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President trump we seek the United Nations that regains the trust of the people around the world in order to achieve this, the United Nations must hold every level of management accountable, protect whistleblowers, and focus on results rather than on prospects liz President Trump kicking off his first visit to the sun with a polite but firm fix and reform yourself message un, stop wasteful bureaucracy and the mismanagement. The president set to make his first address to the General Assembly tomorrow, with a push for global resolve on north korea, isis, iran and other threats. Welcome to risk reward im Elizabeth Macdonald but first this story, yet another hurricane in the caribbean rapidly intensifying to a cat 3 possibly a category 4. Hurricane maria now aimed at the already battered islands there and florida. Were going to be watching that story for you throughout the hour now to your money despite everything the turmoil overseas the house and recess, markets going up again the dow posting its fifth Straight Record closed with three stocks, boeing, caterpillar and microsoft hitting new highs today, leading the index to close up 63 points to 22, 330. Along with the s p and the nasdac hitting highs but first, lets bring in former arkansas governor and Fox News Contributor mike huckabee. On the president , good to see you governor. Governor great to see you liz nice to be here. Liz so the president nice and polite. Remember he got really tough and blunt with nato and got what he wanted out of europe and canada when he scolded nato to say do you know what increase your spending. Lets take a less to the sound bite. I like your reaction. President trump nato members must finally contribute their fair share and meet their financial obligations. Liz their immediate pap far stations about that but he was plenty plant about it and it worked in canada and europe they increased it to 280 billion combined this year. Should he do the same with calling out the un, stop the problems and maybe get a win in another korea . Governor he absolutely should for one big reason. We pay for over 22 of the un, so the fact is we bought a pretty big ticket. We have a right to take the microphone and say some things that need to be said about this organization, that has become utterly worthless. It coddles terrorists nations, it doesnt go after those nations that trample human rights right into the dust and then it goes after nations that are really doing outstanding things like israel, in terms of getting people human rights. Its an organization that needs desperate reform, donald trump is just the man to deliver the message and i hope he does. Liz get to your point what the governor just said the u. S. Is the largest single fund er of the un, to your point you could say un, you arent helping the cause for world peace, your bureaucratic structure encourages warlike behavior. Just look as north korea and mid east countries in china and russia, they veto measures that would stop aggression, right . Governor and think about some of the nations that are represented on the human rights council. Youve got saudi arabia. Now there is a champion for human rights especially if youre a woman. You cant even drove a vehicle and it goes on and on in the manner in which it is i think way out of control in terms of a useful forum for nations to get together and to make legitimate comments on countries of the world and the status of situations. Liz so youre saying refresh ing blunt talk, candid talk is what the un needs from the president right . Governor and he is just the person to do it. He loves blunt talk. Turn him loose. Liz people say hes rude but get it going get it done and i want your reaction to white house Senior Advisor Kellyanne Conway giving a preview of President Trumps first un address tomorrow saying the president will reaffirm america standing in the world as necessary and vital as a beacon of world peace to keep world peace you need a strong u. S. Thats exactly what the un secretary said, Kellyanne Conway did say this that the president will not apologize about america, about anything to do with america. Kellyanne conway referring to president obamas apology. Remember lets take a listen. The early decisions that weve made, that youre starting to see some restoration of america standing in the world. There have been times where america has shown aerogances and been dismissive. The United States is still working through some of our own darker periods in our history. Weve at times been disengaged and at times weve sought to dictate our terms. We have to acknowledge potentially weve made some mistakes. Liz okay how will trumps first address compare to this devicive apology tour . Governor you know, you were just playing Barack Obamas greatest hits and im sorry but none of them charted. Ronald reagan was begged by his staff at the time, never to use that term, tear down this wall and he kept putting it back in his speech they kept taking it out. He went to the podium and delivered one of the greatest remarks in the century that ultimately was a really a predictor if you will of the fall of Eastern Europe and the soviet union. It was a powerful moment in American History in world history. Donald trump said some blunt things when he went to nato. He said some blunt things when he went to the middle east. This is a man who needs to go with his instincts and not a bunch of bubble heads around him who try to reign him in. Liz because reagan was galvanizing in that message. Governor he really was and it had impact when donald trump spoke bluntly to nato. Nations said you know, this guy doesnt goof around with us. He doesnt come in and apologize for america and kiss up to us. There is no tongue bath with donald trump and thank goodness. Liz here is the thing because north korea could one of those rockets could go awry and hit japan accidentally. Weve been talking about that on the show and were not making this up. Intelligence and military officials have been warning about what the governor and i are talking about that President Trump nicknamed the north korean dictator kim jongun calling him rocket man as a rogue leader pursues a Nuclear Missile program and we have White House National security advisor h. R. Mcmaster saysthere is a military option for dealing with north korea. Roll tape. It really depends on how we see this strike continue to manifest itself and our judgment about how much time we have. This regime is so close now to threatening the United States and others with a Nuclear Weapon that we really have to move with a great deal of urgency, on sanctions, on diplomacy and on preparing if necessary a military option. Liz all the officials weve talked to governor said the past administrations kicked that can down the road. Are we at that point now . Governor i think we are if north korea has the ability to light the candle on a Nuclear Missile, and whether they hit japan or south korea or to the western United States, its an unacceptable possibility we cant just say well he really wouldnt do that. No little kim really would call him rock it man, call him whatever you will but hes backed up against the wall. He wants to prove that hes the tough guy. Liz what would you say china should do . China needs to put the pressure on north korea. Governor i agree but i have a more radical view. I say we say to china an ex north korea. Make it part of china. It sounds bizarre but look it avoids a military situation. China is the only one that can do trade and be a marketplace for north korea. Theyre the only ones who can get away with doing that and quite frankly having china running north korea is a heck of a lot better than little kim do it. Liz a no fly zone over north korea but thats an idea now we have i rans president warning the u. S. Will pay a high price if President Trump gets rid of obamas nuclear deal with with i ran. H. R. Mcmaster questions the iran deal. Lets take a listen. Well they cant be giving this regime cover to develop a Nuclear Capability and so a lot of things have to happen immediately. Rigourous enforcement of that agreement. Not just walking up to the line of the agreement but crossing the line at times so there has to be much more rigourous enforcement of the deal and we have to recognize the fundamental flaws in this deal. Liz what are your thoughts here . Governor look we never should have made that deal. It was a terrible deal for companies that are millions of dollars at stake and so we sold out the integrity of the United States its blood money and it was a terrible deal and the more we can do to unravel ourselves from it the better the sooner and we should never trust the iranians in all the years since 1979 not onetime have they ever kept a promise. Not once, and so for us to think suddenly theyre going to start would be Utter Nonsense and its a dangerous point of nonsense. Liz do you think the president takes on iran in his speech tomorrow . Governor well i hope he does iran has taken on the United States and its speeches but its not just about making a provocative speech. The point is hes giving notice, not just to iran, but to the world. The United States is not going to be a paper tiger sitting back and letting it kick sand in our face. If we have to come at you diplomatically, economically or even military, were going to defend our interest and the safety of our people. Liz lets get to domestic politics, President Trumps personal lawyer and close business advisor Michael Cohen is expected to testify in the senate tomorrow on the alleged russian interference in the election this after several other people connected to the president testified as well. Trumps oldest son donald trump jr. White house Senior Advisor and soninlaw Jared Kushner and former Trump Campaign chair paul manafortafort, however the New York Times complaining that facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg seems to know a lot about russia here is the headline. Facebook knows more about russias election medaling shouldnt we . Thats basically that facebook was taking russian bots and the like so should zuckerberg testify as well . Governor yeah for two reasons, one because he has more involvement with russia than any of those people in the Trump Campaign. Number two . Hes probably the only person in that list who actually can afford the legal fees that all of them are going to incur and this is something that is incredibly wrong and its why so many people dont want to do Government Service because it almost is an invitation to bankrupt your family, the entire fortune paying out lawyers because somebody went after you. Liz have you ever seen administration have to lawyer up or have to lawyer up as fast as this one . Governor no because theres never an administration with so much hostility and hatred directed toward them and also why i really worry about bob muellers getting all these clinton people around him. I just cant see that being an objective look at what really went down and im pretty sure theyre not going to investigate anything from the dnc and that server and all the reasons that they really should be taking a look at interference in the election that didnt come from the Trump Campaign. Liz you mean the Clinton Foundation . Governor absolutely for heaven sakes were talking hundreds of millions of dollars that invoked official responses from the u. S. Government under hillary clinton. Thats pretty big. Liz governor we love having you on. Governor great to see you. Liz another hurricane tropical maria strengthening into a category 4 hurricane. Look at this the governor of puerto rico issuing a state of emergency already, expectations is that Hurricane Maria could be Even Stronger by the time it makes landfall. We are keeping an eye on it and we have this story a new report says u. S. Fuel prices poised to remain higher for the rest of the year in the aftermath of hurricanes harvey and irma just in time for the winter heating season, unfortunately. Its costing consumers billions of dollars but providing a profit booth to some Refining Companies and look at this. The nationwide average for gas is about 0. 50 higher versus this time last year. Higher fuel prices mean refinery owners even some with flooded plants that wont go back into service for weeks they could possibly see an improvement to their bottom line. Coming up tonight, a New York Times reporter he covered labor unions and quit the rights and hes slamming President Trump for letting an 11 year old boy mow the white house lawn. Now, this youngster he wanted the job and he volunteered for it but this guy says do you know what . Sends a bad message about child labor. Also, this story for you the emmys, the nfl and Rolling Stone s all reporting dropping numbers. Why . Weve got a guest tonight who says its because they get too politicized they lean too far left but first the media calling out trump for pushing his refugee pause after another london terror attack. My next guest says he was not surprised when the suspects did in fact turn out to be refugees. The retired Lieutenant Colonel tony schafer calls out that double standard tonight after this. 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A 21 year old syrian refugee apprehended outside a shop in southwest london after the failed terror plot. Turns out these two terror suspects were taken care of as foster children by the same foster parents in england. Thats according to local reports there, but what does it mean theyre reporting about here . Theyre complaining about President Trumps reaction to the attack trumps latest post london tweet storm did not wait for the facts. Trump uses London Attack to brag about his stupid travel ban. Trump uses london terror attack to promote his listen ban. Joining me now London Center for policy Research Vice president hes retired Lieutenant Colonel tony schafer. Whats your reaction to those attacking headlines of President Trump . President trump was right. I dont care what you say about jumping the gun. The facts meet the situation and liz, lets remember, you and i spoke about this, i think a year ago where i spoke about the fact that we knew that isis was putting terrorists into the refugee string. Here we are, so it is this very issue that our Mainstream Media continues to fail. The American People have to understand theres a threat. He knows this. President trump knows this. The british know this. This is one of those material issues that led to the brexit vote a year ago this month, where the british basically said look, we no longer control our own borders. We are very concerned about the refugees and other foreign nationals coming in. We have to gain control of it. A little bit too late but clearly, now we see that they were going in the right direction. President trump has put politics in place to prevent this sort of thing from happening here and yet all they can do is say he jumped the gun. Its totally insane. Liz colonel terrorists weve been reporting about this. It was fear that there would be a terrorists as you point outcoming out of syria and iraq as those countries fell. Here is another report. Both of the terror suspects reportedly lived with the same foster parents in england. The foster parents say they were not told about their past. Whats going on . Werent a lot of progressives and liberals saying there is extreme vetting . We dont have to worry . The parents didnt even know about their background. Precisely and theres two problems with that liz. First these countries are war torn and most of the records on anyone coming out are not available. Theyve been destroyed or manipulated so first off you wont have a great background and anything you do know the government seemed to not want to share. I mean thats been one of the problems weve seen with the very thing of our own vetting. I mean, here is let me ask you a vetting question that ive heard to ask. Liz are you a terrorists . Liz yeah. Of course youll say im not a terrorists. There is no betting at all to speak of. Its basically theyve been trying to buy times the people process through thats the only vetting so when john kelly was in there, others were in there just over meeting with Senate Members of the Homeland Security committee on this issue. Look, this is no small issue. The idea of having a valid vet ting program is necessary for both protecting those who are coming here to live as well as the american citizens. This is just common sense. Liz colonel switching gears to another big fight over a terror crack down in the middle east we have saudi arabia asking snap to block the channel from snapchat users in saudi arabia. In other words saudi arabia saying we dont want them in our borders and now it is owned by q atar, saudi arabia and a few other mid east countries including egypt says do you know what weve got an economic and diplomatic blockade like hamas and Muslim Brotherhood looking at the stock for the owner of snapchat sending the day in the red. What are your thoughts on this story . Theres original issues about how different nations within the middle east are playing essentially one side against the other or us against them. In this case, qatar has been as a clear record of dealing with terror organizations and terror groups plus theyve had contact with the iranians so i think saudi arabia has the right to essentially say enough is enough were not going to deal with this. I think its one of those things that the Trump Administration has been trying to be careful about managing but the bottom line is we have to take serious any threat of any of the countries who deal with terrorists to support terrorists so as much as i dont agree with the way saudi had done it saudi arabians have the right to do this and frankly the qatar issue has to be resolved in some way. Were proposing a Treaty Alliance basically arab nato with those nations in the middle east and one of the areas we focus on is cyber so this is no small issue but one of the things were not going to resolve today or tomorrow but something that needs to be studied. Liz its really tough for our u. S. Companies to get ignition involving in that area of the world and here is another story along that line. Apple removing apple removing an app that makes it easier to circumvent chinas online sensors. In other words people there could use this app to basically read more things but china saying we dont want it. Apple removing it apparently on be half of china. What are your thoughts on this story . Look i think its a wrong move. Apple has the right to economic ally do business in china. This is clearly something that i think goes against to quote president obama against the principles of who we are and apple should be looking at this very hard this is in their business interest. Remember, liz, were talking about huge market in china, so this is something clearly apple appears to be giving apparently still trying to hire people for vacancies in their apple office in china, so its one of those issues where again a u. S. Business has the right to do business but you know again, i think in this case, theyre actually going against the interest of the people trying to sell the products to, by eliminating them. Liz to your point apple sales havent been doing so great according to their reports colonel tony schafer, we love having you. Thanks for having me. Liz Vice President mike pence arriving at laguardia a few moments ago. The Vice President will motorcade into the new york city to the new York Palace Hotel for a reception with latin american leaders. Venezuela likely a topic there. Now, he will be joining President Trump ahead of the president s address to the United Nations General Assembly tomorrow morning. We will be taking it live on varney company. Now what do the emmys, the nfl and the Rolling Stone magazine all have in common . Weve got a guest coming up says they all have declining customer bases. Why . Theyre getting too involved in politics alienating customers and the criticism too is they lean too far to the left but first this story for you, california now a sanctuary state a new bill out of the legislation heading to governor jerry browns desk for signature , establishing new sanctuary state protections for illegals in california. My next guests son was killed in california by an illegal immigrant. Not happy with this new bill, shes speaking out, next. When youre close to the people you love, does psoriasis ever get in the way of a touching moment . If you have moderate to severe psoriasis, you can embrace the chance of completely clear skin with taltz. Taltz is proven to give you a chance at completely clear skin. With taltz, up to 90 of patients had a significant improvement of their psoriasis plaques. In fact, 4 out of 10 even achieved completely clear skin. Do not use if you are allergic to taltz. Before starting you should be checked for tuberculosis. 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This despite President Trumps vow to crack down on sanctuarys jurisdictions that do not cooperate with ice agents. Joining me now is sabina durdan. Her son dominic was killed five years ago by an ill illegal immigrant in california. We are so sorry for your loss, s abina, and your familys loss. Thank you. Liz what happened to your son dominic . On july 12, 2012, he was on his way to work at the dispatch center, 911 dispatch center, and an illegal with two felonies, two duis decided our laws dont apply to him so he drove his un registered unlicensed car uninsured car and turned in front of my son and hit him so hard it threw him into a wall and killed him instantly, and to make matters worse the illegal had more rights than my son and received a misdemeanor without gross negligence, nine months five years probation and served 35 days. Liz sabina, was he kicked out of the country . It took me and my fiancee a year and a half to get him out, because i was told by an ice agent that while he was sitting in the immigration detention center, they would open the back door and let him out. Liz you know, critics like to call what your family suffered and the hideous disgraceful loss your family has gone through losing dominic, you know critics like to call what youve gone through and endured isolated incidents, but weve had many people on this show who have lost loved ones because of this National Disgrace going on with deported Illegal Immigrants coming into the country and killing again. Listen. A fourtime deported illegal alien that had done five years in prison for attempted murder and had a 15 year rap sheet just pulled up next to spencer and randomly blew his brains out. Joshua went to school one day and unbeknownst the to me a classmate asked him for a ride home and we found out at the trial his intent was to murder josh for his truck. He brutally beat him, crushed his face and voice box and beat him in the head with a closet rod four times until it broke and he strangled him over and over again, tortured him and tied him up like an animal dropped him in a field and set him on fire. An illegal immigrant intoxicated him from behind going probably 120 miles an hour. Liz all right sabina, if you could send a message now to california legislature, if you could talk directly to governor jerry brown, what would you tell them . Governor jerry brown, you should be arrested for treason. You have federal laws and i guess as long as its not your child you dont care. It doesnt matter if its 10 victims a day, a hundred, one is too many. We as americans deserve to be protected, not illegals. Liz just yesterday, sabina, a van full of Illegal Immigrants drove the wrong way on a major california highway after illegally crossing the border killing two people, so its still again the question needs to be asked why does california want to protect criminals . Well, what i learned in these last five years and i havent been into politics all that much , its about cheap labor and voters. Theyre going to vote democratic they get their license, they automatically register and people still a lot of people still dont know about sanctuary cities and states because if they would know whats coming at them in california and other states, they would be on the streets holding up signs that our americans need to come first and money, the billions that they spend on illegals need to go to our inner cities, to any american that needs help. We cant continue this insanity. Liz sabina, we have to go. Quickly has any democratic politician reached out to you to talk to you about your loss . No i was in russia last week with a group there and they ran from us. They didnt see us. Liz sabina, again just a disgrace what your family has gone through. Thank you so much for coming on the show we really appreciate it thank you, liz i appreciate you. Liz next up a New York Times reporter, he had covered labor unions. Hes gone from the paper still writes for the paper though. He is slamming President Trump for letting an 11 year old boy mow the white house lawn. This youngster volunteered for the job he really wanted the job but this time, theyre saying do you know what President Trump . Youre sending a bad message about child labor. Coming up the pitbull of personal development hes larry wingut here to respond. We have this story for you as well. What do the emmys, nfl and Rolling Stones magazines all have in common . My next guest says they all have declining viewership and customers after pushing politics on customers. That story after the break dont go away. 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Liz the emmy awards and a rating slide according to number s coming in host steven co lbert kicking off this years emmy awards with a lot of jokes about President Trump, again this years emmy broadcast hitting a new alltime ratings low, this is according to initial ratings reportedly down more than 2 to below last year s record low at that time of 11. 3 Million Viewers, so lets take a quick look at how cbs stock did today ending the day in the red lets bring in the political power panel patrice with the independent womens forum and democrat strategist daniele mclochlan. Good to see you both. Same here. Liz patrice, its the celebritys First Amendment right to have their opinion personally i dont care, but this is wall to wall blasting President Trump and not all emmy viewers are trump voters, even the democrats weve talked to. Theyre saying do you know what . Stop. [laughter] yeah its about time someone on the left calls out these liberal leaps. They thought the strategy is we control culture well change peoples minds and americans have responded by changing the channel. We say this with miss america and miss usa and see this spilling over into sports and i think americans are saying stay in your lane. I watch you on television or in the movies for a reason but im not listening to your politics because i just dont agree with it. Liz nfl ratings also taking a dip according to reports looks like viewers basically are jumping ship. The first week of the season down 14 yearoveryear, some blame the Hurricane Season but you know we do have nfl players continuing to protest the National Anthem during games. We have Seattle Seahawks player Michael Bennett basically sat during the anthem over the alleged racial profiling incident in las vegas last month and basically raised a single fist after a tackle during the game. First want to take a look at some of the stocks of Cable Companies that air nfl games all ending the day in the red. Again lowest level of ratings for the nfl since 2009. What do you think . No youre right and i think they had something to do with the Opening Weekend of the nfl and i think there were 18 Million Viewers for the nfl on sunday which hurt the emmys as well. Theres always been politics in sports and always been protest in sport. I think about the backlash internationally against south africa in the 80s and about the fact that the u. S. Boycotted the olympics. Liz but people dont want sunday night to look at politics right . Tv isnt predictable. I think that people are looking for other options and they will absolutely go to lulu or netflix or some of the other things. Liz that is point. You know, this is a business decision theyre making these networks to have it and as cord cutting is coming on its a dangerous decision. I hear what youre saying, again of course its their opinion First Amendment free speech right. Theres an implication. There may be a commercial price. Liz Rolling Stone magazine up for sale the founder said during an interview that he hopes to find a buyer that understood Rolling Stones mission. Lots of money involved here. This after putting up controversial covers that include wishing canadas Prime Minister just in t was the u. S. President and another cover seeming to glorify the then suspect in the Boston Marathon attacks. The magazine took a hard hit a few years back when it published a story about a campus rape at the university of virginia, that was later debunked. What do you think, would this magazine lose its journalistic reputation . A long time ago. In 2015 we saw they were already cutting staff and last year they sold off i guess a minority share of the company, so this is just the next step. Its interesting though they want to continue this progressive ultraliberal perspective for a magazine. There are a lot of other competitors out there promoting the same thing and i think traditional readers have moved on to lots of other outlets that are providing the same information on music and celebrities and whatever they had to provide. Liz what do you think quickly . A couple things, its pretty even over the last couple of years part of this is strategic rolling off some of the company on to online platforms. You know, the case with the right is obviously very unfortunate but i think its strategic. Liz thank you so much for your time and now an outcry from liberal harvard groups for dropping National Security leak er Chelsea Manning as a visiting fellow. We have a conservative harvard student here to react. And we have this story for you New York Times reporter slamming President Trump for letting an 11 year old boy mow the white house lawn saying this sent a bad message about child labor. Coming up the pit bull of personal development, look whose here, larry winget is here to react you wont want to miss what larry has to say. Do not touch that dial. It can detect a threat using ai, and respond 60 times faster. It lets you know where your data lives, down to the very server. It keeps your insights from prying eyes, so theyre used by no one else but you. It is. The cloud. The ibm cloud. The cloud thats built for your business. Designed for your data. Secure to the core. The ibm cloud is the cloud for enterprise. Yours. Is everything ok . Adt, cloud for enterprise. I could hear crackling in the walls, and my mind went totally blank. All i remember saying was, my boyfriends beating me and she took it from there. When a fire is going on, youre running around, youre not thinking clearly, so they called the Fire Department for us. And all of this occurred in four minutes or less. Within five minutes. I am absolutely grateful we all made it out safely. Its kind of one of those things you cant even. You cant even thank somebody. People you dont know actually care about you. To protect what you love, call 1800adtcares the toothpaste that helps prevent bleeding gums. If you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. Help stop the journey of gum disease. Try parodontax toothpaste. Im living that yacht life, life, life top speed fifty knots life on the caribbean seas its a champagne and models potpourri on my yacht made of cuban mahogany, gany, gany, gany watch this dont get mad bell mnemonic get e trade and get invested let me put it this way. I knew he was very impressed and i thought he wanted to go with me so i kept mowing, but he gave me a couple comments, so it was actually pretty cool when he came up. Liz thats 11 year old frank giaccio. Hes seen there mowing the white house lawn he volunteered for the job and wants to show the world what an entrepreneur he is hes a hard worker, he volunteer ed for that job. But now we have this the New York Times reporter, he has since left the paper and continues to write for the new york types and his name is steven greenhouse. He had covered labor unions for the times and he is now getting slammed after basically turning a heartwarming story into a trump smear attack thats the criticism. Greenhouse went after President Trump for letting this young boy to mow the white house lawn. Steven greenhouse saying that it sends a bad message about child labor tweeting out not sending a great signal on child labor minimum wage and occupational safety, Trump White House lets this volunteer, this little boy mow its lawn. New york times stock closing the day higher up less than a percent. Lets bring in look whose here, larry winget, hes the author of your kids are your fault and the newly released book whats wrong with darn near everything. Larry what do you think of this story about the 11 year old frank . The little boy wrote a letter to President Trump, wanted to mow the rose garden and the lawn there, wanted to show the nation what young people are really about and what theyre ready for what do you think of the New York Times guy going after him . Ill tell you what this is a good kid and what we all should want our little kids to be. Somebody who wants to get a job, somebody whose obviously interested taking care of himself and selfsufficiency instead of government dependency ; however weve got people like this writer who come out and say that its bad and it just astounds me. I can not be convinced at all by anyone that this writer gives a hoot and holler about this kids safety or about minimum wage or about whether this has any impact on child labor practices. This is all about he hates trump , and its a shame that we have politicized everything from football to the emmys to Hurricane Relief to this kid who wants to do a good job and do the right thing and the parents who raised him that way. Weve politicized all of it. And we ought to be better than that. Liz larry listen i know you are a big supporter of unionizing and getting unions for child lawn mowers i know youre all about that thats your next book, right . Absolutely and i love the sarcasm in your voice there. I really support that. Lets make everything cost more. Lets put a lot of people out of work by unionizing everything. Look, i started mowing yards when i was eight years old. A lot of people watching this did the same thing. We lived through it. We were okay with doing it. It wasnt about child labor practices it was about my dad told me to get out and mow the yard that was my contribution and this kid just wants to make a contribution and now were putting him down for it and were putting down the president its about politicizing something thats a good thing. Obamacare, trump care, immigration, tax reform. Those are about politics, not a kid who wants to mow a yard. Liz i think well do you feel like some people out there want kids like that just to stay home watching video games and getting all sorts of dietary problems because you know theyre getting obese and they should be regulated what do you think . Yeah obviously this kids not sitting at home watching video games and yet again, youre absolutely right. Hes actually doing something but when we start to ledge us late so were not letting kids go out and have recess and play tag and do all of those sorts of things and this kid is out getting a little exercise, again we want to put that down. This is a kid that we need to admire. Its parents we need to admire. We need to value that. Liz larry winget we love having you on come back soon. Thank you. Liz now this outcry from harvard groups, these guys over there, they are basically liberal students. They did not want harvard to drop National Security leaker Chelsea Manning as a visiting fellow. We have a conservative harvard student whose name is connor healy who said Chelsea Manning didnt deserve the honor in the first place and will explain why after this. Dont go away. At baird, we approach your Wealth Management strategy the same way to create a Financial Plan built to last from generation to generation. Well listen. Well talk. Well plan. Baird. So new touch screens. And biometrics. In 574 branches. All done by. Yesterday. Banks arent just undergoing a face lift. Theyre undergoing a transformation. A data fueled, security driven shift in applications and customer experience. Which is why comcast business delivers Consistent Network Performance and speed across all your locations. Hello, mr. Deets. Every Branch Running like headquarters. Thats how you outmaneuver. Liz liberals soon groups blasting Harvard University for rescinding Chelsea Manning invitation to be a visiting fellow during the Upcoming School year. A reminder Chelsea Manning originally sentenced to 35 years in prison for leaking National Security secrets after a military judge found manning guilts of violations an released early after president obama commuted Chelsea Mannings sentence and look at this the total 2017 2017 costs of attending Harvard College is over 63,000 a year and you look at that number to the right thats with Financial Aid over 43,000 there, with me now campus reform. Org correspondent and a junior at Harvard University is connor healy. Good to see you. Pleasure for being here. Thank you for having me. Liz what are your thoughts about this story . Well every semester the institute of politics at harvard picks a small group of visiting fellows that are supposed to interact with students and convey their experience in public service. I was surprised wednesday when Chelsea Manning was included and less for ideological reasons and first of all she dont have the qualifications. Were talking about people who have been visiting fellows that have been Prime Ministers, members of the cabinet, theyve been Congress People and Chelsea Manning just doesnt stack up. Shes a onetime halfbaked whistleblower conveying the honor of being a fellow against the institute of politics doesnt make sense to me and didnt make sense to a lot of people on campus. Liz obamas former cia deputy basically mike morell said this the harvard doing this means you set the stage for other leakers to come forward and connor, this is not the first time liberals have been accused of defending and supporting bad people. Does there need to be a culture change here in universities . Weve been reporting a lot about whats going on with universities what are your thoughts . Well you know, as for his comments i dont know that its necessarily the job of the university to think about those outcomes, but in the case of Chelsea Manning being honored in this way, that absolutely isnt the positive thing. Do we need a culture change . Absolutely. I myself as a student who faces criticisms for my belief on a daily basis would love to see that culture change and i know that theres even bigger push for it every day because this stuff keeps happening and its time for harvard to get with the program. Liz connor healy thank you so much for coming on the show we really appreciate it. Were monitoring another potentially dangerous hurricane. Some say Hurricane Maria could be worse than irma. Weve got details on that, next. Flonase outperforms the 1 nondrowsy allergy pill. 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Thank you for having us in your homes. Thanks for watching. Charles payne is here with making money. Charles fastmoving developments on north korea. Defense secretary mattis saying the United States has not attempted to shoot down any of north koreas missiles because they have not posed a direct threat. President trump bringing a tough reform message to the United Nations today saying it has not reached its full potential because of bureaucracy and mismanagement. Tomorrow he is expected to call for a harder line on north korea and the Iranian Nuclear deal. Adam shapiro joins with us the latest. Reporter the

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