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Cabinet key members and Republican Leaders meeting at camp david right now, kicking off a weekend on discussions of big ticket agenda items, among them, immigration, National Security and winning the midterm election. Steve forbes tells us how they accomplish all of this. Department of the justice opening investigation into alleged payforplay politics at the Clinton Foundation when Hillary Clinton was secretary of state. The latest details from washington. The United Nations Security Council holding a meeting right now at the request of u. N. Ambassador nick nikki haley. Where hundreds have been arrested in iran protesting against the iranian regime. David led by shares of boeing, visa, unitedhealth, there are new are record highs for all the major averages. Nicole petallides, looks like were close to the days highs where were ending. What brought on the last minute enthusiasm . Amazing how the market continues to the upside. Eight of 30 dow stocks hitting records. Momentum continues. Just cant quit. We saw technology and health care leading the way, despite a miss on headline number on the jobs report. You still have 148,000 jobs added. 4. 1 . A 17year low. Watching markets for the week t was a great week. Markets up two and 3 . S p and nasdaq having the best weekly gain since december of 2016. So pretty stellar there we should say. What really was the miss in the jobs report was retail. Looking at sears, it is down 2. 8 . This as sears is announcing 100 stores will be closing. Kmart and sears in march and april, under pressure. The stock is under pressure. Stores have not been performing as well. Turn that arrow around, were watching netflix which crossed 210. Including David Letterman landing first new guest for his talk show. Signing a multiyear deal with planet of the apes director matt reid. A couple of big news for netflix. High at amazon, microsoft, google at alltime highs today. David nicole, thank you very much. As nicole told us unemployment at 17year low. U. S. Economy adding less than expected 148,000 jobs in december. The jobless rate remaining at 4. 1 . Wages are on the rise, up 2 1 2 a year ago. Someone expects it to get better. The market is good. The jobs reports were very good and we think they will get really good over the next couple months. David bring in todays panel. Jack how much from barrons and Michelle Gerard from Natwest Markets and tom gimbel from the la sell network. Michelle, why are the markets doing so well . Passage of the tax plan for 2017 was less than assured so i think that brought in David Michelle i have to stop you. Im practically in midsentence because this market was going thousands of points to the upside before it was at all a sure thing the tax bill was going to be voted in. Absolutely. I think this last leg, and weve seen a notable pickup through december is because of the tax plan going through but youre absolutely right, david, the economy in 2017 performed better than most people expected. I think well be, i think when we look back, growth will be over 2 1 2 . I think a lot of is because even before we had confirmation on Tax Cuts Companies felt relief under this president as a result of the regulatory reforms that he alone was able to start to institute. I think their outlook for the growth, both domestic and global has improved. I think that what were seeing in terms of the markets doing so well is, they have this combination of the economy doing well, better than expected, and yet inflation is holding low. So there is no worry about the fed having to get more aggressive on interest rates. David jack, so wonderful to see that we dont have the diversion anymore between the overall economy and the markets. Markets are doing well based on what the overall economy is doing, right . Thats right. How did the president put it . Good, good and really good. I agree with that analysis. We have had 87 straight months of job creation right now. Interest rates are rising. Normally that might be putting the brakes on the economy but rates were so low for so long, that we had loan spreads got compressed. They need to stretch out a bit before you see Savings Rates ordinary people see start to rise. They have not moved anywhere yet. Once that happens, people take some stock money across the table. I think the market has higher to go. David there is one other conceivable problem for market watchers, tom, if inflation kicks up with unemployment at such a low level, only Way Companies hire more people if theyre expand something by raising salaries. That could kick up in inflation a bit. If that happens, we could have the fed push up the number of rate hikes we have, and that could pull back the market, right . If, if, if. David exactly. This is the best jobs economy ive seen in 25 or 30 years. David you have to add three i haves to see stop waiting for lucy to pull the football away from charlie brown. Were looking at the best jobs, the best stock market economy in over 25 years. This is unbelievable where were at. We should enjoy it. It will keep going with the jobs for the next 24 to 36 months. Companies are hiring in health care, technology, sales, supply chain. It has become a global economy. That is why things continue to get bert. The actual aspect there will be less regulation, the change at the nlrb, is never talked about one of the biggest things david that is a great point. It is probusiness, its a huge thing and global economy. I was a little bit surprised we saw the wage increase 2 1 2 over a year ago. I think that is a reason to be optimistic. I think well see Something Like that a year from now. David michelle, the other thing we didnt talk about the Energy Program of this information which is so progrowth in terms of carbon fuels, whether talking about coal, nuclear, natural gas, practicing itself, that is going to create an atmosphere in which the opec monopolies couldnt really stop this market in its tracks by raising oil prices too high. Right. Again that bode well for the outlook of inflation. It bodes well for the outlook of investment. I want to add back what were talking about in terms of wages and the if, if, that could undermine us. David right. It is really important to note that the kind of tax, you know, planned tax cuts, stimulus put in place is not the inflationary kind. It is productivity enhancing kind. So we can get lower unemployment and workers getting paid more, but because theyre dropping more of their out put drops to the bottom line, it doesnt necessarily mean you get profits problems and ends up having to under. The markets or it has to lead to higher inflation. That is the most important thing. David that is great melissa great point. David the best cure for inflation is better productivity. Looks like were on our way. Gang, thank you very much. We have to leave it at that. Melissa. Melissa she is so smart. David she is. Melissa President Trump arrived at camp david late this afternoon to hold meetings with cabinet members and top Republican Leaders to talk about important items like infrastructure and spending. Lets go to adam shapiro to break it all down. Adam, what can we expect from these meetings . Reporter the meetings are kind of a strategy session as you point out the president left the white house to camp david. Along with Republican Leadership to talk about midterm elections to talk about the trump agenda for the country and administration pushing infrastructure, pushing spending cap issue. They have to raise spending caps on the domestic side as well as defense side if they get a deal with democrats to fund the government past january 19th. Here is what the president said specifically about the state of the economy as he left. The stock market is up very, very big today. Weve set new records and i think they will be continued to set. The tax cuts are really kicking in, far beyond what anyone thought. Numerous companies have today come out and announced that theyre going to make big payments to their employees, something that nobody really had in mind. Reporter so in addition to the policy issues there is also the issue of that book, fire and fury released today. And the president tweeted overnight, he said, quote, i authorized zero access to the white house. Actually turned him down many times for author of phony book. I never spoke to him for book. Full of lies, misrepresentations, and sources that dont exist. Look at this guys past. Watch what happens to him and sloppy steve. Sloppy steve is referring to the steve bannon now on the outs with President Trump and administration. So are some republicans. Some republicans on capitol hill like senator cassidy coming to the president s defense. Here is what senator cassidy said. In the meetings i had with the president he is always charming. Im sure he could lose his temper. Who doesnt . On other hand look at accomplishments in economy and regulation, judiciary and et cetera, i think weve seen a president who has been pretty effective his first year. Reporter president and Republican Leaders outlining where they will go with the agenda. Big push this month will be on infrastructure. Over a trillion dollar plan. Gary cohn was on fox business earlier today. He was talking about what we can expect. Expect the outline of that sometime in the next week or two. Back to you. Great reporting, adam, thank you. Here to respond is jason chaffetz, former utah congressman and fox news contributor. First of all i have to start with the book. I dont buy any of this for a second. Anyone who knows Michael Wolff, everybody in new york knows Michael Wolff knows what he is about. To say that they didnt know what he is going to write would be unflattering is like saying mike wallace shows up with the 60 minutes cameras and you think he will do a puff piece. I mean i dont know what is your take on this whole thing . I dont think you can just dismiss it out of hand unfortunately. He did have access. He did do the interviews. Mr. Bannon said those things. Mr. Bannon was one of the president s closest advisors. I dont think anybody was buying is some random staffer. Melissa about torching bannon, distancing himself from the altright and taking the Trump Administration and pivoting away from that entire group and discrediting bannon . I think at this point mr. Bannon sort torched himself. Later in the day, the book comes out, starting to hear excerpts. Later that day you have mr. Bannon saying he is all in with trump all the time. You just disparaged his daughter, his son. You went after the president himself. That doesnt make any sense. I dont think its a oneday story. I think democrats will seize on this and drag it out as long as they can. And look, there are some nuggets of truth and there are some people with perspectives not flattering to the president right there in the white house. Melissa right. But does it change anyones mind . No. Melissa people who love the president love the president. For the people that hate the president it gives them more fodder, they already hate him. The democrats pull chunks out and talk about, there is nothing in here that is shocking you havent heard from other people who have tried to disparage the president. I dont know, im just, jason, i dont know who, what mind does this change. No, i dont. I think, again it is more than just a oneday story. I do think it is of high political intrigue but people want results. Yeah. You see it reflected in the market. You do see it with the confidence the American Consumer has and see it on International Scene where i would argue the Foreign Affairs and presence of the United States is growing in a positive way overseas. Melissa let me ask you about another really big story today. The justice launching a new vision into the Clinton Foundation over allegations of pay it play in politics where Hillary Clinton was serving as secretary of state. Theyre looking at whether tax law was violated by exchanging favors for donations. What do you think about that approach . Well im glad they are looking at it, on the surface it makes no sense. Why would the United States of america give up any interests in a Precious Resource in uranium . It makes no sense. At same time, you have more than 100 million flowing into the Clinton Foundation. Melissa yeah. You have bill clinton, the former president , more than doubling his fees for a speech in russia. I mean does any of that make any sense . But when you overlap it with the idea that uranium one was very real, then, it does deserve an investigation. If nothings wrong, then nothing will come of it. If there is not an investigation, i think there are a lot of people scratching their heads saying why did this deal go through . Melissa some of the other reports cite the idea of looking for money laundering, money flowed back out to companies that are not in business any longer, was a to funnel money for people in those companies. What do you think about that . Again, that is where you need to look through the financial records, you need to, forensic Financial Analysis that is going on. Melissa yeah. Look, look at, they were all banking on idea that Hillary Clinton would be the next president of the United States and this would all be covered up. If you look at donations in 2018 versus donations that did or didnt happen in 2016 compare apples to apples to see if the money was still flowing when she was not going to be the president. Melissa jason chaffetz. Have a great weekend. David we are one step closer to learning the truth at least one part of the investigation that is going on about the election in 2016. Fox news learning that a deal has been made for the doj to turn over all documents and witnesses sought in the trump dossier probe. Congressman mike johnson serving on the House Judiciary Committee is here to tell us what happens next. Melissa the Trump Administration unveiling a plan to expand offshore drilling giving new access to oil and Gas Companies but facing a big backlash. We have more on that. David bonechilling temperatures blasting us in the northeast as many cities still digging out from yesterdays massive storm. We have the very latest forecast. You will not believe how cold it is going to get this weekend. Were on the ground in boston. One of the hardest hit areas. Another boston blizzard. It is just scary. No visibility at all. I expect the wind gusts to get much worse. It is not nice now and it is not going to get any better. Nosleep i got it. Mouthbreather yep, weve got a mouth breather. Well just put on a breathe right strip and. Pow it instantly opens your nose up to 38 more than Cold Medicine alone so you can breathe. And sleep. Go to breatheright. Com today to request a free sample. David the worst isnt over yet. The dramatic and deadly winter storm that pummeled thes coast yesterday has left dangerouslylow windchill temperatures behind, 20 to 30 degrees below normal in the northeast. It is up with degree in new york right now. There are fries advisories as far as south as florida freeze advisories. Many regions are breaking daily temperature record. Be prepared. Melissa the aftermath of the bomb cyclone, the violent winter storm roaring into new england with hurricaneforce winds sending high tide to record levels. Fox newss bryan llenas in boston with the latest. Bryan. Reporter it is cleanup day in boston after some 13 inches of snow fell here. That is the most snow this city has seen in three years. Some parts of massachusetts seeing 17 inches of snow, but the real story is really the flooding. Look at boston harbor. Yesterday it saw its highest tide in nearly 40 years. When that water came over the ridge there, where you see the new england aquarium, two to three feet of water washed downtown. That is the aquarium subway station. The fire chief said he had not seen water reach that area. It causes ad astronomical high tide, tying or eclipsing the blizzard of 1978. It reached the seaport throughout the waterfront in boston. Fire department had to save some folks stuck in their cars in the icy saltwater slush. 32 coastal communities according to the governor have seen significant flooding all along the south floor. This photo from duxbury, shows vehicles engulfed by the slushy saltwater mess. Back in boston harbor, look at that building, the cruise lines building. We spoke to someone who saw 16 inches of water came to the building. They have been there since 1967 and they have never seen that level of flooding. Now the race is on today to make sure they can drain the water throughout parts of massachusetts before the deep freeze settles in. Were talking about minus 20 to minus 25 windchills here over the next couple days. In boston, massachusetts, bryan llenas, fox news. David i melissa thank you, bryan. Run for your life, run david think of those poor firemen, dealing with a fire in subzero temperatures is the worst possible combination for firemen. Lets pray there are no fires there. Coming to the table with north korea, the rogue regime agreed to hold official talks with south korea for the first time of. What difference will it make . We have the details after the break. Plus the u. N. Security Council Holding an emergency meeting over iran after multiple People Killed during protests. We have the breaking details from this meeting. Stay with us. The world should applaud their courage. The voices of the iranian people should be heard. A monster coming to eat ya. Holy smokes. That is awesome. Strong. You got the basic, and you got the beefy. I just think it looks mean. Incredible. No way. Start your year off strong a new chevy truck. Get a total value of over 9,600 on this silverado all star when you finance with gm financial. Find new roads at your local chevy dealer. Today the people of iran are speaking to their government and their message is undeniable, stop the support for terrorism. Stop giving billions of our money to killers and dictators. Stop taking our wealth and spending it on foreign fighters and proxy wars. Think of us. Melissa will they stand with the iranian people . The u. N. Security Council Holding talks over the protests gripping the islamic republic. Government organizers staging progovernment demonstrations in response to the sweeping antigovernment rallies. At least 21 people are dead as tehran claims to have control over the situation. Here now is rebecca heinrich. Hudson Institute Senior fellow. Thanks so much for joining us. Happy to be here. Melissa what is your assessment what is going on in iran right now and what do you think the u. N. s response is going to be . Well very a tens of thousand the protesters protesting against the regime. Theyre upset with the regime because this iran deal was supposed to pump billions of dollars into the iranian economy. They havent seen that money. Theyre upset that the iranian governments behavior continues to further isolate it in the International Community. They are upset there are misogynistic, antiwoman laws, so that these women are taking off their hijabss to show defiance. Melissa it is smaller numbers than what we saw in 2009. Its a Different Group of people. It is younger people out in the suburbs. Nikki haley is calling on the u. N. To do something. What would that be exactly . Well there is a variety of different people who are protesting. Some are working close, lower income. Not just including students in the suburbs. There are diversity of different types of people who are protesting. These are masses of protests, tens of thousands of people. What nick hi haley is trying to do shine a spotlight on protest to show the International Community showing what is going on in iran. She is trying to garner further support to isolate the regime. Melissa would that be to further use later ran . Seems like theyre relatively isolated now other than our Nuclear Agreement with them . The Nuclear Agreement actually brought the iranian government sort of really legitimatized them because now you have, you know, economic relations between European Countries and the your iranian government. What nikki haley is trying to show, that the u. S. Government is trying to show this regime is not moderated. That the regime has gotten harder with the iran deal. This is with billions of dollars pumping into the iranian government. Theyre using it for the irgc, which the Treasury Department is targeted as a terrorist group and we continue to sanction. Melissa the reason a lot of europe was for this deal because they wanted to get into iran as a new market. It was aer toker to to sell their products. The idea giving these people cocacola and iphones they will turn their eyes to the west. This would be a way to open up the country. Why did that not happen . It didnt happen because it is run by the Supreme Leader who is an islamist, antiamerican, antiisrael regime. Sometimes economics doesnt trump ideology, and ideology inherently it is islamist. It is a militant islamist ideology run by theocracy i thought it was naive, just because you reward this regime with money and bring it into the International Community in a sense, legitimatize it, that will reform the regime. You dont reward the regime for bad behave are i dont remember. You wait until the regime earnings the privilege of trade with these countries. My view, the Obama Administration simply did it backyards. Melissa the argument before all we did isolating them was starving the people. Looks like theyre doing the opposite. People didnt get anymore food, they didnt get anymore access to anything. Rebecca, appreciate your time. Come back soon. Thank you. David at least they are talking. North korea and south korea agreeing on a time and place to hold highlevel diplomatic talks set for the tuesday at peace house as it is called along the heavily fortified dmz. They are hoping to improve interkorean relations specifically with regard to next months south korean winter olympics. This is the most senior level talks between the two side in more than two years. Melissa ticking through the big items at camp david. What the president and Top Republicans are focusing on this weekend. Steve forbes joins us on the ambitious 2018 agenda coming up. David love see. A new investigation into the Clinton Foundation. Republican mike johnson joining us on the fallout coming next. Certainly i think there have been a lot of things that give us cause for concern. I think its a great thing that it is looked at. Well wait to see what happens. When you book a flight then add a hotel you can save. 3 waves later, i think it was the other way around. Everything you need to go. Expedia. Melissa the Justice Department launching a new probe whether the Clinton Foundation was involved in paytoplay politics and other illegal activity when Hillary Clinton served as secretary of state. Catherine herridge, fox news chief intelligence correspondent live in d. C. With the latest. Catherine what are you hearing . Thanks, melissa. A source familiar with the case tells fox news that the investigation is being led by the u. S. Attorneys office and the fbi in little rock, arkansas, they are considering whether the Clinton Foundation this, video from an event in november 2017 violated tax law, promising or delivering favors in exchange for donations or gifts. Were told multiple witnesses have been interviewed. I want to note back in january 2016 fox news first reported that the Clinton Foundation was under scrutiny by the feds. This morning the White House Press secretary told fox the investigation is warranted. I think that is good news. Certainly i think there have been a lot of things that give us cause for concern. I think its a freight thing it is looked at and whale have to wait and see if it happens. There is certainly a lot of information out there gives us all a cause for concern and i think it is important theyre finally taking a look at it and well see what comes from it. Clinton spokesmans responded time after time the Clinton Foundation has been subjected to politicallymotivated allegations and time after time these allegations have been proven false. None of this made us waiver in our mission to help people. Also in separate Development Today congressional investigators for the House Intelligence Committee are getting access under a new deal with the Justice Department for all remaining russia documents as well as eight key witnesses. Those witnesses include demoted fbi agent peter strzok who sent text messages, lisa page with whom he was having extramarital affair and fbi counsel james baker who was reassigned. New to the list the fbi head of counterintelligence who comey testified made the decision not to brief congress about the russia case during last years election. Republican chairman devin nunez writes in the letter to the Justice Department, that the committee extremely concerned about indications that top u. S. Government officials investigating the Trump Campaign relied on invaderfied information in the democraticfunded dossier. These witnesses are directly tied to allegations of political bias. Former Justice Department officials told fox news they cant remember a time that the fbi has been subject to such public scrutiny in the past, melissa. Melissa catherine, return that call. Im sure it was important. Im sorry. Melissa please, go, go. Thank you. Youre welcome. Get back to work. I appreciate it. David well have her back before the hour is over to find out what the phone call is about. We have republican mike johnson, House Judiciary Committee member. Congressman johnson, the one thing that bugs me and im sure everybody else, will we fund out whether the trump dossier was used to get a fisa warrant to spy on the Trump Campaign . That is one of the big questions. The republicans on the House Judiciary Committee have been probing and asking these questions all year, all through 2017. Were just not getting to the real information. You know, we called for the appointment of a Second Special counsel to look into all this the Clinton Foundations involvement with the dossier. The dnc during the election cycle. All smells to high heaven. The problem here it eroding the American Peoples believe and their faith in the law. That is david forgive me for interrupting. We dont have much time. Will we find out an answer to that question. We certainly hope so. Were pushing as hard as we can. Attorney general Jeff Sessions has told us he is on top of this of the they have oversight over the fbi of the doj says theyre committed. Well find out real soon. David will we find out if the fbi paid for any part of that trump dossier . That is a key question. It seems that those involved in this, that it does go all the way to the fbi. There are other outside groups looking into all this, probing through documents that have been requested through freedom of information act requests. Ultimately we rely on the fbi to do their job. I think field agents are doing a fantastic job. David right. But our confidence in the leadership of the fbi is being questioned. That is the problem. David that is it. Peter strzoks, andy mccabe, bruce ohr with the Justice Department very high up there, whose wife worked for fusion gps, the people that created the trump dossier. It is leadership we have to worry about. There is another question about christopher steele. Christopher steele was the man responsible for doing most of research of the trump dossier. It is now indicated by some colleagues of yours that he lied. Do we know what he lied about. I lost the audio. Who lied . Christopher steele the man responsible for the trump dossier. Some of your colleagues say he lied under oath. Do we know what he lied about . Were about to find out. I think the Intelligence Committee was correct to probe further into that. It does appear to us that they were manufacturing dirt on the president. And it was involved all the way to the highest levels. Who paid for that . What did he say under oath that was incorrect . I think the doj has a responsibility to dig further into that. If we need a special counsel, it appears we do, it is time to appoint one, to get down to the bottom of this. We owe answers to the American People. I think theyre demanding it. They have a right to know. David switching gears a little bit to the Clinton Foundation and payforplay charges, there is question whether it involved uranium one. After the uranium one deal finalized, a lot of people on the board of uranium one gave money to the Clinton Foundation. Is that what your focus will be on uranium one deal, or the Clinton Foundation in general . Well i think thats part of it, but i think it goes further than that there are allegations, for example, boko haram was not appointed or named as a terrorist organization because some donors to the Clinton Family foundation had involvement with them. Huma abedins emails people are probing through right now allegedly affirmed that there was a payforplay scheme going on. That they were giving giving political favors and access in exchange for donations to the Clinton Family foundation. All of this has to be looked into. We need answer and need them quickly. David congressman johnson, thanks for coming in. We appreciate it. Have a good weekend. Thank you, you too. Melissa is the price right . The Trump Administration putting a price tag on the Mexican Border wall they want. The white house announcing a proposal that would have major effect on offshore drilling. The details of that plan is next. Arry murrey when you have a really traumatic injury, we have a short amount of time to get our patient to the hospital with good results. We call that the golden hour. Evaluating patients remotely is where i think we have a potential to make a difference. barry murrey we would save a lot of lives if we could bring the doctor to the patient. Verizon is racing to build the first and most powerful 5g network that will enable things like precision robotic surgery from thousands of miles away. As we get faster wireless connections, itll be possible to be able to operate on a patient in a way that was just not possible before. When i move my hand, the robot on the other side will mimic the movement, with almost no delay. Who knew a scalpel could work thousands of miles away . Melissa breaking news right now. The Saudi Royal Air Defense Forces say they intercepted a Ballistic Missile that was heading towards sadr city. They say it was coming from iranianbacked forces in yemen. It was intended to hit civilians. Thankfully no one was hurt when the saudi military destroyed the missile. Not the first time. The stock market is up very, very big day. Much they set new records much they will continue to set. The tax cuts are kicking in far beyond what anyone thought. Numerous companies came out announced they will make big payments to their employees, somebody nobody really had in mind. David but can you run on that . President traumaticking off great Economic News before taking off on a weekend at camp david with his cabinet. Republican leaders planning strategy for the coming year and november midterm elections. Here to react, steve forbes, force media chairman. We put together a list. It had to go on three full screens. There are so many good things happening with the economy the past year. First of all president mentioned with the stock market. New wealth created. Hourly wages finally growing. Gdp on track for 3 economic growth. Gdp of course is up. 4. 1 civilian Unemployment Rate, lowest since 2000. Black Unemployment Rate falling to record lows. Total number of food stamp recipients fell by two million last year. That is very good news on its own. Federal spending a share of gdp falling. U. S. Manufacturing boom. 90 companies promised or granted bonuses based on tax cuts. Federal registry of regulations virtually cut dramatically. Can republicans run on this, claiming were not for republicans in the house, and if the presidency, these great things wouldnt have happened. The key thing is how they do it. Good economy helps. They have to learn how to do that. Saying on federal regulation, federal registry pages we understand what theyre saying. They have to come up with analogies, burden on your back, was 50pound now ten 10 pounds on small businesses. If they do that that they didnt do last year. People think republicans mess up because the health care debacle. They see the wars president has with tweet wars and they dont recognize things are moving in the right direction. Of course the media will not mention that. The media will do the opposite, Little Things that may go wrong pale in comparison to the big things that go right. The fact this president , as great as he is in making speeches to his favorite people, to his base, he didnt go out as much as you suggested he should, sell things like the tax bill. It did pass, just by a whisper, but he didnt sell it as much as you were advising him to do so. Do you think he will be able to sell the achievements for the move elections . The key will be what he does in the state of the Union Address where literally tens of millions of people will watch. If he lays it out, here is what is done despite all the noise. Serious things have been done. Were winning super bowl of achievement in terms of economy. Getting back into the big leagues. Here is what well do if im willing to talk to people, willing to do deals, i think the American People say, hey, something is going on here despite all the circuslike atmosphere they have in washington. David meanwhile the democrats are running for november as well. And the question is what are they going to run on other than being against donald trump. We had extraordinary tweet by dnc chair chief ellison he was advocating antifa which is radical organization that promotes violence against its opponents, its political opponents. The deputy chair of the dnc, is that what theyre going to run on . They will run on saying were not donald trump. He is terrible to women. And we need to, something different, we want to impeach him. The president s state of the union, prime opportunity to lay out the agenda as he sees it, get through the mainstream media, and also during the course of the year they have got to come up with a better social media strategy, consistent one where they each day get the message out to key people around the country, even those who may not be on board with everything, keep them in the loop. So yes, you can give speeches to the base but he has to reach out on greater effort to independents and even democrats saying hey, something good is happening here. Lets cool the temperature a little bit. David speaking of messages, i want to switch gears to iran because you back during the Reagan Administration you were chair of a board that was responsible for radio free europe, for Radio Liberty, for some very important outlets that sent messages behind the iron curtain. Had tremendous effect on dissidents in Eastern Europe and russia. They were it not for these organizations, these messaging services they wouldnt have the success creatingdown fall of the soviet union. Can we do the same in iran . The answer is yes. Winning battle of ideas, you can do on a daytoday basis as we did during the cold war. Radio free europe and Radio Liberty acted as if they were radio stations inside of those communist countries. Voice of america talked about the america and the u. S. Government. So we should do the same today. Now these organizations still exist but they are a fraction of what they should be. David media changed dramatically. This is where you can do it. Not just through interest additional radio and tv but internet. They have very few internet programs at voice of america and Radio Liberty. David particularly now where the government of iran is trying to do everything they can to block social media for the dissidents because they want to prevent free expression. In old days of radio they tried to do jamming you can work around that, we can win the Technology Race in terms of getting message through. The very effort we make the evident, that will buck up dissidents. Were willing to help you out. David with that do which need support of Silicon Valley . Do we need a Public Private partnership, and is that possible given all the antagonisms. If they all reached out and get our message of democracy through like the coal war. We can win the soft peace. Amazing the thing about the cold war the soviet union collapsed without a shot being fired. Iran sadly that will not be the case. The dissidents know were there. We will buck them up. Well not wash our hands of them as we did with barack obama in 2009 and betray them. They could overthrow this regime because the army may turn against the regime when they see this regime is going no where. Steve forbes, thank you very much. Catch steve and me this weekend on forbes on fox, 11 00 a. M. Eastern on fox news. Sunday 7 00 a. M. Eastern here on fbn. Melissa. Melissa new Oil Developments off the u. S. Owes coastline. New details on President Trumps move to expand offshore drilling and what it will mean for u. S. Energy production. As the one whos always trapped beneath the duvet, im begging you. Take gasx. Your tossing and turning isnt restlessness , its gas. Gasx relieves pressure,bloating and discomfort in minutes so we can all sleep easier tonight. Retail. Under pressure like never before. 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Yeah, interesting discussion at the cme among traders. Weve got maps that show the states control about three and a half miles out its the federal government from 3. 5 to 200 miles out thats what were talking about and you know weve got a lot of oil in this country this year or last year we will have produced more oil in a year than any other year in history, but despite that, the interior secretary says we dont just want to be good at oil production, we want to be dominant. This is a clear difference between Energy Weakness and Energy Dominance and under President Trump were going to have the strongest Energy Policy and become the strongest energy super power. I want to leave you though with the concern about this the reason there was a ban in the first place by the Obama Administration theyve been preparing to actually issue leases, but then came the big spill, the bp oil spill down in the gulf. I spent about three months down there. Weve got some pictures i think that maybe give you some sense of what that looked like. Of course Tourism Industry much bigger along the atlantic seaboard than it is in the gulf. If that were to have a situation like that i think it would be hell to pay, but oil industry says it will do better if it gets the chance. Melissa . Melissa jeff flock theres a mess behind you get to work start cleaning up thank you. Whats cleaner than the deepwater horizon . David save the date the best day of the year defined love is coming up well tell you when it is right after the break. Melissa Online Dating sites expected to remember this sunday to be their busiest day of the year. This sunday. David match. Com is predicting a 42 spike in new people looking for love, starting at 9 00 p. M. Eastern. By the way, 30 years ago this month my wife and i met on our blind date before there was internet dating. Melissa here is risk rewards starts now. The book repeatedly says that candidate trump is family and the top officials of the campaign did not believe he would be elected. How far is the president willing to go . I know that were talking a lot about steve bannon but hes not the only person quoted in this book. Did you speak to the president specifically about what has been released about this book . I just run the risk of increase in book sales though sarah drawing more attention to this . You were calling michael wolf book a book full of lies. Didnt this white house give michael wolf all of the access that he wanted . Liz tonight important stories involving you, your m

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