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Eventual mission to mars and perhaps some day to many worlds beyond. Once again it leads in inspires. We are picking up in many other fields. All of that great the great things that are happening. It will get more and more obvious as you go along. Our forefathers not only merely sail home and in some cases never to return they stayed they explored they built in through the Pioneering Spirit they imagined all of the possibilities that few dared to dream. The same spirit beckons us to begin new juries of expiration in discovery to lift our eyes all the way up. If we dare to dream big and thats what our country is doing again. In towards reclaiming americas proud destiny and space. And space has so much to do with some of the other applications. I would like to invite he has been leaving this for me and i appreciate it. Mister vice president. Mister president , thank you. Thank you for the honor to be here today in my capacity as chairman. For what i believe is that momentous occasion in the history of the American Space expiration. Two members of congress in the pioneers of Space Exploration who are gathered here we think you thank you for all you have done. And advance American Leadership. You are ensuring insuring that america well lead in space once again. We unanimously approved a recommendation to instruct them to the men. Intellect foundation for a mission to mars. It makes that recommendation official National Policy for the United States of america. As everyone here knows it is vital to achieving our objectives in the objectives outlined by International Space council. In pursuing these objectives we will as you said enhance to provide for the common defense. Jobs created that we cannot even imagine to be created today. The rules and values of Space Exploration are written with American Leadership in american values. Mister president you have said the pioneer spirit has always defined america. By your action today with this clear vision returning american cinnamon and preparing to lead to mars and beyond. You are insuring mister president that america well lead in space in the future in for generation to come. Thank you for the honor of being a part of this. This is very exciting and very important for a country. [applause]. President trump signing a brandnew dream big directive seen the u. S. Wants us to be the first to have to mars. We understand he will not be taking place. They thought it was supposed to be taped and became life. He might make public and live comments on the terror attack in new york city it does appear and we getting word that he will not do that but again heading to mars at some point mars is 35 miles away dash 35 days to get there. Maybe he and elon musk. They head of course the dragon capsule he owns a space x of course. Will be watching very closely. Is not publicly traded. In just minutes at the top of the hour that the this time we are waiting to go to conference. Foxbusiness adam shapiro has been following the events on capitol hill. There is a great deal that is in play. As they work behind closed doors to push forward a bill that both chambers can pass. I want you to listen to what Sarah Sanders said. Some mistakes that were made in the push to get the Senate Version passed quickly. Here is what she said about fixing those mistakes. Our focus and our priorities are making sure that we had middleclass tax relief in bringing businesses back into the u. S. Until we have the best tax package possible. Back to you. Thank you very much. In just a few minutes we will have a battle by oil. With both the house and the senate bill. Thats coming up in just moments. The Dow Jones Industrial is up. The suspect and in the attempted suicide bomb was admitted to the u. S. On what is called the chain migration and visa. The department of Homeland Security has now confirmed that the suspect displayed at 43 family immigration visa in 2011 and was a permanent resident from bangladesh. His mom have come thats why they call it a chain migration directly underneath is where this all came to start this morning. The working theory is that this 27yearold akayed ullah acted alone and in planet and then trying to execute a terrorist attack the subway hall eventually this morning. About 720 in the morning. To your point about entering here on this chain migration visa all of that was legal at the time. It is a program that President Trump wants to do away with. All legal as the skype came here. He was walking in the subway with a number of different commuters standing side by side in the video that weve seen of this. Thats when an explosive device that was attached to his body off. He suffered burns when the explosion happened three other commuters who were standing close to him or injured but just minor injuries. Lets be clear as new yorkers our lives revolve around the subways when we hear of an attack on us subway incredibly unsettling. This was an attempted terrorist attack thank god he did not achieve his ultimate goal. And that really seems to be the theme. This could have been a lot worse. Things here in new york city are pretty much back to normal. In the Port Authority behind me. Maybe the subway in times square. For the most part though its a normal monday afternoon commute. Just as it usually is. Open for business. With the traffic moving very slowly. So quickly and the authorities reacted and they have the city back up and running as it normally would be running. We are seen a lot of people running behind you theyre there just new yorkers. Apparently we just got this all bus service has not resumed at the moment. The Port Authority is now fully open. Nothing closed. Close. That is certainly good news. Take a look outside right now. We want to show you six avenue. Normally you would see the sidewalks incredibly thick 12 people deep. Walking up and down to radio city Rockefeller Center and to do all of the shopping. Because some of the cross streets are closed either not see a lot of traffic. We expect that the cross streets if they have not already been opened will resume opening in just a few minutes. It is astoundingly resilient. You can see in the inter day the big drop off since the first trade the dow and the s p they are on track for record closes in this final hour of trade. Investors have that blip of the heart and then shook off the botched suicide bombing attempt. They look ahead to the upcoming Federal Reserve policy. The final press conference as fed chairman. We will see a quarter of a point rate hike. Hospital giants they are in talks to merge together. That would create the nations largest hospital operator with what the wall street journal calls an unprecedented reach. 191 hospitals in annual revenue of nearly 45 billion. Look at how the other hospital stocks are reacting. They are moving Higher Holdings are unchanged at the moment. Should we start acquiring other hospitals. It looks like theyre jumping three and a third . Weve all been there. A song plane playing at the restaurant. Youre just dying to know who sings that. Shazam it company has been around. Maybe you can now simply ask seery to do it. Because they have snatched a Music Discovery app. They are moving higher by nearly 2 . Its on track for the best day in about five weeks. Charging ahead to the top of the tao. They are helping to float those indices. Lets call it 36 points. To the New York Stock Exchange what is boosting the markets higher on a manic money monday you have to say. They are certainly giving a boost to all three of the major indices we have seen. Its up about 56 points. But Still Holding onto the gains. In midtown. You can see its up 35 points right now. We have heard seen three weeks of gain. 970 points a 4. 1 and some great Economic Data at the end of the week last week. Now we will be waiting on the fed as well. We are taking a look at some of the tao winners. Here is a look at the tao winners. And then i mentioned energy and commodities. 5794. We are seeing that tire. There in the energyrelated sector. As you know we have the fed meeting were deftly going to see a rate hike that will be going this year. We will see how it goes in next year to see if they will do some more to normalize that. Back to you. I wanted to ask you right now was it an intake trump democrat for a pro trump republican and here is the quote. The annual tax cut of 1,200 for American Family is quote a measly bribe. And hope that they wont notice. We will tell you in a minute because shes here. Copd makes it hard to breathe. 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We expect that the senate will gavel back into session passing a tax plan is whats on their minds. It is by the way when republicans had promised a tax reform deal that is supposed to be wednesday. They met they have the desperate bills. As part of the big push to sell the bill behind what the critics called a big tax rate he has repeatedly said the American Worker will get an Immediate Tax break of 1,200 annually but our next guest has done some math and fired back. This is a bill that wealthy globalist loves. It benefits them to the tune of hundreds of billions. Middle and upper middle class enjoy the crumbs of the cake. The author of that is not a democrat. He is a Republican Trump voter. We thought we would bring him in. He is one that likes both bills. I think thats fair to say. You are extremely blunt. Ive got to get you on because you surgically have taken apart the gop tax built both of them. What do you have the biggest problem with. By not really closing the interest loophole. I would say in the dozens into the tune of at least the senate bill scored at 11 billion over ten years. At the same time i really struggle with the fact that they have not dealt with a Small Business fairly. I think if anything people have asked me to give a list of things that you find wrong with the tax bill. What is the one thing you want to fix. They have to put the Small Business tax at 25 percent. The other thing that concerns me a little bit is that when paul ryan essayed again this number seems to move. Let me ask you this question does a hundred or hundred 5,200 a month really change peoples lives. I think they are getting the crumbs off the cake. You cant leave the middle and upper middle class out of this. Twentyfive dollars a week. There is a three different buckets where we get benefits from a jobs bill at the tax cut bill that this is. The first is yeah. The increased cash flow. The is better than nothing. Fifty to 60 of americans in the stock market the absolute while increasing from shares already going up. In anticipation that they will actually pass. Only about 20 of the benefit is actually in the stock market. We have seen when you drop the rate that is a 25 increase in the aftertax cash flow of every american corporation. That will do very interesting and positive things to the value. In most American Families are in the stock market there. Those are the first and best and most beneficial. That is an issue that you have that is temporary. Yet corporations and coordinate carried interest is not even in there. They get to get the 20 tax rate on their investment. It is there profits and compensation. Do not leave Small Businesses out of this equation. Treat them as fairly as the corporations. They provide passthroughs. Small businesses have a nearly 30 million Small Businesses. They make up almost half the private sector jobs. Theyre getting the short end of the stick on this deal. When it comes out of the senate we are going to lower it to just under 30 or by at 30 . 25 make it permanent. Before we go im going to read what i thought was a zinger. It made me certainly think about it. That is the point where he said simply that this puts President Trump in a dangerous position because democrats will hang on his neck. In essence they are temporary for the middle class but are long term for his wealthy friends in real estate and private equity. It just does not make sense what you say about that. The reason why some of these were made a temporary was because the stupid senate rules and that that we have to fit everything in. Those things that we know will be made permanent like moving that depreciation schedules. Its only for five years. Like the r d tax credit we know its can be permanent. As with those. We are up against a hard break. We will have you both back. Thank you very much. Is up at 20 points. We are right back. Stay tuned. 5. With a clear advan. Fidelity, where smarter investors will always be. Friday we told you there were six fires. You can see that right there. He found ash and just broken plates. The fire is destroyed 1 acre of land per second. At that rate central park in manhattan would be gone in 14 minutes. Robert, you are in ventura there. Inventory there. We know also in san diego they have a have a fire there as well. They are starting to get some better containment of that. They continue to rage on. You can see the Mountain Range behind me here. It was on fire this morning. Otherwise a beautiful blue sky sunny day. The smoke is making it appear as if its a smoggy day. The fact that its not windy today is making some fire officials optimistic that they can get better containment here. They are dropping water on some of these flareups that are occurring behind us here. In some of the brush year has not caught on fire here in 50 years. There is a lot of dead undergrowth there. Theyre starting to make what they appear to to be. Nearly hundred thousand people have been displaced here. They were re evacuated in a couple for the second time. Was unthinkable that it could spread as fast and as far as it can so far. Firefighters are managing to save many of the structures here. We do know a lot of celebrities including george lucas have homes behind us. A little bit further up the close we do know that the folks there in the college there they had been postpones all the way until after the holidays. With that im sending it back to you. It is extraordinarily touchy. Thank you very much. Our hearts go out to the students of ucsb. We just received clearance to see the video thats caught this mornings suicide backpack unintentionally. We will show that to you. This is the busiest transit hub. It has now reopened for business. He did fail to strike we have the two guys whose job it was for decades to protect the city from attack like the one this morning. They have unintentionally set to big engines. The countdown is coming right back. I can do more to lower my a1c. Because my body can still make its own insulin. And i take trulicity once a week to activate my body to release it, like its supposed to. Trulicity is not insulin. It comes in a onceweekly, truly easytouse pen. The pen where you dont have to see or handle a needle. And it works 24 7. Trulicity is a onceweekly injectable medicine to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. It should not be the first medicine to treat diabetes, or for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Do not take trulicity if you have a personal or Family History of medullary thyroid cancer, if you have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if youre allergic to trulicity. Stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or symptoms like itching, rash, or trouble breathing. Serious side effects may include pancreatitis. Taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases your risk for low blood sugar. Common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite, and indigestion. Some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. To help lower my a1c i choose trulicity to activate my within. Ask your doctor if onceweekly trulicity is right for you. Think has exposure to energyfund infrastructure mlps . Think again. Its time to shake up your lineup. The alerian mlp etf can diversify your equity portfolio and add potential income. Bring amlp into the game. Before investing, consider the Funds Investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses. Read the prospectus carefully at alpsfunds. Com amlp we have now got clearance to run that Surveillance Video that caught this mornings obama as his back pack bomb then stated right now. Do you see that. Right there. The 27yearold. He set off a backpack bomb. He is a legal use it u. S. Resident. He was wearing a homemade bomb on his back. He was the only one seriously injured he is at Bellevue Hospital right now under police watch. Andrew, rushed to the scene. The attempted attacks are reality but listen to this. This is new york. And we all pitched together and we are all savvy people. We keep her eyes open. And thats what see something Say Something is all about. That suspect 27yearold 23 akayed ullah he has found online. This is a Second Attack in new york city just over a month. The other used a truck as a weapon on the west side highway killing many. Is it time to distinguish the pipes through the training manuals flow. To the experts and those brave new york police authority. They worked the streets of new york city for years. Since you had been on the streets for so many years. The terrace will always treat new york as their primary target. We need to bring back the very effective profiling and monitoring program. We need the undercover detectives and we need the confidential performance back in the mosques. Youre also the former fbi. It looks like a loan book lone wolf attack. The self radicalized people dont create much chatter. It is the chatter that you guys can really focus on. To johns point. A lot of this is stopped with good intelligence information. Luckily for us in new york we had james oneill and johnson miller. John miller. Focused on working on this. With their federal counterparts. Once it falls between the cracks if youre not up on the radar screen. We have the incident that we have today unfortunately we have that kind of incident we head on the west side highway just about six weeks ago. There has been about 15 arrests since 911 with plots to attack new york that has been stopped. It has been amazing what Law Enforcement has done here in the city. Todays attacker have a homemade bomb strapped to his back. The reality is anyone can search the web and learn how to make a pipe bomb. We are all for free speech. Do you john, envision a date when you wont be able to find that kind of instructional video that helps and guides people to murder others. Do you john, envision a date when you will be able to find that kind of instructional video that helps and guides people to murder others. I think its impossible to throttle the internet to that degree. The horse is already out of the barn. These are small very different attacks. There is not a lot of chatter to intercept. Again, im not saying Governor Cuomo said he was the guy. I am simply asking because when you find a lot of rats by the open garbage can. Dot you get feels for the garbage can. You can do it. There are thousands upon thousands of actors in the terrace world that know how to build bombs. We had people that are immigrating and they may then have the freedom of this internet and it if we at least cut it off now. Might that be an opportunity to shut down some of these attacks. This is something that they are focused on getting done. There can be able to find information from a magazine these are people inspired by asis. They will get this information on how to make a bomb. And how to do whatever it is that they want to do. Whether it is done with the gun or a vehicle or whether its done with some other type of attack. Its unfortunate but it is the reality in which we live. We have to just keep at it. Im not sure if shutting down the internet when it comes to this particular issue or any other issue is going to stop it. They are focused on getting this job done. Thats a good point. John, and robert think you for all you have done for the city. Both of you working for new york city and Law Enforcement thanks for everything you have done over the years. We appreciate it. The closing bell is 16 minutes away. Bit coin blasting off. Bracketing to gains. Twins even more famous than the consolation. Sharing this historic day only with foxbusiness. Tyler and cameron in our green room hallway right now. Thats next on countdown dont go away. [lance] monica, it is absolute chaos out here gale force winds, accumulations up to 8 inches. Dont know if you can hear me, but [monica] whats he doing . [lance] can we get a shot of this cold front, right here. Winter has arrived. Whooo hahaha [vo] progress is an unstoppable force. Brace yourself for the season of audi sales event. Audi will cover your first months lease payment on select models during the season of audi sales event. I used to have more hair. I used to have more color. And. I used to have cancer. I beat it. I did. Not alone. I used to have no idea what the American Cancer Society did. Research . Yeah. But also free rides to chemo and free lodging near hospitals. I used to maybe give a little. Then i got so much back. I used to have cancer. Please give at cancer. Org. Wifiso if you cant live without it. T it. Why arent you using this guy . It makes your wifi awesomely fast. No. Still nope. Now were talking it gets you wifi here, here, and here. It even lets you take a time out. No no yes yes, indeed. Amazing speed, coverage and control. All with an xfi gateway. Find your awesome, and change the way you wifi. Retail. Under pressure like never before. And its connected technology thats moving companies forward fast. Ecommerce. Real time inventory. Virtual changing rooms. Thats why retailers rely on comcast business to deliver consistent Network Speed across multiple locations. Every corporate office, warehouse and store near or far covered. Leaving every competitor, threat and challenge outmaneuvered. Comcast business outmaneuver. Bit coin futures are getting ready to wrap up their first day of trade. That happens at 4 15 p. M. Eastern about 25 minutes. This after rising on a reconnect pace. The cboe. The futures contact open at about 15 thousand dollars. Followed by a blistering 20 hike the cboe had to halt trading twice while the website just simply overloaded. The famed brothers had staked a fortune from investing millions early on to the creation of the bit coin exchange. The closing bell has been followed these guys on their quest to make it legitimate. They made gemini which is one of the topics of my interview it is the exchange. Joining us once again only on foxbusiness tyler to you first. How do you think the full date will finish out. With 24 minutes left. You are freaking out. Trading went very smoothly. Its a great day. The first day in this market it will grow retirement and continue to bring up momentum. Did you expect those halts at certain points because that got people nervous thinking. They operate as they are supposed to do. It was a very orderly market. Those risk controls. 17,001dollar. This morning it was more like at one point i sought 16,000 it looked pretty volatile. Is that dangerous or expected. It has been volatile for a long time because its never in a truth cited market. The futures contract which come out today actually allow people to sort it in the easy way. It allows institutions to come in did you see that at all. He does not believe in it. Can you tell those kinds of things as its trading there. You cant short on it. The trading of the futures contract is actually happening on the exchange. I did not look. Overall there seems to be more by pressure than there is self pressure because the price has been launched at around 15 or 16 thousand. I think its important because now you can express different viewpoints which should reduce volatility longterm. And also increase prices. How the contracts do you think the stable close out at. It will close at or near 4,000 contracts. Can you compare to anything else. We think is a great starting point. We are just at the start line of this whole new future product which we are really excited about. Its really the next logical evolution of this marketplace bring in a regulative derivatives product in the futures exchange. Now they can get it through their brokers and whatnot. We have a bit coin believer here in this chair. One of the things that he said is that they have turned the effort to get an etf out there. He said it still may happen. He might be doing one also. Do you believe your effort which was rejected by the sec to put together that. Or are you still pursuing that. Our effort is still under review. We cant publicly comment on it at this time. We are very happy that the futures contract is now a white we feel like its a great step towards the maturing and evolution of the market place. At the moment i want to tell our viewers that they are a full on believers and have been so they are diving and at the moment. When we come back the u. S. Dollar. That the chairman in a foxbusiness exclusive. We will take what he said. The closing bell six minutes away. We are coming back to talk about what it truly signals for whats in your wallet. Traditional currency traders are going to look at this as a death knell. What do you think . Oh, i dont think so. I think this is another trading vehicle and crossasset class interest is not new to the marketplace. Liz that was mr. Tulley, the chairman of the cboe in a fox business exclusive and they were talking about this kind of currency, paper currency. The bitcoin billionaires are back with us tyler, cameron winkelvoss. Is this going to be in yours or my wallet, five, 10, two years . Probably not but it is not going to become digital or not be in your wallet because of bitcoin. We look at bitcoin like gold 2. 0. Gold is fixed and bitcoin scarce and dollars soft money, government money you can expand the supply, contract the supply. Bitcoin is 21 million will never be more. Liz it is done then . A finite our viewers need to understand bitcoin is finite. Isnt gold finite . It is scarce which is not quite the same. You can continue to mine gold. Who knows what the true supply is. If you like gold, put that in portfolio as hedge, risk, disaster insurance, uncorrelated asset you probably should take a look at bitcoin. Liz Maria Bartiromo tried to get it out of you. You both have bitcoin. You had it in years past. Have you sold any of it . Were still super long and bullish on bitcoin. Liz you sold a little bit once or twice as i understand . We bought tickets on the Virgin Galactic space shuttle. Liz come on, youre not going to that . We will if it gets there. Were actually astronauts 700, and 701. There are a lost guinea pigs. I think Justin Bieber will go first. [closing bell rings] you get to witness a record close for the dow and s p 500. That will do it for the claman countdown. Join me tomorrow. David we have fresh records on wall street despite chaos in midtown manhattan. Dow climbing to a new record close. S p 500 ending the day in record territory. Hi, everybody, glad you could join us. Im david asman. Melissa im melissa francis. This is after the bell. More on the big market movers. Here is what else were covering in the very busy hour. Terror striking the heart of new york city. [sirens] this is new york. The reality is we are a target like many who would like to make a statement against democracy, against freedom. Melissa the Second Attack

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