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And individuals. Later on in the program, author and journalist god an chang joins me and ill ask him about President Trumps successful trip to asia and decision to designate north korea a state sponsor or terrorism we look ahead right now on sunday morning futures. And the gop tax bill which would lower the rates across the middle class is now in the hands of the u. S. Senate. After the break they will come back this upcoming week and decide the fate is far from certain though as a few key republican senators have already come out against this bill. Others say they are leaning against it. So, can the gop get everybody on board and be a successful tax plan and change the code . Joining us right now the man behind the tax overhaul, texas republican congressman kevin brady hes chairman of the house ways and means committee. Mr. Chairman good to see you again happy thanksgiving. Thank you, hope you had a great thanksgiving. Maria listen, we want to talk about this tax bill we know in the upcoming week the senate is going to get down and dirty do you think this bill when you all go to conference and you compare the house bill and the senate bill, is it going to look much different . Tell us where you are, mr. Chairman. I know there are things youre talking about these state and local Tax Deductions. Youre talking about what ron johnson has a problem with the difference between the corporate rate and pass through rate. Give us your status check. So im really encouraged by how pro growth both of these tax form plans are and again both of us are driving towards the agreement we reached with President Trump earlier this year. I think there are so some differences that well want to reconcile on the individual rights that the senate has seven brackets, we have four. How we address our Small Businesses in a major way well want to do the best we can there as well and then of course how we design and redesign i would say our International Tax code so our companies can compete and win anywhere in the world including here at home. Those are three areas i know were going to want to spend some time to find common ground. Maria but what are you going to do with the fact that 6 million from california use the state and local Tax Deduction . New york as well feeling like they pay into the federal government a lot more than they get back. When the final bill is all said and done, ready for a broad vote , youre not going to get those people on board who say their constituents are seeing higher taxes like peter king who we will speak with momentarily as well as others in california, illinois. Is there room for movement on that state and local Tax Deduction, sir . So at the end of the day, i think were going to be able to prove that we can provide tax relief for all americans regardless of where they live and so we have been working very carefully with our high tax state lawmakers. I know too those high tax states are already rethinking how hard they tax their citizens because congress is actually for the first time saying look, why dont we rather than have high tax rates and everyone just subsidize and pay each others taxes why dont we lower the tax rates for everybody and just pay your own. It is a new way of thinking, but we are working with our high tax state lawmakers to make sure there is real relief and at the end of the day, i think the house bill did a very good job of addressing this issue. I think we can do better and we pledge to work with our state high tax state lawmakers to do exactly that. Maria youre saying there is potential you will make changes to meet the president s deadline obviously his priority is getting this done this year. Here is what he told me a couple weeks ago mr. Chairman watch this. Tell us where we stand on the tax plan right now . President trump theres a great spirit for it people want to see it and i call it tax cuts so it is tax reform also but i call it tax cuts. It will be the biggest cuts ever in the history of this country, and i think that theres tremendous appetite, theres tremendous spirit for it not only by the people were dealing within congress but for the people out there that want to see something. Maria and yet, he wants that on his desk by the end of the year. You think you can do that even though senators like ron johnson have an issue. He wants change in terms of the corporate rates, the business rates. Yeah, so maria i believe we can. I predict we will have a new tax code for the new year and for a new era of american prosperity. We deserve it. Americans deserve a new tax code and ill tell you whether youre a new yorker or california, illinois, were continuing to see our jobs and our plants and our research march overseas its time to end that and i think any senator, any member of congress who defends the status quo look i think americans are hungry for a new code. Maria let me ask you this mr. Chairman. The president and you as well keep saying this really for the middle class. The tax cuts are going to impact the middle class and they are going to put more money in their pockets. We get that but at the same time , we had an economist on my Morning Program this past week, stephanie palmboy and she says look, the top 20 in terms of earners spend more than the bottom 60 . Theyre the ones spending the money and theyre not really getting the relief because youve got the top ed in some cases seeing their taxes go higher because of this elimination of the deduction. Here is stephanie got to get your reaction, mr. Chairman listen. Whats concerned me is that all of the focus has been on the corporate side which is great again. You know, we do need to reform the Corporate Tax code. It doesnt do enough for consumers, especially at the high end. I mean i hate to say this and weve talked about it before but the top 20 do, they spend more than the bottom 60 of consumers maria what about that, mr. Chairman . Are you cutting taxes on people who dont pay taxes and raising taxes on the people who pay taxes . The answer is no. We provide tax relief at every level. I know the house tax reform plan that we passed 70 of the tax relief goes to those families making less than 200,000 so sort of that range of middle class from the low tax to the high tax states that we all worry about so we deliver in a good here but we deliver tax relief at every level and you have to look underneath that rate itself because were continuing the mortgage deduction, charitable deduction, the property Tax Deduction we eliminate a number of those provisions. I actually did impact and raise taxes on our more Successful Americans because we make those changes underneath the rate you have to look more carefully than you did in the past and at the end of the day everyone will keep more of what they earned. Maria i totally believe that moving the Corporate Tax rate the way you are hoping to will actually have broad impact and move the needle on Economic Growth but let me ask you got to get to the spending side of this mr. Chairman because you guys just passed a budget really narrow margin 47 trillion budget and yet, not a lot of spending cuts, sir. People are wondering when in fact the 20 trillion in debt we talk about so much becomes a priority when will that be, sir . Yeah, you know, i think it is in this tax reform plan. Here is why. Look, every business that gets itself in trouble has to do two things and cut its spending and it has to increase its revenue. Tax reform is all about increas ing that revenue and i also will tell you that just as taking a step back to a comment you made when you look at our high tax states. Many of them are also economic engines in the u. S. Economy so when you lower those rates so our businesses whether theyre main street businesses or theyre competing around the world can compete and win and reinvest those dollars back into the United States, all of which they cant do today youre going to see growth in state and local revenues, youll see it in individuals and families pocket books youll see it in higher paychecks along those main street businesses, so look, there is a lot from an Economic Growth standpoint that this tax code really drives. Maria look, youve got, you had 1. 5 trillion to work with. That was what was agreed upon for your tax cuts. 900 billion of that are of the business cuts and i believe that because i do believe in the fact that when you create an environment for business thats more attractive they will in fact turnaround and invest and hire more workers. I get that but at the same time, when youre looking at this tax plan, people want change but you do seem to have Lisa Murkowski in the senate on the plan. They is agreeing to eliminate that individual mandate. Do you think that makes it in the final bill . Well look, well see were anxious for the senate to deliver on tax reform, how they do it, the design they bring to the table. Look were just urging them and encouraging them on. The house as you know has passed the repeal of a mandate repeatedly so theres strong support here in the house for it and look theres a case to be made this is all about eliminating taxes on low and middle income families and individual mandate does hurt many of those families who cant afford dont want obamacare, so were just encouraged the senate is acting and we hope they deliver this week and really anxious to get to a conference and find the common ground. Maria its a big victory for you once you do pass this. Is the next priority infrastructure or welfare or what . Whats the next priority when you look into 2018 once this goes through . Yeah, i think both of those, maria. Infrastructure is a key part of our economy. We know more needs to be done but we need more qualified workers. We think a lot of them are trapped in the government today so were anxious to help them get to that good paying job. Maria mr. Chairman good to see you thanks so much. Thank you, maria. Maria well be watching the developments chairman kevin brady. The gop lawmakers say it will have damaging effects because it eliminates deductions for state and local taxes being done at the expense of high tax states like new jersey, new york, new york congressman peter king will join me next and follow me on twitter at Maria Bartiromo at sunday futures let us know what youd like to hear on the program stay with us as we look ahead right now on sunday morning futures. Hes told that joke a million times. 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Maria welcome back the gop tax victory in the house puts President Trump one step closer to achieving the largest overhaul of the u. S. Tax system in three decades but 13 republicans join democrats in voting against this bill sighting the elimination of state and local deductions as one reason for their opposition. One is new york congressman peter king joining me now good to see you thanks for joining us very welcome maria thank you. Maria so walk us through what the problem is here. I recognize that a lot of people use that state and local Tax Deduction, in fact when you look at california which is the largest user of it 6 million californians use that deduction. Whats the story in new york, how much will an average new yorkers tax go up without that deduction . Were still trying to compute that but its definitely going to go up. Id say the average homeowner could have an increase of over a thousand dollars maybe more than that to 3000. Again its difficult to fully compute it right now but theres no doubt it will be increases and believe me, as much as anyone, wanted to vote for acrosstheboard tax cuts. I believe in tax cuts and John Kennedys tax cuts and i believe the bush tax cuts of the early 2000s. They work, but not at the expense of a whole region of the country and thats whats happening here. In new york, in my district alone like 48 of the people itemize and many of the homes, even though theyre modest homes and the salaries arent that high you could have people pay 15, 20, 25,000 in combined property and state income taxes and obviously theres homes higher than that so individuals get hurt and also the entire state will be hurt as far as revenue. Maria is there any reason to believe that congressman as much as this hurts and you are going to see your constituency higher taxes since they cant use that deduction any more is there any reason to believe this is actually the right thing to do because these high tax states hide behind the fact that they could use that deduction . I mean look at new jersey. The new state legislative comes in and first thing mr. Murphy said when he won governor of new jersey is im going to get going on my higher taxes and raise taxes on the millionaires and get that millionaire tax going and yet, after the news of the tax plan hits, the state legislature, the new Jersey Senate president says were going to have to reevaluate everything. If the federal bill repealing the state and local Tax Deduction becomes law, im just saying that whats happening in washington is concerning the hell out of me he says, so in other words what im saying is over time, maybe the elimination of this deduction will get these governors and these Assembly People to say you know what . Ive got to cut taxes on a state level because theyre sky high and hide behind the federal government. Yeah, but its not exactly like that. I agree that murphy coming to new jersey that would have been guilty of excess there and weve gone through eight years of Chris Christie where he did try to put some controls on spending the fact is theres always going to be higher taxation in states like new york and new jersey because of the fact that we get short changed on federal revenues. Weve gone over this before, but new york gets 48 billion less from the federal government and pays in revenues and other states get twice as much almost twice as much back as they put in, so we have to make that up somehow. If we can get that 48 billion back in new york that would make it a lot easier for us to reduce the revenues or to reduce the tax rates. So thats all part in there and im saying treatise alec wallly and i dont think it benefits the entire country when you have one whole region of the country and in fact having a redistribution of wealth away from us. Maria you make a lot of good points congressman. I know what youre talking about living in new york by the way. Let me ask you this. Do you expect the senate bill to look very different than the house bill . Because Susan Collins said look, i think we should leave that deduction in there. What do you think stays, what do you think goes when senators come back this upcoming week . I would hope first of all i have great regard to senator collins and im glad shes brought this up because in some ways shes a lonely voice on the republican side on this issue in the senate but again shes said she believes that it can be found to do it maybe a slight adjustment in the Corporate Tax rate but again i think the problem here was right from the start. They saw this large amount they could take and i was going to finance the tax cut. I mean they are talking about they can go up to 1. 5 trillion and 1. 3 trillion they claim is coming from salt. I mean to me it was too easy a target and also from states that lets face it dont have that many republicans in them. Maria yeah. So the money was there and i think that was part of the thinking but senator collins our vote is central for them to get to 50 they probably have to get senator collins and i hope she can hold out. Maria lets talk about the impact and lets say hypothetically speaking the elimination of that deduction stays in the final work that goes to the president s desk. Are you expecting mobility in new york and new jersey and california . In other words a lot of people are predicting were going to see an exodus if people leave high tax states. Why would you pay for example, what is it 57 when you look at state and local at 17 and highest earners at almost 40 . 57 income tax why are you going to pay that when you could go to florida and pay nothing . So are you going to see an exodus of people that will depress real estate prices, that will mean taking money away from education, so what do you think, impact . Yeah, theres already been some of that but ive spoken with a number of businesspeople that i guess they call themselves the 183 club in they make sure theyre out of the state to move out of the state they wont have to pay the income tax and this is again it was already developing but its going to i think i could see a mass exodus coming. The whole week ive been home since this vote was cast, ive been hearing from rankin file trump voters people who own their homes and people who are hard working wage sweeteners but im also hearing it from the Business Community big people in the Business Community who feel this will terribly impact them and they are talking about moving their address to north carolina, florida wherever. Maria wow. And that then will have a compounding effect because it will be less state revenues available that means local governments have to raise property taxes and really a vicious cycle and again its a massive tax cut to the country but a big hit on one whole region of the country and i think its bad. Acrosstheboard. Maria certainly not the effect that lawmakers would like to see. Congressman good to see you well watch the developments thank you so much. Maria thank you as always. Maria congressman peter king well be right back. Stay with us sunday morning futures rig Liberty Mutual stood with me when this guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night. Hold on dad. Liberty did what . Yeah, Liberty Mutual 24hour roadside assistance helped him to fix his flat so he could get home safely. My dad says our insurance doesnt have that. Dont worry i know what a lug wrench is, dad. Is this a lug wrench . Maybe . You can leave worry behind when liberty stands with youâ„¢. Liberty stands with youâ„¢. 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Get symbicort free for up to one year. Visit saveonsymbicort. Com today to learn more. President trump today the United States is designating north korea as a state sponsor of terrorists. Should have happened a long time ago, should have happened years ago. In addition to threatening the world by nuclear devastation, north korea has repeatedly supported acts of International Terrorism including assassinations on foreign soil. Maria that was the president following his historic 12 day trip to asia. The president declared north korea a state sponsor of terrorism called on the rolling nation to end its unlawful Nuclear Missile developments and gordon chang says north korea could have Nuclear Capabilities to hit the United States within nine months joining me right now thanks for joining us. Thanks. Maria why didnt it happen sooner when the president deemed them a terrorists state sponsor . Theres a lot that goes into this. Theres a very complicated definition of terrorism for purposes of this list. State department needed to work through that and they just picked a time when they could also talk to japan, south korea, china, all the countries in the region laying the ground work on the president s 12 day trip, so thats why it happened after the trip, not during the trip. Maria so tell me what the implications of this are, declaring them a state sponsor of terrorism means what in a practical manner . Well there are a handful of sanctions that come into play when a nation is put on to the list and you know a lot of these measures are not important in and of themselves so some actually duplicate sanctions already in place but the important thing here is that the president has a long and consistent campaign to cutoff the flow of money to north korea this just adds to the pressure. Also, it adds to the pressure of the sanctions that were put in place by treasury this past week , so this is important. Were starting to see theyre having an effect on north korea so for instance junior officials in part of the regimes favored class are not getting their rations from the special distribution channels. At least according to anecdotal reports but all the anecdotal reports are in the same direction that the regime is, running out of cash. Were not there yet of course. Its going to take several months but the Trump Campaign to cutoff the flow thats actually working now. Maria i see, so the president seemed to have a good trip. He came home talking about 250 billion in new deals between chinese and American Companies when he was in beijing how would you characterize the president s trip . Well the trip was really good because he reassured allies and got two very difficult friends of ours, the president of south korea and the phillipine president , there are our allies but they were moving in directions we didnt like. In beijing, he sort wilted in terms of the Public Comments but behind the scenes american policy was very good. We told the chinese where to get off on a number of issues including sales to taiwan and actually chinese agents operating on u. S. Soil. We told them to stop it. Thats a very good thing because theyve been here a long time, been doing a lot of things just in consistent and violation of american sovereignty, so the president s trip was really good laid the ground work for some important things that have to go on. What goes on now is really difficult. He laid the ground work. Maria im wondering what the sanctions mean though, really, because somebody mentioned to me the other day look who cares about sanctions against north korea . The leader does not care about his people, so what does he care hes getsing sanctioned . Are they effective and do they work . Well they will work if the president continues putting pressure on north koreas back like russia and china. And its not just russia and china. Its countries in africa and around the region that are actually supplying money to north koreans through various means and the president worked very hard to do that to stop that and so this is going to be important. Its not very sexy but its a very sort of ground and pound game. You go to all these countries and get them to close consolates , embassies and you get them to not import north korean labor and to make sure they dont sell certain items to the north koreans. Treasury and Justice Department have a lot of work for them to do. Maria the president uses tough talk to make a standpoint and make a move. Is that working . What im visualizing right now is the enormous armada that we have off of the Korean Peninsula sitting there. Im sure china doesnt like it obviously north korea doesnt but basically sending a message. We are ready should you make a mistake north korea. Is that right . Yes, well we have three carrier groups near the Korean Peninsula. Three carrier groups is important because with two you can not conduct around the clock operations with three, you can. Now the only issue there is some of those carriers have been on deployment for quite some time and will have to be withdrawn but what it does is sends a message that we are prepared to strike if necessary. Now, i think the president s Pressure Campaign will work over time. It will take maybe nine months to a year to do that but you know, basically what hes saying is that all the tools in the american tool box will be brought to bear against north korea and for the first time weve got a president who is willing to use all these elements of National Power against not only the north koreans but their supporters and backers around the world. Maria youre right so do you think north korea has shown any evidence that its actually backing down in anyway yet . Not really. Maria hard to say . People say for instance they havent launched a missile since september. Maria thats what im referring to. The chinese i think sop them from doing that because in the run up of the communist party the 19th national communist the chinese ruler demanded absolute calm because he wanted to consolidate his position didnt want anything to interfere with that so i think they told the north koreans thou shall not and also right now, the north Korean Military is preparing for its winter training cycle. They dont launch missiles this time of the year, so i think that its a combination of things why north korea has been so quiet in the last several months. The real test is february when they really start up sending off missiles into space again. Maria oh, okay so we will be watching that gordon good to see you. Thanks maria. Maria gordon chang is the author of nuclear showdown, north korea take takes on the world. Coming up a handful of gop senators enough to scrap their version of the tax bill still withholding their yes vote. What will it take to turn them around, were headed back to capitol hill next to see a look ahead on sunday morning futures today. Back in a moment. [lance] monica, it is absolute chaos out here gale force winds, accumulations up to 8 inches. Dont know if you can hear me, but [monica] whats he doing . [lance] can we get a shot of this cold front, right here. Winter has arrived. Whooo hahaha [vo] progress is an unstoppable force. Brace yourself for the season of audi sales event. Audi will cover your first months lease payment on select models during the season of audi sales event. Our recent online sales success seems a little. Strange . Nk na. Ever since we switched to fedex ground business has been great. Theyre affordable and fast. Maybe too affordable and fast. What if. People arent buying these books online, but they are buying them to protect their secrets . . hi bill. If that is your real name. Its william actually. Hmph affordable, fast fedex ground. Maria welcome back. Okay washington is returning to work this upcoming week following their thanksgiving break. A handful of conservative and moderate republican senators remain, however who are still not committed to their version of the tax bill. So can this pass and reach the president s desk before christmas joining us right now is lee z eldan. Another new york republican congressman who has a no vote on the house bill good to see you thanks for joining us. Thank you, great to be with you. Maria what do you want to see out of the senate bill or see when in the next couple of weeks get down and dirty in conference to really come up with one piece of legislation to put in the president s desk for signing . How do you want it to look different . Well for one, there are a lot of really good changes on the corporate side that youll see on both the house bill and the senate bill. On the personal side, there are some aspects that are a little better than the house bill others that are a little bit worse. The senate brings back the medical expense deduction thats good. They have the mortgage Interest Deduction cap at a Million Dollars and the house version is at 500,000, and the Senate Proposes to fully eliminate the state and local Tax Deduction where the house version made progress in having a 10,000 property Tax Deduction cap, not enough progress for me but id love to see us go even further than the house version. They are also talking about some of the changes that need to be made on the pass through rules and sense a for johnson, hes been outspoken in the need to make sure were delivering more relief for Small Businesses. I think that we should be treating people who would be in the personal Service Space more like the person who maybe say a widget maker and where you have a 39. 6 bracket and youre a new yorker and in the personal service occupation, then when you look at losing your largest item of the state and local Tax Deduction, if you had a mortgage Interest Deduction cap of 500, you dont have any more medical expense deduction but and then on top of that the pass through rules arent applying to you because you are in personal service, then youll see a big tax increase and then theres also the big impact important for middle income americans as well, when you Start Talking about district like mine and you had congressman king on which is half of my district itemizes and uses state and local Tax Deduction. Maria i think you make all good points. Let me talk a little about the business cuts, 20 corporate 25 pass through. Senator ron johnson said this doesnt make any sense and im wondering why theyre both not the same rate. When you look at the pass through companies this isnt just your Hardware Store on the corner. Cargill employs 150,000 people thats considered a pass through , so why do some Companies Get a 25 rate and others get a 20 rate i dont understand that. And others would be paying a higher rate than that. So i think that it would be great to be able to level the Playing Field more, where we have an important shared goal across both chambers and the president trying to bring the Corporate Tax rate as low as possible and where i was supportive of the president going on to the 15 in the original proposal now to 20. I do know from conversations with people are advocating for reducing the Corporate Tax rate they would be thrilled if at the end of the day it was at 22 so i think we need to look at level ing the Playing Field as much as possible and that is one thing ive heard as well is the comparing the 20 to 25 rate and even the pass through rules at the 25 rate depending on the occupations. Maria what is the process at this point . They come back next week in the senate. They will mark up their bill. Then the house and senate has to get together to come up with the best parts of both plans to make one plan; correct . Walk us through the next couple of weeks. So if the senate were to say pass a tax bill as early as this week, right away youd have conf irees appointed. A Conference Committee between the house and senate would start meeting as quickly as possible to come up with a version of the bill that not only is agreed to at the Conference Committee but can be passed by both house and senate with the goal of having a bill on the president s desk by christmas. Its an ambitious timeline but its doable if the Senate Passes a bill this upcoming week a Conference Committee starts meeting right away and they make a ton of progress quickly. You can get there. Maria if you were the last holdout, and they needed your vote in order to pass any piece of legislation are you going to vote no . You know youre all going to get out of a job if you dont get this done. Yeah, i want to know what kind of changes are going to get made. The bill in its current form immunooncology pose if there are no changes that are made to it, i continue to oppose the bill. I would love to be able to improve the bill, i would love to be able to vote yes on a bill that gets us as close to perfect as possible but for me as i crunch the numbers im not voting to raise taxes on this many of my own constituents i just wont do it. Maria congressman good to see you sir thanks so much. Thank you. Maria well see you soon. So will the president s agenda take another step forward this week . Well discuss it with our panel on deck right after this short break. Were looking ahead right now on sunday morning futures stay with us. [vo] when it comes to investing, looking from a fresh perspective can make all the difference. It can provide what we call an unlock a realization that often reveals a better path forward. At wells fargo, its our expertise in finding this kind of insight that has lead us to become one of the largest investment and Wealth Management firms in the country. Discover how we can help find your unlock. Maria welcome back. Well this Holiday Shopping season also comes as donald trump is marking his first year as president , how is the trump economy shaping up right now and what should we expect . Bring in our Panel Democratic strategist Jessica Tarlow is with us along with James Freeman , both are fox news contributors good to see you both. Thank you so much for joining us so ive got a report from Goldman Sachs expecting four 2018 fed rate hikes because growth is Getting Better theyre looking at the u. S. Jobless rate down to 3. 5 in late 2019. Things have gotten better james. For sure. It looks like according to the atlanta fed forecast were into our Third Quarter in a row of 3 plus percent growth thats new that we didnt really see that in the obama years, so its still too early to claim that trumponomics is working but all the signs are good. Maria one big sign is the tax plan jessica they have to get this across the finish line. They definitely do at this moment when you look at someone like john mccain who have rev el ed in his role as Decision Maker right on the healthcare bill where it was the last minute and the sly smile as he dropped his vote you dont know whats going to happen and he hasnt been that vocal about where he falls to say i want regular order and i want to go through the process. Theres some outstanding senator s that need to be wooed, ron johnson, Susan Collins, even though lisa said shes okay with the individual mandate repeal which is very odd as it hits alaska very hard, Susan Collins is going to need some work and theres the deficit types and ive heard as well that jeff flake its not just about the deficit he wants to have it changed that the middle class tax hikes will go away in 2027 to have that formalized so a lot of concerns but no doubt its looking good for trump at least for him to say its working. Maria do you worry that these personal fights back and forth with john mccain, back and forth with bob corker are going to impact the agenda james . Is that going to get in the way . Its a risk. Maria talking about healthcare right . Yeah, i think its a totally different at least a different vibe and i think more than that where you looked at the healthcare vote and they had real differences. I think the Republican Caucus and the senate is very unified on the idea that they do want this tax cut. Yes, they are discussing details of it but i think they want to get this when they know they kind of have to for next years elections so i think that it gets done and i think bob corker has made a commitment with his colleagues regardless of what the president is tweeting to cut a trillion and a half dollars in taxes, so i think that happens and john mccain, i dont see what the big objection is but hes always a wildcard so you never know. Maria were looking at 2020 Donna Brazile making some comments this past week, she thinks there are more than 50 people who will run against donald trump. What do you think it looks like . 50 seems high but i hope we have at least 10 good ones. Democrats really need to get it together. The generic ballot right now has us up 1315 points going into 2018. If we can continue that, if donald trump doesnt get a big win as we said in tax reform looks like it should be the one certainly for the businessman president , then democrats are looking really good in 2020 but we dont have a barack obama yet we havent had our 2004 Dnc Convention moment where we have our star and so 50 is high but i would like a solid 10 and it will be interesting to see the dynamics and weve talked about this a lot as republicans clearly have their issues we have our own with the Progressive Left coming after this interest left as it were Dianne Feinstein is a great example of whats happening to her in california with challengers from the far left of the been it sanders camp so while a few months ago we would have said well see corey booker , we now have the far left eating them alive saying that Maria Elizabeth warren. Really an attack dog mode and theyve used Donna Braziles book as a vehicle for that. It was rigged, bernie would have won, blah blah blah. Certainly i think the scales were tipped i dont think you can rig 4 million votes but i understand the argument and why people felt disenfranchised by the process so we have to do better. Maria james . The president needs the tax cut to deliver the robust economy hes promising. Thats one issue voters tend to give him very poor marks on everything except that and fortunately for him that tends to be what people vote on the economy but hes got to deliver there. I think where hes vulnerable is if the democrats choose to nominate a moderate, john hick en looper from colorado, somebody you could sell to middle america. Maria Sherrod Brown is my favorite. I dont think theres much risk theyre doing that because youre seeing a slow motion take over of the party by Bernie Sanders and a lot of senators thinking about 2020 backing his single payer Healthcare Plan and i think the full on kind of rant that sanders represents, if that becomes a Democratic Party message i could see trump winning again and maybe winning big. Can i just add to your point while i said the tax reform bill is critical to the success for the republicans we now have a nonpartisan study out that says 50 of people will have their taxes raised. Maria i dont know if its 50 thats crazy. I think it was the Tax Policy Center that said that but maybe thats when the tax, maybe its because it won the middle class tax last in 2027 but either way theres great messaging coming out of the left about how this is, tax cut for millionaires and billionaires. Maria we knew that was coming but thats another talking point. But the American Public doesnt favor this plan so i wonder if it does happen if they will still want a time for a change and thats what happens to the natural flow of things anyway we could have a wave election. I think what youre going to get is these dualing studies are maybe important in the discussion right now. The bottom line is going to be does the economy grow and create jobs or not and i think if he gets that big corporate rate cut even if a lot of folks in the media, a lot of washington analysts dont like it hes going to get that growth and be very tough to beat unless democrats go kind of against where theyve been going and maria change their messaging well take a break and more with this great panel, were looking ahead this morning on sunday morning futures back in a moment i am totally blind. And non24 can throw my days and nights out of sync, keeping me from the things i love to do. Talk to your doctor, and call 8442142424. Maria and we are back with our panel Jessica Tarlow and James Freeman. You mentioned the 3 quarters that weve seen i think its partly because of regulations. This president has been the least regulatory president and in congress, they laugh about the number of pages that president obama increased in terms of regulation, they say its equivalent to 15 king james bibles, james . Yeah, so weve gone from the most regulatory president ever in terms of number of pages of rules and proposed regulations and final regulations spewed out in the federal register to essentially the least. You dont want to quite say this is Ronald Reagan because thats the Gold Standard but in terms of year one slowing down the federal machinery of putting out red tape this is a remarkable performance and it has a lot to do with i think growth picking up investment Corporate Investment picking up. Maria theyre loosening the Purse Strings but they need every vote this is through executive order. They need every vote in order to get a win on the board and now were facing this senate race in alabama and roy moore jessica, so we dont know where that vote is. No, we dont. The polling right now looks good for doug jones and he was up about eight in the latest fox poll and another poll as well, but you dont know what happens and Hillary Clinton was up in a lot of polls in certain states and that didnt work out. The big shift has been apparently with republican women i think its up to 20 and alabama are now saying theyre not going to support roy moore anyway, any more. Kellyanne conway was on tv saying we need this vote because of the tax reform proposal, President Trump seemed to say the same thing when he talked about it last week as well. That puts him i believe in a very precarious position. I thought this would have been an easy one. Accusations of child molestation go so far beyond Sexual Harassment. Maria the accusations . I agree they are accusations acrosstheboard with all of these men who have been accused and some of them admitted obviously to certain things and not to others starting with charlie rose said yes to some and no to others. Maria wow. But the point is the president taking a stand on this and he has to say something. I think that its so disheart en ing i guess to hear we just need this vote and i do understand that, but you are talking about lives and the lives of a child where this happened and you know, he deserves his day in court. We know the alabama voters will decide. Maria i was surprised to see ivanka trump weigh in. And then the president not follow her. Maria thats right. Yeah, theyre unproven. Hes denied them but they do seem credible and theyre quite disturbing. Maria Mick Mulvaney said it was credible thats whats really odd here. Yeah, i think he probably loses. It is another argument to try and get that tax cut bill done before december 12 when this happens. They seem to think theyre going to need his vote which i guess maybe should make us a little more concerned about the tax plan but i think they get it done. I think he probably loses, but i can understand if there are voters who are saying that youre dumping another big story like this on us right before we have to decide and we have an allegation and its being denied and puts them in a tough spot. But what he could have done and what i thought he would have done since when that seemed strange, he could have said, you know, i told you from the first place which he loves, i said Luther Strange was the right guy and write him in and gop could have a write in candidate campaign. On the other hand maybe hes decided moore is going to win. Maria thats true too. James freeman, jessica great to see you on this long holiday weaken end that will do it for us on sunday morning futures have a great rest of the weekend im Maria Bartiromo and ill see you tomorrow Morning Bright and early on Fox Business Network mornings with maria is 6 00 to 9 00 weekend. 9 00 weekend. Stay with fox news h at lincoln financial, we get there are some responsibilities of love you gotta do on your own. And some you shouldnt have to shoulder alone. Like ensuring your family is protected, today and tomorrow, no matter what the future brings. See how Life Insurance from lincoln can help start protecting your familys financial future now, at lincolnfinancial. Com. The mountain like i used to. I even accept i have a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. But whatever trail i take, i go for my best. So if theres Something Better than warfarin, ill go for that too. Eliquis. 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