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eTown Celebrates 30th Year On April 22nd With Live Show
March 16, 2021 at 9:15 AM (PT)
30th Year
Live streaming on EARTH Day 2021, APRIL 22nd at 6:30p (MT) will be ETOWN's 30th b’Earthday Celebration and its induction into the COLORADO MUSIC HALL OF FAME featuring performances by LOS LOBOS, THE WAR AND TREATY, LYLE LOVETT, BOB WEIR, SAM BUSH, CITY and COLOUR, and RAQUEL GARCIA, along with a conversation with Former U.S. Senator and environmental advocate TIM WIRTH.
"HELEN [FORSTER] and I started ETOWN in '91 determined to try something new, to make a different kind of show, one that mixed music and message," said ETOWN founder and host NICK FORSTER. "It took us a while to find our voice and our place in the media landscape, but over the last three decades, we've not only presented—and played—a ton of remarkable live music, we've also shared really inspiring conversations and stories of ordinary people doing extraordinary things on behalf of our shared environment.