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Have the votes to do it, thats great, but the house does not have that repeal in their tax plan which means it will be more difficult to reconcile the two. Second, the price of oil down again, thats because we are using less of it and that may mean our economy is not as robust as we thought. Remember, please, this is where the political sausagemaking gets intense and a little nasty. Look at this. New york congressman peter king, here is the tweet. From sandy aid to tax reform, Mick Mulvaney tries to screws new york. Probably feels inferior because he subsidizes his state of south carolina. Roy moore still a complicating factor even sean hannity told him, you have 24 hours to refute charges against you or get out of the race. Political pace is picking up. Watch those markets. Varney company about to begin. Stuart President Trump back home from asia claiming victory, classic trump. Here is the tweet, quote, our great country is respected again in asia, you will see the fruits of our long successful trip for many years to come. One of the fruits is this, china is sending a top envoy to north korea a week after President Trump pushed for action. Again, thats one of the fruits of the visit, more on that coming up, of course. Back home, President Trump tweeted that there is a big announcement, we dont know what it is about, we dont know when its coming, but i will tell you this, 24 hours from now he will address House Republicans right before they vote on their tax plan. Lets get back to your money, thats the lead story of the day, really, another down day for the market, when it opens less than half an hour from now. Liz peek columnist is with us this morning. Im not interested in why you and i think the stock is down, im interested if you would buy . Sausagemaking on getting the tax bill to the finish line, and i wrote something and the lead was buy on the rumor and sell on the news and thats what people are doing on the tax plan. People arent as thrilled with it as they thought they would be. The new thing, plopping the repeal of Obamacare Mandate is incredibly positive. Goldman sachs as you mentioned has upped the probability of doing going through because all of a sudden the senate has 300 plus billion dollars to work with and going back to comments that you cited on the house side, the house for the house the salt, the state and local Tax Deduction is a very controversial thing. I think you now have 300 billion and to limit the impact of that. I think theres a lot of churning thats going to take place but i think its going to happen. Stuart youre right. Goldman sachs has come out and said theres an 80 chance that the tax deal will get done either this year or very early next year. Right. Stuart thats upping the likelihood of a tax cut. Its not like the original efforts to toss obamacare altogether. Theres a measure that will be going to the senate that basically keeps the csr payments, payments to insurers in place. This is so complicated but the losses of the individual mandate, the answer is i think they kind of have a good idea and a much better idea than they had before. Stuart you say yes, you would buy the dip . Who knows if its a oneday dip or twoday dip. I do think thats what its all about and by the way, you have roy moore situation. If they lose the situation, the pressure to get this done ahead of time is more intense. Stuart thats very true, actually. Get it done. We are still down 118 points despite your best efforts. Im trying. Stuart yes, you are. [laughter] stuart seems like everything was lining up to get the tax reform squared away and then came in the senate attaching obamacare reform in tax bill. That complicates the house senate get together which has to happen very soon. Come on in, please, republican from georgia, sir, welcome back, youre in the house, would you accept the Obamacare Mandate repeal . I absolutely, we had been pushing for this for a long time. I disagree that this is going to create a conflict between the house and the senate. I think its going to be greeted with open arms in the house and the fact that its probably going to get more people on board with a tax plan that otherwise had some little bit leery but this is going to help get it over the whole line for sure. Stuart its still an extraordinarily complicated and its got to be really fastpace gettogether between the house when they pass their bill, the senate when they got theirs, have to get together and get something, its really tight, isnt it . Well, it may be, what we have is an opportunity right now to really deliver to the American People what we said we would do, not only on tax reform but at the same time obamacare, i mean, this has not only the right thing to the American People but politically enormous potential ramifications for the Republican Party. Stuart by the way, im sorry to interrupting you, sir, paul ryan just said moments ago that the house would probably accept a tax deal which repealed the Obamacare Mandate. The house will probably accept that which is exactly what youve just said. Yeah, i think the probability of that is extremely high to be honest with you. Stuart okay, its not moved the market by the way, i thought that was pretty good news but we are still going to be down about 100 points. Congress plan, im sorry i kept it short but we have a jampacked news day but i have to move on real fast. Thank you very much, you bet. Stuart more problems for roy moore, republican of new york tweeted this. Its about that time for that creepy roy moore dude to exit stage left. He should step aside and let someone take his spot on the ballot who doesnt prey upon teenage girls as a grown man, ouch. Sean hannity giving moore an ultimatum. You Must Immediately and come up with satisfactory explanation for your inconsistencies that i just showed. You must remove any doubt. If you cant do, then judge moore needs to get out of the race. This country has way too many issues and problems. Stuart all right, we heard it clearly there. Joining us charles, Washington Times Political Columnist and fox news contributor. Drum beat is getting louder but you know im not too sure judge moore is going to step aside. I think youre right, stuart, the thing that has been appealing about the guy in the past is that he doesnt care what anybody thinks but now that we find out these things, accusation that is have come out that are just absolutely reprehensible, he still doesnt care what anybody thinks. I agree with you, but i applaud hannity, i applaud everybody for putting pressure on him to get out because, i mean, when i read the story the first time and read that the accusations that that woman leveled, it was chillingly it seemed to be very accurate and very it was very disturbing. Stuart yeah. The factbut i think the other thing about this is that the washington post, no one has abandoned any effort to cover politics or politicians specially republicans or conservatives with any hint of fairness. Theyve so destroyed their own reputation that even with the blockbuster story like that, people are still sort of, well, i dont know if its true or not. Stuart fair point, charles. One last for you, the election is december 12th in alabama, i dont know who is going to win but im assuming i dont know who is going to win, but it seems to me that the house and the senate have to really get a move on so that theyve got this tax deal signed, sealed, completed and delivered before december 22nd when roy moore or the democrat takes their seat in the senate, what do you say . Thats the one good thing about all of this, it puts a hard deadline on republicans in congress, but i dont rule out the possibility that roy moore could win and but if he does, it is a complete denunguation of the leftwing Mainstream Media today. Stuart charles hurts stay there, thank you very much. Right now ive got news on amazon, yes, theres always news on amazon but here it is. Dumping plans for a bundled streaming service. Liz, does that mean that doesnt mean they are getting rid of the prime members streaming services . Are. No, we are going a la carte, people are paying for what they want. Unwatched channels on cable and so what happens was amazon thought, we will come up with skinny bundle, 140 channels, 130 a month. They realized you know what, it hit profits, people really dont want it and that the Cable Networks are saying, you have to take weaker channels along the ones that you want. This is the future, this is what people are doing now. They are buying tv antennas, pointing out their windowing and streaming, amazon is saying, this is the future. People want to pay for what they want, they want a la carte. Channels like Discovery Communications are using them to test drive streaming. Stuart once again, amazon is out front of a big trend. Liz yeah. Stuart thats fascinating. More of that in a moment, papa johns, pizza apologizing for criticizing the nfl anthem protests, remember, big advertiser and the nfl has been losing ratings because of the protests, why did they need to apologize for heavens sake . We will answer. Americans in zinbabwe, military taken under and president under house arrest. Six terrorlinked foreigners including the man who killed eight in the truck attack in new york in halloween came to this country through diversity visa program. Judge napolitano is next i used to have more hair. I used to have more color. And. I used to have cancer. I beat it. I did. Not alone. I used to have no idea what the American Cancer Society did. Research . Yeah. But also free rides to chemo and free lodging near hospitals. I used to maybe give a little. Then i got so much back. I used to have cancer. Call 18004944357 today. Your contributions to the American Cancer Society fund valuable research. But thats just the beginning. A cancer diagnosis can kick off years of challenge. And thats where your donation truly shines. You help us fund free rides to treatment. A live 24 7 help line, free lodging near treatment centers. And even efforts to expand access to insurance. So, please donate today at cancer. Org and help attack cancer from every angle. Stuart another amazon story. Amazon and Whole Foods Market announcing lower prices on additional customer and holiday favorites, whole foods say prime members will receive an added discount on organic and nonantibiotic turkeys throughout thanksgiving. Got it . The trump administration, lets get serious, the Administration Says six terrorlinked foreigners entered our country through the diversity lottery. All rise, napolitano is here. What do you think of it . It has to go, it has to go . Before you say its got to go, lets look at what it is. It doesnt guaranty you a ticket in if you win diversity lottery. It gets you to head of the line, you still have to go through vetting. The fault hire is the obamadhs which fail today vet these people properly. Stuart no, no, wrong. [laughter] stuart no. Ashley next. Stuart these diversity visas are allocated towards country which dont send many immigrants here which are predominantly muslim. It doesnt matter. Its not properly vetted, its the fault of the government failing to do the vetting. Its not the fault of the government for getting the person on line. If they failed the vetting, they dont get in whether they win the lottery or not. Stuart how do you vet people from whatever it is however the government does its vetting. I dont know how the vetting works. I know that President Trump has ordered more extreme vetting, thats what we should have been doing all along. Stuart youre off to a wishy washy start, lets see if we can get to something serious. [laughter] stuart the senate included Obamacare Repeal mandate. That goes, i think youll agree with me that destroys obamacare . It does because the only way the Supreme Court upheld obamacare was on the theory that it is a tax, thats the failure to comply with the individual mandate the government adds to your tax bill, therefore its a tax. If its not a tax, theres no constitutional basis for it because in that decision, 160 pages long, theres a 5 to 4, chief Justice Roberts and the four conservatives ruling, congress cannot force you to purchase a product, but congress can tax you if you fail to purchase it. If the tax is gone, the statute is gone. This one liner in the tax bill, getting rid of the Obamacare Tax penalty could constitutionally undermine and invalidate all of obamacare which the Republican Congress has three times failed to do during the presidency of donald trump. Stuart so if this is successfully attached to the tax bill and goes through reconciliation and it is voted on, obamacare theoretically, yes. There has to be another challenge in the courts, but if the court to which the challenge is made follows the Supreme Court decision on the Affordable Care act in june of 2012, it will invalidate this thing and donald trump would have succeeded marvelously in accomplishing something that nobody thought could happen. Stuart thats better, judge. [laughter] now youre glad im here. Stuart i hope you come back to the 11 00. If you invite me. [laughter] stuart happy show. Thank you, judge. Listen to this, china says it will send a top diplomat to north korea, first time they have done that in two years. I think thats a big win for President Trump. Im going to call one of the fruits of the asian tour. More varney after this. Today were out here to test peoples knowledge about type 2 diabetes. So you have type 2 diabetes . Yes i do. True or false. Type 2 diabetes more than doubles your chance of dying from a cardiovascular event, like a heart attack or a stroke. That cant be true, can it . 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Do not take jardiance if you are on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. Other side effects are sudden kidney problems, genital yeast infections, increased bad cholesterol, and urinary tract infections, which may be serious. Taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. Isnt it time to talk to your doctor about jardiance . Absolutely. Ask your doctor about jardiance. And get to the heart of what matters. Stuart you know, we havent checked the price of all the gold coins you offer today grandchildren. Lets do that now. We are up 3 bucks as of this morning. China is sending a top envoy to north korea. This comes a week after President Trump pushed for action on his asia tour. Charlie hurts, still with us, charlie, theres no way they are going to be singing kumbaya. I think the chinese envoy will be laying the law. I dont think donald trump got credit with his ability to work with foreign leaders, the thing thats so valuable about him is hes so unpredictable. All of the regular, you know, rules of diplomacy and he just sort of says what he thinks and i think that that gives him such a tremendous advantage because china actually doesnt know what hes willing to do, what hes capable of doing and that puts enormous pressure on them to make to sort of solve the situation themselves so that america doesnt have to solve it for them. Stuart ive asked you this question before charles, and i will ask it to you again, do you like this . A president says what hes thinking of it and gets on with it. [laughter] after decades of politicians doing everything the exact same way and expecting i guess a different result but never getting a different result. Having somebody thats this different, its been a little rocky, sometimes he says some things that some of us cringe over, but my goodness, its such a breath air. Stuart we will never get used to it. Three more years of this to come, no reason to believe that President Trump will change one iota. Who says there wont be 7 more years of this . Stuart theres a prediction. Are you making a prediction that this man is in for a second term . I think if americans had a choice once again twine a guy like donald trump and a regular old washed up politician, i think that they would absolutely pick donald trump again. Stuart tell us what you really feel, charles, i just dont like backing away from i dont like it, you know. All right, second term it is. I will agree with you if we get a tax plan through and it grows the economy big time next year, then i think we will be okay. That will be the silver bullet. Stuart charles hurtz, your performance was fantastic. We are going to be down at the opening bell which is about 5 minutes away, down across the board. We will take it to wall street. We will show you the opening of this morning and we will show you the Big Tech Companies which, by the way, are pulling away from those record highs. Back in a second stuart 50 seconds to this wednesday mornings trading session. We are going to be down roughly 100 points plus. Theres a couple of negatives weighs on the market, for example, doubts about tax reform because you have a few complicating factors thrown in now. Doubts about the state of the economy because the price of oil has tumbled in the past couple of days indicating that maybe the economy is not as strong as we thought and there was a report on manufacturing this morning, the empire state index, whatever that means, it was down. Not really good. So thats kind of a negative backdrop to the market this morning which we will open in 15 second, im looking at future, we will be down 110, down about 10 on the s p, and down 30, 40 points on the nasdaq as well. All right, here we go. 3 seconds to go. Its wednesday morning, bang, we are up, we are running, where are we going, boys . I see a lot of red. I see a ton of red, down 74, down 104. Down 105, we are coming back. Down 99. I have only seen one verizon, the only dow stock a winner at this point. 103 points. Thats almost half percent. Show me the s p, please, i will tell radio listeners its down half percentage point and show me the nasdaq and i will tell listeners, it is down just over half percentage point. We have a selloff across the board. Its not huge but it is a downside move. The price of oil, it is down today at 55 a barrel. There are concerns about we have a lot of supply in america indicating maybe the economy is a little weaker, 55 bucks on oil. Now the amazon story, the dumping plans for a bundled streaming service, we will have more of that in a moment but they are ahead of the game on this one. Air bust has announced the biggest commercial plane deal in its history, the value of the deal is 50 billion. 430 planes for the private equity firm Indigo Partners air bus, up 2 on that news. Will you look at this, dont do this, a weak holiday forecast from target, down she goes, target all the way back to 55. We have an allstar team, ashley webster, elizabeth mcdonald, liz peek. Are you going to buy this dip . This isnt a dip, this is a this is nothing. I dont want the market to crash, i would love to see really dump here. I would be just loading up. Stuart youre not loading up to the gills yet. You are waiting for a pullback before you guy . Ashley the traders are saying a lot more investors are going into cash right now. They are not going to sit on. They are waiting to shahs point liz keeping powder dry. You talked about sausagemaking, here is the mystery meat, could delayed to 2019 even further out. Stuart thats a bit of a a concern. Now its going to be a period of time where everybody is looking at economics. Other than the empire report, everything looks quite positive including inflation number that came out yet that at least some people think is quite positive that inflation is begin to go take hold which is a sign of a strengthening economy. It does look good but a lot of profits on the table. No question. Stuart this is not a huge selloff when you are down 100 points on a 23,000 index, youre not going to call that much of a dip at all. All right, lets get to amazon. Now here is a stock that just kept going and going, down a little bit today, here is the plan, they are going to abandon the wait a minute. They are abandoning the idea of bundled streaming service, explain it. Skinny bundles, 30 a month, maybe, 140 channels, amazon took a look at it. Tried to work with different Cable Companies, they said you know what, we are not going to do it, the future is a la carte, people buying and paying for what they want. Individual channels, thats where the money is. They found they couldnt make money on the skinny bundles because the Cable Companies are saying, take your weaker sister shows and networks stel and you know, amazon is saying hey, this is the wave of the future. Amazon has so much powerful data on what people are streaming and watching, Companies Like Discovery Communications are using them as dish to figure out what they are streaming. Stuart ahead of the game. Ashley always. Stuart here is the really big amazon story of the day, Morgan Stanley says amazon could be worth a trillion dollars just over a year from now. You want to explain that . Ashley yeah, on their calculations they believe that the company is on a path to double its profits fbi year 2020. Thats actually being quite conservative. If they continue on that path by the end of next year, their stock price, amazon stock price would be around 2,000 if not more and at that stage market cap goes to over a trillion dollars. You know, they said the retail core retail of amazon is worth 600 billion, the web services they say conservatively 270 billion, you throw in the prime business and the ad business, thats very close to a trillion right there. Stuart my jaw just dropped. Big businesses that really people dont even pay any attention to. Everyone is focused on core retail, and by the way, industry that is they havent gotten started yet. Liz who was the nyu professor who said amazon should get rid of the cloud even though its 270 billion in value. Stuart greg galloway. Exactly. Stuart uber bull on amazon is with us, is amazon going to hit 2,000 a share and a value of trillion dollars in a year . I dont know about a area but its definitely going to go there. I dont know if we can do it in a year. Its a function of the market. If the economy continues to be strong and the market continues to be, yes, it has a good chance of it. I would say within two or three years, absolutely, yes. Stuart we wonder why we spend so much talking about amazon. Look at that go. Extraordinary. Dominates or influences every single thing going on in the country. Thats the amazing thing. Stuart target, the victim of amazon, they have come out with weak holiday forecast and that stock has been taken to the cleaners, its down nearly 8 . Target is at 55 a share down 480. Then you have walmart, they report their numbers before the bell tomorrow morning as you work up to that report, 90 bucks a share, a couple of bucks below alltime high. Im going to stay on retail because theres another story that blows me away. One analyst say this is christmas will be the last for many Shopping Malls. Thats a strong statement. Liz i dont believe that. Ashley i dont know. Stuart i cant put numbers on this, but this is the year of the online deals and this is not the year for the malls. Liz one of americas greatest pass time, going out and shopping or purchasing as men, do as you say. The internet is just 15 of retail sales. [laughter] i think they will continue to have a hard time. However, in november they are up on average between 10 and 20 . Stuart the Real Estate Investment trust will put money into Shopping Mall properties, had a wonderful november, they went up even people are forecasting because active investors and hedge funds are looking at value stocks now and bargain because they have been knocked down so hard and they recognize it and probably, you know, creating entertainment spaces in the malls and changing the mix of whats in malls, their value there. Stuart i dont get it. Its overmalled. Stuart when was the last time you were in a mall . Not recently. Stuart last time you were in a mall . Ashley last christmas. Stuart last time you were in a mall . Four months ago. It was frightening how empty it was. Stuart have you bought the stock . [laughter] low of the day, we are down 150 points as we speak. 23,200 before you get too alarmed. Individual stocks moving, sales up at a childrens the childrens place and up 3 . Price of oil, though, on the downside still at 55 per barrel. Look at ge, ouch, they are now at 17 a share. They are down another 1 . All right, shah, why are you smiling . Are you nibbling at ge at 17 . No. At some point i will definitely take a hard look at it. Ashley how low . I really dont know. I dont like anything that theyve done. I dont like anything that immelt did. The stock was 40 what when he took over. Stuart youre not buying it . Theres so much work to do here. Liz book value is 20 a share. Theres more to cut here. I dont like the miss of business that they created. I think he should have put them deep into. Thats my criticism of ge. It seems to me that they have been going into things that are popular and doing well and getting out of things that are doing well. Its not the warren buffet style of investment. Stuart would you buy at 17 . No, i think the analysts are chasing the estimates down. We have to lower meas its and lower targets, et cetera, et cetera. Its got stuart let me jump because we have a new low of the day. Down 160 points, 23,200. Down 163 as we speak. Papa johns pizza place say they didnt mean to be divisive when they say sales were hurt by the nfl handling of anthem protest, what do you make of this . Liz they did an icon of flipping the bird to neo nazis. Lay off papa johns. Its a business issue for the nfl as well. Stuart why are they having to apologize . They got torched on social media because of what they said sounded critical of the players protest and you cant do that. Unfortunately right now we are in a hypersensitive situation. Stuart thats a rough chart. That time of day. We have to say goodbye to elizabeth and shah. Fun. [laughter] stuart check the big board, please. Now, not quite the low of the day but awfully close. We are down 154, 23,254. A new survey, netflix, 37 of subscribers say they bingewatch at work. Get this u thousands of armed isis fighters and their families allow today walk away from raqqah unharmed right before u. S. Backed forces stormed the city. Ralph peters coming on that at 10 15 this morning. There will be more varney after this. If youd have told me three years ago. That wed be downloading in seconds, what used to take. Minutes. That guests would compliment our wifi. That we could video conference. And do it like that. snaps if youd have told me that i could afford. A gigspeed. A gigspeed network. Its like 20 times faster than what most people have. Id of said. Id of said youre dreaming. Dreaming definitely dreaming. Then again, dreaming is how i got this far. Now more businesses in more places can afford to dream gig. Comcast, building americas largest gigspeed network. 23,256. News on apple. Reportedly it is working on rearfacing 3d sensor, i have no clue what that means but nicole does, tell me, nicole. Nicole i had to read all about it because you say this stuff being so foreign but its going to be revolutionary according t. 3d, rearfacing, this will go in addition to the true depth system. Front and back camera. They are working with key companies, micro, son any, panasonic to try and develop this. The idea is augmented is the way of the future, revolutionary than the smartphone itself. I mean, we are suppose today buy into this. Augmented reality. You will see real things and put up other items, maps, anything to help you through your day, stuart. Stuart nicole, i guaranty you that one year from now i am using it. [laughter] stuart people are Bingewatching Netflix at the office, how do we know that, ash . Ashley hang on, let me just finish the episode. [laughter] ashley all right. I kid. Apparently 37 of people actually Bingewatch Netflix at work, by the way, this was put out by netflix itself. Its kind of touting its own service. 60 of people have increased out in the public bingewatching but even more disturbing, stu, 12 admit today watching netflix in public bathrooms. [laughter] stuart is that disturbing . Ashley i think it is a little. Any time you put the word expression public bathroom it becomes troubling. [laughter] liz indeed. Stuart i have a serious tweet from claire, democrat on the Senate Finance committee, here it is. We got this, i think thats the tax plan at 10 18 p. M. Last night. Expect today work on it at 10 00 a. M. Today. This is nuts, what is the damn rush. Why cant we have a reasonable time to read and study, shes referring to the Senate Markup of the tax bill. Liz really, whats the rush . What about all the americans struggling out there trying to get a job, trying to pay for their kids tuition, whats the rush, what have you been doing in your job to help the American People . Stuart okay, lizzie. No, no, i agree 100 . Youre good. Lets bring in mike johnson, Republican Congressman from louisiana. Okay, how do you feel about the Obamacare Repeal of a mandate being part of the tax bill when its gone through house and gone through the senate . Are you in favor of this . Im certainly in favor of it. I think we probably would have inserted in the house bill but we didnt want to overly complicate the procedure on this side. Im delighted that the senate is considering that. I hope it makes its way into the bill. Its the right thing for the American People. Stuart theres talk that its going to complicate things and slow down what has to be a fast process of reconciliation. Youre shaking your head, not so . I dont think it would slow it down. The criticism that youre reading that its a rush job is ridiculous, on the house side they have been working on the bill for six years, theyve had over 40 Committee Hearings and expert analysis for years. Everybody know it is framework and i think we will be able to work out the details and we are anxious to get it done. Stuart i want to switch gears for a moment and talk about Jeff Sessions on the hot seat in congress, democrats were going after him on russia, russia. In your opinion, did they lay a glove on him . They didnt. I dont think they did. I was on the committee, i sat there for the entire process and i asked my own questions of the attorney general and my estimation he did well under the pressure. He has nothing to hide. Hes a man of great integrity and i think he performed well under circumstances. Stuart he did not commit to a special counsel to investigate hillary clinton. He says he couldnt do it until he sees evidence that she has done something wrong. I have a little similar sympr that. We want the attorney general to go through necessary processes and make sure hes above reproach. We need confidence in institutions. I think they are looking into it but we dont want it to be political, stuart, we want it to be facts and follow the facts where they lead. Stuart congressman, we are basically a financial program, we have the Market Selling off, not huge, we are told this is because of problems of Getting Senate and house on tax bill, have you doubt any doubt in your mind that it will get done this year, signed, sealed, delivered by the president . I think we will get it signed, sealed and delivered by the president , as the Largest Christmas gift of the people in 30 years, we are confident this will happen. I think we will work out the details. I hope the markets stay steady and soon theyll begin to rise again because this is going to be a gamechanger for the american economy. Long overdue. We will get it done. Stuart real fast, something that maybe investors are forgetting, if you do get tax cuts done before the end of the year, that opens up all of next area to do infrastructure which is wildly popular on both sides of the aisle, exactly, we need the money to do it. If we dont spark Economic Growth its not going to be what everybody is expected. I think we are going to get it done, thats my prediction. Stuart congressman johnson, republican of louisiana. Thank you, stuart. Stuart back to the dow, we have come off the low of the day, awful lot of red on the screen right there. Theres only two dow winners out of 30 stocks and we are down 136 now. We had been down 160. Rand paul made his return to capitol hill, his first time back on the senate floor since he was brutally beaten by his neighbor allegedly and we now have details about the possible motive behind the attack, we will have details in a moment you cant predict the market. But through good times and bad. At t. Rowe price. 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Stuart power struggle. Thanks very much. People are drinking less soda. Well, i knew that but how much less . Liz yeah, down double digits. This is from harvard, 46,000 people including children and adults, down 12 over the last decade through 2014 among adults, down 19 among children. Thats interesting. Its linked to obesity and all sorts of health problems. Stuart i take that as good news. Liz yeah, interesting. Stuart another one of rand pauls neighbors reveals what may have led to that mysterious attack that left rand paul with a few broken ribs. Ashley six broken ribs and fluid on the lungs. According to the neighbor, we cant get to the bottom of this, it could be over trees on rand pauls property that block it is lake side view of the neighbor who alleged attacked mr. Paul. He has been trying to sell the house for the last ten years, hes put it on the market five times and believes that the reason part of it is the devalues lack of view of the lake that mr. Pauls trees are are blocking his view essentially and kind of just all boiled over. He snapped and attacked rand paul while he was mowing the lawn on friday afternoon. Stuart i have to say theres all kinds of reasons maybe all kinds of reasons for the attack but i dont want, i dont want politics. Ashley that has not somebody wut that out and thats not it. This is a longsimmering dispute of trees. Stuart good. Rand paul was at the baseball practice. Stuart i dont want political personal attacks in the united states. We dont want that. This is america. Keep your politics out of my entertainment, keep your politics out of my sports from sean penn to the nfl kneelers, enough u thats my take two minutes away our recent online sales success seems a little. Strange . Nk na. Ever since we switched to fedex ground business has been great. Theyre affordable and fast. Maybe too affordable and fast. What if. People arent buying these books online,. Bu. Th. If that is your real name. Its william actually. Hmph affordable, fast fedex ground. Do you have the coverage you need . Open enrollment ends december 7th. Dont put it off til later. Nows the time to get on a path that could be right for you. With Unitedhealthcare Medicare solutions. Call today to learn about the kinds of coverage we offer, including aarp medicarecomplete plans insured through unitedhealthcare. These Medicare Advantage plans can combine parts a and b, your hospital and doctor coverage. With part d Prescription Drug coverage, and extra benefits. All in one complete plan. For a low monthly premium, or in some areas no plan premium at all. Unitedhealthcare doesnt stop there. Youll have 0 copays for preventive services. Like an annual physical and most immunizations. You can also get routine vision and hearing coverage. And a fitness membership. For prescriptions, youll pay the plans lowest price, whether its your copay or the pharmacy price. Or pay as low as zero dollars for a 90day supply of your tier 1 and tier 2 drugs, delivered right to your door. In fact, our Medicare Advantage plan members. Saved an average of over 5,000 last year. So call or go online today to enroll, and enjoy these benefits and more, like renew by unitedhealthcare, our health and wellness experience, where you can earn rewards for making healthy choices. Your healthcare needs are unique. Thats why, with 40 years of medicare experience, well be there for you we can even help schedule your appointments. Open enrollment ends december 7th. If youre medicare eligible, call now and talk to unitedhealthcare about our plans, like aarp medicarecomplete. Lets get you on the right path. Call unitedhealthcare or go online to enroll. Sfx mnemonic stuart i got to be honest. I find it very hard to separate my appreciation for someones talent and their politics. Some talented people just turn me off. For example, i have a hard time watching a sean penn movie. There is no question he is a great actor and a director too. Dead man walking, that was a brilliant movie, but i cant shake my view of him as a socialist. He is the outspoken supporter of venezuela strong men who have ruin ad once prosperous country. I cant forget that. More recently, i have a hard time watching the nfl. I chose to become an american citizen. I dont like my flag and anthem insulted. You dont respect my country, im not watching your sport. You spoiled it for me. Im not alone. The nfls tv ratings down, attendance, down and comprehensive poll shows the nfls favorable image dropped a whopping 31 points from last year. That is among a key group, men, age 34 to 54. What a comedown. If you object publicly to these anthem protests you are accused of being divisive. Papa johns pizza had to apologize for criticizing the anthem protests. The truth is, america is surely tired of seeing millionaire hollywood types badmouthing our country and our president. America is clearly tired of millionaire Football Players biting the hand that feeds them, insulting all that america stands for. Like i said, i cant divorce talent from politics. Hollywood, the nfl, you turn me off. The second hour of Varney Company is about to begin. Stuart were back near the low of the day, 22,249. Five points away from low of the day 23,249. Big tech stocks, they are down today, quite sharply so too. All of them pulling back from the recent highs. Amazon, whole foods cutting down on customer and holiday favorites. Prime members receive added discount on organic and antibiotic turkeys. Theyre down on that news. Target is way down. They are concerned about the highly competitive sales environment. Nonsense. Theyre worried about amazon. They are down 8 . Get to papa johns, the pizza outfit. It is one one , following their apology. They have apologized for being critical of the anthem protests with the nfl. The stock took a big hit when their profits came out. The ceo blamed the anthem protests. Charles payne, that is the man sitting right there. He is on camera, ladies and gentlemen. What do you think of the papa johns apology and downside move for the stock . Listen, we try not to criticize companies for getting involved. We dont want them to get involved in the politics first place, no matter what side. They recognize they made a mistake. Face it, they were embarrassed the day after they blew the earnings report, primary rival dominos had better earnings report. Dominos up 14 , versus papa johns down 2 . So they might have a problem, like these companies that blame the weather, they may have some issues beyond the protests. I think maybe the ceo was being introspective saying, let me focus on the business, stay out of this political arena. Stuart very good. That is very good explanation, charles. Glad youre on the show. Thank you very much. Stuart straightened me out. Look, weve got the dow industrials down 140, 150 points. Are you buying this dip, if you want to call it . Not yet. Not yet. Looking at technical factors around 22,400 i look if the dam were to break. This is normal stuff. We had a hell of a run. We get this periodically. I would say the market is looking for leadership. You know what is a red flag . The utility sector. Utilities, widows and orphans, that is the safe haven, up 17 this year. Hit an alltime high. That is your new fear factor. Forget about the vix. The new fear gauge is the utility sector. Smart money is anxious, rotating out high flying names and putting money into utilities, theyre extraordinarily overvalued and pay dividends so theyre considered safe. Stuart youre not buying this downside move. Not big enough. Stuart that is what shaw ghailani said. Liz when is it it big enough. 22,400 is key level that must hold. Stuart stay with us, charles. I want to get to tax reform. The house will vote on its version tomorrow. The senate is expected to vote next week. That senate plan includes a repeal of the obamacare individual mandate. Joining us now, David Williams from the taxpayers protection alliance. Now, im inclined to believe, when the senate throws in obamacare, the mandate, repeal, that that complicates the whole process, getting everybody together and fixing this thing before the end of the year. What say you . It really does complicate tax reform because thats health care. Listen, we support of getting rid of the individual mandate. This is the wrong vehicle to do that. Need to do that separately. Look at tax reform separately. With tax reform, youre giving people something, giving them more time, more money. With Health Care Reform youre perceived taking something away, somebodys health care. That is why they need to decouple this, focus on tax reform which will do wonders for the economy. Look what is happening right now. Stuart yeah, down. Disarray in congress. We talked about this last time, market goes in my eyes, the way tax reform goes and we had a lot of positive news about tax reform but now were seeing a little bit of negative news and it is being reflected in the market right now. Stuart you represent the american Taxpayers Alliance. Youre the president of that organization. You represent taxpayers from your perspective. You look at senate version, the house version, theyre not far apart, forget about obamacare. Theyre not that far apart. You know what the basics are, does the Taxpayers Alliance approve of this . We absolutely approve the tax reform in the house and senate. They will go to conference and figure out the differences. Were fundamentally changing taxes in the country. It will not be the 1986 tax reform we saw. Fundamental change in taxes, way we fill out taxes and rates we do. Look at corporate rate, stuart. Were talking about a 20 corporate rate. We lost worldwide when it comes to the corporate rate. We have one of the highest at 40 right now. Were losing to ireland, to china. China is 25 corporate rate. Were losing to them. Of course canada is 25 too or im sorry 15 . Stuart listen to this, congressman peter king blasting white house budget director Mick Mulvaney in a tweet. Here is the tweet. From sandy aid, tax reform, Mick Mulvaney screws new york. He feels inferior because new york subsidizes his state of south carolina. This is about eliminating the state and local Tax Deduction. That is what infuriates representatives from new york. Like. Peter king look at Small Businesses in new york, two million will benefit from the tax reform. He is willing to take this kind of stand, to say new york has really high taxes we want to be able to deduct those . Listen, only 30 of people itemize in new york. There are two million Small Business. We hope he is looking at Bigger Picture here. He doesnt use this as a killer provision to kill tax reform right now. So, we hope he sees the Bigger Picture, but is peter king now will say i increase higher taxes in new york because we get more of a deduction so we get higher taxes. I dont understand where he is coming from. Stuart david, thanks for joining us. David williams, thank you. Charles payne still with me. I think youre a little gleeful because wealthy liberals in hightaxed states will pay a lot more, and you love it. It is pyric victory. I will be paying it with them. [laughter]. I am kind of gleeful that we may, we could see some light at the end of this tunnel. I will say, last week, representative Louie Gohmert on the show, talked about the individual mandate. Last week when the cbo scored it, getting rid of it raises 338 billion. You knew that is honey pot of money republicans can not resist. Particularly in the senate because they blew Health Care Reform. They get another bite of the apple, perhaps to avoid dumb taxes or dumb decisions delaying Corporate Tax. If you raise 338 billion, bring back the Corporate Tax, kick it off next year. Stuart i think there will be avalanche, convoy of moving mans from new york, massachusetts, connecticut, new jersey down i95 to florida. Already has been. Last census report, amazing how many smart people, hardworking people picked up and left. Stuart that is the nature of our society. You want to tax me more, goodbye. Were out of here. Interesting story here. Im not sure i really believe all of this, but a lot of people are Binge Watching netflix at work. Ashley they say, according to survey by netflix, 37 of those survey, yeah, i bingewatched netflix at work. I dont know how they find the time this change ad year ago, netflix allowed download the content, watch it offline any way you want to. That sparked Binge Watching at work. 37 of people. 12 said they binge watch in the bathroom. I know. Stuart Charles Payne looks guilty. I dont. Im new to netflix. Everyone in my family had it damn near a decade. I love the stock. Im old school. Liz imagine being a boss or employer, worker are dedicated, focused at the computer, but theyre watching stranger things. There were big blanks of activity, 30 minute swaths. Guys, what is going on in 40, 30 minutes. Ashley watching the show. Three swaths of 30 minutes or more no activity on computer or phone. Liz watching Varney Company. Stuart nice try, liz. How many did you fire . I didnt fire them. Tough to really, really, these days, productivity is taking a major, major hit. Stuart i didnt realize. Im sorry, i didnt realize. It is tough. Stuart you always set me straight. Coming up a special on envoy from china going to north korea. That is a win for President Trump. I think he organized this on a trip to asia. Plus the great tax exodus is already happening in hightaxed states. The rich are moving out. Property man, bob massi on that subject later this hour. The youngest ever elected official on long island. His name is joshua. He is 23 years old. He will tell us his story, and what he thinks of congressman kings feud with Mick Mulvaney. You are watching the second hour of van any and company. Varney company. Stuart coming back a little bit. Were down 130. Lots of red though. That would be 24 of the dow 30 stocks in the red. That means theyre down. How about airbus announced the biggest commercial plane deal in their history ever. They have an order word worth of 50 planes. That is from Indigo Partners. China sending a envoy to north korea. This comes days after President Trump met with president she and others in asia. Lieutenant colonel ralph peters with us now. I call this a win for the president. China confronting north korea. What say you . Stuart, youre definitely maybe right. [laughter]. I think it is unquestionable that president President Trump. So the person he is sending can best be described in shorthand as a ghost foreign minister. He is from the party, not the formal government, which may give him a stronger hand to play. The chinese have not said why he is going to pongyang. But clearly has to do with the north korea crisis. The problem we have now, we have to see what results from it. Because chinese long viewed chinese a military ally, a useful one, are now concerned about north korea, they cant control them anymore. As they are implementing some u. N. Sanctions, russia is moving in. The real problem, they dont want russia taking over north korea. Stuart china doesnt know what donald trump, what President Trump is going to do. You remember when president xi joined President Trump at maralago in florida. There was a dinner. And the president got up and said, excuse me a second, im just going outside and do something. He came back and told xi, i Just Launched against syria. I think that was sending a message to north korea, im prepared to do stuff and xi is watching me. I think that is very strong message. You say . I do think in that respect, can not speak, the visit to beijing was a success. President sri does not want us to be enemy. He is watching russia and other developments. He doesnt want to give anything he has to give us. I do give President Trump points for coming down hard on this issue. Nobody can argue that. Stuart change subject for a second. Evacuation of raqqa, isis fighters were allowed to leave with their weapons, with their ammunition . Apparently, we, america, we knew about it. What do you make about it . The media making it into a scandal. It was pretty smart. We didnt cut the deal. Allies on the ground, kurds and arabs made the deal. What the deal did, it stepped further destruction of already ravaged raqqa it prevented friendly casualties. The third thing people are missing, this convoy, 200, 400 fighters with family members was headed out toward the area where isis is fighting against the iranians. Sneaky we get a benefit out of this. Instead of fighting our guys, they are going down to the area to fight syrians, hezbollah and iranians. You know that is not a bad thing to have them killing each other. Stuart that is a very good angle, ralph. I didnt realize how things worked in reality. That is the middle east brother. Stuart what did you say . That is the middle east, brother. Stuart i do read your books after all. They are very good by the way. Ralph, thank you. See you real soon. Here is a headline, they will do anything to get you into a bricks and mortar store, american eagle, for example, doing anything they can do. In new stores plural, they have free laundry machines, ipads in the dressing room, charging stations for your phones. Is that going to work . Will that get people in . Well discuss knit a moment. Lets begin. Yes or no . Do you want the same tools and seamless experience across web and tablet . Do you want 4. 95 commissions for stocks, 0. 50 options contracts . 1. 50 futures contracts . What about a dedicated service team of trading specialists . Did you say yes . Good, then its time for power e trade. The platform, price and service that gives you the edge you need. Looks like we have a couple seconds left. Lets do some card twirling twirling cards e trade. The original place to invest online. Stuart price of oil down 55 a barrel. This is one of the reasons why the stock market is selling off, not just here but around the world. Ashley yeah. Stuart demand for oil down, supply up all over the world. That implies economies around the world are not growing as fast as we thought they might. So down comes oil, 55 bucks a barrel. Down comes the markets in line with that. Couple individual stocks for you. Akorda therapeutics, they report five deaths in their parkinsons treatment trial. They halted enrollment. The stock is down nearly 40 . We have target, looking to the future. They dont like what they see. Theyre forecasting weak holiday sales and the stock is down 8 1 2 . Charles, youre still with us. You follow this kind of thing. Target not doing well. Not doing well, amazon is the problem. Amazon is the problem. Walmart is the only Big Time Company with muscle and temper ment to deal with them. Target, they havent really had their act together in a long time. Target was middle ground, people doing pretty well since the economy went into the a funk, target hasnt figured it out. Stuart walmart, couple days ago, hit 92. It is alltime high. It backed off. Walmart is teaming with lord taylor to tell the highend brands there on the walmart website. Now that is not really helping walmart at this moment. But, charles, i saw this study from an analyst who says the glory days of the american shopping malcolm to an end this christmas. It is all over. That is a drastic thing to say. The glory days have been over for a while now. Stuart i think youre right. Here is the thing, since 2002, 8600, almost half a Million Department store employees have been fired. Stuart what time frame . Like about a 12year period, 2002 to 2015. Gone, gone. We talked about the death of the Department Store before the malls. It is scary. We should understand, we had a two decade period where mall growth outstripped population growth two to one. It was nuts. There was a mall everywhere you turned the corner. Some is creative destruction. Some it is a new reality. What is interesting though . Today, retail sales number, Internet Sales are down month over month. That is really interesting. Retail sales number. Liz Retail Sector employs 8 million people. This is policy issue for washington, d. C. , if you want this kind of a economy. It is a policy issue for tax reform, they want to get rid of Interest Deduction on debt. Debt built the malls. Private equity crowd piled in. That is under the retail ice age, the building debt. Ashley huge mall in connecticut being built anchored by bloomingdales and nordstrom. Stuart there is huge one across in new jersey, second biggest mall in america. Liz if they want to set retail ice age, knock it off with the blue laws. Stuart the story to me is all about the changing feel of america. Ashley yeah. Stuart if were no longer crowded into the malls to do our shopping in those numbers it, feels different. You move around differently. Last point. Changing in america, right . Involvement, living for today. If malls figure out how to capture that. Millenials like to do things, go outside spend money. These malls youre talking about half wont have stores. I dont care how big it is. Half of that space is allocated to something people get involved. Stuart youre always a ahead of your time. Thank you very good. Here is what we have for you. The senate does include obama care mandate repeal in the version of the tax bill. The house votes on their plan tomorrow. Will the final bill all said and done, hit the president s desk, will it include Obamacare Mandate repeal . Were asking a member of house ways and means committee. Are you on medicare . Do you have the coverage you need . Open enrollment ends december 7th. Dont put it off til later. Nows the time to get on a path that could be right for you. With Unitedhealthcare Medicare solutions. Call today to learn about the kinds of coverage we offer, including aarp medicarecomplete plans insured through unitedhealthcare. These Medicare Advantage plans can combine parts a and b, your hospital and doctor coverage. With part d Prescription Drug coverage, and extra benefits. All in one complete plan. For a low monthly premium, or in some areas no plan premium at all. Unitedhealthcare doesnt stop there. Youll have 0 copays for preventive services. Like an annual physical and most immunizations. You can also get routine vision and hearing coverage. And a fitness membership. For prescriptions, youll pay the plans lowest price, whether its your copay or the pharmacy price. Or pay as low as zero dollars for a 90day supply of your tier 1 and tier 2 drugs, delivered right to your door. In fact, our Medicare Advantage plan members. Saved an average of over 5,000 last year. So call or go online today to enroll, and enjoy these benefits and more, like renew by unitedhealthcare, our health and wellness experience, where you can earn rewards for making healthy choices. Your healthcare needs are unique. Thats why, with 40 years of medicare experience, well be there for you we can even help schedule your appointments. Open enrollment ends december 7th. If youre medicare eligible, call now and talk to unitedhealthcare about our plans, like aarp medicarecomplete. Lets get you on the right path. Call unitedhealthcare or go online to enroll. Sfx mnemonic yes. That is classics. Ashley it is,. Stuart absolute classic. Ritchie havens started woodstock festival with this song. This is the first song at the woodstock festival. Ritchie havens sang it. I like the beatles. Tripledigit loss continues, one hour into the trading session. We got weekly, weekly numbers how much oil in storage. Liz up 1. 85 Million Barrels in storage. Looking for draw down of 2. 2 million. It went up. Stuart more in storage. Were using less. Therefore the price of oil should go down. It hasnt gone down much more. 55 bucks a barrel on oil. Big tech stocks, look at its, apple on the downside again. I believe in the longest losing streak in seven months. All the big tech stocks are down. Amazon losing 13 a share. General electric, is it moving up, tell you right now, please . I dont know. Ge, yes, there you go. 18 a share. They found a buyer. It wasnt me. But they found a buyer. Tax reform. House votes tomorrow on their plan. Paul ryan says, he believes that the house could approve a reconciled bill that include obama care, the mandate repeal. Congressman eric paulsen with us now. This is a big deal. The senate wants to repeal the Obamacare Mandate. He is okay in his house version of the tax plan. Are you . I think what the speaker is saying, the house will act on historic tax reform tonight and tomorrow. We dont include the provision, even though we repealed it a couple times already. Senate hasnt focused on difference. Senate will have to put something together to work it out in commerce committee. Stuart paul ryan saying we maybe can accept the Obamacare Repeal in the final reconciliation that sounds promising . That could be possible. We voted on it several times in the house. We have to see how the process works. The Senate Floor Vote may be very different than the Senate Committee vote as well as they modify the bill and expected to approve that in committee in the senate tomorrow afternoon before their senate floor actioning in a week. Stuart do you think well get a house deal done, a senate deal done, a reconciled deal done, the president signs it before christmas . I really do. I feel so optimistic about it, normally a bill of this magnitude comes through, four days of open hearings and daylight in the ways and means committee, there will be modifications before it comes to the house floor. There was enthusiasm and Energy Behind the ways and means committee. There are no modifications in the rules Committee Going to the house floor. Were on a pretty quick track to get this right. Get senate under pressure to act too. Stuart if it did that, you got it done by end of this year, maybe also the Obamacare Mandate repeal. That is a double win for the president. Then you got all of next year, to work on something that is very popular, both sides of the aisle, which is infrastructure. I mean that is a pretty rosie outlook, isnt it . Absolutely this is about getting some things done. Plus if we get all this completed before jon 1st, well have a new tax year with predictable certainty for all of our employers to invest in new people, equipment, improve productivity, wages go up for employees that is what our economy and the country is hoping for. Stuart can you see the light at the end of the tunnel, congressman . I do. I do. I will say why. Even in the differences in the house and senate bill were going for 20 Corporate Tax rate to bring jobs back home to the united states. Were looking Small Business reforms with main street employers compete around the world with new technologies. Were moving in the right direction with a lot of opportunity. Stuart there is great deal of opposition in new york, new jersey, california, doing away with the salt deduction. What do you say . Even some of the members though in those delegations are supportive of our bill because we keep mortgage Interest Deduction. We also keep salt deduction for property taxes up to 10,000. Many look in Conference Committee there could be additional modifications to address those legitimate concerns. Stuart got it. Eric paulsen. Thank you very much. You were on the show last week and you spilled the beans about the house details of their tax plan before anybody else got it. Sir, our ratings were fantastic. Thank you very much indeed. Eric paulsen. You can come on this program anytime you like. Stuart, i made a note in my notebook i helped in that effort on that day. Stuart good. You did. Congressman, thanks for joining us, sir. It is appreciated. Thank you. Stuart now this, the new study, las vegas tourism down after that mass shooting of the mandalay bay hotel. Flights booked to vegas down 7 compared to the same time last year. Come on in bob massi. He is our property man. Yes, sir. Stuart he is a las vegas resident. Bob, talk to me about the mandalay bay. Because im hearing that it is deserted and im hearing that mgm which owns it, theyre questioning what on earth to do with the place. It is. First of all, it is actually very sad. I have been over there a couple times to try to patronize the place because it is such a great hotel. I think because of all the lawsuits. Because of the fact what happened. Because actually Law Enforcement gone very quiet. I dont know what they are going to do with it. My other concern besides the victims, those who were killed, those who were lamed and emotional problems, im certained about cutback of staffers. Im sure there will be cut back, stuart, business is down substantially. Stuart but has it hurt the rest of the strip for along the strip . I dont feel it. I have talked to some people, the convention authority. Talk to friends of mine that own nice restaurants in town, theyre busy. Historically this time of the year it starts winding down a lot of conventions. But from january until june the conventions in this town are gigantic. So i have, i dont feel it myself. I talked to some people. I think it is normal that there will be a little bit of a bump. But i dont think to the extent we thought which is a good thing. Stuart youre the property man. You have lived in las vegas for a long, long time. Yes. Stuart i have to believe you are expecting a wave of relatively wealthy immigrants coming in from california. Because if this tax deal goes through, as things are, then high taxed state people, who make good money, theyre going to be taxed a lot more than they are now. Just want, just want to show our viewers something here. According to the irs, because of high taxes, 8 1 2 billion dollars worth of income has left new jersey. 6 billion has left the state of connecticut. And 13 billion, has left illinois. Where is it all going . It is going to florida. In that same time frame, florida with no income tax, no state income tax, gained 39 billion. You have to be expecting influx in nevada, nevada i should say from california, right . No question. As a matter of fact, years ago whenever i called it the real estate gold rush happened, i called it las vegas turned into east l. A. Because of what happened. I absolutely believe, if they lose some of those deductions theyre talking about, i think you will see people coming here. With the Oakland Raiders coming here there will be a bump. But there is no question, if in fact those in position will lose major deductions, you will see Business Development go up, you will see housing go up. You will see more growth. No question, a state like ours with no state income tax whatsoever, inventory tax is very little, you will see a definite migration to las vegas and northern nevada also. Stuart how long have you lived in las vegas . Only since 1974. Stuart that was the year i came to america. I was in vegas in the 70s, compared to then and now, radically different. No comparison whatsoever, is there . It isnt but still the last frontier. I always say to people, stuart, that some places where you live, it is had you know. In las vegas it is who knows you. It is different in that regard. It is the kind of city, if you come here and do it right, you will get many rewards, because it is that kind of a city. I think with everything going on, this tax plan, i must tell you, i was with people the other day on sunday at particular function, these are successful businessmen and women in town, they are really waiting to see what is going to happen with the tax plan. They are not happy with some of the things being rolled out here. They expected more. These are successful businessmen and women in this town. That is microcosm of things you talk about the country. Stuart moral in las vegas, tip and tip big. Bob massi, well see you real soon. Good stuff. Thank you. Stuart the president tweeted about three ucla players detained in china. Here is the tweet. Do you think the three ucla basket pal players, thank you, President Trump . They were headed for 10 years in jail, ash. Ashley a bit of a dig. He was instrumental in getting them out. Hotel arrest, if you like. Kept in hotel rooms. They were accused of shoplifting from a number of stores of a shopping area near shanghai. There were reports that there was videotape of them taking sunglasses from three different stores. Regardless when President Trump was in asia, he spoke to the chinese president. They were released, got on a plane and got out. Im not sure facing 10 years in jail, but certainly they do have a case to the thank the president for getting them out. Liz what are they facing back home, being on video seen shoplifting . Why shoplifting in china . Stuart what does that do for the name ucla . Ashley good question. Stuart if there is indeed the video. Repeating my editorial from the top of the hour, i dont want to know or hear hollywoods politics. Keep it out of my entertainment please. In our next hour, actor turned politician, antonio sabato, jr. , will join us on the subject. First youngest ever elected official in new york, from long island. Joshua has his story for news a moment. Ashley the senate attached obamacare reform to their tax bill. Last hour we spoke with congressman jody hice who told us, that is a pretty good idea. Roll tape. Weve been pushing for this for a long, long time. I disagree this will create a conflict between the house and the senate. I think it will be greeted with open arms in the house. The fact it will probably get more people on board with a tax plan that otherwise had some, a little bit leery, but this will help get it over the goal line for sure. Stuart still an extraordinarily complicated and, got to be really fastpaced get together between the house to pass their bill, senate when they got theirs, get together to come up with something . It really is tight, isnt it . It may be. What we have is an opportunity to really deliver to the American People what we said we would do. Stuart up until a few moments ago. We had a tripledigit loss for the dow. We were down 160. Were back to 23,300. Now this. Send grid, just opened for trading on new york stock exchange. First time they sold shares to the public. It is a cloudbased platform, for email marketing. The ceo is here and joins us now. Samir, if i run a company, will you tell me what a cloudbased platform for email marketing does . Can you explain it in simple terms our viewers would understand . Yes, absolutely. Were a Digital Communication platform for email. Some use cases maybe obvious for viewers, when you make a reservation at airbnb, for a stay, the confirmation email that you are sent and goes into your inbox is being delivered by sendgrid. Same for spotify email. New songs you listen to. Stuart that is all you do . Im not being funny here. But that is all you do, you just send confirmmation notices about your Hotel Reservation and you can make money doing that . We absolutely, we do, and we can. It is very, very hard to do. You would be amazed technically how hard that is. And we do that for 58,000 companies around the world every single day. Stuart well, congratulations you made us understand what you do. I notice the stock is up on your first day of trading. Why did you go public . We went public because of our momentum. Were ready for it. We really feel like we have a great built to last, company. And were ready to be a publiclytraded company. Were building for the long haul. Stuart what is your end goal here . Where do you want to take your company . Our vision is to become the most trusted customer communication platform in a world. Well take a long time to buildout the vision but that is our plan. Stuart now that is a vision i can understand, the most trusted Customer Communications company in the world. I got it. I got it. Not necessarily buying your stock but you understand. Making me understand these things is very difficult but you did a great job. Congratulations, sir. Thank you, sir. Appreciate you having me on. Stuart sure thing. Something completely different, and i mean different. This is from new york congressman peter king lashing out at budget director Mick Mulvaney. This is a tweet on salt, state and local taxes, deduction there from. From sandy aid to tax reform, Mick Mulvaney, omb, tries to screw new york, probably feels inferior because new york subsidizes his state of south carolina. Well, well, well. Look who is here. In our studio. Joshua lafazan, a legislator from long island in new york, same area as peter king. This man is democrat. First in a long time on this program. How are you, young man. Im doing well. Long time, no see. Stuart you were here when you were 18. You were elected to the school board. Stuart yes i was. Youre back at legislator for the county. At age 23 im excited to represent people in the 18th district. Stuart you democrats will get what you want, because under this tax deal, you rich folks, rich democrats will be paying more money. I will clarify. Im a registered independent. I will caucus with the Nassau County democrats. Constituents want to see my independence. I no peter king well. I may not appreciate his cynicism in antinew york bias, his efforts are bipartisan. My District Voted for President Trump. I knocked on 10,000 doors. Stuart get to the nittygritty, lad. These are not aristocrats. These are hardworking middle class families, count on deductions to survive. Need extra money to start a business and pay for Music Lessons for their kids. They will be hurt by these reductions. Im hoping they can find a compromise to save these deductions. Stuart they wont. Maybe im a little more optimistic than that i hope they will. That is my youthful exuberance coming out on air. Stuart you caucus with democrats. Youre a little bit swayed toward the left, arent you . The left wants wealthy people, 1 to pay more. Well theyre going to pay more. Surely you support it . I pride myself on my independence. I dont let anyone pigeon hole me. Stuart you will get what you want . What i want is i love to live on long island raise family. My mother is on set. My mother and father work hard to live on long island to provide a world class education. I want my kids to be raced there. Our fault property taxes are so high. Local government has burgeoned. Federal government can do something. They need relief. I knocked on 10,000 doors and speak to families in oyster bay and bayville. They need relief. This will hurt them. I will stand with my constituents to against removing these deductions. Whether youre a republican or democrat, i do not care, i will work with you helping citizens of the 18th district. Stuart young man, youre masterful politician. Are you going to be president in 2040 . Okay by middle of the century. Are you all right with that . You will be a republican. By that point you will be a republican. You will have earned a huge paycheck and realize how much people are taking out of every damn paycheck. Are you with me . Stuart in. Stuart you are great. Thanks for being here. It has been an who are nor. Stuart round of applause from the set. Unheard of. Roy moore still campaigning in alabama despite the chorus for him to explain himself or step aside. Well head to the state in just a moment. So you can head into retirement with confidence. Brighthouse financial established by metlife. From godaddy in fact, 68 of people who have built their. Website using gocentral, did it in under an hour, and you can too. Build a better website in under an hour. With gocentral from godaddy. Ashley roy moore continues to campaign in alabama even though Many Republican lawmakers say get the heck out. Jonathan shari in gadsden, alabama, with more. Jonathan . Reporter hi, ashley, the Republican National committee cut fundraising ties with roy moore, according to filings with the federal election commission. Meanwhile National Republicans are looking for alternative to this highly controversial candidate. Listen. I would like to save the state and it is a heck of a dilemma when you have completely unacceptable candidate, bearing the label of your party within a month of the election. It is a very tough situation. Reporter Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell says it appears the only option is a writein campaign which is rarely successful, unless the candidate is immensely popular. He said in alabama, attorney general and former senator Jeff Sessions would fit that bill. More fired back at mcconnell with a couple of tweets including this one. Republican primary, strike one. Republican runoff, strike two. General election, tbd. Three strikes and youre out, mitch. Speaking at Church Revival al in alabama, moore spoke about the opposition he face. Obviously i made a few people mad. Im only one that can unite democrats and republicans. [laughter] because i am opposed by both. Ashley jonathan, thank you very much. More varney after this. A sinkhole opened up under our museum. Eight priceless corvettes had plunged into it. Chubb was there within hours. They helped make sure it was safe. We had everyone we needed to get our museum back up and running, and we opened the next day. Train to ease back and he hasnt changed a bit. President trump may have restrained his tweets while in asia and they may have been an and characteristically diplomatic, but now hes back with days. Our great country is respected again in asia. You will see the fruits of our long and successful trip for many years to come. That is classic drum. Incorrect, too, mr. President. The announcement came this morning. China sending to north korea. We dont know what theyre talking about, but you can bet theyre not going to be singing come buyout. That is one of the fruits of the visit. And another would be the 300 billion american companies. In his back with his pursuit of cnn. In the philippines, cnn camera which i havent done in months. I realize how bad it is. Another triumph classic. This time tomorrow youll be seeing the president on his way to meet House Republicans before they vote on the tax plan. This mans everywhere. The media is pleased to see him back in asia. All they had to go with simply been too much in japan endearing to me recently with putin. The media didnt like seeing our president perform well on the world stage. So now hes back and things are lining been moving towards maybe a trampoline. The republicans might just kill obamacare and get a tax deal done by christmas. Decisions indeed a liveaction. I dont how he does it. The save our third hour of Varney Company is about to begin. Ac dc. Thank you indeed but im glad you are here. That is right. The president is back. In d. C. Back in black is the name of the song. He traded that there is a big announcement coming. We dont know when or what it is. About 24 hours from now he will address House Republicans right before they vote on their tax plan. Lets start right there. I say you dont schedule a vote unless you know youve got the vote to win. Does this mean its going to pass . Join us as congressman tom reid, republican from new york. Am i reading this correctly . You dont schedule a vote unless you know youre going to win. All indications here today as we move in the right direction ive got a vote scheduled for tomorrow. We get to the florida pass the legislation. Your congressman from new york state. Im sure youve seen this already. New york congressman peter king slamming budget direct or Mick Mulvaney in a tweed. Firms can be a true tax reform, Mick Mulvaney tries to screw new york. Probably feels inferior because new york subsidizes his state of south carolina. Thats a little personal, isnt it, congressman reid, you approve of that thing . I appreciate his passion and advocacy for constituents, but overall we have a compromise that we fought for in the property tax item up to 10,000 to protect 99. 7 people we represent in western new york at the same time allow taxes to move forward and give them 1600 of their own dollars back into their pocket rather than government taking it from them. What the chances of a double when . Tax reform yes, but also the possibility of rolling in repeal the Obamacare Mandate which would really destroy obamacare. Whats the chances of getting both emerging from congress. I heard reports knowing some of the senators indicate to move forward with repeal. I watched the sun in for quite sometime now and i wont the best thing ive seen in the house as we been able to deliver tax reform within the numbers without men theyve repealed. They can free data. A lot more additional revenue. Stuart you wouldnt have any problem Going Forward on the house side. I would not. I stood for repeal of the Affordable Care act. Given the mandate relief to people back home in some way and that we should join. I hope you can have more frequently in the near future. The pace of these Political Developments come in the sausage making is really picking a and will need to tell how things are going. Get back to the big word. We come back significantly. We were down 160, now we are down 91. The dow 30 that we are up our session lows. See fit gerald is with us. Money map press kind of guy. Im going to call this a modest it. Would you be a buyer of this tip . Yes, i think it would be prudent for investors to buy the day. History shows at times like this you cant afford not to. The reason is very simple. So much money chasing relatively few stocks or quality stocks. Youve got to be on board or youre going to get left way behind. Stuart weve heard several congresspeople telling us today another outside patton and theres a pretty good shot at getting tax reform through the house, through the senate and signed before the end of the year. Goldman sachs says 80 chance well get it done real soon. If we did, does that give us a second or third leg up on the market . No doubt in my mind that gives us a leg up because it is going to unleash still more money, unleash confidence in the expectations that real profits matter and theyre going to be treated well. Thats worth the investment. Said he would be a buyer of stocks right now when you buy even more or recommend buying even more when and if we get the tax deal done. That is absolutely correct and without reservation. Stuart i do not have been been 322nd delay between myself. Im going to fix that. Ill give you a negative. It is a headline in the u. S. Economy. Household debt reaches new record and send delinquency rates rise. There is more data out there than ever before. Did i trouble you about where this economy is going. By the way, 12,296,000,000,000,000 worth of Household Debt outstanding. Highest ever. Traveling . The absolute that does not trouble me. Record level stuart does and heres why. But that i suggest to me is weve got entire generation of People Living beyond their means at their means at a time when we talk about tax reform in repeal and real profit and Companies Like amazon, for example, 30 a year. The calculus doesnt matter to me. I dont know whether reform the system for the dead good to me its the credit mechanism thats driving this. But im not a politician. Tree and weve also had reported they know youre big on the stock and thats amazon. With god you said its going to a trillion . Who did that . Morgan stanley. They say fairly soon within a couple years. Stock will go to 2000 a share and will be worth a trillion dollars. Whats your comment on that . Thats accurate. Id be surprised if we have to wait that long. Are you kidding me . You think within a year if its 2000 really . Youve got to assess this in terms of real estate growth. Amazon has got it. Knocking off the wall on every metric available. Dig into data, fulfillment, media, they can to content. Those are things firing on all cylinders for which the market is hungry and if you put in the tax reform, britain and the additional money, i think its absolutely possible. Stuart set the world on fire. Thanks indeed. We appreciate you being with us. Thank you. Check the share price of general electric. As you probably know, is slipped below 18 a share yesterday. 17 bucks in change. After taking a 2. 3 . A new ad campaign targeting republican lawmakers in california. Voting no, on the gop tax plan. Coming up on the subject in just a moment. The Vice President and calling on Business Executives for the gop tax plan. As former press secretaries with us as well. Back in a moment. Trained to do remember that song . In the early 1980s when i came out thats all you heard. The themes did a video game super mario brothers nintendo syntax of the Hollywood Studio to make a super mario brothers movie. Back then the movie lost a lot of money, got terrible reviews but theyre going to do it again. Vice president tends to get out there and support the gop tax plan, please. Listen to what he said last night at an event hosted by the wall street journal. Such great corporate citizens. I encourage you to exercise that citizenship in one more renewed way in the next month and that a step help us communicate past the politics of this down, bring real tax cuts to the middle class in this country, and real tax reform to the American People been transferred additional reform to unleash the Boundless Energy of the american economy. Train to get out there you executives and support the tax plan. The gentleman on the righthand side of the screen is the former press secretary for Vice President tends. Ceo these days for the big company to get out there and support something from President Trump for support something from republicans. I dont think so, stuart. Beyond title of ceo, many people in the room are Community Leaders back home. They have neighborhoods, neighbors, leaders and churches and organizations. When youre asking them to help make the case, your people with credibility that talk about the impact of tax cut and wonderful men in their communities back home and theres no better messenger then people putting people to work creating products and thats what the Vice President is asking for. Stuart ive got to ask you about roy moore. Mitch mcconnell says Jeff Sessions would be a good writing candidate and we have sean hannity on Fox News Channel giving away more 24 hours to come up with a satisfactory explanation of the charges against you or get out of the race. Pretty strong stuff. What do you see as the endgame with roy moore. A lot of people in washington d. C. At the highest levels of gornnt a politics he made their beliefsnown on this. Ey believe tse allegations are disturbing beyond belieand many have have lled unremard to step down. Ultimately up to the candidate. Stuart we know theres enormous opposition to the men and most republicans dont want anything to do with them. Give me the endgame. How does it play out. Ultimately judge moore has to decide on behalf of the people of alabama are they better off people who want tax cuts, people who want to growing economy, strong borders whether hes willing to take the chance well have a senator from alabama, solid republican state more aligned with Chuck Schumer, nancy pelosi in liberal hollywood elites and the candidate who could go out as support the president s agenda in right now thats what the risk right now. Trades are enough to do again what you think is going to happen . Do you think were more stays in our steps out . I dont know the man so i dont know what his personal decisions will be. Its up to him and the voters of alabama. We face a very real possibility here as long as he stays in the race that shall have a senator from alabama thats more aligned with Chuck Schumer then joining the president and his agenda to make America Great again. Stuart you want him to drop out but youre not sure that he will. Can i summarize it like that . Thats fair to say. Stuart made a big splash yesterday when i pointed out george soros 400 millionaires were urging again tax cuts. They actually want to pay more in taxes. Its on our screen now. You got some advice for millionaires who want to pay for it. Tell us about it, please. This is typical liberal philosophy that they should tell the government what to do with their money. If millionaires and billionaires want to pay more taxes, they are free to do so on their own voluntarily. You could not take the tax cuts in place are ones passed in the new tax reform bill or better yet cut a check from the federal government. Treasury. Gov will tell them how they can cut a check and donate money to the federal government. They can do it right now. As voluntary as opposed to the liberal orthodoxy this is the government must tell you what to do. Trying to commit a website again. Fiscal. Treasury. Gov. Stuart fiscal. Treasury. Gov. Stuart weve got that nailed. On this program, remember we asked at your john hurley what its like to be a conservative in hollywood. Its a toxic environment. Anthony sabato junior answer that same question. Judge Andrew Napolitano said Michael Flynn and his son are likely to be the next ones indicted in the molar investigation. He is here to explain. The hotel homolog fans will get lost in new york offering the full Kevin Mcallister experience 25th anniversary. Youve got to hear this one through. It is next. Rocket around the Christmas Tree at the Christmas Party hop mistletoe home where you can see is this a phone . Or a little internet machine . It makes you wonder shouldnt we get our phones and internet from the same company . Thats why xfinity mobiler comes with your internet. You get up to 5 lines of talk and text at no extra cost. So all you pay for is data. See how much you can save. Choose by the gig or unlimited. Xfinity mobile. A new kind of network designed to save you money. Call, visit, or go to xfinitymobile. Com. Excuse maker lowers the lobby . Down the hall into the left. Things. Stuart there was a clip from the movie home alone two loss to new york. We are showing you this because they are going to celebrate the films 25th anniversary. You can live it up like the movies main character Kevin Mcallisters Kevin Mcallister. The Hotel Concierge will arrange gas to take a limb a ride around new york, see the top attractions. By the way, 895. Releasing the first barbie tour he job. Made in honor of the olympics center. Part of a barbies hero line of dolls that pays tribute to women who find accomplishments in their field. Thanksgiving a week away. Stove top stuffing know youre probably going to be eating the turkey and everything else. Thats why they released stretchy thanksgiving pants. Twentydollar pants. They are so popular and they stretch out as youre eating. They birdie soldout. We told you about the pizza and ice cream heading to the International Space station. It arrived at the space station yesterday. Highfalutin could soon be coming to colorado. A new deal would create a network of roadside tubes and then repeated promises to make drivers and their car to the destinations at 200 miles an hour. I dont get this. Groundbreaking maxtor develops in place by 2021. Okay, im reading the script. When im riding a 200 miles an hour in my car. They are all laughing at me. President trump senators, urging him, repeal Obamacare Mandate. Nowadays in the senate bill. All over that. Plus coming to chinas president to send to north korea. Im calling that a trump big win. Alaska done while he was away and now hes back in the tax reform push is on. More varney after this. My business was going nowhere. So i built this kickin new website with godaddy. Building a website in under an hour is easy 68 of people. Who have built their website using gocentral, did it in. Under an hour, and you can too. Type in your business or idea. Pick your favourite design. Personalize it with beautiful images. And. Youre done and now business is booming. Harriet, its a double stitch not a cross stitch build a better website in under an hour. Free to try. No credit card required. Gocentral from godaddy. Stuart well, well, welcome over at unwanted or 60, now we are down 79. A little bit more green. President trump acting d. C. Here is the tweed. Our great country is respect it again in asia. You will see the fruits of our long but successful trip for many years to come. By the way, china now dispatching a nonvoice to north korea that is probably one of the fruits of the president referred to as his asia trip. Fox news contributor with us now. Mark, i see this as a plus for President Trump. Who knows what was said in the background in asia, the fact is china has not set this highlevel person to north korea for a couple years. Absolutely it does. On Foreign Policy the trip was a huge success. A fantastic speech, strengthen its relationship with president xi, Prime Minister abe, his speech in south korea on the north korean problem where he basically said dont test status, dont make the mistake. We dont look for work, but we are not going to shy away from it sends a clear message to north korea that he is willing into beijing quite frankly that he will use no terry forces if necessary to stop north korea with icbms. We dont know what happened behind the scenes, but i suspect we will see some progress or have to go down the trap of the alternative plans. Stuart do remember not too long ago president xi came over to america. President trump entertained and that maralago and in the middle of the dinner the president got up, came back after a few minutes and told xi, by the way can we Just Launched on syria. That was sending a message we will do it if we have to do it. Look at this. You agree . Very much so. He needs to look at that for how to do with north korea. The reason and no diplomatic progress takes place as North Koreans dont think we would take military action because they think that we strike north korea there would be a cataclysmic war, and the people will die. Its unthinkable. What he needs to do is send a message to north korea that you are no longer allowed to test Ballistic Missiles, no longer allowed to test Nuclear Weapons. The tribe will take out the Missile Launch commit a Nuclear Weapon on the test site and we will take more action and retaliate. He launched the attack and did a limited strike from which they use chemical weapons, but didnt want broader attack. That could be the solution where he unilaterally declared north korea is a Ballistic Missile nofly zone in the nuclear no test on and we will enforce that if the North Koreans dont come to the table. Stuart thats a plus ive got to say. Look at domestic policy. Is it possible to president s is on the verge of a double win. The Obamacare Mandate illustrated the Senate Tax Package in a notice the tax package itself is looking more and more likely to get passed. That would be a double win i think. What say you . 100 correct or the other reason paul ryan didnt include the Obamacare Mandate repeal in the house bill is because the senate seemed unable to do it. If the senate could come up with a plan that repealed the Obamacare Mandate that gives us more revenue to work with to make tax reform better, but republicans can go to the voters and say look, we pass fundamental tax reform that will bring jet fuel into the economy and spend growth and jobs to the American People and we started the process of repealing obamacare by getting rid of the original mandate and a top about what the economy economy growing, stock market going gangbusters they can look into the 2018 election with a real case for reelection was Senate Majority. Stuart a little time left and i would love to answer this. You think theyll ever get used to it. This president is so unusual, so different, just so unusual. Will we ever get used to it . I think well get used to it. All the stuff that upsets people about donald trump, the tweets and stuff like that, if you can get tax reform through common Obamacare Mandate repeal of coming through, and the legislative areas where they a stacking more conservative judges onto the district, the courts of appeals than any president in history. If he can get a substantive things through, all of that will be just noise. We will be used or because well be enjoying the fruits of his resident fee. Stuart defers. Thank you for joining us. Well see you soon. Thank you for having me on. Stuart dan weber the ceo and founder of the association of mature american citizens. That by the way of the conservative counter to aarp. Great to have you back. How are you doing, sir . We are terrific and ive got to tell you a million members are overjoyed the senate has finally taken to encourage and dunaway are put in the bill to do away with this burdensome individual mandate. Stuart you want it gone . We definitely do. Its horrible. Obama had the audacity of to put it in the first place. Where in the constitution doesnt say individuals, we are talking about Small Business owners, bluecollar workers should be forced to buy a certain type of insurance and taxes a penalty the American Worker because the government orders them to do something and if they dont do it they get taxed. We are happy about this. Stuart youre happy to see it go largely, political or ideological grounds. What about your members . Does he do anything for them . Es. The ultimate will be it will open the market place. The less regulation we have from obamacare the more the Insurance Companies would get back in the market, compared to policies and this could be the beginning of the avalanche of getting rid of obama. Stuart recasting with aarp with membership . Over one point remembers and growing. My understanding is they are not growing. Stuart we like to hear that dan weber. Thank you for being with us. Good seeing you. Im staying on obamacare. Turning back judge napolitano because earlier today in the 9 00 hour, two and half hours ago, the long show, and that you stated at the top of 9 00, you get rid of the Obamacare Mandate and you destroy the constitutional basis of obamacare. Because the only basis under which the court upheld the statute was the Congress Power to tax is unlimited. I give you an example. Congress cant make me wear a green tie, the congress can tax me if i dont. Its regulatory powers are limited, taxing powers are unlimited. If you take away the tax in the statue, no constitutional basis to uphold it. I hope the members of congress realize what they are doing because they fail to do this and the previous nine months of President Trumps presidency. With one sentence eliminating this individual mandate, they will theoretically invalidate all of obamacare. If there is another challenge in the federal court and they follow what the Supreme Court wrote in june of 2012, the statute is invalidated is beyond the power of congress. Stuart therefore, this is a big crackdown. Enormous. Stuart spare with me. Ive got to leave time for this. You are saying the mullah investigation is proceeding in my clan and his son could be the next to be indicted. Yes. The reason im shaking my head as these have nothing to do again with President Trump. There is a witness. Outside of the witnesses at the end. He overheard general plan and others conspiring to kidnap a turkish cleric from pennsylvania and deliver him alive to his enemies in turkey. The witnesses the former director of the cia, jim woolsey. General flynn has denied this. It was there when the conversation took place. If its just a conversation is not a crime. If someone acts on it, it takes a step in furtherance of that they could all be indicted for conspiracy. Other potential charges against general flynn working as an agent and not registering, being a foreign agent, either general or the president S National Security advisor. All of this in an effort like with manafort and gave to squeeze those on the totem pole committed to the person at the top. Lets be honest, bob mueller has won in its crosshairs. The president of the united states. Stuart im just not sure i agree with that. Kind of the parent to the danger of an independent counsel. Ive argued against congressman jordan saying yesterday been independent. The Justice Department can do it. Independent counsels engaging to justify their own existence dangerous to democracy. Now you agree. Stuart i always agree with you. This morning he told me i was soft. See you in the morning. Stuart new ad campaign targeting republican lawmakers in california. The ad urges them to vote no on the gop tax plan. We are going to ask about that. Remember, a california congressional candidate. Im Nicole Petallides with the fox business brief. Airbus signing of vague deal with the airline deal ever. The 2 billion. Now this investor not solidified a few weeks to finalize it. The 8320 jacks will go to frontier airline. Gawain immediately hit up with some deals to sell 175. The ideal could be worth 27 billion. Airbus up about 50 . Boeing 70 this year. You named it brad. You loved brad. And then you totaled him. You two had been through everything together. Two boyfriends, three jobs. Youre like nothing can replace brad. Then Liberty Mutual calls. And you break into your happy dance. If you sign up for better car replacementâ„¢, well pay for a car thats a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. Liberty stands with youâ„¢. Liberty mutual insurance. Thats it. Im calling kohler about their walkin bath. Nah. Not gonna happen. My name is ken. How may i help you . Hi, im calling about kohlers walkin bath. Excellent happy to help. Huh . Hold one moment please. [ finger snaps ] hmm. The kohler walkin bath features an extrawide opening and a low stepin at three inches, which is 25 to 60 lower than some leading competitors. The bath fills and drains quickly, while the heated seat soothes your back, neck and shoulders. Kohler is an expert in bathing, so you can count on a deep soaking experience. Are you seeing this . The kohler walkin bath comes with fully adjustable hydrotherapy jets and our exclusive bubblemassage. Everything is installed in as little as a day by a kohlercertified installer. And its made by kohler americas leading plumbing brand. We need this bath. Yes. Yes you do. A kohler walkin bath provides independence with peace of mind. Call to save 500 off bath walls with your walkin bath, or visit kohlerwalkinbath. Com for more info. Stuart i know. Should i stay or should i go. Every morning. The netflix shows stranger things. By the way, a new survey shows 37 of netflix scraper is binge watch out for a 12 use to binge watch in public bathrooms. We thought youd like to know. The new ad campaign in california. This ad urges them to vote no on the gop tax plan. Take a look. The gop tax plan to many tax players. People in california will pay a heavy price. Could be devastating the real estate market. In that republican tax plan will raise taxes in california families by eliminating middleclass Tax Deduction for the super wealthy and big corporations. The ad was funded by the way, a group called not 1 penny coalition. Batman, righthand side of the screen, actor and california congressional gop candidate. Welcome back to the program. Always good to see you. I have to point out that there were parts of the ad which are accurate because if you get rid of the deduction for state and local taxes and high tax tax state like california, they would be upper income people who will pay a lot more. How do you feel about that . I dont know about that. Propaganda that the Republican Party is not doing good enough and they should be doing better. Youre actually going to give a relief to the American People next week. I feel really strongly about it. Democrats have been running the state into the ground. All they do is tax people and regulate every type of business, especially Ventura County as hard to open up any business. This is a relief. Its a complete lie. Republicans have been the one who lower taxes across the board and they will do at this time. We finally need something. Its been so long, so i urge everyone in congress. I was just there a few days ago and they work extremely hard traveling around the world supporting our country in making America Great again. And this is our time to give everything back to the American People. I dont know if this is tax relief will be great for the united states. Stuart you are republican in a state which is heavily democrat. When you go out there and he makes speeches saying this tax cut great. The Republican Party will get you going. Whats their reaction to you . The reaction is overwhelming. The American People have woken up and they are speaking loud and they want their country back and they want people to go to congress to work for them. Not the other way around. My boss is the American People. The county Ventura County means a lot to me. My opponent lives in santa monica and she represents Ventura County. Thats unacceptable. Im here to support my county. I love it. I take pride in my county so i wanted the congress and make sure they get everything they need all the way across the board. The team has. The, farmers, Police Officers commit teachers. Everyone needs a lot more than ready to do that, especially vote antonio. Com. Back to your question, and its pretty cool. I love it. Stuart thats good. Okay. On this program yesterday, we asked our tour Jonathan Hurley would like to be a conservative in hollywood. Just listen to what he said. You really cant have a conversation with anyone. There is an assumption on their part, but roe hollywood, do you are as they are with the current regime. So i have to sit there and listen to this and watch this roll of the eyes, but its a toxic environment and they react viscerally to the fact you dont agree to that. Stuart they react viscerally that they dont agree with you. It is. They talk behind your back to me to want to put you down and sometimes even physically put you down. But its not going to happen with me. Im an italian. Im stronger than ever. The American People are fed up. They are going to win this campaign into running this country going back up again. I feel good. Stuart retakes tough guys on this program. You are all right. You can come back again. We appreciate being here. Stuart the creators of the game cards against humanity taking on President Trump on the border wall. Wait until you hear what they did to prevent the law from being built. Weve got a story for you. Copd makes it hard to breathe. So to breathe better, i go with anoro. Go your own way copd tries to say, go this way. I say, ill go my own way with anoro. Go your own way oncedaily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators, that Work Together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. Anoro is not for asthma. It contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. The risk is unknown in copd. Anoro wont replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. Tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, high blood pressure, glaucoma, prostate, bladder, or urinary problems. These may worsen with anoro. 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President trump tweeting about those three ucla players in china. Heres the tree, do you think the three basketball players jose thank you, President Trump . They were headed for 10 years in jail. Ashley they are not out of hot water. Theyll meet with the press. They are going to give his statement that they are not going to take answers. The schools reputation has taken a hit here. Yes, they were lucky to get out of china, theres no doubt. The story isnt over. There is video of ben. You in hot water. Transfer the school is wayne in giving back stuart i wonder if they will. It is a difficult situation now we are home. Thank you. What is wrong with that . Trigger will be interesting whether thats part of their statement. Stuart do you think they should be kicked off the team because train for there is video truth they were stealing from multiple stores. Stuart its a bit murky as to what the evidence was. Theyre representing not only the school that the country. It became an international incident. Stuart or producer was right. They embarrassed our country. They did. Liz if its true, yes. Got us out of the mess. Thank you, sir. There will be more varney after this. Did your senator or congressman get elected by talking tough on the National Debt . Will they stay true to their words . Or did they promise you one thing. Only to do another . Right now, congress is talking about tax cuts that will add trillions to our National Debt and hurt our economy. Its time to tell congress. Dont borrow more money from china. And leave more debt to our kids. Keep your word. Tax cuts shouldnt add to the National Debt. Paim open to that. Medicare . Lower premiums . Extra benefits . Look at everythinglike Prescription Drug plans. And Medicare Advantage plans from private insurers. Use the tools at medicare. Gov. Or call 1800medicare. Open to Something Better . Start today. Stuart lets look at general electric. It is up today. It has regained 18 per share. It is nowhere near where it was say six months ago, a year ago. Ashley not even close. Stuart investors seem to be saying, look this longterm turn around plan is a very longterm plan. Ashley they dont like what is outlined at this point but it did get down in the 17s. Liz that is 1997 levels. Stuart im fascinated by demise of such an extraordinary company. My generation, 80s, 90s, that was the stock. Ashley staple of every portfolio. Liz lost 100 billion in market value over the last year. 150 billion since 2006. Stuart america moves fast, doesnt it . When have you seen such a huge company ashley you can get left behind. That is what happened. Stuart indeed. We look at the big board. We have come back a bit. We were down 160. Now were down 80. Anyone want to best whether or not we end the day higher . Ashley no. No. Liz flat. Flat. Stuart flat. Ashley there is too much uncertainty out there. Oil is low. I dont think they will come back today. Stuart youre on videotape with liz. Could be up 90 or down 90. Liz all right. Stuart next hour the house begins debate on their version of the tax bill. That is very, very important because it has to be on the fast track. President trump will address the House Republicans tomorrow right before they vote. Times up. Neil it is yours. Neil thank you very much, stuart. House is expected to debate this afternoon the tax measure. Senate already putting finetuning on its own plans. Those go plans are far apart as things stand. Market well off the lows earlier today. Concerns this doesnt go exactly to script. Go to adam shapiro on capitol hill with the very latest. Hey, adam. Reporter neil, the latest were hearing from different senators we expect the Senate Finance committee to actually vote on the measure and send it to the full senate tomorrow. Lets get into what some changes mean for americans Going Forward. First, all of these tax cuts, would essentially expire in 10

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