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Reached by Hillary Clinton when she was secretary of state. There are a whole lot of things about this, buck sexton is here. He will weigh in on that. If youve been watching liberal media you wouldnt know anything about the investigation. Of course not. The media is so obsessed with don, jr. , wikileaks story. He did communicate with wikileaks, he did so before the election ever start. He is not denying it. Don, jr. , voluntarily turned over documents to congress. Let someone leaked these documents to the media. Media is having a field day while this investigation is on going. Any outrage there if were on it. Plus we go to adam shapiro, right now on capitol hill for the latest on tax reform. Hi, adam. Reporter hey, trish. There is effort underway, im waiting for note on something in regards to this, possibly include in a revision the Senate Version of tax reform, repeal of obamacare individual mandate. All morning long Senate Republicans are doing a whip count to see if they get the whip vote. The only way the mandate repeal could progress is introduced, is by orrin hatch as managers amendment. It would have to be part of the tax reform bill. Rand paul talked about introducing a repeal on the floor of the senate. That wont pass parliamentarian rules. They would need 60 votes. Only way to accomplish it through the tax reform bill and having orrin hatch include it in the tax reform bill that we might get this later today. Theyre at lunch right now trying to hash this out. There are senators who are opposed to it, republicans who are worried what this might be if they go forward. With that said, i want you to take a look look at what happened, well, there was whole lot of discussion that took place during the Early Morning Senate Finance committee markup, whether this was really in play. Listen to how the democrats were talking to republicans about all of that. This morning after putting together lots of questions and wanting to delve deeply into this bill, now im hearing that were asking questions about the bill that is not the final bill . If there is, mr. Chairman, if there is going to be a new bill coming for word tonight, are we going to get to ask questions on the real bill . The answer is yes. Yes . Were asking questions and, but the real bill is not in front of us. Youre pretty sure what the bill is it going to be. Reporter wrap all of this up, i think you have a picture of the empty Senate Finance Committee Room because they have been meeting for last two hours, trying to hash out whether they have the votes, to repeal the obamacare mandate, to do that, it would have to be an amendment to the tax cuts and jobs act. It would probably come in the form of an orrin hatch managers amendment, possibly later today. If they dont have the votes, dont expect that amendment to be part of the tax reform bill. Rand paul is talking about introducing an amendment but it wont go anywhere because you would need 60 votes to pass the rand paul version of this. Trish wow. This is turning increasingly into a mess. Adam, thank you very much. Joining me right now chairman of president es trumps council of economic advisors, kevin hassett. Good to see you trish. Trish Susan Collins talking about 21 . President will not budge beyond 20 for Corporate Taxes. Where will this shake out . President made it clear he has a few objectives that are not negotiable. One is the 20 rate this is regular order this is the normal process. You dont have to have it become law before you get to read the bill. Theyre arguing stuff like the individual mandate. That is good healthy sign of democracy. The best news the tell against were getting the bill is moving forward at steady pace. Very likely it has got votes it needs to pass the house and senate. That is really really good news for americas work verse would roy moore dropping out of the race affect you guys . Im not a headcounter in the senate, im economist. I believe people are confident they have the votes to get it through. Trish believe me you have a lot of good stuff a lot of good stuff. Getting Corporate Taxes lower, repatriation. These are great things. These i would imagine are great things for the market. Let me ask you about penalizing employees over Business Owners, which is that a Business Owner can pay a rate of 25 and be able to deduct state and local taxes. But if youre employee living in new york, new jersey or california, illinois, a lot of other states for that matter you will not have the same set of luxurieses. Potentially paying as much as 39. 6 plus state, plus local. You might start scratching your head, hey, maybe i should be Business Owner instead of an employee. I wonder why the government is giving so much preference to Business Owners than people out there work for the Business Owners . Lets start where we are. We are giving special preferences to the high taxed states that have really big taxes, right . So those states are basically getting bigger Tax Deductions than the lower taxed state running themselves responsible. President trump and team thinks that the government needs to get out of the business putting a finger on the scale favoring high taxed states. Were trying to tax their profits, when you want to call late the profits you need to allow them to deduct all of their costs. The state and local tax is a tax they have to pay should come out before you calculate the profits. In other words, we would all be better off, at least in the tv business, starting our own Production Companies and moving to texas or florida . Yeah. Trish but you understand how it will penalize people that are going to work for a company while simultaneously giving preference to Business Owners . And maybe that is exactly what youre trying to do, youre rewarding entrepreneurship. That is coming at the cost of hurting some folks but more so let me move on to the private equity loophole which is a little bit of a Sticking Point for me because i remember the president vividly, we have shown the tape over and over again of him out there on the campaign trail, that well close the loophole that exists for fat cats on wall street but they havent closed it, kevin. Is there any intax to do so . You dont think you could get it through reconciliation if they try it . That is one of the details still being worked out. The private equity treatment right now is part of the normal Partnership Tax law. The Partnership Tax law as we talked about on the table and evolving. I look forward to seeing the final bill. The president is very clear on his preference on this. There are three nonnegotiables, 20 rate and simplification and middle class tax cut. Everything else he helps Congress Negotiates that and works it out to get a bill to pass. Trish when you say everything is negotiable, does that mean salt is also negotiable right now, state and local Tax Deduction . I think white house preferences are clear. But the biggest point is, if we achieve the president s three objectives with bill becomes law that is great for americas workers. That is big pay increase that is the top priority. Trish let me ask you a question. Were short on time. One of the other things came my way, i was looking at gdp, how much gdp new york and california were accountable for. It comes out to roughly 22 of the nations overall economy. Sure. As con machinist, let mow ask you, if you see new york and california decline in gdp because people dont have as much money to spend because they have to pay their state, they have to pay their local and they have to pay their federal tax, do you run the risk you will not have the intended consequence of growing the nations overall economy at least in the short term . There are two parts of the tax bill. One is corporate rate reduction that will lure businesses back to places like california and new york. Second thing is the individual side which is a big middle class tax cut for most people even in california and northbound. So i think people at very, very top bracket in california and new york, who lose the state and local income Tax Deduction will not be super happy about that. The hope, now that the federal government is no longer putting a finger on the scale of those states, maybe they demand reform of state governments. Make them more efficient. Trish fiscal responsibility from those states. One would hope, right. Trish thank you so much, kevin. Well keep on checking with you. Thanks. Trish with her their thoughts on tax reform, bullseye brief founder adam johnson and heather zumarriaga. Adam, will it happen . How do you feel about it . I feel good. Trish yeah . The usual spoilers, corker, collins, mccain have been reasonably silent on this collins wants to take Corporate Taxes to 21 , not the president s 20. The fact those three senators are quiet for the most part. Tells me a lot is happening lined behind the scenes and im mystic, trish. Trish heather, your thoughts . No i think there is a lot of differences between the two bills to work out and hopefully we hear more from paul ryan and Mitch Mcconnell how they will be worked out. When you stalk about state and local Tax Deductions, that is it one of your favorite, trish. Trish uhhuh. Phase in Corporate Tax cuts in one year or immediate. You keep mentioning the carried interest loophole which hasnt been addressed. Trish tell you one of the problems with all this, the optics look bad. They didnt bother going after the fat cats on wall street that the president promised they would. Look, that is costing taxpayers more than a billion dollars. I know a billion isnt much in the scheme of things but we need to start counting pennies here. A billion dollars that taxpayers charged effectively giving incentive to the private equity twice. On top of that, if you look in this, at least senate plan, they intend to speed up the depreciation rates on on commercial real estate. What that means instead of being able to deduct depreciation over 39 years, you can do it 25 years. You get a bigger deduction and smaller amount of time. That is good for commercial Real Estate Developers. Given that kushners and trumps are in the real estate business. Given a lot of lobbyists from wall street pushing to keep the private equity fat cat loophole, i guess i would say there is a lot they could have done and they didnt do, and i wonder why . Theyre trying to thread a needle here, trish. What theyre trying to do is build consensus. We heard from adam down in washington, there are so many different factions right now trying to weigh in, that is part of the problem. Almost when you design a car by committee doesnt come out looking trish what about the basics . What about people being able to deduct their property taxes or mortgage, the full amount of their mortgage . Heather doesnt seem fair to me the commercial Real Estate Developer gets an advantage on depreciation deduction but not giving same kind of advantages to regular old homeowners in america . It defeats the purpose, trish. If they push something through, focus on corporate and individual rate, i know this wont happen trish that makes sense. Look at each loophole individually, vote on that in the senate and house. Not just, so convoluted right now, the whole purpose was to simplify the tax code. 94 of americans go somewhere to get help every year to do taxes. That is just crazy, okay . We need it simplify the tax code. Not make it more complex. That is what were doing right now. Trish adam, seals they have the opportunity here, they have a great opportunity, theyre squandering, theyre wasting it. Why not as heather said, call it what it is we figured out the corporate side of it. Lets reduce Corporate Taxes and tackle the individual side separately . What you are doing unlocking pandoras box of entitlements talking about medicaid, medicaid, social security. If there is inability to balance the budget, the fact we spend 2 3, of the governments money, our money to balance. Broad tax reform, separately, Corporate Taxes guess what . Just never going to happen. Sadly. Trish it better happen, right . What are we supposed to do . We all want the best for our futures and our childrens futures and our childrens children future. If were running 20 trillion in debt and keeps getting higher, guess what well be paying 80 in taxes. I leave it there. Adam, heather. See you guys. Attorney general Jeff Sessions is on the hot seat of the getting grilled about russias attempt to meddle in our election. The real question will he order an investigation into the questionable uranium one deal. You know all about that if you dont, i will fill you in on all details coming up. What role did Hillary Clinton and Clinton Foundation play in that deal . Were on it. See you here. If you wear a denture, you not only want a clean feeling every day, you want your denture to be stain free. Did you know theres a specialty cleanser thats gentle enough for everyday use and cleans better than regular toothpaste . Try polident cleanser. 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Here to discuss, trump Advisory Board member, harlan hill. Good to see you. I know youre a former democrat. Yes. Neil trish always interesting to get your take on this. A lot of democrats are saying in the hearing, basically dont want to go down this path because it is not healthy for democracy to be looking backwards into what previous administrations do, but do you think we need to do it . Isnt that ironic . Because democrats spent the year of 2017 totally hyperfocused on all this Conspiracy Theory around russia, around comey, all these things they have not proposed any meaningful legislation. Havent work with republicans. In terms of looking back, democrats spent an entire year doing that. And sounds hollow. Trish interesting, theory, that line of argument you should be saying well, he won. It is healthy for the democracy move forward and we get over things. Right. Trish clearly their logic there is not continuing to help donald trump. Should there be investigation . Do you have have questions. Absolutely. Jeff sessions said there are 20 separate investigations. Some of them covering period of time during the trump transsession period. There were intentional leaks by the Obama Administration during the trump transition to undermine the president elect of the United States. Jeff sessions said today theyre looking into those. This is not just uranium one. This goes deep. It is important to start rooting these out because it set as precedent that well not tolerate this sort of corruption. Make no mistake, when you have an Outgoing Administration attempting to undermine the incoming president of the United States, undermining peaceful transition of power this brings into question the very sanctity of our republic. That is what Barack Obamas henchmen did. It should be investigated. And uranium one, selling out the American People and putting us at risk, by selling a quarter of our uranium . While the Clinton Family enriched themselves in the process . How can we not follow this . Trish i guess i never understood why her foundation was allowed to collect all these large donations from foreign actors when she was secretary of state. There are some basic things you understand in life. One is, that is going to be perceived as a conflict of interest. Yes. Trish by anyone. You dont have to be a Rocket Scientist or phd to understand that. You cant tell me that bill clinton didnt come home to Hillary Clinton and leave out the fact they just received a 100 Million Investment from russians. How does that not come up at the dinner table . Were not talking about, you know, a 50,000 speaking fee. This is huge. Trish almost 500,000 speaking fee. That came up too, you know. So, if were being honest with ourselves, she had to know the transfers were taking place. That had to have played a role in how she perceived the deal. Trish i guess what i would also say around this time, suddenly russia was our friend. Russia had not been our friend previously. There were numerous articles. Of course. Trish tom schenck co, former Prime Minister of ukraine had big piece in the cr journal, 2000, forgive me. Well get the year in a minute. Years before obama ever came or 2006 or 2007, she had this cover piece. Everybody newtknew Vladmir Putin had territorial ambitions. Working with iran on nuclear ability. Sure. Trish simultaneously we had investigation going on the fbi, eric holder on the cfius board should have known about that. Yes. Trish bob mueller was doing the investigation into Vladmir Putins attempts to gain outside influence in the Atomic Energy sector in the United States of america. I guess i just ask, why did we have a change in tone in policy towards russia . Why did this deal go through . Why was russia supposed to be giving our friend . Because they were giving hundreds of millions of dollars to the clintons. Yes. When that turned south, this deal turned south, it was very interesting they tried to leverage russia as bogeyman in this election. Very interesting they used a former bedfellow to try to undermine the trump campaign. The very things they have accused President Trump of, with zero substantiation are same crimes Hillary Clinton is accused of committing. Unprecedented in american democracy. It is concerning and would do your future generation as dramatic disservice not to follow it to ultimate conclusion. We have people trish get a special counsel . I think so. Trish harlan hill, thank you very much. Liberal left and Mainstream Media are upset about donald, jr. S Communications with wikileaks . Is there any there there to all of this . Media critic dan gaynor will try to cut through all the noise with you. Well see you next with dan. [lance] monica, it is absolute chaos out here gale force winds, accumulations up to 8 inches. Dont know if you can hear me, but [monica] whats he doing . [lance] can we get a shot of this cold front, right here. Winter has arrived. Whooo hahaha [vo] progress is an unstoppable force. Brace yourself for the season of audi sales event. Audi will cover your first months lease payment on select models during the season of audi sales event. Our recent online sales success seems a little. Strange . Nk na. Ever since we switched to fedex ground business has been great. Theyre affordable and fast. Maybe too affordable and fast. What if. People arent buying these books online, but they are buying them to protect their secrets . . hi bill. If that is your real name. Its william actually. Hmph affordable, fast fedex ground. Trish the Mainstream Media going absolutely crazy over donald trump, jr. , having what they call secret correspondent with the wikileaks twitter account. This is yet another contact, another set of communications that they lied about. This is yet another contact between the trump side of things and russia side of things, that they have apparently sought to keep secret all this time. Were back into this endless contact between the trump people and russians. They seem to think it is fine and dandy to flirt back and forth, exchange offers, back and forth without any sense this might be a hostile power. Trish trump, jr. Releases messages himself, he answer ad grand total of three times. So is the whole freakout necessary . Are they looking for something . Here to discuss, Vice President and business and culture for mrc, dan gaynor. Dan, what is your take on this . If you go back to the original story in the atlantic, it talks about how don, jr. , did not respond, uses those words, four separate times. It says, mostly, the wikileaks comments were mostly ignored by him. You know, this is where we are in 2017. Where three messages on twitter is a National Conspiracy . If were that point, then messages i ignore on twitter, does the fbi going to kick down the door while were talking right now . That is ridiculous. Trish theyre making too much out of this in your view . Well, what they are doing ignoring real story because it benefits them. The real story is, these things keep leaking. You know, don, jr. , gave this information as he was supposed to. It looks out to the press because some people in the investigation are trying to take down the Trump Administration with public scorn and media support. And instead of actually doing the investigation like youre supposed to. So he is going to respond out in public on twitter because that is the way this game is being played, being played behind closed doors. The media are part of the players. Trish you know, it has been happening actually ever since donald trump won this election. You have seen members of the Intelligence Community leaking things. There has been, this, you know, voracious appetite for, if you would, on the part of the Mainstream Media because theyre trying to string all of these things together. But as we increasingly learn more, dan, i guess i ask you, it seems as though were learning stuff on the other side too, which is that for example, this dossier that was put together and largely discredited and financed by the democrats and Hillary Clintons campaigns. So as much as media is attempting to extract media that will implicate donald trump and his advisors, it feels as though a lot of information weve seen is doing the exact opposite . Yeah, you look at that that gets to the whole point. The media are trying to craft a narrative prior to any sort of report coming out or anything happening. Theyre trying to craft narrative so it makes trump look bad. They get this information out there. When you look at it, certainly makes the hillary camp look bad. That is not the story they want to tell us. Trish dan, were watching Jeff Sessions testifying on capitol hill today. There is talk there may be a special counsel to look into the uranium one deal and Clinton Foundation. Do we need that . Certainly i defer to Jeff Sessions whether we need that or not but, i can tell you, what weve seen in the press, they have done everything they can to suppress it. The idea of what is going on in the media, i can tell you a Certain Network with, that doesnt like this Network Reports on it anytime we talk about it. How dare you . Hillary is not president. Yeah, you guys treat her like she is, and you only want to tell half the story about russia connections. If were going to look at russia, lets tell the whole story. Trish sort of what harlan was saying too. You cant touch her. Previous administration. Important for the democracy that you dont go after, you could make the same argument, hang on everything what is important for our democracy, not really good for our democracy that Hillary Clinton is still out there blaming russia and any kind of collusion that may have happened as well as many other democrats. So you know, maybe, if youre going to stick to that, time everyone was on. But nobody is willing to move on, dan. That is the environment were in right now. So partisan, with people just digging their heels in on both sides. You know what is going to suffer as a result . The average american. You know, we need average americans to see a tax cut. We need corporations to see a tax cut. I dont know if any of that is going to happen, there is much other distraction going on. The American People, nobody cares about us, the media are trying, have been trying ever since trump won to impeach him. And thats, you know, from day one. Not even since he took office. Literally since he won, working with the deep state. You know how that term disappeared with the press, once major media started using it, they realized conservative media started using it. All these leaks come from the deep state. It goes to the press. The press loves it. Give them headlines to target trump. It is symbiotic relationship. Trish dan, thank you very much. We like to keep things fair. President returning to the u. S. After his big asian tour. He has announcement to make. Blake burman at white house to fill us in next. Of the. Nah. Not gonna happen. Thats it. Im calling kohler about their walkin bath. My name is ken. How may i help you . Hi, im calling about kohlers walkin bath. Excellent happy to help. Huh . Hold one moment please. [ finger snaps ] hmm. The kohler walkin bath features an extrawide opening and a low stepin at three inches, which is 25 to 60 lower than some leading competitors. 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The drop shows a softened regulatory stance under president obama. Forgive me, under President Trump, because president obama had a lot of regulations in place, costly for industry. Nearly half the u. S. Population may be diagnosed with high Blood Pressure under new guidelines. American Heart Association and other groups revised the Blood Pressure limit down to 130, from 140. Meaning if your Blood Pressure is higher than 130, you are considered at risk of hypertension. Turning now to politics, President Trump back in the u. S. After a 10day trip to asia. The president said he will make a big announcement when he returns to washington, when he will lay out accomplishments on trade and north korea. Blake burman at the white house with a preview. Hey, there, blake. Reporter President Trump on Board Air Force one headed back here later. The statement could happen wednesday, also possibly thursday. President says part of that statement will involve trade. Just every single point along this fivenation stop last 12 days President Trump was involved with, he tried to drive home the point he says, trade imbalances under his watch are going to stop. He summed it up this way earlier aBoard Air Force one. Well be fair. Were going to be reciprocal as i said in my remarks before. Well be reciprocal. If theyre doing it, were doing it. That is the way it is going to be. Reporter president said the statement would likely hit on north korea as well. The president phrased his conversations with his discussions with allies involving those tax as it relates to north korea. Including today the president said his discussions with china. It is also been really good in terms of north korea, getting everybody together. I think their acts are all together. China has been excellent. Japan, and south korea have been excellent. I think that is very important part of the trip. Reporter fairly Robust International agenda, trish, that the president embarked on over better portion of a week and 1 2. When he gets here to the white house, days following, immediate domestic attention turns to tax reform. The president heads to capitol hill on thursday as House Republicans set to vote on the tax bill then. Trish thank you very much, blake burman. Joining me fox news strategic analyst Lieutenant Colonel ralph peters. Good to see you sir. What do you think of the president s trip . The president s trip was a mixed bag. He started off very strong in japan and south korea. He was reassuring, confident in the best possible way. He helped strengthen the alliances and commitments. He got to beijing, we have to wait to see what the ultimate results are. You know better than i do, trish, rhetoric doesnt change trade. Sometimes agreements dont even change trade if theyre not honored. We want to know the trade results of this entire trip until probably 2019 at earliest. The president made a mistake when he went off script and said that he didnt blame china for the trade, our trade deficit. China is at fault because china steals intellectual property, blackmails u. S. Corporations for information. It cheats, it dumps, et cetera, et cetera. That is when it started to be a mixed bag. Trish but isnt he doing that deliberately, colonel . , to a certain extent we know china ace problem, we know china cheats but simultaneously when youre talking about International Stage craft, you kind of say one thing, do a little bit of another, you trying to negotiate with china, so you need them to come into the fray, you cant have them, you know, off doing their own thing. So is he trying to flatter them . Could you say the same thing about Vladmir Putin . Well i chinese he was trying to flatter them. It was a big mistake. You dont let the trade criminals off the hook. President trump is falling into the trap of every democrat or republicans, if you have a chumney dinwer Vladmir Putin or anybody else youre best friends forever. Which brings us to Vladmir Putin. Trish why do you think he is falling into the trap. Maybe he is doing sort of the nice polite thing to do . What will you say, putin is out to try to get us all . You cant be that aggressive, meeting the guy to have some kind of relationship. I would ask you what you want him to do . I think it would be wise to avoid a meeting beyond a very casual exchange. The fact that our president will never criticize Vladmir Putin, and at this illfated meeting in vietnam, stated that he believed, he initially stated he believed putins denials that the russians did anything to interfere with our election, which is utter nonsense. Then President Trump walked it back. He is shooting himself in the foot and various other body parts. He is dis trish you wouldnt have answered that question . He was being sort of teed up for a problem there . Yeah. Trish he could have seen, well i dont know, he tells me didnt and Intelligence Community says he did. That would be better thing to say. If i were the president , when Vladmir Putin deserves criticism, i would criticize him. We have a president who will not do that. It concerns me. Trish all right. Thats fair. Colonel peters, thank you. Good to sigh. Growing chorus of republicans demanding Alabama Senate candidate roy moore step aside amid accusations improper behavior with teenage girls. What does it mean for the president s progrowth agenda, especially tax reform, when there are such razor thin margins in the senate . Can republicans ever get it together . We have more next. How long do you think well keep oooooohhh you stopped youre gonna leave me back here at year 9 . How did this happen . It turned out, a lot of people fell short, of even the average length of retirement. We have to think about not when we expect to live to, but when we could live to. Lets plan for income that lasts all our years in retirement. Prudential. Bring your challenges. Trish growing number of republican senators calling for judge roy moore to drop out of at bam senate race because of growing allegations of sexual misconduct. Growing number of republicans say moore sun fit to serve in the senate and. I believe he should step aside. Do you believe the allegations to be true . I believe the women, yes. Trish moore says the allegations are completely false. He refuses to drop out of the race. Win or lose is roy moore putting republican agenda in jeopardy . Joining me, is deroy murdoch. I dont think we should pin it on one guy. The republicans have a real problem themselves that they are already operating with razor thin margins and they shouldnt be. There is no unity. There is no cohesiveness. Deroy, are they going to screw this one up too . I hope they dont. It is entirely possible. They may find themselves seating a democrat in very, very strongly republican seat Jeff Sessions held for many years, finding rather than have 52 votes, they now have 51. All you need is Susan Murkowski or lisa collins or john mccain to turn thumbs down. Whatever they have on the senate floor, goes down the toilet. It is really kind of a political and ethical night mayor. Trish one of the options they discuss, waiting a year, until we actually lower Corporate Taxes. What does that do to a company . When you think about it, guys, at home, if youre a ceo, and they say well lower Corporate Taxes next year what does that do to your willingness to invest in a given year, deroy . I think you say, you know what . Keep our money in the bank. Keep everything nice and cool. Wait until 2019 when tax rates, Corporate Taxes will be 43 lower. Trish so you do nothing . You dont hire . You dont invest . You dont get new equipment . Or hire contractors. What this will do is slow the economy down, if not put us into recession in 2018 which is Midterm Election year. Senate republicans are pushing this are in suicide pact. What they will do lose control of senate or lowering their majority even further, causing losses in the house. Trish no one in the senate take a class in econ 101. No econ 101 or no history. We saw in the reagan tax cuts of 80 one. They delayed the full effect. I dont blame reagan for that. People dont know about tax cuts like they do now. We had the recession of 82. The republicans lost 26 seats in the house. They were much weaker shape. As soon as full extent of tax cut, january 83 the economy took off until daddy bush, read my lips, no new taxes raised taxes. We had Enormous Growth rate in 83. About 6 or 7 in 84. Reagan won reelection in 49state landslide. They need to remember the lesson, give us Corporate Tax rate relief, as soon as President Trump signs the bill, not a year later. Trish will they be able to . It will be tough. It wont be any easier if gop seat that strange occupies. Trish soundss to meme theyre damned if they do, damned if they dont, if they choose to push Corporate Tax rate reductions by a year out, right . If they do that, it is game over, the economy to your point, could run rick of entering into recession. Gop will get blamed for that. Trish if they dont get anything done, people say, these guys cant figure their way out of a paper bag. They cant get Health Reform done. They botched tax reform. What they should do, pass the thing be bold. Gop controls house of representatives, u. S. Senate and white house. They need to behave that way. They are terrified. Running scared. Terrified of their own shadows. I think there is much, much more could have done would be much more efficient. Could be more generous with individuals. I dont think 1000 will make a tremendous sure it is great, every bit counts. Do more for the middle class. Seems unfair to penalize people paying taxes by creating a more onerous environment for them. Something they can do that President Trump suggested. Get rid of individual mandate on ball cair. Make obamacare voluntary. Make obamacare voluntary. Trish saves you a lot of money. 330 billion becomes available. Corporate tax cuts can be immediately. Bring the tax rate from 39 to 35. Everybody get as tax cut including wealthy people who creates jobs that solves a lot of problem with the house and senate bills. Trish they need to listen to you. They need to watch this show. Listen to deroy murdoch. That is my advice. Trish it is good. Markets paring earlier losses. Were down a teeny bit amid concerns about tax reform. Whether or not republicans can get it done. Meanwhile ge, having another terrible day. Look at that, everyone. Down 5 1 2 . 17. 98 a share on General Electric. We have inon it why it is happening next. Have something for him . Check this out. 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Call now, request your free decision guide and start gathering the information you need to help you keep rolling with confidence. Go longâ„¢. When it might be time to buy or sell . With fidelitys realtime analytics, youll get clear, actionable alerts about potential Investment Opportunities in real time. Fidelity. Open an account today. Trish shares of General Electric are falling for the second straight day, down more than 5 , now 6 , this just one day after ge lowered earnings targets and announced it will cut its dave tending in the half as dividend in half to turn the company around. Joining me right now with the insight and the intel, deirdre bolton. Hi, trish. As you said, investors are voting with their feet. Were seeing these drops today, added to yesterday. And yesterday i have to highlight volume, more than 250 million shares traded yesterday, so it was selling with conviction. Ge, biggest loser on the dow today, biggest loser on the dow for the year. If you look year to date, this stock is down close to 40 . S p 500 is up 15 . I mean, ge used to be the safe part of peoples portfolios, right . So i was at that investors meeting yesterday. The ceo is really trying to simplify things, and ill quote him directly, complexity has not been good to us. Heir saying, okay, three divisions we know we can be competitive and execute well in, health care, power and aviation. Almost Everything Else is going to be folded in, or the implication is it transitioned out. In fact, even talking about head count, the ceo said 700 employees will be transitioned thats their word and choice, not mine into one of those three divisions. I did ask, actually, in a private session after how many job cuts are coming, where are they going to be, he said were not ready to release that, but he implied, yes, there will be job cuts coming. Theres a lot of analysts clamoring saying this company should be broken up. So i think this is about a 1218 month period where the current ceo who actually is not new to the company, hes a lifer, hes been there for 30 years i think this is his chance. He actually turned around their Health Care Division, so my guess is he got that ceo job to try to do with the entire company what he already did with the Health Care Division which is, actually, running successfully. Trish and you see a lot of the compensation for the executives is going to be awarded in stock. The stock is plunging all about performance pay for them. Trish youre wondering how many are going to stick around i think they all acknowledge, i heard from the cfo yesterday as well, i think they know that 2018, they didnt call it a painful year, they called it a reset year, but i dont think they are there for the next 12 months, they are there for the longer haul. And that is the story that theyre selling to investors. If you know ge, its a 125year company, this was their take, so if youre going to be an investor, theyre going to hold the stock, its for the long haul. It is not the next 12 months trish so were probably looking at a smaller ge. Much smaller, and in their view, a much more efficientlyrun ge. Trish all right. Market off the lows of the session but still getting hurt a little bit, deirdre. How worried are people about this tax reform . I think that is the one preoccupation, strong one, of every single investor. And you know this idea of this Corporate Tax at 20 , that is what so many people have baked into the cake. If that doesnt happen trish valuation picture, for sure, these pe ratios. Thank you so much. Quick programming note, ill be on outnumbered tomorrow on the fox news channel, 12 p. M. Eastern time on fox news. Liz clamans taking you from here. Who knows, maybe we can turn it around. Liz, to you. Liz we just got some very disturbing news out of northern california. We are going to get that to you in a moment, but it involves a shooting at an Elementary School that has now been widened. Its turning much bigger. Ill get that to you in one second. Were looking at a repeal revial possibly on capitol hill. Revival possibly on capitol hill. Senate republicans are conducting a socalled whip count to see if they have enough votes to repeal the individual mandate of obamacare as part of that Senate Tax Reform overhaul. Mitch mcconnell confirming the story to the National Media less than half an hour ago. Mcconnell saying Senate Republicans are optimistic that inserting the individual mandate repeal would be helpful to passing

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