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Former Reagan White House political director ed rollins among our guests, and the official Television Audience ratings are now in. It was an historic blockbuster for the Fox News Channel. The debate on fox news was the mostwatched primary debate ever and the highest rated Cable News Program of all time. An incredible 24 Million People tuned in last night, all sorts of audience records were simply shattered. And tens of millions more online. Does that mean that we will have the most involved electorate in recent times . Could those numbers be causing some considerable anxiety among democrats . Weve only recently whove only recently decided to have a debate or two, a handful of debates, and intend to hide even those few debates . Well find out here tonight. Among the other stories, top diplomats from china and russia on capitol hill. I said on capitol hill. In an outrageous allout lobbying effort to persuade our congress to do what theyre told on the Iranian Nuclear deal. Meanwhile, president obama today doubled down on his death to america comparison of iranian hardliners to republicans. At the same time, supporting congress for his nuclear deal support in congress for his nuclear deal is slipping away. More congressmen today defecting from the white house. Well take up the issue with republican congressman lee zeldin. Congressman zeldin flies to the middle east tomorrow morning. Our top story here tonight, the republican president ial candidates didnt waste any time at all trying to take advantage of their debate performances today, taking their messages directly to voters after last nights recordshattering debate. Taking all of this up now, a terrific debater herself, some would say keen intellect and razorsharp wit, and one would have to say tongue as well. Political commentator, ann colter, good to have you ann coulter, good to have you here. Thanks, good to be here. Lou First Impressions of that debate last night. Well, the questions were great, and no disrespect to fox, put on a good debate. The reason there were 24 Million Viewers wasnt because of fox or the electorate being involved, it was because of donald trump. Lou i think thats clear, that he was the mainstay, the principal attraction and delivered on it. His performance, i know youre a supporter, and i would have to as my colleagues were moderating, i think that they were good for at least 12 million of the 24 [laughter] what do you think of his performance, and how did he come out . I think he totally dominated the debate. I have a few criticisms. One, i dont think you should be criticizing americas sweetheart, megyn kelly. Maybe a misstep there, and its actually after calling a great joke with rosie odonnell. That was the funniest line of the debate. Its like attacking shirley temple, donald [laughter] and secondly, when he raised his hand an at the beginning and said, no, i wont pledge to support in any of these bozos on stage, he should have said why. Its not just leverage, donald. Its because if they wont stand up to the sing lahr threat of our era, immigration, then we shouldnt support them, and neither should we or i or you. Lou ann coulter is going to stay right there with us throughout the broadcast. Well be back here in just a few moments and discuss amongst other things the [laughter] the donalds claim that they wouldnt be talking about illegal immigration had he not been there. Im going to give you an early hint, i think he was exactly right. Ann coulter, good to see you and look forward to talking with you. The other big news of this evening, the Obama Administration losing yet another key ally in its efforts to get the Iranian Nuclear deal approved by our congress. Congressman brad sherman, the latest democrat to come out against the deal joining eliot engel and senator Chuck Schumer, officials pouncing on those lawmakers, however. The secretary of state saying he profoundly disagrees with their decision. I would respectfully suggest that rejection is not a policy for the future. It does not offer any alternative. That will lead people to put pressure on military action since the United States would have walked away from the diplomatic solution. Lou if youre not confused, you werent paying attention. The administration also getting help from china and russia. Those envoys lobbying more than two dozen democrats. But despite the administrations earths, reports efforts reports tonight that iran is violating the agreement. General sulemani defying an International Travel ban. He travel today rouse shah last russia last month to discuss weapons deals with president putin. Just two weeks ago, secretary of state kerry himself assured congress that pressure would remain on the iranian general. Iran stands to receive up to 150 billion with the release of assets that are now frozen when the nuclear deal is implemented. But american victims of the iranianbacked terrorism are trying to stop this administration from releasing that money to the Worlds Largest state sponsor of terrorist attacks. Fox news Senior Correspondent Rick Leventhal with our report. Reporter stuart hersh, a navy veteran from new york moved to israel 25 years ago. He was sipping coffee in jerusalem in september of 1997 when three hamas suicide bombers blew themselves up. He suffered mild brain damage, burns and back injuries. 200 others were hurt and five israelis killed. These people were trained by the republican guard. So naturally, that would be iran. The law, that they would have to compensate us. Reporter a u. S. Law passed in 1992 allows victims of statesponsored terror to sue the governments financing the attacks. In 2003 hersh and other victims went to federal court and won a judgment against iran of more than 400 million. But the iranians ignored the order and several others totaling close to 2 billion. Meanwhile, tehran has up to 150 billion frozen in overseas banks thats sewed to be released when the nuclear deal is approved and economic sanctions lifted. Hersh and two dozen other plaintiffs say irans frozen funds are their last chance at justice, so they filed suit against the state Department Treasury department and secretary of state john kerry demanding irans frozen assets not be released until they get the money theyre owed. These are the victims of terrorism. These are americas victims, and america should remember them even as theyre remembering iran. Reporter attorneys say pursuing the judgments wasnt easy for the victims who had to relive the horrors of the attacks in court. Giving the iranians their frozen funds is a cruel twist, they say, adding insult to injury. This is not an issue of politics, it is an issue simply of human rights. Reporter a state Department Spokesman says theres no connection between sanctions relief and any Outstanding Court judgments. And the u. S. Holds no control over irans money, calling this legal matter a separate issue. Lou . Lou rick, thank you. Rick leventhal. Coming up here next, ill be taking up the impact of the iranian deal. Congress bank lee zeldin congressman lee zeldin joins us, and ann coulter, well, we said we were going to talk and debate the debate. We will. Stay with us, a lot more ahead. A fiery, substantive debate. Who did we bring in . A fiery, substantive commentator by the name of ann coulter. Well be talking with the bestselling author here next. Who did she like . Whos going to win this thing . And the u. S. Coast forwards biggest drug bust in history eight tons of cocaine. But what happened to the rest of that haul . Well have that part of the you owned your car for four years. You named it brad. You loved brad. And then you totaled him. You two had been through everything together. Two boyfriends. Three jobs. Youre like nothing can replace brad then Liberty Mutual calls. And you break into your happy dance. If you sign up for better car replacement, well pay for a car thats a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. See Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. Fresher dentures with polident. For the best first impression. Love loud. Live loud. Polident. Number 1 dentist recommended. Fresher dentures with polident. For those breathless moments. Hug loud. Live loud. Polident. Number 1 dentist recommended. Lou donald trump dominating social media following the first prime time republican president ial debate of the 2016 cycle, and illegal immigration now one of the mostdiscussed issues. The republican front runner made his position on the position clear. Our leaders are stupid. Our politicians are stupid. And the Mexican Government is much smarter, much sharper, much more cunning, and they send the bad ones over because they dont want to pay for them, they dont want to take care of them. Why should they when the stupid leaders of the United States will do it for em . And thats whats happening whether you like it or not. [cheers and applause] lou rejoining us now, ann coulter. She is the syndicated columnist, bestselling author, political commentator. Her newest book, adios, america the lefts plan to turn our country into a third world hell hole. Good to have you back with us, ann. Lets start with the extraordinary statement by trump in which he prefaced that remark by saying if it werent for him, we wouldnt even be talking about immigration in our president ial debates. Is he right . Absolutely right. And also my book. [laughter] lou adios america, did i mention it . Mostly, im running for president. Hes running for president. I think he could have hit it a little harder, and i wish there had been more discussion of it last night. The parts i liked most about in this book, theyve got to cut down the number of candidates. Ten is way too many. Ive been lobbying fox from the beginning, i think you can cut it down at least to eight or down to five right now. Lou i disagree with you. I think last night revealed how boring our guys are . Lou well, its all relative, as it were. But the fact is, thats a good field of candidates. Im so tired of people eh. Lou im very emphatic on this one. I really believe the darwinian winnowing of this will take place no matter what. But we saw very able people on that stage, stages. And i really liked the field that there were that many people stepping up here to contest for the job. I think there are lou as opposed to the other side where there seems to be an anointment and coronation underway. Thats true. Lou reminded me of bob dole 1996. I think too many of the candidates get rewarded just for running with radio shows, tv shows, higher speaking fees, and i think we have too many, and i think we could narrow it down right now, and some of them are okay. I thought it was basically when trump wasnt talking or christie wasnt fighting with rand paul it was kind of a snooze fest. Lou youre deeply cynical. Yes. The debate was a million times better last night, i agree with you lou how about the sharpness of the questions . How about the progression . How about driving relentlessly towards issues im not sure exactly how i would describe it. But it was better than other debates because we didnt have to spend 20 minutes on transgenders in the military which we would have if this were a cnn debate, a cbs debate, an abc debate, and i think republicans ought to say unless were getting serious questions we all agree to walk out and just let fox do our debates. I would like to see the contrast between the candidates much more than listening to each one of the candidates denounce the iran deal. The most per very, the most eloquence. Lou im one of your biggest fans, but to take issue with last nights debate, 24 Million People watching no, the Service Great it was great, it was fabulous, but how about getting rubio to really explain why hes now saying that we need a fence, but we cant have a fence because there could be a tunnel built under it . I loved the questions to donald trump, but there are other candidates lou i think it was revelatory. It was a powerful moment no to, it wasnt. Are you saying were going to have a fence orbit . Were not going lou i think the iqs of the general fox news viewer deduces very quickly but thats the fakeout. If youre complaining lou a non sequitur, youre not going to win the point. And how about john kasich going on about ohios budget when he was asked about a fence . Lou again, i thought you got a very good peek into the character and the and we had jen saying that, yes, he was jeb saying, yes he was for border security, but also illegal immigration is an act of love. Could we mix it up a little more on this here . Lou how about donald trump just getting so ticked off at one point that he, you know, he was spitting lava. I thought, frankly, he did terrifically. He was frustrated he was totally dominating the debate. It was so clear lou what about ben or carson . Hes a nice man but, no, not dominating the debate. And i cut it down to five. He had the second best joke after the lou when you roll out your w im just suggesting we start voting them off the island. Arent you going to ask me which five . Lou no, because i want ten at the very least. Jeb, not because he deserves it lou youre going to make this ten, right . Cruz, walker, who else . And rubio. Lou i love the passion with which you include rubio. Do we need anybody else . Oh, id cut it down more than that. Im being generous. Lou im guessing down to one. [laughter] no, id make it two. Id make it i want them to run together. Trump romney. Lou the dynamics of last nights electrifying debates that shes bringing back mitt romney. Everybodys missing romney today. Lou youve got to love it, that was great. You know it. Ann coulter. The book is adios, america. The sequel will be hello, america. Right after . Under trump. Lou james holmes will be sentenced to life in prison. The jury unable to reach a unanimous verdict on the death penalty. It is the same jury that convicted him of 24 counts of firstdegree murder, 140 counts of attempted murder last month in the july 2012 massacre at a midnight screening of the Dark Knight Rises in aurora colorado. Again, james holmes sentenced to life in prison after the jury unable to reach a unanimous verdict on the death penalty. Be sure to vote in our poll tonight after the fox news debates, do you believe the republicans have, well, more impress arive candidates than the mainstream liberal media acknowledges . Cast your vote, were going to send the results directly to ann coulter. [laughter] donald trump mentioning drug smuggling last night, and new video from the coast guard shows exactly what hes talking about. The coast guard seized 12,000 pounds of cocaine headed to this country, six tons. The haul worth a record 181 million, the u. S. Coast guard first spotted the vessel on the 18th of july in a small submarinetype craft off the mexican coast. A u. S. Coast guard cutter sent to interdict them. The coast guard removed six tons of cocaine from the submarine, but two tons were left aboard the submarine as it was being towed ashore, it sank. Mysteriously. Taking some of the cocaine with it. An investigation will ensue. Up next, a few thoughts on the absolute disaster that is this president s nuclear deal with iran. And how china and russia are twisting arms on capitol hill. Our congress. Thats right. Well take that up, and its not necessarily what you would want to see right after your plane takes off, but this was the view. Wow. That video coming right up. Stay with us. Much more straight ahead. Can a business have a mind . A subconscious. A knack for predicting the future. Reflexes faster than the speed of thought. Can a business have a spirit . Can a business have a soul . Can a business be. Alive . This allergy season, will you be a sound sleeper, or a mouth breather. A mouth breather well, put on a breathe right strip and shut your mouth. Allergy medicines open your nose over time, but add a breathe right strip and pow it instantly opens your nose up to 38 more. So you can breathe and sleep. Add breathe right to your allergy medicine. Shut your mouth and sleep right. Breathe right and look for the calming scent of breathe right lavender in the sleep aisle. Lou a few thoughts on the latest setback for president obama in his mad Iranian Nuclear deal push. In my commentary this past wednesday, i said that president obama risked major defections from congress, first, because the deal its itself is a farce and, secondly, because he took the deal to the United Nations before he took it to congress. Heres what i said. Chuck schumer said hes undecided on whether to support the nuclear deal. I dont believe theres any doubt whatsoever that he will oppose the iran deal. The president has put a fools bargain before him and all of the rest on capitol hill. And as predicted, senator schumer defied the president and opposes mr. Obamas fools bargain with iran. As i said, the senators many things and, certainly, an adroit politician and mediasavvy politician are among those things. Schumer made his announcement during last nights republican president ial debate. Now, that almost guaranteed no one would notice as he sought to mute news of his defection in opposition to the president s deal that would likely result in israels destruction. But the white house today tried to downplay his opposition. I would describe this as an announcement that was not, was not particularly surprising to anybody here at the white house. Even if it was disappointing. But it doesnt change our confidence. Lou it doesnt change their confidence. Then either their confidence must have never been very high, or theyre very high, indeed because they know they have enough democrats who will say the hell with israel and move ahead with this bargain. These defections arent yet numerous enough to kill the deal, so its very curious that these defections are beginning to add up. The latest, the temperature top democrat on the house the top democrat on the House Foreign Affairs committee, Elliott Eliot engel. The Obama Administration is now sufficiently desperate enough that the president has opened cap old hill up capitol hill up to china and russia asking those nations to lobby senate democrats. Even asking those in the series to meet with more than two dozen lawmakers this week, another meeting planned for next week. China and russia, of course, two nations allied with iran, and they also have carried out sophisticated and destructive Cyber Attacks against the u. S. Government. And they believe a nuclear iran is in the National Interest of both countries. This administration invites our geopolitical adversaries and enemies to lobby our congress on this deal, but condemn the speech by the leader of our greatest ally in the middle east. Whats going on . This president and his administration has almost crossed a line. Quickly moving from reckless and about to cross over to outright dangerous conduct of our missions Foreign Policy. Of our nations Foreign Policy. I would urge you to let your congressmen and senators hear from you and to urge their resistance to such disturbing behavior and ca prix disregard of our National Interest. Congressman lee zeldin will tell us what he thinks when he joins us here in just moments. Now our quotation of the evening. This one from history. Political scientist and Foreign Policy scholar george f. Ken nonwho said of large and powerful nations and the influence they exert, quote there is a real question as to whether bigness in a body politic is not an evil in itself. Quite aside from the policies pursued in its name. Were coming right back. What a difference a day and a debate makes. It turns out the republican field isnt crowded as the National Liberal media claims, its really just loaded with talent. Former Reagan White House political director, republican strategist ed rollins with me next. And you know those cautionary signs, the ones that say careful where you dig, one fella just found out the hard way. Wer i built my business with passion. But i keep it growing by making every dollar count. Thats why i have the spark cash card from capital one. I earn unlimited 2 cash back on everything i buy for my studio. And that unlimited 2 cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business. Thats huge for my bottom line. Whats in your wallet . Lou the main news at this hour, russia and china employed by the white house to directly pressure democrats to vote yes on the Iranian Nuclear deal. An increasing number of Top Democrats are saying theyre going to vote no. Well be taking this up in a few moments with congressman lee zeldin of new york. After the debates, the republican president ial field considered by some wide open. The candidates hit the trail today to keep their momentum going. Fox news political analyst ed rollins joins us here in a moment with analysis. And the twohour debate on the Fox News Channel the mostwatched Cable News Program in history. 24 million tuned in. The best day for fox news since the network was launched, and they just keep setting more and more records over there. Joining us tonight, former Reagan White House political director, fox news political analyst, ed rollins. Great to have you here and appreciate you being with us last night. It was a great show, and i think fox did a fabulous job and the country got to see in addition to the trump show which, obviously, was a big part of the draw got to see some great candidates. You didnt have much time, six or eight minutes at the most but you got to see the caliber of some people and, obviously, that was very important. Rue lou i think the Republican Party which, obviously, fox news, i mean, really did show off their wares there. Those have been i was talking with ann coulter here earlier, she wants five people. She gets to pick. Lou of course she does. The reality is, those are substantive people. Not all of them terrific, but most of them are everybody on that stage last night was a governor, a senator ben carson, an extraordinary surgeon, donald trump, an extraordinary businessman, and Carly Fiorina a successful ceo. You cannot say they are not qualified to run for president. Lou the democratic debates, very quickly stepping aside, the democrats sort of announcing in the dark of night theyre going to have a half dozen debates the first one in october, its going to be on a weekend. Saturday night. Lou are they scared to death to put their wares in public . I think they want to make a coronation. I think debbie wasserman, whos the chairman of the party, had kind of hand picked hillary, wants to coronate hillary. And i think to a certain extent, id be furious if i was a democrat. If youre not afraid of debating, you ought to get in there and do it. Lou lets listen to, id like to hear, if you would, folks share with our audience bret baier asking the pivotal question for donald trump last night to begin this, asking whether or not he would foreswear an independent candidacy. Mr. Trump, to be clear, youre standing on a republican primary i fully understand. The place where the rnc will give the nominee the nod. I fully understand. And that experts say an independent run would almost certainly hand the race over to democrats and likely another clinton, you cant say tonight that you can make that pledge . I cannot say lou he cannot say. We got that. I love the way he says, i understand. Its sort of get to the point. I this is a very unpredictable environment to be in, but when they come to that a convention, hes not going to be the republican nominee. If he thinks his only option is to run as an independent, get your checkbook out and go do it. But i think youre going to find a lot of conservatives who were very unhappy with that answer. This is a party that thinks they have an excellent opportunity to not only take the house, but to win the presidency and anybody thats going to be a spoiler because of their far is sissism is going to find lou one thing i cant abide in politics is narcissism. Let alone in the oval office. Let me pose this for you. The man is ahead. He doesnt have a close second. No, he doesnt. Lou and the fact of the matter is, you know, if you say hes not going to be the nominee, i have to tell you, im going to take it to the bank. But the reality is that this guy is ahead right now, and i dont see anybody stepping up. Did you see somebody step up last night . I did not. Heres what last night did. I dont think he lost usually debates reinforce your base and people that are for you walk out and say you did a great job. Trump supporters, i think, are going to continue to be there for a while. He has to collapse before someone else can move, but equally as important, he polarized a whole big force of the election. He has 20, 25 percent of the vote, theres another 60, 65 percent that got turned off by him, and i think to a certain extent thats going to do it. Lou ask you and i watched this movie in 1992, and you ran the campaign for ross perot. Same result if he does decide to run . Oh, i think theres no question theres 1520 of the electorate, but he will basically have a big impact on the Republican Party if he runs as an independent. Lou well, one of the first impacts, i dont know if you agree me or not, im going to say this as we wrap up, but i think one of the great contributions last night as you watched that debate, folks, i there ily believe you may have been been seeing the beginning of the end for Political Correctness. I think the leash is to be taken away from the neck of expression in this country. What do you think . I think thats a good thing. Lou of course its a good thing, but do you think its happening . Absolutely, i do. I think one of the things he has, he says what he thinks. A lot of people find that appealing. We have an allstar cast of candidates, but i think theres a lot of people who arent happy with the political process period. So if youre senator, governor what have you, they want something else. Lou all right. Ed rollins doctor thank you always. Lou be sure to vote in our poll tonight. After the fox news debates, do you believe the republicans have more impressive candidates than the Mainstream Media has been acknowledging . Cast your vote at loudobbs. Com. In colorado, workers should have paid more attention to to the signage. They struck a 12inch gas line. Flames shooting hundreds of feet into the air. As a precaution, fire officials evacuated residents within a twomile radius of the blast. No one, no one seriously injured in it all. And a close call of sorts for folks on a flight from chicago to houston. A passenger captured the terrifying moments the united aircraft flew close enough to a huge thunderstorm to record these images. The storm filled with bolts of lightning all happening right outside the windows of the craft. Folks on this flight were in no danger ever as the craft is built to withstand this light show. Breaking news tonight, the pentagon has announced that half of the 4,000 email accounts hacked by the russians two weeks ago still are not back online. That cyber attack on the joint chiefs of staff, Defense Department Officials Say russia is strongly suspected now of being the ones behind the sophisticated cyber attack. Translation . Theyre behind it, and the pentagon is doing nothing about it. They detected the attack on or around july 25th. They took the unclassified email system offline. The classified system reportedly not affected, but two weeks in which to notify us all of what is happening, and our pentagon in our pentagon. Up next, russia and china despite their overt aggression toward this company invited to lobby and pressure members of congress to sign off on the president s flawed nuclear deal with iran. Republican congressman lee zeldin joins us here next to take that up. And a new warning from californias governor about the raging wildfires on the west coast. Well have all of that and more straight ahead. Lou my next guest is traveling to israel tomorrow, part of a congressional delegation. He say it is Iranian Nuclear deal will pave the way for more instability. Joining me now is congressman lee zeldin. Good to have you with us and safe travels tomorrow. And, hopefully, youll have a productive round of meetings. Today senator Chuck Schumer announcing that he is going to oppose deal. Congressman eliot engel promising two distinguished democrats in both the senate and the house, but i dont see anything happening in the way of a formation of a block against the president s deal. I think worst Case Scenario we come close to an override n. The house, just on the new york congressional delegation democrats you had israel, lowy engel, rice, brad sherman, as you mentioned out in california. On the senate side, though, when you have a senator schumer come out against it, thats good, but we really need a senator schumer whipping votes from his democratic colleagues telling them you need to Prioritize National security over party loyalty, and hes not doing that yet. Lou to put it clearly, ive had some experience with senator schumer over the years. Ive known him for some time. This is a man that plays on, put it this way, dimensions. The fact is, hes unreliable when it comes to matters of both, i think, conscience and policy. Is he or is he not for israel, and does he or does he not believe sip serially that this sincerely that this deal will result in the possibility of the destruction of israel . This is clearly a twostep process. He outlined 1500word essay on everything thats wrong with this deal. So believing his own words, that alone should now take this to the next step which is him rallying he wants to be the leader of the senate democrats. In his mind, hes going to be the next majority leader of the United States senate. So with that comes this great responsibility to rally colleagues who plan on being there january 17 when obamas not. Lou well, whether they are or theyre not, the fact of the matter is that right now the republicans arent governing very well. Whether they are in the senate or whether they are in the house. This is transparently a party right now that cannot come together around the leadership that it currently has and cant affect policy in a positive manner or make a difference. I mean, is there a single policy issue in which the Republican Party with control of both houses has changeed the course of history or at least the direction of wrongheaded policy in washington, d. C. . There are certain things that have been done this year, the overhauling the sgr Sustainable Growth rate, cms lou let me write that down. Okay. Theres one with regards to a medicare entitlement reform lou as in the issues that alter and illuminate our time. Right now as far as Foreign Policy goes, this vote thats coming up in september is so critical. Now, if all of the republicans lou being the Iranian Nuclear deal. It must be rejected. We have to be able to overcome a president ial veto which is certain to be there. Lou is Speaker Boehner overcome with emotion and passion and commitment and a fiery drive to make certain that this does not happen because of his concerns about the well being of the republic and our allies and principally in the middle east . Id say two things. One is, as far as the republicans go in the house, this may be a unanimous vote. All of the republicans lou but it is unanimous. He is the speaker of the house. Hes not the leader of the conference. He is the speaker of the house. Can he persuade a single democrat to do what is proper for the National Interest . The democrats are led by nancy pelosi who says this is a historic miracle of an agreement. Unfortunately, the House Democrats have chosen nancy pelosi to continue to lead them into the abyss. I dont think that theyre looking for john boehner or any other member of the House Republicans for advice. Lou well, were looking to congressman lee zeldin for illumination on this issue, as always, and we wish you a terrific journey and safe journey to israel. And look forward to seeing you upon your return. Thank you, lou. Lou congressman lee zeldin. Officials in california warning those raging wildfires are the states new normal, as they put it. 12,200 people advised to evacuate as these wildfires are burning through more than 100 square miles, more than a 10,000 firefighters now battling 24 separate fires, major fires across the state. 45 of most of those fires are contained, were told. 95 of the state just a tinderbox. 95 of the state in severe drought conditions. Up next, Hillary Clinton goes to hollywood. Of course she does. She picks up a big endorsement. Can you spot the endorsement . Do you recognize that person . Its an unusual angle for her usually in the popular press. Fred barnes and kately here next with their own take on hillary the republican field and a lot more. Were having a h can a business have a mind . A subconscious. A knack for predicting the future. Reflexes faster than the speed of thought. Can a business have a spirit . Can a business have a soul . Can a business be. Alive . Congratulations. 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Powered by truecar. Online and on the usaa app. Lou joining us now, executive editor of the weekly standard, fred barnes. Real clear politics political reporter, caitlin huey burns. I know you just is got in, caitlin, but give us your take on the debate, its significance and what its import might be. Well, this was the first time that voters were seeing all of these candidates together on one stage, and there was an imperative for these candidates on the main stage to do whatever they could to not be outshined by donald trump who was literally at center stage. Lou did he dominate, as some say . He did. But i do think a couple of the candidates made news by not letting themselves be outstaged by him. I would say john kasich, the governor of ohio, really felt that hometown crowd, he was comforten on his home turf, and i think marco rubio kn lot of people have been concerned about his campaign wondering whether hes going to brakethrough, and i think he rose to the occasion. Lou fred, you divined who the winner is or winners. Who are they, in your judgment . Well, i think there were a number of them, and a coupleover them, indeed, are mean owe and kasich. Marco rubio and kasich. I thought jeb bush did fine. I thought in the earlier debate, the one, the jv debate obviously, Carly Fiorina did a prejob. Lou tremendous job. Lou yep. In several debates with the other candidates, Chris Christie of new jersey won both. It was a really strong performance. So i think a number of them did very well. Im not sure how well donald trump did, but he held his own. I doubt if he lost much of his following, at least here in the short run. Well see what happens later. A lot of republicans did well, and the reason was there were a lot of strong candidates in the field. Lou i almost see this sort of reflex coming out of this debate. Donald trump, sort of the reviled front runner on part of the establishment party. I truly believe that. And in some instances, the criticism of him is well placed mpleghts but the reality is, thats a very different debate because hes in it. And i said earlier here, fred and caitlin, i truly believe you may have seen the beginning of the ebbing of Political Correctness and its stranglehold on political expression in this country. I think were there. What do you think . El, it was interesting to see, you mentioned Carly Fiorina. She, i think, was benefited by being on that kind of jv stage. She really stood out and used, used that to Gain Momentum and to separate herself from the field. Lou but the idea of Political Correctness. And i think she mentioned you know, she kind of tapped into the anxiety and the frustration and the political speak that donald trump is talking about. She tapped into that. Ted cruz does a little bit of that too. I think the question is if donald trump is able to sustain his momentum or not, where are these other, where are these other candidates going to break through, you were these voters going to go . Lou i saw candidates stepping up their game, speaking more forthrightly, more directly. Did you see the same thing or not . I saw some of that and i think, look, donald trump in some ways has had a favorable impact on the Republican Party. One, there wouldnt have been 24 Million People watching that debate last night if it hadnt have been for trump. And getting a huge crowd was important. And secondly, there is something that trump does that the other candidates have not done in the past. He says exactly what he thinks. You dont see, you know, the wheels spinning around in his head so he can come up with an evasive answer. He just blurts it out. Other candidates who do that more, i think, are going to benefit from it by saying what they think and not overcalculating everything. Because voters just dont like that. Thats one of the reasons they like trump, is because he doesnt do that. Lou yeah. And if they dont can emulate dont emulate his openness, his directness, they dont have to agree with him or even take up the same issues, obviously. The fact of the matter is getting rid of Political Correctness as trump himself first recognized is critical to this party doing something and not suffocating under the establishment that controls both parties. I just want to point out something to our audience and the two of you, if i may, just how powerful that 24 million is. Fox news channels ratings, with a primary debate think about this, a primary president ial debate the ratings were higher than game seven of the world series. The ratings were higher than the nba finals and the Winter Olympics from sochi. You know, im sure that we have all talked about how important it is that people get engaged. Theyre engaged, and weve got people sputtering about the fact donald trump actually talked straight. Its going to be a hoot. Fred, thanks for being with us as always. Caitlin, thank you so much. As always. Time, quickly, for us to say coming up monday kt americaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan out of time. Mr. Vice president if we dont act now its going to be too late. Theres a blurring between fiction and reality. Because they have a political agenda. No new pipeline . No. Actually this time no. Americans control and own their own energy. And recycle. I am so empowered. Shut down sea world. Are your whales being in prison here. Should they be free . They are succeeding. This is

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