President said biden is the one to blame. Watch. I had a great phone call with the president of ukraine. Everybody knows it. Its just a democrat witch hunt. Here we go again. They failed with russia, they failed with recession, they failed with everything, and now theyre bringing this up. The one whos got the problem is biden. You look at what biden did, biden did what they would like to have me do, except one problem, i didnt do it. What biden did is a disgrace. What his son did is a disgrace. Kennedy thenvice President Joe Biden once threatened to withhold aid to the ukraine if country investigate his sons ties to an oil company there. Biden forcefully denied it all. Watch. Mr. Vice president , how many times have you spoken to your son about his overare seas business dealings . I never have. You should be looking at trump. Trumps doing it because he knows ill beat him like a drum s and hes using the abuse of power and every element of the presidency to try to do something to smear me. Everybody looked at this and everybodys looked at it, said theres nothing there. Ask the right questions. Kennedy oh. Hes trying to give doocy the smackdown. Good luck, joe. The only thing youre smearing all over yourself is some heftover oatmeal. Is it just me or does every scandal seem to originate in the ukraine . Regardless whos telling the truth here. Here with me now to explain, wall street journal columnist and Fox News Contributor bill mcgurn. Welcome back, mcgurn. Thank you. Kennedy excellent. So this all started at the wsj. Tell me what your people know about these people. Well, weve reported on this whistleblower having an account, but since then weve learned, as you pointed out, the whistleblower did not hear this firsthand. So we have another anonymous leak of classified material by someone who may or may not have known what was going on. Kennedy did this whistleblower also go to college with Brett Kavanaugh conveniently . Right. Thatll come up next. Its not even clear that the statute applies to the president in these cases. So the journal has urged the president to release the transcript. Its a bad its definitely a problem to have people in and leaking the president s conversations, but we think its going to be leaked anyway. He might as well get out in front of it, and if it is what he says it is, theres going to be more attention paid to joe and hunter biden. Vice President Biden said everyone thats looked into it well, no ones looked into it. I think senator graham may look into it. Kennedy well, and i think that is, thats okay. And theres a difference between having a rich and powerful parent and, you know, benefiting from their influence and having your dad be the Vice President of the United States right. Kennedy who can actually affect policy. But has trump done the same thing . Well, thats what we dont know. Kennedy that is problematic. Right. Kennedy withholding aid finish. Yes. You dont want the president saying dig up dirt on a political rival, and worse if hes going to tie u. S. Security to it. But, of course, thats what joe bidens accused of doing, right . The same thing. Of threatening the prosecutor unless he called off kennedy and then he bragged about it. A prosecutor that was looking into his sons company. At the very least, its a giant conflict of interest. So id like the president to release the transcript, lets see what he says. I think in a week or two were going to be moving on to the next subject, but i do think that hunter biden, i dont think he wants the attention on his business in ukraine. What were they buying . Kennedy i dont think joe biden wants the attention on hunter biden. I think what joe biden has been doing, honestly, is trying to normalize his son and give him opportunities so hes not an embarrassment. Right. The question is what were they buying. Kennedy yeah, france pointed out today, you know, knowing that sphere as well as she does in business and finance, if you dont have any the expertise and you dont have a proven track record, no ones going to give you a couple billion dollars unless theres something to gain from it on the ore to buy, right . Something that he has to offer which, you know, was his name. Its not clear that, again, even if they did all this, its not clear any part of it is illegal, but you would think that the Vice President would have recused himself from being the point man on ukrainian corruption. Kennedy no. I think people are going to look at in the same way they looked at hillary jeb matchup, and they said, you know, we dont want a repeat of the same thing, and they may look at this in terms of President Trump and joe biden, we dont want the same people repeating the same mistakes. Does the president pay a price politically based on what we know now . I dont know. Not on what we know now because i think a lot of his support, the supporters turn it out. The president and they say this is the latest witch hunt. Until we really see what it is, im not sure that he really i think its going to be forgotten in a month, right . Therell be something not forgotten because therell be nothing there, therell be some other accusation. Kennedy cobbling together a platform of great ideas is much harder work than it is screaming impeachment. Thats what were going to into next. Democrats are up in arms about the whole story, and its fueling a new push. Ive been very reluctant to go down the path of impeachment, but if the president is essentially withholding military aid at the same time that he is trying to browbeat a foreign leader into doing something illicit that is providing dirt on his opponent during a president ial campaign, then that may be the only remedy that is coequal to the evil that conduct represents. Kennedy evil. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi saying the Trump Administration is entering a, quote, grave new chapter in american lawlessness. But Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell shot back, yeah, cocaine mitch saying democrats just trying to cover their side. Mitch . The Senate Select committee on intelligence has long workedded on a bipartisan basis in secure settings out of the public spotlight to conduct critically important oversight of classified and sensitive matters. So ive been disappointed to see our colleague, the democratic leader, choose to politicize the committees ongoing efforts with respect to a recent whistleblower allegation, the specific subject of which is still unknown. Kennedy whistleblower. For now, democrats are only pushing for impeachment as punishment, but republican president ial contender bill wells went even further claiming the president is guilty of, wait for it, treason and the punishment should be death. That sounds realistic. Finish hows it going to shake out politically . Lets meet tomorrows party panel, former Obama White House director of press advance and Global Situation room ceo joanna is here along with immediate january and head writer of this fine show, podcast, jimmy fella, and host of the quiz show on fox nation, Fox News Contributor and a legend in these hallways, tom shah lieu. How do you do . Welcome to the show for the first time. Im intimidated by all these comedians. I hope i can make politics funny. You got this. [laughter] kennedy its already absurd. So lets talk about this a little bit. I think bill wells has lost his mind. Hes saying the president should be put to death for something were not fully informed about. It is the punishment for treason, kennedy. He seems to be right about that but, yeah, trumps driving people crazy. He drives people crazy. Bill wells used to be, dare i say, boring. He was a boring guy. Kennedy he was. From massachusetts. He lost to kerry in massachusetts. Oh, wow with, embarrassing. [laughter] but now hes very exciting. Kennedy who is charismatic as a slipper. Losing a dance contest to amy klobuchar. [laughter] kennedy i saw her twerking dvd from 1987. But, yeah, i think bill weld is a little bit out of his depth. Hes wading around in a tub of gin. Yeah. Hes now the most exciting of those three dudes that are running against the president on the republican side. Ken the other one is no one cares, and whos that guy again . [laughter] right. So here we go, this is, Something Weird is going on here. Yeah. Kennedy maybe its on both sides. Maybe the president s doing Something Weird w. Im going to go to ukraine, they need stuff, i need stuff. Lets think about it, i do think this is, like, it kind of reads like a deep state deflection move in that, you know, this is the classic you do something wrong, so you accuse someone else of the thing you did. Yeah. This would be like me coming home and saying, jenny, you smell like strippers. [laughter] whats with all the glitter on your face . Meanwhile, ive got it on my chest and my neck. They dont want to talk about their kennedy god bless jenny. Shes doing it all right now as we speak. But again, it really does reek of the russia thing, again, theyre going out on a limb and asking us to invest so much emotion in something thats unsubstantiated. All they had to do to beat trump was not go crazy, its kind of crazy to stake all your credibility kennedy its so true. But toms right, the president makes people absolutely insane. Can i say though i thought when you were talking about the stripper analogy that you were talking about President Trump, not joe biden. [laughter] i mean, the truth is, you know, i was saying earlier i think youve got a situation where both of the sons who are private citizens of these candidates have done some things that may break some normal professional bounds. But i think it warrants in terms of what donald trump said and the fact that there is a whistleblower complaint, that needs to be heard. Yeah. We need to see, you know, that complaint kennedy whats more egregious, Chelsea Clinton getting a juicy contributeship for nbc news or hunter biden all of a sudden being a financial guru for china . Can i say though . Ive listened to Chelsea Clinton, and i actually really like her. Kennedy i havent gotten through 50 seconds. You know what . Its the market, right . Shes got people who follow her. Kennedy free market [inaudible] [laughter] shes got books, shes got childrens books. My son and i went and looked at one of them. Kennedy wow it was fantastic. Dont ever bring that up in a custody battle. Hunter biden is not free market. He didnt deserve 50,000 a month, that was good oldfashioned government corruption. Heres the thing that were accusing him kennedy again, its not just a rich and famous parent. That happens all the time. Joe biden conceivably could have been using the force and might of the United States government to influence no, President Trump could have been using a call with a foreign leader to influence kennedy absolutely. But we dont know that it happened. [inaudible conversations] so the point kennedy oh, thats right, its all that malarkey. God rest his soul. [laughter] we know it didnt happen. Trump talks the same way all the time. When he was in with comey, he said, hey, go easy on kennedy come on, what are you doing . Like a city cop. Yeah. Has he ever made a quid pro quo . His favorite phrase is lets see what happens. Thats all he ever does. Kennedy Rod Rosenstein was, oh, they never stop and frisk me. I think we need to have the investigation. Kennedy more investigations, thats what we need. No, heres the thing, republicans support plenty of investigations when i was at the white house. When you are at the white house, i promise you, its like youre drinking from the fire hose. Kennedy ill let you in on a secret that most people dont know, theyre all a bunch of boobs. [laughter] [inaudible conversations] then we are the kennedy by virtue of voting them in over and over again, we are with complicit. And the panel is returning because they are so fantastic. Your week has begun. First up, a new poll shows liz warren has skyrocketed to the allimportant top of the iowa heap. Will her refusal to answer tax questions that will burden the middle class bring her back to earth . I will ask next. All Money Managers might seem the same, but some give their clients cookie cutter portfolios. Fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs. Some only call when they have something to sell. Fisher calls regularly so you stay informed. And while some advisors are happy to earn commissions whether you do well or not. Fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. Maybe thats why most of our clients come from other Money Managers. 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Liberty mutual customizes your Car Insurance, so you only pay for what you need. I wish i could shake your hand. Granted. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Here, hello starts with hi mple. How can i help . A data plan for everyone. Everyone . Everyone. Lets send to everyone [ camera clicking ] wifi up there . Ahhh. Sure, why not . Howd he get out . a camera might figure it out. That was easy glad i could help. At xfinity, were here to make life simple. Easy. Awesome. So come ask, shop, discover at your xfinity store today. Kennedy the liz warren express steam rolling through iowa with a new poll showing the massachusetts senator surging ahead of the 2020 democratic pack in the hawkeye state. The new Des Moines Register survey shows warren in the lead with a commanding 22 . Thats two points over sleepy joe biden. Hes snoozing there in second place. Bernie sanders has fallen behind to 11 , no other candidate is in double digits. So will warrens momentum last . Her opponents are piling on the pressure, accusing her of dancing around how shes going to pay for medicare for all, and they say they want to know if shes going to raise tax on the middle class. Will she be able to continue to blow off that question and stay in the lead until the Iowa Caucuses in february . Joining me now to discuss, wpa intelligence ceo chris wilson is back. I think that she is by far the most fascinating story of 2020. And this democratic field, because everyone else has fizzled, and shes the only person whos been able to sustain her momentum. Other candidates they spike and then they drop almost as quickly. You look at Kamala Harris, she did the exact same thing. You know, Bernie Sanders has kind of plateaued, pete buttigieg, he was interesting for a while, but what is it about liz warren . I dont know that we know this is a sustained spike. Ill remind you going into the Christmas Season in 2016, ben carson led the republican primary. Kennedy president carson. The last poll, before you make a president cruz joke, had donald trump in the lead going into the saturday before the monday caucus. And, of course, he lost. Senator cruz won the Iowa Caucuses in 2016. So two things about that, one is these polls go up and down, theyre not indicative of anything that happens. Two, iowa is only the first of a long marathon of contests that all it does, it kind of kennedy dont you wish they would mix up the states . No, i dont. I dont, i like it. Kennedy wont it be great if they had a lottery e the night before and then you knew that the next day was polling day . No, i dont like that idea. Kennedy i think it would be great. Thanks for trying. Look, iowa does a good job, and they take their role seriously. I mean, new hampshires a close second. So the way it works, i think, works for democracy, and the iowa voter is very meticulous and litigious in the way in which they make kennedy and its a caucus state, not a primary state. They have to devote their time and effort to it, and a third of those voters who caucused for Bernie Sanders in 2016 are voting for Elizabeth Warren in this most recent poll. Kennedy what is it about her though . Because bernie had this inpenetrable love shield, all of his supporters he held so tightly to his bosom, but liz warren has and ive talked to people who werent bernie fans, and theyre like, you know what . I think shed make a better president. I think its her native american background. You can only be an insurgent once. You have two lanes, a socialist lane, a farleft lane and you have a moderate lane, and right now you have a fight thats gone on between Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, and warren is winning. Like i said, a third of the sanders voters have flipped over. Kamala harris made a play in that lane can. Kennedy very clumsy. And youre going to have everybody kennedy when she tries to become a moderate again, its going to be inauthentic and disingenuous, and i think Elizabeth Warren only has to make minor tweaks to her platform, and she can say, nope, i told you so, just read this one paper that i released 14 months ago, exactly what was in there, and i think thats also what naturally prepares her for the debates. Because Kamala Harris has to rely on a gimmick and a moment, but Elizabeth Warren can sit back, let other people fall apart and then answer something articulately. I disagree with her completely. I respect the game shes playing right now. I agree that she has played ad good game, its a good game in the democratic primary, but the problem is its horrible for the general election. I think she may be the weakest candidate kennedy yes. When she has to answer some of those tough questions to farmers and parents who are trying to save money who cannot afford another gut punch of another tax hike, shes not going to be able to look at right now the democrats are looking for over Everything Else someone who can beat donald trump. And joe biden comets to lead in every continues to lead in every state besides iowa, because hes able to make the argument that he can beat donald trump. Elizabeth warren can now say, look, i can beat him too kennedy there was a monmouth poll as well. I mean, this poll the Elizabeth Warren surge is no longer an outlier. This is now, theres a little bit more consistency. And i think thats where polling is helpful. To be able to maintain it, is the question. Is she able to maintain it, grow it into other States Kennedy im wonder who the president wants to run against, liz warren or joe biden. Oh, i dont think its any question Elizabeth Warren. Kennedy interesting. Well, maybe hell devote some time and money to her campaign. Thats why he keeps going after joe biden even though hes sinking. Kennedy chris wilson, thank you. The democrat challenging aoc for her house seat. A democrat says the progressive princess has been blinded by fame. Someone who does a lot of preaching about Climate Change and human rights and all that peace bull crap, but the truth is they spend way too much of our money. Should we dump the hypocrites . Ive got my memo next. That sophie opened up a wormhole through time . speaking japanese where am i . woman speaking french are you crazy nuts . Cyclist pip pip woman speaking french im here, look at me. Its completely your fault. man speaking french ok . Its me. Its my fault . No, i cant believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on my Car Insurance with geico. pterodactyl screech believe it. Geico could save you 15 or more on Car Insurance. Our because of smoking. Ital. But we still had to have a cigarette. Had to. 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You can go first. Audible reintroduced this whole world to me. So many Great Stories from amazing people. Makes me wanna be better. To connect with stories that im listening to thats inspiration. With audible originals, theres something for almost every taste in there. Everything you ever wanted to hear. Our ability to empathize through these stories can be transformational. Its my own thing that i can do for me. Download audible and start listening today. [upbeat action music] pilot were going to be on the tarmac for another 45 minutes or so. With sofi, get your credit cards right by consolidating your Credit Card Debt into one monthly payment. And get your Interest Rate right. So you can save big. Get a nofee personal loan up to 100k. Kennedy the u. N. Has become such a toothless waste of time and money every september. About 90 heads of state snarl manhattan traffic so they can sit around and grease each other up in this farcical global jerk joint. The u. N. Rose from the ashes of world war ii as a peace keeping, International Peace body at least according to article i which exhaustively lists its peaceable virtues. The problem is genocide, rape and basic Human Rights Violations have proliferated not only while the world turned its back and yawned, but also as u. N. Peacekeepers were standing right there. In 1994 the u. N. Did nothing in rwanda when 800,000 people were slaughtered in an act of welltelegraphed genocide and 250,000 women were simultaneously brutally raped n. This modern era, yemen and syria have been decimated by civil wars, and the u. N. Has doning nothing to stabilize, mend or meaningfully admonish murderous authoritarian actors. Why has syria been able to slaughter its people creating 5 million refugees, 400,000 dead innocents and 4 manager more displaced . Because russia vetoed at least a dozen condemning resolutions. What does this make the u. N. . A very costly and frigid uniknock eunoch. The whole ship of fools was welded together in 1945, and now they cant be swapped out for peaceful democracies like japan and germany. The u. N. Budget is 50 billion a year of which the u. S. Foolishly doles out 20 . You have 193 participating countries. Cut the pie 193 ways so we can make like Bernie Sanders and all pay our fair share. The u. N. Spends more on travel for its useless lackeys than it does fighting aids or malaria. David beckham is a more effective tool against malaria than this global clown show, and we should bend the u. N. Into a much lesser entity that requires fewer dollars and causes less harm than its current configuration. And move the damn thing to nairobi so i have a better shot of getting a crosstown cab in september. And thats the memo. The u. N. Secretarygeneral today called for all countries to reach net zero emissions by 2050 at their Climate Action summit right here in new york city. This comes as protests swept the world this weekend, demonstrators brought traffic to a standstill in the Nations Capital this morning. President trump made a surprise appearance at the u. N. Climate conference for about ten minutes, but is the u. N. Really the best organization to fight Climate Change . Here to break it down is future executive director daniel turner. Welcome back, daniel. Thanks for having me on again. Kennedy how is the u. N. Going to save the planet . Yeah, its not. And hike you just said, russia is a permanent member of the Security Council as is china. If the u. N. Really wanted to tackle Climate Change, according to their philosophy, right . If you buy into manmade Climate Change, if they really wanted to address it, they would condemn these two countries. China is the world east largest polluter, largest emitter of co2. India is putting two coal plants a month online. Wheres the condemnation of india, right . So there are things the united nations, according to their own logic, should be doing. But instead they go to new york, and they persecute us, americans, fossil fuel workers, the men and women who are actually powering their building on the east side . Kennedy yeah, isnt that funny . And by the way, if you talk to americans and american children, theyre very much aware of the personal responsibility they have for the climate. I dont think that they should be shamed into changing their behavior, i think that they should embrace technology that only the private sector can offer. Government force and capping ourselves at the knees economically isnt going to do anything to make the planet better. No. And technology in the fossil fuel industry has gotten better. And this poor young woman whos being really manipulated by the left, greta thunberg, in the 16 years shes been alive, we have gotten smarter, cleaner, weve gotten more efficient when it comes to oil, gas, coal. And whats the result of that . Thriving economies and businesses and opportunity and freedom. And in the 16 years shes billion on this planet, millions and millions of people from around the world have moved from poverty into the very beginnings of middle class and independence. And, again, theres no celebration of that, theres no celebration kennedy but heres whats interesting because as india and china move into the middle class and billions of people are seeing what its like to embrace and participate in a free market economy, theyre like, hey, you know, give us our moment, western hemisphere. Youve had your time in the blottedout sun thanks to your filthy dirty cities, and we have cleaned up. So what can you do outside of a Globalist International body like the u. N. , what can actually be done to change the behavior of people and governments in china and india, if anything . Well, let the free market system work where necessary, and in the case of china, for example, you would think the men and women running for president on the democrat side would support President Trumps sanctions. The best way to have china pollute less is to hurt their economy, and that would be sanctions or the next logical step would be war. I know that sounds crazy to say kennedy yeah, it sounds crazy. If you think china is the worlds biggest polluter, and they are kennedy we should probably kill a few hundred million of them. And if you think co2 and they call it an existential threat. Well, if it is and you say, aoc has said this is our world war ii. Well, if it is, are you advocating war . Clearly, im being a devils advocate here, but the u. N. And these people need to take their rhetoric and own it or come to the table with Free Market Solutions that empower people, bring about prosperity and that will, ultimately, make us a healthier and cleaner planet. Kennedy absolutely. Everyone wants a healthier, cleaner planet. I just dont want to be forced to do anything because some dogooders at the General Assembly are telling me to when those freaking hypocrites are flying around in gilded little jets. Exactly. Theyve had seven climate summits so far this year, and theyve had it in abu dhabi kennedy yeah. You know what else theyve had . Free drinks and fancy hotel rooms. They can shove it. Its nice. Kennedy daniel, thank you so much. And speaking of aoc, the congresswoman weve been speaking about has said shes so worried about Climate Change that it regularly wakes her up at 3 30 in the morning. Aoc has seen a rapid rise in washington since she upset a tenterm incumbent, joe crowley, and won new yorks 14th Congressional District last year. But a new democrat primary challenger says the limelight could be her great undoing. Watch. Since shes been elected, shes never in our district. Shes too busy doing washington and hollywood. And most of our congressional 14th has never seen her, shes not around. She even opened her office quite late, about three or four months later after she was elected into office. Kennedy shes not there, and thats what she ran on. Im always going to be there because joe crowleys not. Aoc said she tries to, quote, not focus too much on other folks in this field. Is she a oneterm, onehit wonder . The party panel has returned, joanna, jimmy, tom. Joanna, obviously, i will start with you because i think nancy pelosi is funding ms. Khans [laughter] can we just go back . I did not know you were inviting inviting on the thanos on tonight. Aoc, i dont know what the republicans are going to do if she goes away, because she is all they want to talk about all the time. Kennedy the New York Times obsessed with the president s every move. Theres something to be said as a representative, you need to represent your people, and i think that, you know, the one point that her primary channeler brought up was amazon challenger. And i think on that she needs to talk about the jobs she is going to bring to the district kennedy well, youve got to be in the district. I havent seen her out in hollywood. For as much as everybodys saying shes out in hollywood, i havent seen her out there. I dont know, you guys, maybe you have her here more often . Shes all over big hollywood. [laughter] i havent seen her. I think that shes going to have that opportunity to explain what her objective is, and i think theyll probably have a really hard time. Kennedy so if this woman does what aoc did, meaning if she knocks on doors and connects with voters, i dont care who she is, i think she could pose a threat. Because a lot of people look at her, and a lot of progressives and democratic socialests have said shes not in it for the movement, shes in it for herself. Yeah. And in these small districts, that is the message that sells. Your current representative has gone national. We dont need a national candidate, we need a local candidate. It worked in my part of the bronx. Biaggi won. Cohen was a longtime democrat in my district, they booted him out. So shes going to have to come home. Kennedy yeah. Come home. Come home. Its a tough week for aoc. She just found out the Electoral College doesnt have a Football Team [laughter] kennedy thats why theyre not ranked yeah. She just bought season tickets [laughter] she should be primaried, because she really is, like you said, in the aoc business more than shes in the delivering for the people business. Yeah. To your point, the reason we talk about her a lot, for real, is because you always want to, in sports, you always want to attack your opponents weakness. Kennedy its click bait. Lets be honest. Pictures on breitbart of her in different poses is not [inaudible conversations] kennedy back up because pressley and omar, both hotter than aoc. Oh, yeah, i would never i dont see a womans aesthetic contribution. I see the intellect [laughter] kennedy two husbands . A brother husband . Yeah, thats what i was going to say. Kennedy and a lover. Bring the goods, you know . I dont know. I think the republicans are going to end up shipping in to make sure aoc sticks around. They do, of course kennedy democrats will chip in to make sure donald trump oh, i dont think were getting that many of them. Can. Kennedy hes a much better foil for them than youve had in a generation. Party panel, stick around. How do you stop your kids from misbehaving when theyre being disrespectful . One mom came up with a brilliant man and used the one thing theyre most disgusted about. Ill tell you the details next. All right brad, once again i have revolutionized the songwriting process. Oh, here we go. I know i cant play an instrument, but this. This is my forte. Obviously, for auto insurance, weve got the wheel route. Obviously. Retirement, were going with a longterm play. Makes sense. Pet insurance, wait, let me guess. Flea flicker. Yes howd you know . Studying my playbook . Yeah, actually. My body is truly powerful. I have the power to lower my blood sugar and a1c. Because i can still make my own insulin. And trulicity activates my body to release it like its supposed to. Trulicity is for people with type 2 diabetes. Its not insulin. I take it once a week. It starts acting in my body from the first dose. Trulicity isnt for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. 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Betty sat in on her sons math class to embarrass the 12yearold after she became fed up with getting constant phone calls about him and his rudeness in class. Finish she wrote on facebook, quote todays kids are getting worse by the second. She hopes to inspire other parents to take a stand against naughty teenagers. Many commenters applauded the sitin, but there were also critics who accused her of shaming a kid. A party panel is back. Joanna, jimmy and tom. I think this is fantastic. Its a great story. I also love that shes acting surprised that her kid is a rebel. You named him harley, you know . Yeah, my son manson is so violet [laughter] i dont want i dont know whats gotten into this guy. It is the one thing kids are most embarrassed about, i guess, would be their mom. Kennedy yep. My mom never showed up at school. My mom was a substitute teacher in elementary school. Well, and my 7yearold wants mom to be there all the time. So i think its, you know, depends on the age. Kennedy let me give you a news flash from the future. [laughter] high school, that ship has sailed. Yeah. I think she failed with this little experiment. Kennedy youre just saying that. Well, no. She doesnt have control over her son. She admitted it. And then she was begging him to change his behavior, and he wouldnt do it, he would just laugh at her. And then she sits next to him in class, takes selfies, shes embarrassed, she still doesnt have control. She has proven that he doesnt have respect for his mom, he only has respect for his classmates kennedy hey, man, youve got to go where the vulnerability is. She still doesnt have control, thats the thing. Theres only kennedy well, heres the difference though. A lot of parents wont listen when someone tells them that their kid is screwing around or being disrespectful. And so many parents worry about being their kids best friend that parenting has gone out the window. And so shes getting creative and finding the one thing that might break through and get to him because he knows the next time he screws around in class, moms showing up. I agree. Youre going to have to hit them where it hurts, so to speak. We have a 10yearold. If hes bad at school, he cant get beer. [laughter] laying down here on the job. Kennedy i think it brings up a serious point. I keep saying that i think politicians need to change some of the way that were talking about family values, because i do think that parents involvement in kennedy its not crucial. Dan quayle is not Vice President anymore. You want more talk about family values . Yeah. Kennedy bring back dan quayle . Im fine with it. Go after joe biden and say, you know, my bad mom for having, you know, for working. And the truth is a lot of us dont want to leave our kids at home. We want to raise them, and weve got to figure out a way that we can make it work for working families to raise their kids. Kennedy i know. But this isnt about mommy wars, this is she brought it all the way back to hunter biden getting a gig. [laughter] yeah. She was just trying to i mean, i was really trying to get back to that topic. The reality of this biden thing, yes, they keep yelling at us about trump being a National Security threat, and theyre going to nominate a guy whos going to give his Social Security number to a nigerian prince. [laughter] i dont think so. Dont you think, kennedy, that this mom was trying to be buddies . She seems like the mom who was trying to be pals with her son, and she got in over her. Kennedy parents who make their child wear a sandwich board at a busy intersection, that may be going a little too far. This is fine. She sat next to him, she em based him embarrassed him. I told my daughter if she wears a half shirt to school, ill wear one and walk right next to her all the way to school. Yeah. The obamas did that. Remember when they said they were going to get a tattoo in the same place . That was kleopfer. [laughter] had to stop 500 feet from the actual fence. But im there. Kennedy those damn restraining orders. Youre also in a half shirt. Our teacher welcome any of our involvement. Theres a lot of kids in classes, so i think its a great thing kennedy absolutely. More school choice. Well said. No, no, no, kennedy out of context kennedy topical storm is next. And. Thats your basic threepoint turn. [ scoffs ] if you say so. Im sorry . What teach here isnt telling you is that snapshot rewards safe drivers with discounts on Car Insurance. What . Or maybe he didnt know. [ chuckles ] im done with this class. Youre not even enrolled in this class. I know. Im supposed to be in ceramics. Do you know room 303. Oh. Thank you. Yeah. Good luck, everybody. Oh. Thank you. Yeah. Walking a dog can add thousands walking this many . Day. That can be rough on pams feet, knees, and lower back. Thats why she wears dr. Scholls orthotics. They relieve pain and give her the comfort to move more so she can keep up with all of her best friends. Dr. Scholls. Born to move. Performance comes in lots of flavors. dramatic orchestra theres the ampedup, overtuned, feedingfrenzyof sheetmetalkind. And then theres performance that just leaves you feeling better as a result. Thats the kind lincolns about. That could allow hackers devices into your home. Ys and like all doors, theyre safer when locked. Thats why you need xfinity xfi. With the xfi gateway, devices connected to your homes wifi are protected. Which helps keep people outside from accessing your passwords, credit cards and cameras. And people inside from accidentally visiting sites that arent secure. And if someone trys well let you know. Xfi advanced security. If its connected, its protected. Call, click, or visit a store today. And my side super soft . Be firm . With the sleep number 360 smart bed you can both. Adjust your comfort with your sleep number setting. So, can it help us fall asleep faster . Yes, by gently warming your feet. But can it help keep me asleep . Absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. Will it help me keep up with him . Yup. So, ill wake up ready for anything . Oh, weve got your back. So, you can really promise better sleep . Not promise. Prove. And now save up to 500 on select sleep number 360 smart beds. Only for a limited time. Kennedy lawyers for el chapo claim the mexican drug lord is being tortured in prison. Apparently, the guards have been forcing him to watch every Miami Dolphins game. Bring back waterboarding, because this is the topical storm. Still love you, josh rosen. Topic number one. We begin tonight in colorado where a biker decided to take the plunge. There he goes. That looks safe. And never do it on a dirt bike, because its all downhill from there. The bangedup biker strapped on he fell off a cliff. Luckily, he survived without injury, miraculously, and police say its because he wasnt going very fast. These are the perks of living in a state with legalized weed. Two Million People have watched videos, but the weird thing is when you google falling off a cliff, every story is about the ratings for the emmys. Im kidding, emmys people. After all, Everybody Knows if your show were a dog, it would be shot. As of tonight the roughedup rider is recovering at home. Hes also selling a used dirt bike in mint condition according to ad, it was hardly ever on the road. Hes asking five grand, but you can probably get him down. Topic number two. Here we go to illinois where two guys decided to cruise the mall for some ladies. Yeah. What the [bleep] kennedy we always knew shopping malls would need to get creative to compete with amazon, but we never expected them to open up a strivethru drivethru. Two yahoos drove through a gap and turned the place into a fullon banana republic. An employee at the apple store called 911 but police refused to respond because the apple genius didnt have an appointment they offered him something thursday between 8 and 11 a. M. But promised to call back if they had any cancellations. Nobody was hurt, but the perpetrator had his vehicle impounded, but the good news is hes still got his dirt bike. There i go, rounding the corner the bad news is, he still has his dirt bike. Put a little cbd oil on it, walk it off, fallout boy. Topic number three. I love that sound. Because its monday, this winner is a Michigan Teacher who sees the Glass Half Full of vodka. 44yearold Mike Fletcher was arrested after he allegedly showed up to class with a blood alcohol content that was four times the legal limit. Faculty members knew something was up after he told the School Social worker that she made a good career choice. Meet the teacher night was held at hooters. None of the dads mained. The hammered teacher was removed from class, and people will miss his popular slogans like an apple tini a day keeps the doctor away. Michigan fans were happy to see someone who cant drive besides a wolverine. The tipsy teacher is currently out on 7500 bail which he paid with his empties. Were happy to report that he even took some of the students shopping to make it up to them. Hop in, guys apparently, they went to his favorite store, forever. 21. Speaking of people going away, the kennedy team saying good to a legend tonight. Its the great john kilbashian is working his final shift. Many of you dont know johnny because you dont hang out at times square food trucks all day, but hell be profoundly missed by our team who loves his madly him a madly. A light has gone out on our floor. Granted, it was from a tv showing a soccer match. We love you, buddy. Well be right back with mousetrap monday. Use the hashtag. Making it stronger. Faster. Smarter. 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There are new Cyber Threats out there everyday, so protecting yourself isnt a one time job, its an ongoing need. Now is the time to make sure that you have the right plan in place. Dont wait. [announcer] norton 360 with lifelock. Use promo code get25 to save 25 off your first year and get a free shredder with annual membership. Call now to start your membership or visit lifelock. Com tv kennedy use the hashtag kennedynation. Kennedy thank you for watching. The best hour of your day, tomorrow night, john stossel, hot. Good night. Lou good evening, President Trump today bringing his America First agenda on the united nations. To the general as general assem. Leader of the free world at least, delivered a speech on religeous freedom before meeting with 6 different world leaders, taking up global extremism to the potential of a new fair and reciprocal trade deal with china. If my opponent had won the election, chinas economy would have surpassed United States by now. With me a

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