Destroys everything under it, and somewhere it is released from afar, but when, you know, when i read that in kherson, the russians shot at a minibus three times from a drone, that is, there was a minibus, it was driving, and this drone and also someone controls it, controls and sees what it does with that drone, what that drone does, i dont know how to react to that, on luckily, i read about the fact that. None of the passengers were injured, nor was the driver, well, but the minibus still has traces from those shellings, there are traces, yes, there are such cases, and you know, yesterday one of the heads of the military administrations, serhiy, was injured peretyadko, who went to his colleague for help in the stanislavsk community for cars, and it is not a policewoman. The car is white with an ordinary color, which came under fire from the occupiers, precisely from explosives, and the occupiers dropped explosives from a drone, precisely at this car, which was just moving, that is, today day, all roads and all settlements located along the coast of the dnipro are under constant attack. And under the constant, even under the constant threat of dropping explosives, and you, but there were examples when a person on a simple bicycle was moving through his city streets, and there were so many in bereslav, where ordinary civilians, moving through the streets of the city, suffer from the dropping of explosives from drones , and indeed you say that dropping explosives from drones is controlled by yakas. Is not the operator who controls this drone, and the operator directly sees that where and why he drops this explosive, and sees that it is a civilian driving, and sees that whether it is a minibus, or a person on a bicycle, or just a car moving down the street, in general, there is a shocking incident when it happened in the suburbs of kherson, er. There, the occupiers threw explosives at the funeral procession, which was at the cemetery in antonivka, and people were injured, suffered as a result of the dropping of these explosives. In the occupied territories, the socalled ministry of agriculture, the ministry of agriculture, the occupation authorities report that this years harvests will be 50 higher than expected. Due to the fact that the drought and in general, everything is bad, will the same situation actually be on the left bank, will there be smaller, smaller grain harvests, in the black sea region, it suffered from the drought, as a result of the explosion of the kokhovskaya eges dam, which was blown up by the occupiers and flooded , which we all saw in the kherson region, as a result of this it. Led to the fact that the irrigation system, it remained inoperative, because the water level was controlled and rose from kakhovsky reservoirs, and this provided precisely all irrigation along two canals, along the kakhovsky main canal and along the northcrimean canal, and in fact the entire leftbank part of the kherson region was under irrigation, to this day. It is impossible, although the occupiers are blocking the canals there, making they have such peculiar reservoirs, ponds and artesian wells, just like. They once did in the crimea, now they are doing it on the left bank of the kherson region, but there is no harm to the ecology, for salinization of the soil it is does not bring, they are trying to cope with the drought in this way, although the drought hit the black sea region in general quite significantly, and it is not only there in muscovy, not only in the russian steppes, but it also affected. Exactly kherson oblast, and again, i repeat, the same criminal undermining of the kokhovskaya eges dam, which once again played a bad joke, yes, with the occupier, the fact that they cannot fix it with irrigation, as it was, until the moment of the fullscale invasion, kherson region was always a zone of risky farming, but precisely the system irrigation, an extensive irrigation system throughout the leftbank part of the kherson region. Helped agrarians to harvest fairly substantial crops and cover the occasional droughts that periodically occurred in the actually occupied part of the territory, in addition to the fact that they led to a drought, which they themselves created, so to speak, in step with the undermining of the kakhovskaya gs. Now the people who remain there say that they have intensified all kinds of counterintelligence measures, are looking for representatives of the ukrainian underground, activists of the movement report this separately yellow tape, they say about genichesk, that these representatives of the occupiers are literally woolly there, mr. Sergey, how much this underground movement is, how strong it is and how easy it is to support this underground movement, because we are now in the 21st century, we have all kinds of gadgets that you can find out where, what, who wrote to whom, messengers. And in short, who are the people who continue to resist the occupiers . Well, it is definitely not easy, because in fact, in the occupied part of the kherson region , filtering measures are constantly being strengthened, and the occupiers are conducting a clear the accounting of precisely those people who remained in the occupied territory and continue to remain in the occupied territory, entering the occupied territory is wrong. It is easy, because some people who tried to enter the occupied territory, sometimes the occupiers simply do not let them in, and those who are now there are strictly controlled, and this also applies to the fact that constant searches and constant filtering measures, they happen in different settlements, but the occupiers systematically. Work on denunciations, local gauleiters are responsible for this, i. E. Any action, yes, proukrainian, that can be noticed, it can be reported in a denunciation, and accordingly the russian military, russian fsb officers will immediately come, therefore the fact that the Resistance Movement continues its activities in the occupied territory is an extremely difficult task, it is over. A heroic task and the fact that they perform it, this is heroism, in general , the filtering system and the system of searches are so powerful, the system of intimidating people that it is simple that this action is on the verge of the possible, mr. Sergiu, but literally a little remains, already not there is still time, but i will show it very briefly, i did not want to show it just on the day of embroidery, balance. Who is the main collaborator of the kherson region, who wore an embroidered shirt, no, just him earlier, and now he says that he beats himself in the chest with his heel there and shouts that he was always russian, was born with the st. Georges ribbon on his forehead, thats all they threw up here an old, old photo proof, when the balance was still in the vyshyvanka, a ukrainian flag, and he said that kherson is an original ukrainian land, and i myself am a ukrainian, usually. The biggest hero where he is in office, here he was telling that he is the greatest ukrainian, there he is telling, for the attention of the fsb employees who are watching us now, you should check that balance, after all , he might be a double agent, or that vyshyvanochka that is not kept somewhere about everyone case, rub the st. Georges ribbon well, there will be embroidery from the bottom, and there is also a portrait of putin , turn it over in the office, rat, or bandera, mr. Serhiy, thank you for. A story from the kherson region, then we understand with a little laughter that in the kherson region there is no laughably, as in in principle, in several regions of ukraine, and in principle, in all of ukraine, thank you for. Participation in our air serhii khlain, deputy of the Kherson Regional Council was with us, now we will talk with the deputy of the Zaporizhia District Council and journalist alisa sesoeva, what is happening in the zaporizhia region, mrs. Alisa, good morning, good morning, congratulations, how was the night, tell me , please, we had a quiet night in zaporizhzhia itself, without explosions, but the zaporizhzhia region was shelled and the number of shellings is increasing, 452 shelling per day, as usual. They use everything they have, artillery, mlrs, they attack with drones, but fortunately there are no casualties, there is, as usual , terrible destruction, this is how we have a rather difficult situation in the zaporizhzhia region, you know, i saw a post a resident of zaporizhzhia, as she is an entrepreneur, she has some kind of shop or repair of mobile phones, it is not so important in principle what she does, but she wrote about the fact that recently there have been a lot fewer people on the streets, there are no passersby, no one does not go anywhere, there are almost no cars. Two grandmothers came to me today, although usually by 1 30 i have several pieces of equipment, i have a lot of repairs and a lot of sales , and i am not in the mood to do anything, because you see what is happening, and i just give up , and she is very surprised that this a woman from zaporizhzhia about the fact that it happened in the third year of the war, for two years we worked in zaporizhzhia, we were so. Broke, trying to make some kind of life in the city, so that everything has now been crossed out, and here are the people who comment on her video, they say that this is possible due to the fact that the law on strengthening mobilization is coming into force. Ms. Alisa, do you have similar impressions of this resident of the city of zaporozhye . Well, i can understand this resident in terms of the fact that sometimes, of course, all zaporozhian residents are covered by such depression, because really. Life in the frontline region leaves its mark on everyone, but i do not agree with the fact that zaporozhye the city is empty, life is raging in us, but it is true that the number of men on the streets has decreased, there is such a thing, that, well, it happens there approximately every day, and maybe it is probably it is related to this law, but to say that everyone leaves en masse, or that. The city is empty, there is no such thing, you can go out on the weekend and see that, in principle, many people are walking, we have small businesses, open cafes , well , thats why there is no such global devastation, but the fact that people are afraid to go outside when the tsc is working, that is, and there are already many videos on the network that cause rather contradictory, contradictory assessments from residents. And because some say that they dont have the right to work like that, and others mostly these are the families of those who serve, and now i talk to the military, they are also tired, they say that they need reinforcements, so its such an eternal theme, but the fact that the city is empty, that everyone has left or is sitting at home, well there is no such thing, there is, by the way, i even see that the announcement that Zaporizhzhia Oblenergo is looking for. Employees and lures them not so much with salaries, but with what they promise will be protection against mobilization, critical infrastructure, but we know that filatov recently wrote the mayor of dnipro about the fact that he literally has, for example, a Water Supply Company to stop, and other city structures, due to the fact that they just did not get the opportunity to make reservations, the economic laws of economic reservations were not developed either, in fact. Specialists are fired, and this too, of course, is an interesting question, i am looking into it, very interesting , zaporizhzhia published the memoirs of one of the residents of zaporozhye, who talks about how the mobilization took place during the second world war, then in his memoirs he also mentions how he mobilized. His father at the time in 41 to year, the soviet government, and there are also interesting moments that they also said that the war would last for a maximum of two months, then by force, now we will quickly defeat hitler and everything will be fine, but there the mobilization proceeded from the fact that that at first they took all young people, 18, 20, 25, and so they raised all the time, but the limit was up to 50, people over 50 were not taken at all. But as the situation worsened, 40yearolds began to mobilize, that is, what i am talking about is that even the soviet government, whatever it was, was not populist. Thats what no matter who she was, they were not populists, they clearly understood that specialists had to be preserved, and it was necessary, and it was necessary, accordingly, the mobilization was total, it was impossible to evade somehow, and as we say now, and , but at the same time she was smart, she was not stupid, such a simple moment, it is also valuable. Of course, of course, that we all understand that there is such a significant gap in this law on mobilization, and that actually everyone is confused that there is no clause specifically about demobilization, the military says the same, and since we communicate with them about this law and generally about how things are happening in the country, they still say that people should go, but first of all there should be competent recruiting, because, in principle, what is happening. And now it is probably not what people expected, but still we hope that it will not be like you described, and it will not be like in the occupied territories, because you remember how what powerful methods do they use for this packaging, well, fortunately, we do not have such a thing yet, but now i remember the news of the past, we somehow follow the russian script, you know, that is , excuse me, well, thats how it looks, those ponies. Until 27 from 27 to 25 or something, and the same story is happening in us, they allowed to mobilize prisoners in our country as well, today president zelensky signed this law, i remember that the commanderinchief, the diligent general, was categorically against this idea, he believed that it would only demoralize the normal parts that are, well, imagine if you want , so that, for example, a criminal convicted of a serious crime appeared in your unit article, for some rape. Murders with some aggravating circumstances, some there, well, do you need it in your part, or this person, he will bring, he will bring this brotherhood, yes those are military, something good, probably not, will they be formed so just some units z or an assault z, which we will not feel sorry for and we will throw them like meat, this is our strategy and policy too. You throw the meat of your criminals at us, and we the meat of our criminals, are we such a country, or do we treat these people like this they werent, on the other hand . You ask very correct questions, but i think that they should first of all be answered by the military, because it is very difficult for civilians to comment on it, and in general, on such questions, we always try to hear the opinion of the military first of all, because, well, who. How can they not give an assessment of how it is happening, how it should happen, because we will wait to see what they say about it, that is exactly why i said that i am guided here by the opinion of a military officer whom i trusted and trust so the absolute majority itself of ukrainians, as sociology shows, this is general zaluzhnyk. Ms. Alisa, thank you for the conversation, for participating in our broadcast, alisa sysoeva, journalist, deputy of the zaporizhzhya District Council was with us, we are going for a short break, we will come back and talk about kharkiv. Fm galicia. Listen to yours. Camera, your country is located in the region where during the great patriotic war the foot of a soviet soldier stood, we are not from this region, we will not go, what is bakhmut . Bahmud is a place of fear and a place of bravery, no matter what anyone says, but bravery is the absence of of fear bahmud is the adventure that will stay with us until the end. Our days. The children were born in the era of independence. Who are they . There are many of them, and they are strong and brave. These are the guardians of the traditions and martial arts of their ancestors. These are boys. Who never cry lemberg, mother, dont cry. A book by the writer olena cherninka. A mothers book about her son. A hero who was one of the first to volunteer to defend ukraine and went missing in the vast expanses of donbas. There are discounts represented by coco may discounts on eurofast softcaps 20 in plantain bam and oskad pharmacies. The verdict with Serhiy Rudenko is now in the new one. In the twohour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at the end of the day for with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. Your place is waiting for you, the lights stay on, for dinner what you love, a warm bed is made, there will be walks, swings. Bathing, they are waiting for you on your street, at school, in your church, because in your house they see dreams about you, you are always in front of their eyes, they cry for you, they pray for you, we did not give up, because we knew that you. Already somewhere nearby, half the battle is knowing how hard it is to win, and we will do everything to hug you sooner, so when you are home, when we are together, we are more than a family, we are. A nation united around you. Dear friends, we are back on the air and now kharkiv boris seredin, an activist and public figure, will be in touch with us and will appear on your screens. We will ask how the night passed there and what is happening in kharkiv oblast in general. Yes, do we already have mr. Boris, please let me know, now to. They are adding him to our geter, meanwhile, a few days ago we all celebrated vyshyvanka day, and not on vyshyvanka day , this post appeared a day later , and in principle, i do not think that it is possible to get attached in any way, but nevertheless, i want to show you an embroidered woman who is from the Kharkiv Region, from those populated points where the muscovites, who are trying to conquer them, are pushing, this is. A vyshyvanka from liptsi, and it was found, as Oleksandra Chudna writes, this is her family vyshyvanka, she was found this vyshyvanka in a pile of unburned garbage in the remains of my house in liptsi, she writes she, all her things were stolen and taken away, and they tried to destroy the embroidery but could not, and this embroidery was embroidered by her greatgrandmothers greatgrandmother, and now she wants to take this embroidery and frame it. As a family heirloom, as something that, in principle, is a symbol of ukraine, tattered, uh, but, but it still holds, and this is the image of kharkiv oblast, and and yet another photo that really impressed me, because, because, because on, on these photos, on those photos, there are those who cannot allow themselves to somehow resist, against. A person against an invader, against a person of some kind wild, i dont know if people like this word for muscovites, but you know, when we call them orcs, we think that we are somehow insulting them, huh, and once our viewer from the occupied Luhansk Region sent me a photo, he says, i saw these russian trucks, military, and orcs were written on them, that is, they write it themselves, and they boast theyre proud of it, they take comfort in the fact that theyre orcs, so when you say orcs, think about the fact that you re actually insulting orcs, but to muscovites, to muscovites, its another compliment, so. Notice how many actually made an effort, i dont know whose credit it is, but the credit of the previous reform and the army, which after the 14th year, i dont know, i know that even our colleague from the fifth channel, a journalist, uh, my god, i wanted to talk about unison, uh, yes, yes, yes, morning, morning, yes, please very. Well, less than that, just compare the actual uniforms, for example, now the Ukrainian Military and the russian, and it s heaven and earth, but they like that they have the latest tylogreika, the newest kerzachi, they like to be ugly, thats their essence. Boris redin is already with us, an activist, a public figure kharkiv, mr. Boris, good morning, tell us how in kharkiv after the kabama strikes, what are the consequences, well, the consequences in principle, well , what can there be, that where they hit, they destroyed. It is not in the mood of kharkiv residents it had an effect, you see, vehicles are driving, well , there arent many people walking here in the morning, because its morning, but people are moving around and its like, well, its a normal event like a Road Accident or a fire somewhere, that is, nothing extraordinary, well, just imagine, nothing extraordinary as now , well, people dont feel that way. We, we listen to it, and we dont know how to react to it, because cabs are one of the most terrible destructive, in fact, bombs, the ones that can tell that there are russians, the most powerful, well, this is kharkiv, there is such an attitude to life, probably, nevertheless, it is difficult in kharkiv oblast now, and what is happening on the border with russia, is happening in vovchansk liptsiy, what is the news from there, mr. Boris, well yesterday all day, this night, from the north, from the side of liptsiy , cannonading was heard, that is, there are battles that can be heard, that is, their can be heard even in kharkov, i. E. , the sounds of the battle can be heard even in kharkov, yes , 40 km. I even heard it ringing here in the suburbs of kharkiv, i dont understand something, he says, but where does it come from, that it thunders there, but i say, well , battles are going on under the linden trees somewhere, well, that is, quite loudly there, and at night i went out into the street, and it was also very well heard, well, that is, something difficult there, i dont know putin, he reassured, i dont know who, how to perceive his statement that. There is no desire now to take kharkiv, to conquer, or did it lift the spirits of kharkiv residents . Well, its like that, you understand, the application has long been for a vagrant clown, i dont know who it will raise anything for . Kharkiv said a long time ago, by the way, who is putin, if you remember, yes, yes, we remember, and the whole world now already knows what kharkiv thinks about putin . One relation, but look, i just went into shevchenkos garden, and i ll turn around now, you see here, the grass is cut, the trees are all wellgroomed, well , there are no people yet, because its simply customary to sleep in on saturdays in the morning, absolutely, let the people of kharkiv get some sleep, because we know that the nights in kharkiv in the Kharkiv Region are restless, thank you, mr. Boris, boris redin, an activist, public figure from kharkiv , reached out to us, dear friends, but now give us a minute. We honor the memory of all those ukrainians , who did not live to this morning, because the russians decided to go to war against of ukraine. Lets observe a moment of silence in memory of the Ukrainian Military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia

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