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Through the occupied territory. 20 Member States of the European Union will boycott the socalled inauguration of russian dictator vladimir putin. However, seven other eu countries. Allegedly, they are planning to take part in the event and will send their representatives. This is written by reuters, the head of Foreign Policy of the European Union, josep borel, opposed the participation of the eu in the ceremony. Baltic countries that do not have ambassadors. In moscow categorically refused to attend the socalled inauguration. France decided to send its ambassador, the us recognizes putin as the president of russia, but will not participate in the event. Different diplomatic reactions from the west states highlights differences over how to deal with putin after he launched a fullscale invasion of ukraine. A fire broke out in the russian city of smolensk. Headquarters fire at the brick plant, the ministry of emergency situations of the agresorka country reported about it. According to them , the cause of the fire is unknown, and according to local residents, they heard two explosions before that. The fire covered 1500 m2 of premises. The us does not observe any changes in russias Strategic Power position after moscow announced the training and the use of tactics nuclear weapons. Politico writes about this, referring to the representative of the pentagon, general pat ryder. According to him, this is an example of irresponsible rhetoric, which is constantly demonstrated by russia. The situation at the front the supply and production of weapons, president Volodymyr Zelenskyi held a meeting of the supreme commanderinchief. He told the details in the evening video message. Glavkoms report. He was on the front line, directly in the brigades, reported on key challenges and needs. We are getting ready. There was also a report on our own production weapons and equipment of our brigades. We are doing our best to give more weapons to our soldiers. We separately discussed supplies from partners, delivery terms, and the possibility of speeding up the actual arrival of weapons and ammunition. From partners, real, actual, according to political decisions, there must be real logistics, real receipt of weapons by our soldiers. The chinese authorities have undertaken not to sell any weapons to russia and will strictly control the export of dualpurpose goods, french president Emmanuel Macron said after meetings with the heavenly leader xi jinping. Macron stressed that this. Makes it possible to determine whether china wants to move towards a lasting peace that respects international law, he also added that the xi jinping agreed to promote efforts aimed at achieving peace, and the chinese leader noted that beijing and paris must jointly prevent a new cold war. In todays world, which is undergoing Global Change and turbulence not seen for a century, both sides. Should maintain independence and jointly prevent a new cold war in the world or block confrontation, jointly promote the creation of an equal multipolar world and resist the rupture of supply chains and the disconnection of the economy. And we are announcing a new collection, with your help we collected funds for cars and equipment for our defenders. Two offroad vehicles for. The air Reconnaissance Group of the gur and air defense forces, a pickup truck for the 43rd separate artillery brigade, as well as a refrigerator for the transportation of Fallen Heroes have already arrived in ukraine, but they are in need. Preparation for military service. Our goal is uah 120,000. Dont be indifferent even the smallest donation makes a huge difference. You can see all the details on the screen. Ukraine has already received patriot antiaircraft missiles from spain and other western allies, the countrys defense minister Margarita Robles said. According to her, everyone should be clearly aware that ukraine has been invaded by putin. He commits great mass murders and has no intention of setting any limits. The netherlands plans to start sending f16 fighter jets to ukraine in the fall after denmark. This was announced by the countrys minister kaisa olengren. Transfers delphi. According to her, in the partner countries, everything is planned according to the project, which provides for the training of ukrainian pilots and the training of personnel. And the transfer of aircraft, olongren noted that ukrainian pilots are currently undergoing training in denmark, the usa and other countries. He left three small children at home and went to the front, and when he lost his health, he became a military chaplain, now priest volodymyr is at the front again, but without a weapon. He supports the defenders and their relatives, he told our journalists about his path. God must always be trusted, god does not help the strong, god helps those whom he chooses, and we can see from this war, because in terms of resources, physically, russia is much stronger than us, but it cannot do anything with us, this is just gods help, gods providence in this. To god, volodymyr says, he was pushed by the service, after participating in the antiterrorist operation, he says, he began to change, the man turned to a psychologist, sought solace in charka. And in the end i found peace of mind in the word of god, at that time i was working at the ingulska mine, i was an underground electric locomotive driver, i was mobilized in the 15th year, in the month of february, at some point i decided that, well, lets say this, god called me, i had my first repentance in my life, as i later read the bible, this is exactly the basis of the foundations. Later, volodymyr served in the church and studied at the theological school. Academy and from the beginning of the great war he returned to the front again, he received a concussion there, and the miners diseases worsened. When he was being treated, he received an offer to become a chaplain. He agreed without thinking, because he knew from his own experience the need for spiritual support. When you talk to them, when a person comes, they doesnt see anything, you explain to her such simple things, religious, church, how to continue living, a person finds himself and. These eyes, when they start to glow, when life ignites in them, again, you understand what you are doing what needs to be done. The mission of the chaplain is to provide spiritual support to the soldiers, the relatives of the soldiers turn to the priest, for the most part, these are the people who have survived the loss. When it happens that a person dies, and his family and friends lose him, well, we all go there so that our family and friends. Lived it is not necessary to die together with the soldiers, but to accept from them the courage that they had to defend their country, and to live, even if there is no strength to live there, then to live for the person who left and is looking at us already from heaven while in tyla, volodymyr does not stop working, with the chaplains participation , support circles were started in the volunteer space, which are conducted by defenders for families. Chaplain, has fought before, so he can freely talk to returning soldiers on a variety of topics, and they wont have that the barrier that a person has not fought and therefore does not understand it, that is, in our support circles , we discuss various topics, from some everyday to religious issues. In war, says the chaplain, people turn to god more often than in peaceful life. Volodymyr explains to the military that they are defending their own, so destroying the enemy is not a sin, but the will of god. From kropyvnytskyi for the espresso tv channel. You can find more information on our Youtube Channel, where we live stream etero. All releases of programs and special projects that can be seen only here. Also a short video on hot topics in the shorts section. Subscribe, comment, your opinions are important to us. You can find more news on our website espresso. Tv, also on our social networks, join in, put your favorites, and i ll finish the issue with that, further in the thread, say hello to my colleagues, Oksana Vysochanska and roman. Seagull, dont switch, stay with the espresso team. Lets go home. On may 8, wednesday, the espresso tv channel aired a special project for the day of remembrance and victory over nazism, about the role of ukrainians in the second world, about where. Years of the european tradition of commemorating the day of remembrance, about the red poppy and the first minute of peace, about the rejection of may 9 with parades and immortal regiments, about 10 years of decolonization, separation from the tsovka, and how it helped our resilience in modern war, the day of remembrance stories about the Second World War through the prism of history, sociology, politics, culture in our special broadcast, your favorite presenters, are extremely interesting. Guests, dear and respected experts, during the day for espresso. A new model of memory, a new symbolism, a new us. May 8, special the espresso project for the day of remembrance and victory over nazism. Poppies of memory. 10 years. Good morning, welcome to espresso. Remember, the main thing is to do. The first step in the morning is to subscribe to our Youtube Channel so that it is with espresso in your pocket, and start donating for coffee, yes, because now we are collecting for atvs, and atvs are very important at the front, why is it important . The first is a method of quick and reliable evacuation of our wounded defenders, and the second thing is a means of transportation, and we have all seen it more than once video of boys and girls moving on atvs, its fast, often a drone. Cant catch up to the quad, this is another argument, so please add. 4 million must be collected, because pleasure is not cheap, but we can do it all together. 210,000 is already in the account, we will go with you to 4 million qr codes, you can see the card numbers on the screen. And we will show a variety of video footage, the work of our defenders, in particular the cold jayvra, because it is for them that we are currently collecting quad bikes. And in the meantime, we will add our guests to our broadcast, ask what is happening at the front, what is happening in our country and beyond, and our first guest today is viktor dudukalov, deputy chairman of the berdyansk district council, mr. Viktor, glory to ukraine, hero slava, congratulations, how did you spend the night in berdyansk today, how was the last day . We spent the night in the occupation extremely badly, civilian, because. There is an occupation and you know, a catastrophic life in civilians, the occupiers know for sure that they are tense due to the recent successful actions of the partisans and the armed forces of ukraine, and another day that berdyansk lived in anticipation of liberation from these cursed liberators, who simply led our territory into some kind of depression and back to the 70s, probably in the years of development. Ugh, you know, theyre saying that everything is fine, that everything is thriving, today is a big holiday in quotes of course huge, how is the situation with this, are there going to be any events, are there going to be any events, are they forcing people to watch this show, actually the events, the only the events that were really carried out on a certain scale in connection with the victory song. Holidays, it was exclusively in in the 22nd year, in the 23rd year, in the 24th year, we do not know exactly for what reasons, but it seems that there is some kind of danger there. Everywhere in the occupied territory, the occupiers conduct events mainly online, in fact these grandfathers of lighters, online, the only thing that was more or less popular offline was the distribution of thousands of st. George ribbons, in the 24th year they are still distributing st. George ribbons, in fact no largescale actions are held, the laying of flowers there somewhere on the memorials is very spotty, the occupiers are afraid, or rather, they are sure that there will be resistance, will carry out sabotage on promotions at events, so they just dont do anything at all, its easier for them, of course, the kremlin doesnt demand anything, and everything is normal for them there, so they celebrate online, online grandfathers, no, you can celebrate victory online, mr. Viktor, but today is a special day in the russian swamps, they will play there. Putins inauguration, and what is planned in connection with this in the city, fireworks, holidays, the distribution of pancakes from a shovel, what will be there, yes, well, actually, the occupiers also need, the occupiers need to make a picture, as if liberated territories, they watch it, you know, we sometimes see clips from the dprk, when they run to the sea for their dictator there, run into the sea and cry, this is what they want plus or minus. Russia is now going to the occupied territories to show that everything is fine, the people are supportive, the people there are so happy, and today they really have an instruction, there is an attitude, and to make content that people will enjoy watching the inauguration, i think that theyre going to be looking for some family that just spent a lot of time at home watching the inauguration and they have a special ritual there, and as far as i know. It is also necessary to make a kind of review from some subordinate budget officials, what they wanted so much, but what mass ones on the Central Square there is a huge plasma, a bunch of people take photos with putin and a bull on the embankment, swam to the crimean bridge and back, i think, i think that they will be afraid to do it, just like me and to hold rallies, well , well, we have e. , they they believe in it, they are sure of it, the occupy, and who was the most extreme there was blown up there, eliminated there, in my opinion, someone from the ananievsky, ananievsky groups, so please tell me what kind of collaborator it was, what made him stand out, we know that he was one of the organizers of katyaven, and maybe a little more local fame about this person, eh . Actually there is no local fame, because it is for the berdyansk rubric now name. This person comes from soledar, donetsk region, like many leaders who have taken on management positions with us, they are representatives donetsk region, we did not trust the locals, and either they did not go for this cooperation, and such important positions and important posts were occupied by newcomers, that is comrade ananivskyi, who was captured by the nobles. Who were illegally imprisoned, were in our 77th colony, they know, he was called oleksandrovych, there was such a character, that is , familiar to them, in fact, the resistance did not just commit a partisan action, destroying and liquidating a collaborator, the resistance actually targeted that a person and that person who broke a lot of peoples destinies. And physical torture was inflicted on people the 77th colony in our infamous, and people have a lot of mental disorders after those illegal imprisonments and captures, and actually this greatly affects the morale, so to speak , of those who cooperated and work in this colony, because of course, that everyone knows who is generally involved in torture, and this ananivskyi, who is really her eye. Well, in fact, one of the leaders of the occupied colony, this is not the last, not the last swallow among the collaborators, so prepare, as they say, for others, this one, you know, took it upon himself the first blow came from the partisans, in their person, those who carry out torture, but i am sure that sooner or later retribution, or partisan, awaits everyone. Or justice, or the armed forces of ukraine, so the action is very important both from the psychological point of view, and from the point of view, well , the mood that exists in the occupied territory, and unfortunately there are a lot of such. Arrived, but what does this wait for settlement, for retribution look like, they are hiding somewhere, i hire some kind of security for myself, as collaborators of myself behave, appear in Public Places or vice versa, well, that is, for example, someone saw a tobacconist, yevhenii balitsky drove by in a car, we constantly talk about the tobacconist, there is no mention of him at all, something. There, yes, he quickly disappeared somewhere and thats all as for the collaborators and the occupiers, it is very revealing with us at every election, socalled, what happens in them, how they handle their security, hang up the places of their homes, they hang cameras, video cameras from all sides, wherever possible, on trees, on fences, on wickets, wherever you can, wherever here they hang everywhere, Video Surveillance cameras, it changes, including in some people it changes. Place of residence, in general, they move for certain periods and live in another place, because the locals know who lives where, berdyansk is a small city, and the third point is that they give to those who deserve it and for whom the occupiers really care, they give protection , they are transported in a patriot uaz with a painted badge, and with a few orcs armed there, but even this very often does not save, remember. It seems that in the 23rd year we eliminated the most guarding the most guarded person, the commandant of the military, or rather, as they were liquidated, half of him remained after the car was blown up, so it does not save in many cases, the collaborators and the occupiers, therefore, well, they know this very well, and they know that, as they say , the resistance, as they say , and atesh, and the term that they will come sooner or later for each of those. Those representatives of the horde, or those who supported that horde, and especially those who engage in such evil deeds as torture, with consequences for thousands people, thousands of families, and we we constantly talk about these tortures and say that the real consequences are still unknown to us, and the eyes of ananov, how much harm they have done to our society, thats it, its it , today we only see the tip of the iceberg, huh . Mentioned that there are such important birds that are given protection, what kind of people are they, why are they so important for the regime, and perhaps what is their number, that they are protected in this way, what positions are most valued there in the occupation administration, here we are talking maybe not even about positions, they dont necessarily have a person for whom they care, well, as a person, you understand, this official position equals official position. In fact, one of the important, one of the important criteria is precisely the media component, so to speak. That is, whether this person is effective, whether this person will be useful for the occupiers from the point of view of propaganda, he may not hold a position, but thanks to those people, there is a picture of a stable life, there is a picture that the occupiers are happy for them, there is a picture of a New Territory there happy and. Especially political, it often happens that these are just such, you know, boys for beating, they report something there, report on something, actually collect the best there ovations of local residents, completely different people who just occupy some public. So who will the occupier worry about today or tomorrow . Huge question, but im sure that they have just in their paradigm, the number one question, again, is those who benefit the propaganda, or according to the interaction is propagandizing their military, or has an influence on the youth, or has an influence on some there is some stratum of our population, for example, pensioners or something else, so you know, here we are. True, number two importance, and besides, we could never understand, or rather predict, that for an example of his time, well, for an example, the head of the port could be responsible for certain serious directions there, including in propaganda, including in the media, including including some interaction, he can be entrusted with one and two and the third as a representative of the authorities, but this is the head of the port of berdyansky, for example, how do they have it in. Its not clear how it works in mordor, so yes, and otaku, thats the story , that maybe there is simply an overdraft with market to become a leader and will be a bodyguard, because she is so cool for the regime. This is called a social elevator, whoever was nobody will become everything, said the founder of the concentration camps , wolf lenin. Thank you, mr. Viktor, for the conversation, but while we were talking, the crimean bridge was closed, they say there is some kind of missile danger in the crimea, who knows what is going on there. Viktor dudukalov, the deputy chairman of the berdyansk district council, was in touch with us, a short pause, and we will continue to collect information from the south, it is hot, dry, the fourth level, they say, no. Security the firefighter only in the zaporizhzhia region yesterday extinguished four fires simply in natural ecosystems, and this is when there is also a front, for example in the southern direction, then it can catch fire from every projectile, in a word, this is the situation in the south, we are in the kherson region after a few minutes, what is bahmud . Bahmud or a city . Of fear and the place of courage, no matter what anyone says, but courage is not the absence of fear. Bahmud is the adventure that will stay with us until the end. Our day. The children were born in the era of independence. Who are they . There are many of them, and they are strong and brave. These are the guardians of the traditions and martial arts of their ancestors. These are boys who never cry. Lemberg, mother, dont cry. A book by the writer olena cherninka. A mothers book about her son, a hero who was one of the first to volunteer to defend ukraine, and went missing in the vast expanses of donbas. Fm galicia. Listen to yours. Kratal contains natural components that carefully care for your heart. Kratal improves blood supply and the functional state of the myocardium. Normalizes heart rate abbreviations increases physical and mental performance. Kratal is a Natural Force for your heart. There are discounts represented by coco discounts in may on fenstyl 15 in pharmacies plantain bam and savings. In the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. Will it be possible to operate the zas after its release says Energy Expert olga kosharna. 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Learn about the war and how the world lives, two hours to keep up with Economic News and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeminded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zimas big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. A big return to. Great lviv. Conversations, discussions, search for solutions. The largest talk format of ukraine in the evening prime time. In general, i think we need two things. Money and weapons. We did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. All the most important every thursday at 21 15, velikiy lviv speaks in the project on espresso tv channel

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