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A possibly somewhat unpretentious allegory, that is , you understand, a mad angry bull terrier that starts to jump, bite passersby, and everyone understands who its plusminus owner is, yes, and here the key story is who will give the first to this mad bull terrier with a shovel on the face, you see, and the owner, so to speak, tries to pretend that this is not his bull terrier, but when they say to him, listen, we, we specifically, dear peking comrades, will write out. A specific fine for your bull terrier, if you dont take him away, and putin also feels this matter, and what is he doing, he is now trying to go to beijing, check the clocks, and here is the key story, what comrade everyone will tell him, and what putin will tell him , did not believe, but beijing has a strong argument in the conversation with putin, who will soon pay a visit to beijing, the war has been going on for more than two years, and you planned much less, counting on the blitzkrieg. For the accelerated end of the war, settlement of the conflict. It doesnt matter, on capitulation terms, on negotiations, this does not happen. Now the war is already becoming a burden for everyone, and for peking as well, which definitely does not want to be a representative of moscow in any case, as i said, because what a dividend you will get. On the contrary, beijing is interested in moscow coming out of the war as weakened as possible, so that it does not disappear, let putin stay, but to be as strong as possible exhausted so that it would be easier to increase this dependence on beijing if the way to the west is closed to moscow, and it will most likely be closed for a decade, given the consequences of the war, no matter what negotiations take place and how they end. And moscows victory is disadvantageous for beijing. Moscow is already too proud when it starts to improve its situation, frontline or international. In particular, until these five, almost six months, no help was allocated by the us congress. There was a future victory, almost plans were made for an offensive on kharkiv, but when you can see how moscow was inspired by the fact that there is no opportunity, as soon as a new situation arises with aid, with a different balance in terms of ammunition, in terms of the means that ukraine is restoring with the aid that has already left the usa, the political situation immediately changes, they noticed how easily it changes, they are immediately inspired and european politicians are emboldened, and china must not lag behind, it must. Moscow must decide how long it is going to fight, to wage a fullscale war. I think such a question will be raised in beijing. How long are you going to fight . 10 years . For us this is unacceptable. This is definitely unacceptable for beijing. Whats more, beijing is very afraid of Nuclear Rhetoric and all exercises and placement of Nuclear Missiles on the territory of belarus. Why . Because i totally assume so. Such a variant of the development of the situation, under which a nuclear one, is also being calmly discussed. In addition to china and north korea, other players in Southeast Asia will have weapons, japan, it can very easily get nuclear weapons, they have their own nuclear materials, laboratory tests, there is no need to talk about technologies. Taiwan may have nuclear weapons, why not . In north korea can appear, taiwan cannot. Nuclear weapons may appear in south korea. Why is it for beijing . This will both help and hurt his plans to integrate taiwan into mainland china. Strongly, that is why this issue causes a terrible pain in beijing in relation to moscow. Most likely, these two issues will be discussed. The first is to stop the Nuclear Rhetoric. Moscow must be a responsible partner, a member of the Un Security Council with the right of veto cannot behave like this, because he is the guarantor of international security, non use of nuclear weapons, nonviolation conventions, which oblige, for example, not to conduct nuclear tests, not to transfer weapons to third countries. The convention on the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons, which, however, is happening in relation to belarus, etc. And the second question the terms of the end of the war. We will decide on a deadline, how long you still want to fight. If you cannot conquer ukraine and advance beyond 20 of the occupied territories, increase them to 30, 40, 50, 100 , then you must end the war and accept the conditions on which the west is ready to somehow influence kyiv, and come to some kind of peace plan , acceptable for of all parties, and not for moscow alone. If beijings wogs tilt to the west, then moscow may have practically no significant allies left in this matter, and then it may. Something will move. Thank you very much, mark, for this extremely interesting and informative conversation, i wish to our viewers to remind you that mark fegin, a former member of the russian state duma, worked on espress. Thank you, anton. Thank you to all the viewers. Stay tuned espresso tv channel. My colleagues will inform you about all the most important events of this day. Take care of yourself and your loved ones. See you on air. The unesco organization has repeatedly condemned russian attacks on the world and National Cultural heritage in ukraine, because under International Law the deliberate destruction of cultural objects is considered a war crime. At the end of february 2022 , the invaders destroyed the ivankiv historical and local History Museum in the kyiv region with an artillery shell. There. 410 exhibits were kept, among them are dishes, ancient implements of work and money, cossack weapons, icons. The pride of the museum was the collection of works by the ukrainian artist maria pryimachenko, some of which the museum staff managed to save. At least uah 35 million will be spent on reconstruction. Mariupol drama theater, a monument of architecture, history and monumental art. The russians destroyed it with aerial bombs. March 16, 2022. Hundreds of mariupol residents died under the ruins. Now the remains of the theater were covered by russian gauleiter with banners with portraits of imperial writers to hide their tracks own crimes. As a result of a direct hit by a Russian Missile in may 2023 , the National Literary and Memorial Museum of Grigory Skovoroda in kharkiv oblast in the village of skovorodinivka caught fire. The museum kept works and. Personal belongings of the philosopher, as well as books of ancient, medieval and modern poets. The most valuable exhibits of the collection survived because they were moved to a safe place in advance. The restoration of the museum was estimated at uah 112 million. On november 23, 2023, the cultural object suffered significant destruction due to a rocket attack unesco heritage sites, transfiguration cathedral in odesa, terrorist rocket. Even the membership of the moscow patriarchate did not save him. In the same month, the russians fired a rocket at a historic residential building in lviv, which is located in the unesco World Heritage buffer zone. The russians have been destroying ukrainian Cultural Heritage since the annexation of crimea, defaced with pseudorestorations the khans palace in bakchesarad, a unique landmark. Crimean tatar culture, object unesco World Heritage site. The architectural ensemble of the ancient city of chersonesostavrii, which is also under the auspices of unesco, was looted. The invaders illegally conducted socalled archaeological excavations there. Artifacts and finds were taken to russia, some were sold on the black market. Any notes of protest from the committee. Unesco Cultural Heritage, russia voted. And only in 2023, for the first time in history, she was expelled from the executive board of the un agency for education, science and culture. In fact, the status of World Heritage does not imply mechanism for the protection of Cultural Values ​​during an armed conflict, but the inclusion of the object in this list increases the significance and recognizability of the monument. In case of damage or destruction of the object, it will be easier to bring the culprits to International Criminal responsibility. At the beginning of the fullscale russian invasion of ukraine, unescos committee for the protection of Cultural Heritage adopted a special declaration and developed a plan for the preservation of cultural objects and works of art. Also in 2023, the foundation allocated the organization 1. 5 Million Dollars to the ministry of culture for digitization of our heritage. Unesco is actively monitoring the loss and damage to our cultural objects as a result of russian shelling. These documents have significance for legal processes and restoration of the monument in the future. In general, the unesco Cultural Heritage includes the shrines of kyiv, the ensemble of the old city of lviv, and the Historical Center of odesa. There are 17 more objects that are candidates for inclusion in this list. Among them are the Historical Center of chernigov, Kharkiv Derzhprom and khmaroch, kamyan historical and Archaeological Reserve a grave in the zaporizhzhia region. And they all suffered from the russian invasion. The statistics of losses of the Ukrainian Cultural fund will change more than once, because shelling of ukrainian cities does not stop, and some monuments are located in temporarily occupied territories. And it is impossible to determine in what state they are now. Natalya stare pravo, volodymyr studeny, espresso tv channel. See this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. Disciplinary cases are not on time. How does vrp sabotage system cleanup . Releases judges from responsibility, instead of being dismissed from office. But who turned out to be the record holder for closing the cases of unscrupulous judges. The judicial mafia controls the entire judicial system. Congratulations, this is a judicial control program. As always, we are talking about the main reform, the direction of which depends on our european prospects. How is the new judiciary formed in ukraine . Why does the Supreme Council of justice leave unscrupulous servants of themis in their positions . Who sabotages system cleanup and reboot . About all this today, but first traditionally, before the news. Detectives of the National Anticorruption bureau of ukraine conducted a search in the house of judge severo. Of the appellate Economic Court of ludmila kropyvna, who is suspected of illegal enrichment. At the end of 2021 , a house of 260 m2 in the elite kozyna in the kyiv region and 20 acres of valuable land under it appeared in the ownership of the minister themis. The market value of such an estate with a swimming pool, gazebo and sauna is from 1 Million Dollars, and according to the purchase and Sale Agreement , the real estate cost eight times cheaper. Everything indicates that the judge at. The real one the amount of money she paid for the house, because she would never have been able to explain the purchase with official income. It should be noted that the acquisition of the estate coincides with the period when kropyvna started considering the case regarding the alienation of the shares of poltava gezk from the International Company ferexpa in favor of the kremlin businessmen babakov and ginner. In the end, the Northern Commercial court of appeal, and in particular lyudmila kropyvna, legalized the raider seizure of assets. This decision was later reversed. The grand chamber of the supreme court. At the same time, they began to investigate where the judge had the funds for the house that was sold for 1 million and whether there was a bribe. Kropyvna believes that during the search of her estate the detectives made a violation and filed a corresponding complaint with the Supreme Council of justice. The third Disciplinary Chamber of the Supreme Council of justice finally dismissed Poltava District Court judge larisa bogomolova, who is suspected of treason due to alleged cooperation with by the russian fsb. According to Law Enforcement officers, she called the employees of the berdyansk District Court where she was previously worked, to support the russian occupiers and cooperate with them. And those who refused were handed over to the fsb. Bogomolova gave the occupiers information about the transfer of three azov fighters from mariupol to the mangusha district. The russians killed these servicemen. Today i heard information that three people from azov got out of mariupol by some trick. Can you hear me yes, i hear you, yes. Will come here to keep you in mind. Larisa bogomolova was detained by Law Enforcement officers a year ago in august, but she stayed all this time acting judge and continued to receive a considerable judges fee. The final decision on the dismissal of bogomolova must now be made by the entire composition of the Supreme Council of justice. The judicial system of ukraine is in the mode of a total reboot. There is a lot of work. The Higher Qualification Commission was exhausted. Works on conducting competitions for positions and evaluating the suitability of the current servants of themis. It is so exhausting that lately interviews are taking 7 minutes, judges with dubious reputations and fortunes of obscure origin remain in their chairs. The Supreme Council of justice, which resumed its disciplinary function six months ago, still cannot process a significant volume of judges complaints. So the participants in criminal cases of corruption, treason and even murder. Have not been released and for years receive millions from the state budget, which the Supreme Council of justice does not do, in fact sabotages the consideration of important disciplinary cases, and those that are reviewed by many amnesty, in fact exempts judges from responsibility, instead of dismissing them from office, so the Supreme Council of justice decided not to prosecute serhiy kovhan, the judge of the tulchyn District Court of the vinnytsia region. Last year in march , the man was stopped by the Patrol Police because he exceeded the permissible speed twice. The judge argued with the police, denied everything, lectured them and even threatened them. I wont break. Nothing, ill tell you again, i m a judge, you can pass anything today , you send me this decision, i will appeal it to the court, and i will collect moral damages from you, personally from you, you know that i work judge, where did you get it from, i told you, i told you that i work as a judge, i showed you the judges certificate, despite this you detained me and used special means, despite the request of the patrol officers to wait for the protocol to be drawn up. The judge got into the car and drove away from the scene, even more so he ran over the policemans leg. Instead, the vrp Disciplinary Chamber decided that there were no grounds to hold judge kovganych accountable. As a result, the policeman is given three years of probation for handcuffing him improperly, the judge is being considered disciplinary complaint and the case is closed, they are not prosecuted at all, they do not even issue a warning. That is, the Supreme Council of justice has been updated. Shout at the whole society and all the judges, wave in front of the police ids, tell them how to live, drive 60 km per hour faster than the traffic rules allow, and you will not get anything for it, this is a wild absolute story, the updated Supreme Council of justice is still not examines disciplinary cases against judges of the liquidated most corrupt and the most scandalous court of the country, the District Administrative Court of kyiv. Extras in criminal proceedings on grand corruption, the creation of a criminal group for the purpose of seizing power, and holders of russian passports are still considered acting judges, and the state spends millions on their maintenance every month. Moreover, the Supreme Council of justice itself does not fulfill its own regulations, because they determined that the priority cases for them and wrote it down in the regulations are cases that have a high public resonance and cases that can end dismissal of the judge. And there are such cases in relation to the judges of the oaask, for example, several dozen, at least 65, those that we know about, very likely, much more, only now they began to open disciplinary cases against individual judges of the District Administrative Court of the city of kyiv, actually not fulfilling their own regulation, which states that such cases should be considered as a priority, instead, they prioritize complaints, supposedly those that are. Instant, as they call them. Meanwhile, the term of prosecution for disciplinary cases for only three years. Thus , hundreds of cases regarding maidan judges were closed after the expiration of the deadlines. The Supreme Council of justice did not have enough time to consider these complaints. Now they themselves have determined that such complaints are a priority. Well, god forbid it doesnt work out, because its been going on for more than a year. Complaints of the Supreme Council of justice have already been considered for about six months. That again there will not be enough time. For consideration of those complaints, which are , well, key for society, the same judges asku, the same princes, the same, well, absolutely obvious cases, but in addition to the super obvious ones, there are also very important ones, such as those on the 130s, on drunk driving, such as on many other things, on violations of the process, on violations of human rights, which should be considered by the Supreme Council of justice, this a member of the Supreme Council of justice, a judge of the civil court of cassation, as part of the supreme court, serhii burlakov, and he plays one of the key. Roles in exonerating judges from responsibility, a record holder simply for, firstly, closing cases, and secondly , for not Holding Judges Accountable , where they need to be held accountable. Burlakov is closely associated with kharkiv millionaire and deputy of the ninth convocation oleksandr feldman, a former member of the already banned prorussian party opz. Burlakov, most interestingly, traveled to the Russian Federation as a judge, had connections with prorussian. Deputy and businessman svyatash in kharkiv, and has a very colorful such biography. In 2018, burlakov managed a bulgarian company, and according to the declaration , he did not receive anything for it. This is a very strange story, because in fact he agreed to it to provide serious services, manage the company, but he did it for free, or he was only listed in the registers as a nominal manager, and this is also a question of his integrity, or. He actually received some funds, but hid them. The fortunes of the burlakov family did not match the official income. For example, in 2018, the judges mother was able to purchase an apartment with an area of ​​almost 40 m2 in boryspil, kyiv region, having as of 2017 an income of uah 29 and another uah 217 in savings. Sergey burlakov forgot indicate the value of this apartment to the mother, however , we are sure that the real estate cost. Exactly more expensive than 29 hryvnias, it also does not declare the value of a land plot with an area of ​​more than 100 km in the Kharkiv Region and more than 60 thousand square meters. In the kirovohrad region, which his wife acquired earlier. Huge questions about where the money came from to buy this property. Burlakov was repeatedly spotted in alleged manipulations with the value of his property. In the declaration for 2017, as a candidate for the post of judge of the supreme court, he indicated ownership of corporate rights of three enterprises. The cost of just one of them reached over one hundred thousand hryvnias. As required by law , burlakov got rid of them after his appointment. Assures for 500, 100 and 500 hryvnias, that is, he gave practically for nothing, it looks like another attempt to hide real wealth. According to experts, burlakov is considered a creature of borys gulka, the head of the Civil Cassation Court within the supreme court, one of the most influential judges and a member of the socalled judicial mafia, which has been destroying the judicial system of ukraine all these years. Therefore, the only true way cleaning up the judiciary now will finally stop this cycle. Surety, the Ethical Council and our International Partners have drawn their own conclusions from this, but we need to draw our own conclusions from this, and if this continues, take away from judges the ability to actually determine and punish judges, because we already have this circular surety, sorry , fed up, it has been going on for years, decades, and citizens are suffering, ukraine is suffering, the Foundation Filed a complaint against the actions of serhiy burlakov, a member of the vrp, however, taking into account practice. Complaints, wait for a quick decision on it has yet to be made. We, together with a group of experts, continue to monitor everything that is happening in the judicial system today, and we hope that the work on errors will not be delayed. And for today i have everything. If you want to report corrupt judges or illegal decisions, write to me on facebook or to this email address. See you in exactly a week. A telethon for your own. Community, one of the six producers of the National Marathon of single news this week found itself between two fires. Colleagues announced their intention to take away from him the prime evening slots, which are watched by the largest number of viewers, peoples deputy from servant of the people Maryana Bezugla published several posts on social networks with. Accusations against the broadcaster. Experts immediately connected these two events and recalled the story of the dismissal of the head of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny, which resembled a special Information Operation and was started by Maryana Bezugla. This time, the deputy blamed the public for the seemingly small reach of the audience, for the high salaries of the management and even the organization of schemes for the employment of men with the aim of their reservation, but. The main message was a call to reduce the state funding of the broadcaster. So, we currently have de facto a6 state channels. Social with all ramifications, rada, dom, freedom, telethon, army media holding. I believe that the six state broadcasters should be made one, and the funds should be redirected to the creation of information and cyber forces of ukraine. Create information and cyber forces of ukraine. Public has long ceased to be state. Thanks to the support of western countries after the revolution of dignity, the once truly state channel was reformed and became public. The office of the president , the cabinet of ministers, and even the Verkhovna Rada do not have direct mechanisms of influence on its editorial policy. Monitoring shows that the public is the only participant in the telethon that allows itself to give different points of view, for example, to invite peoples deputies from different factions, in particular from the european faction. Of solidarity, maybe there are some stoppages to other channels or something else, as the opposition often says, are forwarded and installed, agree on specific speakers in the marathon, we do not have such a thing, and perhaps this is what worries the authorities that they cannot interfere in our editorial policy, the telethon single news was launched on february 24 , 2022 for. Leading media groups united in it and tv channels. At the beginning of the fullscale invasion, the telethon fulfilled its function of preventing panic and promptly informing ukrainians about the progress of the war. But now, according to many media experts, it has become an informational relic. Confidence in him continues to fall. By according to the kmis survey conducted in february 2024, only 36 of ukrainians trusted the marathon. While 47 did not trust. The telethon was also mentioned in the recent Us State Department report on Human Rights Violations in ukraine in 2023. As an example of restriction of freedom of speech. However, the authorities do not plan to abandon the format under their control. Serhii leshchenko, adviser to the head of the president s office, andriy yarmak, said this, in particular, on the air of the same telethon. Part of the russian information war against ukraine is being waged through discrediting marathon, realizing that if there is no marathon, then the media house will disappear, and in the conditions of the media house it is extremely easy to create provocations that will enrage society and weaken it. Ukraines domestic forward russian aggression. The telethon is not the only example of the authorities desire to completely control the information space, introducing not only military, but also political censorship. On april 4 , 2022, an unprecedented event took place in the ukrainian media field. Without any formal decisions and even without explanations, the authorities illegally threw out the of digital broadcasting, three nationwide tv channels at once. Espresso is a direct and fifth channel, this decision has not been canceled yet. It is obvious not to talk about what these three channels have done, to say no, you will leave public. Well, we will quietly forget about those, because we are ashamed. We understand that we will not convince them, because this is power, well, this is hypocrisy, what is our social and Everything Else . Where is the truth then . The truth is that the public needs to be absolutely protected. The telethon should definitely be closed. Instead, even before the war, one of the first days of a fullscale invasion. The authorities helped ukrainians get hooked on the information needle of the telegram messenger, which was launched by the russian pavlo durov, who, as many experts assume, may be connected to the Russian Special services, in particular , representatives of anonymous telegram channels were invited to president zelenskys press conference. Now it seems that even the Banking Industry has realized that this is a threat. The head of gur Kyrylo Budanov directly called the messenger with russian. Problem of national security, and it has already been registered in the Verkhovna Rada the draft law on the regulation of this and other social networks in the part related to information activities. See this week in the Collaborators Program. Sellers from kyrylivka, who are actively russifying the village . Zaporizhzhia region, the village of kyrylivka together with russia, we are united, friendly forever, and why are car races organized with. Thanks to our coordinated work, we are only moving forward. Greetings, im olena kononenko, and this is the Collaborators Program about traitors who, following the call of their hearts and conscience, went to serve the rashis occupiers. Todays issue about venal souls from kyrylivka. Part of the zaporizhia region has been under Russian Occupation since 2022, including the resort village of kyrylivka. Remember, this is the warm sea of ​​azov with. Douses, and these shrimps, honey baklava, corn on the beach, the whole family is on vacation, you inflate a mattress as a group and go swimming. In the evening , there will definitely be a fabulous sunset and attractions. These warm memories are forever with us, and we will definitely create new ones in ukrainian kyrylivka. Meanwhile, unfortunately, the small resort village is occupied. Melitopol district, to which includes kyrylivka, was under threat of occupation from the first days of the great war. Already on february 24 , russian tanks were standing at the entrance to melitopol. After short street battles on february 25, melitopol was occupied. The Russian Administration and tricolors on state buildings appeared there. And later, russian beters began to visit kyrylivka little by little. The local authorities did not cooperate with the invaders, so the occupiers began to look for their intercessors and put them in positions. This is nazarenko andrii anatoliyovych. Money makers appointed him as the new chairman. Of the socalled militarycivilian administration of kyrylivka. Appoint andrii anatoliyovych nazarenko to the post of acting head of the administration of kyryliv village of the militarycivilian administration of the city of melitopol of the zaporizhzhya administration. Please love and respect. Locals gave nazarenko the nickname shrimp because of the entrepreneurial activities he conducted during the holiday seasons. He bought shrimp, and then hired vendors to sell them on the beaches. Also. The Laboratory Assistant owned hotel, which he actually created on the territory of his household. When the russian army entered the settlement, nazarenko immediately changed into wellies, let the invaders live in his minihotel, but they took away his post. From march 3, 2023, as a result of signing

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