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Controversy and whether theres a chance for bipartisanship on legislative issues that matter to the American People. Also with us this morning, a former attorney general, Michael Mukasey is here. He will join us on Speaker Pelosis claims that attorney general barr has, quote, won rogue. Then gone rogue. Then a very rare and unique interview on the tensions between the u. S. And iran. Right now, right here, sunday morning futures. Maria as democrats accelerate their impeachment inquiry, we are getting new reaction this morning from the two people squaring off at the center of it all, President Trump and House Speaker nancy pelosi. The president put out a video message on twitter arguing that the whole thing is politically motivated. Watch. Greatest scam in the history of american politics. The democrats want to take away your guns, they want to take away your health care, they want to take away your vote, they want to take away your freedom, they want to take away your judges. They want to take away everything. We can never let this happen. Were fighting to drain the swamp, and thats exactly what im doing. And you see why we have to do it, because our country is at stake like never before. Maria meanwhile, Speaker Pelosi is dismissing the possible electoral consequences for democrats. She says her party must move forward even if it means losing the house in 2020. Watch this. People say you have to take a Political Risk doing that. That doesnt matter. That doesnt matter. Because we cannot have a president of the United States undermining his oath of office, his loyalty is to his oath of office. Undermining our National Security and undermining the integrity of our elections. Maria the um peachment inquiry was, of course, sparked by a whistleblower complaint concerning President Trumps july phone call with the president of ukraine. A white house transcript shows the president asking the ukrainian leader to investigate joe biden and his son. The president urged ukraine to work with his personal attorney, rudy giuliani, on the matter. Joining me right now to give us his first reaction to all of this is rudy giuliani, former new york city mayor. Mr. Mayor, its good to see you this morning. And former u. S. Attorney for the Southern District of new york who investigated many corruption cases, democrats and republicans. I didnt have this handle that exists now which is you only investigate republicans. These things that are alleged by joe biden, you change the name to trump, is there any fairminded person in this country that thinks after six months i would be pointing him out, putting him online and the New York Times and Washington Post wont have made a major scandal out of this . If you think that, youre not observing reality. And this is part of the reason for the bitterness and tuition in this country, because americans instinctively cannot abide two different systems of justice. One, if your son is working for a crookinged oligarch in a country youre giving out money and youre the Vice President , gets 8 million or hes getting 1. 5 billion from china, your name is biden, and if i bring it up, they attack me . The first question is how did you find it, not what is it. Maria i understand what youre saying, and you should know that on this program we have been covering what went on im talking about the overwhelming majority. Not a few individuals like you. Maria tell us what your role has been in this ukraine story. Is there corruption there and finding out what went on with joe biden. What is your role . Very simple, im a lawyer defending a client. And one of the things you do defending a client is you prove that somebody else did it or theres some other explanation for it. Then, of course, you pursue that vigorously. They should be applauding me. If i was representing a terrorist or a murderer, they would say, wow, youre one hell of an investigator. You found things that the fbi couldnt find. The fbi could have found them, they went like this. So i was sitting in my office in november, this was dropped on me by ukrainians actually, by an american first, two americans, and they told me they couldnt get it to the fbi. Theyd been trying for a year. And what this is maria what exactly are you holding . You have an affidavit here. What is it . This is not like i want to point out the difference. This is not like this ridiculous whistleblower nothing which says i was not a direct witness, and then it says i learned, i heard, i guess, i think. Never i know. I have i know. This is an affidavit from the main person involved in this. His name is victor shokin. He was the president general of the ukraine at the time. Maria hes the one biden want withs fired. And they say he was corrupt. He was fired for corruption. The reality is hes never been charged with corruption, no charges proven. Ive seen the man. He lives in a little home, and hes about 74 years old. If hes corrupt, he wasnt good at it. Maria biden is saying i got him fired. But hes not on camera telling the rest of it is which is that before maria youre reading directly from the affidavit. Go ahead. Im reading. On several occasions president poroshenko asked me to consider the possibility of winding down the investigative actions in respect to this company, thats bidens sons company, but i refused to close this investigation. Therefore, i was forced to leave office under direct and intense pressure from joe biden and the Obama Administration. In my conversations with poroshenko at the time, he was emphatic that you should cease my investigation regarding bidens company. When i did not, he said that the United States, parenthesis via bind, were refusing to release the 1 billion promised to ukraine. He had no choice, therefore, but to ask me to resign. I have a second affidavit from a ukrainian prosecutor, another one, saying that several days later a pr firm and lawyer on behalf of hunter biden came in and began by apologizing for having to exaggerate these claims of corruption about the Prosecutor Generals Office in order to get this guy fired, but now they wanted the biden case to be dismissed. Maria yeah, okay. Let me tell you what that proves. Maria weve got to get to biden is lying about the fact that there was no investigation. This is direct proof that there was. Ive actually seen the documents. The real shame of this is i put this out six months ago, and the Washington Press didnt Pay Attention to it. I denounced it, i talked about it, wheres the fbi been for a year and a half, this has been out here. Theres two standards here, maria, and thats really the deeper question. Now, if you want to talk about my role, i am defending a client who was falsely accused of russian collusion. They came to me and said its really ironic, mr. Mayor, that there was no russian collusion. The collusion was in ukraine. Maria yeah. It was bought and paid for, done by Hillary Clinton, the Democratic National committee. They told me the person that was the intermediary, ive interviewed maria but if you are President Trumps personal attorney, why are you having all of these meetings with ukrainian officials . Because they had an alternative explanation that cleared my client. Thats what you do as a defense attorney. Did you ever watch perry mason . Lets say i was representing someone for murder and someone came to me and said we really know who did the murder, but the police wont listen to us. Maria yeah. I would have to go investigate it myself. Because and they were also telling me they didnt trust the fbi, which is a shame maria well, congressman devin nunes joined me on friday on mornings with maria a on fox business, and he connected the dots in terms of why the president was so interested in getting to the bottom of what went on in ukraine. Listen to devin nunes, he joined me on friday. Thats number one. Number two, people have to understand that the origins of the russia investigation begin in ukraine. Okay . Now, this is only slightly in the weeds, but i think most of your viewers know fusion gps, the firm that was paid by the democrats to dig up dirt on the Trump Campaign, most of their dirt, original dirt if you go back to the socalled steele dossiers, comes from ukraine. Maria so if i go back to the actual transport of the call between the transcript of the call between the president and the ukraine president , the president says, do me a favor, we want to get to the bottom of this. Is that what hes talking about, the 2016 origins of the probe . Yeah. If you notice, biden is just an afterthought. Only four lines on biden, 178 lines on collusion in general. What i was told was that this collusion began in ukraine, that there is evidence of people in the Obama Administration telling the ukrainian officials to dig up dirt on trump going back to as early as january 2016. There are witnesses to this. Maria right. Look, i cant determine if its true or not. If this isnt investigated, it would be a major scandal. Maria were you working alone, or were you working with others to try to get information on the probe in russia . On this particular thing maria in ukraine . I wasnt trying to get dirty information on biden. Biden was in our way. Biden had the prosecutor fired who was investigating the collusion. That prosecutor, the new prosecutor, bought and paid for who is corrupt dismissed the case on hunter biden and on a company where a lot of the dirty information, including false information, came from. And if you think im just making this up, the american swamp media avoids the fact that in december of 2018 a Ukrainian Court found that there was illegal interference in the election. They named the particular parliamentarian who was guilty, and they say it was information illegally given to the Hillary Clinton campaign. That is a court decision. Not rudy giuliani, but a Ukrainian Court. And i have four more affidavits like this. These are people who want to go under oath that say that false information and dirty information about the Trump Campaign was given to the american embassy, the Democratic National committee, operateoffs for Hillary Clinton and the New York Times. Maria so this goes back to the origins of the russia probe, and the president wanting to know how all of this this started you are, you are, you are maria getting into [inaudible] im representing you and your charge of bank robbery, and somebody comes to me and says, no, no, she didnt do the robbery, they did, but the police have been covering this up and looking at it for a year. What would i do . Id get the facts first. Id get them in affidavits not like the whistleblower who doesnt know anymore. I have that many affidavits, and if you want to go find them, google them. I put them online so everybody could be challenged to look at them. Maria look, we all know that President Trump that his own approach in doing things. He says what he wants, brings up things that he wants to bring up, but you just said it, you are a former u. S. Attorney, you are a former prosecutor, you are a former elected official. What advice are you giving to the president in terms of what he should and should not be saying . You know better in terms of, in terms of what did he say wrong . Maria well, bringing up joe biden. A lot of people will say its not ill peach bl, however, it was in bad form for the president to is it bad form to ask the leader of another country to investigate a Vice President of the United States maria who is his opponent politically. You say that. Hes also someone who looks like he may have sold his office in the ukraine, disgraced the United States, made it impossible for us to combat corruption in the United States. How could obama have ever sent biden there to say hes going to take the on corruption in the ukraine when his son is working for one of the most crooked oligarchs in the ukrainesome and doesnt that in the ukraine . And doesnt that hurt the relations . I cant help it if biden is a ca candidate for president someday. That doesnt give him immunity from being investigated. Maria there are people on the republican side as well the republicans maria who say, you know what . Here is one right here when youve got senator john kennedy. I wish he would shut the heck up. There are people each on the republican side even on the republican side are saying rudy is coming out and putting all of this information out there and rambling interviews and making the president , putting him in a bad spot. Pompeo is upset with you, apparently. A. G. Barr said i should not be lumped into the same situation as the president s personal lawyer. I am the attorney general. Is that whats happening . Is there a blurring of lines here . No there isnt a blurring of lines here. I am representing the president , and i am bringing out facts that the swamp wants to cover up. I knew the moment biden was mentioned that it would be more difficult to do this, because theyd all circle the wagons and try to protect him. The reality is, is the president of the United States hadnt asked for an investigation of this, he would not be doing his job under article ii, is section tree of the constitution three of the constitution. Just because joe biden is a protected washington creature does not mean that the serious allegations of a pay for play pattern, 8 million to his son from ukraine when hes supposed to be straightening out corruption in ukraine, 1. 5 billion from china when hes supposed to be dealing with the islands and tariffs, these are things that relate to the Foreign Policy of the United States. They relate to the credibility of the United States. And you dont get away with maria hold on. Just because youre a candidate for president. Maria hold that thought. Were going to come right back. nationwide jingle alexa added ukulele to band shopping list. Perfect. Peyton, what are you doing . Nationwides teamed up with amazon to bring you the allnew echo auto. Youre gonna love this. 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When i am or if they call me and ask me if ill testify voluntarily, ill talk about that with my clientment they treat President Trump as if he has no constitutional rights. Im his attorney. Theres something called Attorney Client privilege that has to be considered even if they dont think he should have Attorney Client privilege. Would i be willing to explain this openly, do did anybody do anything wrong here . Absolutely not. The only thing done wrong here is the coverup of these charges for three years that are very, very serious. These are very serious charges, and theyre backed up by sworn affidavits, and theyre online. And the Washington Press corps trying to protect a biden like they protected clinton the, and beyond that the pattern a pattern of pay for play. It includes something very similar to what happened at the Clinton Foundation which goes to the very core of what did obama know and when did he know it. In december of 2015, the New York Timeses wrote an article, scathing criticism of biden for putting his son in this conflicted position and compromising his ability to deal with corruption. Which, by the way, should be a concern wait, wait, should be a concern of a future president. Question is when biden and obama saw that article about how the son was pulling down money for the most crooked oligarch in russia, did obama call biden in and say, joe, how could you be doing this . Maria yeah, i understand that. But the reality is that the democrats have the matter in the house. That means they have subpoena power, that means they are running the show. What are you going to do about them . The fact that there was wrongdoing done in early 2016, they dont theyre refusing to look at. It would be nice if i say to my fellow republican, it would be nice instead of attacking me, the messenger, without knowing what really is involved, if youd give me the benefit of the doubt before you attack me, and you take a look at what i have. Maria right. How about, how about dont we have hearings . I mean, suppose it was alleged that donald trump jr. Got 8 million from a crooked oligarch in ukraine . How long would it take for the democrats to investigate us . And how long would it take for the Washington Post and the New York Times to have glaring headlines . Until we cure that, were going to be a divided country. Maria yeah. And until our republican friends realize that were really not in bad faith, that this is really serious and that i am concerned as i have been from the time i was an assistant u. S. Attorney, i find the sale of Public Office to be disgusting. And they werent hiring hunter biden. There were a hundred reasons why they werent hiring him including the fact that hes a troubled young man who shouldnt have been put in that position. They were buying joe biden, and if he didnt see that, then hes blind. And if obama didnt deal with it, then hes its not the kind of President Donald Trump is who takes article ii, Section Three seriously, and maybe these republicans should give him and me the benefit of the doubt. Maria quick break, and more with rudy giuliani. Congressman dowel cog lins doug collins coming i mean, if you havent thought about switching to geico, frankly, youre missing out. Uh. The mobile app makes it easy to manage your policy, even way out here. Your marshmallows. Get digital id cards, emergency roadside service, even file a. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa oops, that cheeky little thing got away from me. My bad. Geico. Its easy to manage your policy whenever, wherever. Can i trouble you for another marshmallow . 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The dirt on joe biden was handed to me by the ukrainians, amazed that the fbi hadnt asked for this a year earlier, completely shocked and worried that our system of justice was flawed. Because joe biden announced it publicly. And if youre a lawyer at all, what joe biden announced was he offered something of value, 1. 2 billion loan guarantee, in order to get the prosecutor to take official action thats the crime of bribery and the motive is if you at least interview the guy to coffer up the cover up the case on his son. There were also, by the way, i i believe three other affidavits of different prosecutors, some of them not friendly to this prosecutor maria right. Saying the same thing. Thats what we have investigations for. Maria but, rudy, the bottom line is youre not getting that on the democrat side, and they are in charge. I dont care about the democrats. Maria what do you need to do to get i care about the American People. Maria but they know whats going on what am i supposed to do . Maria where are the indictments . Where are the prosecutions for the people who actually did wrongdoing in the 2016 elections . Thats a very good maria have you spoken to bill barr about this . Where is it . That is a very good question, and thats the question we should keep asking. And the reality is before they start criticizing me, the question should be what have they done about it . Wheres the Republican Senate investigating extremely serious charges about the former Vice President . Who i know is a member of the club, but members of the club dont get to put sons in positions put their sons in positions where they make millions and millions and millions where you have to be an idiot not to know the son was trading on the fathers Public Office. Maria yeah. That is disgusting. Maria ive been asking the question about china for a long time now, the fact that hunter biden got 1. 5 billion from the bank of china after he took that ride on air force two now, china i have to say i didnt investigate. I dont have the affidavits. Here i have all the proof. Maria yep. What i understand about china is he was actually in a partnership with the bank of china and with white key bulgers nephew. If the republicans dont have enough courage to investigate that, were not really even representing the American People. The overriding reason for doing this is if a Vice President did this and compromised us in china and in ukraine maria yep. You know, the Chinese Government knows why they gave the money. They werent hiring Hunter Bidens expertise. They were buying joe biden. Finish and, by the way, for the price of that, they also got john kerrys stepson. Maria yeah, no, i know chinas ways, and we reported that over and over. I understand. Because hes one of our guys, hes part of the club. Maria you made your points. Rudy giuliani, thank you. Theres a pattern here of pay for play, and im not going to be silent about it because they intimidate me. They can intimidate me all they want, and the reality is maria yeah. This is because i represent the president of the United States, i want to show that hes innocent. And i have to admit im disgusted by what i see, and im worried about my country having a double standard. Maria we will leave it there. Rued key giuliani, thank you. When we come back, republican doug collins is the im your cat. Ever since you brought me home, that day. Ive been plotting to destroy you. Sizing you up. Calculating your every move. You think this is love . This is a billion years of tiger dna just ready to pounce. And if you have the wrong Home Insurance coverage, you could be coughing up the cash for this. So get allstate and be better protected from mayhem, like meow. 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But let me go back to whats going on in the house and where this is at right now. This week we saw a dark day in the house. Speaker pelosi abused her oath of office, if you would, by saying an impeachment inquiry had started and they were sending it to the Intelligence Committee where you have a gentleman who has a habit of lying about the facts, mr. Schiff. Theyve decided to walk down a path in which they are contrary to american values. Theyre not going to allow this president to have due process, theyre not going to be fair, theyre going to ramrod this thing through because and i heard a member of house leadership say this morning on another network that he wanted to have an inquiry, but he wasnt ready to vote for impeepment. If they were truly serious, they would bring it to floor, have a vote are, and then the American People would know this was not simply a democrat ramrod of this president. Maria so what does that mean for this impeachment inquiry . Where does this go . Is the president in jeopardy of being removed from office . No, hes not in jeopardy of being removed from office. Hes in jeopardy of having to continue the onslaught of lies and attacks and halftruths from a onesided investigation in the house. This is something from my position as Ranking Member of the jewish Judiciary Committee. Anytime theyve been allowed, weve allowed to have investigations whether it be the Mueller Report or these ridiculous hearings that chairman nadlers had, its always shown that the president has done nothing wrong. The collusion was a false narrative, the conspiracies, all these things were false when you actually investigate. So now they decided lets throw that out the window because thats not working. Fairness is not working. Being on the right side of the American People is not right, so were just going to ramrod it through. Thats whats happening right now. Maria look, i want to ask you about the rules around a whistleblower. We know that in the actual transcript we see that and the actual complaint, rather, the whistleblower says i do not have direct knowledge of this. That is in the complaint. But i was told this, and i trust the people who told me. What are the rules around the whistleblower in terms of what that person can charge . Well, thats whats really been interesting because weve been finding out that the whistleblower, especially in the Intelligence Community, rules seem to have been changed from demanding a firsthand account or actual knowledge, firsthand knowledge of the abuse or the misuse of issues in the Intelligence Community, to now where they can have secondhand information. If you look at the whistleblower report even besides the transcript and everything else, comparing the two is really interesting because it seem to be a very well written document, multisourced. If this were a piece in the New York Timeses or Washington Post, that might be what you would expect. But you dont expect it in a legal document accusing a president of doing something in an illegal fashion and doing so from secondhand information. Now, as we go forward here, is that going to be the fact thats been changed in the Intelligence Community to where basically anybody can take any report they want to and decide to file a complaint . This is more serious than this. This president and our country deserves better than what were seeing maria they may deserve better but, congressman, thats not whats happening. The democrats are in charge, and they are going to be investigating this, and they want the president out of office. What are you going to do about about it as the Ranking Member of judiciary . Well, its been a really interesting week because it seems like the Judiciary Committee is, again, in this ramrod of Speaker Pelosi and, you know, frankly, degradation of the house rules. Theyre saying now, well, were going to do an inquiry, were going to keep following the rules, but were also going to say this, in just the next few weeks i think were doing to see the Inspector General report come out, were going to concentrate on 40 how this actually got started, hopefully the senate will be, and i know Lindsay Graham will be doing that. Theyre rushing to judgment, maria. Keep this clearly in mind, they know time is running out, and theyre desperate for this president not to win next year. Maria are we going to see indictments, prosecutions of the people who did the wrongdoing coming out of the fisa abuse story and after the i. G. Report . Where is the, where is the accountability . Well, the accountability, i think, is coming. You see all of the Major Players are continuing to scramble, making up stories on how they were really just doing their job. It sounds similar to, oh, i didnt do anything, dont look over here. I think bill barr, the Inspector General are looking into this, and this accountability weve been talking about it a lock time. Its time to stop the harassment of this president , its time for the house to be doing what they need to be doing and that is get back to peoples business. Maria congressman, thank you so much. Im looking forward to having you once again. Thanks, sir. All right, maria, take care. Maria we are going to be talking with the former attorney general, Michael Mukasey, about this coming up as well as congressman mike turner, so stay with us on this. Meanwhile, a look at iran right now. Iran is blasting the United States for restricting the movements of Prime Minister zarif during his visit to the united nations. Tensions are escalating in the middle east following the strike on the Saudi Arabian oil facilities. The u. S. , saudi arabia and other allies are blaming tehran for that attack and warning for President Trump during his address to the General Assembly last week, calling on World Leaders to act against irans, quote, blood lust. Joining us right now is the former Prime Minister of qatar, hamad bin al sani. Thanks for joining us. Do you believe iran is responsible for the attacks on the Saudi Oil Field . I dont have the facts of this, but i think all the tension in the region is related to each other. From yemen to lebanon, to syria, to iraq, to the tech between the u. S. And iran, i think the tension between the u. S. And iran, i think all of this is related, and there is acts from both sides. Maria if you were to find out definitively that iran was behind that, would you push back against iran . Because we know that one of the issues in terms of qatar and the boycott that weve seen among the gcc countries was because of qatars support of Muslim Brotherhood, of iran. Well, let me tell you one thing. When all this start, the boycotts start against qatar, the siege started, we have no ambassador in tehran, and we have no diplomatic relation with tehran because we were supporting the saudis at that time, and we pulled our ambassador from tehran. So anyone would like to say that we have a different relation with iran that the other neighbors thats part of the lies which they did against qatar, and by no everybody know that. I think there is many gcc countries that have better relations with iran than qatar, especially that we had a major difference with them about syria. But weve always, weve always have been our opinion in that the problem with iran have to be solved diplomatically and through negotiation between the gcc and iran. I dont think that we should try to see if there is a tension within with the United States. I think this tension with the United States seems to me its an opportunity for the gcc to arrive to a solution with the iranian and that basically no interference on both sides. Maria there is a feeling that the u. S. Pulling out of the Iran Nuclear Deal is one of the underpinnings for iran more aggressive provocations. Do you believe that to be true . Do you blame the United States in any way for irans provocations because of the pull out of the Iran Nuclear Deal . Well, i think to pull out of agreement is not, not something usually respected. Because if you are done an agreement with iran, i think both sides have to fulfill their agreement. And we know that United States pull out. And when they pull out, they say why they want to pull out. And i think with the iranians and with their policy and we are talking about intelligent people in iran dealing in this matter it should be done differently. I think if there is worries with the United States and the ream about some of the points in this agreement, they node to extend they need to extend it for a few years. I think that a different approach to the iranians than the approach taken now. Maria give us lets put this down. You are not the Prime Minister of qatar anymore. Yes. Maria but from your stance in terms of the qatari position with the United States, the qatari position throughout the middle east, what is your stance right now on the United States . Well, as you know, we always historically have good relation with the United States. And there is some time when there is a lot of, a lot of mistakes or a lot of wrong information being given to the United States as you say about the islamic brotherhoods or any other stories from our neighbors maria well, do you not support the Muslim Brotherhood in qatar . We did not support them but maria can you say categorically that qataris do not support iran and do not support terrorism . First of all, i am not the Prime Minister of qatar, but i can tell you we did not support any act of terrorism. That is against our principles. And we are small monarchy, and i always say we would like to see a peaceful neighborhood. And for us its to touch anything against the law or International Law is something not accepted and dangerous. Maria so real quick before you go, what is the answer to stabilize the region when you look at egypt, libya, tunisia, syria, yemen . Well, i think, first of all, the serious diplomatic dialogue is important. Unity of the gcc could have and there is no unity now to lead negotiation like what we did with yemen. There was a gcc opinion in that, and there was an initiative from there. Our problem now, the gcc is broke down almost, and also we did not have the same understanding or same ideas about how we can tackle the problems in the region. Maria all right. Mr. Prime minister, its good to see you again, thanks very much. Pleasure. Maria we will be right back with former tone general alexa added to band shopping list. Peyton, what are you doing . Nationwides teamed up with amazon to bring you the allnew echo auto. Alexa, add xylophone to band shopping list. alexa okay. We dont need a band shopping list. Join nationwide now and get a free amazon echo auto. No, just a sec. What would it look like if we listened more . Could the right voice, the right set of words, bring us all just a little closer . Get us to open up . Even push us further . It could, if we took the time to listen. The most inspiring minds, the most compelling stories. Download audible and listen for a change. Have you lost weight . Of course i have ever since i started renting from national. 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The whistleblower complaint is basically a compilation of secondhand information from the press and secondhand information about what the man claims he was told, period. The notion that somehow he didnt handle that properly, theres a long memo saying, essentially, that the i. G. , the Inspector General to whom this document was senting has really no obligation to transmit it to congress because hes the Inspector General for the Intelligence Community. And the president is not a member of the Intelligence Community. Finish hes not the lone ranger, he is the Inspector General for the Intelligence Community, and he has no jurisdiction to deal with the kinds of issues that this socalled whistleblower was raising. Maria but why would the president say to ukraine president , im going to have bill barr call you . You know, even bill barr was upset or apparently, reportedly annoyed that he was put into, you know, the same bucket as President Trumps personal lawyer. Look, why he said it, i have no idea. But he is known for having occasionally an indiscreet relationship with the english language theres no doubt about that. But the point is mr. Barr never talked to the ukrainians, the president never talked to bill barr about talking to ukrainians. Theres a press release from the Justice Department that came out the same day as the conversation that says that. It says also, by the way, that this matter and the underlying investigation of who provided information to the fbi about manafort and whether any of that was done unlawfully, thats being investigated by john durham. Maria so youre say what the president was trying to do was better understand what was going on in early 2016 when they tried the frame him and why so much information from the dossier was coming from ukraine. Correct. His first reference in the conversation when he says i need a favor, it wasnt a reference to biden at all, it was a reference to server; i. E. , the Democratic National committee server and why that wasnt turned over to the fbi and so on. It had nothing whatever to do with joe biden. Maria all right. Were going to take a short break and then were going to come back with attorney general michael knew a casey. Ive got to get your take on how you see this in terms of did the president do anything wrong . Did hunter biden and Vice President biden do anything wrong, and what about horowitz and durham . When are we going to see the latest there . So stay with us, more with so stay with us, more with attorney gen all Money Managers might seem the same, but some give their clients cookie cutter portfolios. Fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs. Some only call when they have something to sell. Fisher calls regularly so you stay informed. And while some advisors are happy to earn commissions whether you do well or not. Fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. 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Get the boost you need or get a full refund. 5hour tea, get a boost from a unique energy blend, with caffeine from green tea leaves, amino acids and nutrients, combined with b vitamins, zero sugar, and zero artificial colors. Go to 5hourtea. Com to buy a weeks supply of 5hour tea. Thats a week of more getupandgo, feeling alert, and more energetic. If you try it, and you dont think 5hour tea gives you the boost you need, youll get a full refund. Go to 5hourtea. Com. Maria welcome back. As we told you earlier, Speaker Nancy Pelosi slamming attorney general william barr over the handling to have whistleblower complaint. Earlier i said she says he went rogue. She wants him to recuse himself. Should bill barr be recusing himself in all things related to ukraine . On what basis . [laughter] i mean, her response is, i guess, because i said so. The president said in the transcript that he was going to talk to barr, and after the call to ukraine there was a press release issued by the department of justice the same day that the conversation came out saying that the president never talked to barr about the ukraine, that barr never talked to the ukraine about biden or anything else thats the end of it. There is no basis for him recusing himself based on a statement by the president that he was going to talk to him. Maria Michael Mukasey, you are a voice that is independent and we can trust. Did the president do anything wrong here that the American People need to understand . Wrong meaning illegal . Maria yeah. No. Hes suggesting that he was talking to a foreign leader about getting information that might be useful to him in an election is probably indiscreet. It is not, as far as i know, unlawful under any statute that im aware of. Maria what about joe biden . He was Vice President , and he did take his son on air force two. They traveled to china, they, obviously, were in the ukraine. Did he do something wrong . Wrong, unlawful . Maria yeah. Dont know. Depends on what he did. The fact is that his son, apparently, got a job with a ukrainian gas company, a business he knew nothing about with no demonstrable credential other than he was joe bidens son. Joe biden also demanded that a prosecutor be fired who was investigating that company. Now, whether that was a criminal violation or not is up is a matter that needs investigating. Certainly, it was indiscreet. Maria i want to get your take on the i. And. Thats your basic threepoint turn. [ scoffs ] if you say so. Im sorry . What teach here isnt telling you is that snapshot rewards safe drivers with discounts on car insurance. What . Or maybe he didnt know. [ chuckles ] im done with this class. Youre not even enrolled in this class. I know. Im supposed to be in ceramics. Do you know room 303. Oh. Thank you. Yeah. Good luck, everybody. Oh. Thank you. Yeah. 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So no one needs to know youve got gas. Gasx. Lou good evening, everybody. Were coming to you tonight from the Nations Capital where President Trump is laying into the obstinate and, well, obstructive radical dems and their crusade to remove him from office. The president says the dems are making up stories, as he put it, about a socalled whistleblowers complaint regarding a telephone call with the president of ukraine. That whistleblower, were learning tonight, is reportedly a cia officer who had been posted to the white house. Well have more on that with catherine herridge. And on capitol hill today, one

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