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Copied this law and passed it through the parliament of georgia, and after the adoption of this law , largescale protests began near the legislative body building in tbilisi, there were clashes with the police, the georgian opposition is waiting for georgia, solome zurabishvili , to veto the so called law, the president of georgia, the reaction in the United States of america negative, assistant. Of the United States of america secretary of state for of europe and eurasia, jim obrien, during a visit to tbilisi, said that georgia will be burdened with financial sanctions due to the socalled law on agents, which was just passed by the georgian parliament. Lets hear what he said. Ill just remind you that the us plans to provide georgia with 390 million in aid, which should be aimed at military support, economic development, and institution building, in particular at strengthening civil society. All this can be revised if we are now seen as an adversary and not a partner. If this law will enter into force, and it will not comply with eu norms, if democracy is undermined here, there will be violence against peaceful protesters, then there will be certain sanctions from the United States, they will primarily concern financial restrictions and movement. Those persons responsible for such actions. Mr. Maxim, does this mean that russia is starting to win in georgia . Well, the United States of america, i mean. Uh, to a certain extent yes, to a certain extent, it looks like that, but here i would like to point out that, rather here wins, well, thats such a soft form. Of georgian authoritarianism, that is, the influence of one oligarch ivanishvili on georgian politics becomes with the adoption of this law, becomes even more largescale, and in fact very little threatens him after that, since we understand that this law is about foreign agents, it limits the possibility of financing any civil initiatives opposition movements, cuts off their sources, so to speak, of income, for the implementation of various projects and so on, and in these conditions, of course, that ivanishvilis electorate, which, well, actually the Georgian Dream party, it is not going anywhere, and in this way consoles can happen. Of this current government in georgia and ensuring its longterm stay in power, that is, in fact , competitive politics is eliminated, and this, so to speak, is an absolutely transparent, understandable scenario, which we see in the same hungary, and slovakia also began to take this path. That is, it does not depend on culture, there, on europeanness and so on, this, this path is natural when, in fact, such a combination arises authoritarian leader and his loyal electorate, and regarding money, i think that this will not stop the government in georgia, because the financial benefits that will be received by. Actually, the representatives of this government, business close to the government, from the development of relations with russia, it is much more for this financial gain. Than these possible infusions of american, in particular funds and european, and here it will not affect them, it will definitely not affect their decision, but the opinion of Georgian Society, the opinion of its active, liberal part, proeuropean can obviously influence them, but mr. Maksym, you have an answer for yourself, and why did this happen, why did georgia go through the rose revolution and went through such a long path of democratization, the war with russia in 2008, why so everything came back, why did the pro Russian Forces come to power who should not have come to power, and why is Georgian Society now not taking any steps to. To protect democracy, not to allow unite georgia. Well, actually, i think that, again, many in georgia, especially those who support ivanishvilis party, do not think in such categories, that is, that the model offered by the Georgian Dream is peace with russia, and this is very important. In fact, georgians are very afraid that a war with russia will start, but 2008 scared them in this sense, and we see not only the position of politicians, we see the position of the georgian orthodox church, but actually this fear of a possible war with russia is such a very restraining factor , that is, to remain in peace in peaceful conditions. It the first, the second is to ensure some kind of wellbeing, and russia provides this wellbeing, even in the conditions of the war with ukraine, a lot of people left for georgia, there, so to speak, skyrocketed prices for apartments and so on, there are a lot of different moments, well and those famous, so to speak, tomatoes and peaches and tangerines from georgia. Which are taken to moscow is also a factor, that is, welfare, security, and i think that in fact they are not afraid of the absorption of georgia by russia, as we are there, we, for example, are afraid, because georgia is georgia, they have their own an identity that, so to speak, no russian world can really drive away, that is , this is the model, to close in ones own country, to have until. Life and to have relative security this is what the Georgian Dream offered to the georgian citizen, i would say so, and her abstract ideals, er, democracy, freedom, from europe and so on, are already secondary against this background, especially since they are largely associated with the name of mikheil saakashvili, who is not for of all georgians, far from being a good politician for all georgians. Thank you, mr. Maksym, it was maksym rozumny, doctor of political sciences. Let me remind you, friends, that we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live there. Please subscribe to our pages and also take part in our survey. Today we are asking you about the following should the countries of the European Union return conscripts to ukraine . Yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube. If you have other options for answers, please write in the. Comments below video, and dont forget to like this video so that it moves up in youtube trends. If youre watching us live on tv, please pick up your smartphone or phone and vote. If you think that eu countries should return conscripts to ukraine . 0800211381, no 0800 211 382. All calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will summarize it. Voting. Next, we have viktor shlinchak, chairman of the board of the institute of world politics. Mr. Victor, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. I congratulate you, serhiy. Im sorry that i cant join as usual, because kyiv is currently blacked out. We will talk by phone. After all, we are always happy to hear from you and your comments. I hope so. Next time we will see the picture, lets start, mr. Viktor, with the visit of Anthony Blinken to kyiv, it is clear that there were many different statements, damn it. Spoke about the Security Agreement that ukraine and the United States of america are currently preparing, about the fact that they are not the americans, they mean, do not insist that the ukrainians do not hit russia with american weapons, ukraine, they say, decides for itself, but obviously there was much more behind the scenes in this visit than we know what blinkin could bring or what conversation or what suggestions . Bring blinkin on the eve of the global peace summit and, of course, the nato anniversary summit. Perhaps these are some sketches of the future Peace Agreement between russia and ukraine, or the conviction that it is necessary to somehow shift the war into some other direction, as you do you think you know, for the last two days i have been constantly being asked about. About the socalled Peace Agreement, but the question is that we cannot talk in principle about any Peace Agreement, because russia is not going to sign any agreement that would guarantee peace , it is already becoming obvious, because all these latest statements coming from the kremlin, they are understandable, because actually. Putin repeats the same thing at every speech we want agreements, but these agreements involve the capitulation of ukraine , it must be fixed, it is necessary to understand, and actually, when talking about the peaceful waters that russia offers there, well, it must be sifted through a very deep sieve, or could it . Blinken bring some kind of Peace Agreement . Obviously not. I have a feeling that blinken came to really check the data that the ukrainians have, the ukrainian intelligence, the decisions that, and the vision that the Ukrainian Government and the ukrainian president have, to make sure of some of their versions, the americans. As always have a lot of versions about how we are going to confront the enemy, of course, that the summit in which is to be held in switzerland, this is the question of President Bidens participation in this summit, so far there is no news that President Biden has confirmed his participation in the summit, and the next thing is. Of course, how much american weapons are now being supplied to delivered to ukraine in a timely manner. I think that everything revolved around these topics, but at the same time there were also tracks, you probably already know, tracks about democracy, about the possibility of Holding Democratic elections, about the fact that the United States is still watching. According to the internal situation in ukraine, thats why it was a lot of topics, it seems to me that this is still such a visit, if not iconic, then at least comprehensive in terms of the topics that were witnessed there. I have already mentioned, mr. Victor, about this Security Agreement, the draft of which is currently being considered by both the american and ukrainian parties, respectively, and blinkin during. Speaking at the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute , he spoke about this Security Agreement, which will be calculated for 10 years. Lets hear what the secretary of state of the United States of america said. Pursuant to our agreement, the United States will support ukraines security and defense through a full range of military capabilities, from air force and air defense to drones and mine clearance. Our bilateral Security Agreement. Air defense and other important weapons that you need here in ukraine. Mr. Victor, since you say that blinken couldnt bring any kind of peace deal there, does that mean that for the biden team, any negotiations at all right now about. Are there any possible deals there or about some process that initiates, well in particular putin, when he speaks that the chinese have prepared a peace plan, although this peace. The plan, if you consider these 12 points, it seems the 12 that were released on february 24 , 23, is not really a plan, its just beijings position, does that mean, that the issue of russia having to answer for war crimes in ukraine, for what they have been doing for the past two years, at least, that this issue is fundamental for the Biden Administration and. This is the position of the future candidate for the presidency of the United States of america , joseph biden . I think that the americans understand very clearly that putin is waiting for the results of the elections in the United States of america. And accordingly, the kremlin plans to sit down at the negotiating table with the future president. Of the United States of america, that is, until then, i doubt that there will be any intention to sign a Peace Agreement, i am not talking about the Peace Agreement itself, from putins point of view, he is actually doing very well on the front, it is going offensive, he captures new territories, he once again raises the stakes. He enters the kharkiv region, it was announced that an event is also possible in some neighboring region, that is, from the point of view of the fact that he is promoting his ambitions, he is just ready, i think so, to reach some peak level of his aggression right at the finish line. There are president ial elections in the United States of america. And i think that he still has a plan brewing in his head that if trump comes, it will be easier for him to negotiate about aid to ukraine, or rather, about its absence. And in this case, it may be one of the plans that is being considered in russia, if there is a candidate from the democrats as the winner, i. I think they have another plan, and this plan will also involve, obviously, an invitation to the negotiating table, but again, putin is confirming once again what he said in 2007 , that he wants returning to the warsaw peace treaty, where he will rule a part of europe, is his strategic task, this is his plan, and he is moving according to this plan. Further, unfortunately. Antony blinken, while visiting kyiv, took part in a concert by a local band in one of kyivs underground bars. Lets listen and see how it is everything was, because yesterday there was enough of a sharp reaction of social networks, that is, some said that how come he sings neil youngs songs during the war, others say that neil young is the person who sued trump. Back in 2000 for using tracks at his election rallies without his permission, so lets listen and draw our own conclusions about how and what blinken did in the underground bar of kyiv. Look, i know this is a very, very difficult time, your soldiers, your citizens, especially in the northeast and in the kharkiv region, extremely. The usa is with you, most of the world is with you, they are fighting not only for ukraine, but also for the free world, and this free world is also with you. So, lets try. Mr. Victor, did i understand correctly . That blinken, while in the ukrainian capital, gave a big greeting to trump . Well, i think that it was done for something, that is , it is not necessary to say that it is impromptu, that is, it is a prepared story, look, Pay Attention to which side, well, that is, it is a lefthanded guitar, that is, it is just a guitar. Which was prepared exclusively for blinken, i will say, i will also say that blinken was one of the initiators, in the state department, of such a program called democracy through music, and this is a very large program, when american singers traveled around the world and promoted precisely democratic values, and on at the opening of this program, blinken also played the guitar, so its already a kind of, you know, a remake of that, those ideas that. Started earlier, but i repeat, it was not an ekstrom, it was a prepared performance, and its obvious that the video that you showed a piece there demonstrated, obviously, that this is exactly what we are talking about, the decision and this frame, which will be used during the possible election campaign, and the very end of our conversation, mr. Viktor, tomorrow putin. Has to go to beijing, and the day before in an interview he told the Chinese News Agency xinhua that the basis of the diplomatic process regarding ukraine could be the chinese peace plan, which provides for the start of negotiations on the current front line, quoting putin we want a comprehensive, stable and fair settlement of this conflict by peaceful means and are open to dialogue regarding ukraine, but these should be negotiations that take into account. The interests of all the countries involved in this conflict, including our interests, will be destroyed by a serious conversation about global stability, about security guarantees and opposing sides, and of course for russia, and these should be reliable guarantees, in short, mr. Viktor, what does putin want . I have already said what putin wants, putin wants a direct dialogue on the division of the world with the United States of america, which is true here there is. A problem, because xizen pin also wants a bipolar world, where there is china and the United States of america, there are no others, and this trinity can form just the backbone that will divide the world into zones of influence, russia wants participate in this process, but do not believe what putin says, all his words about peaceful. These are words simply about the capitulation of ukraine, these are words that have absolutely nothing to do with reality, here it will be very revealing whether sidzhen pin will come precisely to switzerland for this peace summit, and thats it for us will be a very indicative position of china, because there are a lot of good words, a lot of correct words written in china. Kikitenskys socalled peace plan, but it is for everything good, against everything bad. Lets get back to reality. Thank you, on this note we will put an end to our conversation, it was viktor shlinchak, chairman of the board of the institute of world politics. Friends, we continue to work live on the tv channel and conduct polls throughout our evening, and we ask you about whether the eu countries should return the military bound to ukraine. Yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, on tv, here you are. Already the interim results of the poll are 77 yes, 23 no, if you are sitting in front of the tv and you have a smartphone in your hands, vote 0800 211 381, if eu countries should return conscripts to ukraine 0800 211 372, no. Allergies, neche leo will overcome ts3 leo. Ts3 leo. Neo protects against the most common allergens. There are discounts represented by coco discounts in may on dolgit cream 150 g. 20 in pharmacies plantain bam and oskad. Vasyls Big Broadcast winter this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zemai and we are starting. Two hours of air time. Two hours of your time. Many. To keep up with economic news. Time to talk about money in wartime. Oleksandr morchivka is with us. Alexander, congratulations, please. And sports news. Review of sporting events by yevhen pastukhov. Two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. Thank you very much to elina chechenii for the information about culture news. That many have become familiar. Natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather for the day to come, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. Andriy parubiy, peoples deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of ukraine. A day in two hours. Vasyl zimas Big Broadcast. A project for smart and caring people. Espresso in the evening. See this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. Falsely reporting a crime. How the vrp rejected the complaint of the head of the Economic Court of the kyiv region. No evidence of interference in their activities as judges has been established. But why . Pavlo gorbasenkos father found himself on the myrotvorets website. Watch on thursday the 16th may at 17 45 the judicial control program with tetyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. Every week, the saturday Political Club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. Vitaly portnikov, Khrystyna Yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. If you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. Greetings friends, the second part of the verdict program is live on espresso tv channel, my name is serhii rudenko, today lets talk about this. A new invasion from the north, the offensive of the russians in kharkiv oblast and the prospects for the deployment of hostilities in sumy oblast, the reality and communication of the Ukrainian Government with society. A serious conversation about global stability. Putin again spoke about peace talks with ukraine. What security guarantees does the kremlin dictator want. They do not see prospects. Half. Ukrainian refugees are not ready to return home from europe, should eu countries facilitate the return of conscripts . Friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our platforms on youtube and facebook, for those who are currently watching us live, there. Please subscribe to our pages, like this video, and also take part in our survey. Today we ask you about whether the eu countries should return the military. Bound to ukraine. Yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, if you have any other opinion, please write in the comments below this video, if you are watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think that eu countries should return conscripted men to ukraine, 0 800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. We should have two political experts on the air, they are viktor boberenko and volodymyr fesenko. We are waiting for their inclusion in the broadcast. In the meantime, i will say that the day before , the minister of defense of poland, Wladyslaw Kosiniak kamysh, said that warsaw can help ukraine with the issue of return conscripts. Discussions on this topic are also being conducted in other european countries. Countries , there is still no final decision at the level of the eu countries, because it is clear that the majority of men, or part of the men conscripted from ukraine, came to europe as refugees, and here the question is in what way the countries of the European Union will help the ukrainian authorities to return conscripts

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