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Biggest cut ruled out a 50 basis point cut. What will powell say today . All that, so much more on making money. Neil House Speaker nancy pelosi says, emergency bill aimed at relieving the humanitarian crisis on the border will be voted on today. Some democrats are playing politics. 4. 5 billion to spend on migrants and families detained at the u. S. Border. Officials are saying that the situation is dire. Shelters are holding three times the people off bircapacity. Hillary vaughn with the latest. Reporter house leaders are hours away from even debating the bill and bringing to the floor. That gives Speaker Pelosi time to corral people to support it. It gives time for leftwing democrats to defect to decide not to support the bill. The speaker needs 217 votes to push this through before congress breaks before 4th of july recess later this week. House majority leader steny hoyer thinks they can get it done in the next 48 hours. That doesnt leave a lot of wiggle room. House republicans saying democrats delaying muchneeded funding. They should just push through the Senate Already passed, a bipartisan emergency funding measure for the border. Instead they are wasting time playing politics. Calling on the speaker not to play politics, to take the senates bill and that can become law. That will help the humanitarian aid along this border. Do not let us leave this week, do not wait until thursday to say it is too late. She has waited 56 days to run out the clock. This is not a time to play politics. Reporter pelosi is having trouble convincing people in her party to support it. A lot of far left democrats say it doesnt go far enough to make sure some immigration concerns are actually addressed but pelosi in remarks before her party this morning. This bill is not immigration reform. It is about funding for de10 shen centers at border to improve the quality of care the families and children are receive. Pelosi asked pointblank, does anyone have problem with the bill . The room stayed silent. That doesnt mean it will stay silent. She tried to sell the room on less than perfect bill. The senate has a good bill but our bill is much better. You can find fault with any bill that comes down the pike. We must respect the bill what it does, rather than criticize for what it does not. The president would love for the bill to go down today. If House Democrats fail to push this through, they may be stuck pushing forward the bipartisan bill passed through the senate, theyre essentially trying to do whatever they can to avoid. Charles . Charles hillary, thank you very much. Bring in Daily Caller News Foundation editor, chris bedford. Executive Vice President of public affairs, former Deputy Assistant to bill clinton, matt bennett. Chris, let me start with you. I thought it was interesting that nancy pelosi said the senate bill was a good bill. The old saying on the capitol hill, dont let the perfect be the enemy of thed good. The clock is ticking. Knowing how tough it is to control her own party, her own caucus, they didnt just go with the senate bill . Especially the white house signaled they would not accept the house bill. They wanted a Bipartisan Senate bill. Seems like a bit of brings manship. She has a whole caucus she lost control. Their concerns on immigration are not met even by watered down bill. Concerns on immigration, want people detained illegally, let out, no camps hold them. Charles matt, democrats gone through this on several issues. New up start are making most noise, particularly aoc photograph she is posting recently, cons tracks camp concentration camp comment. This is real crisis. Pelosi has not lost control of anybody. Nancy pelosi has control of that conference. She will get the vote done today. They will pass a bill the president will sign because they simply have to. The situation on border is appalling. It will be sincere genuine bill . House democrats come on my show all the time we passed x number of bills knowing they wouldnt make it through the senate. This will be something honestly something they know the senate will consider and pass and president will consider an sign . Yeah. Look that is very common. When two parties control different houses one house is always passing a bunch of of stuff the other wont. Certainly happened with the republicans. But, yes, they will get a bill done because the situation at the border is so terrible that the big question though is, how much leverage democrats will have going into the big fights this fall over the budget, raising the debt ceiling. They will bring these immigration concerns to the table again. That will be where there is really a fight. Charles chris . If youre a hill staffer for either party. I wouldnt make Summer Vacation plans. They have a lot of fights. Charles American People will be upset. Immigration the number one issue going into the election. I found a gallup poll that is amazing. Americans by net of 47 , immigration is good, for food, music arts. 12 say for economy. 3 say it helps moral values. Other side 6 say hurts our jobs. 22 thinks it makes taxes higher. And 35 thinks it make the crime situation worth. Boeing parties if you brac that in half, republicans democrats, matt, how do we get those together . Boy, that is such a good question and right now we have a president who is using immigration as a wedge to drive between the two parties. He is, you know, making outrageous claims what democrats want to do at the border, open borders. Democrats, let me state it unequivocally, democrats do not favor open borders. Charles but would never vote for a wall, anything that includes financing wall. Those things are very different. Theyre certainly against enforcement and security against the border. No, that is not true. Democrats want the border enforced. What they dont want children separated from families. Charles nobody wants that. If we had more time i would read you an article from 2015 where a judge ruled against the Obama Administration for the same stuff were seeing now. Happens with big spikes. Unfortunate as americans. Nobody wants to see that. Guys, very special guest coming, ben carson we would have more time. I will tune in. Charles all right. See you then. By the way you can cut the tension with a knife, right . U. S. China trade officials. Both sides are playing it real cool, ahead of President Trumps meeting with chinas president xi xinping at the g20 summit on saturday. One American Company is caught in the middle. Were talking about fedex. Theyre actually suing the federal government over policies control what they can export to china. What does it mean about ultimately getting a deal done . I want to bring in former california congressman darrell issa. Congressman, it was amazing. Fred smith was on fox last night. He is one of the champions of capitalism. He like you, American Business success story. He wrote a thesis on his company. It became one of the biggest corporations in the world. He is stuck in the middle. Shows you how complicated this situation is. Exactly. Fred smith is a great, loyal, patriotic american who deserves a little of clarity as to what fedex has to do, how they have to do it, it has to be reasonable. It is rhinable to share his concerns. That he doesnt want to do what is right and later on be sued and charged. At the same time we have a National Security disaster with Chinese Companies helping iran, that is the reason these sanctions are in place. This is the reason that he is in court, to get clarity, hopefully the administration will find a way to give them that clarity without this lawsuit even Going Forward. Charles speaking of clarity, the entire world, Business World would like some clarity. Would hope that we do get this whole thing restarted that negotiations get back on track. Do you think about the potential of good news coming out over the weekend . I expect that the president will in fact move the again today to get it rolling again. At the same time lets understand this would be a signed deal with the president was willing to take their promise without some sort of guarranty or enforcement. That has inworked in the past. It didnt work with north korea. It didnt work with iran and wont work with china. The president has to have the ability to have what are called unilateral triggers. How he gets those is going to take a little bit of time but the need for it is something that we in the Business World would champion. We cant keep having china make promises and then our Technology Gets stolen or forced into transfer. Trade has been one way for decades. Im a big champion of the potential of china but china has to be, if you will, pushed to join the rest of the nations in recognizing that intellectual property is property. Charles darrell issa. Thank you very much. Really appreciate it. My pleasure. Charles coming up President Trump signing an executive order to establish a White House Council on eliminating regulatory barriers to Affordable Housing. Hud secretary ben carson will be joining me in moments to discuss. Amid trump keeping pressure on fed chair Jerome Powell about cutting rates, powell said moments ago about rates that may. The president even more. Hmm. Exactly. Liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. Nice. But, uh. Whats up with your. Partner . Not again. Limu thats your reflection. Only pay for what you need. Liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty so chantix can help you quit slow turkey. Rkey. Along with support, chantix is proven to help you quit. With chantix you can keep smoking at first and ease into quitting so when the day arrives, youll be more ready to kiss cigarettes goodbye. When you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Stop chantix and get help right away if you have changes in behavior or thinking, aggression, hostility, depressed mood, suicidal thoughts or actions, seizures, new or worse heart or blood vessel problems, sleepwalking, or lifethreatening allergic and skin reactions. Decrease alcohol use. Use caution driving or operating machinery. Tell your doctor if youve had Mental Health problems. The most common side effect is nausea. Talk to your doctor about chantix. Charles stocks near session lows after fed chairman jay powell wrapped up a speech in new york city that the central bank is not affected by political pressure after calls by President Trump for a rate cut. Susan li is live at this event. Susan . We had Jerome Powell speaking her for about an hour, after sustained criticism from President Trump saying that the fed had no touch, Jerome Powell, he could be demoted if he actually wanted to criticizing the Federal Reserve for in the cutting rates. Jerome powell started off the speech with the veiled criticism from the white house, that the Federal Reserve is independent solution, and insulated what he called short term political pressures. When he talked about monetary policy, interesting that Jerome Powell said at end of his prepared remarks, the colleagues, my colleagues at fomc grappling with the uncertainties weighing on outlook and could call for additional policy accommodation by cutting rates. 100 of the market expects a Interest Rate cut next july. As for trade uncertainties and concerns, interesting what powell had to say. Take a listen. The amount of tariffs in place right now is not large enough to represent a major, itself, just from sort of quantitative standpoint a major threat to the economy. That isnt really the point though. It really, the concern is more around the loss of confidence or Financial Market reaction. Really those concerns heightened quite substantially as of the last beige book. In fact the number of mentions of trade concerns doubled in the last beige book, the one for this meeting. Demand and what weve seen so far is meaningful but not large. I think, there is discuss shun of much greater tariffs. That is where the uncertainty is and concerns are on the part so backstopping policy. Now Jerome Powell says going back to may first, that is when the outlook considerably changed when it comes to china trade. Also Business Investment has slowed as well. As you mentioned before, charles, Jerome Powell pretty much confirmed it. He would rather be early rather than late when dealing with a slowdown in the u. S. Economy. Back to you. Charles susan, thank you very much. Joining me to discuss is third seven advisors managing director michael block. Tim, let me start with you. I thought it was intriguing Jerome Powell talking about tariffs, economically for 21, 22dollar economy they are not enough to hurt us but psychology of that, underscored today when the Conference Board came out with their number which was a big miss. It pointed to people being concerned aabout tariffs and new tariffs and trade starting to weigh on the publics confidence. Absolutely. It also applies to business confidence. If you look at those measures as well, they have been in sustained decline since the trade war kind of elevated. Overall, something you look at called policy uncertainty, some of those measures are pretty high, close to highest since the financial crisis. This confidence effect is main transmission mechanism to the economy. Charles michael saying that, the economy done pretty well with the anxiety there. How does the fed work that into policy making decisions . Well the fed had an opportunity here, last week they seemed to be telegraphing a rate cut in july. Now earlier we had James Bullard saying that the 50 basis points is out of the question for july. There was a little flury. The point if they cut 25 in july, they could go. Jay powell was saying theyre still grappling with this. What are they grappling here . The here is lower. About how the markets perceive things. Will 25 basis point cut grow gdp instantly . No. But it will create a base that the fed is paying attention. It will eliminate some dysfunction in the money markets. We didnt get that today. Charles we should point out you mentioned James Bullard. The reason he was important for the audience. He was the lone dissenting vote. He wanted to cut rates at the last meeting. On friday, Neel Kashkari the minnesota fed president was advocating 50 basis points. That got into the conversation. Bullard shooting that down. You have the advantage being at forefront of the Housing Market, top economist at the same time. We had dismal housing numbers. New home sales down second month in a row. Lennar warned earnings are worse than anticipated. Pricing power is gone. Where is the actual state of the economy . That is an important point, right . We had the weakest, new home sales in five months. In those five months Mortgage Rates have been down 1 . So i think that the problems that the economy is facing are not going to get fixed by rate cuts, right . I cant think of a sector where right now the availability of credit or the price of credit is hinderance to economic activity. So we have bigger structural issues that go beyond rate cuts. So i think even if we do get a rate cut, i dont think that suggests that the economy is going to accelerate unless we fix these other problems. Charles Mortgage Rates are down. Couple blips on applications here and there, nothing sustained. If this doesnt get the Housing Market jumpstarted, other parts of the economy, is that a red flag . I would want to say im scared or red flag, right . I was expecting the economy to slow down anyway this year, because last year we had a lot of fiscal stimulus. The question are we slowing faster than expected . That is a little bit what the fed is concerned about. Charles right. The second point i make, the last downturn we had was so severe and so aggressive, a lot of times people think downturn and think back to 2018, 2009. I dont think even if we had downturn it will be even close. Charles good. Michael, here is the thing, ive been saying, reading between the lines, me, myself listening to powell and listening to the pride he takes in the fed not only saving the economy, i dont think he wants recession on his watch. Last two time we went to rate cutting cycles they were 50 basis points. A couple cycles ago it was 100 basis points. He doesnt want to be the fed official caught so flatfooted he is catching up. To my point, do you think at least in july we get a rate cut . I think we do. The problem we didnt get much assurance about that today what i heard. I give him a cminus performance on his grade. Says inflation is weak because of transitory factors. Ive been hearing transitory factors keeping down inflation the past eight years now. Ive had it with that. Jay powell and rest of the fed needs to know better. The fed can only do so much. He can do what he can. Bigger problem is, as was pointed out, we had fiscal stimulus last year. We need more of that this year, the form of congressional action on infrastructure spending. They cant get out of the rate on budget caps an everything like that. So jay powell cant do everything. Congress has to help out. Has to get everything and theyre not doing that. Charles i got away with the transitory thing in high school. These lowgrade are transitory, check me out next year. I made it through high school with transitory low grades. Certainly were going into corporate earnings season. Wall street is bracing for the first backtoback quarter of decline in earnings since 2016 overall the economy without the stimulus that michael talked about, without some sort of fiscal help, along with monetary help, can we avoid recession . I think we can. The way i think about recessions, how resilient is the economy to shocks. Growing at 3 you get a shock. You drop point 1 2 youre still growing. Economy is trending growing towards 2 . We can take a 1 shock or 1 1 2 shock, still be froing but barely. Risk of recession this year is fairly low. I think looking into next year, if we do not resolve these trade issues. If we dont, for example, get some instruct ral challenges taken care of, infrastructure, the risk rises next year. I think for this year were in the clear. Charles how do you think the market will react, michael . Were near alltime highs. The clock is ticking to be honest with you. I was bullish on tech a very long time. I pulled the plug on monday. I said our luck will run out. We didnt hear a lot of things this earnings season about guidance. Lennar has been strong yeartodate, data notwithstanding. We see what happened there im a little worried about that. The big worry about the stock market going down, destruction of wealth, people going through volatility, the problem it undermines business confidence. Small business owners, see 401 k s, Stock Holdings go lower. Their capacity and willingness to spend, higher workers, raise wages goes down. Data feeds markets. I say this over and over again. Very reflexive thanks to george soros on that. However you feel about him but that is the big risk here and why, i mean i have recession as my base case here but big risk that a big market downturn, feeds data, feeds markets, et cetera, next thing you know the yield curve was right. Charles how could any of this change if we come out of the g20 summit with positive overtures . Both sides saying, our teams will continue to negotiate now, keeping in mind there was 150 page sort of agreement. They wont be starting from scratch. We know what the structural, issues are. Can that change things . Were talking a lot here about psychology, whether it is economic pressures on the economy or pressures on the market. Could that have influence that changes your work a little bit . Absolutely. I think you get a big boost in business confidence, capex spending, more hiring, slowdown in labor market past couple months starts to reverse. Consumer confidence reverses res when the labor market turns up again. If we get good news this weekend i think well have a big up tick. Charles we have to leave it there. I want to say congratulations he voted first time as american citizen. Thank you. Congratulations. Came here 20 years ago. Economist at big firm. You voted today. Youre an american dream, my friend. Michael you too. Folks, well be right back. Is where people first gathered to form the stock exchangeee, which brought people together to invest in all the things that move us forward. Every day, invesco combines ideas with technology, data with inspiration, investors with solutions. Because the possibilities of life and investing are greater when we come together. Charles President Trump upping his rhetoric in response to namecalling from irans government tweeting today, irans very ignorant and insulting statement put out today only shows that they do not understand reality. Any attack by iran on anything american will be met with great and oaf overwhelming force. In some areas overwhelming means obliteration. This back and forth comes from trump signed new sanctions against iran and its Supreme Leader following that countrys downing of one of our sir valance zones. President trump pointed out the wonderful iranian people are suffering. No reason at all its leadership spends all the money on terror and little on anything else. From the washington examiner, kelly jane torrence. Thank you for coming on. Thank you for having me on, charles, especially on this topic. Charles you and i had discussions on this before. People occasionally send me video out of iran. There is pockets of resistance, pockets of uprising. I want to ask, where do the sanctions play in on this and how likely is it that we could actually see the people actually rise up this time . I really hope so, charles. There have been protests as you noted in the last yearandahalf, they have come in waves, sometimes more active and others but they have really not stopped and they have taken place in over 160 towns and cities in iran. People are chanting things like, you lie. You say the enemy is america. The enemy is here at home. The people of iran know it is the regime keeping them in chains basically, that is starving them. That is spending their money on terrorism abroad. Theyre sick of it. So i do think these new sanctions will do something, i know the people of iran certainly support them. There was a rally here in washington on friday, over 1000 people came from across the country, iranianamericans to lend their support to the administrations maximum Pressure Campaign and to stand in solidarity with the people of iran that have been protesting and i talk to a lot of them who have been in touch with friends and family members in iran, they say please keep doing it. We want you to empty the pockets of this corrupt regime so we can finally take it down after 40 years of madness. Charles some observers are saying this is one of the reasons iran keeps pushing the envelope, maybe hoping there will be military retaliation that would sort of generate some sympathy for their government and some opposition toward america . That is exactly what theyre doing, charles. I think that they were very surprised by the restraint shown by President Trump in not doing retaliatory military attack against that drone they shot down. That was 130 milliondollar drone. It was a very provocative act. Im hearing there was of course retaliation. Were hearing it was cyberattacks, that they have actually done in response both to that shootdown of the drone and to the tanker damage that they have been causing over the last few weeks. So yeah, iran is trying to push the United States to make the first move militarily. Theyre hoping that will create sympathy for them. There is certainly no sympathy for them right now. Starving their people. Putting people in jail. Executing them for disagreeing with the regime. Theyre certainly doing their best to provoke the United States, but the United States so far, i think that is a great thing is not having any of it. They aim to starve the regime of its power by taking the money that it spends on terrorism and lining its own pockets. You know President Trump is now targeted Supreme Leader himself. That guy is in charge of at least 100 billion of the economy. We dont even know where all of his money is. We have a good idea where some of it is and i do hope the sanctions hurt. Charles real quick, kelly jane, apparently iran is also trying to actively to get europe on their side, if you will. They have been sort of emboldened that europe is dragging its feet, at least the european governments. A lot of businesses pulled out. The governments want to keep a economic relationship going with them, despite the fact they are the greatest sponsor of terrorism in the world. Do you think that would be ultimately successful . Will the european governments get in line with us to make these sanctions work this time . I think it is you have to choose between the Iranian Market and the United States market there is no choice. As you know i was at on a event last year in paris, there was a bomb plot, these people were arrested including a iranian diplomat. All contacts in europe talk about the money. They want businesses to have access to the new market. They cant ignore terrorism. After that attack france actually did pull its envoys from iran. They have been working with them since. They would like to have an economic relationship but they cant ignore terrorism. The regime i think it is being very stupid continuing to plot terror plots on european soil. Europe is really the only even close to a friend they have. Charles right. Europe is trying to do business but iran is making it impossible. Businesses are pulling out. This is not a good place to do business long term when you dont know what the labor market is going to be like. If the regime will nationalize your business. Charles right. The businesses recognize this regime is not one you want to do business with. Most important thing you hit on, iranians, many of them supportive what is happening, many longing for some sort of freedom. Kelly jane, good to have you. Thanks so much, charles. Charles folks, well be right back. 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Charles President Trump just moments ago signing an executive order, rather, forming the White House Council, focus on increasing Affordable Housing. Joining me how they will actually get this done, one of the men behind the plan, housing and urban development secretary, dr. Ben carson. Dr. Carson, thanks for joining us. Good to be with you again. Charles this looks like a mon you monumental deal, can you walk through with the audience the goal . We have a country in an Affordable Housing crisis right now. 37 million families are cost burdened, 18 million familieses cost burdens spending more than 50 of their income on housing. This is at a time when the economic picture is looking pretty rosy for a lot of people. It cant feel rosy for you when youre under those circumstances. So the question is how do we solve that problem . That is why this council was created, recognizing what we had been doing, throwing money at it didnt work. In 2018 we spent 46 billion on housing assistance. Another 9. 1 billion housing credit. Were keeping up with same number of people. We can keep throwing money that doesnt work. The biggest problem are zoning regulations, other types of regulatory barriers. When we look at singlefamily constructs, 25 to 27 increase costs. When we look at multifamily, talking 32. 1 , up to 46 increased costs in some high cost areas. The places with largest number of Homeless People are the places that have the most regulatory barriers. So only way to solve this with federal, state, local, as well as profit, nonprofit sectors and faith based sectors, getting involved with the problem. This is places were seeing it actually work. Charles those are remarkable numbers. 20 of 27 single family. 30 multifamily. You have eight agencies, members from eight federal agencies. State and local leaders, very important. Secretary carson, hold with us, we want to go play sound of President Trump. I want to come back to ask you for comment. Mr. President . Wait until you hear this beauty. Concerned about the condition at these border facilities. Yes i am, i am very concerned. Much better than they were under president obama by far. Were trying to get democrats to agree to really give us some humanitarian aid, humanitarian money. That is a very fair question. And i appreciate that question. But im very concerned. It is in much better shape than it ever was. A lot of these Young Children come from places that you dont even want to know about the way they have lived, the way they have been, the poverty that they grew up in. But with that, if we can get this bill signed well be able to do it. Democrats dont want to sign anything and, now, i think theyre going to probably sign this from what i understand. I call it humanitarian aid. This is not about border. Numbers are way, way down. Mexico is helping us a lot. They have strong immigration laws. They are moving 15,000 people, 16,000 people to our southern border. Moved 16,000 troops to their southern border which is pretty incredible. A lot of signs cartels, bad folks, coyotes as they call them, all bad people bringing Young Children, taking advantage horribly, its a form of slavery, it is horrible what theyre doing to Young Children, you understand, you reported on it, a lot of that is stopping because of what were doing, because of what is happening on the border. So i just want to thank mexico. They have really done a great job. We appreciate what theyre doing. Hopefully they can keep it up. It is very important. Mexico is very, very poorful immigration laws. They can do many things. Our laws are so bad. I would like to do, do it now officially, ask democrats to give us help on asylum, help on all loopholes, horrible loopholes that signed in over period of years that dont allow to us do what we should be able to do. We need the votes of democrats and i think very importantly, because our economy, you heard larry kudlow, because our economy is so strong, could be the strongest in the history of our country, people want to flow up to the United States but you just cant do it that way. You have to do it legally but you have these massive numbers of people trying to get into the United States because of the economy, because weve done so good. That is one of the problems. Were doing well. Everybody wants to come in. Ten years ago, five years ago, four years ago, they didnt want to come in. Today they want to come in but we cant let that happen. So were doing very, very as far as the wall is concerned the wall is heavily under construction. The army corps of engineers is doing a great job. Were doing a lot of wall right now, we expect 400 miles built by end of next year. That is a lot. Were building them in the right places. Were picking areas we need it the most. It is having a tremendous effect. Reporter did you you ask your Border Protection head john sanders resign . Do you know why he is leaving . There were going to be changes there. We made very good changes. Were moving some people around into different locations. The game has changed a lot because of what mexico is doing. Were doing things we werent able to do before. The problem with our Border Patrol, theyre phenomenal people, theyre not allowed with the laws so bad because of catchandrelease, all different things, chain migration, the visa lottery, the laws are so bad, asylum rules and laws are so bad, that our Border Patrol people, who are so incredible are not allowed to do their jobs. Because mexico now for the first time in 50 years helping us, we really appreciate it. Were making certain changes we werent able to make before. Steve, did you have a question. Reporter back and for the with leader of iran. What message did you want to send to him with your tweets . There is no message. The message if theyre ready, they have to let us know. When they are ready they will let us know, very simply. Ready to do whatever. Whatever they want to do, im ready. Reporter [inaudible]. Yes. Reporter [inaudible]. Without israelis or palestinian officials what is your strategy Going Forward when there is no buyin . We have to get support, economic support. Palestinians dont have money. We have to help the palestinians with some money. They dont have it. One of the groups you get are some countries in the middle east that do have money. They will play a role in the peace plan. Well see what happens. We had a little bit of a set book with the election from in israel as you know, i guess the result somewhat mixed. Now they will do it again. Well see what happens. Well see what happens with that election. We expect other people to help out. Again there is no money. Some people dont have money. If they dont have money it will be very hard for people to be able to live and live well. Reporter you did not ask sanders to resign . I didnt speak to him. I dont think i ever spoken to him. We have very good people running it. I dont know anything about it. I hear he is a very good man. I hear he is good person. I dont know him. I dont think i ever spoke to him. Reporter talk about the decision to make Stephanie Grisham as your new press secretary. Stephanie has been with me as you well know, been with me, works for the first lady. The first lady loves her. She has been incredible, she is very talented. I asked so many people who you like . A lot of people wanted the job. A lot of people wanted to do it. I asked people who do you like . So many people said stephanie. She is here. She knows everybody. She gets a low long with foles in the media. A lot of folks in the media like her very much. I think she will do a great job. I offered her the job and she accepted. Its a very big job. Stephanie will do a very great job. Hogan will be with her. Hogan is here. One, he recommended her. I asked, hogan, who do you think . Stephanie grisham. Reporter with iran, war breaks out do you have an exit strategy for iran if exit what exit strategy . You will not need a exit strategy. Reporter talk about the letter from chairman kim. Last week he wrote me a beautiful letter. Two friendly letters. We get along very well. Reporter no mention of another meeting . Maybe there was but you at some point well do that. Getting along very well. He is not doing nuclear testing. When i took over as you know, when i became president , there were testing previous to that. They were testing so much. They were doing ballistic tests and Nuclear Tests and we didnt have our prisoners back. We had a whole lot of things that were going wrong. Now we have our hostages back or prisoners back. They came back. Weve had, as you know, the remains of the heroes, our great heroes from many years ago. That is coming back and coming back as they find them and as they find the sites and graves there, theyre sending them back. The relationship is a far different relationship than it was during the obama years where you were going to end up with a war. You would have end up with a war in north korea. That i can tell you. I tell that to scott, maybe you hadnt heard that. You understand. I tell you what, you will end up with a war in north korea, if it kept going the way it was going, if you had that Group Continuing onward. As far as iran is concerned, the deal was a horrible deal, it was no good, it was no good. It ended in very short period of time. Were dealing with about countries. It ended in a very short period of time. They would have had a clear path to a nuclear weapon. We cant allow that to happen. Cant do it. Im all for iran, i have so many people, iranian friends. I come from new york. I have tremendous numbers of iranian friends, great people. Theyre from iran. Theyre wonderful people of the it is too bad this is happening. Theyre living badly right now. Their country is not doing well economically at all that. Can be changed very quickly, very easily but they have to get rid of the hostility from the leadership. The leadership, i hope they stay, i hope they do a great job, but they should talk to us decently. Were, were all for them. We want it to be done properly. But the deal that was done by president obama, 150 billion for nothing. He used money for terror. They behave the money out for terrorists. If you remember john kerry, they asked him that question, do you know the money will be used for terror . He said yes. Essentially at least some of it would be he actually knew about it. He said some of the money may be used for terror. What kind of a deal is that . They gave him 1. 8 billion in cash, plane loads of cash, what kind of a deal is that . The biggest problem is they had bad testing. You were not able to see many sites. You saw that, tim. Yes, sir. You couldnt go into the most important sites to test to see. They were probably making the stuff for a long time but with 150 billion going to them they were doing very well. 1. 8 billion in cash. And you had no real right of testing. You couldnt test properly. Most importantly, the agreement ends in a very short period of time. So they had a path to nuclear weapons. We cannot allow iran to have a path to nuclear weapons. By the way we have tremendous support, tremendous support. People were very happy with what i did the other day by not doing something, okay . But we had tremendous and we have tremendous support. Nobody wants to see iran have nuclear weapons. Thank you very much, everybody. Thank you. [shouting questions] reporter do you think they understood the message you were sending them last week . You decided not to strike . I hope they understood the message. I decided not to strike. They shot down unmanned drone. Reporter do you think they take their threats seriously . I think everybody does. I think you do too. Goodbye. [reporters shouting questions] charles joining me now, republican new york congressman lee zeldin. Lee, President Trump covering wide range of issues. Pick up on the last part. A lot of questions over iran, whether or not they are taking President Trump seriously, particularly after he decided at the last minute, not to use military intervention . I i think the iranians know after the economic sanctions have been ratcheted up that the president will cripple irans economy. While the Iranian Regime might have bluster on the world stage, zarif who is spokesperson for the Worlds Largest state sponsor of terror might to on to his twitter account to try to badger the United States administration, i believe they view the United States right now as a regime that believes in the four instruments of National Power and is willing to use all of them, diplomacy, information, military, economics. The president looks at the military option at the last possible option. I dont think the president wants military conflict or our country does but i believe that the iranians realize this is an administration that views all the instruments as options right now. Charles congressman, the questions started off with President Trump making a plea to democrats, particularly nancy pelosi, to do something with this immigration emergency on our border. The democrats i think say they will put up a bill for a vote tonight. Do you know what bill looks like and chances of it passing . The problem is is that nancy pelosi is viewing the far left radicals of her party in a way that they essentially end up rolling her. They end up rolling leadership. So these freshman members like aoc and omar, tlaib and others when they come to nancy pelosi, they issue their demands for their votes, know that these are people, as you know well, these are members who approach this in a way they vilify i. C. E. They want to defund dhs. They have taken this pledge to resist, oppose, obstruct, impeach anything and everything including president of the United States himself. Charles we have 30 seconds, sir. Do you think a bill will be presented and voted on tonight . She will bring a bill. Definitely not be one that will pass the senate. Not one that the president will sign. Hopefully they are willing to negotiate to compromise and get there. Charles clock is ticking. Not much time, world is watching, america is watching. Congressman zeldin. Thank you for coming on. Take care. Charles well be right back. Hi im joan lunden. Todays Senior Living communities have never been better, with amazing amenities like movie theaters, exercise rooms and swimming pools, public cafes, bars and bistros even pet care services. And theres never been an easier way to get great advice. A place for mom is a free service that pairs you with a local advisor to help you sort through your options and find a perfect place. A place for mom. You know your family we know Senior Living. Together well make the right choice. Your daily dashboard from fidelity. A visual snapshot of your investments. Key portfolio events. All in one place. Because when its decision time. You need decision tech. Only from fidelity. Charles two major events going on. We came in with chairman powell of the Federal Reserve talking about how things have changed since may 1st when they were pretty calm about the u. S. Economy, now worried about trade developments and of course, the Global Economic situation, then we have President Trump, who covered a myriad of issues but really focused on iran. He continues to say or suggest that he wants diplomacy but also noted when someone asked how would we get out of a war with iran, he said that wasnt his biggest concern, if we happen to ever get into one. Right now, dow off 148 points. Liz claman, you know, lot of movi parts to this session. A lot of anxiety. I think the key is really the psychology of the markets right now, very tense. Liz yeah. We all need a therapist for our portfolios at the moment. Thank you, charles, very much. Breaking news. You just heard President Trump say if there is a war with iran, quote, we wont need an exit strategy. That saber rattling and the iranians making counterclaims, shoving the dow further under water. It is lower by 147 points right now. The president was asked about these rising tensions with iran just after he signed a new executive order that cuts red tape when it comes to Affordable Housing. Mortgage rock star barry habib is here, about to make his boldest prediction yet on where Mortgage Rates move next. By how much, and in what direction. Youve got to hear that. Fed ex filing suit against the u. S. Government over its blacklisting of chinese smartphone giant huawei. The latest volley in the trade war with china. Ishi

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