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Phenomenon, in principle, already exists in ukraine, and that there are some instructors, but so that, officially and possibly, the number does not depend on it, 100 , it makes ukrainians very happy that in general, this topic was raised, and another important point, to what extent it affected or not affected the russian authorities, we also saw this week in principle the reaction in that famous interview of Vladimir Putin, and they also talked about it, and although. Ukrainian president said that this will not change the situation of foreign troops in ukraine, they will not affect the russianukrainian war, nevertheless, nevertheless, as military experts point out, it would still be a significant blow there, therefore probably the very rhetoric of the french president and in general, the fact that this topic is brought up, it can certainly be a reason, i dont know, to get nervous, but somehow it is possible to speak with the russian authorities in the same tone. To tone up the same putin. Oleksiy, what do you think, will the west, well, the west we say conditional measure, but the countries of western europe, in particular, not to mention the United States of america, be able to send their troops to ukraine . Well, at a certain stage it is obvious, and they do not want Russian Troops to come to them, it is better to decide on the possibility sending troops at the request of ukraine, this should also be noted. That ukraine has not yet requested to send troops. On the other hand, if such a decision is made by ukraine and the western allies, the question arises whether ukraine will simply join ukraine. Perhaps this will revive her discussions around this issue. Well, especially since zelensky said this week that there is no such need for now, and if there is a need. It will be like this, then of course ukraine will turn to the western countries. Meanwhile, we are witnesses how Russian Volunteers, as well as those who once fought against ukraine and were captured by ukrainians, began to fight in the Russian Volunteer corps and in the legion of freedom of russia, and in the battalion of siberia on the territory of the russian federation, today the fighters of the legion of freedom of russia posted another combat video actions on. The territory of russia, this time they showed how they conduct mortar shelling of the positions of the russian army. Lets see what is happening and, most importantly, what these fighters are saying. We are sending ballots for voting. I hope they hit the table to volodymyr volodymyrovych. It would be very good, because our mine chooses him. Our mine. Alexey picks it up, but what informational and psychological effect does it have for russians and does it have this effect for russians . I dont think its aimed at the russians, i think its aimed at creating a general context, given that, well, they re not even hiding that they started this action right during this approval process. Putin for a new term, and this, it seems to me, is aimed precisely at creating an understanding that putin does not control even his own territory, and this, so to speak, is another argument in favor of not recognizing putin, not recognizing these socalled elections and not recognizing putin as the legitimate head of the russian federation. The only argument, but not superfluous, so to speak. I think that this is actually the biggest effect that a similar, similar operation can have on the territory of russia. Katerina how much do such raids bring our victory closer, and what do you think the effect of these raids should be, it is clear that the Border Regions with ukraine feel this effect, because they are evacuating there population, they understand what war is, the war has already come to the territory of the russian federation, and whether it can have any effect further into the depth of the russian federation, because they control the media. They control the internet, and it seems that in the last few days they, even some satellites, where we speak, including control, because they are trying to remove the signal on the territory of the russian federation, in particular , the broadcast of the espresso tv channel. What else can be counted on and what is counted on in your opinion these fighters who return home and start fighting putins regime. In general, this is a very interesting story, this is not the first time, we were supposed to be. Ready for such raids, nevertheless, this question, and for what and why, it arises, and this time also, will it affect the russian the ukrainian war in general, well, military experts say no, absolutely, and some of the Ukrainian Military experts do not see any military purpose in this at all, probably yes, it is some kind of informational, possibly informational pressure, we we understand what is commenting on this topic, at least there is a group, although they say that they do not manage the process, however. They cooperate in this situation and point out, the ukrainian side points out that this is russia, russian citizens, russian citizens are are doing, probably not everyone in russia learns about it, and those who do learn about it, they learn about it from the russian media, and there they say that, that these are terrorists, there are ukrainian nazis and so on, all that they like to repeat, that is, in fact, in the eyes of a russian citizen, this whole story with the raid, she. Will support this putins putin theses that russia must be defended, there is danger, and this is essentially what putin said, the war there is for survival, yes, if not us, then us, in essence he is talking about this said, it is probably so, it looks in the eyes of russian citizens, and will it in any way affect the legitimacy of the elections or not, but probably not, the main question in legitimacy is the fact that once again the russian elections are taking place on the occupied ukrainian territories. It again, this is an important point to recognize the legitimacy of the recognition of these elections or not . Well and the fact that a person who has a warrant from the International Criminal court is running for president of russia, that is, a criminal who is running for president of the russian federation, we will talk about the elections a little later, lets listen to what putin himself says about the actions of russian rebels in kurshchyna and belgorod region. Unfortunately, we cannot show this synchronicity, i will quote it in order to disrupt the voting process, to intimidate people, the kyiv neonazi regime planned and is trying to carry out a series of criminal demonstrative armed actions, which are attacks on peaceful settlements on the territory of russia, about 95 of missiles and projectiles are destroyed by our air defense means. Nevertheless, we have victims among us. These citizens, all of them and their families will be provided with all the necessary help and support, these attacks of the enemy do not remain and will not remain unpunished, Vladimir Putin said. Oleksiy, how about in a situation where putin will always poke at the ukrainians and say you see, they are shelling us over there, or their drones are destroying our infrastructure over there, but we are defending ourselves, and out of necessity from which side shelling Critical Infrastructure facilities, military facilities on the territory of the russian federation, destroying oil refineries, where is that, well, i wanted to say balance, but where is the limit, where the ukrainians can do something, and so that it is not perceived , or the russians interpreted it wrongly, or the russians will always interpret it wrongly and make devils out of. Ukrainians, toot their horns and say that they are ukrainians, of course, if we are talking about putins propaganda, then it should be in two years, if we did not get used to it in 10 years, then in two years you have to get used to the fact that trying to somehow behave so that putins propaganda speaks in a different way does not make any sense, this is a war, it continues, and you know, these statements about ukrainian terrorists, it reminds me. Do you remember such a phrase in chapyka, that the enemy attacked, criminally attacked our aviation, which peacefully bombed their cities, that is, the logic is actually there to look for. There is no need to look for it and there is no need to be distracted by it at all, i think that we need to pursue such and such policies and those military actions that are useful to our side, i think that our allies fully understand that this is a military necessity for the things that are happening, and i do not think that somehow russian propaganda can affect the amount of this aid, there are rather internal problems. In our allies, and actually more attention should be paid to this than to russia, russian propaganda. That what we are observing, what we are analyzing now, and what we are talking about, is just a week before the elections, putins pseudoelections, there are no elections there, putins reappointment by the russians citizens, and it is clear that in this context we are talking about his. Legitimacy or questioning the legitimacy of everything that started today, today putin himself sat down at the computer, pressed some buttons there, they showed that he was even there took the mouse, which is already very strange, and he clicked on the online voting in the elections of the russian federation, but we are interested in the territory of the ukrainian state and those areas that are under temporary occupation, these are millions. People who may or may not be forced to forced, some of them, perhaps, happily go to the polling stations there, start voting, now is early voting, on sunday there will be full elections. Kateryna, you already mentioned that the fact that this action is taking place on the territory of the ukrainian state is a reason to talk about the illegitimacy of putin, but we know that elections to the state duma were once held in the annexed crimea, and it is clear that apparently , it is already customary for western countries to speak there, to make statements about illegitimacy, but they cannot go beyond that, or whether western countries can in particular, the countries of western europe, to make some kind of consolidated decision that we do not recognize these elections, because there are 2 million ukrainians who are on temporary territory, theirs. The votes were counted for president putin , and how can he be considered the legally elected president of russia, if he basically falsified the election at the expense of these 2 million, can this be the case, and if it happens, what will it mean for putin, he will call the selfproclaimed president of russia, as the selfproclaimed president of belarus . It a very difficult question, probably globally in general, and. From those estimates that i hear comments about, well, it seems to me that it is unlikely, of course, that the elections, the socalled illegal elections in the occupied ukrainian territories, they are not are recognized by the world, which were not recognized before, this is an important point, but is the west ready to simply end all ties with the current russian government, that is the question, the question is also that, but is it really . The majority of russian citizens will not vote for putin unless we take the occupied territories there, for example, and because here, too, there is legitimacy in this or not, and in belarus, for example, we all observed people who went out into the streets, tried to somehow resist, but they did not succeed, but they went out, does the west see the same efforts of russian citizens and the same lack of trust in the current government, which is going to be reelected, and we heard from the president of the european council, charles michel. That he already congratulated putin on the victory, that is , it is not a secret for anyone at all and in no way a surprise that Vladimir Putin will sit it again place, but is it worth it, for the west, to cut off absolutely all ties and diplomatic ties with modern russia, as it is, everyone understands, but how ready to isolate in this sense, well, this is a big question, it seems to me, that there is little chance, well, you mentioned charles. We will now look at the tweet or social network, as Charles Michels tweet is now called, he sarcastically, of course, congratulated the russian dictator putin on his victory, he said that he would like to congratulate putin with a convincing victory in todays elections begin, without opposition, without freedom, without choice. Oleksiy, if there is an autocracy in russia. A regime, a dictatorial regime, why do putin have these pseudoelections, in order to demonstrate that he and the people are one, that they have a single. Choice, single thoughts, single actions, well, why he has to go through all these procedures, where there is no democracy, and where, in principle, the result has been known for a long time. Well, look, why was there an election, why was there an election, so to speak, its obvious that its to some extent for him, for him, for him personally an element legitimization of his own power, because the system is built in such a way that it imitates, imitates democracy, imitates electability, he cannot refuse this, obviously, although in principle, if he decided to proclaim him a monarch or even a god, it would be nothing did not prevent it from doing so, given that there are no countermeasures or competition. In russia, there is no in russia, it is obvious that he, he, still adheres to this way of proving his, so to speak, legitimacy, but for the world it is generally it doesnt matter at all, the world can communicate with monarchs, with, i dont know, with people who proclaim themselves to be gods prophets, because in principle the internal, so to speak, procedures. Are not important, the question is that putin actually captured, announced the annexation of the territory of a neighboring state, and here, from my point of view, the world does not have to put up with this, so to speak, and if we say, well, in fact , they recognized the parliamentary elections, despite the fact that part deputies were elected in captured territories, but. Its bad that they werent recognized, i i think we need to insist on whether this will lead to any immediate consequences, maybe not, but at least it is a principled position that allows us to build further policies, again, not recognizing legitimacy does not mean that maybe some communication on some issues is impossible with this power, well, that is, putin leads russia, because he was elected in the previous elections , in fact, and the saps were not elected, was not. Not his successor, then he still remains in power in russia, but remains illegitimate , illegitimate a president who did not confirm his mandate in the elections, this is a completely normal position, as well as a completely normal position of ukraine, when we say that we cannot recognize russias membership in the united nations, because it is also illegitimate, or is it means that russia is now not. Allowed to the Security Council meetings, unfortunately no, but this does not mean that we have to abandon this line, well, but the current elections for president putin are completely different, because he enters and speaks at these elections, as a candidate who has a warrant from a criminal, International Criminal court, he is a person who started a great war against the ukrainian state, that is, started it. By the way, sergey, i want to emphasize one more point, it has the socalled nullification, nullification term, which was introduced by a completely illegal referendum, which was also held in the occupied territories, and this referendum should not be recognized, and already therefore, this undermines its legitimacy. Well, but the totality of these facts and factors, well , obviously, can. Can force the world completely to look at these elections and putins future in a different way, although i do not rule out that there will be no next elections for putin, he will simply take and hold a coronation, say that he is the king of the russian empire or the russian federation, and thats it. This will be the end if he only sees that he has some competitors, although we see how these competitors, and by the way, navalny should be mentioned in this. In the context of how, no matter what, but at least the murder of navalny also during the election campaign, well, that is, he relapses and he looks like a recidivist from st. Petersburg, who got into power, who is now trying to prolong this power and seized this power and does not give the opportunity to other Political Forces, leaders of Political Forces to move forward, here it is still important to understand what is for putin. It is also a procedure, so to speak, of not only confirmation of ones own legitimacy, but also a test of the loyalty of the population itself, especially. Of their, so to speak, this bureaucratic, bureaucratic vertical, they have to prove that they are in control of the situation, did one you know, as they said in the old movie, kutin, that we confirm, we are loyal to you, comrade putin, but this moment is also important not only for our own, but these early voting, early voting have already started. Were set on fire at the polling stations , dyes are poured with green paint and other things, well , they are protesting with whatever they can, lets see, we have a small video, lets see how it all happens, you see that people are trying in some way. To protest about these elections , pouring zelenka, that is, this is only the beginning of the protests, of course, it is everything looks very unconvincing and funny, considering what the russians could do, and on the other hand, i dont know, kateryna, what, what, what else they could do, theyre still there on election day at 12 hours will protest there. And mention navalny, what can those russians who do not agree with putins policy and the fact that he is reelected for a second president ial term, what can they do in your opinion and what should it look like . Perhaps they have already done everything they can, i mean just the day of navalnys burial, and then there really were several tens of thousands of people out on the streets with flowers, and it was, perhaps, a maxim . You say protests, we see these shots, probably ukrainians do not associate it with such protests, a single protest yes, but the mass and the one that has an effect, which we are used to, of course not, well, surely we should not expect anything extraordinary like that , we also see official russian sociology there , including those sociologists like the levada center, who can supposedly be trusted, on whom. You can plus or minus orient yourself, and are there some kind of zero support for putin, but no , he has always had a high rating , and it is probably important for putin himself to do everything within the framework, well, if only to confirm it visually, that the crowds will vote there, and that really, surely it is important for him to understand that this support is there, or isnt it, the majority trusts him, the majority reelects him again and again, well , you can say the monarch there. He will announce himself, and maybe its not necessary, and maybe its not necessary, because for him again there are 45 years will vote, and he has this support, he feels it, and he also has such legitimacy for these certain actions, he is quite confident, and when we saw him not confident, in this, again , in the preelection period, in my opinion, absolutely interview that we saw this week, because there was a lot of talk about some beautiful things in russia, so fantastic when you listen to it and realize that. About russia, well, it sounds unrealistic, but nevertheless, it is not intended for an internal audience, and it probably has such an effect, thats the parallel reality they live in, and theyre probably fine with it, so i dont think we ll see any superglobal protests. Oleksiy, the fact that what we saw and the pouring of zelenka over there, ballots and these ballot boxes and some individual pickets, protests, is very reminiscent of what used to be during the soviet union, the individuals who went out there and they protested against something there, do you think there is no such concentrated protest movement in russia, at least in some part of russia, which would come out and say that putin is gone, unfortunately, no and this applies. It is especially a pity that this also applies to the socalled national entities, which actually could have at least the motive of selfpreservation, which in fact now russia is destroying these nations, but we do not see a great potential, well, there is a little came out in bashkiria, bashkartistan, something is happening in ingushetia or there were some protests in dagestan, but they are not massive, unfortunately, now. But again, well, in such regimes as the russian one, in fact, they fail at all not in elections, well that is. Ceausescu did not lose any elections, he won with a huge, excellent result , but it didnt help him, and actually, even we can remember that yanukovych won the last election, so to speak, he was removed from power in a completely different, different way, so it seems to me that it is simply obvious , that the fate of this will be decided not at the elections, especially not at the simulation of the elections. Regime, although, of course, one should welcome any attempts by people to somehow fix their position, express a protest, even individually , you know, i remember the times when in our country too went out alone, but again , drop by drop, it leads to something, to something, and the main thing, actually, is that people themselves feel their responsibility for what they do, and i think that this is important. Because sooner or later this regime will convert, the question will be what will happen next with russia or in russias place. By the way, i will add very briefly from the same interview again, there is dmitry kiselyov, he tells putin that the nazi regimes do not, they do not dissolve by themselves, they disappear in the event of a military, specifically military defeat, he said, military defeat, they did not say this about themselves, but it is understandable, because everything is absolutely there. They understand the logic, and they can call the nazi state there and the ukrainian fascist regime, any other, but still they understand the very logic and the very meaning and rules of the game, and it is very important that they voice it, i think, thank you , dear tv viewers, i remind you that today we have Oleksiy Mustafin and Kateryna Nekrecha on the air, Kateryna Nekrecha, Radio Liberty journalist, Oleksiy Mustafin, journalist, media manager. Historian. During this broadcast, we are conducting a survey, we are asking you whether the west will dare to send its troops to ukraine. So, if you watch us on youtube, vote yes, no, or write your comment below this video. If you watch us on tv, grab your smartphone or phone and vote if you think the west will dare to send its troops to ukraine, 0800211381 or 0800 2011382. All calls to these numbers are free. Precious, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote, and to ukrainian realities, to ukrainian politics, this week the Verkhovna Rada of ukraine gathered very briefly for its meeting, after which ukrainian peoples Deputy Yaroslav Zheleznyak announced that the Verkhovna Rada is approaching a parliamentary crisis due to the inability of monopolies to make important decisions. Lets listen to what Yaroslav Zheleznyak said. It is not yet clear to say that this is a direct crisis, but it is obvious that the parliament began to fail very often, it is obvious that the monomajority has a huge problem with votes, it is obvious that without support, as the partners call them, in the people we call them opz, they will not be able to pass any law, it is obvious that. Last time the meeting was canceled not because it was necessary to make some report for the senate, it is some kind of stupidity that , to be honest, it is not clear why they came up with it, or someone went there to inspect something there, no, because there were no votes, but Yaroslav Zheleznyak believes that we are on the verge of a parliamentary crisis there, kateryna, what do you think, here is a parliamentary crisis this means the end of mono majority accordingly, reformatting of all central. Authorities, including the government, because this same majority, it was formed by the servants of the people, and in the 19th year they did not need anyone at all, because they created their own government, the second Prime Minister already shmygal, four years in office is a record, it seems to me, Yulia Tymoshenko was the Prime Minister twice, the general term is Something Like this and here is the question, so what . What should they do, this means that they need to share with the authorities and whether the concept of a parliamentary crisis or the use of this concept is inappropriate during a war. It is important to note that yaroslav, as an opposition deputy, and Solomiya Bobrovska told me about it on the air, and mr. Venislavsky fedor, we asked about it on the air, that there is no such thing

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