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Prosecutor Victor Shokin be retired or resigned. That would do as well. He resigned. In each instance there was a quid pro quo. And a specific threat of consequences. You will notice these senators are all democrats. But its President Trump the Democratic House is trying to impeach. Apparently. All they lack is any reasonable charge or crime, any evidence whatsoever of their overthetop zeal to impeach a high crime or misdemeanor. They promised us a transcript of the telephone conversation between President Trump and ukranian president would provide the missing evidence. But no. A socalled whistleblower, numerous democrats and news Media Outlets reported therein would be references to the bidens and a quid pro quo and threats against the ukrainian president. But no. Not 8 references to the biden. 3. The president s release of that transcript proved the radical dimms and the leftwing media to be completely wrong. We have an exclusive interview with Vice President mike pence who has no doubts whatsoever the trumppence ticket will win reelection in 2020. Lets talk with. Catherinecatherineherridge. Reporter i think the first thing is the whistleblower. What we learned from the Justice Department was about the political bias. We have got that quote right here. That states although the icigs preliminary review found indication of an arguable political bias on the part of the complaintant in favor of a rival political candidate, the Intelligence Community icig concluded the complaints appeared to be credible. The whistleblower had no direct knowledge of the phone call and the information they got came from white house officials. Lou not again . Catherine its something worth highlighting. It explains at its source was like a leak. Except i stead of going directly to the news media it came through the icig. Lou there was a referral to justice. And the Justice Department said no. Catherine we learned from Justice Department officials that for about a month there was the examination of this referral, whether the president s asks to the ukrainian president amounted to a Campaign Finance violation. Its not a situation where they can pick and choose the steps to take. They follow the steps. The same steps they took with the referral on director comey. And they said it didnt reach the standard of a thing of value. Lou thats not a good start for democrats who want to suggest this telephone conversation contained suspicious or sinister contents. It was frankly it looked much closer to the president s word perfect than the democrats words threats, quid pro quo. Catherine there were interesting elements in the transcript. A section that has to do with crowd strike, a private Cyber Security firm. If you go back in your memory bank. They did the forensics on the dnc servers hacked during the election. That important because the fbi never physically examined them. Its worth to see that quote as well. The president says to the ukrainian president , i would like you to do us a favor because our country has been through a lot and ukraine knows a lot by the. I would like to you find out about this situation with crowdstrike. And a reference to an investor in crowdstrike. That was at th at the outset confusing. But that brings us back to 2016 election interference. Lou by whom . Why would the fbi not insist on we are talking about a major major issue. But we didnt see the Obama Administration respond to obvious intervention through contact with the dnc server. And the fbi took the word of a Third Party Source tech firm, crowd strike instead of forensically analyzing it in its hands and possession. I cant think of another example. Catherine the fbi from my experience always prefer to have the physical evidence. Lou we could do great things with that answer tonight. We thank you. Catherine herridge thanks so much. Coming up, President Trump using a News Conference today to list the almost 50 countries that he met with during the United Nations General Assembly meeting. All of them which were overlooked by the leftwing National Media for some reason. President trump poland, new zealand, singapore, egypt, south korea, united kingdom. India, iraq, argentina, germany, brazil, france, japan, ukraine, honduras, el salvador, saudi arabia, jordan, bahrain lou we are not going to list them all. But the president working hard throughout i said 50. Its closer to 20. Joining us with more on the president s reaction to i dont know if we can call it an impeachment inquiry. So far it has the makings of being something of a liberal smear attempt. But nonetheless well go with the expression impeachment inquiry. Well put quoted around it. Our own Edward Lawrence with the story. Reporter for the president himself its throwing a term the democrats have used back at them. Saying this is a manufactured crisis. He says he believes this is calculated by House Speaker nancy pelosi to coincide with the u. N. General assembly to take away from the work the president is doing. President trump its sad what the democrats are doing to this country. They are dividing. They are belittling, they are demeaning our country. Reporter the president sat there next to the ukrainian president. The two were asked if the call on july 25 amounted to pressure to start an investigation into the former Vice President s son be straight from the source, here is the answer. We have i think good phone call. It was normal. We talk about many things. And so i think and you read it, nobody pushed me. Reporter nobody pushed me, nobody pressured him. Democrats wont let this go. Senator Chuck Schumer says the mere text of the call is the smoking gun. Nancy pelosi wants more documents. She is continuing down the path to impeachment. We reiterate our call for the release of the full transcript of the call between President Trump and the ukrainian president and reiterate our call to protect whistleblowers from retaliation. Reporter the president is saying she is giving into the more radical side of the Democratic Party. He is questioning whether any vote can be done in the house of representatives. We are also talking about any other gun issues the president would like to see background checks. The president a great optimist and a decent person to even persist in thinking that the Democratic Party is anything other than a party of hate and obstruction against his agenda. Its an extraordinary moment in our history. He seemed disheartened in the News Conference toward the end there. Lou he has every reason to be hurt. Its this is a terrible, terrible nonsense to have to deal with after all he does for this country and has done. And he gets to play with the likes of pelosi and schumer. Not a fitting reward, i think. Ed, thanks so much. Up next. Our exclusive interview with the very much mike pence. Why he says the democrats moved forward with the impeachment inquiry and why he says President Trump and Vice President pence will be reelected. Well have that and much more as we continue, including reaction from attorneys Victoria Toensing and joe digenova. Stay with us. dramatic orchestra performance comes in lots of flavors. Theres the ampedup, overtuned, feedingfrenzyof sheetmetalkind. And then theres performance that just leaves you feeling better as a result. Thats the kind lincolns about. But some give their clients cookie cutter portfolios. Fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs. Some only call when they have something to sell. Fisher calls regularly so you stay informed. And while some advisors are happy to earn commissions whether you do well or not. Fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. 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The volume on the big board, somewhat lower trading, 3. 3 billion shares. Crude oil down a percent. Gold down 2 . Silver down 3 . President trump securing a trade agreement with japan. Signing it with japanese fell shin zoap abe a with shinzo al rules for trade between the United States and japan. President trump today standing up in the face of the endless efforts of the radical left to subvert his presidency. President trump so many leaders came up to me today and said, sir, what you go through, no president has ever gone through, and its so bad for your country. People laugh at the stupidity of what they asked for. Lou earlier i talked with Vice President mike pence. We began our conversation with what can only be categorized now as the wide open conflict between republicans and democrats. The first thing, as the president said a week ago, he did nothing wrong. The transcript reveals despite reckless accusations in the media and democrats on capitol hill, the president somehow threatened aid to ukraine to dede manned a specific act. And it never happened. The transcript is here on that. The only time id did happen that we know about is when Vice President joe biden threatens aid to you a crane in exchange for a specific act. In this case the president has been completely vindicated. I think the American People look at this in the context not just this week and month. The last 2 1 2 year. 363 million americans voted for the donald trump. And since the day after the election the democrats have been trying to overturn the results of that election. 2 1 2 year of reckless accusations, obstruction, collusion with the russians, all of that panned out to be nothing. Last week democrats were making baseless allegations against a Supreme Court justice calling for his impeachment. This week before she had any of the facts, even though she knew the transcript was going to be released today, Speaker Nancy Pelosi initiates an impeachment inquiry into this presidency. And i think the American People have had enough. At the end of the day, i think its because they know they cant run against this president s record. They cant run against a record accomplishment you talk about every night on this broadcast. So they decided to look for one more way to overturn the election. Its just not going to work. The American People see through it. Now that they have the transcript they can see the president did nothing wrong. He had a conversation with a world leader, that he spoke about issues that were appropriate, issues related to our strong relationship with ukraine and its nothing more than that. Lou from the tone of the transcript, there is a very Good Relationship between the two leaders. There have bother conversations complementing him on his election and complimenting the ukrainian president on his election and ridding ukraine of corruption. Its so important you bring that up. This was a call following his win in the parliamentary election. The president wanted to speak about that. The United States of america has stood strong with ukraine ever since the Russian Military overranl crimea and has overran crimea and has bern injured writing a savage war in ukraine. We have been providing defensive weapons. The Obama Administration was sending blankets and pillows. This president said well stand for the sovereignty of ukraine and provided them with weapons to defend themselves. The president was concerned about corruption. Seeing this new leader rise, the president raised that issue, and they both spoke of it. The lack of european support were both issues the president raised in this call. They were issues i met when i met with president zelinski in warsaw. Lou they are standing united together, but the party as we are talking, one republican senator is saying anonymously because he does not want to be straightforward about it as so until this town occasionally do. He thinks releasing the transcript was a mistake. It means that he or she will have to fight for the president , the very much, for this administration. We are heartened by the support already since the transcript was released on capitol hill. Senator Lindsey Graham really focused the issue earlier today when said last week his only concern was whether the president threat earned aid to ukraine for a specific act. And he said look at the transcript you can see that clearly didnt happen, despite the fact democrats were repeating that allegation. Our opponents in the media were repeating that allegation with no basis whatsoever. Now we are hearing strong support from capitol hill. And i think they appreciate the fact the president said this was a perfect call early on. And despite the fact it was a tough call for the president. Because our leader has to have the ability to have candid conversations with leaders around the world. But at the end of the day the president believed this was a moment for transparency. This was a moment to give the American People the facts. Now that the facts are out. The American People can see this was an appropriate call talking about appropriate issues between the president of the United States and the president of ukraine, than was no threat, there was no quid pro quo in this call. And the president felt it was important that the American People see that for themselves. Lou the transcript revealed zelinski saying to President Trump, you have been my teacher as the role model for winning his election. An unexpected win for zelinski as well as the president in 2016. President zelinski had a career in pelvis and our president spent time on tell sprition with great success. When i net with president zelinski in poland we talked about that. I know they will make that same connection not just on a shared background. But they are nonconventional leaders willing to lead from the front and drive for veal progress. At the end of the day, the present company excepted. The media doesnt focus on an amazing record that in the midst of reckless accusations the last 2 1 2 years, we rebuilt our military, rolling back regulation, and energy revolution. We have seen 150 conservatives appointed at every level in our courts. Its all due to the leadership of president donald trump. Whatever the democrats want to do with this latest allegation. I promise you this president , this Vice President , this administration is going to keep fighting to deliver to the American People and thats why i think President Trump is going to get four more years in the white house. I think well reelect a republican majority to the house of representatives. Lou well have more with the Vice President as we take up the America First agenda of the Trump Administration before the globalist General Assembly and how thats being received by the radical left domestically. That and much more. Attorneys Victoria Toensing and joe digenova straight ahead. This is the family who wanted to connect. And find inspiration in new places. Leading them to discover were woven together by the moments we share. Everything you need, all in one place. Expedia. My body is truly powerful. I have the power to lower my blood sugar and a1c. Because i can still make my own insulin. And trulicity activates my body to release it like its supposed to. Trulicity is for people with type 2 diabetes. Its not insulin. I take it once a week. It starts acting in my body from the first dose. Trulicity isnt for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. 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I like to recommend biotene. Biotene has a full array of products that replenishes the moisture in your mouth. Biotene definitely works. It makes patients so much happier. Lou we are back our exclusive interview of Vice President mike pence. The Vice President reacting to the president s strong rejection of globalism before the United Nations General Assembly. The speech at the United Nations this week by a president of the United States was historic. And it was important. Because in his first address to the United Nations he gave that view of America First. And remember he received a round of applause which is very rare at the u. N. , when he said well always put the interests of America First and we expect you to put the interests of your one require first. And your countries first and it was greeted with applause. And he unpacked what we are doing as a nation putting the interests of our people first. All of it is in the context of the president making it clear that this is an administration and president that rejected the globalist march weakening the american economy. Weakening our borders. And immigration laws. And moving america down a pathway of Multi National trade deals that will ultimately weaken our strength for generations to come. The president rejected all of that. But he demonstrated yesterday, as we have been strengthening our country and standing up for the belief the future belongs to patriots and the citizens of nations, he also made it very clear that we are back to leading on the world stage. I cant tell you how many leaders around the world have told me in private conversations how grateful they are to have a president once again who embraces his role as leader of the free world. This week at the United Nations the president played out our agenda. He laid out what we have done for the American People, and he laid out a determination to provide American Leadership to the challenges in the world. Its what we call promises made, promises kept, and the president gave a full accounting of that to leaders around the planet. Lou the American People as they listen to that speech understand that globalism is if not a dead certainly decaying philosophy, and by the way, he has now supported scholars and think tanks, some of them are awakening to new possibilities. Because of the leadership of the Trump Administration. I want to close by asking you about the direction of the republican party, how you are going to galvanize and work against what is a bloody, bloodthirsty Democratic Party that they seem to be winning more fights than they are losing. And the republicans dont seem to have the same passion, the same commitment from you and the aside from you and the president. As i look at senate and the house, i scratch my head and wonder, what did you all do to deserve such tepid support from people who should be excitedly following. The president and i are very grateful for the support we have had from leader mcconnell and republicans in the senate. 153 conservatives confirmed to our federal courts, including two Supreme Court justices. We are on a path wait for an his on a pathway for an historic move towards upholding the constitution in our courts. He and Steve Scalise marshaled republicans, standing strong, not just in the two years when we passed tax cuts and rolled back regulations and unleashed American Energy. But in the midst of this democrat majority in the house. To your point, the way well win this election, i believe the American People are going to give President Trump four more years in the white house and put a republican majority back in the house of representatives is because of the choice between freedom and socialism. I mean, the truth is, republicans now under this president s leadership have a record of how freedom works. When we put America First, when we stand up for the rule of law. When we secure our borders and unleash the economy through less taxes, less regulation, more American Energy and trade deals that put american jobs and American Workers first, it all comes roaring back. 6. 3 million new jobs. Unemployment at a 50year low. Africanamericans and hispanicamericans have the lowest Unemployment Rate ever record. Freedom works when we put freedom first and defend the rights of the American People. You and i have known east other a long time. I never thought it would live to see the day one of the two major parties in the United States of america would openly advocate an Economic System that impoverished millions for generations and robbed the liberties of people around the world in the last century. Whoever the democrat nominee is, their party has been overrun by radical politics, left wing ideas, and socialism masquerading as the green new deal, medicare for all and a whole range of issues that will infringe on the freedom of the American People and set us back on a pathway of economic decline. When we take that case and when our team running for office for election and reelection takes that team to the American People of, you give the American People a choice between freedom and socialism, they will choose freedom every time. Lou thank you, mr. Vice president. Thank you for your time. We appreciate the Vice President s time this afternoon and a spectacular view off the Vice President s balance balcony. Well have more on the democrats hate. They are attempting to subvert the presidency of President Trump. Attorneys joe digenova and Victoria Toensing join us after the break. 1 in 4 of us millennials have debt we might die with. And most of that debt is actually from credit cards. 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Lou so obviously does the president of the United States. President trump earlier today slamming the radical dems. The left wing National Media, their efforts, their ongoing efforts to carry out that insurance policy the president referred to to undermine and subvert and overthrow his presidency. Joining us, Victoria Toensing, Deputy Assistant to the attorney general, joe digenova, Founding Partners of the digenova and toensing law firm. Thanks for being here. Lets begin with the president. He was he had a tone of as is nation. As if he has got to carry on the fight, but its against immense stubborn odds, particularly when it comes to the deep state and radical dems. I dont know how he gets up every morning and fights this. But thank god. We all know if nobody else is fighting. He will still be there. Lou when i say this, i dont know another human being with his strength, stamina and outright gut courage to take on the sobs in the swamp. He said i can get through this, i have the strength. I can do it. Im not sure other president s would be able to. I think thats the sense of duty he feels to the office and future president s. What he just said about the insurance policy and the campaign against him. This is a disgusting example of what happened to the Democratic Party and media. They care nothing about this country and they use him as a vehicle for hating this country. Earlier today a liberal panelist was asked whats the difference between the three Democratic Senators we all know about, durham, lehy and durbin. He said if you dont cooperate with mueller you have might not get United States aid. What does he do . Change the subject. Nobody can answer that when who is a democrat. Lou this president has done so much for this country. Whats wrong with our country right now. A man who has done so much is getting treated this way, asailed from all quarters. Asailed continuously by the left. And the National Media has thrown their lot in with the leftists. Hillary was supposed to win. She didnt. When she didnt, it was war on trump. The state of american journalism is it doesnt exist anymore. This is no longer journalism. This advocacy, its partisanship, the American Media has lost its way. They are at the bottom of the barrel on public support and public recognition. They are killing themselves. The stories are ignored all the time. John solomon wrote about a meeting at the white house in july of 2015 where president obama squadron the Ukrainian Government to provide dirt. The media doesnt want to cover that. Lou despite everything, this president reached out to the democrats. He wanted at least to make some sort of deal on guns. I have got to be very straightforward about it. I dont want to make a deal with anyone on guns. I believe the Second Amendment unfettered is the Second Amendment and its what we deserve in this country. But hes still after all they have done. They have spit on him, kicked him, they have run roughshod over him and never given him even credit let alone his due. I just admire the optimism that represents. What happened yesterday with the fake informal impeachment nancy pelosi did yesterday, she lied to the American People. Its not a formal impeachment inquiry because there has been no vote on the floor of the house of representatives to authorize one. They declared war on the presidency per se. Nothing will happen now legislatively. They know what they are going to try to do. They are going try to destroy him. They are going to shut this country down for the next 13 to 14 months to try to ruin him and defeat him. Lou what joe is saying may happen quite literally. They have until monday to come up with expanding authorization. And this country could be shut down. We are going to take up next this whistleblower socalled, he or she may not be a whistleblower and may indeed reside in the white house. Well take that up with victoria and joe. Please stay with us. Well be right back. Doctor bob, what should i take for back pain . Before you take anything, i recommend applying topical relievers first. Salonpas lidocaine patch blocks pain receptors for effective, nonaddictive relief. Salonpas lidocaine. Patch, rollon or cream. Hisamitsu. Walking a dog can add thousands walking this many . Day. That can be rough on pams feet, knees, and lower back. Thats why she wears dr. Scholls orthotics. They relieve pain and give her the comfort to move more so she can keep up with all of her best friends. Dr. Scholls. Born to move. Its what gives audible theresmembers an edge. Ening; it opens our minds, changes our perspective, connects us, and pushes us further. The most inspiring minds, the most compelling stories audible. Beyond the routine checkups. Beyond the notsoroutine cases. Comcast business is helping doctors provide care in whole new ways. 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I think the whistleblower is not a real whistleblower. This was timed to happen purposely right now, they were looking for an opportunity. Web this call was in july, late july, this is september, after mueller they needed something. So they were looking around. They had people planted. This came up. They manufactured this. This is nonsense when you look at this. The i. G. , the Inspector General remind me please he worked for john carwin who ran the fisa. I am look at the statements the i. G. Is making which are wrong. This wants a whistleblower and a matter of you are gentle concern. It takes the Justice Department until today to issue a memo saying everything the i. G. Said was wrong. Bob mueller said the same in his report. He said you cant reach a threshold without a monetary amount. 25,000. Lou these are all the machinations of the deep state. When you have the media with you, it helps. Lou they own the game. Radical dimms, the media and the deep state. Some people believe this telephone conversation was a matter of quote grave concern. You have to be a 4yearold to think that telephone conversation was of grave concern or you have to be a corrupt political operative which it appears this third Party Whistle blower hearsayer was. This was a setup. Nothing in that phone call involved anything other than the president acting like hes president under article 2. Hes the chief Law Enforcement officer in the United States. He can ask a question about anybody in the world. The u. S. Ambassador was thwarting that. Lou victoria, joe. Thank you for being here. Good work on that getting rid of. More to go. Lots more. Up next. Rino resisters in the senate trying to put something of a dent in the president s plan for that border wall without success. Former i. C. E. Director tom homan with us after the break. Stay with us. All Money Managers might seem the same, but some give their clients cookie cutter portfolios. 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Barb you left me hangin on the high harmony there. If you ride, you get it. Geico motorcycle. 15 minutes could save you 15 or more. Lou joining us, tom homan, form acting director of immigration and customs enforcement. Tomorrow you will be testifying before a committee. Im sure it will be another attempt by them to push a false narrative. I will be there to defend i. C. E. As i promised i would do until the day i die. Im not looking for a fight, but i wont run away from one either. Lou i know you arent looking for one, and i know you wont back off of one. Right now at the border we are looking at resurgence and families coming across the border, the numbers are improving over the past, over the summer. The test will be the next few months. Your thoughts. I agree 100 . Every it of success on the border goes to President Trump and his policies and out of the box thinking. Congress cant do anything. But mexico need to sustain what they are doing. Thats my concern. Will they sustain it . Can they sustain it . If they fail, if they stop, we are in trouble. Lou if they fail, if they stop, the president says president obrador will be in trouble and tariffs in place in a blink. This president will not fail on the border. He will never back down from anybody. Hes a fighter. He loves a fight and he will fight until he succeed. And he already succeed. He has done more than any o othr president on the border and he has dont on his own. Lou hes taking on the cartels. Hes taking on the issue of sovereignty. Taking on open borders which means the folks on k street, the u. S. Multinationals, globalization is a done deal at the naits. This is going to be a sovereign nation in every way, secure borders, control of its immigration system and its more than overdue. Thats what the American People want and thats what he promised the American People. We have a great president. The right president and the right time and the right issue, he wont fail. I have full confidence in that. When he went into this issue, the American People win on this issue. Lou if anybody anybody doubts how great a president he is and how historic he is, they have to look at the house of representatives and the Senate Minority leaders office. They are coming after him because they know they cant whip him any other way than to subvert him. This man has dont you be thinkable, the unimaginable. Hes turning the country in the right direction. Tom homan i will be looking forward to your testimony tomorrow and well be watching. We thank you for being with us. See you tomorrow night. Good night from washington, d. C. [ ] trish some reports saying the house does have enough votes to impeach the president of the United States. Well have more from capitol hill from senior producer chad pergram as we learn new information about the whistleblower or leaker, depending on how you see it that suggests this complaint was politically motivated. Why are the dems doing this if they know it wont stick and they dont have the votes in the senate. Why would they put our economy, our national security, our democracy through this . We have a big show tonight with

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