to the bottom of corruption in ukraine. All americans have a right to know how our taxpayer dollars are being spent. Whether high officials are engaging in corrupt behavior and whether ukraine interfered in 2016. Lou there is some concern that the president in the face of this onslaught, no matter how i can they the i am know matter how rickety the impeachment inquiry is. As a bribe or outright intimidation to take up gun control and various issues, and legislation. They have absolutely no interest in accommodating him previously. This is a sordid and tasteless sort of initiative, dont you think on the part of the radical dimms . The democrats have truly no department to which they will not sing in their craven pursuit of power. Thats what this is all about. Its about power. You talked about these issues for so many years on your show. You talked about the betrayal of the American Workers because of offshoring, and misguided trade deals. You talked about the betrayal of American Families because of mississippi guide foreign policies. The president stood up in 2016 and said enough. I am putting a stop to the selling out, the betrayal, and the crucifying of the american middle class. They are going to say we are not going to let the American People have the leadership and the government they want. This president is standing in the breach saying hes going to fight for the american worker. Lou he has done so strongly throughout. In the senate there is senate bill 386. The rights for legal immigrants legislation that would double the size of h1b visas and give most of of those visas to china and india. And its also without a question sponsored by mike lee and signed on to by a host of otherwise well, generally reasonable people previously. Is the president going to veto the damn thing . I dont think that bill as currently written will be passing the senate anytime soon. The Administration Made clear that our view on h1bs is you cannot displace or replace American Workers. The president has taken unprecedented action in the immigration space to do exactly that. According most of recently with the public charge regulation to keep newcomers from taking advantage of our welfare system. I want to drill down to the heart of what is happening in our country right now. You have people inside the executive branch, permanent career government officials who do not recognize democracy. I know because i deal with some of these people every week. Im talking about the deep state, lou. Everything we are trying to do to make working americans have a Better Future is constantly blocked and sabotaged by the deep state. We are breaking through and we are winning and well keep on winning. What you have with this current nonscandal, noncontroversy, made up phoney story from this fake whistleblower with ukraine. You have somebody inside the government along with their allies trying to overthrow a democratically elected president so they can get their policy that they want put in place. Thats whats at stake for every american. Do you think we should be governed by a democracy or not. Lou im happy with this Constitutional Republic and less than happy with the deep state. Its not only entrenched, but expanding and increasingly powerful. When we look at the complaint for the socalled whistleblower who happens to be a cia officer, think about the absurdity of what we are talking about. A cia officer on hear say is now a whistleblower. One wonders why he doesnt have a change of command he would want to follow and why he could not see the irony of spying on the president of the United States on u. S. Soil. Which is a charge he is not entitled to. Overseas surveillance. Not to try and conduct illicit operations on the president of the United States. First of all, if you read the complaint, its public now. There is no firsthand nothing that complaint. There is no firsthand anything in that complaint. Nor could there ever be because the complaint is the fevered imagination after deep state radical. Lou Michael Atkinson, the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community who wrote a fourpage document of rationale for changing that complaint form, its one of the most of absurd documents i have ever seen its irrational and can only be explained by raising Great Questions of political corruption within the Inspector Generals office itself in my opinion. But thats just my opinion. What i find so disappointing is the Democratic Party used to stand for liberal values. They used to question power. Now you have a liberal bureaucracy and liberals in washington, d. C. That worship intelligence communities as being above reproach and worship deep state power. Its fundamentally antiliberal. Lou i cant join you in bemoaning their move away from liberalism. I think liberalism deserves to die and perhaps even a painful death. Now they are just socialists and marxists, lou. They are not liberals any more. Lou i dont know what else they are, but i can tell you this, they are working against the president of the United States and this country and thats got to be stopped. Stephen miller, we appreciate everything you are doing for the country. Thank you so much. More on secretary pompeos answer to the radical dimms on capitol hill. Hes not pleased with their efforts to bully state officials. A photo of joe biden. Wow. Who knew. There is another photo and it shows his son and himself in well, the hamptons playing golf. Having a good time. He does a lot of goodtime photos. Eric trump will be joining us right after the break for that. 300 miles an hour, thats where i feel normal. Having an annuity tells me my retirement is protected. Learn more at retire your risk dot org. Thand find inspiration who win new places. Ct. Leading them to discover were woven together by the moments we share. Everything you need, all in one place. Expedia. 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Volume on the big board, 3. 6 million shares. Excitement in the market after a report manufacturing contracted at the fastest rate in the past year. Crude oil down a percent. Gold up over a . Silver rising 2 . A 2014 pic picture unraveline bidens claims he never talked about his sons overseas business dealings. A picture showed the bidens golfing with devon archer. They were both on the board of burisma holdings, and partners in rosemont sineca. That attracted a billion dollar investment after hunter accompanied his daughter to beijing in 2015. Pure are coinsurance dense. Eric trump, good to have you here. Can you imagine if i took 3 cents from the ukraine or 4 cents from china . Its unbelievable. Lou i have a feeling it would be a different reaction on the part of the leftist media. Double standard is a nice way to say it. Its outright rank political corruption on the part of our national media. The worst part of this whole thing is, the guy doesnt speak the language. Hes on the board of a Ukrainian Company and he doesnt speak the language. Put me on a board on a company where i cant communicate with the other people of on the board. Hes being paid 50,000 a month for not knowing the language or having relevant experience . It absolutely insane. Lou it fails the i am plus built test its unimaginable this firm would hire a man who had a drug problem, knew nothing about energy, the ukraine or International Finance for that matter. These issues. And the chinese had no problem either. 1. 5 billion dollars. He will be in part the steward for 1. 5 billion. That i would guess good faith in the vice president. One of the biggest investors in the world. These guys run the biggest investment firms in the United States, they go to beijing and they cant get 3 cents out of china. You have this young guy, flies on Board Air Force two, goes to china, comes back and has a billion five in his pocket. This witch hunt that they are doing right now. They know they cant beat my father. The corruption is being seen for the 20th time. You reported on it for the last several years. Lou from the time he was a candidate, for crying out loud, he had the fbi and who knows how much other agencies working against him. And how much foreign agencies. How many scandals do we need. Whether it be the russian dossier or the insane leaks. Whether its bill clinton and Loretta Lynch meeting in a private airport. Lou Loretta Lynch . Most of people dont even know who she is because she hasnt been considered for investigation. How about kavanaugh and trying to destroy his life and what about the other lives they have ruined in the process. My father is fighting like hell to turn around the country. We are the talk of the entire world and i know that because i travel the world and i hear from people. We are doing everything right. Hes doing everything right. We have the best markets, the best jobs. Manufacturing is coming back. We are wing on every front. The democrats know it and they want to distract from that and what hes doing and his message and the patriotism he brought back to this country. Biden is not going to win. The guy is a crook. Our be is not going to win. She is somebody who slies about her native american ancestry. She is not going to win. Here we go again. I feel like its a merrygoround. I wish it were as amusing as a merrygoround. This effort to overthrow the president of this congressional this Constitutional Republic, its stunning stuff on one hand and on the other its become old stuff because it has been going on for three years against your father and against this country. And there is a rationalization. I think its a see yo psychotic rationalization in our body politic that because the left opposes your father who is an antiestablishment populist president whose appeal crosses boat parties, supports the working man and woman who aexpired to the middle class. Supports the middle class where their American Dream reside. Instead of the corporatist class. Hes fair game. And hes not, and neither is this country. He threatens their very existence. They know that. Look at the movement. Go to these rallies where you have 40,000, 50,000 people, they are Holding American flags and cheering usa. They dont have that on the other side. How many years has biden been a politician . Over 50. He has been a politician substantially longer than i have been alive. Yet biden will blame it problems of the country on my father. Lou the American People are watching all of this. And they are not half as dumb as the democrats, the radical dimms believe them to be or they wouldnt pull such a nonsensical i am [applause] able plot as this impeachment inquiry against your father. Its exploding right now in the faces the fundraising numbers show that. We raised 15 million its a great way to show support. People are going online and donating 10, 1. You raise 15 million from people who have never donated to a Political Party before. We are going to beat them again. Lou and still, all of us are still thrilled to win. Eric trump. Thanks. Its great to see you. Come back soon. Lou the 2020 candidate that facebooks executive Mark Zuckerberg sees as an existential threat. And its a construction of language the likes of which you will wish you had never heard. But its coming up next. Stay with us. Well be right back. 2,000 fence posts. 900 acres. 48 bales. All before lunch, which we caught last saturday. We earn our scars. We wear our work ethic. We work until the works done. And when it is, a few hours of shuteye to rest up for tomorrow, the day well finally get something done. the day well finally get something done. Its what gives audible theresmembers an edge. Ening; it opens our minds, changes our perspective, connects us, and pushes us further. The most inspiring minds, the most compelling stories audible. Pain happens. 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Call 1800miracle to schedule your free hearing evaluation. My hands are everything to me. But i was diagnosed with dupuytrens contracture. And it got to the point where things i took for granted got tougher to do. Thought surgery was my only option. Turns out i was wrong. So when a hand specialist told me about nonsurgical treatments, it was a total game changer. Like you, my hands have a lot more to do. Learn more at factsonhand. Com today. Lou facebooks founder, ceo, smashing zuckerberg captured in leaked audio blasting president ial candidate Elizabeth Warren and her plans to break up big tech. Elizabeth warren thinks the right answer is to break up the company. I would bet it would have a legal challenge and i will bet well win the legal challenge. But that still sucks for us. To have a major salute against our own government. But at the end of the day if somebody is going to threaten something that existential you go to the mat and you fight. Lou joining us to take up that and much more. Fox news contributor, and leading strader just, ed rollins. This president was campaigning against big tech before Elizabeth Warren left the reservation. Thats one of his policies. It should be. At the end of the day you would think zuckerberg was going endorse trump. The reality is you need regulatory control. You have all this information of people out there. Lou you are agreeing Elizabeth Warren. No, im agreeing with donald trump. You need to look at it hard and fast. Lou hard, fast and peculiar at the very best. This impeachment inquiry as the democrats like to call it. This thing is bizarre. There is first no crime as we documented here last night. There is this complaint is riddled with mission takes and errors and concerted efforts it appears with a law firm and a couple congressional committees. Then the coverups. Remember the discussion, the coverup just happens to be the routine top secret code secure files that are president ial conversations are kept in. This is a laughable, just disaster for the radical dimms. This thing they concocted. The cia works for the president. Lou dont tell me, tell them. Their purpose is to gather information from other countries for the president. Lou they have to go abroad. Not here. They are not the fbi. The idea that lou the fbi wanted to wear wires in the white house. What a bunch. You cant make these people up. I have been around a long time from the days of j. Edgar hoover. He was a liner League Player compared to these guys. I think the democrats are going to get bloodied and bruised. The president has to be prepared to fight and he will fight. Lou the real issue is why in the hell does he have to fight. This is the deep state. This is the radical dimms. The left in this country. Their compatriots and the leftist national media. If there were an honest media in this country instead this closed feedback loop, amongst the dems, the left, and the leftist media. We wouldnt have this. The great indictment against trump is he said hes doing what he said he would do. Hes unconventional and hes an effective president and they are unhappy about that. Lou the radical dimms are pushing along with the establishment at the white house, wants to go talk. Maybe we can talk business on trade, we can talk business on tariffs. We can talk business on gun control. We can talk business in you name it. The only business the country is going to talk about the next couple months is the efforts to impeach him and they will be unsuccessful. Lou how does it end . I think they have got the votes to impeach him on some obscure thing. But i think the senate will be outraged by it and i think it country is outraged by it. Go out and start the campaign and tell the country whats going on in washington, d. C. Thats where he needs to be. Thats what hes very good at. Lou we take up the dramatic escalation of violence in hong kong. And what in the world is going on in beijing. To find out. Dr. Michael pillsbury joins us. Performance comes in lots of flavors. Theres the ampedup, overtuned, feedingfrenzyof sheetmetalkind. And then theres performance that just leaves you feeling better as a result. Thats the kind lincolns about. Lou china today unveiled new military weapons including an intercouldnt mental miss soil flaunted as the most of powerful missile on this planet at the 70th anniversary of the communist partys parade in beijing. We are told it can carry 10 nuclear warheads. Theoretically it has the ability to hit the United States in a halfhour. Demonstrators in hong kong are taking to the city center, marching through main streets clashing with police. The clashes escalated and an 18yearold activist was shot squarely in the chest with a live round by one of the officers. The protester is said to be in Critical Condition tonight. Joining us now, dr. Michael pillsbury, the director of the center for have they at the hudson institute. He just returned from shopping congress and beijing. This is Troubling Development how violent and persistent these demonstrations have become. I think its all part of the rise in chinese nationalism combined with chinese power. Somebody obviously authorized this Police Officer to use deadly force. And the showing of these new weapons systems, they also showed off two robot subject marines and they have a stealth drone that looks a lot like our stealth drone. They wouldnt spoiled to have this equipment for another 10 years according to some experts. Lou i cant imagine them leaving it in a file somewhere as they per riewsd all our technologi. Their weapons look a lot like our weapons. Lou and their aircraft. Its astonishing. I want to turn to the discussion that we have seen the administration pull back. Meter navarro Peter Navarro saying basically we were just kidding about keeping china from our markets, the suggestion, there would be a delisting of Chinese Companies, no, they can have access to everything. Your reaction to that. Every president i worked for wants to maintain secrecy on his policy options until he announces them. What Peter Navarro is saying he didnt want to make any comment. The white house statement was at this time at the very end of the comment how we are not thinking about escalation. And then it was at this time. So the question arising for those of us outside the white house. When would be the right time . My suggestion is this delegation coming october 10 or 11. The talks are at an impasse. Then its time for escalation. There are some pretty good ideas i and others have in find, including you, lou. Lou thanks for including me. I am very concerned right now that we are looking at a country as it talks about a people that wont be stopped, a nation that wont be stopped. That is a bellicosity it seems to me as an observer something new for the chinese because thats an adamant statement of imperial nationalism if i ever heard one. I think you are right to single out that phrase in president xi jinpings speech yesterday. I was struck by it, too. Its more than feisty. Its almost arrogant. There is a new tone of confidence and arrogance in references to america as yesterdays power. Yesterdays hegemon. Its kind of insulting to us, actually. Lou the point is to make sure it many incorrect. When you have got wall street flying over on command from xi, and the communist party to attend at the feet of the great xi, you know, it gets to be troubling. When you have got companies continuing to go ahead with forced transfer of rare and extraordinarily valuable interest electric teurl fuel property. When we continue to permit the theft of billions of dollars technology. Im scratching my head if thats such an overwrought claim on the part of the president xi about china visavis the United States. Have faith in america. Lou i have faith in america. What the wall street people are worried about is the escalation options. They know one of the options. And thats no more waivers for Chinese Companies that have accounting problems. They got away with claiming the results of accounting are secret. The sec has gone along with that with a waiver. That could be changed in one second. Lou what about im aware of outside advisors and inside advisors who suggested to the president that there be a cutoff to our Capital Markets for the chinese. In fact whether you know if that be the case and ending the capital flows to china. That would amount to half their economy. I have it on good counsel. Your thoughts . Thats only one range of options affecting the Capital Markets other is private equity. There are enormous amounts of private equity in china from u. S. Investment banks that has not been examined before. The third area is the entity this that huawei and general nuclear are already on. At the discretion of the president he can add more important Chinese Companies, the ones they caught national champons. The combination of these options and there is plenty more, would inflict a lot of pain on china. October 12, i think. Lou michael pillsbury, good to talk with you. Up next. Los angeles hoping mormony will solve a crisis. Its homeless crisis, a crisis of their hone making. Their own making. Wow, what a beautiful wedding as your second cousin and number one broker. Youre welcome. Remember, carl, we havent been investing with you for a while. Hmmm . Because schwab makes planning for things like this easier. Yeah, with schwab we get automated investing and integrated planning help. For a low Monthly Subscription price. Why would schwab do that . 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Com to buy a weeks supply of 5hour tea. Thats a week of more getupandgo, feeling alert, and more energetic. If you try it, and you dont think 5hour tea gives you the boost you need, youll get a full refund. Go to 5hourtea. Com. Lou there is nothing sanctuary in the sanctuary state for the homeless. There is a homeless crisis in los angeles that hit the breaking point. City officials are trying to pressure Governor Newsom to declare a state of emergency in their state and city. City officials hoping to declare that state of emergency and divert more fund to combat homelessness. Since last year the Homeless Population in Los Angeles County has risen 12 . The total population nearly 60,000 people. Joining us tonight, victor davis hanson. He is the author and best selling author and National Review contributor. Its stunning stuff and its good to see you, my friend. The absurdity of los angeles having to declare a crisis because its policies created so much homelessness. I think californias reaching the logical limitation of his radical progressive thought. We are seeing a culture where people are infected with e. Coli and hepatitis c and even typhus. The idea is predicated that no one has the moral courage to say its wrong and well address it. The hollywood elite, the people who live down in malibu or san francisco, the gavin newsoms, the feinsteins, pacific heights, presidio heights. They are never subjected to the ramifications of their own ideology. It doesnt fall on them because they have the money and influence, the gated community. The private security patrol. Thats symptomatic of california. Lou a few other places, too. Lets turn to the radical dems and his absurd quest to carry out an impeachment inquiry against this president with a clause that has no crime within point of fact a complaint authored by a cia officer with thirdperson thirdhand information. And an allegation of a coverup that happens to be the routine practice of secreting conversations between the president of the United States and foreign leaders. I think nancy pelosi was unpressure her base and people in congress. They warned her that the election is going to come up in 13 months and donald trump is going to win. Some of them said if we dont impeach him we have 8 years of him. Before she got whistleblowers complaint in she went ahead with the socalled inquiry. These land mines are starting to blow up in her face. She dont know who the whistleblower is . Has the bissell blower contacted adam schiffs staff in did they have a legal team draw up his . You cant impeach a president on anonymous sources. They are trying to get a kavanaugh circus. I think they feel if they get an inquiry, nobody can control it. They will bring in everybody. They dont understand this has happened for three years and people are getting tired of it. Meanwhile we have all of these things that pelosi cant control. The uber investigation, the horowitz. The durham investigation. We have the debates. We have 9 crazy debates til to go. There will and lot of atmospherics you cant anticipate. She cant control the news cycle. She let the genie out of the bottle and nobody knows what will happen. But it wont be good for them in the long run. They have taken out their premiere candidate, joe biden. Lou stay with us. Well be right back with more. Do you want me to go first or do you want to go first, brea . You can go first. Audible reintroduced this whole world to me. So many Great Stories from amazing people. Makes me wanna be better. To connect with stories that im listening to thats inspiration. With audible originals, theres something for almost every taste in there. Everything you ever wanted to hear. Our ability to empathize through these stories can be transformational. Its my own thing that i can do for me. Download audible and start listening today. I waited to get treated. Thought surgery was my only option. But then i found out about nonsurgical treatments. It was a total game changer. Learn more about the condition at factsonhand. Com lou the desperate cad rall dems coup attempt against the president over a highly questionable whistleblower claim, senior policy advisor Stephen Miller with a warning at apartments at stake. What you have with this current nonscandal, noncontroversy madeup phoney story. What you have is somebody inside the government along with their allies trying to overthrow a democratically elected president so they can get their policies that they want put in place. Thats whats at stake for every american. Lou tomorrow night the ron ncs Ronna Mcdaniel joins us. We hope you will as well. Good night from new york. [ ] trish the protesters bid for democracy in hong kong. This shows a Police Officer shooting a protester in the chest at point blank range. The people in the streets are trying to free themselves from chinas fierce grip. Steve bannon predicted it right here exclusively. Find out what he says is at stake for america right now. Also tonight, democrats moving full steam ahead with their impeachment push

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