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Sake of our democracy. Hurricane dorian devastating parts of the caribbean. Massive flooding taking aim at florida. We have live reports from florida and georgias coastlines coming up this hour for you. Once again the left attempting to doxx anyone who supports trump. While acts like this only proves the point that hollywood is completely in lalaland when it comes to any sense of reality. Im back from vacation. Trish regan primetime begins right now. New tonight, fired fbi director james comey facing fresh scrutiny. Ranging member of the house intelligence community, devin nunes raising serious red flags saying comey used a lot more than he ever let on about the whole fisa mess. It alloyed the fbi to spy on a member of the trump campaign. An innocent american. Whats more, comey went way beyond his capacity as fbi director when he was tasked with briefing the then president elect about the salacious and unverified steele dossier in early 2017. The evidence we have is comey wasnt going to belief the president just to get up to speed. He was acting like he was an agent working for the crossfire hurricane team. Thats clear evidence he was involved in this. Before he tried to pretend hes a step or two away from what happened. He pretends like he doesnt know what happened with the fisa situation and the intelligence. The i. G. Report really makes clear that thats not the case. Trish he knew a lot more. As we await the results of another i. G. Investigation into allegations of fisa abuse. Senator Lindsey Graham is pushing the Justice Department to release more of the fisa application against carter page. Joining me right now, charlie kirk and republican strategist amy tarkanian. Charlie, the president actually has the ability to declassify all this. Why not . Why not do it . He should. I hope he will. This is so important. If this was a democrat president or democrat candidate that was spied on the way President Trump and his campaign was spied on. This would and scandal that would make watergate look like nothing. This goes deeper than most of of the news media would cover. It was peter strzok who said potus wants updates on how things are going. What did he mean by that. Remember it was the highest levels of the federal bureau of investigation where you had bruce ohr and his wife who concocted this fake dossier. There are so many questions that need to be answered here and this kind of power should not be abused, especially when it talks about using the highest levels of government to doxx people just because you disagree with them. Some of the intelligence coming out, i dont think comey is quite safe yet. Trish when you think about bruce and nellie, the connection with fusion gps. You get annex british spy. You want to talk about someone taking information from foreigners. You have a foreigner compiling his information from Opposition Research team. Last time i doublechecked. What the heck is our fbi doing . I dont think they wanted to know the answers. Am i right . They wanted to say this guy is a bad guy. He has done all kinds of icky things, meaning the president. And they didnt want to hurt him with that. They didnt care fit was true or not. You are absolutely right. Its very apparent with the i. G. s conclusion. We need to be careful and i agree with both you and charlie. More transparency is always better and we need to make sure we declassify as much as possible for the American Public to see. Lets make sure attorney general barr does this quickly. But make sure its done correctly. It will take some time. Its important for the safety of the intelligence ops all around the world that their identities are not compromised and we are not compromising how we go about getting information, et cetera. But there are things i think should be pointed out, and this report would allow americans to understand better and so, you know, cross out the names, cross out the giveaways. But make sure people know what happened. The irony is we now have to barr has to make sure he does his job and doublecheck his sources. This the American People deserve to know at what levels of our government were involved in colluding, true collusion are potential foreign intelligence to concoct a fictional novel to a president they didnt like. We have pieces of evidence if you string them all together. Whether it be the text message that talked about the insurance policy from peter strzok. And the media is doing everything they can to move on from this. For two years they put the president and his family and us supporters through a horrible cycle called the bob mueller investigation. We deserve to have some answers how we even got that conversation started in the first place. Illegal supplying on the president of the United States. Trish it seems like there were attempts to trap the president. That in and of itself is very troubling. It is. The fact that you had james comey he pretty much said, i had an extra laptop sitting in my car. When it was time for him to sit in his car he would type up his notes. He was thrieght president left and right to get more information to use against him. Its incredulous. Trish hes kind of a bad guy. Im going to be honest here. They said he was a showboat. The idea that the president was complaining about how there were leaks at the fbi. Lo and behold, this guy goes before the senate and he basically admitted yeah, i was leaking. Id called up my friend, a columbia professor to give him all this information so he could hand it to the new york times. I am sitting there saying my gosh, the president is right. That darn head of the fbi is spearheading the liking. You dont do things like that. A sheep in wolves clothing at its best. This will never stop. This will just repopulate and happen again unless some form of justice is served. Somebody needs to serve hard time for what they did. There has to be we shouldnt throw those things out the window. You have to allow those things to go through. There is no way you can make the argument that parole cost col is followed the way it should be. No one should be above the law, including people who are supposed to enforce it. Charlie, amy, its good to see you guys. Joe biden tripling down on his fake war stories. He claimed down a ravine and carried the guy on his bawdged fire. And the general wants made to pin the silver star on him. My word is the bible. He said do not it on me, sir, please, sir. Do not do that. Trish the former Vice President saying the details of his story are quote irrelevant. What . Also, deblasio does it again. I apologize you ever got to know donald trump. But this new yorker volunteers to get rid of him for you. Trish i missed being away from this show for 10 days because there have been lots of goodies out there like that. The new york city mayor only spent 7 hours on the job in may. Coming up, more incredible steps. Liberal candidates are trying to outlast each other in the bid for the presidency. Saying forget getting rid of just i. C. E. Lets get rid of Detention Centers as well. My next guest wonders where we would keep the 600,000 illegal People Senate have come here over the last 7 months. Lets see, aleve is proven better on pain than tylenol extra strength. And last longer with fewer pills. So why am i still thinking about this . Ill take aleve. Aleve. Proven better on pain. Thand find inspiration who win new places. Ct. Leading them to discover were woven together by the moments we share. Everything you need, all in one place. Expedia. I mean, if you havent thought abfrankly, youre missing out. Uh. 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The Democratic Front runner and joe biden will shift the field even farther left. Now they are for closing migration Detention Centers. I want to do away with private prisons and Detention Centers in this country. Shutdown these private detention facilities. Fully close down. What would you do to improve and help the immigration united with their families. Close them down. By the way, we dont need them. Trish we dont need them . What do you do . This is the guy who is suppose to be the centrist in this race, joe biden says hes all for shutting down immigration detention facilities. Whats worse is democrats dont have a backup plan or solution for where these migrants would go. They wearnlts everybody to come here for open borders, free college, free everything, you name it. Border security cochairman brian ban itch. About. I hate to be the reamist. But you have got people coming here illegally that somehow we have to figure out how to deal with. We have 80100,000 per month coming in. I would like to know where the democrats would like to house these socalled families. First we need to ascertain whether they are families. A lot of these children are being sold and rented because they know these loopholes better than we do. Its amazing we are seeing there. Then to hear the former very much of the United States say he wants to close down Detention Centers along with the rest of his democrat colleagues running for president. These are the same Detention Centers that were there when he was Vice President when president obama was in office. Why didnt he call for the closing of them back then. Why are werent they why werent they cages back then but are now. They want them to come in and vote democrat once they get their enfranchisement. Its a way to gain power. I think its despicable and time for the democrats to start working with us across the aisle and take care of the American People first. Trish you say its despicable. I agree with you. The real problem is a lack of honesty. They want to ignore a problem thats a real problem that needs solution. Pretend it doesnt exist because they think that thats going to appeal to voters. There is a very good piece by Roger Kimball in the wall street journal. He says human reality is drained of dignity and reduced to raw material for the schemes of utopian power. He says revolutionaries do not trade in individuals, tomorrow masses. And there is no concern for the individual here in this country that need to get the most of out of their own opportunity. Absolutely. The American Dream is alive and well. We want it to stay that way. But we cannot have a chaotic situation where illegals are pouring across the border, break our laws. Then to have the Democratic Party say we dont want to detain them. The stage wary city and sanctuary state laws. They want to close the facilities down that would house these people. I heard former Vice President biden say there is no need for these Detention Centers because the illegals will show up for their immigration hearings. Thats a false statement. Up to 90 of them do not show up for their immigration hearings. And we have over a million of them who had their day in court. They didnt show up or have federal orders for deportation. And they say no one should be above the law. Even the president of the United States. If thats the case why do they put criminal illegal aliens above the law. Thats a mystery to me. Trish keeping in that vein. A story coming out tonight, a California Appeals Court is overturning the conviction of skate steinles killer. He was an illegal immigrant deported from this country five times. The court said the illegal immigrant killer did not get a fair trial. Whats your reaction to that . I mentioned the word despicable . That could only be thage i tough i could call this d that could only be the adjective i could the call this. This man thanked 7 convictions for felonies and he should not have been allowed much less back in the country, but to have sapphire arm. After the shooting he tossed the weapon into the pacific ocean. It occurred on a pier in san francisco, and you know, we hear the democrats complain that we need more gun laws. When the democrats dont even enforce the ones we do have. I was saying the shootings were occurring in chicago with where they have the most of stringent gun control laws. All i can say is after this abominable ruling on the kate steinle killer, i cant imagine what kind after law abiding tax paying citizen or Business Owner would ever want to live in california. Thats a mystery to me how local and state politicians put illegal criminal aliens above their own tax paying citizens. Its a total mystery to me. Trish i think ultimately its a losing issue for democrats. Americans are not antiimmigrant. Americans say we want borders. They do believe in law and order. They believe in coming here the right way. And having a country that knows who its citizens are. Thats not too much to ask for. The democrats would besmart to wake up and smell the coffee on that one. Coming up. Liberal hollywood expecting more intolerance. Will and grace stars angry over a trump fundraiser. They are calling for the Hollywood Reporter to print the names of the attendees and supporters so they can black list them. Find out why oklahoma Highway Patrol posted this video on its website. After battering home a day and a half. Lets talk. Were built for hearing whats important to you, one to one. Edward jones. Its time for investing to feel individual. 2,000 fence posts. 900 acres. 48 bales. All before lunch, which we caught last saturday. We earn our scars. We wear our work ethic. We work until the works done. And when it is, a few hours of shuteye to rest up for tomorrow, the day well finally get something done. the day well finally get something done. 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Pay no more than 5 per dose with copay card. Trish florida bracing for hurricane dorians wrath. Take a look at these pictures. Brandnew video that came in to us on the destruction. And its really awful. Rick leventhal is live with the details at daytona beach. The people of florida are so fortunate that dorian tracked further east away from the coast. But there are residents that can feel Tropical Storm force wind or hurricaneforce wind. And they are bracing for impact from here to the state of virginia. The coast guard is in the bahama conducting medical evacuations in support of the Bahamian Defense force. At least five deaths have been confirmed from hurricane dorian. It came onshore. It was under water. Reporter new aerial footage show how flooded the area is with treats and homes buried in water. The coast guard has moved ships and equipment because of concerns that dorian could affect their ability to rescue. They are encouraging residents to get out in coastal counties. Since dorian was downgraded to a 2. If it returns, we have a place to go. Beach towns are building berms, laying sandbags and boarding up against the coming rain and storm surge. There may be a point in time during this storm when if you call 11, they wont be able to get to you. States of emergency will remain in effect. The Highway Patrol reversed eastbound lanes on i26 from charleston to columbia. All lanes are westbound to help speed coastal evacuations. In North Carolina the governor issued a statewide Evacuation Order for Barrier Island along the coast. I know its a Beautiful Day out there. We want everyone to be safe. Trish, this is one of those temporary sand berms hoping to protect against a surge they say could be 35 feet on top of a tide 25 feet above normal. They hope it wont happen here. But the storm could be even worse further up the coast. Trish rick leventhal. Stay safe. Residents bracing for impact along the east coast. Tropical storm warnings have been issued. And we find foxs mike tobin live on the ground with the latest. Mike . Reporter hello, trish. The georgia governor is urging people not to relax. Despite the fact that it wont be a direct hit on the coastline. Hes urging people to heed the evacuations because the eye of the storm is expected to pass within 1520 miles of the shoarl line and it will pass slowly and bring a storm surge of 47 feet that will last through two very high high tides. Therefore, flooding is likely. We need people to evacuate. I know its been pretty down there today. I know the track is showing it not hitting georgia. But i think our modeling will show how close it is. And this is not a storm to mess with. Reporter Tropical Storm Storm Force Winds are expected to make it onshore. There is probably more exposed glass than boards up right now. We have seen a lot of sandbag. That, too, is not extensive. We have spoken with people who are saying they will make a decision whether to evacuate. One thing we know about the lowlying roads, once the flagged starts, they are there for the duration. The port of savannah has moved to condition zulu, its closed. Trish liberal celebrities expressing more intolerance. Will and grace demanding the Hollywood Reporter print the names of trump fundraisers so they can black list them. Joe biden says the details of his stories dont matter. Beep goes off ] now that you have new dr. Scholls massaging gel advanced insoles with softer, bouncier gel waves, youll move over 10 more than before. Dr. Scholls. Born to move. What might seem like a small cough can be a big bad problem for your grandchildren. Babies too young to be vaccinated against whooping cough are the most at risk for severe illness. Help prevent this talk to your doctor or pharmacist today about getting vaccinated against whooping cough. Its something we take personally, and believe in passionately. 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This guy climbed down a ravine, carried the guy on his back under fire, and the general wants made to pin the silver star on him. I got up there and my word as abiden when said sir, i dont want a damn thing, please, sir, dont point on me, do not do that. Trish despite mountains of pushback on how nearly every single detail of binds story is flatout wrong. Hes not back dawb after a weeks criticism. He says the details are quote irrelevant. The details are irrelevant in terms of Decision Making if i forget it was rodriguez all the times. I have been in and out of afghanistan its irrelevant and you know it. Trish just stop, quit while you are ahead. Joining me, niger innis and robin biro. Come on, details do matter. Dont they, niger . They most of certainly do. It matters that biden misremembered meeting the kid from the parkland tragedy in the white house a year after he had already left the white house is when the parkland horrific incident occurred. But i think those gaffes as bad as they are, they are not irrelevant, i think the longerterm Foreign Policy advice he gave to president obama and Foreign Policy ideas Vice President biden, former Vice President biden had are much more problematic in the 2020 campaign such as splitting up iraq into three different nations. Idea such as supporting the war hawks or the Chicken Hawks in the Obama Administration that helped facilitate the assassination of Moammar Gadhafi and left a vacuum in libya. This is a sneak preview of what a bind Foreign Policy would look like. According to tony blinken. Early in the Obama Administration, president obama said joe, you have got the withdrawal of iraq in your hands. What happened with that rapid evacuation of iraq. It left a vacuum for isis to step into the breach. Trish it was definitely a mistake. Robin, you have a military background. How do you react to joe saying it doesnt matter. Well, to be clear, it matters to the servicemen and women. And im glad they played the full clip because he said the details are irrelevant to his Decision Making. Anecdotally, i had more facetoface time with joe biden when i was an active Duty Service Member than when i was a regional director on the campaign. I can understand what he confuses and con plates the story and how trish look, dose just have a lousy team that doesnt help him well. They are supposed to know where they are going. I think he doesnt quite know where hes going. There is a difference. Some people would say donald trump speaks off the cuff. Donald trump presented a compelling case in terms of us not being in wars that we shouldnt be in. He presented a compelling case on the trade front in terms of how we were losing out to china. It was a well articulated i would say case. That stood for something. This is joe biden going on and on mixing up details, conflating Different Things and it makes we wonder whats going on upstairs there. Is that a decent worry to have, robin . It is. It can be word salad. This is word salad we got from joe biden. And it took away from the sentiment of the story which was a story about survivor guilt which can be a real problem. Instead we are focused on his gaffes. The shame is the meaning of the story got lost, trish. Trish robin and niger, thanks. The will and grace stars demanding the Hollywood Reporter print the names of the attendees at the trump fundraiser so they can black list them. Bill deblasio only working 7 hours in his official capacity in the whole month of may. Preoccupied with his failing bid for the white house. My next guest says this could be a good thing. I apologize you ever got to know donald trump. But this new yorker volunteers to get rid of him for you. Hmm. Exactly. Liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. Nice. But, uh. Whats up with your. Partner . Not again. Limu thats your reflection. Only pay for what you need. 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Ends sunday. Trish bill deblasios 2020 president ial campaign, new reports surfacing saying this guy doesnt care about the day job. The day jobe was elected to do here in nyc. Assorting to the post he logged 7 hours during the entire month of may. This is the month he launched his president ial bid. Isnt this a problem with so Many Democrats running right now . Joining me now, gianno caldwell. You got deblasio doing a fullon 7 hours. You say somehow thats a good thing . Well, yes, its a good thing because new yorkers have a reason to kick him out of office. 44 of new yorkers disapprove of the job hes currently doing as mayor, and 76 of new yorkers dont believe he should be running for president. The National Public agree with this because hes hovering around zero . Hes going to found out when he cant get on the next debate stage. Maybe hes just so borde so borh being new york mayor he should just leave. Trish the will and grace stars are angry about a trump fundraiser. They are calling for the Hollywood Reporter to print the names of the attendees so they can black list them. This culture of shame, isnt this whats wrong in america. Its desperate trump derangement syndrome at its highest. I hobnobbed here in los angeles with a lot of the conservative celebrities, and they fear if people know they are conservative they would be black listed. You think about the will and grace stars. They are used to controlling the culture and creating the narrative in which they believe most of of america should follow. What they found to be a big upset in 2016, a gay named donald trump won president and brought back men and women who hadnt voted in decades. So now they are back at it again and they are going in full force for 2020. But like it did in 2016, it will not work. It will backfire and i believe trump is going to win a second term. Trish americans dont like being told how they should think. The more they do this, i think the more people dplig their heels and say no, you are not going to tell me how i should vote and i shouldnt be shamed into thinking i must feel your way because its your way or the highway. Thats a slippery slope. The wall street journal piece made a big impact on me talking about the lack of curiosity among politicians. And they are forgetting about the individuals in that picture. Individuals matter. Absolutely. What people forget. There are a lot of people who wanted reform, they wanted change, and President Donald Trump gave them that. He created an economy for everyone. He created criminal justice reform. This president has done more than a lot of the president s in recent history. I am looking forward to seeing him do much more. Trish you wouldnt see much of that credit coming from hollywood. It doesnt matter what he does. Thank you. Good to see you. Coming up, the Details Behind this uhaul slam. Find out why the oklahoma Highway Patrol posted it on their website. A traveler takes a miniature horse on to a flight. A lot more after this. Staying active . On it. Audrey thinks shes doing all she can to manage her type 2 diabetes and Heart Disease but is her treatment doing enough to lower her heart risk . [sfx crash of Football Players colliding offcamera. ] maybe not. Jardiance is the number 1 prescribed pill in its class. Jardiance can reduce the risk of cardiovascular death for adults who also have known Heart Disease. That means jardiance can help save your life from a heart attack or stroke. Plus, jardiance lowers a1c and it could help you lose some weight. Jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration, genital yeast or urinary tract infections, and sudden kidney problems. Ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. A rare, but lifethreatening bacterial infection. In the skin of the perineum could occur. 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And when it is, a few hours of shuteye to rest up for tomorrow, the day well finally get something done. welcome back time for the lightning round. Joining me, this is unbelievable, this is plain old sad because it tells you what is going on in American Education right now. I know you have been working on the story of how colleges are becoming more like adult summer camps with really insane new summer classes, can you give us a sampling of what you can study these days . Have been talking for a while how ridiculous things have been getting on college campuses. This is showing how extreme things are, these days. If i were to say belly down seen, tailgating and harry potter, the last thing you would think of is for credit classes at berkeley at the user diversity of softer learning, wellknown famous schools, these are for credit courses that people are paying money to take and we taxpayers are also paying for them to take. And what this is is a gross use of funding an insult to serious students and has to help fit the bill for these. Tailgating, i dont get it. I think American Education is so out of step in those our public universities to your right to point out the taxpayer being on the hook some people are taken out massive loans and be saddled with for the rest of their lives in you not be able to say, get a job with tailgating classes in your reports. Lets get to the story, this is pretty insane video. A uhaul truck slamming into two firefighters and likely, thank god they are both okay. In fact i made a deal about this in the newsroom i do not want to show it because it was awful to see but both of the guys are okay, they are both okay, not one single broken bone, they put this up on the website, why did Highway Patrol do that . They did that to be a warning to drivers to slow down when they see the emergency lights and be careful when they see our emergency workers out on the field trying to help people out and i think this is a good warning to people in easy to want to get about your day and drive fast, at the end of the day is not worth it to get there a couple minutes sooner at the cost of someones life. Thank god there okay. I was just traveling in on vacation, and i do not see one of these on my flight or any of these in airports, apparently now you can travel with a miniature horse and travelers were shocked to see them on the macon airlines flight. It almost looks fake when you look at the video. That was real. Passengers on a flight from chicago to omaha noticed a miniature horse taking up most of an entire row right behind first class, this was an emotional support animal, this is allowed by the airlines. It is a registered Service Animal and i understand you just need the emotional support. I think its getting a little bit out of hand when youre getting the barnyard on the plane. But i think the airline is really missing out on a potential Marketing Campaign around the pony express. Theres a joke there but i dont know what it is. [laughter] lou i dont know what i would do if there is a horse sitting next to me, i would probably asked to move. I think every passenger deserves a free ticket if they have to sit next to a horse. Just my thoughts, another good story, the bride who told her sister who is her maid of honor, where whatever you want to the wedding, so she took that quite literally to heart and decided to go as a t rex character. The bright sister and the maid of honor decided to show up in a giant and played about the rex costume in here, i see this could be potential for us to reform the bridesmaids attire that is in need of reform, a lot of times they get forced into wearing pretty terrible dresses in my opinion. Ab what we have is a chance for them to get to where something more fun but the bride does not get upset. When my cousin got married, his wife said where whatever you want, just have it be a black long dress. I thought that was great. You could always use a black long dress and everybody has a different style and ability and what looks good on you. But its still fun when they assign address and thats my worst cover and not exactly a becoming style. More opportunity, good to see you. And its great to be back, i am so happy to be back i will see you tomorrow. Thank you trish, great to have you back in action, breaking news on hurricane dorian, rescues in the bahama frantically searching for survivors after one of the most powerful storms ever recorded were now getting the first look at the aftermath in the bahamas and the destruction, absolutely catastrophic and beyond words, this brandnew video from Marsh Harbour on abaco island, the storm was a category 5 monster when it made landfall, wind gusts more than 200 miles per hour, they need a new category, dorian sat on the island for nearly a day and half in a jacu

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