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Start. Not going to get ahead of the dinner tonight, but it shows a great indicator that we have a big agenda and a very ambitious agenda legislatively this fall. Maria tax reform not the only thing on the president s play. The commanderinchief will survey the devastation left by hurricane her mother. Latest on the Recovery Efforts this morning. Features indicate a lower opening for broader averages today after another record set yesterday. Dow jones industrial polling 12 points, non sequitur by 11. Look at the European Industries for the ft 100 is down half of 1 in london. In asia overnight, markets close this way amid the nikkei average in japan up one half of 1 . Shanghai also hired petition higher cost below are appeared from the 1000 2027488001 awash with cellular service, weve got all the factors from apples big event yesterday. Theres the stock all that down two thirds of a percent. Espn host under fire this morning. Jamal hill sparked outrage after a controversial treat calling the president a white supremacist. Calling the president of White Supremacy is paid to calling the president a white supremacist. The details as kaepernick comes to her defense this morning. By the Company Hopes the Home Improvement couple will be this perfect Building Block for success. And then it pays to be balenciaga hopes to release the high profits ahead. There is a look at it. Can you guess how much that cost . Joining me to talk about, Fox Business Networks dagen mcdowell. Kevin kelly and rasmussen report amy holmes is here. Good to see you. Great to see you. So happy we are back together. Im going to guess that valencia issues cost more than the iphone 10. Roughly the same thing. A pair of dirty sneakers are the iphone 10. They look dirty. They look like marty mcfly in back to the future when he was trying to get on the hovercraft. Have you seen these 400 mens jeans . Incredible. Every program this morning. Stay with us, speaking with the chairman of the ear of the president of wells fargo. Tim sloan is here this morning live. Plus Small Business administrator Lindsay Mcmahon will join us. The cofounder of kid stops by and Home Services of america chairman ron peltier is here. Dont miss a moment of it. Right now with our top story, tax reform now on the menu. President trump sat down with six senators last night included three democrats at the white house or the topic of conversation was overhauling the tax code. Republican senator pat to me of pennsylvania. The president strongly stress it is interesting to the progrowth tax package done as quickly as possible. The Democratic Senators joe manchin of west virginia, Heidi Heitkamp of north dakota and joe donnelly of indiana were there. They started talks as productive while these for the middle class. Sarah Huckabee Sanders explained the dinner earlier. The president is reaching across the aisle to cut deals that helped the American People. The president truly believes he often says in order to succeed and grow, we must work as one team, one people and one american family. Maria join us to talk about associate editor Andy Stoddard is with us. Thanks for joining us. Good morning, maria. Happy buddha birthday. Maria thanks so much. Weve been talking about this since the president took place in terms of the inauguration. Is this a positive sign but needs to be done . Do you believe we will see some tax cuts by yearend . Well, it is the republicans have decided it has to be that christmas. They talked about sort of early into next year is the latest because they want to inject some kind of jolt into the economy before the midterm elections. Theres a new urgency to get it done by december. All they have to do and all the discord and dysfunction, its interesting that theyve moved up the deadline considering all the Hurricane Relief they have to fund in different other deadlines coming out. There is just one thing that unifies them, which is a panic over the failure to repeal Health Care Reform and replace it in a feeling that they have 2 of voters with some kind of accomplishment. Its not going to be the reform as we know. They are going to fight over which tax breaks will be killed off in order to fund this. The combination of permanent and temporary will be interesting what they come up with them what they are able to call per minute. Budgetary rules are very strict for deficits funded tax cuts. Theres a long road ahead in terms of what we are going to see in the bill. They think they will do this in three months, but right now we dont know what the plan is. Dagen dagen mcdowell. President trump will do something with tax reform he did not do with repeal and replace obama cared and that is barnstormed. That is essentially hit the trail 13 stops are planned where hes going to go out there and sell it to the American People. That puts pressure alternately on those representatives in those various states to step up to the plate and do something. It does or doesnt. So far up your senator had came from north dakota by senator manchin, particularly mrs. Heitkamp, she sent a plane ride and a rally in last night at dinner with the president all without any details. Treating out a picture of himself with President Trump last night, always talking about how they want to work to come up with a pass for bipartisan tax reform that helps the middle class. In the end they get appearances with the president to wonder his state, but they cant come around to a plan because they criticize the tax cut for the wealthy and not significant relief for the middle class. Then theyve gotten a gift from President Trump which is they hung out with him, worked within, tried to get the gas. You know, the president popular in their state remains to be seen if they are going to be on board. Hes right to court them. He needs to stay with them to the bitter rant once end once there are details an erisa plan he needs to be committed to a plan. Its against press. He really has to continue what he started, but its a good start. And they hold dear. Ive been frustrated by political coverage of donald trump reaching across the aisle because he has long broadcast his intention to reach out to democrats. His treasury secretary stephen h. And met with democrats early in march to talk about tax reform and its always been donald trump of President Trumps game plan. They plan to do this as a partisan measure. Our donald trump and gop leaders on the same page . Thats a great question. Republican leaders in the administration according to treasury secretary mnuchin yesterday still intend to use this code reconciliation that they try to use for health care repealing tax reform and that would block a democratic filibuster. So it sets them up for a partisan joke. Sometimes 51 is unreachable as we saw in Health Care Reform on the senate floor. Republicans see why President Trump will seek out an effort to speak out a few other democratic votes. Its not going to be a bipartisan vote plan which would obviously be more centuries. It will be a republican plan they hope to attract one or two democratic. Maria i keep asking where is the bill. So far we have all of the same principles we knew about in april when the white house gave us the way paper of the principles. Three brackets versus seven brackets for lower Corporate Tax rate from the repatriation rate lowered. Heres the bill. Are they able to put this in paper on the bill . They absolutely have to. We have less detail now that we given President Trump was running for the highest office in the land. That tends to be the case. No excuses. Now we need the bill. And then hearing about why we need tax reform. Im done hearing about what the rate might be. We need to see the bill. Especially because they reiterated numerous times working on it since january. The game of all talked about how they worked on it, but we havent gotten any details and now they are courting a lot of economists. Is this obamacare all over again . Maria thats what im saying. How long does it take to get principles on paper, get agreement on some areas to actually produce something to show the American People this is happening. Berea, you know a lot about this. Nine tax bill sitting around. They can combine any of them at any time. If they agree to something we would see it. They keep telling us we will see it by the end of september that they have to get it out in public soon. We hope that is true. I believe theyve reached consensus we wouldnt know what the principles were a ready. Thank you so much. Joining us on tax reform. President trump in florida tomorrow to the damage. The death toll has climbed to 22 now. Power restored to over 2 million customers in florida but millions of others remain in the dark. The florida keys suffered extensive damage. 25 of homes in the keys have been destroyed. According to initial estimates from fema, federal Emergency Management agency. Another 65 suffer major damage. Commissioner other cruisers, good to see you. Thanks for calling in. Can you tell us what this team is on the ground . Sure. I think the first thing people will notice is that its not clean anymore and its really stripped the tree and many other trees have [inaudible] those of us who have been there, our staff all around the county were a little skeptical of the number because its 25 [inaudible] that means 90 of the structures and keys have been damaged and that is not what we are seeing. For instance, key west the most populated area had very little structural damage. Some structures that have damaged, but very little relatively speaking. Other parts of the keys take a lot of damage, particularly of two marathon. One of the things that happens in his arm like this as you get near that high law picking up, they spin off a lot of tornadoes. What we have also seen as you will see one house completely dennis david in the next house is not. We think its pretty early to be making those kinds of projections about the extent of the damage. We have been extremely diligent with three days to the winds died down in right now all of our bridges have been in the day. They are all safer package. Our roads are open. Riccardi repaved one section of relatively low lane highway that was washed out and repaired yesterday. The other area we see the same thing being repaired today. Our crews so folks can get through. Some people will have a testing to see when they come back. One of the things i want to mention is there are more votes than cars yet allow for listed and landed in peoples yards. Maria had. Maria header, thank you for the update. Appreciate it very much. Well be right back. Dispatcher 911 emergency. Caller my husbandhes having trouble breathing. First responders hear it a lot. And everyone age 65 and older needs to hear it, too. The flu, and its complications, can be deadly. Especially for those with a chronic medical condition. Thats why there are higherstrength flu vaccines made for seniors. Ask your doctor or pharmacist for a senior flu shot. Do it today. Before the flu. Becomes an emergency. Dispatcher 911 caller she has the flu, please hurry. Welcome back of the Supreme Court during the Trump Administration of the tree in the temporary travel ban. Cheryl casone with guidelines. Berea, good morning. They agreed to block a Lower Court Ruling that would ease the refugee been would allow 24,000 refugees to enter the country. The Supreme Court will hear arguments on travelers from the mostly muslim countries and refugees found now. The temporary ban they do to protect against terrorist threats while the u. S. Looks at new vetting procedures. 10 years after steve jobs introduced the first iphone apple unveiling its most hightech highpriced iphone number. We do have one more thing. [cheers and applause] this is the iphone 10. It is the biggest leap forward as the original iphone. Okay, so read the iphone acts but they are pronounced in iphone 10. All you have to do to unlock your phone is look at it. Discuss Face Recognition Technology and its 999 on the cheaper in. Apple unveiling an apple tv and apple watch the shares of apple are lower in the premarket and we should say the stock fell a little bit after the big products unveiled. The fixerupper couple may be on your holiday list this year. Target is going to be selling products from fixerupper start to any gains. Chip angelina gains will be launching a new brand. Hearts and hands magnolia collection starts november 1st at this year. Theres a couple shares a target down more than 20 so far this year. Maybe the star power will help the stock market. Maria will watch that. Sportscenter goes on with the president calling him a white supremacist. The average in what her bosses are saying now that yes pm. One year after the scandal of wells fargo oneonone with the io tends on this morning how hes rebuilding Customer Trust and look into the future for growth. Back in a moment. 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With the menu app ready to roll. In 12 weeks. Yeah. The world of fast food is being changed by faster networks. Data, applications, customer experience. Which is why comcast business delivers Consistent Network Performance and speed across all your locations. Fast connections everywhere. Thats how you outmaneuver. Maria welcome back. It was one for the record. Jared maxis boards. Arena, good morning. The longest winning streak in a Major League Team in 15 years. Cleveland indians may have lost the world series last year, but right now they look like a team who and its lengthy drought. The firstinning home run against the tigers 30 at the season. Also in the field last night. The indians starting pitcher corey kluger giving for hits, complete game shutout. The indians went to nothing. 20 straight wins with an American League record that the indians win this afternoon. They would max the longest winning streak in baseball since 1935. Caress the l. A. Dodgers to one of losing streak and clinched the playoffs. Espn sportscenter anchor janel hill got political on twitter on monday night and now her employer has gotten involved in attempts to distance themselves from her comments. She treated on monday, donald trump is a white supremacist was largely surrounded himself with other white supremacists. Espn has responded with an official statement and that statement in part reads the comments on twitter regarding the president do not represent the position of espn. We have addressed this with jemele and she realizes her actions were inappropriate. As Colin Kaepernick tidiest paean to the statement. The unemployed former quarterback treated supports the emea with you along with the face. In july, jemele hill was responding to something Colin Kaepernick treated to nfl owners can call that historically accurate. They sent out a memo to all of its employees to head the president ial election which in part reads our audience should be confident their personal interest do not influence her news decisions. Telling everybody lay off politics. Most importantly onair talent for been for many editorializing personal attacks were driveby comment. That was before the election. They are not doing anything else. This day they spoken with her. This is a company that suspended robert lee because hes a nation broadcaster exactly. Well see how they react. They might be distancing themselves from this woman, but they are distancing her from espn. Is that interesting Colin Kaepernick steps in and now almost tied to it because he ties her to it. Shes also treated him. The twitter affair going on politically. We will see what happens and how espn deals with that. Maria we will see how espn deals with it. Danica patrick, issue done in nascar . She is not going to be racing anymore. Shes been with them since her first full year and the toptier nascar racing series. Quite frankly, she put out a statement shes the one who announced this i believe that its her honor to talk about the coowners of 15. She doesnt have a new sponsorship for next year. Here is the deal. This woman cannot win a race. In fact, shes never made in nascar. She cant drive out loud that she wouldve never gotten the opportunity she did having a fulltime car in the the one in. This is handed to her and she never stepped up to the plate and was able to win the race. Go daddy was her sponsor the first three years because they saw her as this market machine already associated with them anyway. Ultimately if you are behind the wheel youve got to win and she did not and cannot. 180 career starts, seven top 10 finishes. Dagen shes 28th in the standings this year. Maria good analysis. Eggs, jarrett aired sports reports on fox news 24 7 xm 115. Looking at wells fargo one year after the massive scandal. Wells is looking to the future. My exclusive interview with tim sloan is next. Excuse me, are you aware of whats happening right now . Were facing 20 billion security events every day. Ddos campaigns, ransomware, malware attacks. Actually, we just handled all the priority threats. You did that . We did that. Really. We analyzed millions of articles and reports. We can identify threats 50 faster. You can do that . We can do that. Then do that. Can we do that . We can do that. Oh, thats really attached. Thats why i rent from national. Where i get the control to choose any car in the aisle i want, not some car they choose for me. Which makes me one smooth operator. Ah still a little tender. vo go national. Go like a pro. Expestandard. E lexus rx with advance safety. Lease the 2017 rx 350 for 399 a month for 36 months. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. So what else is new . Humm. Shes doing good. She needs more care though. She wants to stay in her house. I dont know even where to start with that. First, lets take a look at your Financial Plan and see what we can do. Ok, so weve got. Well listen. Well talk. Well plan. Baird. Maria welcome back it is wednesday some tube or 13th. Your top stories right now at 6 30 a. M. On the east coast. President trump and Vice President mike pence had to florida seeing the deposition firsthand. Let happened tomorrow. This will mark the third hurricane response trip in just over two weeks. Hollywood coming together to help those affected with a hand in hand telethon without. Dot political right from the beginning. Hillary clinton held her first book signing yesterday. Pushing sales of what happened. I think its said after she ran one of the most negative campaigns in history and lost the last chapter of the of her career. Fresh fallout over the echo of tax data breach concerns are now growing in that banks could pull back on lending. We will tell you about it. In the never ending pasta pass is back. Taking the distressed look to hold a new level. Rolling out these new speakers. Do they look new to you. We will tell you that coming up. Lets check markets though first. Yesterday we have a Record Center for the major averages. Nasdaq by quarter percent. The major averages to look like this. In terms of that european indices. In asia over night to mix performances here were the majors close as you see there and ek average in japan was up one half of 1 . Rebuilding trust at wells fargo. Friday marked one year. Just last month it was revealed that the total number of unauthorized accounts could be as high as 3. 5 million. During me right jamie right now with the foxbusiness exclusive. Tim sloan. Thank you so much for joining us. Youve a whole list. In front of me. Some of the most important completed actions to date. To get this behind you what are the next steps in terms of rebuilding trust. I think the next steps are to continue on the planet that we set about a year ago. Focusing on fixing anything that was broken. Continuing to mediate our customers. The result of our review of additional accounts last week so were very focused on that. And then building a better wells fargo and rolling out new innovations like control tower and a new Digital Mortgage application. There are a lot of exciting things that are happening at the company. Why do we learn that there were three and half million. Then there were the fees and undisclosed things that were coming out. More indications that this could be even worse than people thought. How do we know that it is actually over now. Do you know if there are more than three cap million accounts

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