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Chairman of the committee on International Affairs of the polish sejm and authorized representative of the polish government on the reconstruction of ukraine. We will start the weeks recaps with the topic of oscar. The documentary film 20 days in mariupol received the highest film award, the oscar. And thats great. Testifies, well, but then everything was bad, then it was really bad, because the creators of the film were simply cut out telecast, this is the presentation of an award to them, the creators of the oscar, just like that, despite the fact that last year, for example, in the tv version of the oscar , there was an Award Ceremony for the authors of another navalny documentary, the award was given to yulia, navalnys wife, she stood on the stage, there were tears, there were oscar, but we are not advocating that navalny be cut out, but that he be left. Why the topic of ukraine is not desirable at such events in the world and why mariupol evokes less emotion today than the death of navalny. Putin is getting back voice, that is, in the propaganda sphere, its agents act more and more effectively and more actively. We see how putin influences western elites through various channels so that ukraine is not talked about too much, and this creates such shyness around this topic. And what are you talking about ukraine . I have my own example here. Personal, i also noticed it myself, that after several weeks of harassment from various chauvinists, russian trolls and so on, i began to think, maybe today i will talk about something else, so that it does not seem that i i talk about ukraine all the time, because they will say that i only deal with ukraine, and finally one of my friends said to me, hey, what are you doing, why do you allow yourself to be pressured . This pressure in social networks, the pressure of russian trolls, of which there are many everywhere, it forces people in the west, even hardy ones, to start thinking, as they say, about their every word, so that it does not sound. Has become acute, and this is exactly the moment when you need to do literally the opposite, because today there is a real threat on the front, for the first time this year so serious, in my opinion, we have to mobilize world, if we want to do this, then we should not retreat, on the contrary, go forward and say, no, you will not dictate to us , i think that now there is just a very big propaganda campaign, especially on the internet, so that everyone will leave ukraine alone, and we need to confront this thoroughly, i intend to do so in the coming weeks, soon the film 20 days in. In russia, on march 17, the president ial election is almost on the same day as the pseudoreferendum in crimea 10 years ago. What to expect from russia in the next 10 years . This is not an election, this plebiscite, putins popularity. He is important for putin, not for us. This is important to putin, because putin is doing everything he can to show his followers that he is strong, not weak, and that is why he removed navalny, because putin understood something that the west did not fully understand. Navalny was not at all naive when he returned to russia. Navalny understood that there could be an agreement in the kremlin to use another candidate who would be approved by the party. And navalny made a bet, the probability of such a scenario. It didnt work out. Happened due to the fact that there are also those in the circle of the kremlin who understand that everything that is happening is not as it should be, but putins real obsession is the capture of kyiv, the establishment of power in the ukrainian capital, but. The need to leave kherson. In addition, i still think that the kherson case was key. This means that after kherson, the west lacked the wisdom to hit russia hard, because russia was then the weakest in this game. If we talk about yes, and that is why putin is doing it. Putin will continue to conquer and rebuild the world i am also interested in what will happen to the desire of the soviet union in its former borders. I think putin needs stronger powers now, so what hes really hoping for right now is not to get a good result, to be able to say to his people, okay, look, ill do it. In the next stage, he will try to break through the front somewhere, maybe. Why did i go to the front at all . I do this in order to tell even more passionately everything i saw in london, paris and berlin. This is the goal and the point is to mobilize our partners in the west today to not once, not in a year, not in two, in the coming weeks, the ammunition was delivered. It is wonderful, by the way, that the president of the Czech Republic understood this, because he is just such an example. However, sometimes admiration comes before time, so i would say that yes, it is good that the french president already understands that everything is serious, better late than never, but to the point, money for defense without special france. France is behind poland, efforts. Here, germany is far ahead when it comes to aid. And here it is enough to simply compare the potentials. President france can provide ammunition, the french president can organize the supply of longrange missiles to the ukrainian army. I would not like us to artificially direct the conversation to the troops. Lets talk about it. British foreign minister James Cameron offered germany to Exchange Taurus missiles for british stormshadow missiles. German foreign minister anna lena berbock supported him this week. What do you think about this decision . Everything will work out in the end, i see such sentiments in germany, the bottom line is to build trust, because all efforts are aimed at somehow convincing the germans, or rather the federal government, because you dont really need to convince all germans. If our viewers are interested in where to write letters, i answer to the office of the federal chancellor. Not anywhere else, because everyone else has been convinced for a long time, you just need to press on the Chancellors Office and give arguments. There is support not only from the cdu, the csu, but also from a larger number of parties, because this should be a decision of the bundestag. And secondly, we are talking about external arguments, i. E it is necessary to give certain opportunities, for example, to provide similar weapons and to give the opportunity to the federal chancellor finally, under the influence of the same cameron, to say okay. Which is almost three times more than the usa and europe do for ukraine. Firstly, why does russia make so many weapons, what are they preparing for, and secondly, what can europe do against it . Yes, but there are also factors that europe has now stepped up a bit with this production, at least there is general agreement on these issues. Because before this common understanding was missing these countries at the front are trying very hard, but 345 of the gdp of germany or france is something completely different. Donald trump, under the guise of wanting to spend more on defense, actually wants to introduce isolation, suppress ukraine, which orban said after his meeting with trump. Orban said trump does not want the United States to Fund European security. And more. That if he becomes president , he will not give a single dollar to the defense of ukraine. What do you think about the forecast of the us withdrawal from nato and how europe will cope with such a scenario . It scenario of suffocation of ukraine, that is, it is a very dangerous scenario for poland. As a polish politician, i say that this is a very bad course of events. Trumps scenario and pope francis scenario are very bad scenarios for poland. Such options so that putin sees that it should not be production at such a pace and as a joke that there will really be a war, and produce primarily for ukraine. By the way, this week you visited, it is necessary to send to ukraine, but wait, i would not say that first of all, because for effective putin today it is necessary, we are already at a different stage, when i would not say. In all possible forms, to have physical ammunition in ukraine, but we ourselves are already at a different stage, we need to arm ourselves in order to raise the stakes for putin. In politics, we usually take steps that force the other person, who has the idea to be more aggressive, to start calculating and understand oh, this is not profitable for me, and putin should be put in a situation 2025 years after the expansion. I told them about the face of the ukrainian military, i also asked for help i told them about my visit to the front, i am emotional, not only analytical, analytical is important, this is what i use when i meet politicians, my last visit to kyiv was very good from this point of view, but it is always worth going afterwards, see how ordinary people react. For help to come now, what was the reaction, they listened , they listen little by little, sometimes they have nothing to answer , they think, and there were those who later approached the case and said take me, the next time you go to the soldiers, we too we want to see what it looks like. But contrary to appearances, these stories are not about travel, it is a matter of demonstrating that we are with them, when i come, i see that they are very happy that i came to them, because it really has meaning, this is my opinion. Polands donald tusk said that he will join the declaration of the g7 on security guarantees for ukraine. What do you think about these security guarantees, how realistic a mechanism can they be, and how is the polishukrainian dialogue conducted regarding these guarantees in polish ukrainian, before that. Security, i know that in ukraine they say that there are these british agreements and so on, these are not guarantees of security, it is important because it is help. Today it is tactically important, but i am afraid that the ukrainians will not think that this is enough today, what the g7 gives today is not enough for ukraine to be fully protected, nato membership is needed, and i am not talking about a guarantee that they are bad, this okay, thats good, but there should be more, and today we should expect more. I will tell you honestly, in ukraine they understand very well that security guarantees cannot replace nato, but what are the eyes. We are not afraid of that. Well, i see that politicians are talking to each other in the west and are starting to soften. 84 of ukrainians support the idea of ​​joining nato, a record for the rezumkov center. Ukraine, georgia and possibly moldova. Putin cannot be given the opportunity to put his foot down. If it fails, we will think about something else. For now, we have to go all out and show the west that we are all determined. Office chief. Even last year stated that the solution for ukraine could be joining nato in that part of the territory where there are no russian troops. The ukrainian authorities rejected these ideas, as we understand , due to sociology, but nevertheless , for example, our colleague vitaly portnikov, whom you also know well, believes that due to the mobilization potential of russia relative to ukraine, this decision can save the state, but to what extent really, do such conversations take place on the sidelines at all . We all need a big political action, so we are preparing, and until then, march 18 a meeting of the polishukrainian Intergovernmental Commission will be held, bilateral preparations are underway for the meeting of the prime ministers of poland and ukraine, which will take place on march 28. And what is on the agenda and what is being discussed now . Two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zimas big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. Glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health, for the next two hours we will talk about. The country, about the world, about the war and about our victory. Today in the program. Putin is breaking records. The center of the Election Committee drew unprecedented support for the dictator and a skyhigh turnout. Will the kremlin grandfather manage to cement power for the next 6 years. Sanitary zone rebels liberate russias border areas from putins regime. In response, the russian army strikes sumy oblast. Is she capable of a breakthrough . Ukrainian longdistance in action. The aggressor country is rapidly losing its oil refining capacity. In what other way can russia be deprived of its export potential . Viktor boberenko, mykola malamuzh and mykhailo gunchar are talking about this and other things over the course of the next hour. In the second part of our program , we will talk about russians voting not only for putin, but also for the continuation of the war, about why. Trump called zelensky the best salesman and why lukashenko is scaring belarusians with a nuclear war. However, before starting our big conversation, lets watch the video of the epic detonation of the bmp3 of the russian invaders on avdiivskyi direction. This video was released 70 47 by a separate mechanized brigade. Lets see. During the broadcast, we conduct a survey, we ask you whether the world recognizes the legitimacy of putin. After the pseudoelections in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine . Yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, write your opinion about it in the comments below this video. If you watch us on tv, then if you think that the world recognizes the legitimacy of putin after the pseudoelections in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine, yes 0. 800 211381, no 0800 211382, all calls to these numbers are available. Free of charge, call, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. We have our first guest, viktor boberenko, political scientist, expert of the bureau of policy analysis. Mr. Viktor, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. Good health to you. Lets start, mr. Viktor, with putins pseudoelections, because right now, at this moment, it is already known that according to the results of the study, 100 is in the protocol. As reported by the russian cec under putin apparently more than 87, a little more than 87 of the votes were cast, and the announced voter turnout was 73. 3 , this is the highest indicator for all time since the collapse of the ussr. Well, of course, no one can say exactly how much the dictator putin actually received. In these elections , but they drew 87, well, they didnt reach 88, then this number would have sounded completely different all over the world, considering 1488 and the sign of fascism and nazism that exists in the world, but 87, what this data, what does this data say, well, they say a lot and nothing, the first thing is that of course anyone with. Changeable people cannot believe either such a high turnout or such a result, especially where some republics of tyva gave 90 , chechnya gave 99 , we understand that this is a drawn result, especially it will be visible in moscow, thats it, but whats worse is that the opposition itself played along with putin, by coming here, this socalled. Lets come at 12 00 and show how many of us there are, well, we came, well, they increased the queues somewhere, but visually increased the turnout, that is they visually saw that the turnout, if there was any, was electronic voting, plus the fact that they voted for three days, plus the fact that there in the military units or whatever they still voted there, plus the fact that now they draw any turnout, it is clear that the legitimacy of these elections , but here is your question. Does the world recognize the legitimacy of these elections, well, partially, because civilized countries cannot recognize it, but tsijdzenpin recognizes it, india recognizes and congratulates, indonesia recognizes and congratulates, and so does the republic of south africa, brazil, some nigeria, cameroon, i. E. Countries with a population of 100 plus million, and there are bangladesh, pakistan, and so the situation will turn out that in europe, by the way, there is not a single one. To have 100 plus, well, we do not count russia, 100 million population, yes and they will also say to putin, look, all the countries with 100 million plus have recognized it, except for the United States, for example, yes, japan, maybe all the rest of the countries with a population of 100 million plus have all recognized it, so that means it is recognized as legitimate, and the fact that it is not liked by biden there or someone else

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