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Lauren breakthrough for the European Union. Up 16 points. Cheryl yeah, stocks in asia continue to rebound. Lauren talk about wildest ride. Up 40 in 40 hours but then a 10 drop overnight, we will explain. Fbn am starts right now. Cheryl 5 01 a. M. In new york. Friday december 8th, good morning, im cheryl casone. Lauren tgif, good to see you, cheryl. Thank you for joining us. Lauren simonetti, i forgot to give my last name, im lauren. Cheryl yes, you are lauren. Things are really getting tough in california, folks. Fierce wild fires fanned by powerful santa ana winds are burning out of control in san diego county. The fires destroyed more than 400 homes and many other structures, 200,000 people in los angeles and ventura counties have been told to leave their homes, fire officials have said today will be another challenging day. Its going to move in different directions, its going to be train driven so crews are going to have to be very careful on their position when those transitions happen and sometime those can be very difficult to predict, other than just pure observations. Well, california governor jerry brown declaring state of emergency for san diego county. A fastmoving fire its roaring west. Lauren poor firefighters themselves they are tired and their homes are ruined in many cases. We are also talking this morning about the prospect of a Government Shutdown overted for now, Congress Passed a temporary budget to keep the government open for two more weeks. This will maintain spending for Government Programs through december 22nd for a longterm solution republicans put Pentagon Spending at top of wish list but democrats wants daca, a deal for dreamers. Cheryl well, for more on this, lets bring in oliver mcgee, former u. S. Deputy assistant secretary of transportation for Technology Policy and the clinton administration, hes also the author of jumping the aisle, i became a black republican in the age of obama, good morning. Good morning, cheryl. Cheryl they are pucker it to the wire, i guess thats not surprise when it comes to congress, oliver. This short deal is still arguing on the democratic side, the dreamers, we have to have something, she wants something now. The republicans are saying its about military, can they get agreement for longterm spending bill in police before christmas . I think so. I think when the leader mcconnell and ryan and nancy pelosi are meeting with Vice President pence and President Trump i think they were really happy about what they were trying to come to in negotiations and i think they are going to be coming up with a spending bill that has some constraints on what the spending is going to be in 2019 while they are trying to set up caps in 2018 and as you said, its very about dems with for the dreamers and the republicans for the defense spending and basically the two will find some path to meet together. Cheryl its interesting, you say that but its interesting oliver, i want you to listen to what Luis Gutierrez had to say, democrat, of course, of where the democrats stand pretty strongly, listen to this. If you need help of democrats, then it cant be a republican budget, it has to be an american budget and within that american budget, it has to include values and ideals of democrats. Cheryl oliver, the republicans cannot go it a loan on the budget. Right. They cant and they really need to have some type of compromise here. I think the white house and President Trump want to do something about daca but at the same time he wants to make sure that the military is well supported. Remember, the government is about the white house is about the guns and the money and they want to make sure that theres enough money to go around for the guns but at the same time theres American Values that trump is trying to ensure with daca to ensure that that is put in place, but he does not want that a part of the budget. He wants that to be separate, so that he can try to be able to come at that at a different angle and most of all he wants to ensure that the Corporate Tax discussion is that 20 and we can be competitive across nation because britain is going down below 20 and ireland at 12 , we really need to push this a little bit at 20 . Cheryl its everywhere. Oliver mcgee, thanks for getting up early this morning, we appreciate it. Thank you for having me. Lauren senator al franken making it official resigning from senate in the coming weeks following multiple claims of misconduct the comedian calling the worst they of his life but also taking an opportunity to take on President Trump and alabama republican roy moore. I know in my heart that nothing i have sen dont as a senator, nothing has brought this honor on this institution and i am confident that the Ethics Committee would agree. I of all people am aware of some irony in the fact that i am leaving while a man who has bragged on tape about his history of Sexual Assault sits in the oval office and the man who has repeated preyed on young girls campaigns for the senate with a full support of his party. Lauren Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton will put a temporary replacement for franken. Cheryl franks also stepping down after allegations after two women on the staff if they would be a surrogate mother. House Ethics Committee expanding investigation and texas republican farenthold. Lauren National Reassessment of how men treat women of all hands on life. Cheryl me too. Lauren me too. Voters go to polls in alabama on tuesday to choose between moore and Democrat Doug Jones in a special election to fill the seat that was held by attorney general jeff sessions. We want to remind you to watch fox business tonight for complete coverage of President Trumps speech 8 00 oclock eastern lou dobbs tonight. Cheryl well, its jobs friday, everybody. That means that the Monthly Employment report comes up this morning. Are we going get some good news. Lauren we will see. Futures indicating a higher open. Tracee carrasco joins us with other headlines, good morning, tracee. Tracee should give us a better look at the state of labor market following two hurricaneinfluenced months, 200,000 jobs were added last month at employment 4. 4 . Slowdown in september followed by a rebound in october, so by now these effects should have evened down. October 2. 4 year over year increase in average hourly earnings, weakest pace of growth since february 2016, expectations are that the hourly wages rose 3 last month bouncing back from octobers decline. Cheryl im curious what the Services Members are going to look like because that mean that retailers are going to be bullish if you see a drop in that number, well, bargain hunting for christmas, lets put it that way. Lauren any affect of all the talks about tax cuts thats making employers feel more generous. We have to talk about bitcoin. Tracee this is wild. Reached new levels yesterday, the price jumped about 40 in 40 hours just blowing past 5 separate 1,000dollar barriers and surging past 16,000 at one point. The price briefly jumped above 19,000 in some exchanges before quickly retreating, the rally has been sparked by bitcoin, sudden popularity and the anticipation of Institutional Investors entering the market for the currency for the first time, the most recent moves brought bitcoins year to date gain to about 1500 percent. Lauren 17 this year. Cheryl average portfolio up 15 for the year. Anyway, changing gears, Alaska Airlines encouraging passengers to dress up . Tracee yes, getting in the holiday spirit, Alaska Airlines celebrating National Ugly sweater day by offering early boarding to customers with festive holiday sweaters, only offer, 115city network including flights operating by Virgin America and horizon air, what happens if youre wearing a sweater that gets mistaken for an ugly holiday . [laughter] lauren everybody wears the sweaters and then you to pick the ugliest one. We have a reminder, make sure you tune in for mornings with maria today for jobs in America Special coverage. Cheryl ly wear my ugly sweater on monday. Lauren okay. Cheryl i did wear one on marias show. Coming up. President trump is going to be stomping for alabama candidate roy moore near his home state, is that going to have an effect affect on the election. Youtube is dumping into the streaming service but can they compete with pandora, spotify, youre watching fbn am. The moment a fish is pulled out from the water, its a race against time. And keeping it in the right conditions is the best way to get that fish to your plate safely. Sometimes the product arrives and the cold chain has been interrupted, and we need to be able to identify where in the cold chain that occurred. We took our world Class Network and we developed devices to track environmental conditions. This device allows people to understand whats happening with the location, but also if its too hot, if its too cold, if its been dropped. Its completely unique. If you have a sensor that can keep track of your product, it keeps everybody kind of honest that way. Who knew a tiny sensor could help keep the food chain safe . Cheryl welcome back, palestinians clashing with Israeli Security forces last night as protests grow over President Trumps decision to move the u. S. Embassy in israel to jerusalem. Israeli police had deployed reinforcement in and around the old city as hamas call for uprising and declare today a day of rage. Well, youtube is going to be planning a paid music streaming service, it could enter competitive business early as march, record label warner music reportedly signing on, sony, universal and mother line are in talking with the new website. And comedian steve harvey is being sued for stiffing a fundraiser out of his commission vincent never received the money from steve and marjorie foundation, harvey blamed Oprah Winfrey and tyler perry for giving him bad financial advice, hes really revealing the dirt on steve harvey s this true is the big question. Lauren alabama special elections candidates neck and neck in the polls, democratic hopeful doug jones is facing backlash over raciallycharged campaign that we will show you in just a bit as embattled gop roy moore hopes that President Trumps rally in florida which is about an hour away will help him put him over the top. Lets discuss former minority leader capris and ford oconnell, join us this friday morning, capri, i will begin with you, you think moore is going to win no matter with with or without trumps help . I do. I think that alabama is historically republican and while this has been incredibly, you know, contentious race with roy moore and all of the publicity, negative publicity that hes gotten nationwide, dont forget that roy moore has been thrown off of the Supreme Court twice in alabama and is no stranger to controversy and continues to win, with or without President Trump or with or without rnc, roy moore wins the special election, low turnout, the people that show up are going to be people that are concerned about maintaining a republican seat in alabama and maintaining that majority, republican chaimber in the United States senate, so you never know but but thats my read and i think a lot of this is just down to the fact that republicans want to make sure in washington that roy moore plays ball. Ironically capri, this early in the morning we actually agree with something, its going to come down to turnout but because demographics in alabama, leans so heavily republican, you have to understand trump won the state by 28 points, the last democratic United States senator elected from the Yellow Hammer state was in 1992, look, theres no question that doug jones could win and, yes, trump may give moore a bump, but in reality if anything goes moore should win. Lauren what happens if roy moore wins . Immediately theres going to be backlash. So many republicans are saying he should drop out. Look, theres no question theres going to be backlash but you have to understand why President Trump wants this seat so bad in 73 years since world war ii, the republicans have only controlled house and congress seven years. Given where democrats are, including illegal immigration, this seat is whats important and hopefully basically the situation would be adjudicated swiftly and ideally, what will happen is they throw roy moore out and governor of alabama appoints a suitable replacement incase roy moore is innocent, which i hardly doubt. Lauren i want to talk about campaign strategy. You see doug jones appealing to two groups, number one to republicans, im all gun ownership, et cetera, on the other hand, we are going to show you the ad that was sent to African American voters in alabama basically saying, think if a black man went out of high school girls, anyone would make him a senator, what do you think about the strategy, capri . Yikes. This is allow blow. The only shot that a democrat has galvanizing African Americans and getting them to the polls, theres better ways to do this than mitigating circumstancey dirty way that, i think, hes trying to go about doing it. I mean, im sure that there are a number of things that roy moore has done to contrast those records between, you know, someone in the democrat that, you know, prosecuted members to have ku klux klan versus someone who has made statements about African Americans, thats a better way to go than than stirring up the racially charged, you know, controversial capri, thats not the only one being placed in alabama, highway alabama ive never heard of. Telling alabama voters that essentially their vote would be made public and community will know. Please. So bad that google and youtube no friends of republicans pulled that ad down. So theres a lot of going on here and nobody looks good all around. Agree. Lauren we will see what happens on tuesday, in the meantime enjoy the weekend. Thank you. Thank you. Cheryl we continue to follow the devastating wild fires out west with no relief in sight for Southern California. Its going to be traindriven. Cheryl fox news senior meteorologist janice dean is next with latest forecast for Southern California. Youre watching fbn am. Building a website in under an hour is easy with gocentral. From godaddy in fact, 68 of people who have built their. Website using gocentral, did it in under an hour, and you can too. Build a better website in under an hour. With gocentral from godaddy. Lauren santa ana continue to fuel destructive fires. Cheryl janice dean in the fox weather center. Janice hi, ladies, i wish i had better, the winds are going to subside, they are not going to get moisture in the area. Today of last fierce santa ana winds. Elevated fire today and tomorrow as you can see in areas where we have fires burning out of control. Wind gust not as fierce as they were yesterday, 3050milesperhour wind gusts concerning in areas in dire situation. Relative humanity will remain very low not only today but really for the next five to seven days not getting any moisture into this area for foreseeable future, pattern is set up so this is very quiet in terms of weather and its going to remain dry unfortunately for Southern California. Iwished i had better news. Othr big story, southern snow, it is happening in south texas along the gulf coast, louisiana, mississippi, to georgia, pretty big novelty for them. They dont see snow typically during the year and have it this early is pretty significantly. The last time they saw snow in houston, measurable snow in 2009 but little bit later on during the season, so this is a big deal across telephone and louisiana, mississippi, Winter Weather add viedries for 3 Million People southeast and carolinas, i want to point out that we are going to see some of this as well here in the northeast tomorrow, tomorrow afternoon, you can see the line of snow moving into dc, philadelphia, new york, boston and portland, all of us will get in on this but significant point here is that the southern snow is flying across areas that dont typically see it especially this early in the season. Cheryl can have been very dangerous. Janice its melting before it hits the pavement, im not concerned about ice but certainly the wintery weather will cause some problems. Cheryl janice dean, thank you so much. Have a great weekend. Lauren coming up, what are the safest cars on the roads . Here is a hint, very few of them are american cars. And wine without sugar about to hit the market. Cheryl perfect. Lauren could help you save calories this holiday season. Cheryl even better. Lauren lets take a look at stock market futures on jobs friday, dow up 55, s p up 7, rose for the first time in five days yesterday. We will be right back. About every 3 minutes in america, someone is diagnosed with a blood cancer. Light the night brings together survivors and supporters to bring light to the darkness of cancer and to help fund lifesaving research. Our goal is a World Without blood cancers, and were lighting the path to cures. The discoveries made in Blood Cancer Research have led to break through treatments for many cancers and other serious diseases. Help defeat the darkness of cancer join light the night today. Where are the neighbors, the whole fence caught on fire, theres a profane propane explosion on one house. It Eats Everything alive, keeps burning and burning. The winds keep on shifting. Its out of control. Lauren breaking news this morning, state of emergency in Southern California as wild fires rage on, crews struggle to battle new fires, total of six are burning now. Cheryl senate vote today week government open for two weeks but then what . Lauren good question, nike sending dow 720 points, today all eyes on novembers job report. Cheryl futures looking good in this country. Breakthrough in European Union on divorce deal, those markets higher. Lauren rebound in asia as well, nikkei and japan jumping 1 and a half percent. Cheryl global event is happening. Star wars last jedi has its world premier the force is strong this morning on fbn am and the show continues right now lauren good morning, 5 31 a. M. In new york, december 8th, im lauren simonetti. Cheryl good morning, im cheryl casone, we will talk about later on in the show, it is star wars time. [laughter] lauren it opens in the u. S. On the 15th. Cheryl very excited. We couldnt get tickets but we are still going to talk about it. A lot of breaking news this morning, fierce wild fires have been fanned by the powerful santa ana winds, they are still burning out of control in Southern California. These fires destroying more than 400 homes and several other large structures overnight. Lauren fire Officials Say today will be another struggling day. Will carl, how does it look . Well, good morning, guys, its setting out to be another dangerous day on the ground here. The winds have died down overnight but you can see that the flames are once again baring down on this community and we have been on the front line, take a look at what we have been seeing. The flames have raised down the hillside in the couple of minutes, they are being fanned by the fierce winds that we have had throughout the course, they are eating everything in their path. Now the reason this is such a concern is because on this side of the Pacific Coast highway you have a number of beach homes, you can see how close all of these flames are, there are firefighters on the other side trying to do everything that they can to protect this community. These fires have threatened 23,000 homes, 190,000 residents remain evacuated and the fire crews are working day and night and the residents we have spoken with say they are truly grateful we are very grateful for the Fire Department and all of the Fire Departments from up and down the state and outer state. They are all here helping us. It never dreamt that we would be back here again, we thought we were safe last night. Check out the dramatic video of ranchers racing to save their horses, it has really turned into a dangerous game for those firefighters because when they are able to put one fire out, thats when another fire can pop up and weve had this for the last three days. Cheryl there were some horses that had been lost, we are looking at the dramatic video of his or hers escape but there have been wildlife lost . Several dozen horses killed in this area a couple of dais ago and such a scary situation because some of these fires break out in the middle of the night and all you get is a text alert, some people only have minutes to try to get off of their property and when you have so Many Wildlife like the horses in the middle, you can see how crazy the situation is to not only try to save wildlife but your family and yourself at the same time. Cheryl will carl live in ventura county, will, thank you. You bet. Lauren speaking of the dramatic wild fires theres alarming glitch in a Navigation App that is hurting drivers instead of helping them. Cheryl Tracee Carrasco has that story and other headlines welcome back, trace. This is scary, the navigational app directs people where to go, directing people to streets, these quieter streets that are off of the main highways that are closed down because of the fire, so drivers are heading straight into the areas that are shut down because waze is directing them. A lot of this seems to be happening wednesday, that was one of the busiest days, waze had a hard time keeping up, by thursday users did report that the issue was figured out, yes, you can see it would be pretty scary heading you directly to the wind and waze should be directing you away from that. Lauren hopefully in a safe car. You have news from safe cars . Tracee top picks for 2018, you can see at the top, the kia fortedubaru and Mercedes Benz glc, as far as the list goes, they do keep updating throughout the year as new changes are made and new vehicles do come out. If youre looking for a new car, thats a good list. Cheryl a lot of people are for the holidays. Speaking of holidays, a lot of wine being served, you have a lowcalorie wine to tell us about . Tracee low calorie and sugar free. This is something new that not many people are doing, thats a tough wine but slim line wine. Thats a tough one there. It would be launching next week, its available online, red, white, sparkling white and sparkling pink, its 370 calories a bottle, 50 calories a glass and no carbs. Cheryl 270 a bottle . You could if you wanted to. Remember Bethany Frankel had skinny wine, she did pretty good. A lot of people want low calorie low sugar option. Lauren i cant wait to try it. [laughter] cheryl put that in your stocking. Tracee tgif. Lauren lets move onto jobs report that comes out in about three hours from now. The number should give us a more accurate look after the hurricanes caused a pretty big swings in the data. Sean ohara joins us now. I want to talk about report and other things, john. We will kick it off with jobs, what do you think the number is going to be and to you think this solidify it is fed hiking rates for the third time this year later this month . Good morning, lauren, thats for having me on this morning, i think we will see a jobs report in 195,000 to 200,000 range as being predicted, its not necessarily the number thats important as it relates to the fed but the quality of the jobs, we had had the Previous Administration had some type of moderate job growth but the job that is were created were mostly government jobs and lowpaying Service Oriented jobs and parttime jobs, what we want to see in numbers solid wage growth along with creation of new jobs and i think thatll give the fed the signal that they need to determine how quickly and how many more times they raise rates. Lauren we would expect to see a wage growth, and you also have businesses hopefully feeling more confident with respect to their taxes going down . Well, i think that, you know, the unemployment numbers at 4. 1 now, Labor Participation has been increasing, t getting more competitive. Its good for people looking for jobs. I could just tell you from our perspective from small etf company we have hard time filling job that is we have and we are trying to grow. So i think that pressure will will cause wages to rise just by itself. Lauren i want to show you a chart of bitcoin, it is up 1500 this year, its unbelievable, here is the latest, it grew 40 in 40 hours time, at one point hitting 19,000, it started 1,000. This sunday we will begin to see futures for bitcoin start to trade so i am curious your thoughts on bitcoin in general but will we see a bitcoin etf at some point soon . You know, i think its fascinating that its gone up so much in the last couple of dais especially in light of the fact that there was a story 50 and 70 million worth of bitcoin were stolen, the white house has been hacked, the dnc was hacked, yahoo was hacked and i dont know if i can put my money where theres nothing behind it. Its not something we are interested in. I know there are several filings out there. The filings have challenged that go with them. Custody issue is a big deal. You will see derivatives problems, role, schedules, how futures and options work, its just something that to me looks very speculative. It reminds me, though, if you want to use historical analogy in the 1850s in california there was a gold rush, the people that really made a lot of none gold rush were the dry good stores, the people who sold picks, shovels, all the equipment they need. If you want to use bitcoin that way, use technology. Land research, there are semiconductor manufacturer, the sales were up 36 , fiveyear expected growth is 24 , that maybe a safer way to play it. Lauren thats a very good tip, john, thank you, we appreciate your perspective today. Thank you very much for having me. Cheryl coming up a movie event two years in the making is finally here. Finally someone showed me the place. Cheryl it is the premier of star war it is last jedi, global event and talk about shaken not stirred, this truck overturned on the highway loaded with vodka. Coming up. [vo] progress is an unstoppable force. The season of audi sales event is here. Audi will cover your first months lease payment on select models during the season of audi sales event. My business was going nowhere. So i built this kickin new website with godaddy. Building a website in under an hour is easy 68 of people. Who have built their website using gocentral, did it in. Under an hour, and you can too. Type in your business or idea. Pick your favourite design. Personalize it with beautiful images. And. Youre done and now business is booming. Harriet, its a double stitch not a cross stitch build a better website in under an hour. Free to try. No credit card required. Gocentral from godaddy. Has launched a federal investigation into planned parenthood sale of fetal issue, formally requesting documents for judiciary committee, same panel that led congressional probe into the Womans Health organization, revive controversy over fetal transfers revealed two years ago. The television of caterpillar admit today cheating customers by performing unnecessary repairs for them and then throwing parts into the ocean to hide the evidence. The wall street journal report that is united industries, unit of caterpillar will pay a fine of 5 million and 20 approximately in restitution. Caterpillar says it has not found any safety issues related to this case. Perhaps one of the stories of the morning, video a tractor trailer carrying vodka overturned yesterday, spilled its cargo on i95 outside of philadelphia, you can see the crews on the scene, they spent hours unloading the boxes of vodka so they can get the truck to become lighter and turn it rightside up. Driver was taken to the hospital to be checked out and this accident, of course, is under investigation. Cheryl thats really see to see the vodka on the floor. [laughter] lauren i wonder how much of it is okay, not broken, the bottles not broken. Cheryl all right, we are one week away from, well, its going to be popular, the release of the film everybody has been waiting for and cannot stop talking about. This is not going to go the way you think. Cheryl star wars last jedi making awes in world premier in tokyo last night. Here to weigh in the hype, excitement, katrina is with us this morning, good morning. Nice to see you, good morning. Cheryl so it begins. So it begins, people are so excited, the buzz is happening, social media is all a buzz, people are really, even fans who fans and even nontypical star wars fans are talking about this film and i think Carrie Fisher might have something to do with that. Everyone wants to know whats going to happen with Carrie Fisher and people want to see how they pass the or torch. Cheryl old cast members that are back. The carrii fisher, issue, you filmed her scene and she was suppose today stay in the series, we have learned. Yes, she was. She was going to stay, its been confirmed. They will not try to continue character in some strange way with past footage, she definitely will not appear nor will the character so that leads people to believe potential spoiler alert that princess lea will be killed off in this particular film and there are some rumor that maybe her daughter billy lord who is also in this film might perhaps take the reigns. Estimated 200 milliondollar weekend which is great, it would be the biggest opening of the year beating out disneys beauty and the beast, of course, in the spring and so its stands to be the biggest opening of the year and possibly the second biggest december opening ever. Lauren really . Yes. Cheryl i tried to get tickets and have been unsuccessful. The presales are toast until january. Exactly, you will have to wait. Cheryl i want to ask you about the future of they are now saying that they will do another trilogy of star wars after this trilogy . Exactly. Cheryl wild. Spinoffs i think with new characters that will be more stories developing, of course, this is the last jedi and people are thinking that the whole jedi concept is going to die and theres going to be new evolution and thats what Luke Skywalker will be teaching ray, sort of the new way, the new jedi, not such a division between good and evil but something in between. Thats the stage for that to come next. Cheryl the question i cant wait to find out, is ray lukes daughter . I think so yes. I say yes. [laughter] cheryl thank you very much. Lauren thank you, that was so fun. We have to talk sports, Atlanta Falcons keep alive over new orleans saint. Lavar ball reignites his feud with President Trump. You are not going to believe what he tweeted out. Is this a phone . Or a little internet machine . [ phone rings ] it makes you wonder. Shouldnt we get our phones and internet from the same company . Thats why Xfinity Mobile comes with your internet. You get up to 5 lines of talk and text at no extra cost. So all you pay for is data. Choose by the gig or unlimited. And ask how to get a 200 prepaid card when you buy any new samsung device with Xfinity Mobile. A new kind of network designed to save you money. Click, call or visit today. Lauren lavar ball firing another shot with the feud of the president of the United States. Posting animation of him dunking on the president. The imagery poking fun at President Trumps famous hair and twitter timeline. The back and forth between the two started after trump help today get lavars son released from chinese custody for shoplifting, leangelo was arrested for stealing sunglasses on a trip with ucla, thats whats happening. Cheryl a lot what is happening in fourth quarters, falcons with new orleans saints, matt bryan knocks home a 52yarder to give at lant tea 3point lead, drew brees, road zone with less than two minutes to go in a game riddled with interceptions, sealed the win for falcons 20 2017. Update on Pittsburgh Steelers line backer, underwent spinel stabilization surgery, suffered injury, 25yearold had to be taken off the field on stretcher, fans concerned that the injury could jeopardize promising career in the nfl. The nfl network reporting that months recovery are ahead and his season is now over. Lauren man, well, jamile got his wish, philadelphia 76ers number 3 overall pick to brooklyn nets, another player will go to brooklyn, Trevor Booker going to other way to 6ers, has been riding the bench, representatives asked for trade or buyout of his contract, gordon heading to Seattle Mariners swamped for prospects, good buy message, first move since derek jeter took over. Trying to shed salaries through trades. John carlos is also expected to be dealt to the west coast. Former goal keeper for u. S. National team is running for president in a pretty detailed post on facebook. Layed out platform and the ways she can improve the u. S. Soccer federation and slamming the financial burden put on parents of kids who play socker. Cheryl wow, very vocal there. Coming up, of course, its been a big headline, we have been following britains role to lead lever European Union, thats next on fbn am. Remain closed at. Remain closed at. news anchor 3 the stats are in and this city leads with some of the worst traffic, with the average driver sitting in gridlock the equivalent of three days a year. For every hour that youre idling in your car, youre sending about half a gallon of gasoline up in the air. That amounts, over the course of the week, to about 10 pounds of carbon dioxide. Growth is good, but when it starts impacting our quality of air and quality of life, thats a problem. So forwardthinking cities like sacramento are investing in streets that are smarter and greener. The solution was right under our feet. Asphalt. Or to be more precise, intelligent asphalt. By embedding sensors into the pavement, as well as installing cameras on traffic lights, we will be able to study and analyze the flow of traffic. Then, we will take all of that data and we use it to optimize the timing of lights, so that traffic flows easier and travel times are shorter. And sacramento is just the beginning. With advances in cameras, sensors, and network speeds, we have the ability to make cities smarter, and happier. What excites me about this technology is that were using some of the most cuttingedge machinelearning, and ai, to help solve the most fundamental challenges that cities face around the world. Who knew asphalt could help save the environment . lani and the possibilities are endless. Eu and britain reaching a basic through on uk leaving the eu. Good morning, riva, big news. Good morning, the reaction has certainly been big in markets after about six months of negotiations it seemed to be too to the many investors you got a breakthrough in terms of divorce which means that finally negotiations can move onto talk about things like trade agreements and possibly a transition period for the uk which is really given a shot in the arm for bank shares and really european stocks. Lauren we hear from three Central Banks next week, riva, ecb, bank of england and the fed in the u. S. , what are you expecting from them . I think the fed is almost certainly going to raise Interest Rates next week, we will get a final confirmation of that in todays jobs report, bank of england and ecb have a tougher stance normalizing monetary policy. They will be watching the fed closely, no one anticipating big moves from the European Central bank of bank of england quite just at this juncture. Cheryl riva, thats been so interesting, Global Markets have continue today really rally, you know, International Investors are now investing, do you think in general that that trend continues into 2018 . I think a lot of that will depend on what happens with tax, just how fast the fed moves and where the economic momentum remains, you could argue that if you continue to see such a Strong Economy in europe that people may start to think about investing here or in japan as well where stocks are cheaper but a lot depends on tax and on economic growth. Cheryl riva gold, we will see you monday. Lauren thank you for joining us this week on fbn am and mornings with maria starts right now, hey, maria. Maria hey there, ladies, good morning, ladies, happy friday to you and good morning, everybody, thanks for joining us, im maria bartiromo, it is friday december 8th, top stories right now 6 00 a. M. On the east coast. Economic boom, the november jobs report due out in just two hours, economists are expecting 200,000 jobs added to the economy last night with Unemployment Rate Holding Steady at 4. 1 amid gdp revised upward of 3year high, futures look like this ahead of all the numbers this morning. Take a look. Futures indicating a higher opening for the broader averages, dow industrials right now up about 50 points, nasdaq, s p 500, also higher. Nasdaq up 1 and a half of

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