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Him. Police believe he had some help to pull this thing off. We get new reports he was eyeing other cities like chicago. There are a lot of questions. This was highlythought out plan and this gunman planned to make it out of the hotel room alive and perhaps cause more damage. The police say he had 50pound of explosive material and 1600 rounds of ammunition in his car. Lets to to our own Hillary Vaughn in las vegas. Hi, little hi. Reporter trish, youre right. Police say, Sheriff Joe Lombardo said because he had explosives in his car, along with the ammo. Looking at number of weapons in his house at reno. Looking at number of weapons in his hotel room, they say it would be hard to believe he didnt have help. Theyre looking into other people an possible accomplices. Right now authorities are trying to figure out what may have happened to the mandalay mass shooter Stephen Paddock around this time last year. Because october of 2016 when his pattern of gunbuying picked up. 33 guns, mostly rifle, purchased between then and his attack on sunday night. So far theyre coming up empty. Anything that would indicate this individuals trigger point and would cause him to do such harm, we havent understood it yet. It is important for us to get to there. You have to be patient with us. This premeditation of this room, this is wellthought out. So dont you think concealment of his history and his life was wellthought out . It is incumbent upon us as professals to figure that out. Reporter theyre also requiring to figure out why Stephen Paddock used airbnb to reserve a room at vegas condo in late september, which came with a clear view of the massive life is beautiful festival where chance the rapper and lorde were headliners. 1700 miles away in chicago, police are looking at reports that a month earlier paddock made a reservations at a hotel in chicago, blackstone hotel, adjacent to the lollapalooza concert that takes place in grant park. They dont know if he ever made the trip. That remains a mystery. New details from the attack staged from the hotel room have authorities think the sniper may not have been on a suicide mission. They say evidence instead points to an escape plan. They believed he planned to survive. Trish, the girlfriend of the shooter, Marilou Danley remains a person of interest after she wrapped up a 6 hour interview. They are looking for a mystery woman a companion spotted with him days leading up to the attack. Trish wow. Hillary, thank you very. Joining me former nypd commissioner bernie kerik and former member fib Terrorism Task force steve rogers. We learned cameras were positioned around the room, basically where you can broadcast this stuff out. Perhaps there is speculation he might have been broadcasting to another individual or another group. Any thoughts again we dont know a whole lot here. I would preface with all of that in mind but any thoughts what the baby cameras might have been . It goes back to what he just said. There is not a lot of evidence that this operation was executed by a number of people. Those cameras were probably there, for what you just said, maybe, just maybe they were blocked cast somewhere broadcasted somewhere, but lets get back to what we know, trish. The sheriff believes there may have been other people involved in this. The sheriff im sure is focusing in on the planning and not the execution of this. This was a very sophisticated operation that was executed, and it is hardpressed to believe that no one else was involved in the planning of this. So, i believe that, that is what Law Enforcement is focusing on now. Now those cameras, certainly were being transmitted somewhere else, you can be sure of that. Somewhere along the line there is electronic footprint somewhere police will be looking for. Trish bernie kerik, when they say he may have had help, when you look ad what happened, and you assess this from your vantage point, what kind of help would you need . Well, listen, to acquire that many weapons, to stockpile that much ammunition, to move that type of material from his residence, to the hotels, his prior, his prior reservations at other locations, this is something that you know, people have said over the last few days, they think this guy snapped and just lost his mind. This was a very strategic, very premeditated plan, that probably dates back at least, i dont know from what im seeing now, four to six months. Im speculating, but it is really based on what were getting from, from the local police reports, from some of the press. But you cant tell me that this happened, this just happened in the last five or six days. This guy has been planning this thing, or a number of attacks for the last four to six months, at least. Trish certainly. To be able to gain that much weaponry, it takes time to do that. Steve, where, where do authorities go with Mary Lou Danley . She has just come back from overseas. She said she had no idea that he would be headed down this path, and he never suggested or showed any kind of a signs of this. What do they need they spoke to her six hours yesterday. What more do they need to start asking her, how much of a key does she hold to this puzzle . This is my personal belief. We always in Law Enforcement that somebody knows something. If she doesnt personally know something she may know someone who does. So Law Enforcement interviewed her for quite a period of time. I believe they got some information from her. That information could be simple as some of this individuals associate, friends, family members. Some way, somehow, she could have led them to someone else to give information. But you could be sure, that theyre not through with her yet, because of what she said to them leads them somewhere else, that somewhere else may lead authorities right back to her. Trish how long do you think it will take, bernie . It will be a long time. Were four or five days out and they have absolutely nothing, no motive. Trish maybe theyre just not telling us . That could be. But you know, there is a lot would have come out of this already had it been there. It is just not there as of yet. Trish well wait to see whether Sarah Huckabee sanders can shed anymore light on it. Good to see you guys, as we wait for the press secretary, everyone, secretary of state Rex Tillerson said he never considered resigning this was a big controversy this week with nbc news reported he did look at it. President trump siding with his diplomat tweeting, tillerson never threatened to resign. This is fake news put out by nbc news. Low news reporting standards, no verification from me. Tillerson has been subject of much speculation after this nbc news report claimed that Vice President mike pence had to talk mr. Tillerson out of resigning, that he called the president , quote, a moron. Fox news military analyst general jack keane joins me right now with his impressions on this story and what do you think . Well, first of all ive been around Rex Tillerson couple times, discussing National Security, Foreign Policy didnt know him before. He got the job. I am impressed. Is wellseasoned of the he is comfortable on the world stage. A great representative of United States in terms of Foreign Policy, National Security, seems like incredible straightshooter, you just have a good feeling about the guy, so when he trish his background by the way, to remind everyone, when youre running a company that size, almost like running a small country. So you have got the management experience, ceo experience i would think would lend itself very well to state but finish your thought. Even though it was a public company, certainly never had the scrutiny that being secretary of state has. I think that is a new man tell he has tan on here mantle. When it comes to the media, more shut down than previous secretaries of state r all that said, if tillerson is telling us, listen, these stories are persistent, i want to clear the air, i never given any thought to resigning, why wouldnt we accept him . What is the reason why we would not accept tillerson . He is honorable man with character. If he said i never called the president a name, that is not in my personality to do Something Like that, take him at face value. Trish nbc news is doubling down on this. We stand by our sources. We stand by this story. Which, you know, to your point, if the main characters involved, who we call primary sources, you think back to your history papers when you write, you get a primary source, primary sources are saying no, this never happened, it turning the corner on bunch of a gossip and innuendo and we shouldnt be trafficking with gossip and innuendo. Few weeks ago we were dealing with mcmaster, was in trouble with president. He didnt like the briefings he was giving, talking down to the president , condescending. I know hr, very well, refers to me, none of these stories are true. We have a pretty orderly systemic process. Yes the president asked us pretty tough questions at times. Yes, he may not agree with all of our recommendations. I personally think that is good government. These issues are so tough and complicated, to think you have consensus about it Top National Security leaders, mattis, mcmaster, kelly, pompeo, tillerson, thats unlikely. The fact they dont always agree, have different viewpoints is something good for the president. Trish here, here. You want that diversity of viewpoints around you. You want people tussling back and forth, advocating one thing or another. As president you listen to everything, make a decision. General, because in part, we talk a lot about media bias, youre well familiar with it, the media is obsessed with this administration. Very obsessed with all things donald trump. They have been since he announced he was putting his hat in the ring. So it is in part theyre feeling this void, that the public is curious and media extremely curious, and there are many members of the media that have a bias, specifically against this president and the administration, thus it results in what were seeing . Media in washington is always somewhat interested who is winning and losing on any administration team, but what happened with the trump administration, i never ever seen it. They pounce on smallest little things. They blow it into major, major story. Yes, are there people over in the state department and maybe a little disenchanted with secretary of state Rex Tillerson . I would assume so. That is true of any other secretary of state that was over there. Secretary kissinger told me one time, you know, jack, one thing about the state department, regardless who is the secretary of state, most of the people in the state department believe they do Foreign Policy better than the secretary of state. Quoteunquote, from henry kissinger. Trish say it with confidence. That is a big part of it im sure. General keane, always good to see you. Thank you for coming all the way in. Yeah. Trish were waiting everyone on Sarah Huckabee sanders who will be talking momentarily there to reporters there in her briefing. It is all happening in the wake of this horrible, horrible tragedy in las vegas. Amid that, youre seeing new calls for gun control, even from republicans. We expect the white house to be asked about all of it any minute from now. But can the president afford to give any ground at all on gun control and risk angering his base . Well talk about it. Well see you here after this. Can i kick it . Yes you can can i kick it . Yes you can can i kick it . Yes you can well im gone trish gun retailers seeing a surge in interest for socalled bump stocks. A rifle modification that turn as semiautomatic weapon into one that is capable of rapid fire. The same equipment that was allegedly used in las vegass shooting earlier this week. Gun enthusiasts are rushing out to purchase the bump stock as Word Congress will pass a bipartisan gun control measure to make the device illegal. House Speaker Paul Ryan joining a list of growing republicans saying a bump stock ban is something we need to look to. Will the white house support a bill sure to anger the president s base. We have lee carter. Good to see you, lee. Good to be here. A lot of people voted for donald trump very much proSecond Amendment. Thats right. Trish how will it fly with them, if he suddenly signals to willing to negotiate with democrats on gun control . I think there is a way, were not doing gun control. Were talking about modifications to guns. I think they can have a separate conversation. I think you can say well outlaw bump stocks and modifications for guns to be weapons of mass destruction but still have people it be there and allow them to have guns. Ive been hosting a radio show, talking to a lot of Trump Supporters this week, i was surprised to hear how people say look, im all for guns. Im all for the Second Amendment but im not for bump stocks. Im not for the youtube videos showing how to turn what is gun for my protection into something at that could harm at least, hundreds of people. Trish indeed. It has gotten to the point, actually now were getting word in, this is just breaking, a statement coming in to us from the nra where they suggest that they are open to some kind of a discussion here about how to deal with these bump stocks. The nra believes devices to allow semiautomatic rifles to function as fully automatic rifles should be subject to additional regulations. That is one of the key parts this statement from wayne laperriere and mr. Cox, chris cox. It also goes on to say in increasingly dangerous world, the nra focuses on mission, strengthening americans Second Amendment freedoms to protect their families and their communities. Sound like theyre willing to have a discussion. Sounds like defending your family, defending your community doesnt need to be associated with a fully automatic weapon which what a bump stocks make a semiautomatic rifle into. I think it is important for people on the right, nra is willing to compromise and seem reasonable. Looking to 2018. People want to see people coming together on the right and left. Majority of people are tired of inaction, inability to compromise. This something seems to be a winwin for everybody. Trish lets listen in right now. Sarah huckabee sanders. Yesterday three u. S. Servicemembers and one partner nation member were killed while providing assistance to counterterror operations. As many of you are aware u. S. Forces are in the country to provide training and Security Assistance to the local armed forces. In their efforts to counterviolent extremist organizations. Additionally two u. S. Servicemembers were injured and evacuated in stable condition to germany. Names are being withheld at this time as part of the next of kin notification process. Our thoughts and prayers with the families and friends of fallen servicemembers who made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of freedoms we hold so dear. The let also visited las vegas yesterday to offer his support to the incredible people there. He met with Law Enforcement, firstresponders, medical trauma teams, all who did incredible work under dire circumstances and visited with survivors and their families. The president was deeply touched by the spirit of people in las vegas. In one particularly stirring moment at the hospital the president met 28yearold Thomas Gunderson who is recovering from a gunshot wound to the leg. After being shot, thomas drug himself behind a row of bleachers and began worrying he may bleed out. Two young women rushed to his side. One tied ad belt to stop the bleeding and others rally ad group of men to carry him to safety. He suffered a torn muscle to his calf, making it difficult to the stand. When the president and first lady walked into his room at hospital, we stood the pain and rose to his feet. Why he did he said i will never lie down when the president of this great country comes to shake my hand. Las vegas strong hashtag swept across the nation last recent days could not be more fitting. President will travel to the florida, virgin island, puerto rico and he will meet with survivors, firstresponders and personally assess the recovery effort. President son continues to supply supplies to u. S. Virgin islands an puerto rico. The governor said every time we asked them to execute they have executed quickly. That has been and continue to be our goal. This unprecedented relief evident to make it very clear we will not rest or stop until all our people are safe and secure toward a very clear path to the Bright Future they deserve. With that i will take your questions. Jill. Two topics for you. Does the president support legislation that would ban or regulate bump stocks . Right now our focus as we said last couple days has been on healing and uniting the country. The investigation is still continues to be in very early stages. We know that both members of both parties in multiple organizations are planning to take a look at bump stocks and related devices of the we certainly welcome that we would like to be part of that conversation. And we would like to see a clear understanding of the facts, wed like to see input from the victims families, from Law Enforcement, from policymakers. Were expecting hearings and other important factfind efforts on that and we want to be part of that discussion. Were certainly open to that moving forward. Can you tell us to the president s thinking . Were open to the that but we want to be part of the conversation as it takes place in the coming days and weeks. Ask you about daca today. There is october 5th deadline. Is there any consideration extending the deadline because so many people have not shotted renew forms . Right now the president s position i called on confess to come up with a permanent solution and a fix to this process. To have responsible Immigration Reform. We would like to see at that be a part of it. Maggie. Asking for cuts in the level of immigration going to be part of the daca effect . Well roll out specific principles we would like to see in the responsible Immigration Reform very soon, probably in the very short future. And well let you know when we do that you can see all the details on that day when its there. I think there are a couple questions on puerto rico if i can. President said that the debt in puerto rico will be wiped out. Director mulvaney cleared that up a little bit saying, he wasnt, we shouldnt take the president word for word on that. Can you just button it down from the podium whether or not the president will take action or push for legislation to forgive any of the debt that puerto rico currently has . Right now the primary focus is to provide relief to puerto rico and support in the rebuilding efforts. While were still dealing with the immediate disaster, it isnt inappropriate on difficulties that puerto rico was dealing with before the storm. There is a process for how to deal with puerto ricos debt. It will have to go through that process to have a lasting recovery and growth. This was a process that was put in place and set up under obama and that has a board of advisors that deals with that debt. It will go through that process as we move forward. Matthew . Sorry, im going to jump around. Thanks, sarah. I wonder if there is any concern in the white house that the president frequent use of fake news to describe mainstream outlets, muddies water a little bit and makes it hard for citizens to identify the actual fake news that the intelligence agencies have said countries like russia used to interfere in the last election . I think that the president has a great frustration with the fact that a lot of times you have inaccurate information that is being presented as factual. A lot of types you have opinions that are being presented as news and theyre not. I think that is a real concern, and something that certainly should be looked at. Difference between erroneous reports or reports that he finds offensive and type of fake news we saw pushed during the election by russian intelligence . Does he see a distinction there . We see a problem with any stories inaccurate or untruthful being presented to the American People as facts. Give us a readout [inaudible] im sorry. Give us a readout on on meeting with senator the president routinely meets with senate and house members. This was not anything beyond that. They talked about a number of issues. Senator cotton is somebody president worked with regularly since taking office. Well continue to do that. If we have further information well let you know. Major. Immigration and iran . I think both of those topic were discussed. Beyond bump stocks, does president has open attitude of methods of gun control long been debated, or is the white house openness you described being willing to be a part of that conversation limited to one on bump stocks . The president is strong supporter after the Second Amendment. That hasnt changed this is president who wants to look at, i think at this point in the process i think we all need to take a step back. We had one much the most horrific tragedies that has ever taken place on u. S. Soil. Before we can run out to Start Talking about the prevention for Something Like that to happen again which we all certainly want to do, we have to determine what caused it. We havent gotten that far down the road. That is something that Law Enforcement agencies are all collaboratively working day in, day out to do. We want to help support that effort in any way possible. Again, i think that this administrations position is extremely clear. We would look at taking any step we could to prevent Something Like this happening again. Just to be accurate on that, bump stocks is what youre open to having a conversation about, and thats it for the moment . Thats something were certainly open to having that conversation. At this point, again, i dont think we want to go out and start having, making rash decisions while were still in an open investigation. We would like to get more fact what is we can do, not just in in case but this is a president who is very committed to doing every single thing he can every single day to protect american lives. Whether that is securing border. Whether defeating isis. Whether that is containing north korea. Whether that is looking at legislative fixes that may be necessary to help protect american lives. That is something that the president and the administration are committed to doing and looking at, being part of that conversation every single day moving forward. Kevin. Thanks. Lot of people talk about the bump stocks. How about talk about something else, the Iran Nuclear Deal. October 15th deadline coming up, and i want to make it clear for people that dont know, its a little more complicated because there is also the review act that congress enacted last year. Im curious, given that the president previously said that this deal was an embarassment, does it make sense to presume he will not choose to recertify or, might he decide to strengthen sanctions and sort of stay in the deal that way . What is your thoughts. The president has made a decision on that and he will make the announcement at appropriate time. The main focus ha he has has been a comprehensive strategy how to deal with iran. That is what he wants his team to put into place. I think you will see that announced in short order. That will be a comprehensive strategy with a unified team behind him supporting that effort. Voices im imagining in the room on that, even though move forward is one, there has been some debate, is it fair to say that . The president s team has presented a united strategy that the National Security team all stands behind and supports and president will make that announcement soon. John . Since briefing began, sarah, the nra put out a statement as it relates to bump stocks, their position on bump stocks. They write, they believe that devices that allow semiautomatic rifles to function as fully automatic riles should be subject to additional regulation. Does that change the administrations point of view after all the president has been a big supporter of nra and nra is big supporter of the president . Look, as i said a few minutes ago, we welcome certainly that and a conversation on that. That hasnt changed. That is something were very open to. We want to be a part of the conversation moving forward. Blake. Let me ask you one on puerto rico and one on taxes. Going back to puerto rico, you said with the debt there is a process in place and that the process will play out. Does that mean that the president s comments simply wiping away the debt is no longer on the table . The president wants that to go through that process. That is the stage we are in this. P. On tax reform, sarah, chuck schumer, right now or scheduled to have a News Conference about state and local Tax Deduction being wiped off the books. How they should stay on the books. There is currently one republican senator, seven republicans at least in the house, who want that to stay as part of the tax framework. The president talked about red lines. Is he up for negotiation on salt or something for him that is a red line . Look, the president has laid out his priorities and the framework of what he wants to see in this tax relief package. Look, i think one of the big things you have to look at is that most americans dont actually itemize deductions. 80 of benefit goes to sixfigure taxfilers. The fact it isnt fair and doesnt make sense for working americans across the country to subsidize the wealthy in a few states. The president iser clear in his position. Were moving forward with the framework we laid out. Jeff. The question on puerto rico. Yesterday the administration in supplemental request asked for 13 million to help storm victims. Will some of that help puerto rico rebuild its power grid which was in pretty dire straits before this storm . There was a large portion of that that will go to femas Disaster Relief fund. And that will be determined at the appropriate time which parts of those will go to which efforts and so, i direct you to fema on the specifics of what that look like. Jim . Why did the president tweet he would like to see the Senate Intelligence committee investigate news outlets in this quest to go after fake news . Does he, does he value the First Amendment as much as he values the Second Amendment . Absolutely. The president is a incredible advocate of the First Amendment but with the First Amendment you have hold on. I allowed you to finish. With the First Amendment, with those freedoms also come responsibilities. And you have a responsibility to tell the truth, to be accurate. I think right now when weve seen recent information that says that only 5 of Media Coverage has been positive about this president and this administration while at same time, you have the stock market and Economic Confidence at an alltime high, isis is on the run, unemployment at the lowest it has been in 17 years, we cut regulations at historic pace, were fixing the va for our vets, you have only found 5 of your time to focus on some of those big issues. Frankly those are issues most Americans Care about, not a lot of things that you cover, not a lot of petty palace intrigue you spend your time on. I think we need to move towards a certainly more fair, more accurate, frankly a more responsible news media for the American People. Can i follow up on that. Sorry, im trying to get to everybody, like i told your colleague, if i have time. Very quickly, should Congress Investigate news out lets . No. A few questions, one is Governor Brown in california just signed a sanctuary state statute and, im interested in what efforts the administration will make to block the move and whether this signifies that the administrations efforts to crack down on sanctuary jurisdictions has failed, given that california has more than 12 of the nations population, and now be an entire state under the sanctuary designation . Look, we are spending every day we can trying to find the best way forward. The president will be laying out his responsible immigration plan over the next week. And i hope that california will push back on their governors, i think irresponsible decision moving forward. My second question was a followup hold on. Im trying to get to everybody today. Thank you. Is president upset that his secretary of state didnt deny calling him a moron yesterday . As the secretary of state said this is petty ridiculous accusation. Frankly i think beneath the secretary of state to weigh in on every rumor out there. His spokesperson however came out an clarified that the secretary of state never used those words. John . Dont you think the president undercut secretary of state . The Prime Minister miss of that question is absolutely ridiculous. The president cant undercut his own could be net. The president is leader of the cabinet. He sets the tone. He sets the agenda. I think that question makes no sense because of that. Thank you, sara. Two questions. First, let me follow up on kevins question earlier about the iran agreement. We know that decertified does not mean a complete cut and it would till keep the u. S. In the negotiating procedure. On the other hand a clean break, such as advocated by former ambassador john bolton would completely separate the u. S. From any agreement with iran. Ambassador bolton proposed that, reportedly has been unable to talk to the president about it. Is the clean break advocated by him still on the table . As i told kevin, the president is going to make announcement about the decision that hes made on a comprehensive strategy that his team supports and well do that in the coming days. Im not getting ahead of that announcement by leaning in now. Reporter sarah john im getting to everybody. Reporter i had two. Everybody has two. If that is the case, that were somebody can say i have 12 questions on front end. I never get to anybody else. We come back to you if i can. David. Reporter secretary price was essentially let go because of his private jet travel of in close proximity of his firing secretary perry took private jets. Kellyanne conway went along for one of secretary prices rides. President has spent 17 weekend, taxpayer every weekend at maralago or bedminster, taking a fund racer to North Carolina this weekend. Is he not setting tone tell the cabinet members misuse of taxpayer money, overuse is okay . Ill start with North Carolina. My understanding is that for the political event that will be reimbursed for any political travel. The president is reporter first class rate that secretary price paid . I have to check on that. President is certainly in very different position. He is not allowed to travel in a different way other than in a secure airplane as air force one. Reporter he could stay here and work. The president certainly hasnt been there every weekend, every weekend he is traveling no matter where he is is the president is working. Hosted foreign leaders on several trips. Which has led to great accomplishments. Led to further pressure, unprecedented pressure on north korea, in large part because of the relationship developments that taken place at some of those weekend that youre attacking him for. This is a president that is committed to helping move his agenda forward and certainly i think that those weekend have been very successful doing that alex. Reporter i wont ask about the president s tweet this morning about the Senate Intelligence committee. Is he frustrated with how long with the investigation into alleged Russian Election interference is taking . More importantly than the president being frustrated i think the American People are frustrated. Intel Committee Told us yesterday after nearly nine months of investigating, included more than 100 interviews, more than 250 hours, 4,000 pages of transcripts, 100,000 pages of documents, interviewing officials in the Intelligence Community who wrote the report on Russian Election meddling, interviewing relevant Obama Administration officials, talking to every Trump Campaign official they have requested it literally found zero evidence of collusion between the Trump Campaign and russia. I think that the American People would like them to focus on some other things. I know that we certainly have said this all along, and were glad as they continue this process theyre coming to the same conclusion. Reporter on the kurdish vote last week, wonder u. S. Commanders regularly praised the peshmerga for their ability to fight isis. What message is the white house and u. S. Government sending them not backing them in the desire for independence . Weve been clear and consistent on that. It hasnt changed. Well not weigh in any further than we already have. Trey. Reporter sarah, does senate trump believe the Intelligence Committee should investigate American Media organizations . I dont know that is the case but i do think we should call on all media to a higher standard and certainly i think, i weighed in very clearly what our position is, when jim asked a question earlier. Reporter Intelligence Committee looking into the Fake News Networks in our country . I think you have a lot of responsibility and a lot of times false narratives create a bad environment, certainly arent helpful to the American People. And you have a responsibility to provide and report fair and accurate details. When we dont, that is i think troubling for all of us. Reporter sarah, you said several times the white house wants to be part of the conversation on bump stocks. President talking about gun laws as time goes by but you also suggested i think, clear it up, the time to talk about that is after the investigation has gotten to another stage or wrapped up . If not now, when is it appropriate to start having a conversation about policy . I havent said that the investigation has to be fully complete before conversations can take place but i think we have to be careful before we go out to try to talk about things that prevented something, we need to know what caused it in the first place and were not there yet. Were still in that process, we certainly want to again, look at every way that we could prevent anything, even remotely close to this from ever happening again. We want to be part of that process and we hope to. Just to ask one question to clarify the White House Position on bump stocks. In couple television interviews, Kellyanne Conway suggested atf in 2010 made a decision that these bump stocks were firearms parts and not firearms and couldnt be regulated under existing law. Is it white house view that was wrong decision on part of atf . Im not aware of kellyannes comments, i have to look at that before i weighed in. I want all the information before i could answer that, i think the bigger point here, were open to having that conversation. We think we should have that conversation. We want to be part of it moving forward. Reporter sarah, two las vegas questions. One is the administration considering overriding the 2010 obama atf ruling on bump stocks . Like i just said i think that is something that we should look at. Were very open to it. We want to have that conversation, and move forward in the process. Reporter second [inaudible]. Congresswoman from las vegas said she personally delivered a letter to member of the white house staff yesterday, inviting the president to meet with the Gun Violence Task force. Did the president see it . Is he going to say yes . Im not sure if he saw the letter but i think we would certainly be open to having a meeting with a number of different organizations and people that would be involved in this process. Reporter do you know if he saw the letter . I would have to check before i could comment. Reporter sarah, has the president had preliminary conversations with congressional leaders about bump stocks . Did he talk to any rescuers in las vegas about these devices . I know the conversations came up with very early stages with some members traveling yesterday but nothing definitive opening up that conversation. Like ive said self times today, that is a discussion we welcome and we want to be part of. April . Reporter sarah, over last couple days the president used word fear, hate, cruelty. Youre talking, having conversations on Different Things relates to las vegas, what is the conversation when it comes to issue of terror . Not talked about it yet. You have not classified it as such. Talking to people from both sides of the aisle there no one settled for universal definition for terrorism, but weve seen Timothy Mcveigh with oklahoma city. Weve seen mother emanuel in charleston. I mean, under all circumstances that weve seen so far, people were intimidated, scared, ambushed, militarystyle in a planned, thought out effort, whether it is political or not, they were terrorized. Is this administration willing to start, since theyre having conversations about other things, was this domestic terror . That is something for the Law Enforcement communities to define and identify. The bigger thing this administration is focused on is the prevention, looking how we can stop things like this from ever happening again. I dont care how you label it. It is something that should never take place in this country. This president is committed to looking for ways to prevent it. Halle . Sorry, i have limited everybody to one question. Reporter what does this white house believe, the president went there . It was controversial his appearance. Actually it wasnt controversial. Widely praised even by a democrat governor. I think it is sad that the mayor of san juan chose to make that political statement instead after time focusing on the relief efforts. The president invited her to be part of that conversation. He specifically asked in the meeting where many were present, including a couple dozen other mayors who were very happy with the recovery effort. The governor, the congresswoman, he opened the floor up for discussion and she actually made zero comments. To me that would have been the time and the place that she should have weighed in and asked for what she needed and laid out what she was asking for san juan. She didnt. Instead she chose to wait until the president left and criticized him on tv which i think is the wrong thing for her to do and her constituents. I hope next time she is given opportunity to help they were constituents she will take it. Halle. Reporter made it clear the president is open to conversations about bump stocks and other conversations about gun control . Does he want to lead the conversation . Will he use the power of the president ial platform to push regulation for bump stocks, which Law Enforcement officials said were used in vegas . I think right now the position of the president is to lead on the effort of uniting our country. We have had a country in mourning and i think we saw what kind of leader this president wants to be what he did yesterday. He went in. Met with the law enfirstment officials, met with the medical teams and survivors of that horrific tragedy. This president wants to be a leader. I think he demonstrated that. He will continue to do that in this process. If you want to get down into the weeds on specific policy i dont think were there yet. Right now we want to lead the effort bringing our country together. Offering comfort to those hurt over last several days. Mike . Again im going to take this the last one, mike. There is talk that the some of the Iran Nuclear Deal are significant contenders for Nobel Peace Prize. Is the white house aware of that . Do you have a thought on talked about as potential winner . Im not sure about the Nobel Peace Prize process. Certainly not as it pertains to that. We have been very clear what our position is on the deal. That hasnt changed just because some people may receive an award for it. Thanks so much, guys. Have a good day. Trish Sarah Huckabee sanders, taking a broad range of questions from reporters at her daily briefing. Im here with lee carter, steve rogers back with me. Obviously the most important things as far as media concerned, and the nra said theyre willing to come out to have this conversation. Lee, theyre saying okay, we might need to rethink how this is regulated, specifically, they mentioned the regulation of these bump stocks. You heard from Sarah Huckabee sanders, that the white house is interested in having this dialogue as well. Do you see the rest of the country able to catch up where it looks like the nra may actually be right now . I think that everybody will be astounded whether or not they will get credit at the deserve, were willing to have conversations. Were willing to talk across party lines, across issues. That is another question. This is what the country wants. Polling will suggest same kind of thing. I believe this is the right thing to do. I believe Sarah Huckabee sanders gave interesting things as we get more details what caused this were willing to have conversations about anything to keep americans safe. Trish this is a very big deal, everyone. I cant say that enough. The nra is saying it is willing to have these conversations. That regulation should be looked at to control these bump stocks, which basically trick out any semiautomatic weapon to make it fully automatic. This is what this man did in las vegas. And this is why he was able to fire so many rounds, so many shots and be so deadly. Steve, the nra is willing to have the conversation. The white house is willing to have the conversation. The democrats clearly willing to have the conversation. Is this going to be significant in your view for the gun industry . Very significant. Guess who set the tone for the unity . The president of the United States. Trish, were living in extraordinary times with extraordinary challenges. Im pleased to say we have extraordinary president , who went there, went to las vegas with one mission in mind to unify this country and now he has been so successful he has the nra jumping on board saying, you know what . We want to be included, mr. President , in the conversation because what youre trying to do is unite the country. Lets be part of that. I give the president credit for that. Trish dont forget the nra endorsed donald j. Trump for president way back when. That was a big deal then. Let me share with you some members of the base, very big Second Amendment supporters feel. Jan morgan, you nice go she has been on the show before, she was on this week basically saying she didnt want the president going anywhere near this. Watch her. He can sit down with nancy pelosi and schumer and negotiate on number of issues but the Second Amendment is not one of them. Trish that is so interesting. You guys stick together. And you did help him get elected. Yes we did. Trish if he looks like he might waffle on this issue in any way, shape or form he better not. Trish what does that mean for you and other folks in the base . He better not waffle. I dont think, i think that President Trump knows better because he understands this one simple fact. That restrictiveness, trish, on gun laws is a moot point. It only affects, it only affects lawabiding citizens. Criminals, crazy people, terrorists do not act based on the laws. Trish so heres the thing. The country obviously has changed a lot in recent years. I think it is very significant that the nra is now saying that theyre going to look at this, if they think there should be some regulation for these bump stocks. Lee, you see from jan, she wasnt interested in entertaining any of this. How will he bring people like her, can he bring her along, or does need to go to the middle . Im not sure he can bring somebody like that along. A lot of people say we shouldnt have any conversation about the Second Amendment. That is not approach any leader should. You have to talk about tough issues and what people are talking about. The amendment is there for people to protect themselves, if they need to hunt to provide food. These are the kind of things guns are for. We should have a conversation whether or not these guns are doing those things . Are they appropriate for people to have. Trish in other words, a semiautomatic can become a fully automatic weapon is not something you need to protect yourself from an intruder or something that you need, steve, last word to you, to protect yourself from a hunter . Forgive me, to actually do the hunting. You know what, trish, this is why the president , press secretary, the president said lets slow down a little bit, lets take a deep breath and there will be another day for this conversation. Everyone is so highly emotionally charged with this, we need to settle down, unify, then have the conversation. Trish you know that is a good point. But i have to say the nra out there leading the way along with the president , which is really extraordinary to see. Extraordinary. Trish lee, steve, thank you very much, guys. Thank you. Trish bold statements from the president on possibly for giving the massive dent wracked up by puerto rico as the time any territory begins to rebuild after hurricane maria. All this as the u. S. Lookses to make drastic changes to the u. S. Tax system . What is the best way to tackle both financial hardships . Here with his take, fox business senior correspondent, charlie gasparino. Take it away, charlie. Im solving the puerto rican debt crisis . Trish im giving amin 1 2. Thank you. Trish president on one hand, these banks, Goldman Sachs and company, they are not going to get paid. Screw the bondholders. Trish right. So that is basically what he said, which by the way, a little strange because the president doesnt actually control the debt situation in puerto rico. He does have some say, i will explain that in a minute of the listen it, was a basically a dumb statement, ill tell you why. You, puerto rico has to return at some point to the cap capital markets. You dont return to the capital markets, people lend you money, by the way theyre doing you a favor much of the time, by telling them you will default on your debt, or they will charge astronomical Interest Rates to lend you that money. So what he said was pretty, pretty rash. Like i said, not helpful. Trish inflammatory. Markets by the way, we saw that debt respond pretty much immediately, made people nervous. Went down from 50 cents on the dollar which isnt good to begin with, to 29 cents on the dollar. Last time i checked it was 36 or 37 cents on reality. Here is the reality, bondholders will get screwed any way. Before the storm they borrowed way too much money. Everybody was going to get screwed. It was a court process. Working with the commonwealth. Geo bondholders at top will get screwed less. Generalobligation bond holders. Guy at bottom will get screwed the most. Whatever bond, three or four different class i of bonds, unilaterally president wiping it all clean, will put puerto rico into greece Territory Times 10. Trish they will never be able to borrow again. It can never get out from under. Now the question is, yes, thats true. The question does the president have unilaterally ability to do that . Knot directly. Depends how the federal government Going Forward sort of frames the bailout money f Disaster Relief, some money going to puerto rico, get it back as functioning government, if that is designed from what i understand as forgivable loans or a loan, or, not forgivable, a low interest loan, guess what, bond interest bondholders will get screwed. Its a defacto cramdown. Trish for our viewers out there, saying why should i care about puerto rican debt . It is important to realize that pretty much you know, every, every big bond fund has some bit of it in there. Right. Not only that trish 0 of all mutual 70 of all mutual funds have some component to puerto rico debt. Not only that, a lot of our viewers bought them, triple taxfree, buy them in new york state. You buy them as bonds last time they issued bonds was in 2014 where they declared were not greece. Well not screw over the bondholders. From a humanitarian standpoint, it is territory of the United States. They need access to financing. Everybody need to bow row. A Company Needs to borrow. If a Company Needs to borrow you dont get your paycheck. You dont get your paycheck, money doesnt come in all at once. Trish dont want that happening. I have to leave it there. One thing i will say does the president have unilateral ability to do this . No. But he does have the ability to make it very difficult. Trish charlie, thanks. Quick break. Price of trades to give investors even more value. And at 4. 95, you can trade with a clear advantage. Fidelity, where smarter investors will always be. Anlook how beautiful it is. With a clear advantage. Honey, we need to talk. We do . I took the trash out. I know and thank you so much for that. I think we should get a Medicare Supplement insurance plan. Right now . Whether youre new to medicare or not, you may know it only covers about 80 of your part b medical expenses. Its up to you to pay the difference. 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Join the millions already enrolled in the only Medicare Supplement insurance. Plans endorsed by aarp. Remember, all Medicare Supplement plans help cover some of what medicare doesnt pay. And could really save you in outofpocket medical costs. Youll be able to choose your own doctor or hospital as long as they accept medicare patients. And with these plans, there could be low or no copays. You do your pushups today . Prepare to be amazed. Dont wait. Call today to request your free [decision guide], and find the aarp Medicare Supplement plan to go the distance with you. Go long. Trish coming up i will be on fox news tonight with bret baier in the 6 p. M. Hour. Were talking about the economy. Heading to ashley right now, in for liz. Ashley trish, thank you very much. Wall street looking for its fourth Straight Record close as will las vegas, tax reform and puerto rico dominate the headlines. The National Gun Policy debate taking up a big part of todays white house briefing, Sarah Huckabee sanders saying President Trump is a strong supporter of the Second Amendment just moments ago and then went on to say the white house supports efforts to study bump stocks which helped the las vegas shooter turn his weapon to a virtually fully automatic gun. It comes as both the white house and the senate appear that they will consider banning those devices after the nra suggested it wont oppose

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