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A key issue of the president s 2020 Reelection Campaign and what voters consistently rate as copublished with their worried about this. In fact every american. The goal here today patients, total prices of what they will pay in the insurance will pay and easy to read patient friendly format improving price and quality transparency and healthcare and lets take a look at healthcare structure now. All of these are moving in. A big piece is what is bringing in. Johnson johnson, pfizer, nothing about pharmacy benefits managers. If you do not know what that is, this is a middleman may be higher to negotiate with the Drug Companies and negotiate with with Different Companies like that, this is a mixed Group Performing it now. The pharmacy benefit managers list why this is so important. They operate within cbs, rite aid, and theyre supposed to be on the side of the patient and on the side of the company and what their pain but a part of the executive order, that is not happy. He is at the white house right now, lets talk to blake. This is been month in the making. A lot of discussion on capitol hill about this issue. Reporter this is been one of the big issues for the Trump Administration and the president himself having Health Administration for a while, healthcare unit is big healthcare issues. One thing that they have been focused on is trying to get price tran20 all across the board for health care market. If you go to hospital and you get a service rendered on you one way or the next and you dont really know what that cost and then you get the bill in the mail and see my goodness. They have to pay for. This executive order is going to try to target a couple Different Things and first off when youre dealing with outofpocket cost to make sure that you know what goes outofpocket costs are and secondly when you go to the hospital they have to post the cost of the services we will hear this from the secretary just a few minutes over here at the white house we had a bit of a preview earlier today. Conservatives for a decade recognize the transparency in the life of the president is having encourage and order today could be the single driv highest driver. You heard him say Price Transparency. It has been a very, very busy day over here at the white house especially for the president as they announced new sanctions for iran in it well the way to the highest level of iran. Theyre targeting the iranian supreme leader. Several other leaders did the upper level of iraq in german, especially within the military in the treasury equity Steven Mnuchin. We will have sections coming this way later this week as well. Liz Steven Mnuchin breathing in the room. That was rare. Basically, the sanctions work. They were willing to tell us where the money is but he said we follow the money trail and we know how to hurt the leadership in those responsible for not only targeting the ships and the sea of hormuz. Reporter they would not reveal or say how much of the money might be outside of iran essentially it could come back and be harmful. He would not say how much of the sanctions are for the downing and american journal that happened last week, the attacks on oil tickers, even happening off the coast of iran into the waters there. A miniature said it was all of the above. Liz we are looking at the like pictures as were waiting to see the president come out to sign the executive order. I want to go back to healthcare, this is the top issue for 2020 Republican Voters or democratic voters that are being pulled. We know that the president has said and came out with a Healthcare Plan. The gop workers are working on a Healthcare Plan. Can we look at this order as a blueprint do you think. Reporter we know this president and every republican to candidate in 2015 and 2016 said they were going to appeal and replace obamacare when they got to office. That did not happen. The Affordable Care act is still the law of the land. That was over a couple of years, you know what happened there, democrats ran on healthcare in rain not healthcare. It was a top three issues for them, they when the house on that. So the prospect of repealing and replacing obamacare not going to happen at least in the interim or the near term. What you bring that up, because youre starting to see a series of events or series of policies or whatever form they come in. This is pujol is pujols drawdowe transparency and certain things that they feel that could work with the president on as a republican democrat divided house on capitol hill and the president says the Healthcare Plan comes after the election but thats a political reality and all this. Liz if you really look for what they are trained to target here and thats why brought up the issue pharmacy benefits. Managers are supposed to develop and maintain contracts for pharmacies in negotiate discounts and rebates with Drug Companies. We were just looking at the drug cost a few moments ago. The drug manufacturer says are all high up. The Insurance Companies are trending lower with united house for example they hired permissive managers, not just the hospital chain, not just doctor groups, they say they dont want transferring to, your say the opposite could happen. You could see prices go up for consumers, prices go up or Insurance Companies because all the sudden the doctors want to realize they keep getting a great discount on a procedure for the doctor next door is targeting more money. That is an interesting criticism of the sprayed. Its a criticism and on the flip goes to what the ministration says needs to happen which is to shed light when you go to a hospital and you know exactly how much something costs, what the discount may or may not be, how much youre being charged, et cetera. Critics always say, you have more transparency and it will drive up cost because now people will know things. On the flip, i think everybody would want transparency to know exactly what is going into the medical procedures and medical advice or the services that they are receiving it at the end of the day to go back home and walked out of the hospital and walked out of the Doctors Office and you get the bill you know exactly what that is going to be. Liz for surprises, they want to take the surprises out for americans when they get the bills which can sometimes be catastrophic to some families. We will continue to monitor these on the white house. I want you to stand by, we will wait for President Trump to come out and sign the order and everyone is waiting for him. It is a busy day for the markets, we do want to show you what is trendy. When a big week last week, the doubt s p and the nasdaq, its a strong want to do. The doubt is at 23, as in p and nasdaq slightly lower. The s p we can finish up a smidge, even 3. 72. To be exact. We have a record close for the s p 500 so we have 51 minutes to go and we will see if it closes higher. You want to watch the healthcare during this event at the white house and obviously theres a merger monday again. I love saying that. Caesars entertainment, it is a 14. 5 , their rival which is resorts has block caesars, eight halfbillion, the cash of the stock combiners debt we should say, it comes worse and three months after caesars agreed to give his representative. Its a function of the next ceo. 14. 75 stake in the company, that is a big story for the market today for the s p and i want to bring this up, this is crazy we are testing 15 month highs on bitcoin. The contract jumped more than 10 over the weekend writing the crypto currency optimism if you will facebook and build the digital coin that will be next week. Analysts also saying the rally for bitcoin and having the next in 2020 were rewards are offered to bitcoin minors will shrink and thats another story that is coming on we share stocks glittering some picture i, we see safety involving them as well in the price of gold driving from global banks and increased tensions between the United States and around, anyway will continue to solve these like pictures, but we want to start the floor show and we want to get a perspective on everything that is going on right now. We are traders at the New York Stock Exchange pre. Sorry am going to interrupt you a President Trump comes on. Tell me what we are seeing at the dow industrial right now. What does it say for june for the dow particular since 1938. Reporter if you put all the competitions on the table and all of a sudden for alltime highs is a little bit of a head scratcher, thats where we are. If we look at the s p cash we are at 2946 and 2950, youve we have been here three times we have not sustained these levels. Obviously with iran the news and looking forward to the g2020 summit. And throughout all of those events maybe there is a little bit more traction up into the s p but traders are little bit more cautions and being a little bit more careful in the traders are jumping all in. You have a mixed performance for the market today, but again last week pretty cool. You have the s p gaining more than 2 , coming off of a strong weight. The story really has been the oil pits there in chicago. Reporter so many people cannot believe it and theyre wondering, has this been a defensive rally, when you see the Energy Stocks are being well below the oil price, when you see a huge divergent of value and growth are now when you see banks that are shadowing, they did not really participate in the rally and people are wondering what got us to this point. People are wondering what is going to happen next coming up next, Jon Scott Shelby is going to have an executive order in regards to President Trump and the sanctions. Putting pressure on iranian leadership there. Obviously if the groups come to some kind of negotiation of plan we have not seen huge reaction to the oil to be honest. No we havent and we are doing so well ourselves. I would say yes, but to your point about the markets, i would say this, be careful what you wish for, you just got to talking about an alltime record high for the s p 500 and here we are still talking about cutting rates, i been doing this for 31 years and i cannot remember the last time we talked about cutting Interest Rates when it was an alltime record high. We are growing at a slower pace but if you are improving at a slower pace be careful what you wish for because everybody must have undermined what theyre going to get when they get the recut because if they dont get what they think theyre going to get i think that could be bad for the market and how could you gestop something. I think we have to be very, very careful. Liz we are looking at a fly meeting. They could do it all they want. I just want to bring back to the news and data were watching. The white house and the grand foyer, President Trump is going to come out and sign this order entrance pretty to healthcare. Im looking at the movement of healthcare stocks in your same pharmaceutical companies are all trending higher. We dont exactly know what is in the executive order. There little bit more higher for the most part. But the Insurance Companies are under little pressure. You have to Wonder Within healthcare, is it the drug manufacturers that will suffer if theres more transparency pricing at the market, or you think its the Insurance Companies he will have to deal with more transparency which could be bad for prices for doctors. Reporter lets hope that is great for the u. S. In healthcare. I would believe transfer to acrosstheboard is good for everyone. Some people are charging too much people realize it will get an equilibrium in price. I think the market has to sit there today and sit through with what the democrats have to say and then if they want free healthcare for everyone. I think investors will watch it to and have a big rally in the forward pass in 30 to 45 days. It doesnt even matter, sometimes the hyperfocus is on an event in the market doesnt care about it. I would want to see how it reacts in the next few days and see if these individual companies show their face if theyre being affected in a dramatic ways. Liz im fascinated with whats happening with the pbm, United Health group, as far as you know, here comes the present actually. The president is going to be citing this executive order on transferring supreme. [applause] [inaudible] thank you very much everyone. We must be doing something right right there. That is very nice. I appreciate it very much. Welcome to the white house, great place. No place like actually. We are here to announce groundbreaking actions that we are taking to dramatically increase quality, affordability and furniture Healthcare System. This Landmark Initiative continues the Campaign Across american patients and this is a truly big action. I cant tell you how big it is. Some people say bigger than healthcare, this is something that is going to be very important. Too long its been across americans to know the real price and quality of Healthcare Services and the services they are receiving. As a result, patients face never get obstacles, shopping for the best at the best price, driving up healthcare cost for everyone. Todays historic action we are fundamentally changing the nature of the Healthcare Marketplace. This is bigger than anything that we have done in this particular realm and probably it is not even close to what youre telling me. We will empower patients with the information that they need to search for the lowest cost and highest quality care in other words the be able to seek out the doctors, seek out the doctor that they want. They will be giving vast amounts of information about doctors worse was to be joined by secretary and administer. [applause] i also want to recognize and think senator chuck grassley. Chuck thank you very much. [applause] and by the way congratulations. He fought so hard. Congratulations to the farmers. Treat job. I appreciate it. And that is yearround. Mike braun, thank you. Greg walden, we work so hard together and michael burgess, doug collins, devon, thank you all incredible people. Lieutenant governors, jeff duncan, dan first, thank you fellas. In all of our great state legislative, a lot of them with us today. A lot of great medical people and doctors, it dedicates powerful companies and lobbyists especially have denied the Public Access to the real cost of Healthcare Services they provided, it is that simple, the lack of christians fancy has enriched industry giants greatly costing americans hundreds of billions of dollars a year. Patients have 800 billion for sailing and more than 6000 for a drug test in 6000. Ive seen it. And over 17000 for stitches to just ditch up a little wound. Often price is referred drastically between hospitals and doctors for the exact same services and theres no consistency or predict ability and its frankly no lin no, no r reason. They find themselves in deeply and for situations, erica please come up and explain what happened to you. Thank you very much. [applause] thank you. For three and half years i was fighting cancer and we visited many healthcares facilities. Crystal price creation that caught us off guard and surprises. One facility to the next and it causes financial hardship. An example is biopsy procedures, only 11 days apart in only 17 miles apart from each other. We learn when we receive the bills for the procedure that it costs us more than 330 from the first time we had a gym. Different facilities, identical procedures drastically different pricing. This is one of many stories or family has. If Price Transparency to been required we would have the best pricing for my care. Saving thousands of dollars over the last three years. Mr. President , thank you for this executive order and thank you for empowering and helping families just like mine. [applause] thank you very much erica. We believe the American People have a right to know that the price of services before they go to visit the doctor. Therefore just a few moments i will be signing a breakthrough executive order, it will create a president transparency about prices and provide to the market people for the first time ever, the first time its ever been done. People know it should be done using a but it never got done. I wonder why. With this order hospitals will be required to publish prices will to what people actually pay for services. In a way that is clear, straight forward and accessible to all and youll be able to price it among many different potential providers, you get great pricing. Prices will come down by numbers you wont even believe, you wont even believe it. More Price Transparency will mean more competition. In the cost of healthcare will go way way down in vanderbilt economist highly respected doctor lori vanhorn is here with us and he was introduced to me by a gentleman who is a great gentleman, great economist, and larry just got the president ial medal of freedom a couple of days ago. An art was telling me, he is the head of hospital, he is on the board. And he did this, he said it is beyond anything he has seen. From economic standpoint to even help standpoint and i said, lets talk about it and we discussed it and its something we know very well but a lot of people do not do it because there will be rich people that will be too happy about this. But the people will be happy about it. [applause] larry, would you one thing before he gets up, there are good doctors, and they should be the beneficiaries, not the bad doctors but the good doctors. And i think all the doctors in the audience know exactly what im talking about. Thank you for being here is a guarantee youre all probably very good doctors. Larry if you would come up and share a little of your wisdom and what this is all about. Thank you, thank you very much. [applause] thank you, mr. President for taking the section that will put Healthcare Information in the hands of the american consumer. This truly will be transformational. For years ive studied the impact of prices and what what impact that has had on markets and consumers. My analysis suggests when cash prices are transparent, upfront in the market, on average the 39 cheaper than the amount that theyre pretty pairs paperlike services. Even when insurance covers the cost you on average 300 price variation within a market for the exact same services. Your Healthcare Transparency Initiative will empower consumers and use free Market Forces to drive Healthcare Market for lower prices, better access and greater value. This is bigger than healthcare, lower prices for healthcare the more money in americas wallet and in their paychecks for the purchase of all other goods and services that are important parts of their lives. This will be good for america and good for americans. [applause] todays action is not just about lower prices, it is about helping americans find excellent care. Currently patients do not have adequate tools to find the doctors who will provide Better Health outcomes and affordable cost. And when they used to talk about obamacare you can keep your doctor, that turned out to be a lie 28 times. Here you can keep her doctor but you can also maybe find somebody other than your doctor and your choice and that would be based on talent and on price. Because of this you will be able to search out for the right doctor and it really is in a true sense the opposite of obamacare. You get much better pricing and get the doctor that you want and maybe you get better than the doctor that you originally thought about. Lowquality care often means Unnecessary Services for example, a bad doctor may routinely perform inexpensive spinal surgery for back pain without first trying physical therapy. That is why my order, direct agencies to inform public about the quality of doctors and hospitals about leveraging all this data and by making much better use of this information we will save money and lives in your care will be much better, it is incredible. We are also joined by doctor elena gorge. Alayna please come up and tell us what transparency means. Thank you. [applause] i love being a doctor. However, one of the most challenging things is the inability to be an effective advocate for my patients. Ive had patients denied healthcare because they dont know how much a service will cost. Or worse, be stuck with costly bills that they did not expect. I have felt powerless at times because of my inability to help them especially if i have to send them to hospital and we cannot find out the price of the service. Price transparency is a solution to this problem. It will drive prices down, quality up, and most important, help doctors serve their patients better. Thank you President Trump for this executive order. Thank you. [applause] thank you alayna. As we fight to increase transparency and lower cost per patient, more than 120 democrats in congress support Bernie Sanders socialist takeover of American Healthcare. It is very dangerous. The democrat plan would terminate the private Health Insurance of over 180 unit americans are really happy with what they have. Undermine administration will never let that happen. [applause] we believe in giving patients choice and freedom in healthcare, ensuring access to the doctors that they want, the treatment they need and the highest standard of medical care anywhere in the world. This will make it much better than it has ever been. Its a historic day. I dont know that it will be covered that way by the fake news. [laughter] but this is truly a historic day. This is a very big thing that is happening right now. And its pretty much going to blow everything away as we discussed. Were making new Affordable Health options to millions of American Workers through the Association Health plans, shortterm plans and help reimbursement arrangements. We are working with congress to stop the prize medical billing and when you hear surprise. [applause] and when we hear surprise medical bill, were not talking about a positive one we are talking about a disaster. Because no american should be blindsided by bills for medical services they never agreed to in advance because people get sick and they dont think in terms of lets sit down and negotiate for 20 minutes, you want to get better and then you hit and you hit really hard. That stops. We are expanding access to taxfree Health Savings account to get critical patients access to lifesaving cures, it will help so much by these gentlemen in the front row, what a job you all did in a really appreciate it. And you to senator, that was really great. We think in terms of the house because i know how hard you bought for, you guys were amazing. And devon i know you worked in this one very, very hard, with Everything Else you do. I appreciate it, very few people wouldve done that, right to trace interesting because they have been trying to get it for 45 years and they cannot do. It sounds simple but it is not. Everybody had a reason for not wanting it, the Insurance Companies did not want to because of liabilities, the country did not want to because they did not want to be sued but night have terminally ill patients, if they were rich enough they would go to asia, europe, all over the world looking for here and we have the greatest doctors in the world right here, the greatest Lab Technicians and labs in medical, we have everything. But it takes a period of time to get a certain potential cure approved. Sometimes 15 years, by the way we brought that down to an average of six. But you need time because you do not want to hurt anybody. These are patients that are terminally ill and did not want to give up the fear because he didnt want to hea hurt them. We agreed they would sign a waiver, nobody would be held liable, the drug committees did not want on the record, we made it much less part of the record. It was great for them and everybody is happy in many lives have been saved, we had one the other day that was so incredible, a young incredible woman that made a medical mistake and it was over for her, they were explaining last rites and all of a sudden she did this and she is now healthy, they think shes going to be fine. It was an incredible thing. I am happy, i talk about a lot, right to try, it sounds so simple, for 45 years they betray to get approved and they got in just a you feel good, greg and doug and everybody, tremendous success, if you could see what is going on, so many people that would definitely are not going to make it are now living. In many cases they will be just fine. It is something very sweet and you shall be very proud of that. So for the first time in a long time we are doing things that people have not done before. From the standpoint of what we are here for. We eliminated the obamacare into a penalty which was the most unpopular thing in obamacare by far. It had a decision to make, do we do a good job with obamacare, or do we do a bad job. If i do a bad job, there you can blame obama and the democrats, if we do a good job though get a little bit more credit but it still very faulty and does not work in is too expensive. I told her great secretary, dont go good job, do a great job. Do whatever you have to do to make as good as possible. Once we get rid of the individual mandated beta better. But obama here doesnt work, it works at least adequately now and politically is not a good thing that i did but its the right thing to do for a lot of people. I want to thank you and i want to thank seema for doing a fantastic job. [applause] we spend a lot of time defending medicare and Social Security and were always going to protect patients with preexisting conditions. People dont understand that, we are fighting very, very hard to get it taken care of for preexisting conditions. That would not happen. But the republicans are very much behind that, totally behind that. And if we do anything or you see anything unusual it doesnt make it, we are putting in. Very strong, taking care patients with preexisting conditions and i would say that is a very Strong Foundation of what we are doing and what were about, it is very important. Together we are taking power away from bureaucrats, taking it away from Insurance Companies with special interest, we are giving the power back to patients and we are giving the americans a right to know so we have the right to try and the right to know and the right to negotiate and the right to pick your doctor in the right to pick your own prices. In other than that, what can i tell you, we can do better than that. But we are taking one more giant step toward Healthcare System in Healthcare System that is very fantastic and it will be good. It is going to work for the people. I want to thank everybody for being here, im going to sign the executive order and if this is half as big as some people are saying it will be, itll be one of the biggest things ever done in this world in this industry and this profession. I want to especially thank all of the doctors for being here, we have a lot of doctors in this room. They are very proud of what they do and they want to have our system work. This is something that is going to work efficiently and well. Thank you very much for being here. Im going to sign the executive order. [applause] and here we go, lets watch as President Trump signed the executive order on healthcare Price Transparency. Its officially called the improving price and quality transparency in American Healthcare to put patients first. The goal of this, you heard the president talk, make sure hospitals, doctors, pharmaceutical companies become more transparent in their pricing. What do things cost for all of you, a procedure, medication, office visit, in fact,. [applause] is specifically says within 60 days from today to kateri azor will propose regulations that requires hospitals too post standard charge information on easy to understand consumer friendly formats and joining the president useful air could jay, she saw a 330 markup for the same biopsy with 70 miles apart. So much to talk about, lets bring in as we can as we watch the president sign, buddy carter is with me, a member of the gop doctors caucus, the only pharmacist serving in the caucus. We are watching how the president says how unfair it is and they dont know what procedure, medications and visits really cost, is this a step in the right direction . Absolutely its a step in the right direction. The president s adversaries will have a field day with this. They hate it when he is right. And he is spot on here. I am so proud of him and so proud of what he is doing. We have to have transparency. We have to make healthcare consumers just that. They have to be consumers, they have to make choices and in order to make the choices they have to have transparency so they can decide on the things that they are trying to consume her. I tell you, the president is spot on. He made a great point, especially subsequent to the hospital, here in the er, that is not the time you want to have a conversation about pricing. And about what your procedures are going to cost. And i think they meant to the group that really opposes, we were chinese stocks earlier, one of the hospital groups are very opposed to this and theyve been very vocal in washington, and they dont like this at all. How do you deal with those voices that will be knocking on your door. Of course they dont like it, they are benefiting from it. And the president made the point that we are taking powers away from the interest, hospitals and that is what were doing, were giving it to the consumers. I want to give the example, was in pharmacy, a major retailer came out with a 4dollar per month prescription generic plan. There was no way i could meet that, i broke my back and said theres no way, im not quite to beat that price, guess what, a week later i was selling generics or 4 for a month supply. That is the way markets work and thats the way competition works, thats the way you bring down prices and that is the way we will bring down prices in healthcare and increase quality. Liz you been very critical of pharmacy managers, we been showing those talks on a screen today as well for our viewers. Obviously this is a financial story. We may end best in the stocks. They are supposed to be on our side. Theyre supposed to be negotiating for the Drug Companies, they are supposed to be nose go skating for a longterm treatment of diabetes for example. And theyre the ones being targeted by this executive order for lack of transparency, how have this gone on for so long . It is a birthing that is gone on for so long. I have to accept some of the responsibly for that. I shouldve called them out long ago but i was not in a position where he could or i would have. I will tell you, they bring no benefit whatsoever to the Healthcare System. If you look at their Mission Statement it will say this, Prescription Drug prices, how is that worked out . It did not work out with the dam. Until the president started his initiatives, this is the first time in over 46 years that we have actually seen prescription prices decreased because of the ministration and what weve done in congress to control Prescription Drug prices, not anything the pbms have done. Liz i have to ask you about the other big nose, tehran and the new sanctions that a been levied against the leadership, energy and congress and what to say. Obviously this is an exclamation between ourselves and the iranians. Are you hopeful that this movement by treasury secretary today and the president will push the iranians to come back to the bargaining table . Im certainly hopeful, and i think them for what theyve done. Theyve shown tremendous restraint, it wouldve been easy to go ahead with the attacks and to go ahead and bomb them, but the president showed very limited and reserved response and i am very proud that he is done that because he always we need to have them at the table. These sanctions are going to hurt them, dont think for one minute that this is not serious stuff. They are going to cripple the economy and they are crippling their economy and that is why we are seeing them do what theyre doing now. Liz secondary miniature wa, a r with you today, we appreciate your time and we will be following the healthcare with the issue for all of us. I prayed i want to let you know that fox business will have a lot more on the story on bulls bears with my good friend david asman. The exclusive interview and she is a center for medicare and Medicaid Services administrator. All of that happening today, 5 00 p. M. Eastern time, fox business. We will take a quick break. We have 16gu minutes to go until the close. The dow is up 34. Well be right back. Hisamitsu. Cant see what it is yet. Re . What is that . Thats a blazer . Thats a chevy blazer . Aww, this is dope. This thing is beautiful. I love the lights. Oh man, its got a mean face on it. It looks like a piece of candy. Look at the interior. This is nice. This is my sexy mom car. I would feel like a cool dad. Its just really chic. I love this thing. Its gorgeous. I would pull up in this in a heartbeat. I want one of these. That is sharp. The allnew chevy blazer. Speaks for itself. I dont know who they got to design this but give them a cookie and a star. Youre smart,eat you already knew that. But its also great for finding the perfect used car. Youll see what a fair price is and you can connect with a truecar certified dealer. Now youre even smarter. This is truecar. We like drip coffee, layovers and waiting on hold. What we dont like is relying on fancy technology for help. Snail mail we were invited to a y2k party. Uh, didnt that happen, like, 20 years ago . Oh, look, karolyn, weve got a mathematician on our hands check it out now you can schedule a callback or reschedule an appointment, even on nights and weekends. Todays xfinity service. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Id rather not. Liz getting more breaking news, i run un ambassador eddie the microphone saying the u. S. Sanctions on iran should the United States does not have respect for International Law and order. He cited the need or genuine dialogue on Regional Security and he asked un secretary to play a role in the dialogue but the Ambassador Says the atmosphere for dialogue with United States is not ready yet and it will not accept any dialogue with United States while under the threat of sanctions. And then he walked away with the microphone. I have been moments ago. They are not happy with us. I think they shop at mens warehouse. Liz im not sure he was ready. Is more than just, if the tmobile and sprint merger and what is holding it up. We should point is that, this is not just a negotiation between the principles of sprint and tmobile. They are washington and fully understand they posted a funny video over the weekend where they were seen on scooters and they scooted right by the capital. [laughter] there in d. C. And negotiating with the d. O. J. And there in the toboggan to get this thing pushed. And i hear it could be any day. But the complemented as they say on negotiation going on with dealing with regulators and it comes down to this. As soon as we can cut a deal the d. O. J. , fcc, with charlie urban, he buys a spectrum from these guys and he puts he tries to put together, i think they want something in writing on this, possibly the outlines for another wireless carrier with the 5g player. He already own spectrum. In this will probably get announced. That is one of the Things Holding it up. Thinking enough to anyway and they just might because i get sick of dealing with charlie organ in the announcement will be approved with the hundred conditions on selling itself. That is what is kind of holding this thing up is with charlie. If he does agree, and i think part of the thing, he wants an extension, he own spectrum, he is supposed to build it up by 2020. And he is not even close to that. Some sort of Wireless Network prayed he is calling it something else. They want a real buildout. In the negotiation comes down to this. He wants a real extension, a couple years or whatever, they want to guarantee that he will do it, not to say hes going to do it, not just hoarded and figure it out as he goes along. And that is where the negotiations are. The question becomes when they can finish this up and against and out, or they might just get impatient and enough to anyway. As a center now, it looks like were on the road to approval with concessions unloading stuff, we dont know for fact, parties walk away, the video, it was kind of funny, it came amid a lot of talks they are going to walk away from the cell. When you take a video like that, it looks like theyre not walking away just yet, but in the end it d. O. J. Demands too much, and the fcc has not been handed all that much just get rid of dish excuse me too get rid of, the prepaid thing, the prepay, hulu sorry. There is a point theyre going to walk away, theyre not your get under their young. This is crunch time. Liz i want to skitter video next mi time icu. Thank you very much. The dow is up 27 points. The closing bell will b will bet next. It started when scores more people came together, just down the street and traded bonds that helped pay for the revolution, and the nation it created. It started in an office on the corner where the right people witnessed the telegraph and brought information and humanity together forever. It started with the markets, bringing together steel and buildings and silicon and medicine and rockets. We believe the possibilities of life and investing are greater when we come together. Its why for eighty years weve connected ideas with technology, data with inspiration, investors with solutions. So that every day together, it all starts again. At comcast, we didnt build the nations largest gigspeed network just to make businesses run faster. We built it to help them go beyond. Because beyond risk. Welcome to the neighborhood, guys. There is reward. Beyond work and life. Who else could he be . There is the moment. Beyond technology. There is human ingenuity. Every day, comcast business is helping businesses go beyond the expected, to do the extraordinary. Take your business beyond. Back then, we checked our zero times a day. Times change. Eyes havent. Thats why theres ocuvite. Screen light. Sunlight. Longer hours. Eyes today are stressed but ocuvite has vital nutrients to help protect them. Ocuvite. Eye nutrition for today. Can. Cheryl four minutes to go before the closing bell rings. S p is the great story. Were down 4. 72. We need 3. 72 to the upside to have a new record for s p. Bosh, were close. Nasdaq down by 23. Skyrocketing 50 on its debut last thursday, slack, the Collaboration Software company, they direct listed on the nyse. They hit new lows. Microsoft put a ban on the rival company. That is not good. Kristina partsinevelos. The share price is down 3 . Microsoft has a sris, prohibited and discouraged technology list. On that list is slack free. The free slack version you can download on the phone. As well as few other companies. Google docks on the list, Amazon Web Services and few others. The reason microsoft put the list together, they said slack, there could be some security threats, security holes. It is not due to competition. I would like to point out a year ago in microsofts report, one of their reports they did say that slack was a competitor to office for microsoft. So back to you guys. Cheryl why everybody likes the ipo. We have joined by norm connolly. Marketwatch Technology Editor jeremy owens out in san francisco. Guys, i want to talk in particular, norm, this market. We have trading range on the dow, 81 points. Cautiousness ahead of g20. The story about technology, huawei, 5g products, what are you watching in that space . It will be a slow news day on friday, right . Were interested in the semiconductors. Were invested in several names for the group. What happens on friday with u. S. China trade is important, part of a cycle. Cheryl jeremy, there has been a call for lot of companies, make equipment from other companies, you cant buildout a 5g network. This has to have Tech Companies scrambling. Entire supply chain is so independent. Putting it back into china, putting it all together, anything will throw any kind of wrench into that will be a severe thing for these companies. Cheryl fascinating to watch. Norm, youve been on the show before. I know you like amazon. That is a stock youve been watching. Paypal and visa, who do you like the most . Is it still amazon . Amazon is one of our favorites. We love what theyre doing for the consumer. Probably the most consumer focused company in the world right now. Great success with Amazon Web Services. That will be tremendous advertising business. I think amazon is one of our favorites. Cheryl the other big story today, jeremy, is this dashboard, this proposal, maybe, of course its a government proposal, these Tech Companies should let us know what we are worth, my data is worth. Maybe im worth five bucks, maybe it is 10. That is a big story, jeremy. What theyre not doing, differentiating companies have in data and how useful that is to them. Not asking if my data is 5 or 20. Worth five dollars at facebook, six dollars at netflix and 8 at google. What the data is worth can change company to company. It is not as easy they make that sound. Cheryl real quick, norm, do you want to switch market right now . June is looking rock solid for markets. 2018 that was the end. That was the big dip, that will be blue skies for us right now. Were pretty optimistic. Investor have been put through a awful lot of volatility the last 18 months. [closing bell rings] cheryl investors looking good. Especially for the dow. Only 81 point trading range for the dow. Narrowest in 10 months that is it for me. Over to after the bell. Connell transparency in health care that was the idea of President Trump signing that executive order moments ago requiring health care providers, Insurance Companies to tell patients how much a service would cost before they get that service. Well talk about that. Into the close, stocks with a mixed day as investors look for a break on the u. S. China trade talks ahead of the g20 later on in the week. The dow is higher, up by call it 11 points, still higher on the day. Melissa well take it. Connell well take it. S p 500 and nasdaq ending in the red, not down a lot. S p five, nasdaq 26. Welcome back to me. Im connell

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