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Experienced its own technical difficulties and inaccessible for almost an hour. Earlier this morning, another Computer System socalled glitch stranded, thousands of United Airlines passengers worldwide, causing an act of of heavy delays at most major airports. 3500 continental flights were affected over what the airline called a faulty router. Combination of the alleged glitches prompted Homeland Security secretary jeh johnson to step out in public and to address the matter. It appears from what we know at this stage that the malfunctions at unit and the Stock Exchange were not the result of any nefarious actor. We know less about the wall street journal at this point, except that their system is back up again as is the United Airline system. Lou all of this coming on the same day that fbi director james comey testified on capitol hill. Testifying about how illprepared the United States is for cyberattacks. Im here to tell the American People the tools youve given us are not working the way you expect them to work in the highest stakes matters, i need help figuring out what to do about that. Lou which is an incredible Statement Given that were in the seventh year of the Obama Administration, and the head of the fbi is asking the American People for help, when usually it is they turning to the fbi for help. We take up these important issues here tonight, cyberattacks and a vulnerable federal government and business world. Well be talking with cybersecurity expert john lucich and veteran new york Stock Exchange iconic trader ted weisberg. It was exactly one week ago tonight a young San Francisco woman was murdered by an illegal immigrant who had been deported to mexico five times. The murder of kate steinle sparking nationwide outrage and concern why were allowing open borders and socalled sanctuary cities for Illegal Immigrants. Also tonight, we learn more about Kate Steinles life and murder. Fox news correspondent Claudia Cowan in San Francisco with the report. Reporter lou, fox news has confirmed that the gun that was used to kill kate steinle was stolen from a Law Enforcement ranger with the bureau of Land Management. It was stolen out of his car while the ranger was here in San Francisco on official government business last month. Exactly how illegal immigrant Francisco Sanchez got hold of the gun is unclear, he appeared shaken and confused repeating over and over through a spanish interpreter, im not guilty, im not guilty. Despite telling a local tv reporter he did kill steinle last wednesday after finding the loaded weapon wrapped in a tshirt. Defense team may try to get the charges reduced, telling reporters the shooting was an accident, not murder. We can confirm that mr. Sanchez did not know kate steinle, and he had no reason to want her to be harmed in any way. Reporter but the District Attorneys Office says the evidence supports a charge of murder, adding that amid the national uproar over Immigration Reform and sanctuary city policies, its important to remember the victim in this case, kate steinle, just 32 years old. A celebration of her life will be held tomorrow. Lou . Lou claudia, thank you, Claudia Cowan from San Francisco. There are many troubling aspects to this tragic murder, among them that the steinle murder could have occurred in literally dozens of other cities in this country. In some cases it has. 200 socalled sanctuary cities exist throughout the country, nothing is being done to keep them in check or to end them, even though they are in clear violation of federal law. Fox news correspondent william la jeunesse live with the report in los angeles, william . Lou, you know, the president says he supports deporting criminal aliens where, does he draw the line . Arrested for convicted felony or misdemeanor . Democrats want it both ways. Cities shouldnt protect murderers, nor should they deport criminals if they break up a family. If local Law Enforcement begins to act like Immigration Enforcement officers, what that means is that you will have people not reporting crimes. Reporter and thats always been the argument politicians arent against illegal immigrant, only those who commit crimes. Were going to keep focusing enforcement resources on actual threats to our security. Felons, not families. Criminals, not children. Reporter problem is, under many sanctuary laws violent felons avoid deportation. These cities have chosen to make sure the interests of people who dont even belong in the country who have multiple felonies on their record are treated fairly and appropriately and kept in the country. Reporter sanctuary policies exploded in 2007 when federal officials began training local cops to identify Illegal Immigrants when booked into jail. Critics complained that deported too many minor offenders, prohibiting local police from cooperating with federal agents. With the i. C. E. Detainer not being honored, it sets the stage for Something Like this to happen where, dangerous criminals are released without notification to i. C. E. Put your hands over the railing. Reporter consequently, 347,000 criminal aliens remain at large in the u. S. , allowing many to commit more crimes. In 2008, despite a lengthy criminal record, l. A. Released pedro espinoza. The next day he killed jamiel shaw. Last year this mexican immigrant was arrested despite ten deportation and ten traffic tickets. San francisco refused to alert i. C. E. To edwin ramos, a month later he murdered a father and two sons. Still some dont blame sanctuary laws for shielding accused killers like sanchez. I dont think we should ascribe blame based on destination as a sanctuary city. Reporter the president opposed an arizona Immigration Law because it created a patchwork system of state laws that undercut federal regulations, a patchwork of 200 sanctuary laws does the same thing and undercuts the policy of deporting criminal aliens. Sflou. Lou thank you very much, william la jeunesse. Republican congressman kent bach is calling for a cut in funding in any city that designates itself as a sanctuary. He joins us later in the broadcast. Not everyone gives the Obama Administration a free pass on illegal immigration. A federal judge in texas is threatening to hold Homeland Security secretary jeh johnson and other top Law Enforcement officials in contempt of federal court. Judge Andrew Hainan says they have not followed his orders to fix problems that led to 2,000 Illegal Immigrants awarded work permits before the president s executive amnesty even took effect earlier this year. Ordering Administration Officials to attend an august 19th hearing to explain themselves or face contempt. The judge also of course ordering a halt to the president s socalled executive amnesty fiat. Oklahomas governor is defying a state Supreme Court ruling that ordered a monument to the Ten Commandments be removed from the grounds of the state capitol. Governor mary fallin saying the controversial statute is staying, despite a 72 ruling last week which found the monument violated the states constitution. Governor fallin says the court got it wrong end quote and says the statue remains in place while the state court appeals. And lawmakers in the South Carolina state house today opened debate on a bill to remove the freyed battle flag from a monument that is on capitol grounds. The measure has already passed the senate and governor nikki haley supports the legislation but the flag debate may be getting somewhat absurd. Folks are now vying to buy the first general lee car from the tv show dukes of hazzard before its owner, golf pro bubba watson makes good on promise to paint over the Confederate Flag. Watson wants to paint an American Flag on the iconic car. Well take that up with andy levy and joanne nosuchinsky. Please be with us, we are coming back with much, much more, an eventful day to say the least. Massive tech problems grip the country, trading at the new york Stock Exchange halted. United Airlines Flights grounded. Coincidence . Or attacks . A chinese offensive, perhaps anonymous. Perhaps just a snafu. What does a shark photobomb i built my business with passion. But i keep it growing by making every dollar count. Thats why i have the spark cash card from capital one. I earn unlimited 2 cash back on everything i buy for my studio. And that unlimited 2 cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business. Thats huge for my bottom line. Whats in your wallet . This is a great place to work. Not because they have yoga meetings and a juice bar. Because theyre getting comcast business internet. Comcast business offers convenient installation appointments that work around your schedule. And it takes done. About an hour. Get reliable internet thats up to five times faster than dsl from the phone company. Call 8005016000 to switch today. Perks are nice. But the best thing you can give your business is comcast business. Comcast business. Built for business. Lou weve got a troubled world. Greece tonight pledging to implement major reforms as early as next week if only it can get a little more money from the eurozone. Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras asking for a new three year bailout. But european officials are somewhat reluctant, apparently theyre waiting for details on his promised reforms. European leaders, they may be slow but at least learning, theyre expected to decide by sunday whether to give the country another bailout. Why would they not . Theyre doing so well so far. That will ultimately decide the fate of greece with the euro and probably the eurozone itself. Chinese officials struggling to stop a crisis in that countrys stock markets. The shanghai composite plummeted more than 30 since early june. Dropping another 6 today despite new measures and pressures from beijing. The market cap of the shanghai more than three times that of germanys Deutsch Boerse at 6 trillion, far less than the trillion market cap of new york city. Take that, china. Concerns over china prices sending stock prices here lower, trading on the new york Stock Exchange was halted for nearly four hours. The exchange blaming a Technical Glitch. Have you heard that one before . Joining us cybersecurity expert, ceo of Network Security group, john lucich. Good to have you with us, john. And with us wall street legend, icon and Great American, ted weisberg, president of seaport securities. He was in the middle of all this at the exchange today. Good to have you both here. Ted, first, let me ask you, Technical Glitch, are you kidding me . Technical glitch . Well, we live in the world of electronic trading, like it or not, and Technical Glitches happen. Thats the excuse. How would you know if its anything other than that. Lou im going to tell you how we would know, we would turn to john lucich, expert on on cybersecurity and ask him your view, your opinion . Its more than a Technical Glitch when it brings a network of that size and complexity down to its knees and they have to close for 3 1 2, 4 hours. I would say it was a little more than that, and i dont know what exactly it was, i can tell you this. Theyre staying was a software update. Complex, in of this size have a test environment where they do updates to find out there are no glitches before they actually release that into the live environment. Lou secure the environment of the initial application software. They have redundant systems in environments like, this one side goes down, the other side goes up, and hopefully didnt do the update on both sides. Multiple distribution paths for power, for connectivity. I dont know what it was, im very suspicious of the Technical Glitch they say. Lou so ted, theres a view, and heres another problem i have with the new york exchange, personally. Ive gone through the market crash of 87 and more than a few flash crashes and aberrations in the system. The truth of the matter is, the sec did not step out today. It did not as the lead regulator take any responsibility here to allay investor concerns. Weve got the Retail Market now for Stock Ownership is about 15 in this country. But theyve had a responsibility. I dont know what the heck they were doing. The head of the new york Stock Exchange isnt out talking to every News Organization holding press conferences. It was the damnedest performance i have ever seen by the exchange. Well, and that all might be true, and im there now 46 years. And seen interesting things. Lou i didnt see john fallin or dick grassos there. Whatever the Technical Glitch means, the investing public was not disadvantaged because instead of having one or two lou as far as we know. Well never know. But instead of one or two venues, we now have over 50 different venues. Lou i get the system, i get the electronic trading. I looked at the central markets and the peripheral markets. I also look at performance of the people responsible. Thats a public trust. No matter which private corporation owns it, and that hasnt changed as far as im concerned. What i am concerned about is the language thats being used here. You know, were told by united that its a router. How likely is that . I mean, it just doesnt make any sense to me. Right, i cant believe that a network of that size even for united would depend upon one router, one system, there wouldnt be redundant systems, redundant everything that is there. As far as from the public, whether its united or whether its the Stock Exchange, i dont believe they, should if they dont know the. But thats different from allaying fears. They should have said Something Like that, but i dont want people coming out with a Technical Glitch or this or. That if you dont know, dont say. Say were investigating it and as soon as we find out, well tell you. Configuration. Let me turn to because people watching and listening to you folks today, were talking about the wall street journal down for an hour. Talking about two of the Great American corporations here in the new york Stock Exchange and in united continental, and we dont get the feeling were getting a straight answer from regulators and then we have the fbi head james comey appealing to the American People for the tools to defend the federal government. Its in the seventh year of this administrations cyberattacks. They have been talking about this for 30 years, theres no mystery. Why should there even be a question. Why should we have to be questioning a government, an exchange, and a Great American corporation . Because it just doesnt sound like it makes a lick of sense if i may say so. It doesnt, they have tools to protect. This the federal government is not responsible for private corporations, thats their own doing. Federal government has every tool in its possession. If you cant use what you have to defend the nation and defend the federal governments infrastructure, get somebody that can do that. They have the tools. Lou james comey looked like a complete fool standing before Congress Testifying as he did, and im sorry, mr. Director, but come on, grow up. Somebody needs to just simply man up and say lets go do this and get it done. Absolutely. Lou its silly, and weve got people fussing as if they dont have to explain a damn thing to the American People. Whether theyre a private company or not, theres a responsibility to make sure the American Public knows whats going on. Were getting stonewalled this network, every News Organization in the country is getting stonewalled on the issue, and its wrong, its got to change. I admire your faith, ted. I admire your faith. You have to have faith, otherwise youre not going to get up in the morning. I dont disagree with you, this is the world we live in. Im hoping this was a Technical Glitch, if it was more than that, its going to leak out. How long did the federal government and tell us millions of records of past employees over how many years. Lou the federal government told us four million records have been compromised at the office of personnel management. The number theyre using now is 32 million and turns out it was a year and a half ago. It always comes out. Lou lets hope so, keep the country together if thats the case. John good to have you with us. Ted, i admire your faith. I truly do, and your smile. Good to have you with us, my friend. Vote in our poll tonight, the question is well explain. Cast your vote at loudobbs. Com. To south africas mosul bay where a great white shark was photobombing while chomping down on tuna. Take a look. A group of divers filming the shark as it ate alongside their boat when a second shark suddenly leaped into view. Those who witnessed it say the second shark breached the water for no apparent reason, no bait in the water around them. Caught everyone offguard, and maybe they had their own answer. He wanted to be in the picture. By the way, i have actually seen a shark go after a sandwich tossed between two boats, fly into the air, higher than that one. Trust me on this. A few thoughts on the ridiculous blame game playing out of sanctuary city of San Francisco. It would be comical if it were not so tragic. And the injuries piling up in pamplona, a full report of day two on the running of the bulls. People are still there after day one. Good lord. These are not the smartest people on earth. Well have more here next. Lou cvs pharmacies quitting the chamber of commerce on an issue of principle. The drugstore chain dropping support for the u. S. Chamber because of the pro cigarette lobbying. Cvs gave 750,000 for the chamber last year alone, at the same time the chamber was lobbying against antismoking laws all around the globe. Cvs took a very firm stance against smoking and stopped selling tobacco and other products in its stores. Chamber for the past decade is a principal advocate for amnesty and open borders. Big business spending more than a billion and a half dollars to lobby on the issue. In fact no other issue in washington has received anywhere near the money spent on behalf of socalled comprehensive Immigration Reform. Imagine that. It is now the obama cause, but its easy for some to forget. It was a bush cause before that. But the brutal murder of kate steinle by Francisco Sanchez, a mexican illegal immigrant has in a matter of days in my opinion, altered the national dialogue. Steinles tragic death has drawn National Media attention to the and issue the victims of other murders and crimes by Illegal Immigrants. Some republican president ial candidates have taken notice. Some are beginning to actually talk about the issues that many of them were trying to ignore. Of course, donald trump today was wondering aloud why all republicans arent condemning illegal immigration and the sanctuary cities and to enforce the law. And the sometimes inartful, no question about that, occasionally offensive, no question about that, but plain spoken trump picked up considerable support today, in the form of a dramatic bipartisan Sentencing Commission report that supports his concerns and fears about the number of criminal Illegal Immigrants in this country. The report reveals that last year fiscal year 2014, Illegal Immigrants who amount to about 3. 5 of the population accounted for an astonishing 37 of all federal sentences. Astonishing in party because amnesty open border advocates have claimed for years that Illegal Immigrants commit far fewer crimes than citizens in proportion to their numbers. When in reality, their crimes are hugely disproportionate to their numbers. Here are the facts according to the u. S. Sentencing commission. Federal sentences, citizens, 58 of sentences. Illegal immigrants again 3. 5 of the population, just about 37 . Legal immigrants, trump appears to be waking the country up on the issue, he may well do the same for the expanding field of republican candidates. Many of whom apparently thought they might just get away with more of the same old same old pab lem and avoidance of the issues that matter and the facts. It appears the same old may be giving way to truth and what matters and perhaps, just perhaps, a brandnew voice in the gop. Now our quotation of the evening. This one from our old friend George Orwell who seems to be a constant frequent reliable companion on this broadcast, orwell said, quote i would call that a bipartisan statement. What do you think . Were coming right back. Stay with us. Good lord Hillary Clinton is more than a little entitled. First she corrals reporters and now she is begging, begging to be trusted. Do you trust her . Well take that up next. What do pirates do when a tarp monster tries to swallow you drop 40 grand on a new set of wheels, then. 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Start with one of your favorite people, Hillary Clinton. I mean, shes just not trusted in any poll you see, no one seems well, i shouldnt say no one, more than half the folks dont trust her. Theres going to be 20 of the people in america who say Hillary Clinton is the cureall to every problem, she is the panacea for everything that ails america and marvelous person and adorable grandmother and great. Those people dont matter with the intensity with which they vote. What poll after poll tells us not only do the majority of americans not trust her but the numbers have grown overtime. People have low expectations with politicians when it comes to trust and honesty. The question for Hillary Clinton is will she double cross them . Will she have interest at heart . Or take the interest of rich friends and herself and not them . Lou well, Bernie Sanders is showing to be a reliable socialist, drawing huge crowds hes an extraordinary phenomenon. If you can get the people to show up in a high school in bangor, maine, you have done something in a small rural state. Bernie sanders is demonstrating this is real. Among the democratic party, members of the democratic party, economic issues, real as he describes it, democratic socialism is really what they want. Hard core redistribution, knock the top down, share the wealth. Regulate and break up the banks and all of that stuff. There is a core group of the Democratic Base thats what they want, and the question for Hillary Clinton is will she end up in enough trouble she will have to move left on those things too and could render her moot in the general. Lou jeb bush and Hillary Clinton, they dont apparently like each other. I thought there was more affinity between bushes and clintons in revealing of late, and donald trump says hes no ross perot, hes not going to run as an independent. Hes in it to win it. What do you make of it . He told byron york from the examiner he hadnt thought about running as a third party because it would not be the best way to beat Hillary Clinton. He left the door just ever so slightly ajar at the back end to say that the reason wasnt because he wanted the republicans to win, he wanted to beat Hillary Clinton. He suggested that might change if he thought he needed to. By and large, he said hes in it as a republican this time. Lou he said hes going win the latino vote. Well did you just break the [ laughter ] donald trump is probably not going to win the latino vote. The question is will he damage the republican chances to win the latino vote. Lou you know, rick perry telling trump that he should check the facts on crime and illegal immigration, now comes the report today from the u. S. Sentencing commission, a Bipartisan Commission showing that 3. 5 of the population, that is Illegal Immigrants, are being sentenced and 37 of all cases. I mean this is supportive of donald trump, is it not . One of the things we have long known about Crime Statistics visavis Illegal Immigrants is that there is massive underreporting. In a community of Illegal Immigrants for example, people are less likely to report crimes especially if theyre not in the sanctuary city. There is less reporting that goes on, so it skews, artificially suppresses the numbers. When you see sentencing, then you get clarity, you get more clarity because you lose some of this underreporting business. Lou you didnt find that supportive of any of Donald Trumps statements . I know you remember because i used to go on the show and talk about it. You talked about sanctuary cities when it wasnt cool to talk about sanctuary cities. This is a thing, and used to be a thing in america until people who said we should have secure borders and more importantly internal enforcement, domestic enforcement inside the United States, that became a villainous possession, it became an unacceptable racist ultrato hold about enforcement when it changes, you remember the arizona law, if youre stopped for another crime, you can be inquired as to citizenship status. That was the Tipping Point and you were not allowed to say sanctuary cities were a bad idea. Now its back in the news. Lou chris you said i was cool before it was cool. But you have to go back so far that it reminds me ive aged a couple of years since then. Its retro, lou, its retro. Lou yesteryear is in, i guess. Chris stirewalt, good to have you with us. Thank you, lou. Lou vote in our poll why arent people paying attention . Give us a thought and a vote. Loudobbs. Com. Day two of the pamplona bull run continues to bring on the gore, clever word play, dont you think . This time an australian was gored twice by a bull in the groin and the thigh, nothing to laugh about there. The other injury a span yard and a frenchman hospitalized and later released with minor injuries. Dramatic video at a baseball game showing an extraordinary event. The thunderstorm passing through blowing this tarp, sweeping into pnc park in pittsburgh where the padres were taking on the pirates as the crew tried to secure the tarp on the field. Look at them, they get swallowed up, the groundskeeper is airborne for a minute. Crew members and players quickly going out to rescue the man, he turned out to be okay, the pirates won 32 heroism all around. A strange twist in the murder of a california woman. Capturing the majestic beauty of whales. Look at that. Called a pod, by goly. Were coming right back. We all feel the calling to build something great. Congratulations. Youre down with crestor. 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Ends sunday know better sleep with sleep number. Lou joining us now, congressman ken buck, a member of the house judiciary, oversight and reform committees. Great to have you with us. Sanctuary cities, has the federal government under republican president s and diminishings including this one permitted these sanctuary cities to flop federal law . I have no idea. A terrible policy. The federal government should do everything within its power to make sure that states and local governments are cooperating with the federal government when the federal government is trying to enforce federal law. Lou it appears to me, congressman, that the dialogue is changing quickly, that republican candidates in part because of donald trump stepping out and risking a great deal to be direct on the issue, and also the murder of kate steinle in a sanctuary city, San Francisco, its forcing candidates to take a position they didnt want to deal with, dont you think . Absolutely. Any time there is something in the public eye. Politician said, elected officials have to react. Its a good thing. We need to come to a solution on this issue and whether its this or Something Else that moves us forward, weve got to move on this issue. Lou and your judgment, bob goodlatte, the chairman of the Judiciary Committee saying pointblank the president bears considerable responsibility in the death of kate steinle and those others by extension who have been oo another citizens killed in this country, in sanctuary cities. Your personal thoughts . I think the Obama Administration has failed. I think they have failed to give us border security. I think they have failed to give us guest worker programs. Failed to enforce the Immigration Laws and it has resulted in thousands of victims of Identity Theft and Violent Crimes across our country, and its very sad. It is also one of the primary reasons why we cant move legislation forward because he is placing barriers in the senate to getting anything done. Lou and the idea that lois lerner persists is an issue. That you have been stonewalled the republicans in the house have been stonewalled on every committee, on every one of the half dozen or so major scandals that surround this white house. Is it going to persist . I think the scandals will persist because theyre not coming to an end. There is a serious problem with the administration. President obama ran on a platform of transparency. He has been anything but transparent in his 6 1 2 years of office. It is an absolute disgrace that not since watergate have we seen the irs use its authority to go after political enemies, and for the public now to be more outraged that something that is demanded of them, a tax return can be used in this way is disgraceful. Lou and are you also surprised that the president ial candidates to this point have not formed a voice and a position on this issue and what they would do about it . Youre talking about the irs specifically now . Lou yes, yes. I think that the president ial candidates should all be running on the fact that they would clean up government if they got in government. Thats what i hear when i go back to my district, and i think its so important that republicans stand for truth and stand for transparency and good government. And i think it is a stark contrast where Hillary Clinton has been and where barack obama has been. Lou and you would think, as well, a massive political opportunity for the republican candidates. Congressman, great to have you with us, come back soon, would you . Thank you very much. Lou congressman kent buck. A routine fishing trip turned into something a lot more exciting than routine. Watch as two alaskan fishermen witness a pod of huge humpback whales reaching for krill near their boat. Excited fishermen relished as seagulls descended, the whales chased to the surface, and the aweinspiring sight we got to witness tonight. Bubba watson wants to paint over a Confederate Flag, called the general lee. What are they going to do about that . Andy levy and joanne those piano music fresher dentures, for the best first impression. Love loud, live loud polident. Fresher dentures. For those breathless moments. Hug loud, live loud, polident. Usaa makes me feel like im a car buying expert in no time at all. There was no stress. It was in and out. If i buy a car through usaa, i know im getting a fair price. We realized, okay, this not only could be convenient we could save a lot of money. I was like, wow, if i could save this much, then i could actually maybe upgrade a little bit. And it was just easy. Usaa, they just really make sure that youre well taken care of. Usaa car buying service. Powered by truecar. Online and on the usaa app. Lou joining us now, cohosts of red eye on the fox news channel, andy levy. Fox news contributor, former miss new york, joanne nosuchinski is joining us. I told you i would practice during the commercial. I have said your name before. Mistakes happen. Lou youre so generous. I appreciate that. I want to turn to bubba watson because the Confederate Flag has become a big deal. It has been a while since that was in play. It is strange that this is going on but then to paint over the car, the top of which is as you see there a Confederate Flag. We have to blur that out. Lou we have to cover it while we talk about. But the car is called general lee. What do you do with that . If a guy named bubba isnt going to fly the Confederate Flag, finally the south truly lost. It is over. This raises philosophical question. Is the Confederate Flag not on the general lee is the car still the general lee . The same way you can have a tree without leaves and it is still a tree. Profound. Lou profound but, you cant help but empathize with the tree. Really . Actually, i can but help. Lou absolutely idiotic. Truly idiotic. So, are you content with the resolution that andy is offering here on the issue of the flag and the car . He lost me. He went off. This is a piece of memorabilia. Why are you going to alter it . Im pretty sure loses value as soon as you do so. Why do you replace the flag with another flag. How about a giant smiley face. That will make everybody happy. Lou that is, there is something patriotic about putting American Flag on it. You might have to call it, instead of general lee, call it the general grant. Exactly. Lou which is appropriate. This is going to offend someone, imagine that. But i mean, lets be honest here, it is not spoken of much but the union did win. Hold up, lou. Lou no . I dont know. Can you make a Statement Like that . Do you have facts to back you up . Lou i do. I really do. All right. Lou one of the things i get concerned about as if we rewrite history. The union won. Everybody needs to adjust to that. Question for me, is bubba driving this car around . I totally get it. If he is keeping it as joanne said, if he has got in garage somewhere, no, he shouldnt have painted it over. Lou i guess were not, try to make water out of this. Tom selleck, my good friend and once a year we cohost the Horatio Alger awards together, he is accused of stealing water. Tom, if youre listening am, sorry that stealing water. A lawsuit there. I think there is going to be more to this. What are your thoughts . Are you upset about this. Listen, i dont know all the facts. We dont know what the water is for. He could be starting his own volunteer fire company. Very possible. Apparently on his land an avocado farm. I love guacamole. Lou dont we all. Because of the drought he had to sacrifice those trees. He told me himself. Shouldnt we be promoting tree growth . I would think. The water was from a public hydrant. What is the deal . I have no problem with tom selleck stealing water even if he wasnt your good friend lou, but now even more so i have problem with it. I said before celebrities are better people. They shouldnt be held to the same standards as commoners. Tom selleck is american here. Should use as much water as he wants and takes as much water as he needs. Goes for everyone on tv. We are better people. If that outrages, lou, your viewers, im sorry but truth has to be scene. Lou if may say, occasionally device on this medium, i do not associate myself with andy levys remark. Nor do i. I do not associate myself with those remarks either. Lou would you agree with andy that there is a sort of superior status for celebrities that is natural right if you will. Only agree if you invite me to that event with tom selleck the next time it happens. Lou you have got a deal. That moustache will not wash itself, lou. Come on. Oh, god. Or does it . Lou cant wait to hear the truth. He is a good guy. He has stapple much money he could buy water. He is a blueblood. Lou pretty amazing, biggest hit on cbs . Terrific stuff. Yeah. Lou thats it for tom selleck. Joanne and andy, and me. Thank you for being with us. Join us tomorrow, general jackovall on this crazy market worldwide. Good night from new york. Kennedy just a little psychic surgery. How are you . Welcome. So happy to have you. Tonight on the watch, im watching people lose their minds over comedienne amy schumer, al void feminist and obvious cut up. Some say her jokes are racist. Used to be the term racism was saved for maliciously insecure who had active contempt for those of different ethnicities colors and backgrounds. Now if you make any commentary humerus or otherwise on race not deemed sanitary by the pc police you are ashamed and forced to wear the Scarlet Letter r. Schu

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