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The Justice Department and what about the future of attorney general Jeff Sessions . Ill talk with Intel Committee member and House Oversight chairman trey gowdy coming up. Also, President Trump and republican lawmakers huddle at camp david this weekend to layout a vision for the 2018 agenda. What are the priorities in the new year, House Majority leader Kevin Mccarthy just back from camp david joining me live. Immigration reform will republicans and democrats strike a deal that includes the president s promised border wall ill talk to a senator tom tilli s as we look ahead on sunday morning futures right now. And now this. This week, the House Intelligence Committee will finally get access to Justice Department documents regarding the russia investigation. Congressman defer an nunes the committees chairman wishing a deal with Deputy Attorney general Rod Rosenstein to let the panel review documents in un rediagnosed form as lawmakers try to determine whether anybody tried to use the unverified trump dossier to launch a probe about russia and wire tap the trump campaign. Rosenstein has also agreed to turnover all emails sent between fbi agent peter strzok and fbi lawyer lisa page by this thursday. Strzok and page exchanged anti trump Text Messages during the president ial campaign and talked about needing an insurance policy. Should donald trump win the presidency . Joining me right now is congressman trey gowdy of South Carolina the chairman of the House Oversight committee a member of the house judiciary and Intel Committees. Congressman its a pleasure to have you thanks so much for spending the time. Thank you. Maria do you now have the documents that you have been requesting since august to best assess whether or not there was a massive a a because of power at the fbi around the election last year . I think we have an agreement they will produce the documents youre right we asked for them in august we shouldnt have had to wait until january to gain access but ill be back up there monday. I dont think devon looked at the documents yet. We got an agreement last week they would provide them to us. Maria what is your sense in terms of what went on here . People want to know if Hillary Clinton is above the law. Well, i think there are a couple of things. You mentioned strzok and page. That goes to the issue of bias thats incredibly important because i think your viewers are fellow citizens want an fbi that is biasfree and the other issue is even laying bias aside, did the fbi engage in a process that we can have confidence in. 2016 was a really unusual year. You had one major president ial candidate under investigation and you had the campaign of another president ial candidate under investigation, so its not illegitimate for congress to ask the fbi and the doj what did you do, why did you do it, so we can understand the process, that is separate and apart from the bias evidenced by at least two fbi agents. Maria so where does this lead . Youve been stonewalled since august. Youre finally getting documents last week and this week that youve been asking for since august. We know for example, when you look at the Hillary Clinton side of things her it manager brian p agliano initially said he never deleted anything, to the fbi, he told the fbi, i didnt delete anything and then apparently has an aha moment and says oh, wait yes i did delete emails of Hillary Clinton after we know that those emails were actually recovered and he gets immunity so he gets immunity despite the fact that he lied to the fbi, deleted emails and didnt tell anybody that there were these emails that existed. Well there were several immunity agreements in the clinton email investigation and thats actually what house judiciary and oversight are doing together. Were not looking at russia. Thats house Intel Committee but judiciary and oversight are looking at all of the thins that led up to russia and whether or not the fbi and department of justice handled this like any other case and maria quite frankly i think the doj and the fbi would admit to you that they did things in this case that they had never done in any other one. Now, that doesnt necessarily mean a sinister motive. It could just mean this was a really unusual fact pattern, but its not illegitimate for us to ask and i have been frankly stunned at how little curiosity my democrat colleagues and how little curiosity some elements of the Mainstream Media have in the decisions that our nations chief Law Enforcement agency and top prosecutors have made. Its all, you know, this time last year, democrats wanted comey prosecuted. Remember that . Maria yes. Harry reed wanted him prosecuted they were furious with the fbi and now when we have a chance to go back and better understand the decisions they made and didnt may theres a total lack of curiosity on be half of my democrat colleagues which i just find stunning. Maria even though we know that jim comey leaked confidential information with the whole intention of getting it out to the New York Times and getting a special prosecutor in place. And that is just one of many questions i would like to ask former director comey when you want a special council with President Trump, you leaked thin s to the media. How about when Loretta Lynch asked you to refer to it as a matter and not an investigation. How about the meeting on the tarmac . How about the real reason you took this decision away from the department of justice and made it yourself in a really Unprecedented Press Conference on july 5. You didnt leak that to the media and you didnt ask for a special prosecutor back in 2016, so i get that jim comey had to make a lot of hard decisions. He seemed to make them differently depending on who was in power and thats just one of many questions i think members of Congress Still have for the former director. Maria will you ask these questions of the former director , what does it look like in terms of who you will be questioning in the months ahead . Well we had aunt it mccabe for a long time, the last week we were there obviously we want to talk to special agent strzok. Obviously we want to talk to jim baker who was the general counsel for the fbi and of course, you want to talk to jim comey. Now, my preference is to save the bigger witnesses for the end we need to talk to everyone who is involved in the drafting of this exoneration memo in may of 2016. I mean think about that for a second maria. Youre drafting an exoneration memo before you have interviewed two dozen witnesses and before you have interviewed the target of the investigation. Maria thats right. I want to talk to comey but i want to talk to him towards the end. Maria not only that but peter strzok when he was texting his girlfriend lisa page said that we need an insurance policy in place. Now, congressman we have been hearing bits and pieces of this socalled russia probe and socalled collusion between trump and the russians with absolutely zero evidence. Is that the insurance policy, was peter strzok basically saying to his mistress look, were just going to keep investigating donald trump should he win. Boy it surely reads that way, but the only way were going to know that is to interview lisa page and peter strzok. Weve already interviewed andy mccabe because in that text that you made reference to, they also made reference to a conversation they had in andys office, so weve already interviewed andy mccabe. We need to interview peter strzok and lisa page to figure out what insurance policy, keep in mind these two fbi agents, these fbi agents who are immune from bias, one of them said the election result should be 100 million0 so someone investigating clinton and trump could not think of a single solitary american citizen who would vote for donald trump for president and were supposed to have confidence in the objectivity of that particular agent . Thats why we need to talk to them thats why we need the text thats why we need the emails and we shouldnt have to wait six months to get it. Maria thats exactly right. Americans want to see the rule of law. If we cannot trust the fbi, the cia. By the way the irs, we know what the irs did a year ago or two years ago. Then what is the point of the freedoms of america . Let me ask you this, because weve been watching this russia probe. How long is this going to go on because we still havent had any evidence of any collusion when is it appropriate for bob mueller to come out and say yes definitively theres no collusion here but what i have uncovered is collusion at the top of the fbi between the fbi leadership and Hillary Clinton . Well maria some of my democrat colleagues said he had evidence more than circumstantial evidence of collusion before the investigation even began, so keep that in mind the ranking democrat had evidence of collusion before we interviewed our very first witness almost 60 democrats voted to move forward with impeachment already before bob mueller released a single finding before the house intelligence or Senate Intelligence committees released a single solitary finding almost 60 House Democrats think the president should be removed from office and adam ship says he has evidence of collusion so i would tell your viewers wait on bob muellers investigation the people in the house seem to have already made up their minds and theyre just going in search of evidence that validates or ratifies what they already believe. We have several witnesses left to interview. Maria that is infuriating. Theres been, well, its only infuriating if you have high expectations. I have been been in congress seven years thats not where serious investigations take place. It is where Senate Campaigns in california take place but its not where serious investigations take place. I do have confidence of bob muellers reach the right decision and interview the right people and hopefully the American People can have confidence in what he produces but you cant have confidence in an investigation where the ranking democrat prejudges it before youve interviewed your very first witness. Maria thats right and we cant have confidence if nothings being done and theres never any accountability here. Obviously, you have been searching for the truth. Devon nunes is searching for the truth but people are questioning the head Law Enforcement individual. Here is what the guy who used to have your seat chairman of oversight said on fox news this week about attorney general Jeff Sessions. Listen to this, sir. Attorney general sessions his time has come. Hes got to go. I agree with meadows and jordan on this. Hes not existed in this investigation. Hes irrelevant and i think it was a bad pick and time for him to go. Maria should Jeff Sessions step down . Well, i think former chairman Jason Chaffetz those are two different points whether or not he should step down i cant think of anything hes done since hes been the attorney general that warrants his removal from office. The better question i think is whether or not he should have been the pick in the first place maria, and whether President Trump picked him and whether or not then senator sessions should have said do you know what maybe im not the right person. Over 40 of our states have an attorney general whose independently elected by the voters. Less than a handful have the governor pick the attorney general, so i think what your viewers and what my fellow citizens want is an attorney general that is objective, that is factcentric that we can have confidence and whatever conclusions he or she reaches and as long as we continue to pit friends and Campaign Supporters to be the attorney general, whether its president obama, whether its john f. Kennedy with Bobby Kennedy or trump and Jeff Sessions, the attorney general position is too important to reward some political supporter with, so i cant think of anything hes done since hes been the ag that warrants his removal. I can think of a lot of reasons maybe the president should have interviewed other people and found someone ato lit it call and independent to hold this very important position. Maria by the way at this point the democrats will make it very hard in terms of putting another ag in place it would fall to Rod Rosenstein. Well they made it pretty hard to put sessions in place so the vote is what 5149. Thats the environment we live in. I mean you could pick jesus and the democrats would vote against him. Thats the environment that were in so if youre not going to get democrat support at least have the selfawareness to know that you picked a very best woman or very best man that you could. I just think this position is too important to reward a political supporter with. Pick someone whose really really good at Law Enforcement and frankly is apolitical or let the people decide. Let the Supreme Court pick. Maria mr. Chairman we all want the truth thank you so much for joining us trey gowdy well see you soon sir. Well be right back. Do you want clean, stain free dentures . Try polident. The four in one cleaning system kills 99. 99 of odor causing bacteria, cleans where brushing may miss. Helps remove stains and prevent stain build up. Use polident daily. 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The earnings tool from td ameritrade. Maria welcome back. North and south korea set to hold high level talks this upcoming tuesday for the first time in more than two years. The two rivals aim to improve relations ahead of next months Winter Olympics in south korea. Jack keane is a retired four star general a fox news military analyst and chairman of the institute for the study of war general great to see you thanks for joining us. Good to be here maria. Maria how extraordinary is this meeting between the south and north . Well its not all that extraordinary. They havent talked in two years but we have actually talked to the North Koreans a number of times and not during this administration but the reality is the North Koreans have always used negotiations to advance their Technology Program and it was during negotiations that back in 2005 the socalled six power talks that they actually acquired Nuclear Weapons, so this administration is very cleareyed about whats happening here, that north korea is feeling maximum pressure which is the policy defined by the administration and the economic sanctions are finally starting to take hold gas stations are indeed closing, others have long lines as evidence of serious malnutrition and economic starvation on the people of north korea so theres pressure being felt for certain and thats likely part of the motivation here. Maria so do you read into this as the north doing anything differently as a result of the Trump Administrations approach . Yes, i do. I mean, i think this could possibly lead to the next step and i think its worth exploring i mean after all, the Trump Administration maintains the diplomatic effort, their main effort and that really means getting allies and others like china to shutdown trade, but i think there is an issue thats worth exploring if we can get to that level of negotiation. Kim jongun changed his grandfather and fathers policy from Holding South Korea liable with Nuclear Weapons to hold the United States liable with nuclearized icbms. He did that because he fears the United States would conduct a regime change despite the fact theyre Holding South Korea liable, and the evidence of that is the regime changes we did in the middle east. Afghanistan, iran and most particularly, gadaffi, because he gave up wmd, so if that is his basic fundamental position is this something we could convince him of that were really not interested regime change, well never find that out for sure unless we get down to the tail and Start Talking to him about this paranoia he has. There is evidence short of us pulling out of south korea we could put on the table that could take that fear away from them i dont know that. Maria general real quick ive got to get to the upcoming january 19 budget deadline. Were going to be talking with Majority Leader Kevin Mccarthy in a short bit and i want to talk about the readiness in terms of the military. What you want to see in terms of the appropriations decisions that are about to happen. Well what we need is appropriate is to follow through what the thosers have done which is a 700 billion Defense Budget and its largely about 100 billion greater than the baseline Defense Budget that the Obama Administration had propose proposed and its the first real down payment. We need about four or five years of this and we arent even coming close to what President Trump is talking about rebuilding the military. Our viewers dont understand the seriousness here. We have the smallest military weve had in 75 years and its in dire straights by comparison to what it should be. Maria as youve said 50 of the planes in the navy are unflyable general jack keane we need more time such a pleasure thank you sir. Good talking to you. Its easy to think that all Money Managers are pretty much the same. But while some push High Commission investment products, Fisher Investments avoids them. Some advisers have hidden and layered fees. Fisher investments never does. 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Maria what are you expecting this upcoming week do you think the president will agree to a deal for those dreamers, but also get that 18 billion to build the wall . Well i think we can get a deal with democrats and republicans who are willing to recognize that we need to solve the daca population and we need to secure the border. The president s request for 18 billion is something that they dont need all up front but they need the authorities and some of the baseline appropriations so that we can honestly say to the American People we are going to secure our border. Maria well the president has been very clear about chain migration. Hes also been very clear about the visa lottery system wanting it to go away, where do you stand on that . I think that those are all things that we need to accomplish. Now the question is weve got an immigration system here thats broken. The first phase that were trying to fix is the daca population and producing truly a secure border. After we get this first piece of legislation done theres a lot more to do on Immigration Reform id like to get a lot of it on the front end particularly as it relates to chain migration but then well have to move on to visa reform immediately after we succeed on this and i think that we can be successful in advance of the march 5 deadline. Maria but what about the january 19 deadline . I mean why would the democrats agree anything knowing that that will just further this president s agenda and theyve been on instructionists the entire first year . Well i think my friend, senator durbin whose been working on the dream act for 16 years who worked on it for eight years that obama was in office and they couldnt produce an outcome, even when they had super majorities needs to recognize that its time if youre sincerely interested solving this problem to check the extreme positions at the door and solve the problem. We can provide certainty to the daca population. We can secure the border. When senator obama and senator clinton were in the senate they voted for strong Border Security measures. Lets stop making this a polar izing issue and recognize that its foundational to provide uncertainty to the daca population. Maria but isnt it true that the democrats are probably okay with the government shutting down under this president . Well, i think that if they do that, what theyre doing is poisoning the well for any kind of certainty for the population they say theyre concerned with. At the end of the day i think its more of a negotiating tactic and ive been curious to see why senator durbin back in the Obama Administration didnt threaten to shutdown and solve this problem in the eight years he could have been so to me it feels more like political positioning and less like a threat they will follow through on. Maria certainly feels like political positioning for sure but the president keeps repeating no daca deal without the border wall. Well we had a great meeting with the president on thursday and i complimented him for his leadership and i really encouraged him to remain steadfast in his position. Look, theres a compelling humanitarian reason for securing the border. Thousands of people died trying to cross the border. Hundreds of thousands of people have been poisoned by the drugs coming acrosstheboarder. We need to secure that and recognize the compelling humanitarian reason for doing it at the same time that were trying to come up with the humanitarian compassionate solution for the daca population maria so what is the response from the other side in terms of securing those borders . I think if you talk with members individually particularly the ones who have voted for Border Security provisions in the past i think as late as 2006, guys, lets solve this problem. Lets box out people who seem to almost not want the problem to be solved on the left, i think its because they always promise something that they never deliver and on the right it may be for reasons that they want to send everybody home which doesnt make sense. Those of us who are trying to solve this problem want to box out the extremes that have been the root cause for the problem not being solved for 20 years. Maria it sounds like you think an agreement will take place the government will not shutdown come january 19 and you think that the president will get his funding for the border wall and just an agreement . I think if the president continues to show the strong leadership he has on this issue and that message is sent to congress that if you dont produce provisions that let me honestly say to the American People weve secured the border, then were talking about it being subject to a veto and thats a 67vote threshold we cant achieve so instead of rattling it why dont we get in a room and figure out reasonable sound policy for securing the border, helping the daca population, getting the 60 votes and solving this problem for the first time in two decades. Maria well youd think that would be the tactic to take. Senator good to see you well be watching developments. Thanks maria go panthers. Maria [laughter] thanks so much. President trump spending the weekend with leading republicans at camp david to discuss his second year agenda House Majority leader Kevin Mccarthy was there and he will join me next on what they discuss as we look ahead this sunday morning on sunday morning futures well be right back. nadia white the moment a fish is pulled out from the water, its a race against time. And keeping it in the right conditions is the best way to get that fish to your plate safely. dane chauvel sometimes the product arrives, and the cold chain has been interrupted, and we need to be able to identify where in the cold chain that occurred. tom villa we took our world class network, and we developed devices to track environmental conditions. This device allows people to understand whats happening with the location, but also if its too hot, if its too cold, if its been dropped. 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California congressman House Majority leader Kevin Mccarthy joins me right now. Congressman good to see you again thanks for joining us. Thanks for having me back. Maria what do you feel you accomplished this weekend . I felt it was a very productive meeting of all of the different topics we talked upon but what we started with how do we build on how we finished in 2017 and make 2018 even better . And take one moment and think about what happened in 2017. The reforming of the va, weve got the dow jones at new records , but most importantly look at the tax package that we passed. These tax cuts, now more than a million americans got a bonus because of those tax cuts and do you know how cold it is out and our energy bills are going to go up but i looked to baltimore gas electric is going to lower their rates passing on 82 million they got in that tax cut to lower their rates for all their customers, so not only your bills are going down but starting next month youll get more in your paychecks that is a great way to end and build upon. Youve got reg reform so now were looking at infrastructure, rebuilding america, the military weve gotten cut so far under the Obama Administration as you saw from your earlier guest, we need to rebuild our military to make sure were strong and make the world safe. Were looking at the Opioid Epidemic around, how to deal with that. Weve got unemployment at a 17 year low. The last time the bills were in the playoffs was 17 years ago and now weve got unemployment that low so weve got to find ways to get people and jobs training back into the workforce were looking at areas to do that as well so weve got a big agenda in 2018. Maria but before all that youve got a big deadline coming up later this month january 19. Can you walk us through whats most important in terms of the appropriations that youre about to make . Well, the real difficulty is how we had on some of the votes at the very end. You have the Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi whipping her members to vote against funding the government just for two weeks and its all over daca. Now daca doesnt have to be dealt with until march but ill be in that tuesday bipartisan meeting with the president. We want to solve this problem but most importantly, we dont want to have to deal with this problem in the future so youve got to have Border Security. Youve got to deal with chain migration and its a place that everybody could find Common Ground and solve. We need to budget agreement so we can fund the military and in funding that military we have to rebuild it and thats really how we started our second day. We had mike pompeo from the cia, secretary of state in there and then secretary of defense, general mattis laying out the threats around the world and what they need to make sure the world stays safe and america most importantly stays safe and that is why were working on getting that budget agreement to be able to plus up the military but the democrats are holding that hostage and i think thats a wrong, we should not play with the military at any time with politics. Maria yeah so i want to get back to that tuesday meeting in a moment on immigration but first in terms of the military you just heard general jack keane talk about the lack of readiness. Can you categorically say that those budget caps will be lifted in terms of spending on the military come january 19 . Well yes, because thats what weve been fighting for and thats what weve been negotiat ing thats actually what we passed in the house, in the n daa and got the president to sign and now we have to appropriate what we actually voted for and if the democrats would not hold hostage, nancy pelosi actually skipped the meeting to go down to the white house so that was delayed but now were back at the table and im very hopeful we get that done this week. Maria if they just want to obstruct and not see things move forward are you willing to go to the matt for this and actually allow the government to shutdown if you keep seeing this pushback from those like nancy pelosi . The only people that are trying to shutdown government is nancy pelosi. Ive watched on the other side of the chamber as she whipped members. Once we got to the vote with enough republicans at 218, i watched them put their thumb up to release those few democrats who wanted to vote for it. Shes pressuring them, trying to get into shutdown to blame President Trump when President Trump is the individual working to build the military and find a solution to our border and to all those that are dealing with daca. Maria so are you expecting them to agree to the 18 billion to build the president s what he keeps saying that he wants the wall . Look if we dont deal with the security and with chain migration, we will be back before us on a daca issue in a few years and thats the wrong thing for america to do. We need to maintain the rule of law, deal with those individuals that were brought here no fault of their own, but actually, have a Border Security so it does not happen again. Youve watched what happened in new york just last month. Thats why chain migration is so important to be able to reform that and these are things that democrats have voted for in the past, so i dont know why youd want to hold that up. Youd make america safer. We would be able to build our military and grow our economy. Maria so in terms of looking at 2018 once you get past the january 19 deadline, what would be your priority beyond that . I mean youre looking at obviously the midterms come november so does that change things in terms of what the priority is . It doesnt change. Look after passing tax reform that was the beginning of americas comeback. Now in 2018 we want to complete americas come back so were looking at infrastructure, we want to be able to modernize we have so many bridges falling apart and youve got an Opioid Epidemic thats going across this country to be able to deal with that as well. Theres so many issues out in front of us. The workforce, getting more people back into the workforce only creates the economy stronger but you have unemployment at some of the lowest levels we ever had in 17 years and some for African Americans the lowest its ever been so were going to have to be able to get a stronger workforce a better trained as youve got these new investments after the tax bill passed, youve got more companies coming back to america. This is on an upswing, and we want to make sure were building the right structure to get it all done correctly. Maria how long before you have a feeling of exactly the impact of the tax package . Were about to get Fourth Quarter earnings from the corporate sector in a couple of weeks. Im wondering if you think youll see an even better economic back drop later in the year going into november. I mean youve got estimates out there now for 4 growth for 2018 youve got the feds saying 4 and under president obama you never even had 3 . I mean his highest year was lower than the worst year under bill clinton, so weve had a new change and a lot of that gives credit to President Trump changing the Regulatory Reform inside america that saves more than almost 4 billion from passing those cras and signing them and now were seeing growth from the tax. I think youll continue to see this grow throughout the rest of the year and even beyond. Maria congressman well be watching good to see you sir thanks so much. All right thank you. Maria congressman Kevin Mccarthy the majority leader. President trump hitting back at a controversial new book meanwhile on President Trump an his administration the panel is up next talking to me about that book, as we look ahead on sunday morning futures back in a moment quit smoking. But when we brought our daughter home, that was it. Now i have nicoderm cq. The nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release Technology Helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. 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I read the book theres not a whole lot i didnt know that i learned from it except for the total dysfunction in the early stages of the book but everybody knew it was a dysfunction for a couple reasons one is you had a president who had never been in government before, staff that basically wasnt loyal to him, i think the bottom line is the place has settled out since kelly has great accomplishment at the end and were now focusing all our attention on a book that is irrelevant to a certain extent, the fact you had three power senators in a white house with nobody tells me having worked in a couple white houses and taught american the presidency for the last decade the president wasnt served well and has a right to be fur and at the end of the yeah we need to move forward from it. Maria mary how do you see it . Im frustrated were still talking about this but the president keeps talking about it so i wish he would set it aside more important things going on in the world like oh, i dont know the people of iran getting out into the streets and demanding their freedoms id rather talk about that but look i agree with ed. I actually think this book and bannon and the disgrace thats fallen upon him is going to help trump, because the republicans need to figure out how to unify and how to get ready for the Midterm Elections against democrats rather than to go after republican incumbents and to fight one another which is exactly what bannon wanted to do maria i agree with you because i think that this book is another opportunity for the Mainstream Media to be talking about everything that is not about whats actually happening and the current agenda, the current agenda whether it be the economic part of the agenda or Foreign Policy his approach to the middle east is important. The tragedies we start a new legislative year and new calendar year is the president had a great ending of the tax bill and the economy is booming as you know better than anybody and my sense is those are the things we need to talk about. Settling scores and all the rest of it, kelly ought to take this book basically go through there and correct the mistakes made in the past and basically there were three power senators there in the beginning not any of them necessarily loyal to the president and one left there thats the trump kids and they probably need to come back to new york and they had their year in washington and get people in there that understand the president s agenda and what they setup and go out and implement it and get ready for 2018. Maria the speculation they may go back to new york so well see about that. Yeah its a great city. Maria come bakken joy your time in new york but look this isnt just good news because bannon wont be involved in the Midterm Election and also good news because bannon said the president s worst instincts. Bannon was the guy behind the rushed out travel ban that blew up and spent months in the courts. He was the guy pushing trade protectionism and the guy leak ing to the press. This is not somebody that you want to have the president s ear this is somebody you want excis ed from the party. You want him as far away from the president and his family as possible and i think thats whats going to happen. The reality is when you read this book everybody had a power center and leaking to the press. Everybody was a leaker in this white house except donald trump and at the end of the day you need to stop that and the way you stop that is you say all right, its terrible experience with this book we made some mistakes letting this guy have access no more access from now on. Sarah sanders stands up there every day and does the press and the rest of you dont talk to the press unless youre authorized. Maria remember at the beginning of the administration a couple weeks and months in office its all he was focused on is get the leakers. Right. Yeah id like to know who leaked the name of Michael Flynn id like to know whats going on with the House Oversight investigations and the Senate Judiciary investigations of the fbi and doj. There are a million other things we could be talking about that would be far more productive than talking about someone like steve bannon. Maria thats the thing this program this morning weve talked to trey gowdy to talk about the Oversight Committee and what theyre doing and what did we learn that jim comey was the leaker. Right. Maria jim comey himself leaked documents to the New York Times with the whole idea of making sure special counsel was there. Confidential documents the thing were going after hillary on and accusing flynn and everybody else of. The director of the fbi basically admitted, i gave a confidential document to one of my professor friends is just absurd and the quicker we get back on to what matters the economy which is now booming the lowest Unemployment Rate for African Americans for 17 years, and all kinds of good things happening and thats what we need to talk about. Maria we want to see the rule of law. I mean, what about the it staffer that i just mentioned a few minutes ago Brian Pagliano , who lied to the fbi and deleted emails so all of this is being looked at but you wonder if it goes anywhere so well take a break and ask you your thoughts about jeff session s and of course the iran situation and whats taking place in the middle east right now. More with that panel in a moment as we look ahead on sunday morning futures right now. With adt, you can feel safe for only 49. 00. 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We didnt like everything about them but we had to do a nuclear deal with them because we had to accept that this ruling was just a fact of life and so there for lets put them off for a decade as long as we can. What we found out is that the people of iran completely disagree with that. They want economic opportunity. They dont want to be ruled by a corrupt they okay as it. They dont want foreign adventurism and they dont want their money going to back terrorism in syria or iraq or in yemen. They want freedom and i think that its absolutely terrific that donald trump and this administration has stood up and said yes, we agree with you. Were going to support you, at the appropriate time we will do whatever we can for you. We will empower you. Ultimately its up to the people of iran to seize their own freedom but im telling you what maria. When the president makes statements if Congress Makes a statement theyre going to hear it back in that country and im proud to be an american under the administration that speaks this way. Maria i could not agree more. Its extraordinary young people and used to be one of the great countries of the world with great education of young people and to a certain extent theyre rising up and we need to help them in every way, shape or form and a great advocate has lived in this country since 18 and democrat okay as it and their country and we need to be out there supporting him and to basically push it and let them pick it. Maria what is also incredible to me is to see the u. S. , saudi and israel. Right. Maria teaming up to make sure to stomp out the extremists and terrorism. I know ive said this before but i had an incredible reaction to my interview with the crown prince, mohammed one of the security guards came over me me and said to me maria my mother was crying all night because this is the first time they heard the new incoming leader of saudi arabia saying we want to live like normal people, mary. Thats right what President Trump has done is recognize the Islamic Republic is a revolutionary islamic regime that does not share our interest or our values or the interest of their own people and so we said were going to push back on iranian influence throughout the middle east because we dont want a crescent of power from tehran to the mediterranean and well partner with countries that share our interest thats saudi arabia, israel thats egypt. Maria and thats the reason that the president said no were not going to continue this aid to pakistan. If we dont do the path were on today with the President Trump and his Foreign Policy, well pay a heavy price and my sense today is this potential little flame of freedom in this country we have to encourage young people to take over the country and move forward with democracy. And we have to do it very quickly maria because unless the Security Forces within iran start to put down their weapons, i dont think this revolution will last for very long, so we have to empower the iranians with information. We need our ridiculously broken public broadcasters in washington voice of america radio for europe to be pushing messages of democracy and freedom and we need tech applications that let them communicate with each other. Lets have a joint statement of congress and do this all quickly maria we will leave it there mary kissel great to see you ed rollins always a pleasure great conversation have a great sunday everybody ill see you tomorrow live from san fra if you wear a denture, you not only want a clean feeling every day, you want your denture to be stain free. Did you know theres a specialty cleanser thats gentle enough for everyday use and cleans better than regular toothpaste . Try polident cleanser. It has a four in one cleaning system that kills ten times more odor causing bacteria than regular toothpaste, deep cleans where brushing may miss, helps remove tough stains, and maintains the original color of your dentures when used daily. For a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture, use polident every day. Lou good evening, everybody. The president hasnt been in office quite a year, but already accomplished much more than any president in modern american history, defying the National Media and dems and deep state and everywhere you turn, Committee Investigations go on. Inspector generals going on with investigations and so, too, the special counsel, of course. But the entrenched dennisons of the demstate hold on to the power of the federal government and s

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