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And as the radical dems and rinos pass a useless border bill, the president is in osaka, japan, at the g20 summit. President trump meeting with the leaders of japan, germany, russia, brazil and india. President trump also delivering remarks at an event promoting growth in the Digital Economy where President Trump has dedicated resources to maintain u. S. Leadership in Artificial Intelligence. Fox news chief White House Correspondent john roberts in osaka with much more. Its great to be with you. Reporter President Trump wasted no time at the g20. After touching down, immediately heading to a bilateral dinner meeting with australias conservative Prime Minister Scott Morrison with trade top of mind. Ive inherited massive trade deficits with our allies, and we even help our allies militarily. Reporter on the agenda, bilateral meetings with japanese Prime Minister shinzo abbey, Prime Minister mote abe, Prime Minister modi, and vladimir putin. But tomorrows meeting with xi jinping continues to dominate the conversation. Administration officials today shot down reports that the u. S. May agree to ease restrictions on Chinese Telecom giant huawei as a precondition of that meeting. There are no preconditions. I dont know where that story came from or what theyre talking about. We believe its quite possible if the meeting goes well that the chinese will come back to negotiating table. Reporter President Trump begins a day of meetings with some disagreements, tweeting his displeasure that india has high tariffs on u. S. Goods and raising eyebrows in japan saying the defense deal between the u. S. And japan was so onesided that if the u. S. Got into a conflict, japan would watch it on a sony tv. Translator overall, obligations are each of japan and the United States are balanced. It iser e relevant to say it is onesided. Reporter the friendship between President Trump and Prime Minister abe is Strong Enough that the two leaders will likely quickly get past this comment, but its another indication, lou, that at these big multinational confabs, president isnt President Trump isnt shy about ruffling feathers. Lou . Lou john, youre exactly right. And there couldnt be more ruffling than hes targeted president xi jinping for. Is there anything in the background, any suggestion among staff that there is anything positive thats likely to happen . Because theres been absolutely no apparent movement from either side. Reporter you know, i think thats still an unknown, lou. What weve heard in the last 24 hours from well, 48 hours, perhaps, from both the treasury secretary, steven mnuchin, and the president s chief economic adviser larry kudlow, was that they were this close, they were 90 of the way to a deal, and china started to renege. Those two items are really at the core of what President Trump needs to change in the u. S. chinese relationship. And theres a belief too among people in this administration that there are a lot of Business Leaders that are very shortsighted about this whole thing. Theyre looking at the next dollar as opposed to looking at dollars five or ten years down the road, and theres not a real appreciation for the fact that this belt and road policy that china is pursuing is a plan not just for Global Economic domination, but Global Cultural domination as well. And that these Business Leaders in the United States are looking at where can i get things made cheaply right now, but that in 5, 15, 20 years, that attitude, that approach is going to come back to bite em in the you know what. Lou yeah, and mnuchin has been all too eager, it seems perhaps not, but it seems too eager to, well, certainly to appease the wall street interests who are, as you say, very shortsighted. U. S. Multinationals, extraordinarily shortsighted. This president continues to defy all of those appeasers and look toward balanced trade and look toward secure American Intellectual property and certainly technology. Reporter yeah. And i talked to people on both sides of the aisle about this, and even if they dont really appreciate a lot of things that President Trump is doing, the one thing that they agree on is that this is the first president in the last few decades to stand up and call out china for what its doing. Because there are some people who can see beyond a six week horizon into what might happen a decade, two or three or four decades from now and know that china has designs on becoming the Major Economic power in the world and that that is going to be at the expense of the United States, and there are some people out there who think that President Trump is the first leader to step up and say were not going to take this anymore, and for that they appreciate him. Lou as they doggone well should. John roberts, the president said that he had a lot of things to attend to looking toward the border, looking toward immigration reform, but hes a little busy right now saving the free world. It may turn out that isnt much of an overstatement at all. John roberts will be there to cover it all for us. John roberts from osaka, thanks so much, john. Reporter thanks, lou. Lou the Supreme Courts support for open borders on full display. The socalled High Court Today blocked the Trump Administrations Citizenship Question in the 2020 census. Think of this. The Supreme Court ruled against the question, reached into the Census Bureau and decided about what questions could be asked because of, quote, incongruent reasoning. Much like chief Justice Roberts did when he saved obamacare by twisting a fine into a tax. Is it time for the Trump Administration to outright defy the activist court and put the Citizenship Question in the 2020 census . Who are these judges, these justices to decide what questions and cannot be asked by the Census Bureau . The courts continue to rule against the American People in favor of illegal immigrants. Joining me now, former Reagan White House political director, republican political strategist, fox business political analyst, ed rollins. Thank you, sir. Lou ed, lets start with the spectacle of the Roberts Court reaching into the Census Bureau to decide what questions may or may not be asked. Thats beyond micromanagement, it is intrusive, and it is certainly activist and all of the things that roberts, gorsuch, kavanaugh were supposed to not be. Hes the lone wolf there. He made two extremely bad decisions, one on obamacare, but this one is absurd. This is basically saying to a federal agency that has the responsibility for counting all americans what kinds of questions they can ask or not ask, and thats just not right. Weve asked the Citizenship Question in the past. These are totally confidential questions, no ones ever Law Enforcement or what have you, once the census is taken, its locked up for 72 years. The bottom line here is that this is a bad decision. John roberts doesnt want anybody to think the court is political. Well, this court is certainly political and in the wrong way. Lou yeah. Well, hes just outright lying. He says these arent bush judges, obama judges. Thats exactly what they are and what he has become is duplicitous. He twisted logic and law in the Obamacare Decision where he independently tortured reason and language to talk about, to talk about a fine that he turned into a tax. And now hes saying that this is simply, you know, an issue of incongruent if there is any american on the bench who is incon griewpt, it is the chief justice, john roberts. Well, importantly, sometimes we put people on the court, and they lose their way. This guy has not only lost his way, hes now in a position where hes supposed to be leading a conservative court, and hes not doing that at all. He does the opposite. Lou yeah. This is he is tremulous before the major events and issues of our time. Lets turn to decision on deciding, it seemed rationally to me, gerrymandering, choosing to withhold his activism and not do anything about gerrymandering, acknowledging its a political question not a judicial question. Your thoughts. Its a political decision that should be made at the state legislative levels, is what it is, and thats the correct decision to be made. Reinforcement is a process that we do every ten years, we pick new congressional districts, we redraw the old ones, and its a very, very critical decision. It was a good decision on that count. But i see no consistency with that decision, which im glad he made, and the inconsistency of the lou you know, the decision to reach into the Census Bureau and decide what the questions whats next . The court will decide what a pound should be, 16. 3 ounces . You know, this is its not the job lou its just ignorant. Its not the job of the Supreme Court to run the federal government. Its the job of the president. And the reality is something violates the constitution whether its the congress or an agency, then thats their place. This was not their place. Lou and today they nancy pelosi making the decision to compromise with the Republican Senate and to effectively support that compromise and that Senate Republican bill and an uproar amongst her farleft caucus conference members, principal among them aoc. I think she came to a reasoned decision. She came to only decision she could come to. Mcconnell was not going to basically roll over. His bill, senate bill or nothing, and the bottom line is these democrats are out there yelling and screaming about the administration poisoning kids and not taking care of kids lou well, lets not get carried away. Thats what theyre saying. They couldnt do that. My sense is she did the only thing she could do. Aoc is a freshman member whos been there for six months and created a lot of chaos. Lou ed rollins, as always, thank you very much. Thank you, sir. Lou socialism on full display at the radical dems debate. Make Community College free take that Corporate Tax rate up to 28 were supposed to be for a 70 tax rate on the wealthy. Yes, were supposed to be for free college. We should give everyone in this Country Health care as a basic right for free. Medicare for all medicare for all. Universal health care. 15 minimum wage, prek for all. Lou wow. Amazing to watch, amazing to hear. The United States trying to convince our allies to help defend against iran in the gulf of hormuz. Well take that up. General jack keane joins us limu emu doug look limu. A civilian buying a new car. Lets go. Limus right. Liberty mutual can save you money by customizing your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. Oh. Yeah, ive been a customer for years. Huh. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Lou mexico continuing its efforts to secure the border with the United States. The government of mexico announced it will deploy 1800 National Guard troops next week to mexican state of so nor rah in northern sonora in northern mexico to fight the cartels. Sonora primarily shares its border with arizona. There have been 311 murders in the first five months of the year, 25 increase over a record year last year. Acting u. S. Defense secretary mark he is per left nato headquarters with no Firm Commitments from our allies that they will participate in a coalition to secure International Waters against iranian threats. Esper blamed iran for recent attacks on six oil tankers in the strait of hormuz. He says his trip to brussels was to avoid war with iran but that, quote, no one should mistake restraint for weakness. Joining me now, general jack keane, u. S. Army retired fourstar general, fox business senior strategic analyst. General, first, great to see you. This business of building a coalition, it seems a little late to be doing so. Is this going to be a job for nato, or is it going to be a job for the gulf states . Who will be primarily the members of this coalition if there is to be one . Yeah. I dont think its too late. I mean, its a coalition to guarantee the shipping lanes are protected from the air, from the sea. As secretary pompeo mentioned to me, he said, you know, what we really need is cameras on the scene to keep the iranians away because theyre going to be detected. Lou right. Lets not hold our breath about nato here, to be frank about it. Lou yeah. I do think there are some nato members who would be willing to support the policy of the coalition and, two, to participate to a degree that they can. And certainly, the arab states in the region, secretary pompeo is stitching that together, they clearly should be all in with their capabilities because, obviously, theyre being disrupted. Lou it would seem, at least to me, that the arab states should be the bulwark of any coalition, that nato, as you say, im not even sure why we would want to talk to them other than to defray our own costs, to bring china into such a structure seems perhaps questionable. What do you think . Well, secretary pompeo has reached out to china lou i know. Because 8090 of their oil falls through that artery, the persian gulf and the straits of hormuz, and theyre completely dependent on it. At least they should be pushing back on who they believe is an ally, and that is iran in terms of the provocations. After all, our critics are trying to blame the United States for provoking this crisis. Its absolutely the iranians who are the provocateurs here. They sabotaged the six ships, they attacked the saudi pipeline and pump station. Theyre absolutely the ones who are doing this. And clearly, the president has leverage that he didnt have before. And and by that i mean he didnt have a kinetic response. Hes on the moral high ground. Hes got leverage with our allies. I actually think that he should be asking them to also participate in the sanctions. Theres no reason why at this point the United States should be going along on the economic sanctions. Lets get some of these others to ante up and participate as well. Lou its also, it seems to me, a difficult calculation given the relationship between iran and china. To put them as a police force, if you will, to guard a threat from a strong ally and, if you will, vendor could create complications that would be, well, a real problem. Yeah, it would. I mean, the only thing i think we can certainly no public recrimination from china, that would be disfavored towards iran. But showing some restraint on iran. Iran is really in a much more desperate situation, lou, than theyve ever been in. This is the first president in 39 years that actually has conducted a Strategic Offensive against the iranians with a maximum Pressure Campaign that is clearly working. And while he didnt respond key netically to the drone strike lou do you agree with that decision . Yes, i do. The cyber attack has been very significant. Not something that we can talk about because its so highly classified. Lou right. But the impact on them was so significant, it is a deterrence in itself. He has incentivized Cyber Command which has the tools to conduct offensive cyber warfare, and were going to do this more often than less. In the past there has always been restraints on offensive cyber lou strategic patience, the Obama Administration called it. Well, theyve changed the rules on the authorities, and now i think were going to see more of it, and its going to have its impact. Lou china, the trade talks go on. As we all know, economics is the foundation of national security. By my calculation, chinese owe us something in the neighborhood of 5 trillion for intellectual property, technology and weaponry that theyve stolen from the United States over, of course, the past two decades. Do you think it should be a Condition Precedent to any trade deal, full restitution by the communist Chinese Government . I dont think were going to get restitution. I think lou why not . Is that something that would be great to have . Yes. Finish remember, this is the remember, this is the reason they pulled out of this deal, these two issues. I think what weve got to get them to do is to stop, once and for all stop. And have some kind of enforcement which is what with, as i understand it, theyre pushing back on lou theyre pushing back on everything. You said two issues that had been the problem theft of intellectual property and the transfer of Technology Inside the country. Lou so they dont want to be part of civilization . I mean, im sorry, my heart does not warm for the little darlings if they think they should be immune the basic values of civilization. No stealing, no theft, no murder. I mean, is this too much to ask of a trading partner . You know, where they come from i think the mix acknowledgment public acknowledgment of that because they have to put in place enforcements that would stop that from happening is something that really gets at them. Because if they go through this complete facade of who they are. Theyve been stealing us blind for decades and taking advantage of every american president we can remember, you know, for at least 30 years, and they dont want to come full circle on that acknowledgment. I think thats part of it. The pressure the president s got to keep on them, i think hes probably going to get some kind of a deal lou yeah. Im not certain that itll happen at the g20, but at least an agreement to go back to negotiating table. Lou i believe if xi jinping isnt smart enough to understand that he has an immense debt owed the United States and that this president means business when he says there will be no more intellectual property theft, no more theft of our technology and our weaponry, that xi jinping is going to have a very hard process of dealing with the future that awaits china. General, its always great to see you. Great talking to you, lou. Enjoyed the conversation. Lou me too. As always, thank you. A disturbing trend involving Police Officers, particularly those from the new York Police Department. A new York Police Department officer committed suicide yesterday. In so doing, he became the is sixth nypd officer to commit suicide so far since 2014 an average of five Police Officers have taken their own lives each year in new york. But this is a nationwide issue. Just last year 159 Law Enforcement officers committed suicide. A greater number than those who died in the line of duty. Up next, two major Supreme Court rulings today that could shape the future of our nation. We take them up later, attorneys victoria ya tensing and joe digenova join us here next. Plus, why the president s next tweet could get a warning label from twitter. Can you believe this . Can you believe this . Well have that outrage and more can you believe this . Well have that outrage and more were here early before they wake up. We stay late. We stay informed. We invest in the latest technology. We take the time to train the next generation of doctors and nurses. We Work Together to make sure we heal their bodies and their minds. We do this not because its our jobs. But because this is about our veteranslives. This is our mission. More than 300,000 of us working as one. Together with families and loved ones. No matter where they live in this country, well be there. We all come together. And stand together to serve our veterans. We stand strong. United. Stand with us in caring for our veterans. Lou mark morgan has taken leadership of customs and Border Protection after serving as the acting director of immigration and customs enforcement. He will be succeeded by matthewal bans, the Deputy Director of the deportations operations, hes worked for Law Enforcement 25 years and a major ally of former acting i. C. E. Director tom homan and, of course, mark morgan. Twitter trying to silence President Trump and other conservative leaders with a new warning. Twitter warning the president of the United States. The social media giant today announced that well known government officials who violate twitters socalled standards on abusive behavior will be flagged with a warning before anyone can view the tweet. That warning will say the tweet violates their rules but that it is in the Public Interest to keep it up. If that doesnt drive a few people crazy, i dont know what will. Joining me now, dr. Sebastian gorka, best selling author, former strategist to President Trump and, seb, great to have you with us. What do you make of it . Jack dorsey now in charge of the president s First Amendment rights. Its an outrage. Every american should be incensed. On monday what do we find out, lou, thanks to project very fast . That google is using Artificial Intelligence to try to make sure that the, quoteunquote, trump situation of 2016 isnt repeated in 2020 . What happens after the video goes up . Youtube pulls it. They censor the evidence. Now we find out that [inaudible conversations] lou we should point out. Youtube owned by google. Then we find out today that there will be a filter, there will be a block in front of anything that twitter deems to be offensive, which means when your scrolling through youre scrolling through your feed, you just wont see the tweet. Lou so why im just about tired of the republicans being so anemic. Theres not one of them who is expressing with the same energy you are here this evening outrage at twitter, jack dorsey, their ceo. This is, this is outrageous by any definition, and the republicans dont have the guts to go after twitter, go after google. It is shameful to witness what this party, socalled, has become. Its just lou, its a disgrace. It is an utter disgrace. We need half a dozen lou dobbs on capitol hill who would actually fight for the founding principles of this republic. This isnt the 1800s. You cant go home and print off some pamphlets and distribute them at the town hall in the same evening lou your tweets, by the way, remind me of that. They look like something thats been run off a mimeograph machine at best, and i wont mention the names, but two or three republicans, this should not be controversial today. This should, you know, this is talking about the Citizenship Question yes. Lou this is, it is just awful. The republicans have become little paul ryans. Without courage, without principle, without vision, without values. Lets just talk about these two issues together. So theres about four platforms in the world that control social media and information. They have demonstrated, four of them, that they wish to interfere politically in the elections in america. That is unconscionable, and they have to be stopped. Today the Supreme Court, thanks to this, the chief justice who is a traitor to constitution, has said theyre not satisfied with the reason the federal government gave . So you could ask if somebodys a citizen in america . Who cares what the reason is, lou . The point of the census is to ask who you are and under what status you are in the United States. Has nothing to do with the reason. Its the federal governments prerogative. And when are the republicans going to stand up and show some backbone . Lou i dont think we should hold our breath, i really dont. Without this president , the Republican Party would be just a sorry, sorry place if it is not already that. And to hear the justice, roberts, talk about incongruent reasoning. You talk about precious, thats precious. Pathetic. Lou this is a guy who twisted an obamacare fine into a tax in order to support obamacare. Talk about incongruent reasoning. As i said today on twitter, youd have to throw out half the rulings of the Roberts Court on that basis. Theres too many cowards in this city, lou, far too many cowards and far too few patriots. Its that simple. Lou well, lets start a new importexport program [laughter] for the swamp. Sebastian gorka im with you. Lou youve got a deal. I appreciate you being here. Good to see you always. Thanks, lou. Lou salem radio. Wed like to hear your thoughts. Follow me on twitter alt loudobbs follow me on instagram a alt lou fox tonight. Up next, President Trump suggests delaying next years census after todays Supreme Court ruling. Court ruling. Victoria toensing, i want some more whats he doin . But, he cant look at him its just not done please sir. I want some more more . More . More . More . Please sir he has asked for. Thank you what . Well he did say please sir yes he did and, thank you yeah. And thank you hes a wonderful boy laugh a delightful boy all boys thank you, thank you, thank you. Lou im pleased to say joining us tonight Victoria Toensing with the Criminal Division of the Justice Department and joedigenova, Founding Partners of the digenova and Toensing Law Firm and celebrating today their 38th anniversary, and i cant tell you how much we all appreciate you sharing the day with us and the evening. Thanks so much and congratulations. Thank you, lou. Lou lets start with [laughter] well, with the Supreme Court. It didnt look so supreme today, did it, victoria . In a 54 decision, a ruling that how the Census Bureau can construct questions . Whats next, weights and measures for this court . And this is whats so great about this president , lou. What other president of either party would have said, this is against me, lets see, how can we put off this census so we can fix it . Thats where his brain immediately goes. What do we do that we can get it right . And the irony is, and i wont get in the legal weeds, but there was a case about getting deference, giving deference to agencies, and roberts went along with that. And now youre not giving deference for a census question for gosh sakes . Talk about inconsistency, thats john roberts. Lou it is the john roberts. And, joe, in the obamacare he tortures the word fine somehow into a tax and sustains obamacare. There is the man is inventive and activist, and i cant figure out how he was ever considered a conservative. Well, what you saw today was pure sophistry. He says that the motive of the secretary of commerce was very important. But in obamacare he said the motive of the president wasnt important. The fact that the president said it wasnt a tax didnt matter. When the chief justice says, well, you know what . I think its a tax. So what you have is inconsistency. But more importantly, soft first try soft first try. The chief justice just wanted to stick his finger in the president s eye. Its demeaning to the court, and its embarrassing, and he says theres no difference between democratic and republican judges . Baloney. Yeah, the Kavanaugh Hearing showed that. Lou yeah, unfortunately and dramatically. Lets turn to Robert Mueller who said that the report of the special counsel would be his testimony [laughter] and as has happened too often over the course of the last two and a half years, mueller reversed himself and is bogged down, it seems, in partisan politics. Your thoughts about what we can expect on july 17th and why a special counsel is behaving like this, vick tore cra . Victoria . Well, because he doesnt know what hes doing. I think hes really lost it, and Andrew Wiseman is running the show. But its going to have to be bob mueller thats sitting there in front of the tv cameras. Hes going to have to get his wits about him, which he sure didnt have when he did that Bizarre Press Conference for, what, 16 minutes or whatever it was. Boy, i have a lot of questions for him. One is couldnt you find one republican lawyer to put on that team . Lou and, joe, what do you think . Will this witch hunt ever end . Will Robert Mueller ever go away, or will he be a perennial guest on late night television, newscasts and, of course, House Committee hearings . Well, jerry nadler, the mum bler, is going to be questioning bob mueller, the cadaver. If youve watched mueller, he barely functions. His testimony is going to be basically worthless. He may want to answer some of the questions and he may even try to go beyond the four corners. The real damage is going to be done the next day when they have testimony from weissman and his aide which will be done in executive session with unlimited questioning. Thats when the damage to president is going to be done. Bob mueller is nothing more than a figurehead. This has always been the weissman investigation, and itll be the weissman testimony. But the damage to president isnt because these guys know something thats damning, its because Andrew Weissman makes stuff up. Theyre going to lie. He just creates crimes out of whole cloth. Theyre just going to lie. Lou both he and mueller have an established record of doing precisely the same thing exactly. Lou and weissman, you know, participating in the destruction of 85,000 jobs at Arthur Anderson without either conscience or, by the way, law as a basis for his action. Its stunning stuff. Victoria, its always great to see you. We thank you very much. Joe, thank you, sir. You bet. Lou and happy anniversary, guys [laughter] now for the champagne, lou. Lou oh, i like that part. [laughter] have a great evening, thanks so much. Thats two of the greatest americans, victoria and joe. And, obviously, two of our favorite people. A 610 robot named q3, there it is, well, what would it do . Its shooting free throws. Just set a world record for the most consecutive basketball free throws by a humanoid robot. Toyota made the bot. It nailed 2,020 shots in a row to honor the 2020 olympics that will be held in tokyo. And while this is just a basketballshooting robot, it does show you just how much we can expect to be automated with consistency and excellence. Recent estimates, by the way, show 36 million jobs in the United States are at risk to exposure to automation by the end of 2030. Think of it, 36 million jobs. All of this as groups like the chamber of commerce, the business round table on wall street, of course, and the Koch Brothers keep pushing their propaganda about the country needing more cheap labor think we can only find through illegal immigration across wide open borders. Theyre lying, theyre lying and theyre lying. Up next, the leftwing national media, speaking of lying, deeming a surprising winner of last nights democratic debate. 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Hey i live on my own now ive got xfinity, because i like to live life in the fast lane. Unlike my parents. You rambling about xfinity again . Youre so cute when you get excited. Anyways. Ive got their app right here, i can troubleshoot. I can schedule a time for them to call me back, its great you have our number programmed in . Ya i dont even know your phone anymore. Excuse me . what . I dont know your phone number. Aw well. He doesnt know our phone number you have our fax number, obviously. Todays xfinity service. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Ill pass. Lou the president says none of the democratic 2020 hopefuls are interesting. He may have been proved right last night, nearly putting a lot of folks in asleep and one in particular, check this out. The man in the second row of the crowd at last nights debate, checks his phone, he yawns. The man checking out the president s latest tweet in which the president simply called the debate boring. President trump also earning high praise after the debate from an unlikely source, nbc news ran a headline that read, quote the winner of the first democratic debate, donald trump. This as the candidates themselves took somewhat of a beating in the news media. Yes, the leftwing National News media. The Washington Post running with, quote, democratic president ial candidates engage in arms race to left in the first debate. And the New York Times with this headline democrats split on how far left to nudge the nation. Nudge, you mean drive relentlessly . Well, joining us tonight trump 2020 Campaign National press secretary caylee mcaneighborny, great to have you with us. This is a fair question, and im going to guess some people would suggest its a bit of a softball question, but i want you to know i like that. Lou im as rigorous and just as toughminded as they can be. Whatd you think of the debate last night . I like that question. What i thought was what we knew already, this was a bunch of leftists, lou. These are radicals x. The moment that just popped off the screen to me was when amy klobuchar, shes supposed to be a moderate and a centrist and logical, says, hey, i may agree with Julian Castro that we should decriminalize border crossings which is effectively an open border. So there is no seven trust, there is no moderate centrist, theres a whole bunch of socialists and radicals, and that was very clear. Lou i think you could argue there was a star in that debate, and that was the set that nbc put forward. It had all kinds of technical problems, but that set, you know, that was an experience in blue. The other part of this is the who do you think lost, who was the biggest loser if there was a loser, one or two losers in the nights festivities . Yeah, i i think liz warren. You know, this was her opportunity to be the really only top tier candidate on that stage and to really be this shiny object that, for the left. And she didnt really live up to that. When, you know, the president tweets boring in all caps, hes right, because the most exciting moment was that mic flub that we saw from nbc. Liz warren didnt shine. Were not hearing her name mentioned a ton today. She really seemed to lose her footing there a little. There really wasnt a shining moment, it was a really bad night for democrats and a great advertisement for the donald j. Trump campaign. Lou yeah, i think there are more than a few people saying the winner of the debate certainly was donald trump. This economy, the president is sitting here with a 3. 6 unemployment rate, the highest employment in the countrys history. Minorities fully participating in the trump prosperity. And i cant imagine how theyre going to sell socialism against a backdrop of prosperity, rising wages and a growing middle class, the American Dream being fulfilled as it hasnt been for decades. Yeah, lou, youre right. You know, they live in a factfree reality, and they are trying to sell the American People a reality that doesnt exist. Liz warren saying, hey, you know, the middle class and low income americans are not benefiting from this, false, we know that not to be true. Paychecks are growing twice as fast for low and middle income americans. Cory booker saying Small Businesses are hurting, another lie. Not true. Small Business Confidence at its highest point since the recorded. Theyre selling this version of reality that doesnt exist, and the good news is the American People, 71 tell cnn the economys in good shape. So their reality doesnt match the reality on the democrats debate stage. Lou as you say, factfree, and thats a lesser moment to everyone who is supporting this president. The president , i love the tweet in which he said talking about all that was going on in washington as hes soaring towards osaka that he is going to be a little busy saving the free world. Im not so sure thats an overstatement. What do you think the prospects are for improving his polling as a result of what he can achieve in osaka . Yeah, i think its a big deal. Anytime the president s overseas, we saw his dday speech which received praise from even the likes of the liberal media, the g20 is another really president ial moment, and you couldnt have this greater contrast of the president , finally a strong president on the world stage, not a weakling like president obama, and the democrats squabbling over taking us the way of cuba and venezuela . Give me a break. The president is going to have a tailwind behind him. The contrasting images cannot get any better than that. Lou and its going to be several days in osaka at the g20, much riding on the outcome of those discussions. Kaylee, great to have you with us. All the best. Thank you, lou. Lou up next, well have more on the Trump Administrations high Pressure Campaign against iran. Stay with us, were com lou sort of a boring day on wall street. The stocks closed mixed. Volume on the big board 2. 2 billion shares. Crude oil closing flat. Gold and silver flat. A reminder to listen to my reports three times a day coast to coast on the salem network. President trump meeting with g20 leaders. A topic of discussion, iranian threats in the strait of hormuz. Iran is in a much more desperate situation they have ever been in. This is the first president in 39 years who has conducted an Economic Campaign that is clearly working. Lou the president will meet with the leaders of brazil, russia, japan, and india. Pastor Robert Jeffress is among our guests tomorrow. Thanks for being with us. Cheryl it is 5 00 a. M. Here are your top stories. All eyes on the g20 summit in osaka, japan. Right now, the president has had several meetings with world leaders. The world is watching and waiting for President Trumps meeting with president xijinping. Could tensions derail any deal. Ashley promises of rising taxes and healthcare coming out of the second night of democratic debates. Why the president said the dems last night helped to win him reelection. Cheryl a he blow for the dems as the house approved a Senate Version of a bill to care for migrants at that time southern border. Ashley if youre missing jerry,y

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