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Tonight. [applause] and now, john stossel. John welcome so who in this audience is told a lie . All right almost everybody. [laughter] i assume you dont lie all of the time orb really important things, but some people in america lie so regularly that it is hard to believe anything they say. And these people are called politicians. [laughter] ann coulter say it is adios america she said unless politicians lie about immigration they plan to turn america into a thirdworld hell hole not left but the right lies about immigration too. At least thats what i think. So here to set me straight about this, is donald trump. [laughter] im sorry. I confuse you with him because youre both tall and blond and obnoxious sometimes, say rude things in the hearts of the people. How does it lie . In the 1965 by kennedy support by Bobby Kennedy and dean and the Washington Post and all of them swore up and down this this Immigration Law will not change the basic demographics of america the same countries that have traditionally populated america will helicopter to pop late it. Demographics will not change. That turned out to be a massive, enormous lie but now if anyone calls them on it, it is racist. Clearly dem grarchg has changed but not that much. Yes, that much. From the beginning eve america until 1970 country was always about 80 to 90 white 10 to 20 black thats what america was. And you want to keep it that way . That is what they say now. American people should have been asked about it but no lied to and a if you say hey, you guys lied to us thats the answer youre racist. Clearly what is happening is america is being transformed into latin america particularly mexico more than a third of all legal immigrants are from mexico. At least 60s, 70 of Illegal Immigrants are from mexico. Can you ask the American People would you refer to livering in mexico lets change our country. No country in World History has transformed itself into another country like this about with and it was done without which checking with American People and, in fact, directly specifically knowingly lying to the American People. How many of you agree with her on this . A few okay. They dont want to be called racist accuse anyone who disagrees with what weve done to the country. Call them racist. But i notice none of you immigrated to america for fear of being called racist, in fact mexican immigrants didnt stay there or immigrant to hondros china didnt [inaudible] they want to come to the country that is or was america. If this continues, it is not going to be america. Why isnt it america if there are many people from latin america and from asia . Because these are very, very different cultures. Very different cultures. What determines the least corrupt countries is number of years of british rule and protestantism run by jews, but i havent done studies to harvard. It is done. Americans say they want less immigration, not more. And a problem, switzerland, australia they have twice as many immigrants per capita. Before you can become a citizen thats a fine idea. 47 of the country is made up of immigrants 13 of the united states. Im confident they are not taking more immigrants from nigeria than england as america is. If you bring up the stat youre about to give. Nigerians more likely to work than americans higher percentage. Also from ghana. [inaudible] gotten too many requests to contribute to the nigerian prince or fill out a actually nigerians coming here. What do you think this is coming from . Selfreport. Not twice as likely to get a College Degree as americans . I think shes a lot smarter than president ial candidate Lindsey Graham but when it comes to immigration shes wrong, and a graham is right. Most of hard working people come from poor and corrupt countries to make a better life. They are and thats a good thing. Good for them admirable good for america . On balance, i would say yes. Forts thats the question that should be asked not that theyre admirable people. Not that you have all of the answers balanced good from america . Hands up . Yes. [laughter] no. Now youre annoying me everyone more than polls do. E all we ever hear is diversity, strength, or a nation of immigrants. These are lies you never get to hear the other side. Look, 70 of more than 7 0 are accepting government assistance. Thats not true. Absolutely true. So maybe before polling people you should have the facts. If youre not eligible for food stamps. They are eligible for all kiengdz of government assistance. Youre completely wrong. For some children get educated they get hospital emergency room treatment. Food stamps they get health care, they often a get housing not welfare or section aid housing. J one form of welfare people who are poor coming from dysfunctional cultures, corrupt culture us used to being boss around are not, you know working harder than americans and less likely to accept government assistance and theyre driving down low wage workers income equality through the roof. They arent taking your job but probably not taking any of your jobs but theyre taking jobs of people at the bottom of the income ladder, and there are fellow americans. Americans often dont want to do [laughter] they dont want to do them for free for 3 an hour. No i want to bring in more people to compete with you for jr. Job. But thats not what thats not what happens. Thats not our immigration policy. So you can be macho and say that, but thats not happening. Fair criticism but when you talk about the contribution from the cbo, more immigrants would lower the deficits than [laughter] that is nonsense. They pay into Social Security themselves but they often donts take it out especially if theyre illegal. The National Research counsel, with the typical immigrant imposes a fiscal cost of 3,000. Thats what youre talking about. But the descendant has a positive contribution of 83,000 dollars. No, no, no this is absolutely ludicrous smarter than you. Theyre liars bigger liars. What about all of the stuff we gain . I mean, google ikea, youtube bicycles, blowdryers, baseball, football, Shopping Mall we used to get the creme cell creme de la creme and black belt for the democratting working like a charm for both of the groups other once you mentioned these are the same groups that are mentioned others again. One from russia, a few from germany, a few from britain if thats what we want then lets get that. Lets not be bringing in a Million Immigrants from mexico every year. Where is the mexican google . Programmer from india. Another scam this h1bv theyre not starting net scape. Theyre doing standard Computer Programming work the reason rmingts useful thats great. What is useful is to employer they cant switch jobs something this country got rid of 100 years ago. I think we should let more people in legally and there would be less sneaking in. But it depends who youre letting in. I want to let in no, no you cant play both ways here. All right rules are stacked. Ferlg talking about how fabulous immigrants are i hear if google and papal. But now talking about admitting them you want them to do your landscaping fine admit once who are youre saying things that americans just dont say in polite company. Glad you mentioned that because the reason americans are sensitive in your audience are such scaredy cats of being called racist sorry but you are is the reason we are sensitive so parking lot race issue is because how black americans are treated and jim crow both by democrats i might add. Someone who never stepped foot in this country we dont owe anything to. Black americans have a very specific history and rights and privileges in this country because of what theyve been through, they can they can complain about racism if youre not an american black, then just shutup. I say we have a good life here and we can bring more people in from everywhere. If they compete with you. But theyre not thank you Ann A Coulter if you would like to keep this conversation going please go to twitter or Facebook Hashtag liar, liar let us know what you think. Up next, how the woman who has most likely to become our next president lies all the time and gets away with with it. But next more Big Government lies about Government Spending. [applause] [applause] the website called politifact. Com they call out politicians who lie, and rate political claims from true to mostly true, mostly false, and pants on fire for the worst lie. Politifact leans left they criticize three republicans for every democrat they call out. Nevertheless winner for lie of the year was this political claim. You likier doctor or Health Care Provider you can keep them. If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what. We now know that wasnt true lots of people could not keep their doctors or their health care plan. But that was what the president said. Is it a lie . I dont know maybe the president , democrats really believed that everyone could keep their doctor. If thats true then it is not a lie it is just ignorance or Wishful Thinking. Economics professor art tries to keep track of politicians lies about economics. So was this one a lie or just a mistake . I dont know that i would call it a lie i think in a lot of case willful ignorance an something they thought they could get away. It was impossible because obamacare required every insurance policy to cover much more stuff. Stuff you may not have wanted before. Alcohol treatment, depression screening, diet counseling. It raises prices, some people are going to be cutoff. Yeah, absolutely. Illustrates kind of a two simple world view with some two simple answers. Where we have this inxrensably complex world but it is one of which we want to think that somebody in control can change it without their being any unintended consequences. Another claim is that government most intervene in work place because sexist employers discriminate against women. The fact that they can get 77 cents on the dollar an outrage that women can make 77 cents for every dollar man earns this is not 1924 but this is 2014. Equal pay for equal work women make on average 77 cents why is this a lie . They choose different jobs and they have different skill sets. So if if the gerund wage gap or purely a matter of discrimination and any company in the world could lower a big chunk of their labor costs by firing all of the men and hiring only women. I want to ask these people, why dont they do that . Are they all stupid it is not the same pay for the same job but a different job and different attitude so men are men will kick for work often women have better balanced lives either official terms are relentless maximizers or willing to leave money on the table in order to indulge taste for descridges. Also claim walmart is bad for americans. Walmart has a history of abusing worksers and profiting on the backs of hardworking men and women. Do you know how many people alie for roughly 212 position pos that typical walmart offers . It doesnt mean 8 thowrk. I understand that. Theyre jobs right but horrible as they are. Job killers. Like what ann coulter said about immigrants say they take away good jobs. Retail with higher wages. Pay above minimum wage. They do. Other criticism they knock out all of the small stores, mom and pop stores. Happens but on net no change in Small Business activity in the state and no change in Small Business within an a metro area when walmart comes to town. So efficient at getting stuff to us americans on average according to an obama advisor says, we save 2,000 per person. Walmart saves us a lot of money. Walmart saves us a lot of money and benefits go primarily to even if you dont shop at walmart because others compete. We still benefit because walmart is there. In particular stores that are most likely to lower pricings and have biggest Price Reductions are stores that cater to the poor. So the poor are beginning to be the big winners. One last check claim. America hurts itself by cutting Government Spending. Bring it all down now the hard battle cry. Slash spending short to the pentagon Traffic Control how else can you explain readiness than this doomsday machine, this sequestration go all out this is why another big lie on the left. Sequestration ftion terrible. It is going to starve people. Yet everything is going to lead to the next Great Depression except that it doesnt in the case of Government Spending, it is still higher than it was historically per capita perhaps leveled out over last few years but we have we have a graph of Government Spending within and it really hasnt leveled out much but come down from the surplus blowout thats at the end of the chart. You can see how it has steadily gone up. The idea that were cutting spending or that were dangerously pulling back spending just not the case. There are 4 trillion. 4 trillion dollars is a lot of money. Thank you, and coming up, lies about about crime and right wing lies. [applause] [applause] have you seen that dramatic ad run by Gun Control Group . They set up a fake gun store paid one to be a gun dealer and then potential customers came in, cameras rolled and heres how the actor described his guns. Nine millimeter, semiautomatic. A handy gun, easy to use, carry it in a purse like that gal from walmart twoyearold son reaches into a pocketbook shoots her dead, gone, no mom. Collectors love this one. Adam lanzas mom had this in her collection too and took this and self other guns and killed her and 20 innocent children. Text saying 60 of americans think owning a gun will make them safer, in fact, it increases risk of homicide and suicide and unintentional death but john lot says that is a lie. It is hard to believe thats a lie. It is just logical that if you have a gun in the home that all three of those things homicide suicide, accidental death is more likely to happen because the gun is there. All right, well surely guns can be used for bad things, and they are but the presence of a gun in the home saves a lot more lives than it cost. You know, just a simple number to look at. Every place in the world that has tried to ban guns when they ban guns theyve seen big increases in murder rates. At least one time someplace where they ban murder rates would go down but that hasnt been the case. Okay more guns, less crime because people can defend themselves, how about suicide and accident . We finding people commit suicide in other ways if they dont have guns present. Accidental death . Well, accidental deaths are pretty small, and small . Talking about 500 a year in the united states. When you consider the fact that theres about 120 million americans that own guns nice if it was 0 but im sure if you can get rid of all guns there wouldnt be any accidental gun deaths. Move on to Something Else john calls lie about crime. Its the hands up, dont shoot movement as for Michael Brown killed by a Police Officer in ferguson lots of protest where people shout hands up, donts shoot. And it was a powerful message, it stemmed from reports that Michael Brown had his hands up when he was shot. Theres plenty of reason to believe that Michael Brown had his hands up at some point. This is a lie . If the officer had shot somebody, whose arms were up and they have some evidence for it you would think they would have charged the Police Officer there. But if you look at forensic evidence it is clear that Michael Brown attacked officer inside the officers patrol car. And theres plenty of witnesses who saw Michael Brown charging the Police Officer before he fired. One witness said he had his hands up. One who started saying that was the guy who committed crimes earlier in the day bhiek el brown and theres a few other statements that he made to the police that were, obviously, false too. Yet this myth became the basis for all of these demonstrations plus the fact that some qorps abusing minorities. Nobody goes back to correct the record it has like forget what weve said before. Moving on to some other problem now. I worry that it creates a real distance, even more than there should be between Police Officers and blacks. Another lie. Fbi confirms that sharp rise in Mass Shootings since 2000. It is not a lie. Since 2000, it is up sharply. Media just generally every couple of years they want to say shootings are up because people buy newspapers or get more scared about it not true. If you look over last 40 years for example, it is basically empg we have a chart of that it is up slightly. Fairly not statistically significantly different. In New York Times they pecked the year 2000 which was an aberrant low year. It basically looks at the data, knows that 2000 is unusual. Crime across the board is plummeted, even in just the last seven years but since 1991 murder rate 908 per thousands and down to about 4. 2. So the left lies to get to try to get gun control but right lies of a lot of crime and tri. Terrorism issues more likely to kill you than it is and die driving or swimming than you are to killed by a terrorist. Right. Well i guess the question here is, what might have happened if they hadnt gone and done certain things to stop terrorist type afnght. You dont know, you know, one thing is common. Unknown number of cases that you might have had terrorist types attacks relatively rare types of events. Coming up the politician who gets away with telling lies. I remember landing under sniper fire, there was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport. But instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles. [laughter] [applause] now . Can i at least put my shoes on . If your bladder is calling the shots. You may have a medical condition called overactive bladder. Or oab youve got to be kidding me. Ive had enough its time to talk to the doctor. Ask your doctor how myrbetriq may help treat. Oab symptoms of urgency frequency, and leakage. Which may mean fewer trips to the bathroom. Myrbetriq mirabegron may increase your blood pressure. Myrbetriq may increase your chances. Of not being able to empty your bladder. Tell your doctor right away if you have. Trouble emptying your bladder or have a weak urine stream. Myrbetriq may affect. Or be affected by other medications. So tell your doctor about all the medicines you take. Before taking myrbetriq, tell your doctor if you have liver or kidney problems. Common side effects include increased blood pressure, common cold symptoms, urinary tract infection, and headache. Take charge by talking to your doctor about your oab symptoms and myrbetriq. Find out if you can get your first prescription at no cost by visiting myrbetriq. Com [ applause ]. John im not thrilled with that title, because what some people call a lie may be a matter of debate or Wishful Thinking as we said. If it to be a lie, the person has to know theyre saying something thats not true. Do it on purpose. Politicians talk about what they believe, they only believe foolish things so theyre not actually lying, except one politician repeatedly lies and so far has pretty much gotten away with it. Thats Hillary Clinton, of course. Now at least because of her email mistakes, more people are paying attention to her lies but it took lots of time. The email lies began when she claimed she used one device for simplicity. It would have been better for me to use two separate phones and two email accounts. I thought using one device would be simpler. John except it turned out she used two devices. Iphone or android . [ laughter ]. Iphone. [ cheers ] okay, in full disclosure, blackberry, and a blackberry. John she just lied. What was in the emails. I took the unprecedented step of asking that the state department make all my workrelated emails public for everyone to see. John except she only turned over emails she said were relevant, the rest she wiped clean, and then she lied again. I did not email any classified material to anyone on my email. John but now u. S. Inspector general says there was classified material. There are at least four emails with classified information on that server. First inspector general, plus a second one at the state department determined clintons private account contains hundreds of potentially classified emails. Possible hillary received the classified emails and didnt send them if that makes a difference, i dont think it makes a difference. Hillary lied again when she said a Congressional Panel never subpoenaed her emails. Ive never had a subpoena. John they had subpoenaed her, the Panel Chairman released the subpoena. Her lawyers acknowledged she received it. Now politicians will often lie when theyre in trouble, but hillary sometimes lies to make herself look better. Remember the risks she took when she flew to bosnia . I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles. John they ran with their heads down. Except that never happened. She later said she misspoke. Brian williams misremembers hostile fire and he loses his job, but hillary, she cruises on. She also lies just to relate to voters. You know, all my grandparents came over here. Youre talking about the second and third generation, thats me. John but three out of her four grandparents were not immigrants. She said all but three out of four were born here in america. To many people hillarys most egregious lie came after the terrorist attack in benghazi. Weve seen rage and violence directed at american embassies over an awful internet video that we had nothing to do with. John but hillary forwarded emails that said it was a coordinated terrorist attack, not a response to an internet video. When questioned about that, she said thats not important. The fact is we had four dead americans. Was it because of protest or guys out for a walk one night and decided to go kill some americans . What different at this point does it make . John it makes a difference because honesty matters. If hillarys matters go on and on. She said she was broke when she left the white house, but she had an 8 million advance for a book. Thats broke . And is she for free trade . I have been a critic of nafta from the very beginning. John no. At the beginning, she was more sensible. Everybody is in favor of free and fair trade, and i think that nafta is proving its worth. John whats true . Before that, when her husband was a young aspiring governor, she somehow made an incredible profit trading cattle futures, and then she said. I dont understand how that could have possibly occurred. John how it could possibly occur . Not only that, she didnt remember making all that money. The accountant and my husband and i missed the fact that we had actually made some money. You dont remember the profit . No, i dont remember the profit. John the profit was 100,000. 100,000 here, 100,000 there, the amount her husband makes as governor. Who remembers things like that. And the white house scandal and the mysteriously disappearing records. I like the way hugh downs introduced the segment. Tonight, Hillary Clinton under siege. An avalanche of serious charges and sharp criticism of the first lady called a congenital liar. How did you get in the mess where your whole credibility is questioned . I ask myself that every day barbara because its very surprising and confusing to me. John confusing to me, too. She was called a congenital liar then and lies now. It doesnt seem to hurt her. Some polls suggest that the email scandal hurt her in swing states, but polls arent as accurate as the betting. And the betting posted at bet fares still has her the overwhelming favorite in the president ial race. Maybe for some politicians, lying pays off. Please tell me it doesnt. Id love to hear from but it on facebook and twitter. Next, so far ive been picking mostly on the left, but will conservatives lie too . Yes, they do. And my next guest says they lie about wages, jobs, medicare, Global Warming and more. When we come back. Woman in a oneyear span, i counted over 100 blood transfusions. That whole experience, lindseys experience changed our whole lives. Just changed our outlook on everything. [ laughter ] sometimes you take things for granted that you shouldnt. We all do that, but. Wow, we dont do that much anymore. [ applause ]. John so far on this show ive mostly picked on democrats, liars of the left, but the left will tell you there are plenty of conservative liars, libertarian liars, too. Rick ungar says medicare, minimum wage, Global Warming and more. On my Facebook Page some people wrote back about that. Take it away. Minimum wage. If youre going to be honest about minimum wage, you will look at studies and see there are times when the economy improved where. More jobs happened after a minimum wage increase. John the lie, youre saying is that people on the right say, if you raise the minimum wage. Youre going to lose jobs. John going to lose jobs . Right. John so what if there have been times when they raise the wage and the economy boomed. That can be coincidence. Every plans where the minimum wage is raised its raised over a period of years. Youre not seeing lets go from 7. 50 to 15. If you do it over time its going to have less impact on the people who are employed. It has a serious impact if that. John well impacted some peoples jobs . It just doesnt, it doesnt at the end of the day. John how is it possible . If you raise the price of something, fewer people will hire those people. Let me ask you a question, you buy a pizza, right . And you find out the pizza costs five cents more. What are you going to do . It seems if you need to pay an employee a little bit more, everybody freaks out. Why isnt the economy being impacted negatively by that pizza maker having to charge you more because cheese went up, but somehow its impacted by employees. John because the cheese maker needs cheese for the pizza. Some of the employers are going to automate or not hire as many new people, not expand. You cant make a pizza without people to make it, can you. John all right. Another thing you say is a lie we libertarians say were better off if most things are left to the free market. Heres the problem. Even some of the greatest writers in history on free market, adam smith, he also believed in a social safety net. Now that is not free market. John adam smith said to prohibit people from making all they can of every part of their own produce or employeeing their industry in the way they judge most advantageous to themselves is a violation to the most sacred rights of mankind, and you leftists are saying he didnt believe in the free market . No, didnt believe in a pure free market. Theres a difference. The market isnt taking care of workers very efficiently either. John better than Everything Else . You think they are . John yes. You dont have a problem with income inequality in this country. I think people get absurdly rich when theyre free, and we benefit from that. And people get poor if theyre not paid a reasonable wage. John the government limits the people that hire them. No, im just not buying that. John you say the right lies about medicare. Heres Andrea Tanteros on the five who implies the accusation itself is a lie. Ive seen democrats threaten republicans, youre going to get medicare, theyre going to cut grandmas medicare. All the ads with paul ryan pushing them off the cliff. Weve heard it since the 80s saying theyre going to cut medicare. John maybe theyre lying, they should want to cut, it its going broke. I agree. John medicare refuses to die, and i want all the good stuff that hospitals keep. Do you want yours cut . John i dont want it cut. What are you going to do . John 100 trillion in the hole. Well find a way to do it. John cut it, raise the retirement age. Cut the rich people out. Thats not cutting medicare thats means testing medicare. John theyre not cutting it. I do, i dont think i should be getting medicare, and im very glad in a few months i will be. John rick says republicans and libertarians lie when we talk about Global Warming. Heres congressman inhofe talking about the cold snap last winter. You know what this is . Its a snowball. From just outside here. Its very, very cold out. John inhofe wrote a book that calls Global Warming the greatest hope when it threatens your future. The fear morning is a hoax and the subsidies are a hoax, thats not a lie, thats true. That its a hoax . John that its a hoax to say that buying a solar panel or riding my bike to work is going to make any difference. Its a hoax to say we dont know that this is a crisis. You can look at the 92 of scientists who suggest that this is a real problem and more importantly a manmade problem. You can discount it. John 92 may say man contributes, but they dont agree that its a real problem. Actually, most of them do. But ill tell you what. Ill give you this, the problem is when you start saying its all a big hoax, you are taking something that belongs in the Scientific Community and should be done by science and turning it into a political discussion. If were not sure, i want to err on the side of being smart about it. John you want to err on the side of spending more with other peoples money. Stick around, the audience wants to question you, and ann coulter and art carden, thats next. [ applause ]. John were back with your questions or comments for my guests ann coulter who says immigration rules mean audios to america. Art carden says the government can run our lives better than we can. And from the left, rick ungar from forbes says the right lives. First question for facebook to anyone this is from rosy hampton, do they lie because there are no consequences . I have to acknowledge, all politicians lie. I havent met one who hasnt. Its not there are no consequences, the consequences work out well. When they lie they get their jobs back. John really . It works . Yeah, it does. It does. Politicians lie largely because, a, people are not paying attention, or, b, if they are paying attention stlashgs not done the really, really hard thinking of understanding the economics behind an issue. Its a lot easier to tell a story lets help poor people by raising the minimum wage and everybody will see how great we are. As i can see on the issue of immigration, the only issue that matters [ laughter ]. John the only issue that matters . You are a one issue wonder. Yes, who gets to vote in america. There are consequences but they dont care because theres more donor money behind the lies, and they know where the people stand which is why theyre claiming, well secure the border and build the fence and the fence never gets built and they dont have the border, and still get the donations and the money. John the fence, half of them dont come up from mexico. Thats a lie, they claim there are only 11 Million Immigrants, there are a minimum of 30. John yes, maam. I suspect your ancestors come from maybe england. John talking to ann . Or scotland. Talking to ann. As somebody who comes from Eastern Europe whose ancestors who were not welcome here and had to fight here and had to fight to be in the middle class, i think youre afraid of people who dont look like you and who dont speak like you. John youre afraid of people who are not like you . No. I think im afraid of people who vote for the democrats, and who drive down wages. John be very afraid. This is why ive said, and maybe i didnt stress this enough here over and over again. Im not talking about pre1970 immigration. We did get the best the world had to offer pre1970. Post1970 to quote the create donald trump, some im sure are fine people. By and large, were not getting the creme de la creme. John sergei bren gave us google. Were not getting the creme de la creme. John but. Hey still talking. Go ahead, just interrupt her. Ms. Coulter, im from china im an International Student here. I came here legally, im not an immigrant yet and have to pay my school in order to do a paid internship. Paying taxes, not collecting benefits from, so im wondering do you think im one of the type that are taking away american jobs . Is my presence here hurting americans lives. Maybe. John no absolutely not. Excuse me, how did that question begin . Ms. Coulter. Look, maybe youre a fun person, wish you the best. John you dont know that. Obviously, when people make it personal like this, youre expecting me to say, absolutely youre not take anything jobs. I dont know maybe you arent. My point is simpthree a government policy should serve the people already here. My guess is youre more likely to be a job creator in my country than a job taker, and i hope you stay. [ applause ] yes, sir. This is for ann. Was there a time in u. S. History john youre a question magnet. Wasnt there a time in u. S. History when they froze immigration in order to simulate the Current Population . Yes, a moratorium, give us time to dust off the books, assimilate the ones over here. Its not helpful for americans. Im going back to you. Maybe you will be great, but im getting fed up with this bait and switch you guys do as if theyre all like him. Theyre not. Its not we want the job creators and not the ones driving away wages. Even if hes illiterate, even if they can lift heavy stuff and put it back down, hes a job creator. Why . He makes americans more productive. People like you. That is insane the law of comparative advantage. Not if hes taking welfare. Its what my students learn on day two. John ann coulter, art carden, rick ungar, thats our show. Dont lie see you next week. Starts now. Jamie a cowboy inherits a baron patch of prairie. It is not big enough. Beneath the soil he finds prehistoric treasure. This is one of the most important discoveries of this century. This is a job will this cow pokes strange inheritance lead him to a boom or bust . Lightning does not strike in the same place very often maybe never

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