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Immigration real quick. Yesterday, i guess, a group of House Republicans put out an immigration plan that would deal with daca but also do a whole lot of things that werent under the umbrella of the four things you outlined in the meeting why. Was that helpful . Was that not helpful to getting to a deal ultimately . Does the president wish they take that off the table so that you can focus on what might be happening with senator flake or others in the senate . How does a a complete package. We think its a great starting point, a great place. Reporter even though it went beyond the parameters what the president specifically and later you laid out . He felt it had to be included, not just what could be included. Certainly, we think that this is a good starting point. Part of the negotiation process, if we could get everything done, we think thats much better than getting part of it done, but were okay with getting a deal done as long as it falls into the parameters that the president laid out. Reporter he understands that adding the extra things what has the potential to make this more difficult because various constituencies think of those things as poison pills that are going everybody puts everything on the table they want, you figure out what youre not willing to give up, which weve laid out, and you try to come out with everybody winning, which thats what were hoping to do, both republicans, democrats, the house and the season. Weve laid out the nonnegotiables for us and get that in the process. Reporter you think that will be in the next week or so . Im not going to put a time frame on it. We certainly hope to get it done. The priority is making sure we get it done and get it done right. April . Reporter sarah, secretary mnuchin said this white house has been working as it relates to the tax plan, and when it comes to walmart, had this white house been talking with walmart about a safety net for the employees that were going to lose their jobs today . Im looking at a sign from sams club that says this club will be closed on january 11, 2018, thats today, the day that secretary mnuchin talks about how wonderful the increases in pay for walmart workers . Im not aware about a conversation about a specific safety net. I can tell you were excited about the fact theyve raised minimum wage. They have increased opportunities when it comes to paid family leave, and that they are increasing salaries to over a million american workers. We think thats a positive. In terms of specifics on a safety net and conversations around that, i couldnt speak to that. Reporter the status report, i understand that ryan and mcconnell are not together on issues of welfare reform as it relates to education, where does the president stand on that . Were having conversations about that, its important policy to look at, but right now our focus primarily is on the budget, and secondary is getting a deal done in regards to immigration on daca and Border Security and most likely moving to infrastructure from there, john . Reporter thank you, sarah. Two brief questions. President said that yesterday that and i quote were going to take a strong look at libel laws. Now many lawyers said that was an unusual statement because all libel laws are at the state level and not the federal level. Was he referring to states should take a look at libel laws or Something Else . I think certainly states should take a look at it. Look, the president is frustrated with the misreporting and fake news that regularly takes place. He is tired of the medias obsession over recent fictitious book on the president and hiS Administration, and thinks when things like that happen should be action of recourse. He is stating it should be looked into. Reporter he meant the states, not that there should be federal libel laws. Speaking generally that libel laws should be looked at. Reporter the other question is, is the administration have any reaction to the reports of the arrest of former iranian president ahmadinejad leading a protest against the regime . Not at this time. Francesca. Reporter about the president this morning and fisa, he said it may have been used to fight the act of surveillance used in campaigns. What specifically was he talking about may, abused and surveilled. I think this is something weve talked about many times before. There are a lot of things that indicate there was surveillance at trump tower, and im not sure what the clarification is needed on that front. Reporter thanks, sarah. Two questions for you. First, a few days ago you said the white house did not have any reaction to the transcript that was released by senator feinstein related to fusion gps. Is the president aware of the transcript and have reaction to the fbi references within the transcript on what was said by the gentleman . We certainly think its a gross overstep by senator feinstein to release that transcript. Theres been a lot of comments about obstruction of justice, and frankly the only people weve seen trying to influence the investigation are former director comey and democrats in congress, and that would include senator feinstein, representative schiff, who have both selectively leaked to the media witness introduce. We see that to be a big problem, and something that should certainly be considered and looked at. Reporter and my follow question, today ecuador announced its granting nationality to wikileaks founder julian assange. Does the president agree or disagree by the decision by the ecuadorians . I havent spoke to him about that. Reporter can i ask you on iran again. When the president went through the exercise in october of decertifying the sanctions waivers, he said words to the effect of fix it or he wouldnt do this again. It includes legislation which hasnt happened yet. Is the president comfortable with where the fix it part of this process is right now and what is his feeling about what a fix would look like . The president still strongly believes this is one of the worst deals of alltime, and one of the single greatest flaws is restrictions leave iran free in the future to openly develop the Nuclear Program and break out a weapons capability. Obviously week see big problems with that. Administration is continuing to work with congress and with our allies to address those flaws, and well keep you posted as a decision on that front is made. Halle . Reporter want to ask you about offshore drilling, im hoping you can clarify something you said a couple of times, a lot of people were confused by the tweet. I didnt say a lot of people. You said a lot of people were confused. Reporter we werent confused but some people were. Mike pompeo was pushing for this. A lot of the people in the president S Administration were representing the president s position. His tweet today was confusing, contradictory, it was. How are people supposed to trust, not us, lawmakers, stakeholders that the people representing the president s position actually are . I think that the premise of your question is completely ridiculous and shows the lack of knowledge that you have on this process. Ive tried several times. Ill do it a tenth time here. Look, the president supports the 702, but he has some very strong concerns about the fisa program more generally. Again, this is why he put out a memo last week. Outlining such, and why the dni director put out a new policy this morning. Im not sure what the confusion is there. Jake . Reporter you are saying that the president s tweet this morning was in your view not at all confusing and not at all contradictory. You think thats an accurate statement . It wasnt confusing to me, im sorry if it was for you. Reporter the offshore drilling band, a lot of questions whats happened in florida. Other states pointing to the administrations position saying they also would like to be exempt. How is exempting florida from the ban anything other than, in critics view, than giving a political favor to white house allies and key battleground states . Look, the president is a massive advocate for america not just being Energy Independent but energy dominant. Thats part of that process is the offshore drilling, thats why its opened up for public comment. These are going to continue to be negotiations, were going to continue to look for places and ways in a way we can make america more energy dominant. Were going to continue forward in that process. Thats why weve opened up drilling and anwr. The Keystone Pipeline and job killing regulations, were going to continue to move forward with the process. Its an opencomment period, and continue to talk with stakeholders as we make decisions on other states. Jake . Reporter any political favor . Im not aware of any political favor that would have been part of. So no. Jake . Reporter the president commuted a former offender with a sentence of 27 years, what kind of injustice does the president view as priorities . Look, the president is looking at one of the big topics of conversation for today specifically is looking at the rates of recidivism specific to helping reduce violent crime. This is a beginning conversation. This is to a listing session, and were going to continue working through the process. That was the number one topic at todays meeting and thats the big priority he has on that front. Reporter there have been reports out and please clarify. What is mr. Kushners role in the prisoner reform, exactly . Helping lead that conversation and putting stakeholders together from different areas that have expertise on the matter. One more question . Reporter can you shed light on what the holdup is . Members of the Republican Party were in the negotiations, theyre the ones who say they agree with democrats. The administration has been in the meetings, some of them, so what do you not like . I believe theres only one member that said there was a deal reached and the other members are well in sync on the same page, that we havent gotten there. We feel were close, and again, were going to keep having the conversations, the president had a meeting here today with a number of members from the house and senate, republicans and democrats, as a followup discussion on immigration, and, again, we feel very strongly we can get a deal made. Reporter one piece the president talked about missing . Is that not an issue . Is there not funding . Can you shed light . The democrats agree on the other side of the deal. Were confident and feel like were going to get there. Thank you so much, guys. Liz okay, that is extraordinarily important, what she just said. The white house did say there is no daca deal but Sarah Sanders just stressing that they are close, during this White House Daily briefing. At this hour, weve got conflicting reports about two competing bipartisan groups. One led by South Carolina senator republican lindsey graham, jeff flake of arizona, tom cotton of arkansas, seen here, and it includes democrats dick durbin and Michael Bennett from illinois and colorado along with bob menendez from new jersey. They say theyve come up with a deal, the socalled dreamers that they want to send to the white house. It is not impaneled by the administration to work on daca. Congressman Kevin Mccarthy the republican from california, john cornyn of texas and democrat steny hoyer, along with dick durbin. Actually, no, i believe dick durbin is in the second group. Oh hes in both groups weve got ourselves a competition right now to get to a daca deal, so we dont have a Government Shutdown next friday. Our fox news producer chad pergram, we checked with our reporters on the ground. They confirm no deal just yet. Treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin stole the show at the White House Press conference, they will see tax cuts in paychecks next month, some as soon as february 1st, depending how employer works. And said nafta, the threeway trade agreement with canada and the u. S. Will be renegotiated and if not, the u. S. Is ready to pull the plug on it. Back to the daca deal, and it is not so much political but very much budget, as a business network, thats what we are looking for, there is no definitive deal but it is the key to avoiding that Government Shutdown by next friday. When the current shortterm spending bill expires. Democrats are hoping for a daca deal that allows dreamers to stay, these are children of immigrants, who were brought by parents and are today working and living in the u. S. , the only country theyve known. Republicans say they want a deal that brings in, the president says this, a wall and money for it. We certainly saw progress moving at this hour, and certainly earlier today, just a few hours ago, in that direction. I think we will be able to put together a daca compromise that has the majority of support from our party. I think people of good will coming together on both sides of the aisle, both houses of congress to get the job done. Liz the markets are moving higher on this potential. Joining Us Pennsylvania congressman lloyd smucker, hes on the house budget committee. What can you tell us, as a member of the budget committee, sir, what we should believe and whats going on . And maybe the big nugget is perhaps we have an olympicsized competition going on to reach a deal. Thats with both sides. Thats good news, isnt it . I think any discussion in regards to finding a solution here are good. Theres been a lot of discussions occurring in both parties and bipartisan discussions. Thats why i personally have been part of several groups working for months to find a solution. Most of us believe that we should find a solution to ensure folks part of the daca program should be able to stay be and productive parts of society. You know what i hear from people in the conference and across the district . That is we have to be sure we dont get here again in a few years, as a part of that deal. You have to have Border Security, effective interior enforcement to ensure we dont get here again. Im confident based on the discussions that ive been part of and the discussions that have been reported and there are a lot of them going on. Im confident we will in the near future find a solution. Liz the debt ceiling and for those of who you dont quite understand what that is, the federal governments credit card, the borrowing limit, that too is very much hanging in the balance, and a ticking time bomb with that. We need money to move forward, whether that means paying for what the president called 18 billion he would like to see for a partial wall, and then the Childrens Health program initiative. So which ones do we look close on here . Chip, the Childrens Health care issue, looks like the Congressional Budget Office came out a couple of hours ago saying to extend it, which is what the democrats want, is actually good because it could save money, if you extend it for a decade, it could save 800 million, well, it could save 6 billion, that would be the cost, 800 million . Certainly a good cbo score on chip, and this is another area where the fraud agreement on the need to authorize this. Theres been close, staying in touch with states, states are at the end of the cycle. We must get this approved to ensure kids dont lose coverage. Youre going to see a lot coming together in the next week or so. This will as well. Liz that is music i think to many of our viewers ears. Were looking to close to session highs but record highs for our five major indexes. That would be dow, nasdaq, s p, russell 2000, and the transports up. Senator warren, who, of course, as you know is pretty left. Shes of course a democrat from massachusetts. She told bret baier last night, an interesting interview. She told him, i dont want to see any of that, meaning the Government Shutdown come to pass, and i like hearing what you said, that we look like we are certainly close on this. In the end, can you, just as we finish up, tell me, what a deal on daca and a border enforcement would do for working on Something Like infrastructure . A 1 trillion infrastructure plan that this country would like to see . Im not sure the issues will be tied together, im not sure they should be. Liz does it set a tone if you get bipartisan help on this deal and daca . I think youre going to see bipartisan support for baka and bipartisan support for infrastructure package. As a member of the transportation infrastructure committee, i know that theres been a lot of work by our chairman, by members of the committee, by the administration on infrastructure and theres been bipartisan discussions and part of a group called the problem solvers which is equally democrat and republican. We just yesterday presented a series of ideas about how to discuss infrastructure package going forward, and so yes, i think this is another Good Opportunity for bipartisan support. Liz congressman smucker, great to see you. Thank you very much. Thanks for having me. Liz the bipartisan bobsled competition is happening right now. Let us go back to the white house and we talked about treasury secretary mnuchin talking about when you all will start to see tax money come in, but the trump administration, he also talked about it releasing tax tables, et cetera, blake burman, you just got out of there. Tell me what was the headline for you . Well, the administration is trying to push this idea that within the next couple weeks or so, come february, that employers, 90 of them, workers, will have a tax cut in their paycheck at some point in february to. That end, the irs today, the Treasury Department released new tax tables for employers to start withhold the correct amount of money from employees paychecks so the tax cuts can go into effect within the next few weeks. Let me run down some of the time line, if you are an employee, the irs, the Treasury Department says you dont need to do anything. Come february 15th, employers must implement the new tax tables so they can conform with irs guidelines, and then shortly after that, at some point late in february, the irs will have a tax calculator online so people can play with the tax calculator to see what they owe the federal government and make sure what they are withholding is the correct amount, and later this year, the irs will introduce new w4 forms. That issue is an important one, liz, let me show you the w4 form, if youve been hired recently or tried to change exemptions, it will look remember if. Form you fill out announcing how many exemptions you have and the amount to withhold. The new tax code doesnt allow for exemptions, the old one sdchl the irs is having people fill out the old w4 form. Next year, they want them to fill out a new w4 form. The tax tables need to be massaged, need to be tweeked so they can gel with the old form. That led me to ask the treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin inside the Briefing Room whether or not the administration, whether or not the irs is trying to rush the implementation. In no way was this rushed to get this out there for paychecks . Absolutely not. We update the withholding tables every year. Theres more work. Our objective is to get people money as quickly as they can. 90 of the people will see changes. Reporter on a pure political side here, liz, it is an election year, and some felt if there is more takehome pay that will be good for republicans, and democrats made the case they feel that the administration is essentially juicing this whole process to help republicans in the midterm chances. Mnuchin was asked about that. He called that a, quote, ridiculous charge. Liz . Liz im speechless. This is working well right now. We have companies right and left that are giving back to their employees because theyre getting a tax cut, so blake, i believe that the secretary is pretty honest in that assessment. Good to see you, thank you very much. Were watching a market hitting session highs with the closing bell about 38 minutes away. The worlds most dominant boxer has a Virtual Reality fitness app. Yes, i look like a cat playing with a dangled toy. Its an app and made me feel like a kitty with a shining object. Floyd money mayweather announcing the fitness chain will be a total knockout. Stay tuned with my interview with floyd mayweather. Were at ces in las vegas. The markets hitting a big, big high. Dow was up 161. We have the dow, s p and nasdaq, et cetera. This weekend, big games. Big east basketball on fox business. Of seats. They think its theirs. Look at them, they have no idea its not theirs. Its mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. The new lexus rx 350l with three rows for seven passengers. Are you excited about your baby sister coming . Experience space for the unexpected with the rx l, part of the rx family. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Todays Senior Living communities have never been better, with amazing amenities like movie theaters, exercise rooms and swimming pools, public cafes, bars and bistros even pet care services. And theres never been an easier way to get great advice. A place for mom is a free service that pairs you with a local advisor to help you sort through your options and find a Perfect Place. A place for mom. You know your family we know Senior Living. Together well make the right choice. Liz all right, you just heard treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin saying next month you will see money in your paychecks from the tax cuts. Right, they havent even kicked in yet, thrusting two of the biggest names in business into the spotlight at this hour. Delta air lines, which is moving higher now by 5. 5 just said it expects to see an 800 million windfall thanks to the tax cuts. Which it will use to reinvest and grow the business. But the huge news was that walmart this morning blew this out to the world. They announced its employees will be christmas in january, the Worlds Largest employer said it will boost starting minimum wage to 11 an hour. Thats just for starting, and will dish out bonuses of up to 1,000 per u. S. Employee. Walmart crediting the president s tax plan for the move. More trickledown effect in play. Waste management sent this out last night we have been speaking to Waste Management for many years and the ceo, james fish, will be on this program tomorrow. They are giving that bonus to workers who quite frankly deal with trash, and clean toilets. Okay . This is a big story here for americans. Remember these names, at t, boeing, comcast, wells fargo, promising to pay bonuses to employees and bump hourly pay if President Trump signs it into law . The best performing stock is boeing, up 9. 2 since the tax reform bill was passed. To the floor show and how this is affecting stocks. Keith bliss, this is a good investment for companies to give back to employees . And speaks to how tight the labor market is. Instead of raising the nominal wage with the exception of walmart, 1,000, 2,000 bonuses which is a good thing, wages are stagnant for too long. Whether you do it in bonus structure or hourly wage, it is fine. Dow is a priceweighted index, it is ripping higher, much more so than the rest of them. Because of boeing, the highest stock in that index. Liz scott bauer, it appears to be Good Business to do well for your workers when you do windfall with the tax cuts. That does appear to be what were seeing with at least 100 companies. Its great. I was going to say the same thing. Over 100 companies. What were seeing with the banks and the financials who are going to start reporting tomorrow, jpmorgan, wells fargo, theyre going to be taking some big onetime charges due to the tax law here. So the Bank Earnings that were going to see, although i think theyre going to be great moving into next year, theyre going to be murky, muddy, and were going to have to decipher out what the onetime charge is versus what the actual earnings number is. Real positive momentum behind the Bank Earnings is just since october, liz, the last three months, weve seen analysts actually up their earnings estimates from 10 up to 18 . Liz and tomorrow look for that to continue. Liz big names tomorrow, jpmorgan and wells fargo, elliot britgoing above 70 a barrel, inventory numbers, surprise drop. Give me your quick assessment for oil . Crude is higher than i would have expected, liz. I encourage you to look in natural gas, another big spike, up 10 in two weeks. Spiked 5 today, it was 275 two weeks ago last time i was on. Its over 3 today. Natural gas is the real story. Liz it sure is, up 6 right now. Keith, scott, elliot. Thank you for rocking and rolling on that. Closing bell, 29 minutes away. Intel, dow component trying without much success to divert attention from chip flaw controversy by flying 250 drones above the Bellagio Hotel and casino in vegas. Shooting stars at ces, there they are, those are all drones, folks. Theyre very nice, but were going to ask our Cybersecurity Panel if its intels chip problems that will bring the company down to earth with a bit of a hard fall, creating a World National Security Threat . Well ask that, next on countdown. Jardiance is the only type 2 diabetes pill proven to both significantly reduce the chance of dying from a cardiovascular event in adults who have type 2 diabetes and heart disease. And lower your a1c. Wow. Jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration. This may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, or lightheaded, or weak upon standing. Ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, tiredness, and trouble breathing. Stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of ketoacidosis or an allergic reaction. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include rash, swelling, and difficulty breathing or swallowing. 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Lets bring in our experts covering the situation from all angles. First eric oneill, former fbi counterterror operative and currently National Security strategist at carbon black. And kate fazini, wall street journal cybersecurity reporter who began covering the major flaw issue just after the first of the year. I wish, kate, i could say that was the beginning, but it wasnt. Simon segars of arm holdings told me at Consumer Electronics show two days ago they knew back in june. The one issue that becomes a major story here is that counterterrorism and terrorism may be at odds at this moment because they didnt tell the government. Intel, applied materials, amd and arm, how big a security issue is this going to become . I think there are a lot of Security Issues related to what we would call firm ware, how you would use with chips. I believe that the government is aware of a great many vulnerabilities that go beyond microchips, related to memory, related to the very fundamentals that underlie many of the computers and technology were using today. I think that what this has raised as it has been disclosed has been the criminal element, before it was, yes, a National Security issue. If a nationstate is able to attack us in any form, thats a National Security issue. Now its out in the open. Criminals, lowlevel hackers, can take advantage of that too. Liz eric, short of a gut read design, is there anything you believe government offices which are operating off older equipment must do immediately to prevent the security flaw, if you believe these guys, and im not sure i do right now. Hasnt seen real world exploits. Do we see they may have to swap out the guts of the chips and swap them out . I dont think theyre going to swap out chips. That is billions of chips. If youre just looking at the government, perhaps the chip designers have to come up with a new chip with different architecture, and i want to mention one thing, these are vulnerabilities found in the chips and the vulnerabilities have to be exploited. Just because theyre there doesnt mean attacker can take advantage of it. The attacker has to create malware to execute on the system to take advantage of the vulnerability. The meltdown vulnerabilities require a motivated and wellfunded attacker. Typical criminal element isnt going to use these because its so easy to use spear phishing to get at people. When youre going after a government, a nationstate is going to use the vulnerabilities to attack. Liz let me push back on that, and kate, weve seen north korea do that, they did it with sony. They have done a lot of big efforts out there. Russia is very good at this, they are a nationstate. I guess Silicon Valley hates to disclose this stuff because it will give the bad guys a jump. Should they have . Thats a tough question. I think that theres more to come on whether they should have. I do know that everybody ive talked to has said that the patches theyre putting out, the fixes theyre putting out and what theyve had in the works this past year are good, and the patches once implemented by the companies are going to protect them. Liz microsoft doesnt like the patch. Brian krzanich gave the keynote speech. They sort of understand but theyre kind of annoyed . I feel their pain, theyre trying to work around a problem in architecture using software, that is very difficult. They have had some time to develop them, which is good for us. Theyve got to get around a problem that is built into the chip. Liz good to see you both, thank you so much. Thank you, liz. Liz it was not all chip security and worries at ces 2018 in las vegas. Workout apps and fitness bands, this time around there is one you can spar in the boxing ring with the most dominant Successful Living boxer in the world. I got a chance with fox business to talk to, yes, floyd money mayweather about his new exercise app he wants to share with you. I just did mayweather boxing and fitness, the Virtual Reality where you have the paddles in your hands and you box. With you with the Virtual Reality floyd. This is amazing. Did you have fun . Liz i did, now im sweating. At first you thought it was going to be cheesy, i thought cheesy, how can we do this, this cant be that great . Everyone. The mayweather boxing fitness Virtual Reality, unbelievable, as you can see right here. The mayweather boxing fitness gym will be opening. The first gym will be opening in three weeks in los angeles. Liz i know. Weve been working on this a while now, probably over a year. Liz how many gyms do you expect to open eventually . We look forward to opening 500 gyms around the world. First the Virtual Reality, you know, head set and everything will be inside the gym. Then well move into homes where can you do it in the bedroom or the living room. Liz why did i look like i was a chihuahua or a cat like this. I look like a cat with a dangle toy . Its fun. Its fun. You can have fun, but you also can burn a lot of calories. Youre health is your wealth. Liz you have a world renowned epic workout that youve been doing for many, many years that brought to you such unbelievable success, floyd. Do you share all of your trade secrets . Yes, with mayweather boxing fitness, everyone, i will reveal all the secrets. Liz in that . Youre the largest shareholder. Its amazing, i think its important to point out, were fox business, a business audience, people want to know, you have your hands in many different business jars, right . Yes. Liz there have been athletes who have tried to get into the gym business, derek jeter, shaquille oneal, andre agassi with mixed success. What makes you think can you come out here and tko in the business . The team i have behind me have been successful, over 20 years. Just in business. Everything that the team thats behind me have touched have turned to gold. Liz have you transitioned permanently from boxer to businessman . Well, boxing i mean, to make over a billion dollars, i had to be a businessman. [laughter] yes, i have patience, i have patience. You were both. Im pushing it here. Pro boxing in the Rearview Mirror for you, forever . Far. I cant even see it. [ laughter ] im telling you it was a great workout. Hes got a worldclass workout. Floyd mayweather does not know how to code and yet he is going into the electronics and vr world. Well, a guy named ray jay doesnt know how to code either, but thats not stopping him from make big bucks in the tech world. Tomorrow, im going to talk to the singer entrepreneur about his 31 million deal to put out his own electronic scooty bike and a whole bunch of other things for the urban techno fight. You dont want to miss that one. If you did miss awesome interviews at ces 2018. Go to lizclaman. Com for the exclusive videos and interviews. Follow me on twitter, be my friend on facebook, and thanks to hampton the kitty for imitating me doing the Virtual Reality. When we come back, Charlie Gasparino with his usual big breaking news. Dow is up 156 points. Whcold sore. Et you . Grab lunch . Cold sore. When a cold sore takes over, campho pheniques topical anesthetic plus antimicrobial action soothes pain fast. Whats for dinner . Meat loaf. Camphophenique on, cold sore pain gone. Retail. Under pressure like never before. And its connected technology thats moving companies forward fast. Ecommerce. Real time inventory. Virtual changing rooms. Thats why retailers rely on comcast business to deliver consistent Network Speed across multiple locations. Every corporate office, warehouse and store near or far covered. Leaving every competitor, threat and challenge outmaneuvered. Comcast business outmaneuver. Liz former president ial hopeful mitt romney appears to be inching closer to a run for the senate now as veteran lawmaker orrin hatch of utah prepares to take his final bow. We firefighter reported on countdown that romney is already turning to trusted advisers within hedge fund for a possible campaign and the money that comes with it. Let me get on Charlie Gasparino . Courtesy of my producer brian schwartz. Listen, i do a lot of business stories and tend to focus on the business side. Every now and then a political story comes along. We should point out mitt romney was a president ial candidate in 2012. He ran bain capital, the private equity firm. Hell be able to raise a lot of money from private equity if he does run. Hell be well financed. Mitt romney is on the verge now, very close to announcing his possible candidacy. Romney will likely announce that he will run. We say likely, who knows . In the middle of the night you could say i dont want to do it. Ann romney says please dont do it, begs him. Hes going to announce a run for Utah Senate Seat next week, it looks like its going to be announced next week, and one of the reasons why i think you know hes doing that, hes making calls and reaching out to people including mike lee. Mike lee, the senator from utah considered a ted cruz republican. Mitt romney is an establishmenttype republican, he is definitely, definitely reaching out to the more conservative members of the hes from utah, mike lee, makes sense. These are two these are two different factions within the Republican Party, and hes spoken with lee numerous times about this. Looks like its going to happen last week, lee told him he would support him if he runs, a big thing within the state. And heres where i think it gets interesting, and i know all the trump kins are going to go nuts on the twitter page when i say this. Really . Yes, they will go crazy. When i talk to gop operates, people think romney is doing this should i point out, romney is from nominally michigan, governor of massachusetts. Owns a home in utah, and mormon, a big morman state and saved Salt Lake City olympics several years ago. Liz yeah, by taking federal money. He saved it, it was in debt. He did all that. Hes got a lot of bona fides in utah. My other point is that if donald trump does implode, and im not saying he is. You never know, every day is another he seems great one day, not so great next. A lot of people in the gop circle say hes going to be ready to throw his hat in the ring. Liz no, no, i dont think. Speaking of throwing hats in rings, how did i do in the boxing ring against mayweather . Virtual reality mayweather . You got to work on your jab. You got to im no floyd mayweather. I was an amateur. Liz but you boxed. I look like a cat with a dangle toy youve got the look, charlie. [laughter] im going to show the viewers. Show the viewers, there is a difference between the worst pro could beat the best amateur. I was an amateur fighter. Im going to show the viewers, the trumpkins why you are afraid of me. See that . Its been broken a lot. Liz charlie, thank you. I want to show you my show the people that im not a cheapo. Liz hes not cheap. Spent so much money on a tshirt. Size small, cant you see . And your wife was great. Cobble cord, look on lizclaman. Com page. If you want to cut the cord, his lovely wife will teach you how. The markets are closed for Martin Luther king day. Fox business is open for business on monday. We have to go work . Liz on Martin Luther king, jr. Day. Charlie, you are working, too. Just to annoy you, and were celebrating a whole new season of strange inheritance. Jamie colby diving deep into valuable items. Why dont they let us take these days . Whats wrong with them . Liz the World Markets are open. News breaks and fox business is there. And now you watch the other guys following us. So interesting. When we come back, look at this, session highs, dow is up 180 points . You got to stay with me to see. This weve got big ideas for investing. Stay tuned. Ore to lower my a1c. Because my body can still make its own insulin. And i take trulicity once a week to activate my body to release it, like its supposed to. Trulicity is not insulin. It comes in a onceweekly, truly easytouse pen. The pen where you dont have to see or handle a needle. And it works 24 7. Trulicity is a onceweekly injectable medicine to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. It should not be the first medicine to treat diabetes, or for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Do not take trulicity if you have a personal or Family History of medullary thyroid cancer, if you have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if youre allergic to trulicity. Stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or symptoms like itching, rash, or trouble breathing. Serious side effects may include pancreatitis. Taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases your risk for low blood sugar. Common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite, and indigestion. Some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. To help lower my a1c i choose trulicity to activate my within. Ask your doctor if onceweekly trulicity is right for you. Every day we hear from families who partnered with a Senior Living advisor from a place for mom to help find the Perfect Place for their mom or dad thank you so much for your assistance in helping us find a place. 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Somewhere in the bond world theyre looking for laces to invest. 10year yields are spiking. Price of these bonds are dropping. Were talking with someone where she is heavily invested, fixed income. She is the ceo and founder of mb global partners. Private equity and investment firm. Is there an area where you think people should take a corner i have their portfolio off and put it right now that are not specifically equities . Good afternoon, liz. I think high yield bonds is area where investors should be cautious, evidenced by outflows of those bond last year. Leveraged loans, fixed income offer more floating Interest Rates. As Interest Rates rise you have a better chance for value. Liz going into places that cobble together bank loans and opportunities where you have names that go into bank loans, that what im hearing you say . Yes. I think that investor are bert off investing in diversified portfolios of these loans but certainly moving towards a more floating rate instrument makes a lot more sense. David liz we saw bank Loan Exchange traded fund what maria stalking about, spdr, blackstone, power shares senior loan portfolio, high land iboxx senior loan etf. What are these types of things . Well they typically have top part of the capital structure, so some of the debt instruments issued by companies. Most importantly when youre buying highyield bonds on the other hand they offered fixed coupons. In rising Interest Rate environment those instruments have more risk. Liz we have 15 seconds left, if you have one equity, what would it be . Avaya. Interesting situation at crossroads of credit and equity. Trading at otc, about to trade on New York Stock Exchange in just a few days. Liz look at this. We dont need to wait a few days to see fireworks here. The dow in last 2 1 2 minutes tacked on enough points to make it a gain of 203 points . [closing bell rings] we have five records on wall street here after the treasury secretary says come next month you will start to see the tax cuts in your paycheck. That is the claman countdown. This is after the bell. David the dow making a comeback in major way, ending up about 204 points, trading above 25,500. Im david asman this is after the bell. Here is what we are covering in very busy hour. A showdown over surveillance. The house passing a controversial spy program despite mixed signals from the president. The white house trying to clear up the confusion this afternoon. Were expecting a big decision from the president on the

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