Explosions rang out in temporarily occupied luhansk, probably a rocket hit the base of the occupiers, local media reported. Telegram channels also write about a big fire in the village of yuvileyne. He spied on the objects of the Critical Infrastructure of the seaport. In odesa, the Security Service exposed a russian agent. The attacker tracked the location of Ukrainian Air Defense Systems, as well as the positions of the Defense Forces. Objects of strategic infrastructure and telecommunications he passed all the received data to the occupiers. An undercover spy operated for future missile strikes. During the search, he was found to have fake credentials of a press representative and an employee of the local water supply company. The perpetrator faces life imprisonment. Flee from the scene of the accident. This night in zhytomyr , three people were injured in an accident, while one of the participants in the accident in. Before the arrival of Law Enforcement officers, the Regional Police reported, it is known that around midnight , a skoda and a volkswagen taxi did not pass each other on the road. As a result, the driver was injured taxi and two of its passengers, they were hospitalized. The passenger of the skoda was also slightly injured. It was not possible to find out the condition of the driver of this car. He fled the scene before the police arrived. The fugitive is currently being sought by Law Enforcement officers. Deceit of the father of the fallen soldier. In the dnipropetrovsk region, a local businessman was detained, who fraudulently obtained more than 2 million hryvnias. The attacker convinced the man that he was allegedly wanted by the police for committing a serious crime. He promised to solve this issue for a monetary reward. Intimidated victim brought 2. 5 million, which he received in connection with the death of his son in the war. Currently, a claim for compensation has been sent to the court. The iranian government has called an emergency meeting over the death of the president and other officials, local media reported. The death of ibrahim raisi and the head of the countrys Foreign Ministry was confirmed on state television by the Vice President of iran. The duties of the countrys leader will be performed by the first vicepresident mohamed mogber. As you know, the helicopter in which the official delegation was flying was found at dawn today with the help of a drone. The helicopter is complete. Burned during a hard landing in the mountains, not far from the countrys border. Iranian media reported that the cause of the disaster was bad weather. The day before, raisi was in azerbaijan with a government delegation. The United States is planning to impose sanctions on georgias politicians under the counterintelligence act. Politico writes about it. According to the media, the usa may freeze the assets of members of the ruling party. Georgian dream, who promoted the scandalous law, will also be banned from traveling to the country. Such restrictions will be provided by the new draft law, which will soon be presented in the us congress. And just now the minister of defense of the United States of america, lloyd austin, with his opening speech at the Virtual Meeting of the Contact Group on issues of ob. Of ukraine, as well as defense ministers and senior military officials from almost 50 countries of the world. They are discussing military aid to ukraine. Lets watch live. Of ukraine. We know that the armed forces of ukraine will work hard in the coming months to recapture the buffer zones along the border. We know what bravery ukrainian fighters are showing now and what training they have. And therefore. Thanks to what these meetings provide, it is difficult to overestimate them. 50 from, 50 countries that. Support ukraine today, and we will continue so that ukraine gets what it needs. The United States of america stands firmly with ukraine, we are trying to do everything to ensure that ukraine gets what it needs at the right time, but all this can strengthen the situation on the battlefield. We provide ammunition for systems like hymars, we strengthen. Popo systems, as well as heavy Armored Vehicles. We provide regular packages aid after President Biden signed 51 billion in aid last year. In addition, we will help develop the next aid packages for ukraine. Ukraine will receive what we promised in the near future. Another package for 400 was signed at the beginning of the month, and in order to strengthen the protection and defense of kyiv, new batteries of patriots were issued, we also follow the requirements that ukraine gives us, that new shells for nasams, for hymars, 155 millimeter projectiles, too duty systems, javelins and others. This package also includes Armored Vehicles so that ukraine can rebuild its arsenal. To the members of the Contact Group on the defense of ukraine, they will make repeated promises so that ukraine gets what it needs. The new aid packages amount to 95 billion. The start of a fullscale invasion. Russia now has various resources, such as shahedis and drones and korean missiles, and we see what the innocent population of ukraine is going through right now, and that is why it is now the top priority on our the agenda today is precisely air Defense Systems and shells for these systems, so that ukraine can now urgently close its skies. We work together. For putins power to fail, we still look strategically for longterm security. We are strengthening our coalition so that ukraine receives uninterrupted, practical assistance thanks to our mutual coordination. We always look at the needs of ukraine, because by helping ukraine, we are helping. World, so i thank all the leaders, all our colleagues and partners for your efforts, and by that i mean tackling pressing issues, demonstrating leadership, and i really want to hear a briefing today from each leader, each member of this Contact Group. Ladies and gentlemen, in the coming weeks the fight will be you. We must therefore act decisively from our side, because the victory of ukraine is decisive not only for ukrainian security, it is important for European Security and Global Security and in particular american security, if putin succeeds in achieving his goals, of course, they will be able to in the future encroach on our neighbors, on our allies, and therefore we must stop putin. In order not to fall into even greater chaos, that is why what is happening in ukraine is so important to us now, and today i am more determined than ever to ensure that ukraine really gets what it needs, and now the official , the official briefing is over. Well, thank you to the head of the american pentagon, lloyd austin, yes, an extremely meaningful story, and we are picking up the information and analytical baton and. We can say yes, it is extremely important, that the United States supports us in every way, without this support it would be extremely difficult, well , but lets hope that the americans understand what the situation is on the battlefield, and that we also need to intercept what is called the operational initiative, which means that more difficult equipment and more longrange systems, although we understand that we also have to offer a certain vision to the americans, well, but these are secret matters at the level of not. Communications between the supreme commanderinchief, the commanderinchief of the armed forces of ukraine, syrskyi, between the general staffs and so on. It is necessary to understand how it is possible to turn the tide of the war in order to discourage the russian. Intervenors from wanting to expand, this is an extremely serious story, and here we are already reaching the level of the socalled strategic confrontation between the Euroatlantic Community and the russian bloc, so distinguished, by the way, by the president iran, well, as far as we understand, these are internal iranian clashes, although, although, although, although, yes, what murto, well , here it is also important to mention the statement of skibitsky, who says that yes, we need help, we must receive from our partners, a sufficient number of weapons in order to be able to enter the negotiation process in a stronger position. Why did i mention the negotiation process, because the statement of the secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of ukraine appeared today, it is about oleksandr lytvynenko, and he says that ukraine is aware that the war will end with negotiations, so it has prepared and is promoting the peace formula of president Volodymyr Zelenskyi. This is actually stated in his address to the participants of the forum of the region baltic seas of nato24 and arctic europe, which is published by the nsdc. I will directly quote him ukraine is clearly aware that the war will end with negotiations, and that is why president zelenskyis peace formula was prepared and is being promoted. Our position is very simple and i am convinced that it will be supported by the participants of the peace summit in switzerland in june 24th. This is a real diplomatic track that has every chance of contributing to the achievement of a just peace. Litvenenko also added that ukraine needs more than peace for two years, lasting peace for a decade, whatever enabled the development of ukraine. He also expressed hope that ukraine will receive an invitation to the alliance at this years washington nato summit. This was his statement. I am here, by the way, i may disagree with him about the statement regarding membership in the alliance, here we must be sober, it seems to me, in the assessments of what may happen at the washington summit, but what about such a stable truce, i mean some security guarantees, some guarantees. Security for a decade, i think it is quite possible to implement, therefore ours i will actually support the task, so that our partners will support us in this, by the way, the statement of the secretary of the National Security council lytvynenko, it is actually, it is important, it demonstrates our position, so we understand that, of course, at the washington peace summit, a decision would be made regarding ukraines membership in nato , well, by full consensus, yes, members of the Euroatlantic Community, well, first of all , we are talking about the United States, we are talking about. Great britain, we are talking about france, well , in general, about the socalled nuclear club, yes, because ukraines membership in nato during unprovoked aggression on the part of the russian federation, this is extremely serious, but here he demonstrates that there is a consensus on the part of the ukrainian political elites, so to ensure that in the end we receive this or that piece of paper, although i agree with you in vain, it is unlikely that our overseas allies even to such a decision, because it would mean that they would already be directly forced, yes, because membership in nato, it involves the use of the treaty on collective security. Currently, we are conducting negotiations with many countries, and there are already very concrete successes on on those tracks, in particular when we talk about signing security agreements with various continental states, yes, but the key story, of course, is our membership in nato, but the washington summit, which from. Well, relatively speaking, unfortunately, it is unlikely to happen soon will it become such, well, a very clear point, a bold point in ukraines membership in nato, although, although, although, although, by the way, i will add to lytvynenkos words here, it is important, by the way, you just mentioned about important, important points, and he also mentions the experience of the bucharest summit in 2008, says that we are aware that the accession will not take place tomorrow, but the invitation will cool many hot heads of the russian federation, it will contribute to deescalation, and will not become a confrontational step, and he clearly proved the experience of this summit in relations with putins clear determination stabilizes the situation, and its absence provokes russia to take aggressive steps. Well, we cannot disagree here, probably, on the other hand, we also understand that the situation in ukraine, in the middle east and in general in the global dimension, they look abroad a little differently than we look at it all, we look at it all from the point of view of our problem, our trouble. Which is in our country, but the world, unfortunately, is not so simple, and we understand that World Politics is much more complicated than we would like to believe. Yes, and an important message, by the way, from the press center of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. Clashes continue near staritsa and vovchansk, and a battle is taking place in the area of ​​sinkivka. Yes, i quote on lymansky, turetsky, goliaipilsky and since the beginning of the war, there have been no clashes in the orichiv direction. The russian aggressor continues to terrorize the civilian population. In chernihiv oblast and sumy oblast , the areas of settlements of novodmytrivka, sopych, popivka, pavlivka, mistki, and yelino were shelled with artillery; two skirmishes continue in the direction of kharkiv. Near the village of staritsa and the city of vovchansk, the enemy is repulsed fiercely, information on enemy losses is being clarified, and russian terrorists have carried out an airstrike in the area of ​​liptsi, in the kupinsky direction, there is a battle in the area sinkivki, but the situation is under control, one attempt of the enemy to attack was repulsed. You can find out more about the general situation on all fronts from the material of our colleagues, so lets watch together. Plus 70 km to the active front line, which already amounted to more than 1,200 km. The repeated offensive of the occupiers in the north of the Kharkiv Region opened a new page in the russianukrainian war. After a week of heavy fighting, the situation was stabilized, president Volodymyr Zelenskyy said. The enemy did not gain a foothold in vovchansk, a city located 4 km from the ukrainianrussian border. In general, the invaders advanced no more than. 10 km. The enemy expanded the zone of active hostilities by almost 70 km. Thus, trying to force us to use an additional number of brigades from the reserve. The enemy launched an offensive well ahead of schedule when he noticed the overturning of our troops, but he failed to break through our defenses. However , we understand that there will be tough battles ahead, and the enemy is preparing for it. Oleksandr syrskyi, commanderinchief. Armed forces of ukraine. Exactly the stretching of ukrainian reserves may be the main goal of the russians, the Ukrainian Military leadership suggests. The russian army has an advantage in personnel and seeks to take advantage of this. In particular, withdrawing part of the Defense Forces from donbas, where heavy fighting has been going on for many months, and kharkiv may not be the only direction. In an interview with the New York Times, the head of gur Kyrylo Budanov said that in the coming days the russians. May launch an offensive on sumy oblast. These words worried many, especially since already in the border communities of the sumy region evacuation began. In order to calm the civilians, budanov had to appear on the air of a National Telethon just from the Kharkiv Region, where fierce battles are ongoing. As for the sumy region, the russians actually planned from the very beginning, sorry, i have certain inconveniences here, from the very beginning they planned. The same operation in the sumy region, as of now, they are keeping small groups of forces in the border areas in the direction lets say this, they have the city of suja, from our side, it is the sumy direction, but the situation has not allowed them so far start active actions. The Ukrainian Military command knew about the enemys plans, intelligence reported about them. In advance, however, it is not enough to understand the enemys plan, you need to have the resources to counter it, namely reserves and weapons, and if there are big problems with the first, then the situation with weapons has begun to improve, american and socalled czech ammunition seems to be partially at the front. At least Volodymyr Zelenskyi claims that for the first time in the two years of the war, the armed forces have enough artillery shells and none of the brigades complains about the shortage of bc. This. Is also confirmed by nato officials. The russians do not have the necessary number of troops to make a strategic breakthrough in the Kharkiv Region. Moreover, they do not have the skills and capabilities for this. Allies have accelerated the delivery of large shipments of aid to ukraine after the us approved an aid package for the armed forces. They are now sending a huge amount of ammunition, a huge amount of air Defense Systems to ukraine. Range and a significant amount of Armored Vehicles. The enemy also senses the arrival of longrange weapons. On the night of may 14 to 15, an important from a Military Point of view, belbek airfield, near occupied sevastopol, was attacked by atakams missiles twice a day. Later , satellite images appeared on the network, from which it is possible to draw conclusions about the losses of the russians, which are at least three military aircraft and warehouses with fuel and bridging materials. Significantly thin the ranks of the russians, the armed forces could even before the russian offensive on the Kharkiv Region, but the usa still forbids ukraine to strike at the enemy on its territory. Because of this, the occupiers have a strategic advantage, although not one hundred percent. On the night of may 17 ukrainian drones hit a number of objects both in the occupied crimea and in the new russian tatoo opse. The attack was the largest in recent months. Against the background of the intensification of hostilities and mutual strikes , diplomacy also revived. Chinese president xi jinping flew to france for talks with emmanuel macron, and then. Received Vladimir Putin in beijing, where the russian dictator praised the chinese peace plan and made it clear that there was no intention to end the war. Macron himself is expected to visit kyiv soon, and this week to ukraine United States secretary of state anthony blinken, who was also in china three weeks ago, came to the capital. What does this series of diplomatic visits mean and are they forcing kyiv to negotiate with moscow, at least publicly. No, in particular, blinkin once again confirmed that sitting down at the transition table depends on ukraine and only on it, and president zelenskyi emphasized that ukraine ties its diplomatic hopes to the global peace summit in switzerland. As for the negotiations, again, these decisions should be made by ukraine, not by ukraine United States or any other country. Therefore, if you imagine that if putin showed. At least some interest in seriously participating in the negotiations, i am sure that the ukrainians would respond to this, but putin demonstrates the exact opposite every day. Despite everything, we are preparing a peace summit, we are preparing a platform for the world majority was able to force russia to make peace. I am grateful to everyone for their desire to restore the full effectiveness of international law, we will continue to act no less actively. All continents, all countries have to be presented at the peace summit. However, is the peace summit really in switzerland will bring the result . The main idea of ​​the meeting was to involve not only the west in the negotiations, but also representatives of the socalled global south. But, as the media reports, the president s of south africa and brazil have no intention of going to lucerne, switzerland. In particular, brazilian leader Lula Da Silva seems to see no point in negotiations to which russia was not invited. High probability. That the summit will ignore china, which dramatically reduces the chances of diplomatic success. After all, the outcome of this war will probably not be decided by negotiations, on the battlefield, and peace conferences will only fix it. Hard months ahead. American weapons can help stabilize the front line. Most likely sometime in july claims the New York Times with reference to Anonymous Sources in the administration of joseph biden. However , he emphasizes that for a strategic turning point in the situation. On the front line , this is not enough in favor of ukraine, so after a few months the war may eventually end with the socalled korean scenario, i. E. , the fixation of the contact line as a new, lets say unrecognized border, however, these are only predictions, of which there were many, many during the two years of the war, and most of which did not come true, the war will probably continue in 2025. Gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and you want to have a beautiful, wellgroomed area. There is a solution. Garden trimmer course from rozpakuy tv, order now at a special price, only from uah 999. K trimmers are compact, light and very powerful. Mow the lawn in the most difficulttoreach places, near fences, along the path line, near the sidewalk, curb, around trees, trim bushes and even branches, simple and easy. Leave big, heavy mowers a thing of the past. 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Will participate in all important summits that advance the agenda of global peace, security and development, yes it is currently the only major country from the so called Greater South to confirm its participation in the peace summit, well lets hope that the rest will also mature, indias participation is extremely important, india, in addition to being an extremely powerful player in the south, yes, it is also a certain donor to russia. Russian federation, if we speak about the purchase of energy resources, in particular the same oil, that is, india together with china took, so to speak, at reduced, significantly reduced prices, Russian Energy resources, yes, well, now we will talk about relations between the peoples republic of china and taiwan, yin hkhvat with us in touch with a taiwanese journalist, so it happened. A new president of taiwan has been inaugurated and we congratulate taiwan on this very important story, well but at the same time we understand that the intimidation from the peoples republic of china continues, yes, well and despite the new president s appeal to taiwan for peace and some possible diplomatic solutions

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