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The latest coming up as each candidate makes a lastditch effort to drum up support. Terry new york. Homeland security revealed the bangladeshi man suspected detonating a pipe on the new york citys Port Authority terminal into the united taste of chain migration. The white house respond to the new saying it would not have happened under President TrumpS Immigration policy. The latest from the scene in the new headache for uber as the redshirted Service Comes under fire for search pricing during this terrifying ordeal yesterday. Features a quite disparate markets indicating mx opening with dow industrials points. S p 500 positive but the nasdaq negative by a point. Your major indices similar story of the u2 of gains across the board. Ft 100 of the quarter of a percent. The acf a quarter of a percent and the dax is higher by a fraction. Asia overnight markets are across the board. China shanghai composite down one and a quarter . Beware of bitcoin. The fcc warning that investors face a risk of diving into the crypto currency crazed. Whether top regulators sounding the alarm. Why beyonce is not crazy in love with one beard named in her honor. During a talk about Fox News Network Dagen Mcdowell. Global economics editor Jon Hilsenrath in global messenger Fox News Contributor John Layfield back with us. Welcome. Good morning. Dagen good morning, good morning, maria. Born and raised in new york city. A lot of new yorkers very upset about the fact this is the third homegrown terrorist to inflict pain and suffering on new yorkers and others in the last 14 then what are they doing about it. Train to new york has become not a period not as safe as we thought. Dagen took it for granted after thered been a terrorist attack for many, many years or three in 14 months, two in less than two months. Something has to be done. Maria top stories of taxes. The revision i talked about yesterday in terms of individual investors how to do so big winners to get a big tax bill. This points to a problem investors and individuals face as we go into yearend. Overall the tax code with the week left to respond if you want to effect the 2017 taxes. This what you are talking about is changing how you account for sales on gains on stock sales. Maria we still dont have a definitive idea of what this will look like is the continuing conference. Dagen is not a reform. You are making it more complicated. Coming after the conversation, revolution chairman and ceo steve case as it does. New york congressman peter king joins us an entrepreneur and venture joys and generous here this morning. Do stay with us for a big show. Top story this hour. Alabama senate race goes to the voters. Republican Senate Candidate who is more and doug jones lay out their closing arguments yesterday in stocks across the state. We are up to her neck in people that dont want change in washington d. C. Do i keep at the same, keep their power, keep their prestige and keep their position and weve got to change that. If you dont believe in my character, and dont vote for me. Listen to people like Richard Shelby has been a leader in the state for four decades. Hes been a state senator, member of congress to United States senator. He cant vote for roy moore, didnt vote for raymore, i think in order to attract businesses to this day, youve got to have a decent image. Train to the race is tight in some polls though some polls the latest fox news poll puts 10 states ahead of someone whos been accused of misconduct of teenage girls in his 30s. Moore has denied those allegations. The caucus Member National security subcommittee chairman and congressman ron desantis of florida. Thanks so much for joining us. Maria do you think alabama voters elected democrat today . Under normal circumstances the answer would be absolutely not. A liberal democrat is not a good fit for this state. These are different circumstances than i was able to go down to pensacola this weekend and i think he is looking at it from the press acted as the senate. 52 republicans right now but probably handful of them not reliable supporters for his agenda. Getting 250 and 51 with Health Care Struggle and i think he sees as we get down to 51, you lose any one senator to dictate this. I think u. S. To beef up the numbers do not lose the numbers. Maria i understand if you want to do that with somebody who you are not sure as molested young girls. Obviously you are talking about these campaigns and things have been decades ago, it is difficult. I have read some of the articles, listen to his denials. I dont know what to make of it. Its been clear he has to face the the investigation where that goes at the end of getting elected. Well just have to see. It will be a stormy first part of his tenure. Look, theres a difference to campaigns and pedophilia. This is ridiculous how bad these allegations are. Do you want somebody who will go straight to the House Ethics Committee investigation. Should you have done investigation to see if theres veracity because you are opening up a terrible, terrible precedent if these allegations are true. This is beyond despicable, especially if it is true in these republicans are backing the sky. Maria we need to do process. We do need due process because they are so terrific. Something should be done before the gentleman gets elected and if they are not sure, bring it out and if they are, you shouldnt be running. It is interesting i got involved in the alabama raised for one of my colleagues, mo brooks has a really strong record and had he been the nominee, you guys wouldnt be talking about the Alabama Senate race. The question would be whether he wins by 20 or 30. I thought he had what it took any wouldve done a good job and unfortunately he didnt make it to where we are right now. I saw pretty clearly from the beginning. I want to turn the conversation to taxes. An important Conference Committee going on now in tune. Are we going to see a compromise by the house and senate and if so, what is going to win now . What are the big changes that come out of that . This thing is very secretive. Im waiting for the black smoke to start with the famous tax bill and maybe well get it, maybe we wont. I hope so. The rumors are that we will, but i dont have any firsthand knowledge of that. Its pretty clear we will get something by the end of the year. Ive always said if we end up not being able to come to an agreement in the Conference Committee, the default will be the house will pass the senate bill. As you pointed in the opening bell, if its not done in the conference, hopefully they can take care of those things that the first in, first out in the Conference Committee and gives a product they can run on. Maria do you want as a Freedom Caucus member to take the senate plan and accept the senate plan . Yesterday we were talking about 100 tax. Are you going to get it filled i dont see a scenario where we would pass anything, that the marginal rate for taxpayers, first in first out. Maria does not go away . Has to go if it is just bad. Were talking about similarities between the bills. Obviously key differences. The thing about the house bill as we did not include the individual mandate repealed. We came under 400 alien he couldve played with them they couldve really lowered tax rates that god and our bill would be the bills to do more like the house. In the senate bill is better in the house bill. U. S. Didnt step on the field bear. You can work it out. Better in the business side. Better an individual site except for some of the quirks prevention. Get that done i must get something on the president to ask this week or next week. Maria the suspect in yesterdays attack came two the United States in 2011 on a visa for children or siblings of u. S. Citizens. The white house would not have been on u. S. Soil the president S Immigration policy had been implemented. Listen to this. The president is certainly concerned that congress, particularly democrats has failed to take action in places we could have prevented this, specifically the president s policy has called for an end to chain migration and if that had been in place that wouldve prevented this individual from coming to the United States. What you think . The president S Immigration policies, could that have prevented this . I think as a whole clearly if youve got migration come if youre a tough run some of the visas are people come over like a fiancee visa for the San Bernardino killer, you would prevent people being here who are apt to commit these things. This guy was a suicide bomber or wouldbe suicide bomber. Somebody willing to commit suicide to do a lot of damage. Difficult to prevent that. Easier to prevent something if theres a ring of people that want to commit terrorism but they may not want to commit them. Once they are here, its kind of a ticking timebomb. Preventing them from coming here has got to be one part of a strong National Security strategy. Dagen congressman, what about actually surveilling these neighborhoods. New york city is so great pressure from the left and Civil Liberties groups. A report in 2007 about the homegrown threat and radicalization in the last again backlash because it was called religious profiling. N. Y. P. D. Used to have a demographics and it does survey of muslim neighborhoods are not looking for individual potential terrorist about how they might seek underground blackmarket employment or places to live again shut down because of pressure from the left. Every new yorker has to be asking today and every american citizen, what are you doing to follow these individuals in this country who are being radicalized. The family of the individual steps that some family members were treated by the police. We have every right to be upset with the fact nobody who knew this meant that that the baby might be radicalized. He might be planning a terror attack were building a pipe bomb. When theres reason to believe theres albums come i dont think you could be pointed. You just have to face it. We are lucky we dont have quite the problem europe does. You have certain communities that are insular and really breeding ground for militant islamic believes that does lead to guys to commit brutal acts of terrorism. The u. S. Not at that point, but obviously if we are politically correct in not dealing with immigration, we can go further in that direction that will not make the country more secure. Places like new york city or just ground zero for some of these people because its such a symbol for american freedom. Train to rip a committee official demoted last week for concealing his meetings with people by the antitrump dossier had even closer ties to fusion gps fox news reported that of course behind the document. Fox is now confirming that each of his wife actually worked for fusion gps during the 2016 election. What is going on in terms of getting to the bottom with fusion gps, Hillary Clinton. Worth an investigation, congressman . Where the Deputy Attorney general tomorrow, Rod Rosenstein to answer all these questions. Christopher wray would not provide information. If he doesnt provide us the information we need, we are going to move to save him and christopher rag. This whole trump pressure thing was collusion between the Democratic Party and fusion gps for the dossier had surveillance this thing stinks to high heaven. Look at the Mueller Investigation but said within the Legal Department at the Democratic National committee. This thing is out of control. Either 21 special investigators. The person indicted, do you think of you to the bottom of this . First of all, no evidence of pollution. Is not what we are getting to the bottom of . Its not fair. Trade two yeah, congressman commit thank you so much. Congressman ron desantis. Stay with us. We will be right back. Its from the very beginning. It was always our singular focus, a distinct determination. To do whatever it takes, use every possible resource. To fight cancer. And never lose sight of the patients were fighting for. Our Cancer Treatment specialists share the same vision. Experts from all over the world, working closely together to deliver truly personalized cancer care. Specialists focused on treating cancer. Using advanced technologies. And more precise treatments than before. Working as hard as we can doing all that we can for everyone who walks through our doors. This is Cancer Treatment centers of america. And these are the specialists were proud to call our own. Treating cancer isnt one thing we do. Its the only thing we do. Expert medicine works here. Learn more at cancercenter. Com Cancer Treatment centers of america. Appointments available now. Maria welcome back. Goober and left under fire for charging extra money after the terrorist bombing in new york. Cheryl casone with the details. Coughing up refunds to passengers who pass to passengers who pass by the search pricing as they try to get into cars to flee the Port Authority yesterday the immediate aftermath of the blast which completely shut down the times square subway station. Users got hit with fares jacked up 2. 5 times normal rates presurgery knickers automatically automatically with increased demand in one area. Most companies disabled it within minutes of the explosion. A president s workers allowed to enlist in the military beginning january 1st. After three federal courts including one yesterday in Washington State to the Justice Department to the federal rules court. A big retail deal to tell you about this morning. Buying Shopping Mall operator westfield for 15 . 7 million in cash and stocks. Owns and operates 35 Shopping Centers here in the United States and in the u. K. , but this move shows the consolidation of global retailers. Amazon an Online Shopping a huge threat down slightly for the year. President trump laid out an ambitious going to get the United States back to the mood and one day maybe mars. As the United States will remain a leader in space exploration. He said the space policy directive on which established the foundation for admission to the mood within i am eventually going to mars. Buzz aldrin and Harrison Schmitt and current astronauts joined the president for the signing ceremony youre watching on your screen. As your headlights, maria. Maria coming up, lawmakers busier than santa this year trying to deliver a tax plan for christmas. Ring the alarm. Beyonce fires back at a Company Using her name for a brand of beer. Your Insurance Company wont replace the full value of your totaled new car. The guy says, you picked the wrong insurance plan. No, i picked the wrong Insurance Company. With new car replacement™, well replace the full value of your car plus depreciation. Liberty mutual insurance. For her compassion and care. 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Its extraordinarily positive because the average being committed to a space and Interest Rate from a tax rate of 31 and if they turn it to 20 or 22 if you do the math that immediately jumps the yearnings of the big sur by 16 to 18 , so would suggest that stocks are relatively cheap. Trade two okay, so youve got basically 16 to 18 just on the tax plan . Simple math. 31 from 1 from a list or you pay 31 on every 100 of earnings you have ended now drops to 20 on every 100 of funding such you have. Youve made a profit of 11 just because of the tax code. Today the 11 by 31. Youve got in a 16 to 18 increase in earnings simply because of the tax guy. There are other benefits that come in because they were tax benefits which the bill still allows the banks to have lakeside low income multifamily housing. The tax code is wonderful for the banking industry. The Senate Version of the bill has first in first know where individuals who sell stocks have to sell their oldest oxfords, which could cause the Capital Gains hit for them. Financial institutions to do this, mutual funds for instance dont have to go by that same first in first out provision. Is that theyre the big Financial Institutions dont have to follow the provision that will hurt individual investors . Depends whether youre invested in them or not. In other words, from my perspective rather than getting involved in the morality of the bill, looking at what the bill says in the instance that these large Financial Institutions, everything has moved in their favor. In the last 12, theyve changed the leadership of the financial stability, Oversight Council at eight of the 10 people would change. You get a new leader at the fed. Five of the seven there will change. New leader of the fdic, new leader at the fcc, two out of the three people at the fdic changing. New leaders at the cfpb, f. Hfa. You have for the First Time Ever changed every one of the leaders of every one of the Regulatory Industries at the regulatory agencies in the United States and thats going to be really, really good for the banks. If you take out the private equity buyouts, which you have in one version, does this are significantly and infrastructure built the president wants to get past . Well, im not an expert on the bill. Over the Senate Version and the house version and its very hard for me to project what is ultimately going to be the rate that the banks pay on what they do and i am not sure i can answer the question. Maria what about the fannie mae report you just wrote with the gop tax reform bill will force fannie mae and freddie mac to seek money from the treasury after wiping out their equity. Explain this, please. First off, fannie mae and freddie mac are companies which have no equity. We take fannie mae loan, common equity negative 132 billion. If we look at total equity and do a proper accounting, equity is negative 9 billion. If we do the tax cut, which reduces the value of the deferred tax asset, double throw 10 million in negative equity onto fannie mae from us tonight at 19 billion in negative equity. Two weeks from now, fannie mae supposed to hand over all of its capital to the u. S. Treasury, which my belief is they will refuse to do, which is going to create a conflict between the treasury and the f. Hfa. We go into the beginning of next year with the possibility of this entity, which has no equity, which is negative equity is guaranteeing 3. 2 trillion with the mortgages in the United States. Its a farce. Its ridiculous. In my view, congress which has kept its nose out of this thing for the last few years has got to come back and then something has to happen here. Is the equity the full faith and credit of the United States government . It is not like these companies are going to stop guaranteeing mortgage bonds because theyve got the u. S. Treasury behind them. They dont have any equity in a situation like this. And if they dont have the full faith and credit of the 90s this government behind them. That is the assumption the market makes which is totally incorrect. There is no guarantee for the United States government that it will back any of the bad other gics. We had a financial crisis in 07 to 09 and they got bailed out by the United States government. The proof is in the pudding, isnt it . The assumption is they are, but the full faith and credit of the United States government is definitely not there. And that raises a different issue, which is these are not legal investments. These are the mortgagebacked Security Companies and therefore there is a whole bunch of institutions which are required to buy legally backed investments to donate things which shouldnt be allowed to own them and can be sued for doing so if in fact the Congress Says we dont want to make sure they are okay. Maria the shareholders are upset because under the Obama Administration they took money from other places in the government invented for the news did other places in the government which has confirmed. Theres no doubt about the fact that its true. Even the highway bill takes money from fannie and freddie. What is most important is the Trump Administration house this thing on a silver platter that they could into the democrat and embarrassed the heck out of them because basically, you know, in 2012 there was a report handed to the treasury saying these companies will be profitable forever in the treasury immediately went out to the public instead we need to take over these companies because over these companies because lied to the public. Maria wow, thats incredible. Dick, thanks so much. Great report. Thank you. Maria coming up you may want to jump on the bitcoin band wagon. His stern bitcoin warning has bitcoin prices lower this morning. We will tell you about it. Fame chef after Sexual Misconduct allegations next. At fidelity, trades are now just 4. 95. We cut the price of trades to give investors even more value. And at 4. 95, you can trade with a clear advantage. Fidelity, where smarter investors will always be. And at 4. 95, you can trade with a clear advantage. Looking for a hotel that fits. Whoooo. Your budget . Tripadvisor now searches over. 200 sites to find you the. Hotel you want at the lowest price. Grazi, gino find a price that fits. Tripadvisor. Maria welcome back. Gad tuesday morning. Happy tuesday, tuesday december 129, top stories right now 6 30 a. M. On the east coast. Red flag for bitcoin investors, warning people about risks of investing in crypto currency. Broader market this morning. We hit another record day on wall street. Today looks like that extend. Dow industrials is up another 20 , s p 50 also innovate. The nasdaq is down a fraction. Take a look at european indices. Live stories here. Ftse is up a quarter of a percent as cac quarante in paris, dax index is also higher by a fraction. In asia markets lower across the board actually, worst performer was china. More bombshell misconduct claims. Batali stepping down after several women came back with allegations. Hes apologizing. The citys police chief says millennials are to blame. Record price tag for baggage fees, how much people spent to put luggage on board, mattel not playing around. Warning over holiday sales. One artist does not want people to be drunk in love. Maria beyonce says she will stick with lemonade and asking a beer to using her name in beauer. Got all the way into the 20,000 range, breaking 18,000. New warping on investing in bitcoin this morning. Securities and Exchange Commissioner chairman raising alarm for Retail Investors because bitcoin is not regulated by the agency. In a statement yesterday he writes this, there are tails of fortunes, we are hearing hearint familiar refrain, this time is different. When you hear this time is different, you get nervous, jon, what do you make of the warning . Jon irony of fcc warning, thats exactly why theyre crazy about it because it didnt be regulated. I think they would look at Something Like that and say youre proving our point. Dagen lawrence writes a piece, law professor at duke university, Global Financial center, he writes, i want to rip it off but too good not to give him full credit for every word. At the first serious and likely coordinated move by governments to regulate bank, digital currency, bitcoins price will crash to zero, panicked owners will rush to exit and the bubble will burst, options may be well on pixies and ferries. I dont think it goes to zero. Maria it has to be regulated if this comes up. What were you saying . You want to invest in pi currencies, zimbabwe dollars, i dont think bitcoin dagen thats not a choice, john. When you talk about worthless currency, theres a lot of worthless currencies that are being killed by high inflation. Dagen its called maria right. We dont know that its bitcoin. Its going to exist in the future. Dagen thats not the issue, people betting on bitcoin and maria other crypto currencies. Dagen people are upset and drunk not drunk and love but jon are people buying and selling real stuff with it, are you doing Christmas Shopping with it . Maria yes one of the brothers told me that he bought legos, he bought tickets to go to space and he said that thats the only time [laughter] he bought tickets to go to space. Tell me where i can get that ticket. Maria i sat down with them yesterday. They explained why its not a fraud. Investors should trust Currency Exchange which is, evening, gemini, watch. We have surveillance, we have informationsharing agreement, crossmarket surveillance, we will be doing the same things that any other exchange as heavily regulated does and if somebody does funny business, we will report them to the appropriate regulatory bodies, so we are very confident that itll be no easier to manipulate gemini this contract or any other contract in the financial world. Its historic value and so today its about a 300 billiondollar market cap. Gold is at 6 trillion. So we think it could very well go up another 20 times from today, we have been saying that we have been in bitcoin about five years, thrown 300 times to this point. We think that its definitely realistic that it can grow and disrupt gold and bitcoin equals surpasses gold, gold is scarce, bitcoin is actually fixed at 21 million, its way more portable, 24 7 market. I can send bitcoin to you in your phone right now or anywhere around the world. Very easy to move. Gemini doesnt own bitcoin just like nasdaq doesnt own shares of apple. Maria how many shares of bitcoin do you own . We are not here to talk about that. Maria have you sold anything, he bought legos, we bought tickets to virgin gal attic space and unfortunately we really overpaid because bitcoin went up about 20 or 30 times and so we learned our lesson. We dont spend our bitcoin, longterm holders of bitcoin, store value much more than currency, we think its an Amazing Technology and for the first time this Bitcoin Futures contract is the first of its kind in the world, regulated spot market like gemini. Phase two is building more sophisticated Financial Products that allow wall street institutions to get in. The beauty of this contract is you dont have to touch bitcoin to get bitcoin exposure. You buy it with cash and it settles with cash at the gemini4 00 p. M. Auction price. So you get in with cash, you get out where cash, and exposure with bitcoin without having to deal with it, store it or touch with it. Dagen i want to push back on market cap thing because a lot of bitcoin enthusiast talk and this represents financial transactions, market cap represents the value of a Business Today and what people are willing to pay for its future profits, this isnt a business and this has no profits, bitcoin. Maria thats a really important point. If you compare visa which the journal does today to bitcoin, lets do that not in terms of market cap, theres 340,000 Bitcoin Transactions every day. Theres 468 million visa transactions every day, thats a value comparison and thats why its small potatoes. Maria what i didnt like was the fact that he would not tell us how many bitcoins they own. You cant say youre a bitcoin billionaire and say we are not commenting on how many bitcoins i own. Jon the problem that i have with this, you listen to the interview, a lot sounds like mumbo jumbo, if i had invested in this thing five years ago, i would be rich right now. Thats the only argument that people are listening to right now. Maria they see the move, well, i just got to get in. No thought. Jon nay sayers like me are saying, no, no, meanwhile if you ignored me and got out and bought the thing, you would be loaded. Thats the bubble. I agree with it being a bubble but crypto currencies have a future and transaction fees, its going to be from bottom up and not top down u currency initiated, this is going to come from Retail Stores and come up once theres demand. The virgin gal attic is not necessarily the best example to use bitcoin. Maria bought legos. Jon great combination. Dagen theyre not running for office clearly. I bought a trip to space. [laughter] maria pretty funny, actually. Thats hilarious. All right, celibate coin if you have it. Get the heck out if you have it. Jon if you had listen today that ten years ago, you would be kicking yourself right now. Maria i know jon, but, but. At what point do you sell it . They should know when to sell it. Maria they are longterm shareholders. Jon you let it sit for a while. Maria dallas has shortage of those to protect and serve. Beyonce not behind the formation of beer named in her honor. Maria welcome back, happy tuesday morning, this morning we are looking at futures indicating mixed opening. Dow industrials up 20 points, s p higher but the nasdaq is lower by a fraction. A couple of names that we are watching on the move. Boeing certainly one to watch, company raising Quarterly Dividend by 20 . Boeing announcing 18 billiondollar Share Repurchase program replacing existing plan. Shares of boeing up 1 and a half percent. We are watching mattel, mattel said it expects gross sales to decline by mid to highsingle digits, shares of mattel tripped up. Cheryl casone with details and headlines now. Cheryl celebrity chef mario bateli is stepping down from restaurant empire following accusation that is he sexual harassed four women. The women came forward alleging that batali touched them inappropriately. He takes full responsibility and responds and abc has suspended him from the show the chew and has been put on hold for now. As Dallas Police department is working to make up for shortage of Police Officers, the chief says millennials are part of the problem, we have nights, weekends and holidays, not attractive to millennials who wants all day jobs and be the chief. Well, baggage fees for the Airline Industry hitting record, passengers paid 1. 2 billion, thats up about 10 from the same time last year. And forget the ring, the queen herself beyonce putting the copy right claim on it. Asking a brewery in brooklyn to stop selling bieryonce, inspired after she missed concert and also a big fan of beyonce. Those are headlines. Maria thanks cheryl. Record market rally continues where you might want to allocate funds now . Right after the short break. Stay with us. No matter how the markets change. At t. Rowe price. Our disciplined approach remains. Global markets may be uncertain. But you can feel confident in our investment experience around the world. Call us or your advisor. T. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. Maria welcome back, bitcoin buzz. Shares are pulling back this morning. Good to see you, sean. Thanks, maria, for having me. Maria you think that there will be a bitcoin etf . I think there are several filed. I think on the the fiscal side theres a challenge. You have to custody something to be a fund in the etf world and that would be a challenge and if they ever past registration and listing standard issue. More likely youll see something in the futures area, price of a future disconnects from the spot price and you get these things, and so you could actually get the bet right and the direction of the underwire but still not make money. Maria lets move on to the broader markets here because we are looking at market thats in recordsetting territory, 6 trillion in market value gain, what are you seeing in terms of your clients right now, are they still bullish . This is my birthday, by the way. Doubled from today as last year, we got a pretty good year, the money is flowing into protection stage. Maria 1 and a half billion. We have seen a shift away from u. S. A little bit into international so, we have product based on europe and global product with nice dividend attach today it thats gathered some assets, valuations, i think theres ways to find bargains in the u. S. , if you look at land, research or microsoft which are two holdings in one of the etfs, they generate 31 billion for free cash and raised dividend for 10 , if you wanting to back to bitcoin conversation in play, buy Technology Names to invest in and speculate on the other side, by bye chips and storage, if you will, as opposed to bitcoins. John you have been in finance for quite that long. Do i look that old . Jon does it look like a bubble and what do you tell investors about how to play it . Of course, it looks like a bitcoin maria are you talking about bitcoin or the market . Bitcoin. Thats the assumption that i made. I was thinking of connecting mill enails and winklevoss brothers, we are doomed if thats what the future looks like. [laughter] dagen they have legitimate business, bitcoin exchange. Based on pricing done by gemini. Thats different. They are betting on it but they are trying to make it an established asset. Maria yeah. My analogy in gold rush in 180s the people who made the money were the dry goods store, equivalent of dry goods provider as are the Technology Names and so rather jon prepared to work for it and not expect to get loaded overnight. Exactly. I think thats the allure. Maria twoday fed meeting, feds expected to raise rates, impact . I think they will look at wage growth as opposed to other things to determine whether or not they see inflation bowb lg up and thats the only way you get wage growth. Theres the thing called morris law in technology thats driven down the price of technology, morris law for inflation taking place because of the technology that maybe muting inflation and so the real enemy of the fed is to tamp down inflations, theyll be cautious as they look at that. If we get goodsolid wage growth with everybody hopes, then more aggressively raise rates. I think you look good on your birthday. Thank you very much. Do you see that changing significantly with interest rating going up . A little bit. Theres great yield and danger of buying dividend and highpaying stocks because they tend to disappoint. We would buy free cash flow. Maria good analysis sean. We will be right back. Thank you. [vo] progress is an unstoppable force. The season of audi sales event is here. Audi will cover your first months lease payment on select models during the season of audi sales event. Traders theyre always looking for advantages. The smart ones look to fidelity to find them. We give you research and datavisualization tools to help identify potential opportunities. So, you can do it this way. Or get everything you need to help capture investment ideas and make smarter trading decisions with fidelity for just 4. 95 per online u. S. Equity trade. Fidelity. Open an account today. Maria welcome back, good tuesday morning, thank you so much for joining us. Im maria bartiromo, it is tuesday december 12th, the race is on in alabama, polls open one hour from now. Voters are deciding between republican roy moore and Democrat Doug Jones in highly f contested special election for the senate. Very late e as each candidate makes a lastditch effort to drum up support. Terrorism in new york, authorities are searching for answers this morning while Homeland Security reveal it is bangladeshy man suspected of designated a bomb in bus terminal entered the United States through socalled chain migration. White house responded through the news that it would not have happened under President TrumpS Immigration policy. This attack underscores the need for congress to work with the president on immigration reforms that enhance our National Security and public safety. The president is certainly concerned that congress particularly democrats have failed to take action specifically the president s policy has called for end to chain migration and if that had been in place that would have prevented the individual from coming to the United States. Maria futures indicating higher opening, s p 500 up 1 point. Ftse up a fraction. Cac quarante up a quarter of a percent and dax index also up a fraction. In asia markets were lower on the board in the heels of record setter on wall street. Several former nfl stars hit with Sexual Misconduct allegations, details as they are suspended from the nfl network. An American Express says put the pen away, why they are no longer requiring signatures for purchases. Users are turning on netflix after it reveals topwatched shows and pulls viewers on blast, the tweets that spark privacy concern. Here to break it all down Dagen Mcdowell, Jon Hilsenrath, and beyond sport global ambassador John Layfield. Great to see you. Youre loving the bitcoin. Jon we cant stop talking about it. Jon 16,000. Maria im more to talk about the tax plan because im wonder if the new provision in the Senate Tax Plan will create selloff in the stock market by yearend, jon. I think theres a real problem with yearend tax planning right now. They will have a bill done in next week and a half and anyone who wants to position 2017 taxes for year end, they dont they are going to have to week to respond and not a lot of time to work with here. Maria story in the journal about small Investment Community taking a look at this idea that you have to sell your big winners first. Dagen top story in the journal, face new tax, number one story that the journal is reporting. Only congress could turn simple math into calculus. Maria what the heck happened . Jon provision that dagen is talking about, they only get 2 billion out of that over ten years, its not clear why they need to do that when its going to anger so many people. Maria joining this conversation aol cofounder, revolution chairman steve casey and steve king and 2015 movie joy, the selfmade millionaire and inventor of the miracle mop joe is with us. You dont want to miss that. We will find out her entrepreneurial story. Top story this hour, alabama polls open one hour from now, republican candidate roy moore and Doug Jones Campaign in alabama yesterday in a lastditch effort to gain support. We are up to neck in alligators, we are up to neck in people that dont want change in washington, d. C. , they want to keep it the same, keep their power and prestige and keep their position and we have to change that. Im not going to worry about the fact that roy moore has been kicked out of office twice, im not worry about the fact that he took money from a charity and, you know what, i believe those women but you know what my party is more important. I am going to tell you, folks, it is time and i think we are going to see it tomorrow. Maria joining us from washington the daily editor in chief christopher bedford, good to see you, thanks for joining us this morning. Thanks for having me. Maria your take on alabama election . Its pretty hard not to see roy moore not winning today despite the fact of allegations that come out against him and maybe if democrats run a more conservative democrat as opposed to someone who is extremely liberal on abortion, on health care, on taxes, they might have had a more of a fighting chance to unseat a republican in this race but really hard to see it and they are trying, though, they are sending barack obama down, the former first lady down, cory booker down, a lot of democrat all stars so try to change it. Maria roy moore, it looked like doug jones was 10 points ahead on fox news poll. Was an interesting blast and everyone has been talking about for the last 24 hours. If you look at real clear politics average of all of the polls, roy is Still Holding up a few points ahead and thats the word im getting on the ground and its going on the wild if fox news turns out to be the outlier. Maria wow. Is this part of sentiment, forget the varsity of the claim, we dont have time to figure them out if they are true, with theresa may, brexit, with President Trump, people dont like to be told what to do and is that part of whats going on in alabama . I think thats true. The people in alabama are really largely been dismissed and attacked repeatedly National News media and National Political figures who called them stupid or said how could you support this bigot, how could you support this molester and also places like the Washington Post and cnn lost a lot of capital with Republican Voters from years and years of unfair Coverage Even just this last week of 3 massive retractions in the news, republicans, conservatives less likely to believe them than ever. Dagen if it wasnt the Washington Post that broke the story of women and allegations, that if it was some other publication who had done it, that it would some how change the way that people would vote in the state . Its possible. You hear repeatedly consider the source. I dont think thats necessarily always fair because the source of these allegations are different women in the state of alabama, but since its come out and specially after decades of not having come out while roy moore has been public figure in alabama, the National Media descends on the state and show more interest and they come out with all these allegations from people and it comes from a source thats less trusted in the state, that definitely hurt it. Maria let me move onto what happened yesterday in new york. New york city reeling from a bombing in time square, the white house responded to suspicion that the bangladeshy suspect currently in custody entered through u. S. Chain migration. This comes as reuters is reporting bangladeshy police are questioning the suspects wife. Its not just chain migration, its the diversity lottery. The person who came in came in through diversity lottery, a relative of his and the suspect here, very likely suspect since the pipe bomb went off in his pocket, most distant family member. These kind of things, maybe actually a good thing for the republicans and for donald trump because its the kind of terror attack where no one was hurt except for the suspect, you dont have lose of life, someone clearly connect today connected to isis and difficult to defend this, a lot of people on the left say migration has nothing to do with this, of course, it has something to do with it, thats why he was here. Maria not yet. Let me ask you about the dossier scandal, something that the daily caller has been doing a good job on. A senior justice official demoted for concealing men behind the antitrump dossier has personal ties to fusion gps. Wifed for fusion gps during election. Every day we get another point of conflict of interest around russian probe and Hillary Clinton and election. I wanted to withhold judgment for a while when it first came out that a lot of people had donated to democrats, a lot of the investigators, you want to say that they are going to do their jobs, investigators, they are professionals, every single day we are seeing more and more problems. Its actually republicans are not getting answers in congress when they are asking the fbi, why werent we told about the person with these connections, why do we have to find about this from the news media, why the fbi not reporting about all the conflict of interests. This guy was marry today somebody at fusion gps. Thats a pretty close relationship right there. Maria its not happening, though. Thats the thing. People want to see justice and what youre saying is still not happening and there have been subpoenas out from congress, there have been subpoenas out to get information and they are stone walling going on for years. Dagen i dont know how how much taxpayer money, though, chris, is it going to take to use the president s phrase drain the swamp, the more you find out of what goes to washington, the more disgusted americans are about everybody in bed together, theres bad scratching and theres never any justice for the average person, theres never any conclusion that its satisfying to the taxpayer who is are footing these bills. One of the most annoying things youll find about washington, d. C. Is as soon as you go out and you go out for dinner or drink, one of the first thing someone asks you, what do you do, washington, d. C. Is so interconnected, everyone is somehow working with everyone and they have an interest in that, the swamp is deeply connected with each other, these people have active interest in keeping outsiders out of it and donald trump is actually causing massive disruption with these people. Its causing chaos. All my neighbors sons signaling about how they stand up, dont let man put hate in heart, everyone around the city is resisting him and itll take a lot of effort, a few years and we will see a couple of fires, brush fires along the way before anything gets done on the swamp. Maria fusion gps came up with the dossier which was never verified and was garbage and one of the justifications of wiretapping donald trump. Right now we are certain that it was full of garbage and massive disruption in the media and likely moved the department of justice and now we are finding that the fbi agents were connected to it, that does not look good for mule Internal Revenue or his probe. Dagen one thing we do know that the christopher steel, former british intelligent agent paid by fusion gps and democrats to work with russians to put together dossier, we know that, thats a fact and thats been proven. So, again, to christophers opinion, is it going to be up to bob mueller and conflicted team. More conflict that is we havent covered today. Is it going to fall to him to investigate the fbi which he ran for 12 years . Maria how is he going to investigate the fbi who ran it and jim comey, close friend, sit going to be up to his team to investigate dossier. You have to have somebody else doing it. Maria we will see. I want to get your take on breaking news, President Trump is tweeting this morning, here is what he said, despite thousands of hours and millions of dollars spent democrats have been unable to show collusion with russia and now they are moving onto false accusations and fabricated stories of women that i dont know and i have never met, fake news. Wow, the president coming up this morning talking about the allegations from the women who are trying to get a congressional investigation going about inappropriate behavior, sexual inappropriate behavior, chris, your thoughts . Its wild to watch press conference yesterday. It was coordinated from a blob of people who think the same. Terror attack in new york, tax reform coming down and special election tomorrow in alabama and almost every one in the press wanted to talk about, all they wanted to talk about was accusations. The president so far has denied them, Sarah Huckabee sanders up there saying i speak for the president , the president flat out denies this, it does not mean its not going to stop and when you see democrats so brutally cleaning out their own house if anyone has been accused of any Sexual Misconduct, i see them as doing that to try and set themselves up and retake the moral high ground and go hard after President Trump over okizations. Maria yeah, megyn kelly had them on show and did a press conference after that. Youre right. Christopher, thank you. Thank you. Maria we will see you soon, sir. Still ahead when it comes to a pen, you can leave home without it, American Express is ditching signature requirements, bing in the new year, most streamed shows of 2017, surprising series that took the oh top spot. Privacy concerns sparked from a tweet from the giants coming up. I can do more to lower my a1c. Because my body can still make its own insulin. And i take trulicity once a week to activate my body to release it, like its supposed to. Trulicity is not insulin. It comes in a onceweekly, truly easytouse pen. The pen where you dont have to see or handle a needle. And it works 24 7. Trulicity is a onceweekly injectable medicine to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. It should not be the first medicine to treat diabetes, or for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Do not take trulicity if you have a personal or Family History of medullary thyroid cancer, if you have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if youre allergic to trulicity. Stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or symptoms like itching, rash, or trouble breathing. Serious side effects may include pancreatitis. Taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases your risk for low blood sugar. Common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite, and indigestion. Some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. To help lower my a1c i choose trulicity to activate my within. Ask your doctor if onceweekly trulicity is right for you. Maria welcome back, when we told you yesterday about the outpouring of support of tennessee middleschooler who went viral talking about bullying, now question of mothers motives for posting the video. Cheryl casone with the details, cheryl. Cheryl ma, maria, more than 22 million hits on kimber loi jones footage of son keaton being called ugly in school. Somebody launched a gosunned go fund me campaign. She started go fund me page actually and she slammed the original fundraiser and questioning whether or not shes trying to make a quick buck off of her son. Reports also began to emerge that she had posted multiple images of confederate flags on facebook account, jones has made her facebook private. American express trying to stay competitive, the company will no longer require a signature regardless of the amount spending, right now you have to sign for any purchase over 50, of course, latest credit cards have computer chip for fraud protection. No signature required if you buy something online or on the phone, but its been a strong year for American Express. Stock is actually up more than 30 . Well, streamers that saw netflix tweet over the weekend were creeped out with how much the Company Seems to know about their viewing habits. Netflix tweeted this, to the 53 people who watched a christmas print every day for the past 18 days who hurt you question mark. Well, the tweet got a lot of laughs, retweeted over 100,000 times but also some backlash because viewers are thinking, hey, wait a minute, do i have any privacy with you, maybe i dont. All right, but all the viewership data proving useful to netflix. Shows we devoured list which means series was viewed more than two hours per day. The list is topped by true crime spoke. The controversial 13 reasons why and riverdale, most popular streaming day was new years day, netflix stocks up sharply this year. No, dagen, narcos wasnt on the list nor the house. Maria i havent seen any of the shows. How is that possible . Dagen i dont know, something is deeply wrong with me. Im almost done with the Second Season of the crown. Maria how is it . Dagen not as good as the first season. A lot of prince philip. Kind of boring. Maria its like house of cards, it wasnt as good. Dagen i say im i say. There you go. Maria harassment there, harassment scandals getting the nfl network as well. Fallout after three analysts received suspensions over allegations there. The brothers making unexpected break, lonzo balls two youngers sons are going pro after ucla suspended one for shoplifting on a trip to china. Thats next. Maria welcome back, former nfl players are were suspended over Sexual Misconduct allegations. Jared max, good morning. Jared marshal along with heath evans after three were named in Sexual Misconduct lawsuit after former nfl wardrobe stylist, jamie, yesterday filed a further complaint, Sexual Harassment and assault, claims that faulk groped her, Inappropriate Text Messages sent from the others and in addition messages from donovan mcnabb. Yet to receive potential punishment. President of the ringer placed on indefinite leave. Monday night football south florida, tom brady going for ninth straight win, very brady celebration preempted by the Miami Dolphins defense, brady intercepted twice, worst game for brady statistically. Jay cutler three touchdowns for miami. Didnt allow patriots to convert a single third down. That hasnt happened in 26 years. Dolphins win it 2720. You know that old saying, if at first you dont succeed, steeling Louis Vuitton sunglasses and get suspended by ucla, try again to play ball in another country. The two younger brothers of lonzo ball have sign today play for pro team. Deangelo ball is 19 years old and probably in need of sunglasses. Maria luthenia. Its really about spreading g the big baller brand. They are still kids. The coach is supposed to be the laval ball of lithuania. Maria given the honor yesterday in south korea. This is one of the 85 robot volunteers. Jared was it the movie short circuit . There was new research that as much as onethird of American Workforce could be out of work of 2030 because of automation, 40 to 800 people globally could be displaced. Maybe some of these robots should have some defects in them so we can keep ourselves employed. Maria thats a real concern. Jared we laugh about it now but the next 17 year what holds . Maria its incredible that its coming up 2030 when theyll be that pervasive, robotics everywhere. Jon im a little skeptical of arguments like that. There were reports ten years ago that our jobs would be outsource today india, you know radiologists, we still have plenty of radiologists. Maria robotics have been very important and great growth story for health care. I dont know that they are displacing doctors. Exactly, yeah. Jared can they tell me who is going to win the super bowl . Dagen nice back to the future reference. [laughter] thank you very much. What happened with tom savage and concussion. How did houston miss that . Jared he shouldnt have been allowed to come back in the game. All of the concern safety. They missed jared not everybody has their left hand and right hand working together. Jon a lot of players have that down so that when they get hurt they dont get pulled out. Maria catch jared 24 7 or siriusxm 115. Still to come up in smoke threatens passengers in midair after crews asked her to snub out cigarette. Merger mania, at t for federal fight, we talk to steve case about the wave of mega mergers mean for the business, coming up. Traders theyre always looking for advantages. The smart ones look to fidelity to find them. We give you research and datavisualization tools to help identify potential opportunities. So, you can do it this way. Or get everything you need to help capture investment ideas and make smarter trading decisions with fidelity for just 4. 95 per online u. S. Equity trade. Fidelity. Open an account today. Open an account today. siren blaring working as an emt in a small town usually means hospitals arent very close by. When you have a really traumatic injury, we have a short amount of time to get our patient to the hospital with good results. We call that the golden hour. Theres nothing worse than when were responding to the hospital, and the hospital doesnt have the right specialist. Evaluating patients remotely, by an expert, is where i think we have a potential to make a difference. Robots can do a lot in medicine these days, but they cant think. Theyre still machines. For nuanced decision making, we still need humans. We would save a lot of lives if we could bring the doctor to the patient. Verizon is racing to build the first and most powerful 5g network that will enable Breakthrough Innovations to take place. As we get faster and faster wireless connections, itll be possible to bring those capabilities to more remote sites, and be able to operate on a patient in a way that was just not possible before. When you think about underserved areas, you tend to think of remote locations. But the reality is, an underserved area is anywhere where the person that you need, who has the expertise for the problem that you have, is nowhere near you. Low latency is crucial for things like surgery, because the Response Time has to be immediate, it has to be real. I could put on vr goggles like these, and when i move my hand, the robot on the other side will mimic the movement, with almost no delay. Who knew a scalpel could work thousands of miles away . dr. Vasquez its going to be lifechanging, and lifesaving. Maria welcome back. Goodtize morning thanks so much for joining us happy tuesday i am maria bartiromo. It is tuesday, december 12, your top stories right now 7 30 a. M. On the east coast. 21 century fox looks like logs aed byer, comcast stepping down, no longer procuring a deal for Key Entertainment and media businesses, disney is still eyeing a deal, it is anybodys guess if comcast staples with ai because deal with disney is more likely the latest on glue plainia in media. Markets will open higher dow industrials high of the morning up 40 points s p 500 and nasdaq also higher a fraction in europe similar story many moving into equities this morning, european indices higher across the board ft 100 up a quarter of a percent cac quarante up platform one half of of a percent dax in many up a quarter of a of a percent. Markets lower at the close worse monthly China Oil Prices are rising as pipeline was shut down for repairs crude oil now 58. 41 a beryl, a southwest flight diverted over a signature get this a passenger caught smoking in the lav tory makes threats to the entire flight, the story coming up, then mere yemwebster of the year. Healthy way to keet cookies thin mintflavored youing you are the coming up first top story this half hour, will emerges reshape media comcast confirmed yesterday it is no longer in the race to pursue move television assets from 21st century fox, at that time at t gears up for bid to acquire time warner, joining us this morning aol o cofounder current chairman and ceo revolution instead of a case good to see you. Good to be with you. Thank you so much joining us you were around when we say last bout of mergers in Media Telecom obviously, a big move for a lot of Companies Making companies bigger 164 planned aol time warner merger largest in in history what do you make of current m a climate what are you seeing. Feels like deja vu all over again, a lot of same discussions happened 20 years ago about roll of content versus distribution, do you need to be integrated, content king or distribution clear consumer is king platforms amazon Netflix Facebook direct connections to consumers at advantage disney saying going to pull back from netflix do direct to consumer offering to bulk up fox or other assets to have a credible offering to go directly to consumers similar battle we were hearing 20 years ago. Maria what doifrpg . You what do you think you think consumer king people building content look at amazon right now, it is different, and, by the way, i cant believe 20 years ago you are right, 20 years ago, oom horizon willing to pay out billions and billions of dollars for original content, is that where this is going . Where people are going to start doing more original content or using the sale of intlishd content for example fox simpsons, you know, so many great slows, this is us, among those being talked about, is that where the value is . Well i think the value as i said the services that have direct to consumer offerings how do you burnl together something credible mix of brands content people are familiar with as well as original content again this is not a new idea hbo, 40 years ago really was pioneering that highly leverage some he movies that are made but invest in original content soap pranos other things to differentiate we see that move only difference new companies did not xifrs 20 years ago netflix amazon facebook, et cetera, apple as well existed but wasnt focused so much on media content, so the battle will continue, the ones that really have that, that consumer connection, direct scomhooer connection consider likely the winners. Maria those companies have investment arm you look like amazon, it is acquiring has investment arm, acquiring Technology Companies lets talk about the fight over net neutral yee apple cofindesh steve would say knee ak would say knee ak, leading a push to preventative vote on thursday experts calling on congress to stop from overturning rules that prevent internet providers out right blocking online content your thoughts. It is a old debate sovieted that prince song 1999, debates open access now net neutral thee how do you trithe intent as platform for innovation allow disruptive startups entrepreneurs to innovative i am concerned about Net Neutrality share knew of people sailing make sure innocent is open for innovation we err on side of making sure things are tilted in favor of those disruptive entrepreneurs that are trying to launch new things not existing combatants tryiincumbe. Your company 150milliondollar funneled focused on investing in startups away from coast the middle of the country interesting, especially when you look at backers big names jeff bezos megawhitman Howard Schultz what is your thinking. Great innovation in places like Silicon Valley, and new york city, boston right now the vast majority Venture Capital guess to those cities 75 went to three states, california, new york and massachusetts, so the other 47 states, fight over 25 , yet there is great entrepreneurs all over current Building Great Companies not a lot of Venture Capital attention rise of the launch about 4 years oak now accelerating we launched last week new fund we got 3 dozen americas more iconic respected entrepreneurs investors, executives families joining us saying they believe in the idea of greet entrepreneurs everywhere great Investment Opportunities i hope will capitalize focus on mil of country start you understand result in great breakout sections in communities, also in the process create jobs, and more hope in those communities, a lot of people wake up in the morning, feeling like anxious about the future not sure what role of technology is going to be in their family and Community Want to make sure, by backing starts everywhere creating jobs everywhere, that will change that dynamic. Like look around the World Everybody wanted to be Silicon Valley in russia created a project there are miniSilicon Valleys, hubs biotech upstate new york all little hubs everywhere, where you actually can tap into real innovation happening not necessarily just Silicon Valley. We see in 33 he cities, 8,000 miles by bus we have been to places pits burgh great things are happening with robotics because of carnegiemellon buffalo biotech things trade a lot of things mobility new orleans a lot of things, left lanes st. Louis ag tech, farming innovation happening all over kin trying to change the dynamic with rise to make sure entrepreneur has access, wildly dispersed opportunity is not trying to level the Playing Field so everybody, everywhere has an idea really has a shot at american dream. Some companies are more powerful than they ever have been when you look at big five, the same panes facebook amazon Netflix Google they have so much power, given all of the data, and the information that they have, about us, all, do you think the regulatory market changes the Regulatory Environment changes for technology, given the fact that this is a completely different industry, than 10 years ago or five years ago steve . Yes, i think beginning to change we starts seeing in european yunon bruz els some of the big technical, we are seeing a growing backlash in this country as well people are proud of what is happening in Silicon Valley, also nervous about some implications, and including here in washington, d. C. , there is a lot more focus on even congressional committees looking into what was the role of facebook other things in election, so now become so much more central in terms of our everyday lives such a big impact on our economy not surprising that there is more of a focus on the role of big tech if you will, do i think Silicon Valley needs to be careful, last decade you well know wall street has been the bad guy, Silicon Valley is risk of becoming kind of the new bad guy people love some Products Service that come from selloff they are nervous about some steps that some companies in Silicon Valley are taking. That is what i was asking because you know, in the last 10 years we saw the financials basically sit on cash, they were unwilling to do anything with money, case they didnt know what regulation was around turn, then up had doddfrank you worshiped if that is going to happen to Technology Sector now big spendsers will they be big spenders in future if they have got congressional oversight tougher than they saw in the past, then, of course, steve bitcoin,your automobile a student of industry a long time 25 years, even more, what do you think of bitcoin steve . Well, i think it is expediting, some Core Technologies around blockchain but again feels like a you know 20 years ago where there is a phenomena a mania almost around dot com a little bit of a mania trading side around bitcoin, icos things like that Core Technology of blockchainability to track things i think very important but i think there is a little bit too much speculation will be interesting to see yesterday stepped in to sop ico coining offering that was happening you can raise capital unrated way has happened recently i dont think that is sustainable, in fact we have to separate what is happening in terms of of Core Technologies like blockchain what is happening in terms of speculation, around that, whether it be bitcoin and icos i think we need to be more careful than recent months thinking about that. The brothers yesterday said this is regulated i suspect this action keeps up bitcoin going to be regulating a lot more. No question talking about in the third we have a next we have a of industries roll of policy regulations deeper role whether Financial Services, health care, or some smart cities important aspects of lives there is going to be more operation entrepreneurs hate hearing that particularly Silicon Valley i think true we are going to see with bitcoin as welcome, no question, the rrts not just in this country but around the world make sure they have adequate protections in place to make sure, these technologies platforms can have a positive impact on the market as opposed to potentially unintended consequences could be negative. Great steve we will be watching the rise of the fund great to talk with you thank you. Thanks. See you soon still ahead a fiery coverings on Southwest Airlines flight passenger threatens to kill everybody onboard the footage that ended in felony charges scouting for floifrz a twist on yogurt, back in a minute. [lance] monica, it is absolute chaos out here gale force winds, accumulations up to 8 inches. Dont know if you can hear me, but [monica] whats he doing . [lance] can we get a shot of this cold front, right here. Winter has arrived. Whooo hahaha [vo] progress is an unstoppable force. Brace yourself for the season of audi sales event. Audi will cover your first months lease payment on select models during the season of audi sales event. Welcome back breaking news San Francisco mayor lee has died Cheryl Casone with the story. Cheryl getting some details into this maria lee died this morning according to office, the San Francisco examiner says lee died after suffering a heart attack shopping at local safe way near his home pronounced dead at San Francisco General Hospital this morning, was a big supporter of San Francisco as sanctuary city did he haved that controversial policy after kate steinle murdered in 2015 by convicted fell op deported five times, ed lee dead at 65. 4 yearly woman arrested after she tlaepd to kill passengers on Southwest Airlines flight from portland to sacramento, happened after caught smoking in the airplane bathroom. I will kill everybody on this plane. I will kill everybody on this plane. Cheryl she was restrained by current xaurjz until the plane was able to safely land, in sakt. Amid spike in reports of Sexual Assault harassment in the how as feminism merriamwebster word says top lookup throughout the year starting as early as january during the womens march on washington, after the inauguration. Well gill security co girl sc cookies not the available for a few months, they come in yogurt form yoplait reliefs minta, coconut, headlines. Maria i will take it thanks, coming up next, a Reality Company succeed with augmented reality wait till you see this next. Whoooo. Looking for a hotel that fits. Your budget . Tripadvisor now searches over. 200 sites to find you the. Hotel you want at the lowest price. Grazi, gino find a price that fits. Tripadvisor. Maria welcome back Holiday Shopping season in full swing, now, one of the gifts out there, ising augmented and Virtual Reality head habituates he in company taking the lead is not google, by the way, it is a company out of rochester new york job iing knee founder ceo, paul good to see you. Thanks. Thank you for joining us how was music able to do what other Huge Tech Companies were unable to do in terms of glasses. All guys making things massive quite frankly we make lot weight devices, started the enterprise with special forces guys, liking whether they put if you look at vr market all things are giant sort of really big on head let me check these out see how light they are. So you have two models on set m1 m 00 this is the blade. Things glasses on you want to take your he phone out of pocket glasses on able to thank you. I dont feel like a geek. You dont look like one either. I dont know about that tell me what this blade does imagine walking down the street a pokemon character to right, pokemon go millions of users in a week through the glasses you see this character sitting on street giving directions, directions in your glasses, phone call comes in answer with glasses on, beginnings of moving phone in pocket. I dont have to take phone outgoing to show lets do the other modeled this is m300 enterprise glasses for enterprise, tell us. These worn around your neck when you are in a warehouse situation put glasses on, this becomes effectively so instead of taking a handheld scanner. They are actually in this case, operationally let me run it here so i am looking through glasses you can see, nothing more than look at this. Through the glasses you can see literally a multistory building sitting here not real. What were seeing on screen what you are seeing in glasses. That is correct, that is correct. So you can imagine so many applications this can become valuable tool. You made analogy earlier, if you were on a plane, on your unlooked baggage from a plane. We worked, the airport they have the gate folks wearing glasses pallet comes by on side of pallet, code bar code, through gases you see information about where that pallet goes on plane if it doesnt belong on that plane will have a red marker on the outside of it just like this not real marker not real they can put it in remove it they know where baggage goes on plane. Turn around one half, how to do it. Very cool, so entered into a supply agreement with toshiba tell us about that one of the largest orders that smartglasses the seen quite frankly a major player in laptop a line of products, wearable, and buying smartglasses from vuzix, a multimilliondollar contract same in First Quarter see a lot more. You dont have augmented reality or a. I. Will be left behind every industry using. It doing things 500 , hard to ignore. Schoocool, thank you so much good to see you, inventing expiration selfmade plrnr millionaire and movie loosely based on our life. Good thoouz. Thanks for joining us. Im maria bartiromo, tuesday, december 12 top stories right now 8 00 a. M. On the east coast, decision day alabama pols open as Voters Decide between republican roy moore. The highly contested. When people say they dont vote for you that is a giveaway amazing at some point we got to stop looking like idiots to the nation. Politics permanent destruction tried to destroy donald trump tried to destroy roy moore you saw how they did this nothing too low for these people to do they dont know about them right. When we go high they only dont go low there is no bottom down low they will go. Each makes a last different effort to drum up support bangladeshi man suspected of a detonating a pipe bomb near new york city bus terminal entered on chain migration. Weve got very latest from the scene, markets this morning, are higher expecting a higher opening for broader averages this is the high of the morning right here dow industrials up 51 points quarter of a percent higher s p 500 up a fraction nasdaq down a fraction, in you were i wouldnt, this morning markets like this, again higher across the board, ft 100 up a quarter of a percent cac quarante up half of a percent dax higher in asia overnight markets closed lower approach across the board, china was down one and water percent nikkei average down a third of a percent, the latest Cyber Security deposit concerns of hackers reportedly getting away with millions from u. S. And russian banks, not with premium aaa, i calling fuel a waste of money, all those coming up this morning joining me to talk all about it Fox Business Network Dagen Mcdowell, wall street global editor Jon Hilsenrath, Fox News Contributor John Layfield here i thought premium gasoline was way to go you know being told otherwise. Car manufactures maybe in cahoots with Gasoline Companies . It is more expensive they always tell you put premium in your High Performance vehicles. Depends what car you are driving, my corolla doesnt matter what you put in it. Okay. That is one of the safe evident cars. Pols open in alabama Live Team Coverage hillary covering republican Roy Moore Jeff flock following democrat candidate doug jones hillary in Montgomery Alabama good morning. Polls open three minutes a few people have gone. I just a few mowers, judge roy moore and his wife will ride on back to polls to vote something they do every year, when they vote, being last night the moore hit stump for the first time in days to face a crowd of 200 gathered at barn in mid landed city alabama him and wife took turns fighting back against negatively reports in the media. Moores wife says their lives have been infiltrated people who are behind the flurry of allegations need to be held accountable. All this mess is going to be over, tomorrow. If you dont belief in my character, dont vote for me. Moore joined by ban owner and gang of conservatives, to rally alabamians remind them judge roy moore is the republican pick, and his opponent is a democrat. You have been in business with them 25 years how how come not proud of you you were delegates for obama how come not proud of that . If if, by the way, if you believe in it, embrace it dont try to run to Something Different that is what he is doing. Never the issue you never they never want to debate the issues. Because they ins they debate issues they lose. So the only set of runners conservative you get. A surprise congest said he can vouch for moores character i caught moore on way out from event i asked how he itself feeling into election day today he told me he feels wonderful. Maria. Maria thank you. We will follow that, and, of course, jeff flock on the other side of town birmingham alabama how is it going over there . Reporter the Church Doug Jones lives mountain brook, birj as ysuburb push last night you know, doug jones famously a federal prosecutor president said he is weak on crime he was a federal prosecutor, secured the convictions of two kkk members in 1963 Birmingham Church bombing also an avid hunter big supporter of Second Amendment firing back a bit at perception may be that he was not a moderate democrat. Campaign with Charles Barkley last night important to get black vote out. Not huge number of black folks in alabama but those seem to be fired up we visited selma yesterday i tell you, the community there is fired up for doug jones, Charles Barkley campaigning with doug jones yesterday said i cant even believe roy moore is in this race, in essentially what this comes down to is an referendum on roy moore. Doug jones yesterday with Charles Barkley. This is partly a message it is a referendum not just on the issues that weve got but it is who we are, and what we are going to tell our daughters and alabama go is to go stand with our daughters . Granddaughters that we will respect them no matter when they come forward and just as important, being that message to our son, that this kind of conduct is not acceptable it is not acceptable in the halls of congress not acceptable in the state of alabama. Maria . Tweeted out last night maria, i think this morning, actually this morning we are on right side of history. That we will see when side history comes down on today, big turnout expected at this polling place i dont know, were you able to show folks standing over there parking lot already filled with cars, people, doug jones signs okay about you got to be 30 feet away from the door, but this is his community, and big turnout here, of course, big turnout will be essentially to both sides in this race. Special coverage tonight jeff do we know when we will know who with actually wins what time weve got special election coverage beginning 8 00 pm eastern live own Fox Business Network for alabama special election when will we know. Reporter this is tough, because you know, unlike polls even in president ial race, where the pols sort of lined up kind of together, this we got fox news poll shows doug jones up 10 points weve got another poll out this morning shows moore up by 10 points, so my guess to you is that, you know, plan to stay up late. Maria all right jeff thank you so much we will be watching that, of course, live coverage will follow the race, live from alabama joining us now member of the highways Homeland Security Financial Services committee congressman peter king of new york good to see you thanks so much for joining us. Thank you. Maria what do you expect out of alabama today . I very close, i would not vote for roy moore, should have given more just my opinion on that, i agree with senator shelby. So senator shl bee said we cant have this guy in a position of leadership. And yet, President Trump did robocalls for him he is saying we need that vote. Yeah, issue i understand that, really is i feel due to the fact children, and fact that he almost a cavalier answer to it to me again raises series issues. Maria k by the way, congressman we want to bring breaking news out the the president is tweeting right now, and he have is what he says listen to this congressman the lightweight senator Kristin Gillibrand total flunky for Chuck Schumer would come to my office begging for Campaign Contributions not so long ago and will do anything for them, is now in the ring fighting against trump. Very disloyal to bill and crooked congressman, wow your reaction . Well, i have good working with relationship with christiane disagree on a number of issues i think the president better revived to the to get in fights with people he is president of the United States just giving more credence and credibility to people like gillibrand, to me as president politically should stay above that. Maria k gill gillibrand intaurg the with many, touch them or did Sexual Misconduct and she has a congressional investigation, would you be onboard with that . Not at this stage i think more evidence would have to come out again, he number of thees people at least one brought a lawsuit against President Trump president denied it dangerous path to go down where we can constantly bringing president into court on the other hand if they do credible charges the make hurts the president. Dont you think if republicans lose majority in 2018 i dont know if that is is going to happen but they could, that there will be investigation after investigation, including impeachment from the left to try to just keep him in court all day long every day to stop his agenda . The a dangerous precedent one of the reasons i voted against impeaching president clinton, president cant be tied down in courted all the time obviously if series charges series allegations, if if certainly voluntarilies improp if it involves improper use of office, tied down in court when you have to negotiate with leaders are on the world north korea all issues to me a very dangerous precedent for the most part president should not be in court. Dagen to National Security congressman weve got to get your take we are learning yesterday, in new york city came to u. S. From danger derby in 20s 1 on visa from children of siblings u. S. Citizens the white house says he would not have been allowed in u. S. Soil, if immigration policy had been implemented dagen you are hearing from a lot of new york city right now they are afraid and. Dagen quite frankly, congressman they are angry they are angry that this isth the third terror attack by homegrown jihadist in 14 months two attacksless than two months first of when halloween killed an individual, most of whom were tourists visitingth city feel not enough is done to protect them. What do you skai nypd is best in the world a relate we have to face more swanz intelligence, om way you can stop attacking like in, is to have intelligence when you have 6 Million People on u. S. City subway system no magnetometers no way to frisk ask for id only way to stop attacks is getting more intelligence, that involves having sources in the community, involves surveillance, not being totally correct that is the main only way you can help stop these on the other hand, this is reality we face that we are at war islamist terrorism at war with us unfortunately too many people in media and politics dont want to face up to that unfortunately, few days this is going to be forgotten, when seeing reports about police too heavyhanded fbi too heavyhanded to terrorists face it threat from islamic terrorism is going to come from multiple. We need surveillance in those communities. A demographics disband after revealed by the Associated Press that it exists that was surveillance of muslim communities and mosqueing trying to figure out where would be terrorists were working getting jobs living done because of the left, i would say to mayor and governor this have state luck is not a Law Enforcement strategy, and they were lucky yesterday. All lucky by the way, he heard himself hurt himself more than anybody else for sure. Taxes Law Enforcemented scrambling to write final tax bill this week you are a no vote on the house bill, what is your take on what stays what goes are you going to get relief in terms of of the salt issue one of the things you have been out front on . So far, no we have 10,000 dollar property tax but that is not enough for people in my district, also, the fact being state income tax not included i know talking about doing something, on state income tax because of high income tax in california but you are are you have to choose one or other property tax or state income tax to a place long island would be devastating, having one 10,000 exemption, not unusual to have combined property, of property state and tax 20 to 30, 35,000, is again, we have a to me, unjustifiable impact on northeast redistribution of wealthy northeast other parts of the country getting tax cuts the rest of the kin at expense of hardworking people in new york. Congressman do you think people are going to move out of the states like new york and congressional as a result of this do you hear that from constituents . Yeah already some of that but i do note for instance i talked to someone yesterday business moving to i dont think island decided not to all right congressman good to see you thanks so much. Thank you. We will be right back right here. Maria welcome back, now a new group of russian speaking hackers targeting banks in u. S. And you been russia Cheryl Casone on in it detail and headlined. Cheryl big headlined here, a moscow Security Firm said hackers he will stole at least 10 Million Dollars from United States and russia past year and a half targeted small banks utah new york, california. The hackers broke into banks car Payment Systems opened accounts used atms to take out money. Well, matt lauer facing fallout after being fired over multiple claims of Sexual Misconduct he could lose nine middle ranch in new zealand due to good character clause a requirement of the new Zealand Office by Foreign Investors trying to buy on island, officials there say they are aware of the allegations against lauer contacted his representative for information. Aaa, telling drivers dont waste monday on premium gas for cars recommend using fuel, basically according to research, premium gasoline can cost drivers between 20 to 25 more than regular improvement of less than 3 fuel economy saying not worth it automakers, advertise oreo debuting new flavors want fans to pick favorite cherry cola oreos, kettle corn, and then pina use my oreo creation the flavors on january 1 chocolate hassell nut cookies spicy hot cinnamonflavored orioles hitting shelves in addition to last weeks fruity publicel oreos details on start up taking on Dollar Shave Club later this hour, back in a moment. 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Amazing speed, coverage and control. All with an xfi gateway. Find your awesome, and change the way you wifi. Retail. Under pressure like never before. And its connected technology thats moving companies forward fast. Ecommerce. Real time inventory. Virtual changing rooms. Thats why retailers rely on comcast business to deliver consistent Network Speed across multiple locations. Every corporate office, warehouse and store near or far covered. Leaving every competitor, threat and challenge outmaneuvered. Comcast business outmaneuver. Resolutions management not on list this time aaround 25 americans say they will make a financial resolution this year down from 43 promised to do so in 2014 joining us no i financial expert author of retire aspired chris good to see you. Thank you pleasure to be with you. Maria are you surprised by this on the list this year people are not necessarily focused on their Financial Wellbeing for the new year . I really am surprised i mean considering maria times we are in, credit card top 2017 a trillion dollars student loan detd increased 150 last decade if not saving, if you look at it one in four americans dont have a single dollar saved so to look at the new year and decide that you are not going to do anything different, you are going to keep doing what you have been doing, that is large to me and scares me for peoples Financial Wellbeing. Dagen chris Dagen Mcdowell one thing we repeat every year we get lured into these sal promotions get them who i will supplies last buy now you cant wait, it is going to disappear, that is part of the psychological issue we struggle with. It is stores are good, excellent marketing now how to get our attention the holidays this is where we make excuse to do more financially crazy to go deeper into debt i want people to wake up go into these stores with a game plan, dont let their last minute sale being no you go off your budget, so be intention i got a cure for this only go in to apply what you plan only spend cash, i promise you you will not go over debt wont come out with things you dont need. We have been talking about bitcoin a lot this morning, you talk a lot about saving and preparing and planning a lot of our viewers out there saying, boy if i invest in bitcoin a couple years ago would be rich what do you say to people out there, looking at an investment like bitcoin about whether they should get in or stay out of Something Like that. I am glad you used the word crazed as you look at it finance minister future not something you want to bank on or gamble on on something that could be a hit or miss, i tell people all the time, focus on the things that, you know, for example, we know that there are stores out there, that exist, we can drive by parking lots see that they are full right weve got Stores Walmart all these stores out there, so people are buying things, and they know stores they know businesses that are growing, so i talk about mutual funds able to look understand i have an opportunity to invest in Smaller Companies medium as well as large but i am not going the route of any creates a or any fad looking at gold bitcoin things of that nature that is not something i am going to follow because i know what i want to do and i know that people i am trying to provide for later in life. You dont think worth dipping toe in taking a little bit of a bet on Something Like that . I think the way americans most americans are sitting right now, they are not in a financial position to do any kind of dipping of anything. What they have to do is start dodging sales that are in stores start to dig into budget getting more intentional i tell people get out of debt build up Emergency Fund then start to look at investing so it is going to depend on nest egg i want you to be wise i was coached to people that dipped into things tried things ended up losing 75 to 85 of money, because they were following a trend, lets buck trends follow things that are proven to work. Maria chris john, a lot of people dont know how to save you talk about game plans what is number one thing you would do to somebody who has never saved money part that have 25 doesnt have one dollar saved, number one thing you do for them for a game plan to save this year. Great question i say number one thing is to sit down and understand your income coming in, and your expenses going out weve got to start to be grown up enough to tell a wonk it needs to wait cut things back stop eating out scale back and start to build up a thousand Emergency Fund if people can do that changes the game precise you know what may be i can do this, after saving then i want you to get more money back, by attacking debt we teach people tactic smallest to biggest people do that confidence rose, and so around this time of the year i would tell people this you want to may go financials resolution get plugged into financial piece University Nine week course sit down with couples other individuals that are in same situation you are, and you start cheering each other on believe that you can do this. Maria just do it just do it thanks so much great advice as also a appreciate it, thanks, the tesla big rigs new order for 100 semitrucks. Story on big screen in joy tells us how she become a selfmade millionaires. Traders theyre always looking for advantages. The smart ones look to fidelity to find them. We give you research and datavisualization tools to help identify potential opportunities. So, you can do it this way. Or get everything you need to help capture investment ideas and make smarter trading decisions with fidelity for just 4. 95 per online u. S. Equity trade. Fidelity. Open an account today. Maria welcome back happy tuesday thanks for joining us i am maria bartiromo. It is tuesday, december 12 top stories 8 30 a. M. On the east coast the polls are open in alabama, Democrat Doug Jones expected to place his vote momentarily, we will take you live, both he and roy moore making final push for votes last night. We talk about draining the swamp. Up to neck in alligators we are up to neck in people dont want change in washington, d. C. , they cant o to keep it the same keep power keep prestige weve got to change that. I think it is time that we say no more to to putting people down, that we say no more to treating people as second class citizens it is this that we say no more. Tune into Fox Business Network full coverage of the al bam, bama senate vote 8 pm eastern join is to find out what happens markets showing gains higher option for broader averages dow industrials to open 50 points, getting ppi, in right now for the month november Producer Price income of 4 10 of a percent estimate of 3 10 of higher than expected on inflation there, european indices higher ft 100 up a quarter poorz dax in germany cac quarante in paris up one half of a percent in asia overnight different markets closed lower across the board tesla getting largest order yet for new semitruck pepsico to reserve 100 trucks, for its fleet, plus shave club billy launching a service focused on women just lastminute just announcing a round of funding, plus fenway washing going local red sox names adams its official beer topping this half hour, inspirational invent ohr you probe know joy from wildly successful products on Home Shopping network life story brought to screen in 2015, with movie joy starring oscar winner Jennifer Lawrence. Who sold it to you who taught you will how to use it who convinced you it was great after you thought it was worthless now joy is telling her story in her enwords, in new book inventing joy dare to build a brave Creative Life entrepreneur inventer joy great to see you. Hi what a time in life for entrepreneurship dont you this i. Exactly you have a fantastic story here is your book inventing joy, it has to be hard, for you to start and push through on something as simple as a mop. Right, as you will see in the book, you know a no is not a no there are counterintuitive philosophies that i have in the book, and the resiliency through the 30 years of building a business, now three billion dollars later, but the book will inspire and delight everybody, everybody that wants to change their life, and it is the formula my blueprint for success i live by it every same day. Maria the movie, about your life inspired you to write book usually the other way around. Exactly, exactly gentleman you wrote the book because you wanted to make people understand exactly how you did it. It is funny, because after the movie came out i have been standing in front of america for 25 years, talking about the benefits of products, right, and so when movie came out a touch point for everybody, amazing Jennifer Lawrence Robert De Niro and, so i realized people wanted to know the road that how i got to success, on all levels not only in business personal and all that, so hence i said now it is my time to really give back the book is that blueprint but the story when i learned it, you will learn it feel like i am talking to you next to you, reading the story, and you absolutely will have all my lessons of success, in this business for sure, and throughout the rested of your life. What was hardest challenge the toughest thing that you faced trying to get people to understand what you were doing, and to get your mop out there. What do you do joy . If if i sat inventor a young mom they could have put me in corner at Cocktail Party the biggest cham as everybody has is getting starting, you feel like you dont have to be good to get started you just absolutely have to have that passion that belief in yourself put start something, with something. You want to do. Maria you need money how did you get money. There are various case you dont have to do it all at once people think you have to morning the house you have to give up your job known of the above, if you pace yourself if you dont take that first step and keep going, you know it is funny, to this day, i still hear no, you know you he think that by now they think i get it, [laughter] and so you know one of the counterintuitive philosophies is that no is not a no, no to me is a starting point, what you say wait a minute why did i hear that no what do i have to change what path do i have to follow, to get it to be a yes or to be moving forward, still. Did you call on same people when no was no, or did you try to get other people very good question depends if you get a no here might find a yes there or might reassess go back, and whether it is a product whether it is a service whether it is everything, and anything, is a product whether a service whether a doctor whether you know, anything, so you never lose sight of your viewer, your consumer your customer and you always i always fight for that customer, whether it is quality, pricing, i never lose sight that that is the smartest person out of all of us for me. The remove was accurate one hundred percent. Yes, about we didnt have anybody helping you you have employer according to the movie how did you produce this mop . To have it ready for sale on Home Shopping. The movie accurate except me jumping into a soap opera i dont think i did that but resiliency story where obstacle or wall here you have to find a way to left, right, over or are in it, it really was i looked back at that path i talk about that path, and we all experience that you and your career as well, there are you know where you are sitting today, you might not have envisioned that, 20 years ago. That is right. But you have to be able to grow with that path, and let it keep leading you but the minute you stop, and anything, there is a one hundred percent chance one hundred percent chance that nothing will happen so you just never stop never give up. Nope, that back to money that you needed financial support, you used your own money or i did, i had a little help from my family, people say dont lean on family i say the opposite family is there surround yourself with people if you have as adult a lot of times grow up when kids fearless in a lot of ways we grow up say, no, no, no you cant do that change a career cant do that, i found that surrounding myself with positive people helped me keep when i said to myself i dont know, you got that little push from somebody around you, and that, you know, is and family is a natural phenomena around us where we can turn to inventing joy not just play on words your inspirational message. Exactly this book anybody, young, old, male or female successful beyond fears starting out from college will inspire every single one it is my you blueprint the success formula i followed, and follow today it is true story. A great read your big break was Home Shopping network hsn. When qvc, hsn, qvc break. Imet was, it was i did not know three letters there i ended up hello onstage in front of 100 million homes talk about the mop it was truly was depicted perfectly in the movie that was my life moment of transformation for me. Wow when you were mopping, you got the idea i should sell this this is a good idea just came up with. That would be great if that simple. How far did you get courage to say i am going to go on qvc. That at a wasnt the goal the goal to make a great mop you wouldnt have to use your hands, to make the mop better more innovate, and it took a while to do that, and i literally demonstrated in person at three markets in fairs so on, my dream to get if kmarts across country, but i ended up in a whole other industry, right, but now you can find in it retail. Got the gook inve the book inventing joy we will break when we come back biggest order of tesla electric semi trick. New detail Boston Red Sox, a home run to represent Hometown Team he that is next back in a minute. Maria welcome back, could a deal with pepsico cause tesla to pop Nicole Petallides on floor looking at stocks good morning. Good morning, could this be really a trend for many companies, we have already seen, walmart, trans port cisco signing up to tesla truck right now tesla up onethird of one percent pepsi lower the news pepsi ordering 100 tesla electric semis for their fleet they have 10,000 big rigs to bring mountain dew doritos part of a plan key part to reduce gas Greenhouse Gas emissions over the supply chain over period of time 20 by 2030, tesla saying look our big rigs are going to compete against those time tested diesel trucks going to have cargo capacity, the range, and be able to do it without lets move to another story big game baseball game fenway how about a beer this one all about sam adams the official beer for Boston Red Sox Parental Company of boston beer relatively unchanged this morning first o such a deal 8 year, to 2025 the signage fenway park, a lot of opportunities in new england as well. Maria thanks so much, commercial Property Company about the Worlds Largest mall owner takeover of australias west field joining is Stuart Varney taking a look at this good morning. Would you want to be the Worlds Largest mall opener in retail environment like this . I am not sure i would i have been going on about this all year i am fascinated by impact of amazon. I happen to be Walking Around new york city yesterday, poked heed in front door apartment buildings piled high with amazon boxes a friend at shopping malin new jersey, it wasnt empty but wasnt very busy tells the tale two yoenz yu. Niball big westfield 16 billion dollars europe buyingance australianan Company Looks like safety in numbers sedan thre amazon thrt approaches one big story changing look and feel of suburban america in. It is global the reach incredible. Amazing just amazing. You know, i looked at several apartment buildings i am sure you have piled high, the doormans job is not to vet people coming in going out no, it is to distribute amazon boxes. People are stealing them. I hear that, too. People are going around apartments stealing amazon boxes. Incredible, i know you have more in so minutes see you then Varney Company top of the hour, join stewart and guest i will join you breaking news yesterdays new york terrorist tactic charging, criminal possession of weapon terroristic threat more on charges coming up, cheaper razors for women the pfrom a startup delivers straight to your door we talk with cofounders coming up next, back in a moment. Maria welcome back, a womans world product taking over the dollar chevy market aimed just for Women Joining us the cofoundeders, great do see you thanks for joining us. Thanks for having us. You brought the razors here on set tell us about this. Billy is shave the category a lot of companies there to give a shave experience, the category so we wanted to come in premium experience, and the company nouvend 1 1 2milliondollar round fee funding how will that help you grow. Excited but about bringing product to customers making sure people know about it forcing on marketing, making sure they have eventr inventory to satisfy demanded, we have been overwhelmed by the response, just really pleased by everything. Maria it is. Dagen a. We have body Care Products you can add as well. Subscribe new razors. Cut comes with, you know, the handle the blade extra blade we have a cool magnetic holder keeps razor out of the shower puddle with a magnet, so we keep the blade good ongoing you get full placement, nine dollars for cartridges. Four blades 9 local store to buy like this would be 20 or 25 dollars the was the reason we did this existing razors too expensive it is to door easier. Where did name billie come from we love billie a hundred easier ago predominantly a maps name now a womans name metaphor taking over from men bringing it in for women. Maria that is cute. Dagen do welcome send to dispose of blades too soon . And i mean how long would one does one blade last. We save to get the maximum sort of lubrication, so that we have every seven shaves replace blades historically woman dont change as of an because they are expensive our hope that you can have a great chevy experience every time because we are making it affordable. People looking to start business what are Biggest Challenges what is advice to them getting started. Identifying the problem so for us it was the fact these were overpriced women overlooked in this category, so everyone seemed to focus on men, in this category so identifying the problem, and then super conscious what consumer wants what dos Consumers Want what are problems facing how can we solve problems effectively for them, and having a price point to door helps. Do you need to encourage women to cheshave more. Answer is no. Men can skip he if you skip a shave people can tell with women not so much. I mean, not telling women they should shave if you choose to shave should not be overcharged for that. Sos as we were digging into kour looking at products, services, markup, 10 to 15 , razors, the worse o fenders of tax weve got a great sort of opportunity to really come in raise awareness about the tax let customers know buying from companies that are fair to them, and so we made sure not only blades, but passed line with mens blades. How tough to get funding. You know really about the idea so any market you have a great idea, if you get consumers committed about what you are doing, you can get funding. You know, i think, you know it is not ease, make sure whole goal every step of the way to focus on executing trying to shows a product and show the brand show that customers like us, then hopefully funding follows by these you caning prove that your would prurt ising marketed. Expense is the blades. One thing we focus on not only making less expensive making them better, so it is very differentiated from the mens blade mens experience, you the over skin all blades in have America Super premium blades a smooth experience. Congratulations pb thank you. We will be right back. Ue. And at 4. 95, you can trade with a clear advantage. Fidelity, where smarter investors will always be. This is not a cloud. This is a tomato tracked from farm to table on a blockchain, helping keep shoppers safe. 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