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Impeachment inquiry. Kennedy i feel like she looks like Michael Jacksons booking photo. Was the straw that broke the poor camels back, a lot of weight, president might have an ace in the hole, the script of the phone call, with ukraine president , he is releases that tomorrow. And today, he claimed, of course, that he did nothing wrong, watch. Other countries look today with iraq and were with other countries during the day. And inc everyone says how crazys is, we have the best economy. She is talking impeachment, does not seem has not seen the phone call, it was perfect, the call that was not perfect were joe biden with respect to his son. Mitt romney said that nancy pelosi may have made an error by launching impeachment inquiry without first seeing the transcript. If i were Speaker Pelosi, i would have waited until the president released the transcript. He said he will release the full transcript unredacted, i think i would have waited to see that read is before i called for impeachment. I think he is ahead of her skis, lets see what the transcript says. Kennedy you should go skiing in park city, it is beautiful this time of year, kevin i realize 2016 did not turn out the way that Speaker Pelosi wanted it to happen. But she cannot change the laws of this congress, cannot decide for an impeachment inquiry, she said today, made no difference of what has been going on. Kennedy is this the beginning of the end for the Trump Presidency or have democrats bitten off a little bit more than they can chew, it could go either way. We have a good party panel, emily is here. With criminal defense attorney, lock them up david bruno. And contributor for the hill, ritchie is joining us, welcome to you. Hey. Kennedy not slow today. Not slow. Kennedy as an independent, i would say, make sure have you the goods, they promised on every issue which is it. As morine called it the one, i dont know if that is the case, we have not seen enough, why are democrats so confidence . I am an independent as well, and i am not sure if it was really the smart move they should take right now, however, i think we have to keep in mind pelosi made an announcement, she has not called anything to a vote on the house, i think that part is because there is a lot of Congress Members that won in district this trump one that are hesitant to come out and support. She bipartisan support was not there with whole mueller investigation, thin you dont have the support of the American People, a lot of people dont support impeachment, even on the democratic side. She seems to use trumps open words atthispoint as opposed to waiting on the transcript to determine that to move for that impeachment inquiry, that is what i feel. Kennedy a lot of people see the term prim amendment impeachmt inquiry, they dont pay attend attention. There is real no news today, chairman nadler has been doing this for weeks now. Kennedy calling it an impeachment inquiry. Nancy pelosi just codified that terminology. Why . I think the 7 freshman representative that came out yesterday in the oped, the timing stinks. The transcript comes out tomorrow and director of National Intelligence testifies thursday, as well as Inspector General, you just wait 48 hours please to see the transcript. They are moving forward, there is pressure on her. I am surprised. There has been pressure all throughout the mueller investigation. Since she took the speaker ship. And now . Today . When you could wait two days. And i think that is the consensus. Kennedy all right so, what does that tell us . Something about the speed of the news cycle, and fact that crazy things happen so quickly, then as quickly as they happen they are gone. Today were not talking immigration orchids locked in or talking about kids locked in cages or gun control, were just focused on this. They are in the heat of a primary, all 2020 candidates will talk about this. This ratchets up the bases appetite, i think that nancy pelosi may understand what you just explained, that transcript may not be damning, that all information when disclosed may not be, she is i doing is rhetorical. Until she calls a vote on house floor this is rhetoric. Kennedy a fact gathering exercise. It will be more of what nadler is doing, call it an primimpeachment inquiry, some pe will think were in a impeachment some others say you are just dipping your toe into the water. Kennedy it could not be ga go. He will not be. Kennedy if he has done something really wrong. Really, really bad. Donald trump is not going to be removed from office. Kennedy will he be impeached . It is possible, they have the house judiciary, they have the vote hopefully, i would hope she i hope she knows they have vote, right now they dont have 218, possibly she is thinking she could get there. As a woman i hope she is counts being our speaker. I believe she believes she has vote to impeach, i think you are right when you talk about American Public seeing this, they will get him now, no, people this is not going to remove President Trump from office, that is the ballot box. Kennedy it made bill clinton a legend. They think if we push this to spring it would hurt them, it wont, news cycle moves so quickly, people who are mad about it will stay mad until november and if the economy stays as it is, then, you know i think it really could politically backfire, but what does that mean for the 2020 elect . According to the president , it could happe help him win aga. Our country is doing the best it has done. They will the lows the election, they figure this a thing to do, if she does that, they all say it is a positive for me. Kennedy president s campaign manager, brad said in a statement, democrats cant beat President Trump on his policy or stellar record of accomplishment, they are trying to turn a joe biden scandal on a trump problem. Will serve to embolden and energize President Trump supporters, create a landslide victory for the president , that is a very solid piece of propaganda. But today joe biden said president has to go. If we allow a president to get away with shredding u. S. Constitution, that will last forever. Too many good people have taken oceaoath to this nation, given r lives over past 243 years to let that happen. 24 3. Elizabeth warren tweeted no one is above the law, not even president of United States congress has Constitutional Authority and responsibility to hold president accountable, this not about politics but principal we must begin impeachment. Will it inquiry or proceeding help or hurt the president s campaign. Elizabeth warren wants a job she could be fired from, does that seem strange. What is fascinating to me about this, that clip, President Trump saying, that phone call was perfect. Democrat have to build a case that something the president admits to is shady, he is there in open saying it was perfect. Now they have to convince public that something that president is proud of was seedy, shady or corrupt. They are have a hard time making that case. Kennedy i think you could make the case that Obama Administration was doing something just as nefarious, if they were using the giants spy apparatus we have to spy on and try to derail a presidency or candidacy. That was debunked. Kennedy it was not, were awaiting Inspector General report. That is where abuse comes in, not necessarily the politics but surveillance apparatus and abuse that follows from that. Yes ig report right now is to be redacted. We should hear that soon. But not just the obama actions there. This story is bringing up is biden story as well. I do not think that biden is going to survive this story. Kennedy i think you are right, that helps Elizabeth Warren. Sure. Or his son. The video. Kennedy we dont know that yet. The video of biden. Kennedy that is an interesting these are not the droids you are looking for talking point. Everyone has known his son has been involved with him. There is one thing he cannot explain, why was hunter biden making so much money, it seems like an easy question, there is no nonswampy answer to that. Kennedy i think that is why you see democrat party, not okay for either side. I have said that from day one, i said that at the beginning of whole thing, no one should go to Eastern Europe for oped research or dirt. No one should do it. Right now trump is in office, this so him. Kennedy then vote him out. If people dont support, donald trump go to the polls and vote. This is about donald trump and a possible impeachment of him. It has nothing to to right now with obama or biden. It does. Kennedy if you look at surveillance and abuse of power, and look at too much executive power that was expanded by president s bush and obama, then have you on say yeah we have to rein it in regardless of who . Office, and what party they belong to. You cannot get away from the biden statement, a video, in 2018, he said, he told them he would withhold a billion of guaranteed lone i loan if they t fire the prosecutor. Kennedy get rid of biden and trump. If you talk about what donald trump said to ukraine president , you have to consider that underlying fact in the conversation, that is why he will not survive the primary. Kennedy i think people are right too ask, if you condemn this guy for it, not okay for the other to do it. We need a uniform set of rules, but in highly politicize environment, i cant have that apparently, that is unacceptable. We are talking so much more with panel, first up democrat president candidate gabert claims impeachment is not answ answer. Does she believe that, i will ask congresswoman herself, next. We trust usaa more than any other company out there. They give us excellent customer service, every time. Our 18 year old was in an accident. Usaa took care of her car rental, and getting her car towed. All i had to take care of was making sure that my daughter was ok. If i met another veteran, and they were with another insurance company, i would tell them, you need to join usaa because they have better rates, and better service. Were the gomez family. Were the rivera family. Were the kirby family, and we are usaa members for life. Get your Auto Insurance quote today. Fun fact 1 in 4 of us millennials have debt we might die with. And most of that debt is actually from credit cards. Its just not right. But with sofi, you can get your credit cards right by consolidating your Credit Card Debt into one monthly payment. You can get your Interest Rate right by locking in a fixed low rate today. And you can get your money right. With sofi. Check your rate in 2 minutes or less. Get a nofee personal loan up to 100k. Kennedy virtually every 2020 democrat candidate is calls for the Prime Minister of the president impeachment of the president , our next guest said it could be divisive forever country, hawaii congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard is standing out from the crowd. So day to defeat the president at ballot box. I just said that. She will bring that up at next months debate. She qualified lo today. Tonight she is with me, hawaii democrat congresswoman, arymenty woman president ial candidate, Tulsi Gabbard. Thank you. Kennedy i am surprised a lot of the candidates call for the removal of the president from a job they want. If we go down this road, and if there is success, i have a feeling that every other president will be impeached. This is the problem, and why i feel strongly this not the route we should take, this politicizes something that American People need to be trusted to decide who they would like to see as president and cam owner in chief. I disagree with trump on a lot of things. But i am running for president to defeat donald trump in 2020, i believe i can do that. That is why im running, i trust that the voters will make that decision. Kennedy i know that in some respects have you a limited government streak. And there are a lot of libertarians who in terms of Foreign Policy, you are the only candidate that has resonated with them there. I think you are a little misguided on medicare for all, there is no way to pay for it but how do you feel about constraining executive power. Now there is a wild man on the loose in the white house in their eyes. I do believe that executive branch has been abusing its power not just this administration but previous as well, the problem, it has become partisan. President obama would issue an order and republicans would go up in arms, and then the roles are reversed. Some challenges we have, and why American People are tired of our political system and hyper partisanship even my fellow democratic colleagues running for president , saying this is what i will do, i will issue an executive order and call a national emergency, they want to bypass congress any not do hard work necessary in building coalition. Kennedy both parties are guilty of that. Your friends and congress are you know they are selectively lazy with working up a coalition, pause that is what were leans toward, a two party system is broken. I have a feeling we had more viable parties you probably would not be an established democrat like some other people running for president. But i want to talk about iran a little bit. Your Foreign Policy is what is most interesting about you and you have served overseas in afghanistan and kuwait. Iraq. Kennedy here you are. As president. What would president gabbard do if a saudi oil feel was conclusively bombed by iranian . I would recognize first and fore most what our objective is. As president as the American People what is our objective in middle east. It should be, is our national security, about what do we need to keep American People safe. The great threat that we face here right now, if status we is allowed to continue with trump throwing the Iran Nuclear Deal in trash can. All inspectors are now gone and iran is moving forward. Kennedy they were untrust worthy and there was never vie iran saying they was in compliance, since drus trump let that, that has gone away. Kennedy what about saudi arabia . Would you continue to sell arms to them. No. Kennedy and the ethnic in china. Close loop on iran first, this is important and precipice that were facing as American People right now, what trump needs to do, what i would do if i were president right now recognize that this strategy has failed. In order to make sure that iran does not continue to make progress toward developing a nuclear weapon, we enter the agreement. Kennedy dont you think it needs to be altered. Strengthened but we need to reenter agreement as it exists to parallel negotiations to be able to work out the outstanding issues, the sunset clauses. Kennedy verify bill tie, because just because it is there does not mean they are looking at right places, does not mine they can just show up and throw the pantry door open to see what they are tinkering with that, problematic, but a couple other things, before we run out of time. In china. A million are sent to labor camps to toil for the rest of short lives orer die, what do you do. We take that with other challenges or differences we have with china. And see where and how we can help improve the situation. But also see how other areas where we need to be able to work with china, whether they be on areas of economic interest or areas how about, and you know climate change. The way that this administration is approaching china is very dangerous. In that you know trump says that china is our enemy, escalating this trade and tariff war, having a negative impact on our farmers. Yes, and i understand that, and i bet there say free trade streak in you. That a fair trade streak. Kennedy but you cant have fair trade with a staterun economy, they are playing by dhf differet rules they are very self interested, that self interest in state does not have any interest in individual. So lets talk about the debate stage, because, you really cored pointed against kamala harris, you had a moment that was rooted in something more substantial than just a quick gotcha moment, you went after her record, what are you doing differently. Take advantage of platform to be able to be in front of a lot of people to share with them, what i am my back ground, and service as a soldier, dise blowedeployedtwice to middle eay time in congress, 7 years foreign affairs, Homeland Security and experience to what i bring of most important responsibility of president to serve commander and chief. And redirect the resources that we have seen trillions of dollar wasted. Kennedy yes. Thousands of american lives. Between 4 to 6 trillion. Right, think about who we could do with those taxpayer dollars. Kennedy you know, we could, give it back to individuals. Use it for infrastructure. Kennedy allows family to decide are in themselves where they send their kids to school and their insurance that would be needs are great. Kennedy that would be great. Who needs to get out of race right now . Im not focused on other people to be honest. Kennedy who are you friends with . Who will have you a gea beer wih after. I am friends with and worked with a number of other candidates, i appreciate high me on the road. Marianne. We get along, she has a lot of aloha. Love, and respect and care for everyone that is what we need a lot more of. Kennedy a lady wizard. I know an area of contention for new your Party Something of mast statement on lgbtq community, i think that you have in many ways, you have successfully explained your position. I am just wondering, when did your position change. That has to be for the kind of disconnect you have made, which is a pretty sharp turn. There has to be an aha moment. Kennedy throughout the experience his with my deployment to middle east, those had a big impact on me in a couple of ways, one is experiencing first hand in these countries, how devastating and harmful and dangerous it is to have a government trying to act as a moral ash it arbitoo for people, and for me it was serving with fellow soldier who are gay, leas lesbian and understanding how deep that bond was and continues to be, i would give my life for them, i know they would give their life for me, taking that time of reflecttion, and seeing the contradiction of views that i previously held, and a member of congress, an opportunity to truly fight for equal tie, and make sure our government does not fall into that trap of trying to be a moral arbitor. Kennedy if your democrat nomination is not successful. Would you consider running as a libertarian, getting rid of progressive nonsense. I will not. Kennedy come on. You broke Paul Bennetts heart, one of our producers. I am sorry paul. Kennedy thank you. Thank you. Kennedy please comeback, keep us posted. I will. Kennedy coming up Bernie Sanders with crazy ideas, what a shock. These plan ar for wealth tax mae craziest of them all, next. Can my side be firm . And my side super soft . With the sleep number 360 smart bed you can both. Adjust your comfort with your sleep number setting. So, can it help us fall asleep faster . Yes, by gently warming your feet. But can it help keep me asleep . Absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. Will it help me keep up with him . Yup. So, ill wake up ready for anything . Oh, weve got your back. So, you can really promise better sleep . Not promise. Prove. And now save up to 500 on select sleep number 360 smart beds. Only for a limited time. All right brad, once again i have revolutionized the songwriting process. Oh, here we go. I know i cant play an instrument, but this. This is my forte. 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Pay no more than 5 per dose with copay card. Kennedy Bernie Sanders is losing his commie grasp on the democratic nomination, and his desperation and irrational jealousy causing him to swerve to a whole new lane of progressive insanity. With his liz make Elizabeth Warren making moves. Voters are settling on senator warrens new car smell, bernie does not realize the key to her bubbling mojo is not promising more stuff, she triangle toward moderates. Bernie, has gone full red raider, with a new extreme wealth tax, that would confiscate up to 8 of net worth on households worth over 10 billion, and liz up to 3 from wealthiest, plagiarizing from warrens already bad plan, and making it worse. Not the flavor of dogooders crave. It is unconstitutional. Net worth shake down is a directions tax and federal government is forbidden from reaches into the fattest cookie jars. Even if rational is, i dont think you deserve to be that rich. Would only snare 4. 3 trillion over 10 years. His plans for student debt forgiveness, housing and job guarantees and maid carr medical would cost 52 trillion over the same period. There is no way of covering that tab. And u. S. Risks kind of capital flight European Countries have suffered after implementing their own dumb welfare taxes. Bernie hates wealth, almost as much as he hates losing, but he lost his mind and the race because his bad ideas are politically bankrupt. And that is the moment memo. Kennedy Bernie Sanders stated that billionaires should not exist. He will put them on a National Wealth registry to enforce that authoritarian money grab. Is this the worst idea yet, john stossel is here. Thank you. Kennedy why is my torso so much taller than yours. I am like a tiny person here. Kennedy you have long dancer legs, but i feel like a win nba player. Put your chair down. Kennedy not a barber shop, why does Bernie Sanders hate wealth. He is just economically ignorant. I tried to get him on my show. His staff said he wont talk to you, you said he was economically ignore an, but he is. He is just ridiculous. Kennedy and thinskinned. Look at the 5 minutes ago, he is toast. Elizabeth warren. And biden bernie is going nowhere but down, i feel bad for him. I dont. Kennedy his own problem. They are terrible ideas, he has never learned, high did he d worship sophi soviet union and socialist systems, he thinks that if there are less billionaires that would make the rest of us richer. In a free society, you could only get rich by serving your customers, gives us what we want. Kennedy that is a sign of success. Even Biggest Company started small, that is something i cant get over, they all struggle and work as hard as they can. Most go out of business. Yes, but why should we be mad at a company that provides goods and services that we want, that make our lives easier, that is the goal, i dont understand. You had a great video once, zero sum versus positive sum, the idea for Bernie Sanders there is one pie, if billionaires take a big bite there are tiny slices lift for us, then you pulled out a whole tray of different pie, you said this is what wealth looks like. They bake new pies. Kennedy that is right, rich people go out they buy things even if they are yacht, people make the yachts, and put trinkets inside. And we all get richer. It is hard to absorb that. If you are busy thinking about your kids and husic and movies, it just sounds right. Idea that you could take from some because there is a limited pie, it takes an Economic Education to see. So creep sno creepy. So creepy. If he will tax billionaires, people with 900 million will not hide the next 20 200 million thy makeover leave. You said 75 that is abstract but 8 of 12 European Countries this had a tax by two years ago, they said, bad idea, they repealed. Kennedy they did. People fled, they stopped creating. Kennedy they assume that america is so great, that rich people was just stay here, they wont, they will move to costa rica and bermuda. Most will probably stay, they dont want to move there, but, in europe it is easier to leave. Kennedy squeez for iceland. Some will leave and many will use tax lawyers to cheat, and some will work less. Kennedy they will figure out legal tax avoid an, john stossel thank you. Alleluia. Alleluia. Coming up. Hillary clinton is announcing she is about to embark on a Cross Country listening tour. Why are you covering up those ears doll face . Ears doll face . Is here i go again on my own goin down the only road ive ever known like a drifter i was born to walk alone . Barb you left me hangin on the high harmony there. If you ride, you get it. Geico motorcycle. 15 minutes could save you 15 or more. And i recently had hi, ia heart attack. It changed my life. But im a survivor. After my heart attack, my doctor prescribed brilinta. 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My heart is worth brilinta. If you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. Jeremy spoke in class today kennedy a fun take on a classic, last nights mouth trumpet monday song. This weeks winner shawn corey. Follow courtney, she will send you a trumpet, like a stray cat you fed once, Hillary Clinton the not go away, the peoples pantsuit, reportedly embarking hi guys, on a nationwide listening tour. Saying, i would like to know what you are thinking. Is nation ready for another helping of hillary. Should we add more hot sauce, panel has returned. Look at that party panel, you are shaking your head. The hot sauce in the bag i hated that. Kennedy i love charlemagne. He knew she was full of garbage. I did not like that. Kennedy will hillary parachute in save the race. No, i think that people criticizing hillary still on the tour is a little bit hypocritical. Kennedy al gore went away, came back with mojo. But this is Hillary Clinton. She has always been out there. Being the wife. Kennedy not in the right way. Not more laur laura bush is she. Kennedy if you want to be first lady and be out there write a great book like michelle obama. Hillarys books are dumb, and selfimportant, and all she talks about the fbi, and james comey, and the title of first chapter. Like okay, Hillary Clinton i believe she is ready to listen. To extend she listens to anyone outside of new york and dc it gets filtered threw her brain, she turns into a paternalistic politician out of touch, it will not change, but she likes to feel relevant, she will not run, she just wants to feel included. Kennedy how that for followers had a taste of liz, kamala and amy golden globe and Tulsi Gabbard. Saying that hillary is such an amateur. This is about a book too . Lets call it what it is, she has a new book coming out, coauthored with her daughter, the book about gutsy women, she needs to get money. If country were not buying favor, and they were just buying benevolence, why are they not still giving. They are not making money they did because she is out of power. I cant see her linking up with any of these candidates, i dont think they want her. Kennedy she called for impeachment today, she is consulting Elizabeth Warren, Elizabeth Warren is smart enough to listen to her to figure out what not to do. Right. Do the opposite. If she is advises 2020 candidates, i am sure they would keep it under wraps. Americas sweetheart. Kennedy liz said, if she asked her to be her vp she would have said yes, but no she got dumb tim kaine. Is this the official trump nickname for him. Kennedy it would have been worse like dumb wiener face, no, that is mine. Last word. I think it is over forked by en. Biden. I dont. He will not survive. You love sleepy joe. I dont, but i think it is over. Thank you, what a beautiful night, a beautiful topical storm awaits, get your umbrella. Guys, i want you to meet someone. This is jamie. Youre going to be seeing a lot more of him now. Im not calling him dad. Oh, nno. Look, [sighs] i get it. Some new guy comes in helping your mom bundle and save with progressive, but hey, were all in this together. Right, champ . Im getting more nuggets. How about some carrots . You dont want to ruin your dinner. Youre not my dad thats fair. Overstepped. Thats fair. Beyond the routine checkups. Beyond the notsoroutine cases. Comcast business is helping doctors provide care in whole new ways. All working with a new generation of technologies powered by our gigspeed network. Because beyond technology. There is human ingenuity. Every day, comcast business is helping businesses go beyond the expected. To do the extraordinary. Take your business beyond. Kennedy this week marks 30 birthday of first labradoodle. This is the topical storm. Topic one. Reno, nevada, things can turn in a hurry. Oh, no. Yep, oh, wow. Mercy, mercy. Oroville and wilbur, this is why you never hire a pilot who gets paid in nudey mags and zimas. If you google wind related incident, every story is about people who eat white castle. Like nothing he had seen before in reno, like a full set of teeth. They are questioning the passenger and his emotional support elephant. Officials have not released pilots name, we can tell you the inflight fracas caused over 200,000 in damage. The most e expensive disaster since betos campaign. No one having a crazier week than a florida man who got in trouble for giving peep the peoe shirt off his back, and his pants, he was arrested after allegedly exposing himself to a woman outside of target. It may sound like thing you do only once, he had a lot of skin in the game, several other women have come forward he showed them his florida oranges. The show off was also fondling himself, while many think he needs to get a grip, sounds like he had one. He was arrested outside of a sams club. Florida flasher has told friends, he was thinking about retiring, he is decided to stick it out for there are year, yeehaw. We need mouth trumpet tuesday, what you are looking at . Topic 3. Fun news are in alcoholics and skan, cans, they are selling a sexy white claw costume, every costume is sexy if you are drunk enough on white claws, come here and tickle me elmo. Hey buzz light year, where is woody . If you hook up with someone who is wearing one, Company Selling them online claims they have sold out, they have not set a release date for next batch, white claw drinkers are used to waiting for a release date. I am hardly authority on halloween costumes, my advice, never borrow one from justin dretrue oftrudeau. Company will offer Free Shipping with the next batch, just today the pilots were seen practicing their delivery. There is no laws when you are drinking claws. Ill be right hmm. Exactly. Liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. Nice. But, uh. Whats up with your. Partner . Not again. Limu thats your reflection. Only pay for what you need. Liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty fun fact 1 in 4 of us millennials have debt we might die with. And most of that debt is actually from credit cards. Its just not right. But with sofi, you can get your credit cards right by consolidating your Credit Card Debt into one monthly payment. You can get your Interest Rate right by locking in a fixed low rate today. And you can get your money right. With sofi. Check your rate in 2 minutes or less. Get a nofee personal loan up to 100k. Now you can, with shipsticks. Com no more lugging your clubs through the airport or risk having your clubs lost or damaged by the airlines. Sending your own clubs ahead with shipsticks. Com makes it fast easy to get to your golf destination. With just a few clicks or a phone call, well pick up and deliver your clubs ontime, guaranteed, for as low as 39. 99. Shipsticks. Com saves you time and money. Make it simple. Make it ship sticks. Kennedy thank you for watching the best hour of your day. Tomorrow night, katy pavlich, mike baker, well be on an our later tomorrow night, following a fox special with maria bartiromo. Well followup with sex robots the following is a sponsored program paid for by my pillow do you find yourself sleeping too hot or too cold, not getting the support you need to help relieve painful pressure points or struggling just to get comfortable . Then get ready for a revolutionary, new sleep experience. Introducing the my pillow mattress topper, the next generation in sleep innovation from the company that brought you the worlds most comfortable pillow. [applause] hello, everyone. Im tonja waring. Thank you so much for being here. Its been an amazing journey

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