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People today theired to sell grate the 105th anniversary of his arecollection. Apparently my former opponent is obsessed by my speak out. There was another, somebody told me, tweet today. Between tweeting and golfing, how dose get anything done . I dont understand it. Kennedy somebody told me, right. She is so obsessed with him, no wonder there is a concerted effort within the Democratic Party to make her go away. But she wont. She wont take the hint. Kristen gillibrand said outright bill clinton should have resigned after the lewinsky scandal. Hillary hopes if she focuses on wisconsin and voter i. D. Laws. The republicans would be delighted use her as a losing punching bag in one more satisfied cycle. She just cant to which is so good for the Republican Party. Hillary, get on with your life and give it another try in three years. Hillary is drunk on power she doesnt have. Even though its 4 00 in the morning and she is getting kicks out of the bar, shell never leave. Lets do this. Im kennedy. Senator Kristen Gillibrands comments on bill clinton could be a watershed moment for the party. But with the accusations against bill clinton to hillarys nonstop pity party, could the party be out of gas . Tim carney, and gave dave smith, always lighting libertys lamp. Welcome back. Marie, i think those comments from Kristen Gillibrand are quite pour new saying the president should have resigned and she is echoing what a lot of democrats are saying and feeling. Why is that . You and i talked about this a lot. I dont think the clintons are the future of the Democratic Party. I genuinely believe we need to give space for new voices to come up. I like bill clinton, i think was a great president. We all as a country are going through this cultural conversation about Sexual Assault and harassment. This is r is part of that conversation, but politically i respect Hillary Clinton. I would love for her to be less vocal. Kennedy is there a civil war between her and President Trump . No. We are trying to figure out who will be the next leaders. In some way like the Republican Party is. We have a lot of young candidates running around the country who i think will get more name recognition. The party leader is not bernie sanders. Its not Elizabeth Warren or Hillary Clinton. That im sure about. Kennedy as we watch that clip of hillary in arkansas. And bill is sitting there. What is he thinking . Bill clinton is a phenomenal political talent. The democrats last two wins are barack obama, he has a life story and he built a team that was able to execute all that stuff. In d. C. All these Political Consultants talk about data this and data that. But only the obama team carried it out. Thats why the search for the next democratic leader. An okay guy like joe biden isnt going to make it. The democrats only won kennedy its like saber metrics. Hillary clinton is the 2017 oakland as. Hes looking up at hillary saying shes not as good as i am. I think hes so disgusted by the fact that she is trying to eclipse the moment when people are celebrating his historic win. Its hypocritical of her to question the legitimacy of the election when she is the one who admonished trump during the debate not to do that. Not just her. The entire media. They had that pledge on the republican side to put him in a tough position. I mean, even i i think trump is doing a terrible time. Every time i see Hillary Clinton, maybe we are doing okay. Kennedy a lot of people voted against her. They didnt necessarily vote for him. Thats how bad of a candidate she was. And she is a bad loser. Its amazing how the other side gives the other side cover. I remember when obama was destroying nations. And the neocons would come at him. Ask we would have one more destroyed nation. Kennedy is Kristen Gillibrand running in 2020 . She may run. If you listened to the interview, she paused more a long time before she answered. She knew what she should say. I dont know her at all. I am not sure this is what she would say. What we see what all these cases, with harvey weinstein, a dam was built up, the reason women wouldnt speak out is there was this powerful man and you couldnt go against him. Once the dam is punctured the power goes away. Donna brazile was starting to burst the dam with hillarys party. Kennedy i think all of it adds up to them trying the get her to go away and sending her as loud and clear a message as they can. The ongoing roy moore and al franken Sexual Harassment continues. Over the weekend roy moorms wife spoke up. A new accuser accusing al franken of groping her in 2010. A franken spokesman has no intention to resign and instead will spend time reflecting with his family over the weekend. Could democrats snatch defeat from the jaws of victory . Lets talk about roy moore. A lot of people on the republican side have come out against pall franken but have been silent on roy moore. Its all just so disgusting. I like it that creeps everywhere are terrified of being outed. Just everyone is using this for their own political angle. I dont think roy moore should be viewed as the same as al franken. They are very different offenses. But bill clinton should be viewed in the same way. He has multiple rape and Sexual Assault allegations. Its disgusting to me that now that the election is over, all of these journalists who had nothing to say about bill clinton are saying now is the time for to us come out. What you have got is the religious right and pass towards and people who are supposed to have more authority than your average politician are going out there compromising and rationalizing what they say they believe. Just manage the faithful person in that pew look at this man making a justification for that behavior. I think its far worse what these defenders of moore are doing than even the defenders of clinton. You look at the president who was credibly accused. I am glad we are having this conversation as a country. We know there are differences but its hard to figure that out. The president is sitting in the oval office. He has been accused by over a dozen women. We have to get our heads around that. Kennedy we had an election and there was no dearth of coverage of the president. They hated Hillary Clinton so much it wants as though the information was withheld. Kennedy thats what roy moores voters say. Kennedy if you are in a position. Moral authority you have a different responsibility than you do as someone outside in washington. It weirdly plays into roy moores hands. When an entire media that was silent about the clinton allegations, saying its just the Mainstream Media trying to ruin somebody. And there is some truth to that. Kennedy when politics are involved its amazing how people will go after accusers. First up, the pressure on the senate to get tax reform passed after the house passed their version last week. The main issue, the obamacare individual mandate, senator Susan Collins isnt happy her colleagues want to repeal the tax in the bill. The biggest mistake was putting in a provision from the Affordable Care act in the senate bill thats not in the house bill. I hope it will be dropped. And hope to mitigate the impact of those decisions. Kennedy white house budget director Mick Mulvaney said repealing the individual mandate is still up in the air. If we can repeal part of obamacare on still have a tax bill, then thats great. Kennedy how does this shape up . Welcome to the show, anthony. Lets talk about the senate version. It has that very curious individual mandate repeal. Do you think that is the most of perilous part of the Senate Tax Plan . I think it reflects the perils that the senates tax plan has. They are trying to find a bunch of different ways to afford this. I dont think its about the politics. Obamacare. Its about trying to find revenue to pay for some of the tax things they are trying to do differently in the tax bill. Kennedy if you are cutting costs and saving 338 billion over 10 years, thats not too problematic. Its also mill some ofically consistent with what republicans have been saying for so long. You have people like Susan Collins who operate like she is from a totally different party. Allow people to create coalitions. The way they are doing it, nothing is going to get done. There is a certain components of the Republican Base that we dont like the individual mandate. We want to get rid of it however we can. They are trying to take tax reform in the noachtion we are going to make it simpler or fairer for businesses. It isnt really tax reform is it . Its tax reform thats trying to make the code simpler. The mortgage Interest Deduction is one of the most of ridiculous parts of the tax code. Kennedy thats fair because a lot of people are trying to sell lowering the corporate rate as being good for all businesses. Thats why you need the lone passthrough rate. There shouldnt be a debate about the lower passthrough rate if this is about trying to create a less cumbersome tax code with lower rates for all businesses across the board. The fact thats ron johnson has to come out and say im going to demands this component. There is not parity its not even. It should all be 20 . I think they are terrified. And taxes and healthcare, those are two areas where they have to legislate like they dont care if they are reelected. And they are not willing to cut spending that way. They are able to push this through the house because this was a leadershipled thing. In the senate its because there are multiple parties within the Republican Party. And there are people like jeff flake who dont care if they are going to get reelected. But it does imperil the whole thing. Kennedy if the senator decided that at the beginning of his 6year term that would be one thing. But if you are up for reelection next year. It doesnt. President trump is returning north korea to the list of state sponsors of terrorism. Is this a phone . Or a little internet machine . It makes you wonder shouldnt we get our phones and internet from the same company . Thats why Xfinity Mobile comes with your internet. You get up to 5 lines of talk and text at no extra cost. So all you pay for is data. See how much you can save. Choose by the gig or unlimited. Xfinity mobile. A new kind of network designed to save you money. Call, visit, or go to xfinitymobile. Com. Ken report president putting the big squeeze on north korea. That means a new rounds of crushing sanctions and economic punishment. The president explained why. President trump in addition to threatening the world which nuclear devastation. They have support International Terrorism including assassination on foreign soil. Our thoughts turn to Otto Warmbier, a wonderful young man and the countless others so brutally affected by the north korean oppression. Kennedy Otto Warmbier was the american student who was arrested . North korea and came home in a vegetative state. Let me bring in the u. S. Ambassador to the u. N. And fox news contributor, and a birthday boy. Are you partying today or what . Im with you. What else is there to look forward to. Kennedy now we are all going to die. Let me ask you about north korea and this designation. Rumor impressed President Trump put them back on this list or that the Bush Administration took them off the list in 2008. If a country meets the criteria to be a state sponsor of stair rifle it should be on the list. Condi rice wanted to take them off the list because she believed would help facilitate a deal with north korea on their Nuclear Weapons program. But it politicized the list in an unhelpful way. This remedying a past mistake. It would affect north koreas pursuit of Nuclear Weapons. But it will demonstrate to the world, this is the nature of the regime we are dealing with. Kennedy they are under extreme sanctions and china is going along with them. So what more does the designation do to north korea . It opens other sanctions possibilities its not entirely clear china is fully complying. But when you have a state sponsor of terror like this. And iran which is a state sponsor of terrorism. Puck make a pretty good argument those who aid and abet what a state responsible over terrorism does, that cells could face designation. If you are going to use this Statutory Authority forcefully it should have implications beyond north korea. Kennedy i want to talk about china. It would have been embarrassing for both countries if north korea had under gone more missile tests. It shows china is able to exert pressure and influence on them when they choose. How did you right . Its possible there were reasons the north koreans werent prepared to do anything. It might have to do with the scientific or technical aspects of their program. There are reports the last six Nuclear Tests may have damaged their under ground testing facility in a way that precluded another test until steps with taken. We just dont know. Its shard given our limited knowledge of its hard given our limited knowledge of north korea to understand why they do what they do. Kennedy speak of that list of state sponsors of terror. Holes should be on the list other than sudan, iran and syria . I would not take sudan off the list and i would add any other states that work with iran and north korea. I believe the Nuclear Programs themselves are programs of terrorism. Iran and north korea will not pose a military threat to the united states. The intention of having these Nuclear Weapons if they were to be used against us would be to kill our civilians. So i think the pursuit of weapons of mass destruction in itself gives evidence that a state thud be on this list. Kennedy ambassador john bolton, i hope you do a lot of partying tonight. Marchand lynch toosh his anthem protest to mexico south of the border. Will the president put up a wall to keep him there . At fidelity, trades are now just 4. 95. We cut the price of trades to give investors even more value. And at 4. 95, you can trade with a clear advantage. Fidelity, where smarter investors will always be. And at 4. 95, you can trade with a clear advantage. The mountain like i used to. I even accept i have a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. But whatever trail i take, i go for my best. 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Who wins and lose when the president takes this on. What do you make of the president s tweets inserting himself into the anthem controversy . Lou controversy. I dont have any problem the president take on nfl protesters. I knowment in media dont like the. It touches a cultural never. And i dont have a problem when he criticizes lynch by name. But i think he goes too far when he calls for the suspension of a particular player. He has Nuclear Weapons. He shouldnt be calling for suspensions of lynch. Kennedy i think its curious, he has been in a public spat with lamar ball who is h whoo ball. I cant imagine being a far it whose son was arrested in china. The president of the united statestates intervenesand gets. No matter way saw though no r what i thought this president not to say thank you seems ungracious. When the president hit back and twitter and said i should have let them stay in jail. Kennedy i think the young men felt the weight of their offenses and they should suit back up and play basketball. For you its about who is on the court putting points on the board. Kennedy yes. The president did a good job. He got them back. Kennedy i was very upset they were shoplifting in a foreign country. I felt their punishment could have bench much worse. I was glad president inveendor on their behalf. I could have done without the postgame commentary. Ball is just worried because elonzo isnt doing so well. I understand where hes coming from, but he needs to talk about putting a cork tonight. Not you, howie. Lena dunhams career could be coming to an end after she attacked the credibility a woman of color who accused a writer on her show of rape. She filed a Police Report claiming murray admiral sexually assaulted her in 2012 when she was 17. Dunham quickly fired back saying our first instinct is to listen to every womans story. Our insider knowledge of murrays situation makes us confident sadly this accusation is one of the 3 of assault cases that are misreported each year. That didnt sit well with internet commenters where sh in august she said things women lie about. What they ate for lunch. Things women dont lie about, rape. It has cause a top writer on her blog to quit accuse her of hipster racism. Whats next. And dont say another season of girls. The party handle returns. Dave, are all of these social justice warriors really cut from the same cloth . I think so. Im not surprised to hear an accusation of rape. They viewer in terms of race and thats it. What is the fact that this is a woman of color have to do with anything. Shouldnt the message of the Civil Rights Movement be that race isnt that important. Kennedy i think what the writer is saying is its a lot easier to shut this girl down because she happens to be a woman of color. The sub text for lena dunham is im so great and people around me are so great. Nobody knows the number of false accusations. Even if it goes to a coast law, how would you measure the number . If you ask police departments, its way higher than 3 when they dont find sufficient evidence. Women lie because they are humans and humans lie sometimes. We always have to belief women. We have to listen to women and dismiss them now. Kennedy Hillary Clinton is famous for coming out and attack her husbands accusers. A lot of people dont remember with hillary and bill how ugly it got. James carville said if you drag a 100 bill through a trailer park and you never know what somebody is going to say. I feel like the easy cases came out first. Harvey weinstein, woman after woman, lap is investigating. Then you get louis ck and he admits its true. There is not that much pushback. Al franken, one he is questioning and one he is not. So we are going to enter into a lot more murky area and these easy rules of believe women. Thats a good stance for someone listening to the victim. Ginni thomas and kayla moore. She gave an impassioned speech on behalf of her husband. As a progressive and a feminist i dont want to hear from lena dunham again. I dont think she is a good voice for what i believe in. Kennedy she is not for anyones cause. She is about herself. She is one of the most of selfish writers and entertainers, whatever you want to call her. She is so selfinvolved. She wraps them in sanctimony. I would wrap you all in a great big hug. Thank you guys so much. Coming up, Science Fiction comes to life. An italian doctor says he will perform the first human head transplant sometime next month. Is there any chance he will succeed . Ill ask dr. Marc siegel next. This is what its all about, jamie helping small businesses. Damage your vehicle . We got you covered. [ glass shatters ] Property Damage . 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He completed the procedure on two corpse, now he wants to try a living, breathing specimen. He will take the head of a paralyzed patient and attach it to a donor body with the hopes he will be able to walk again. Thanks so much for being here. Why does he look crazy in the picture. Could this actually work . We are nowhere near the technology for this. Kennedy lets say that hes able to lop someones head off and put it on a body, and the person gets put in a coma for months and they can walk. Doesnt that mean you would be able to repair all severs spinal cords and spinal cord injuries. There are millions of nerves that connect the brain to the spinal cord. If you could do this we have have been doing limited procedures to get them to walk about. We have miracles going on. But we are nowhere near knowing how to connect those millions of nerves together. If they tried Something Like this it could be terrible pain and agony. Kennedy the agony would be like a face transplant. Its so much more complicated. Hand transplants, two of them done in the last two years. That itself is a miracle because of all the nerves you put together. But this kind of a circus hes doing, its a disservice to the progress we made with things like facial transplants and hand transplants. Kennedy you said the future for this procedures in robot i cans. Do you think a human head to be put on a row boict body . A robotic body . We are doing it with mechanical arms. But you have to understand the mapping of the brain, the neurocircuitry of the brain. We are heading in the right direction. But we are a decade or so away from this. I think robot i can i row i s come first. Hes the stuff of Science Fiction. Kennedy you look at someone like Christopher Reeves you wonder if there was a way to repair his spinal cord injury. Does the injury have to be fresh to hope for region racial . Its most of viable within the first 6 months or year. We have techniques we didnt have in those days. He was truly a super man way he lived on afterwards. That was noble. But wear farther along when he was suffering. Kennedy keep us posted. Robot i row robotics, sul repairs. But this is crazy. An looks crazy. Kennedy triple aaa is predicting 51 Million People will travel over the thanksgiving weekend. This is the topical storm. Topic number one. We begin in houston , texas when the cops told a man to get down. Buying did he rinse. He lives by the old motto. Dance like nobody is passion a sobriety test. He said he wasnt drink. That story was so ridiculous even lena dunham didnt believe it. One commenter called it the worst performance hes ever seen. He obviously didnt watch eminem on saturday night live. Topic two. When you go to a bar you try to not end up being that guy. But dont tell that to the people who showed up where being that guy was the whole point of going out. Guy was honored with his own pub crawl. Instead of dressing like santa claus, you dress like him. Aside from guy being a charismatic superstar. Hes known for melting new years resolutions. Topic number three. The Atlanta Falcons are no strangers to implosions. But the team that blew the biggest lead in super bowl history took it one step further this evening. Thats actually an implosion. 5,000 pounds of explosives were used to take down their old stadium. Sources say they currented from 283 in honor of the will of last years in honor of last years choke against the patriots. This is the second most of expensive collapse in history, after hillarys campaign. Topic number four. Hans solo. Harrison fords pilot skills made him an expert on surviving crashes. So its no surprise he knew what to do when he came upon a car crash when the woman in front of him swerved into a small awkwar. The sweater is scratch and sniff. Topic number 5. Finally Charles Manson is dead at the age of 83. I would be willing to bet a small foretine wont make it into the pearly gates. Manson will be remembered as the mastermind of one of the worst murder sprees in history. Charles manson dead at 83. And i think billy joel said it best when said only the good die young. Im dying for this. Most of fans cringe with list i swift politics. [vo] progress is an unstoppable force. The season of audi sales event is here. Audi will cover your first months lease payment on select models during the season of audi sales event. And the wolf huffed like you do sometimes, grandpa . Well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. It can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. So i talked to my doctor. She said. Symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. Symbicort doesnt replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. Symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. Symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. It should not be taken more than twice a day. Symbicort contains formoterol. 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Day slower swift is apolitical but thats not enough for the haters at marie clare who think every star has to fly the political leftist flag. Her record sold 90 more copies than katie per christmas new album. But swift didnt sell her soul to a bankrupt candidate like katie did. Some have perceived swifts political agnosticism as trumpism its okay for an entertainer to remain mum on politics and policy. I encourage people to enjoy her musical reaccept tall with abandon. Instead of selling out, she would rather sell records. And from the sounds of things her reputation is worth it. Hah for watching the best hour of your day. Email kennedyfbn foxbusiness. Com. Tomorrow on the shore Lieutenant Colonel vafl peters and lisa boothe. Have a beautiful night. President kennedy has been assassinated. Its official now. The president is dead. Even the most hated man in america. [gunshot ] [groans] lee oswald has been shot . Gets his name on a headstone. The stone clearly shows oswalds date of birth and death. But how did it become their strange inheritance . I thought, what on earth was a tombstone doing under my mothers house . Only after its stolen, recovered, hidden, found, fought over, and more. Were going to take it back to texas, back home to the good ol boys where it can have a lone star beer and make a lot of noise. You really wanted it back, dave. Why . Maybe they messed with the wrong tombstone owner

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