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The 2020 democrats debates hours away. The Trump Campaign with an ad list that democratic socialism will ruin the economy. Bind also criticized now as a quote uninspiring hillary 2. 0. Elizabeth warren cite sides biden as a new walter mondale. Critics say warrens world could trap the u. S. Economy in a fanlt into a fantasyland for. They are plans for double the debt and taxes businesses to pay for it and taxpayers as well. Another brandnew fight breaking out for the first time. Obama officials attacking Elizabeth Warren as a quote sanctimonious and condescending narcissist. The warren campfiring back. They fear trump could bury Elizabeth Warren. More on the fiery clash between thomas homan and Rashida Tlaib and aoc. Is a china trade deal coming soon . And are federal charges against Andrew Mccabe coming soon . The fbi was talking about wiretapping trump after the election. Im elizabeth macdonald. The evening edit starts right now. Thanks for joining us. You are watching the fox business network. Republicans went on full attack mode. The house authorized the Judiciary Committee to conduct an inquiry into the impeachment of the president. Its that simple. I dare you to do it. I double dog dare you to do it. Its like a seinfeld hearing. Its a hearing about nothing. We have people give testimony and the president can write us a letter. The Judiciary Committee is i giants instagram picture to make you believe something is going on when its not. After today i hoped the democrats could move past this fake impeachment strategy. Liz it looks like nancy pelosi got annoys and would not say the i word at her presser. The staff can ask witnesses questions, and treats some documents and evidence as confidential. It also allows, the president can write a written response to this investigation. But House Speaker nancy pelosi tired of getting this impeachment question. I am not answering any more questions on this subject. That is what we have said all along. Thats what we continue to do. Why are you hung up on a word over here when lives are at stake over there . Reporter republicans on the committee not holding back today. Investigation, i called it impeachment in drag. We have dressed up impeachment like an oversight hearing. Stop the theater, the country deserves better. Will the gentleman yield so we can answer his question . The answer is yes we are engaged in an impeachment investigation and we have moved address ideally forward on driving down healthcare costs and driving down the costs taking on the corruption in washington. Regular order. Reporter kind of a mess there. The vote Going Forward satisfies that impeachment hungry base. There is a growing you group of democrats in the Democratic Party saying this is sucking the air out of everything they were trying achieve. Liz as for the famous words of the great ronald reagan. There you go again. Even politico calls the quote democrats impeachment a dumb storm fire. The democrats can decide if they are impeaching the president let alone where they are in said process. Ken, can you tell us how this is a lot different than the full house voting on impeachment as they did for nixon on bill clinton . A huge difference, night and day. This ishe action only of a committee. And it has no legal significance, zero. The Judiciary Committee had the procedures in place. They said they memorialized it . Contrast, we the people elect the peoples house, 435, not a small minority. And an unrepresentative and undiverse any up diverse minority on a Small Committee its only when the peoples house act as a body by majority vote is there truly an impeachment process underway. These are word games lawyers are playing only jew dish airive committee. It has political significance but it seems to have zero legal or constitutional significance. Liz nadler and the democrats, if they were fair, they would call in i. G. Hoarp winds to testify about james comey. Nadler does not want that because it would under cut impeachment. The democrats are hunting around for a silver beautiful the on impeachment that would resonate with the American People of. Look at the probes going on. Was your take on that . Sit would appear so. Casting about is a good way to describe it. Impeachment is a serious matter that collapsed on july 24 with the testimony before two committees of robert mueller. Once said thats all im going to say, and he didnt say very much, and he struggled to say what he did, there was a great sucking sound that all the air went out of impeachment. I think it went out with the publication of the Mueller Report in april. Think of where we are. We are in september, and we had months to consider the Mueller Report the most of serious dimension to impeachment. Its a bit after grab bag casting about as you have say. Its a push to drive count president s approval rating. The show about 2 3 of voters are indifferent or dont want impeachment. We are talking about monmouth and politico. The numbers can always shift. But what i think is happening. Its a political process that responds to certain elements of the base. When you see the democrats, they want to send a message, we like divided government. But you dont see mode rats democrats coming out in favor. As the latest count, liz, 98 House Democrats were opposed to impeachment. We saw dean example the way the republicans feel. Zero support for it. When you think about the United States senate there appears to be zero support for impeachment under the constitution it takes a 2 3 majority. Liz democrats like Donna Shalala are afraid the democrats are sucking the legislation sucking the air out of the legislation, like gun reform and the news, mexico Canada Agreement because impeachment is taking all the air out. I agree with that. I think former secretary University President shalala is really smart. And i think here she is really wise. She is from a liberal district. Im sure she has some of her constituents saying you need to be supporting impeachment. But the wise people in the Democratic Party are saying thats not what we should be doing. We are wasting our time and change the subject in an unhelpful way. And from a political stand point we are not helping the democrat party. There are only 40 legislative days left for the house to do their work. Lets turn to Andrew Mccabe. Your take is Justice Department prosecutors are talk about filing charges . It looks as if the charges that were set forth are the allegations set forth in Michael Horowitz, Inspector General, the respected Inspector General of the Justice Department. They have legs. It stood the test so sit would appear of running the gauntlet of the actual criminal justice process. We had reports that mr. Mccabes stable lawyers after he peeled to the Deputy Attorney general and hes not stepping into overrule the career prosecutors. We are taking the career prorls cuters nieblg horowitzs report saying there is real substance here. City would appear that mr. Mccabe its a tragic day for mr. Mccabe. He will be facing criminal charges. Liz do you think he will Face Criminal Charges . The tea leaves are being read all in one way. Anything can happen in the criminal justice process. They can appeal to the attorney general of the United States. Please dont do this to this career person. The clinton email investigation and his partisanship and all the things we talked about the last several years look at his entire record, sort of the whole body of work. I can see the good lawyers making that appeal. But i doubt at this stage i think it was critically important for there to be an effective rebuttal of the Michael Horowitz report. The Inspector General is so respected and so honest. When he called that shot saying essentially mr. Mccabe misled his own fbi. He was the deputy director. I think that was it. Liz thank you, ken starr. President trump speaking moments ago before leaving for the republican conference in baltimore. President trump the stock market is up again. It will be close to a new high. Many, many times we set the record. We are very honored by that. We are having a tremendous couple of weeks. A lot of good things are hatching. I got a call from heads of china. The call is directed to my people. They asked whether or not would be possible to delay the hit on the tariffs from 25 to 345 . We gave them a twoweek in honor of president xi. We gave them a twoweek reprieve. And well be doing the tariffs on october 15 instead of october 1. We are moving into october 15 because they are having their 70th anniversary. I will do that again in honor of president xi. Thats it. Any questions . I actually spoke to mike pompeo about that and he decided and he and i i get along with him so well. We have a lot of the same views. A couple different views. But he like the idea of having somebody in there with him and i do too. We have 15 candidates. Everybody wants it badly as you can imagine. And well probably next week make that decision. Well look forward to that. We have at least 10 more. A lot of people want the job. Its a great job. Its great because its a lot of fun to work with donald trump. Its easy because i make all the decisions. They dont have to work. What do you say to the people of baltimore . President trump we are going to baltimore. I look forward to it. Well be with the republican congressmen and i think it will be a successful evening. We had a tremendous elect tuesday. And you saw the results tuesday night. One gentleman was dan bishop, he was not doing so well three or four weeks ago. He was losing substantially and he ended up winning fairly easily. And bishop and greg murphy won by a lot more than was expected. He won by many points. A lot of people thought that would be a close race. We won two seats in congress thursday. I guess the press didnt talk about it too much. They would have if they lost. But they won. Republicans had a great night on tuesday. [inaudible] President Trump its something people dont talk about. I would rather get the whole deal done. We have taken in many, many billions of dollars in tariffs. If we are going to do the deal, lets get it done. I see a lot of analysts saying well do pieces of it, the easy ones first. But there is no easy or hard. There is a deal or there is not a deal. Its something we would consider. We are doing very well. We are doing very well. I did a play in honor of president xi because its their 70th anniversary in china. President trump its too bad im going to miss it. So maybe its not that important. Its going to be very interesting. I look forward to going home, i will have to watch it as a rerun. Many of you are coming to baltimore with me. I dont expect too much difference. But you have three people that are leading. I think those three people are going to take it to the end. Its going to be one of those three. But you never know in politics. Who do you think the strongest opponent is. President trump they all have their weaknesses and strengths. They are very different. You have a lot of different voices up there. But it looks like it would be Elizabeth Warren and joe maybe will be able to get there, maybe not. I dont know. Certainly bernie is there. Hes number three. But i think they are so far in the lead the three of them. If you remember, you forget my republican primaries, i went to the lead in the very beginning and stayed there. He should be able to make it. I would imagine bide be would be able to make it. If he doesnt make any major mistakes. Well see what happens. The man that you called my africanamerican at your rally in 2015 says hes leaving the Republican Party because you are pursuing a prowhite agenda. Hes a supporter of yours. President trump i dont know who you are talking about. Hes the man you pointed out the rally that you called my africanamerican. President trump i dont know. We have tremendous africanamerican support. We are at an alltime high. I think i will do well with africanamericans. Africanamerican support has been the best we have had. And i think a lot of it has to do from an employment and unemployment both i think this, i think this its simple. We have the best numbers we have ever had for africanamericans in terms of employment and unemployment so i think well do very well. [inaudible] President Trump we had a big meeting on guns and we had a meeting on ethanol. We had kim was there, iowa. We had some terrific people. John thune. We had a meeting on ethanol and a meeting on guns. Separately different people. I think we made progress on background checks and guns. Ethanol for the farmers. Our ethanol meeting was a great meeting. Well see what happens. But there has been nobody better for farmers than donald trump, that i can tell you. I think we made a lot of progress on ethanol and a lot of progress on guns. [inaudible] President Trump at some point, yes. He will certainly they want to meet. They would like to meet. I think its something that will happen. But kim jongun something can happen. [inaudible] National Security at risk and democrats are calling for a vote to overturn your national emergency. President trump the wall is being built. We need the wall for purposes of National Security. The military is behind it all the way. Any project that may delay a little bit, its only a delay. It will get built. But the wall is something we need. Well be building hundreds of miles of walls. We had a Supreme Court decision that was outstanding. We also had a Supreme Court decision on asylum. It was a 72 decision. But we had a very good decision on the wall and wall funding. The wall is going up as we speak. We intend to have approximately maybe something short of 500 miles of wall. That would be almost everything we need. About 500 miems is what we miles is what we need and well be close to that by the end of next year. The Committee Approved a resolution defining the impeachment investigation. Are you concerned at all in the. President trump no, i am not. We have done the best job of any president in in 2 1 2 years in office. The rules and regulations we rolled back have led to a reyou are gentle economy. If you look at what we have done for it in and what we have done for the vets. I think our country is in one of the best conditions that its ever been in. I think the economy may be the strongest its ever been in the history of our country. People know we are doing a great job. They do play politics and they continue to play politics. A lot of people think that the tomorrow way. But most of people of think that helps me. Its really an embarrassment to our country. We have done a greats job, yes. Kim jongun wants new conditions for negotiations with the United States. Are you upset the new conditions for the negotiations . President trump well see. I think north korea would like to meet, i think you probably heard that. Iran wants to meet and china wants to make a deal. So we have a lot of interesting things going on. President trump i havent seentd Andrew Mccabe situation. I havent been able find out exactly what happened with Andrew Mccabe it was just break as i walked out. But i havent seen it yet somewhat have you told barron about vaping . President trump we havent told him anything yet. Dont vape. We dont like vaping. Do you think nancy pelosi is scared of impeaching you . President trump i dont think she is scared of anything. I think she is a smart woman who knows what she is doing. We have the strongest economy in history. We have broken the record in jobs. Africanamericans we just broke the record again. If you look at his panic americans, asian americans. The best and unemployment numbers in the history of our country. With women we are at 71 . 71 years. The best numbers in 71 years. I think we have done a great job. There are those who say the best job in the history of our country for the first 2 1 2 years. Pretty much thats the story. We had a big meeting on guns and a big meeting on ethanol. Both meetings went very well. A lot of progress was made on the background checks and various things having to deal with guns. I their we are dealing very well. It seems like they would like to do something. I think i can speak for republicans. They would like to do something. Well see what can happen. But we are always protecting our Second Amendment. I want to make it clear. Our Second Amendment will be protected fully. [inaudible] President Trump we are dealing on venezuela right now. It will be a very interesting period of time. We are trying to help a lot of venezuelans who are dying. They have no food, they have no water. And we are trying to help a lot of them escape, so to speak, into colombia and different places. We are trying to help those people who have been able to get out. But we are dealing with a lot of things having to do with venezuela. My attitude on venezuela is a tough one. Frankly my attitude on cuba is a tough one. In a way they go hand in hand because cuba always made it possible for venezuela to do what they are doing and thats ending now. Likewise venezuela through the oil took care of cuba and a lot of that is ending right now. [inaudible] President Trump i dont think it israelis were spying on us. I would find that hard to believe. My relationship with israel has been great. You look at the Golan Heights and jerusalem. Jerusalem become can the capital. Iran is a much different country now than it was 2 1 2 years ago. Its in a much different position. I dont believe that. I wouldnt believe that story. Anything is possible but i dont believe it. Are there any democrats debating tonight that you actually respect . I respect all of them. Let me tell you. It takes a lot of courage to run for office. I respect all of them. See that. I am getting much better as a politician. You never thought you would hear that answer. [inaudible] President Trump i think so. It depend on the democrats. It depend on whether the democrats want to take your guns away. There is a possibility this is a ploy to take your guns away. If its meaningful well make a deal. If this is a movement by the democrats to take your guns away then its not going to happen. Well always be there for our Second Amendment. Well see. If the democrats want to make a deal, we can make a deal. Liz that was President Trump speaking to the press on his way to the republican conference in baltimore. Lets bring in deneen borelli. Deneen, you were rinsing in. He said he thinks Elizabeth Warren is the one he need to beat. You have got to love these popup press briefings that the president does. He answers every question depending on how much time he has. I find them entertaining and informative. He mentioned lid beth warren along with bind and sanders. You have got to love these popup press briefings. Liz he covered 20 didnt subjects. He was asked if are you scared of nancy pelosi impeaching him. He said no. He went through the hit parade of the u. S. Economy and stock market. He says he hears there is a roadmap about a trade deal. He dont know if we are going to do pieces of it. He delayed the tariffs in honor of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the peoples republic of china, the communist party. He says hes going to watch the debate on rerun or on tape. He said dont vape, barron about his son. He gave a shout out to democrats saying i respect all democrats. See, you didnt expect that out of me. I thought that was funny but also very truthful. The press tried to box him in asking him did he respect the candidates. He gave a great answer. He said its a hard job to do to run for president. Liz deneen, you are always good turning on a dime. The Justice Department will recommend seeking criminal charges after Andrew Mccabe after reject a request by his lawyers to drop the case. New accusations against Obama Administration officials for breaking federal law for engaging in Political Activities while on the job, that being candidate trump. Catherinetrump. Her catherine. Lets talk about the Andrew Mccabe story first. Catherine Andrew Mccabe is one step closer to criminal indictment. The Justice Department has rejected his last in minute appeal. His legal team met with the deputy northern then jeffrey rosen. Hes charged with misleading investigators. The email from justice said the department rejected your appeal of the United States attorneys office. Any inquiries should be directed to the United States attorneys office. Fox news learned that jeffrey lu recommended moving forward on charges on the i have spector generals report. The Justice Department watchdog Michael Horowitz concluded mccabe lacked candor and four separate occasions about his role in a media leak over the probe of the clinton foundation. He also found mccabe violated policy because the leak was designed to benefit mccabe and push back against criticism he was compromised because his wife took 600,000 from democrats for a 2016 senate race. The u. S. Attorneys office is not commenting on any pending action. Liz great reporting there. We have a whole lot more show coming up. Well be right back. With drivewise. It lets you know when you go too fast. And brake too hard. With feedback to help you drive safer. Giving you the power to actually lower your cost. Unfortunately, it cant do anything about that. Now that you know the truth. Are you in good hands . Why accept it frompt an incompyour allergy pills . E else. Flonase sensimist. Nothing stronger. Nothing gentler. Nothing lasts longer. Flonase sensimist. 24 hour nondrowsy allergy relief have you lost weight . Of course i have ever since i started renting from national. Because national lets me lose the wait at the counter. And choose any car in the aisle. And i dont wait when i return, anks to drop go. At national, i can lose the wait. And keep it off. Looking good, patrick. I know. vo go national. Go like a pro. Liz moments ago President Trump said he would do an interim deal with china, but would prefer a whole deal. The author of the new book, selfwar. Congratulations on your new book. I think its coming from a position of weakness for the chinese. They have the swine flu and its playing havoc with their food prices. At the same time our farmers have been injured by whats going on. It provide the president a way to take care of americas farmers. At the same time the chinese get to take care of their food situation. In a way, its a winwin. This trade war will continue because its far more than about agricultural products. Liz its about recession. People have been talking about recession because of the trade fight. Here is the thing. Let me back up. The recession argument connected to trade is about u. S. Manufacturers and companies not investing here. That would push the jobs numbers down lower. But what the president is saying right now, correct me if i am wrong. It seems like there is more optimistic rhetoric coming out from china and the white house and Trump Administration that yes, a deal or parts of a deal can happen. Your take. There will be parts of a deal. There may be an interim deal. The chinese dont want to restructure their economy. Whats in our National Security strategy. What we are talking about with this recession is some of these challenges are causing investment not to take place in china, but they are also not taking place here in the United States. Some of the things the Defense Department has in terms of the defense act and infrastructure in the United States. We have to spend some of our money on the trial base, infrastructure, stem education, research and development, all things we were spending quite a bit on during the cold war. We need to help spur investment in the United States. We have plenty of money in the budget. Liz the breaking news, President Trump just moments ago saying an interim deal could come with china, not a full deal. Meaning pieces of a deal. The president said china will start buying u. S. Farm goods in large amounts. The president is delaying tariff hikes on a quarter trillion in chinese goods out of respect for the 70th anniversary of the communist party in china. Here is what could happen. You could see a deal come in where you get both china buying more u. S. Goods and then the u. S. Is starting to target companies who are working with the Chinese Military to protect interest electric fuel property. We are seeing the pentagon is crossing right now, is stepping up the list of companies with ties to the Chinese Military. The white house wants to stop beijing from getting sensitive u. S. Technologies in the weapons supply chain. That it. Final word. Thats right. Going along with getting rid of the pair certainic economy where the chinese are taking advantage of the u. S. Economy. Liz more on the fiery clash between former i. C. E. Director, tom homan, Rashida Tlaib and aoc. Bottom line. Im here to speak to the American People. At fidelity, we believe your money should always be working harder. Thats why your cash automatically goes into a Money Market Fund when you open a new account. Just another reminder of the value youll find at fidelity. Open an account today. 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Liz lets get to Gillian Turner with the details on President Trump addressing the House Republican conference in baltimore. Reporter President Trump is slated to arrive here in just under 40 minutes. Hes going to address the gop caucus. They are all fired up. They spent much of the day talking about the issues in front of them. President trump said a few minutes ago before departing, he said we are going to baltimore. I think it will be a successful evening. His arrival is being melt with antitrump protests. The Supreme Courts decision to uphold President Trumps asylum policy earlier this week. The majority leader says when it comes to the democrats, their caucus has nothing to worry about. The difference between being in the minority and majority is roughly 116,000 votes. We have fewer seats to gain to get to the majity than the democrats had two years ago. There are 31 democrats who sit in seats President Trump carried. 13 of them by more than 6 points. Reporter another reason they are cheering is they say the democrats are in disarray on the matter of impeaching the president. And failure to coalesce around the strategy will hurt them in 2020. Is it an impeachment, non impeachment, an inquiry . Nothing else worked for them, thats the reason they want to change the rules. Reporter Democratic Leaders ar criticizing pelosi. President trump is slated to amplify the message that that will help the republicans degree into 2020. Liz the indices across the board in the green. The president said he would accept an interim deal with china. More on the fiery clash between former i. C. E. Director thomas homan and Rashida Tlaib and alexandria ocasiocortez. That story next. I have revolud the songwriting process. Oh, here we go. I know i cant play an instrument, but this. This is my forte. Obviously, for auto insurance, weve got the wheel route. Obviously. Retirement, were going with a longterm play. Makes sense. 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Buzzing after democrats Rashida Tlaib and alexandria ocasiocortez launched a withering attack on former i. C. E. Chief tom homan. Mr. Homan as a fellow american i want you to know your contribution in as acting director i. C. E. Will be remembered as one of ruthless and Inhumane Treatment of Asylum Seekers and the authorization of the separation policy and preventing Sick Children before this committee from seek lifesaving medical treatment. Liz here is thomas homan firing back. I have forgotten more than you will ever know. Every i have said is accurate. I am here on my own time to speak to the American People. You can go toetotoe with me any day. You have got to let me answer the question instead of dropping a bomb then running away. Let me just say this. Director homan has spent his life, his career dedicated to protecting our borders. Hes invited to speak before this subcommittee of congress to be ridiculed, to be named calling, just disrespectful for what he has done for this country. I commend him for stepping up and holding his ground. What did we solve . We didnt solve anything. You wonder why things are broke. Rashida tlaib was wrong. The Obama Administration this is according to health and human services. The children entering foster care due to the border policies in 20152016. More than 20,000 in 2016 and 21,000 in 2015. We have got to take a commercial break and make some money. Well be back in 2. Day there. Hopes you drive safely. But allstate actually helps you drive safely. With drivewise. It lets you know when you go too fast. And brake too hard. With feedback to help you drive safer. Giving you the power to actually lower your cost. Unfortunately, it cant do anything about that. Now that you know the truth. Are you in good hands . When i walked through a snowthats when i knewtte, i had to quit. For real this time. Thats why im using nicorette. Only nicorette gum has patented dualcoated technology for great taste. Plus intense craving relief. Every great why, needs a great how. Have you lost weight . Of course i have ever since i started renting from national. Because national lets me lose the wait at the counter. And choose any car in the aisle. And i dont wait when i return, thanks to drop go. At national, i can lose the wait. And keep it off. Looking good, patrick. I know. vo go national. Go like a pro. Back with us sheriff of arizona, more on thomas homan in the fight in alexandria okc ocasiocortez. He said i wish i wouldve let the ao seo. This hearing is a joke, its a circus and youre the head clown. Its about Congress Asking questions to come to common sense on an issue that is going instead of democrats to spend five minutes insulting me and not letting me respond. Your reaction . I agree with them, he is an expert when it comes to Border Security in securing our country, he did not make the position of ice director by not being an expert. He led for many years and to have somebody with a congressional hearing to hopefully share facts and share experiences so we can find a solution, and then call names and make false claims against them and i believe them until then that. Why even have them there. This is why were in the issuer in, Everyone Wants to blame cbp in the federal agent but it falls back to the congressional members that fail to recognize that there is a problem and failed to recognize that we need to come up with a viable balance solution. Liz that is tough reporting Illegal Immigrants here for medical reasons. That is a very, very tough issue that the ministration we think is going to address. Watch this soundbite. I forgot about this issue than youve ever known. So say my testimony is inaccurate is wrong. Everything i said here is accurate. They kept going after him that he was incorrect. Your reaction . No matter what, he was going to be attacked. It goes back to the point what you see there. Ive been invited to address Congress Next month, and it really makes you wonder, are we going back there as we talked about to play theater or going back to solve problems . Thats what congress should be doing, it goes back to leadership are we leading or acting in a theater . As we reported last night on her show, the Supreme Court stopped a lone court judge in california from blocking nationwide the chopper ministration policy that requires migrants to first travel through mexico to seek asylum there before seeking asylum in the u. S. Do we really want this for our country legal roulette finding one single federal judge can issue a nationwide order that affects the whole country blocking the president or legislation passed by congress . Thats a big question, we look at this in the executive branch of what going on on the judicial side. We have the judicial california they take 2 of the illegals that come in this country, theyre making decisions for the country at whole. It does not make sense. We have a president whos been elected by the American People with executive power. I dont understand this. Liz thank you for joining us and think into the service for our country. And thank you for having us in your homes. Thank you for watching, we hope we help a jew. Lou dobbs next on the fox business network. Have a good evening. Lou good evening everybody, the radical dams, the deep state has been working to overthrow President Donald Trump sims before the beginning in the process and their conduct but today justice may have just begun. The department of justice rejected Andrew Mccabe effort to stop charges for his role in leaking information to the press and the clayton email investigation and perhaps for more. Chief intelligence correspondent catherine heritage live from washington with the very

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