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Closing today at record territory for the 118th time, the s p 500 hitting a record close for the 101st time since election day 2016. And been almost two decades since americans felt good about the economy, capitol hill, Robert Mueller at times confused and often bewildered and ignored questions on the steele dossier and claimed he knew nothing of fusion gps, fox business political ed rollins, ed, i have to say i dont know what you expected but i never expected to see such a bubbling bewildered as i saw today. 88 times career before congress, today was 89 and 90th appearance. They kept say if you dont want to read the book, go see a movie, got half a star. One of the silliest talking points the dems could have come up. Nothing new was in there except he stumbled during the presentation, he didnt put this thing together, he didnt have as much knowledge as you or i have of that document. He didnt remember who was the first president who appointed him. Stumbled badly on that the nonsense, the game, by the way they had a mocked hearing yesterday, the radical demons the Judiciary Committee and looked like, looked like a b mock performance. Did you exonerate, no, i did not exonerate. Look at John Ratcliffe as he addresses the issue of exoneration. Which doj policy or principles forth that an investigated person is not exonerated from criminal conduct is not conclusively determined, can you give me an example other than donald trump that investigated person was not exonerated because innocence was not conclusively determined. I cannot but this is the well, you cant, i have 5 minutes, lets just leave it at you cant, i will tell you why because it doesnt exist. The presumption of innocence as Anglo American law and defined by the radical dems as it was by special counsel mueller and his team of partisan hacks. This is their kickoff for impeachment. The members of the committee are not ready for fullscale impeachment. Congressman green has tried to put a good face on it, lets be very clear here, in my opinion, even the talk of impeachment will only further, further devastate the numbers for the democrats in the 2020. They got to see the prime witness, the guy who will carry the ball across the field and the ball got inflated the first time he touched, its time to quit destroying the country and lets get on with this thing. They dont care about the country and why do we pretend that they do. We care about the country. Youre talking about the radical dems, they hate this country. They will the more exposure to the American Public the better itll be for us and better for the president , big day for the president , basically got exonerated totally, i think, at the end of the day not that he needed exoneration, when he saw all the evidence tried to be presented and not articulated, wasnt real evidence and at the end of the day you see nothing but bipartisanship. The two that i just absolutely reveled in watching today adam schiff and nadler, exposed for the fools that they have behaved as and working against the president and country relentlessly and the fbi, it is, we need to point this out, every, the only people found to be guilty and requiring accounting have been the investigators, the department of justice, the fbi, the prosecutors, they are the guilty people in this, remember it was almost 11monthold investigation by the fbi, including time as president ial candidate almost two years of investigation by special council and what has happened, the top of the Justice Department and the fbi has been tired to pieces and we still dont have a prosecution and we still dont have the Inspector General report. I can tell you i have workedd with 3 drinks 3 president s and 3 white houses. He he has been winning and winning. Shows you how tough he is and at the end of the day its time to move on. Yeah, will be very lucky to have him. , you know, the idea of at this point i just cant even imagine these democrats showing their faces but despite the mueller report, despite the mueller appearance you know that theres so much ignorance amongst radical dems that theres no limit to shameless potential. They are definitely not a team, thats not going to carry the ball on impeachment and embarrass themselves an the country. The president has handled it so well just simply pushing it aside and the fools with their nonsense, ed rollins, thanks for being here. Thank you. Good to see you, up next Robert Muellers testimony today shocking the leftwing National Media. Did not defend own integrity. He does seem a little bit, a little bit different here, unsure of himself. From the democratic perspective to me so far its been a bit of a bust. Subbing the life out of the report. He was boring. He seemed lost at times, also times where he was unfamiliar with parts of the investigation. Amazing to see cnn lineup, 8 or 9 people there to talk about what was going to be a historic performance by the man who had led a 2year long witch hunt against the sitting president. They seemed to stay surprise over there. Those are the same people who pushed the dems phoney russia collusion narrative for years and we will take that up with allstar lineup tonight. Im not going to answer that. Im not going to talk about that, im not going to speak about that. Im not going to discuss that. Im not going to speak to that. I have no idea. Dont recall that one. Im not going to speak to that. Im not going to get into that. Im not going to answer that question, sir. I refer you to the report. We will have much more on his testimony, performance and the consequences right after this quick break, stay with us. Dont miss your golden opportunity to experience the luxury you desire on a full line of utility vehicles. At the lexus golden opportunity sales event. Lease the 2019 rx 350 for 389 a month, for 36 months, and well make your first months payment. Experience amazing. When crabe stronger. Strong, with new nicorette coated ice mint. Layered with flavor. Its the first and only coated nicotine lozenge. For an amazing taste. That outlasts your craving. New nicorette ice mint. New numbers tonight show even more democrats are beginning to catch on to the bias of witch hunt and they cant convince democrats, rad cam dems of what they are trying to pull off according to consult poll, 32 of democrats say muellers probe was handled unfairly, thats a 15 from when the report was first released, they cant even persuade their own party of their nonsense, our next guest says muellers testimony today was a total train wreck as she puts it. Joining us today Vice President of Republican National Lawyers Association and rnc committeewoman for california, member of 2020 Trump Advisory Council and just sample that she carries with her name. Its great to have you here. As i said to ed rollins, i knew that it he wrote the report but i didnt know that he didnt read the report, stunning performance by a man who has been in on cert with the radical dems to unseat the president of the United States. Lou, before the break you had montage of different liberal commentators talking about and they were softpeddling what a disaster it was, not only did we actually, they were saying we didnt learn anything new here, we knew that Robert Mueller had little involvement in the entire investigation and he was a figure head on top of it. It was embarrassing and painful to watch. Worst combination of evasiveness and really very difficult to watch that but at the end of the day what republicans have been saying all along is still true, theres no obstruction, no collusion, its time for democrats to move on and i think actually one of the winners here today and maybe nancy pelosi believe it or not, nancy has been against the whole impeachment thing and now i think shes going to be able to tell her member that is they need to focus on their agenda and, of course, republicans need to focus on ours as well and we need to solve infrastructure, we need to solve health care and immigration and so many other things in the country, lou. I dont think a candy Rock Mountain is in our future in this country because we have serious battles to resolve, this is now struggle for the nation. We have a president who has achieved his status with achievements, we have a Democratic Party that has become the party of hate, accusing him of being a racist because he injects to four socialist freshmen congressman who attack the nation and values and tradition and ignorant and talentless leftwing National Media that is complicit with the radical dems. Lou, weve come a long place in the country where we have division and its really unfortunate but i thank god that we have our united party which is supporting the president , now, id love to see more action from congress and actually move some of our policy agenda forward, but American People, lou, the polls are showing 0 of them think that russia is a factor that they want to hear about in upcoming election, they want to hear about making the country better and solving the problems. You know, if they were genuine concern of electoral integrity, the Democratic Party would be at fore front to assure that citizens are registered to vote and only citizens are permitted to work but they are working in precisely the opposite direction as you well know. This is a party as i said of hate and it is expressed in so many ways, whether it is dismissing our borders, whether it is dismissing immigration laws, whether it is dismissing the integrity of electoral system and then the alligator tears form in cheeks when talking about russian meddling and its all pure bull. Thats right. You left off your list Political Violence in the streets, an tima, inspired by the rhetoric of aoc and cohorts there and im very worried about the social media and censorship and Political Violence and demagoguery, we are as divided as ever, the majority of americans will continue to support what the president is offering, the economic numbers are amazing as you pointed out and people are beginning to see some of the effects of this illegal immigration and other issues and even some of the democrats are being crossed over, deporting people who are here and have been adjudicated, and so we just have to keep at it, lou, we cant be deterred from the side show and nonsense, what happened today, i think impeachment died today and which is great move and time to move forward. It is on one hand great news, but when you hear al green talk about pursuing, im torn on this issue because i believe this is a fight worth having, the ignorance of the Democratic Party and its leadership is so profound and and pervasive and the American People are learning a great deal of what was once the loyal opposition in this country, it is absolutely not that, it is a party thats committed to hate and hateful acts of whether itd be the violence of antifa or efforts to overthrow a president and to block with an insurance policy the candidate for president and then the president of the United States, theyve done it with impunity and this point theyve done without consequence. I agree with you, lou, exposed themselves, the republican in me and the political strategist says that todays debacle was campaign and advertising for the Upcoming Campaign but the patriot in me, the citizen in me says it is time to return where we are, you know, working together and moving past this and i know thats a dream of the current crew but you will see electoral consequences from the side show, i mean, you know, even as partisan questioning of pauler and see mueller and they own themselves, have been make democrats look foolish themselves and i hope that will play out in the election. I think in point in fact, this is a time where patriot and partisan line up very well for the republicans. I appreciate it and admire your sunny outlook in all of this. Thank you for optimism and courage. We are happy warriors. There you go. Thanks so much, up next Robert Mueller taken to task by republicans on capitol hill and by the way, clearly abandoned by democrats on capitol hill, whats really going on at our southern border . We will take a look at the numbers, they dont always line up with the narrative. Stay with us. We will be right back. All Money Managers might seem the same, but some give their clients cookie cutter portfolios. Fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs. Some only call when they have something to sell. Fisher calls regularly so you stay informed. And while some advisors are happy to earn commissions whether you do well or not. Fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. Maybe thats why most of our clients come from other Money Managers. Fisher investments. Clearly better money management. Lets see, aleve is than tylenol extra strength. And last longer with fewer pills. So why am i still thinking about this . Ill take aleve. Aleve. 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New poll tonight finds immigration is the most important issue in this country, record 27 of americans now telling gallup that they see challenge of illegal immigration as the toughest, toughest challenge, record from 23 set last month. Joining us tonight congressman with new legislation to deal with border crisis republican of texas joining us tonight, lets start with the legislation that youve introduced and how important it would be with fight with cartels and illegal immigration . Having a child you claim that treatment and requires dna test to be performed. Mouth swab at the border and that determines if theres a relationship. If you cant pass dna test you have to provide documentation that the children are supposed to be in care, custody and control and if you cant provide that youre a child trafficker and we dont want you and we will lock you and take care of those children, we are hoping to discourage trafficking across the border. Absolutely, and the number somewhere around a third of all children are traveling with adults turn out not to be related to those, to those the other adult Illegal Immigrants. This goes back to the Obama Administration when dna testing the foundation for it had been put into action and for whatever reason the administration decided not to pursue it, your thoughts on both the reasons and why its taking so long to bring this to the forefront . You know, i will go back to third number you cited, thats what we know about it. We dont know what we are catching at the border. This aims to accomplish discouraging child trafficking, i dont know why the Obama Administration got away from growing into the problem it is today and republicans and i believe democrats also stand with me against child trafficking surely this concept would be bipartisan, surely democrats would come to the table and say this is a solution to end child trafficking, this is not an immigration hotbutton debate issue as much as it is humanitarian issue that everyone should rally behind us. Congressman, border security, as you know illegal immigration, they are humanitarian issues, they are humanitarian issues, 70,000 deaths from overdoses, most of those as a result of opioids that have crossed that border from mexico, this primary source of methamphetamine, mexico, all of the money flows by the tens of billions to the drug cartels of mexico, some 20 of them, 7 major cartels, this is a war with those cartels and the money they are making off illegal immigration, its unconscionable. The radical dems, the schumers and the pelosis have refused to step up and close loopholes and to help this president and force the security of that border and end illegal immigration. Its a shame that it comes to this point, if theres any good that comes out of this, donald trump will be reelected but until then why make the children suffer, why do we even have to deal with this, why democrats allowed it to be as bad as it is and i believe the bill will address that, i look forward to debate in congress and i really do challenge my democrats to come across the aisle, put aside partisan politics, put aside the leftist agenda and say, you know what, if we are serious about child trafficking lets come together and actually solve it. Congressman, youre giving the radical dems led in your nancy pelosi, continue the rage of party of hate, its time for them to turn and to change. I agree. Thank you for giving them and the country the opportunity. Thank you. Appreciate it. The democrats have nothing, now they have less than nothing. And i think they will lose the 2020 election very big including congressional seats because the path that they chose. Well, 40 seats that they stole in 2018, we will have more fact is, every Insurance Company hopes you drive safely. But allstate actually helps you drive safely. With drivewise. It lets you know when you go too fast. And brake too hard. With feedback to help you drive safer. Giving you the power to actually lower your cost. Unfortunately, it cant do anything about that. Now that you know the truth. Are you in good hands . What might seem like a small cough can be a big bad problem for your grandchildren. Babies too young to be vaccinated against whooping cough are the most at risk for severe illness. Help prevent this talk to your doctor or pharmacist today about getting vaccinated against whooping cough. And my side super soft . With the sleep number 360 smart bed it can with your sleep number setting. Can it help keep me asleep . Yes, it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. Save up to 800 on select sleep number 360 smart beds. Ends saturday. When you talk about the firm produced the steele reporting the name was fusion gps . Im not familiar with that. Its not a trick question. It was fusion gps. Stunning moment today and former special counsel claimed he wasnt familiar with the firm behind dossier fusion gps which leads to more questions about exactly in his own report mueller was familiar with, joining us tonight victoria, former Department Assistant attorney general for the Criminal Division of the Justice Department, former u. S. Attorney for district of colombia Founding Partners of the geneva law firm and great to have you both here, a moment that we have all like much of the country have been waiting for, this turned out to be something that i personally as ive said here tonight, i knew that he didnt author the report but i did think at least he would have read it, victoria, your thoughts. Great line, bob mueller thank you very much. [laughter] bob it was no bob muellers purview, i love that word, i people are looking up purview. You will use bailey wick too. It was in his realm to investigate the trump tower meeting, oh, my god, where there was a russian lawyer about to give information about dirt on hillary which she never gave, and yet it was not not in his purview to investigate that russian lawyer met with fusion gps, a word hes never heard of, the night before the meeting at trump tower and the night after the meeting at trump tower, oh, not in his purview. Led the investigation of a president that the purpose was specifically to overthrow this this president s attention to remove him from office. As you watched him stumble and stammer the bewildered looks on his face, if you do not take into effect the tool of radical dems, party of hate, two years and continuing with their assault on the president , you could feel sympathy for him but what evil he has done over the course of 2 years, joe. This was an finale and i amham for am happy for the country that they got to see somebody totally incompetent, unaware, completely unable to respond to legitimate questions from both republicans and democrats, what this proved today was what weve said all along, this was the wiseman investigation, Andrew Wiseman ran this from the beginning and when you see bob mueller in the pathetic display today you know what happened, wiseman did it all, he made sure that roger stone was arrested in the middle of the night with s. W. A. T. Teams and made sure that Paul Montfort put in solitary confinement in outrageous display, bob mueller slept through this event from beginning to end and today his finale showed him asleep at the hearing. It is also i dont think we should leave out nancy pelosi, i dont think we should leave out Chuck Schumer and the Democratic Party and the Democratic National committee that worked together in obvious and persisted with restraining themselves from revealing that information to the American People which played a significant role in the results i believe firmly in 2018. Yeah. You left out one group, the Mainstream Media, none of this could have been done without the cooperation of New York Times, the Washington Post and all of the Mainstream Media Television Networks that colluded with the democrats to get this message across. I want to say one other thing about muellers testimony today, he was capable of lying, he was very capable of doing that, he forgot some things, he lied about when he was asked why didnt you subpoenaed the president to interfere him, he said, the investigation, did he not have the Legal Standard to subpoena the president , there has to be a criminal trial and the evidence needed when theres criminal trial and has to be material to the issues of the criminal trial, thats the Dc Circuit Court standard from getting information from the white house. You know, clear vindication for the president , it was in two parts and the second part up to this day i do not understand while william barr, the attorney general permitted it out, its an irrelevancy and a nasty irrelevancy, why would you think, joe, that william barr permitted that to come up . Because he didnt have any choice, he said during his testimony that he will do everything he could to release everything that the law permitted and he was bound by that and in the long run, in the long run it shows how corrupt the Mueller Investigation was because when you read part 2 of that report, you see that it was made out of cloth, so incompetently written, so bias, so vindictive that im glad it was published because it shows that bob mueller didnt know anything about it, he adopted it, he corruptly politically corruptly adopted it and yet when push came to shove he couldnt even defend it. And it violates all the rules of the Justice Department and prosecutors across the country and state prosecutors, you do not talk about a person that you did not indict and say what the accusation showed how sleazy mueller and his team were. I cannot have two lawyers of your talent and distinction here without asking you this, exoneration, the idea that that he would sit there today, not just simply within the report and his letters to attorney general and talk about attorneying the presumption of innocence aside and asserting this idea that he did not exonerate the president , who asked him to and why in the world did this become a loaded and explosive term when its irrelevant to all that is in our law . Because the entire process turned the law on its head just to get one man and overturn an election, they were willing to throw away due process, the presumption of innocence and create a new standard and under the constitution he couldnt exonerate him, this was the full this was the culmination of the full plot to ruin this president and showed how vindictive they were and abusive. And they had to admit no collusion with russians and not for lack of trying, they put Paul Manafort in solitary confinement and brought him out 9 times, wouldnt have been a crime, they were going to make it one, they tried to get people to give false information about the president so that they could bring the collusion charge. Well, let me conclude as we have asked 2 or 3 of our discussions, we are approaching august and still no Inspector General report. I am beginning to believe in almost nothing that the emanates from the Inspector Generals office, this is pathetic the time its taken, it is not the most complex case i can imagine in the world, what in the world is the problem within the Inspector General and getting that report . Forget the ig. Here is whats happening. Dont tell me to forget the ig, we have been talking about the ig for a year. Here is whats happening, as a result of appointment of durham, people are to, quote, correct testimony, to let him know that they remembered new things, that they found out stuff that they didnt know about, people are worried and they should be because its now beginning to become very clear that durham is moving forward with speed and people are going to horowitz and asking to be reinterviewed, this includes fbi officials and others and as a result of that, im delighted hes delaying. And you will see western agent and not russian agent. Will make mueller look even worse when doctor gets to have his say, hes already been interviewed by herb wits and durham. Trust us, lou. Oh, i trust you, i trust you implicitly and explicitly, i have to tell you, i am very tired of the department of justice that doesnt move in interest of justice. Thats perfectly okay. Okay, you think the justice can hold up to my criticism . Absolutely. Good to have you with us, follow us at lou dobbs and follow me on instagram at lou dobbs tonight. Sleepy joe biden flipflops on major policy issue again and poll numbers are flipflopping too, we will have that and much more right after this quick of savings and service. Whoa. Travis in it made it. Its amazing. Oh is that traviss app . Its pretty cool, isnt it . Theres two of them. Theyre multiplying. No, guys, its me. See, im real. Im real he thinks hes real. Geico. Over 75 years of savings and service. carrying up to 50 times its tbody weight. Essly marches on. It never questions the tasks at hand. But this year, theres a more thrilling path to follow. father kids. Change of plans vo defy the laws of human nature. At the summer of audi sales event get exceptional offers now we like drip coffee, layovers and waiting on hold. What we dont like is relying on fancy technology for help. Snail mail we were invited to a y2k party. Uh, didnt that happen, like, 20 years ago . Oh, look, karolyn, weve got a mathematician on our hands check it out now you can schedule a callback or reschedule an appointment, even on nights and weekends. Todays xfinity service. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Id rather not. Joe biden with major flipflop, dont you like that, you would be able to keep your doctor in obamacare if you liked your healthcare plan, biden telling Washington Examiner says i can promise that if insurance they have by company they will keep whatever the plans allows. Are you kidding me . Already, already he cant manage to keep his word. Its extraordinary. Biden had no problem making promise while ago but not now, not for his public healthcare option, who knows what hes doing. Well, another blunder from joe biden, the 2020 hopeful says he can beat President Trump next year, but he doesnt know whether he would have faired very well in the past when asked New York Times magazine if he could have beaten trump in 2016 biden said this, i dont know. Since then President Trump has amassed record of success setting himself aside from biden and, yes, his achievements outnumbering of those many modern president that proceeded him. No, the country has not moved on, the president and the attorney general have lied to the American People about what was in the mueller report. They found no collusion, that is not true, they found no obstruction. Well, nadler is wrong, in fact, hes lying, the latest wall street journal nbc poll founds 21 of registered voters in the country say theres enough evidence for congress to begin impeachment hearings and thats 6point decline just from june, Judicial Watch releasing a report detailing the sabotage of the president s third country asylum deal with guatemala, it involves pervasive political corruption in guatemala as well as embedded leftist in the u. S. State department. The u. S. Ambassador to guatemala according to Judicial Watch, arriaga, has been questioned as been called back to washington, the state department has not yet responded to our request for confirmation. The u. S. Army fell short in recruiting goal for the first time in a decade, and now theres a new debate, in the pentagon on whether to lower the age of enlistment for the army and the navy from the current 17 years of age to 16, Army Researchers are also studying the, quote, hyperfit women of the military who have survived the most arduous courses, ib fantry infantry school, green beret training. Trump administration has right to expedite deportation who cant prove they have lived in the United States for at least 2 years, expedited removal goes into effect tomorrow, will allow the department of Homeland Security and immigration and Customs Enforcement officials to detain and deport any, any illegal immigrant follow the country without a hearing from an immigration judge. Since 2014, officials could only, only avoid that hearing for Illegal Immigrants within 100 miles of the border, it now is a nationwide authority. President trump today hosted pakistani Prime Minister khan at the white house where the president and Prime Minister answered questions for 40 minutes on a number of issues including the rising tensions with iran. President trump said irans recent rhetoric is making any sort of negotiation more and here we have another burst pipe in denmark. If you look close. Jamie, are there any interesting photos from your trip . Ouch, okay. Huh, boring, boring, you dont need to see that. Oh, here we go. Can you believe my client steig had never heard of a home and auto bundle or that renters could bundle . Wait, youre a lawyer . Only licensed in stockholm. What is happening . Jamie anyway, game show, kumite, cinderella story. You know karate . No, alan, i practice muay thai, completely different skillset. Dto experiencer gthe luxury you desire on a full line of utility vehicles. At the lexus golden opportunity sales event. Lease the 2019 rx 350 for 389 a month, for 36 months, and well make your first months payment. Experience amazing. When crabe stronger. Strong, with new nicorette coated ice mint. Layered with flavor. Its the first and only coated nicotine lozenge. For an amazing taste. That outlasts your craving. New nicorette ice mint. [ text notification now that you have] new dr. Scholls massaging gel advanced insoles with softer, bouncier gel waves, youll move over 10 more than before. Dr. Scholls. Born to move. And my side super soft . With the sleep number 360 smart bed it can with your sleep number setting. Can it help keep me asleep . Yes, it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. Save up to 800 on select sleep number 360 smart beds. Ends saturday. Termites, were on the move. 24 7. Roger. Hey rick, all good . Oh yeah, were good. Were good. Termites never stop trying to get in, we never stop working to keep them out. Terminix. Defenders of home. But some give their clients cookie cutter portfolios. Fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs. Some only call when they have something to sell. Fisher calls regularly so you stay informed. And while some advisors are happy to earn commissions whether you do well or not. Fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. Maybe thats why most of our clients come from other Money Managers. Fisher investments. Clearly better money management. Joining me now charlie kirk, Washington Times opinion editor, fox business contributor, great to have you here. Did you expect to see what you saw in house Judiciary Committee hearing . It was truly astonishing and i feel like, i almost felt sorry for bob mueller because he was so unprepared for what for going in there. It was almost like he hadnt written the read the report that bore his name. Im so glad that you ran the mashup of all times bob mueller refused to answer questions, basically the same version of pleading the fifth, can you imagine his investigators letting witnesses in this case refused to answer questions like that and really does sort of raise an important question, id love to tear into members of congress but at least they were [laughter] its worthwhile sport. It sure is, but they were elected and represent somebody and the idea that bob mueller will sit there and basically tell them to screw off and refuse to answer any questions, tells us how much bob mueller feels like hes above answering questions to the people who are most closely elected to the people. Yeah, its to see him there at all, he should not have been under the terms of Justice Department guidelines and Justice Department guidelines, the man himself said he would have let the report be his testimony, that is what happened. Terrific, democrats made absolute asses of themselves, the entire investigation was revealed as the joke that it is, and so i think and i hate to look at it like this because there are important issues at play, but politically speaking i think it was great for the president , terrible for democrats. Have a great evening, see you tomorrow, goodnight from new york. To seeing you mondamonday night. David President Trump blasting democrats as the left call for more investigations into President Trump. President trump all they want to do is impede, investigate, they want to go fishing. And i watched bob mueller, and they have nothing. There is no collusion, there is no object trucks. They have nothing. Its a disgrace. David nothing, zip, zero. A huge win for President Trump as the Supreme Court clears the way for the Trump Administration to use military fund for a border wall. We have the

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