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3 00 p. M. And for your attention, a news release on the espresso tv channel. In the studio of iryna koval. I welcome all the viewers and now to the most important events. The occupiers aimed a projectile at an apartment in the center of kherson. The house has a damaged wall and gutted furniture. Fortunately , no one was injured, said the head of the Regional Military administration oleksandr prokudin. According to him , there is also a former apartment on the ground floor of the highrise building. Now utility workers help citizens carry out repair work. I think im going to the store, put on my shoes, thats it, im just getting to the door, and then id pass here, from that side, bang. I was sitting on the sofa and talking on the phone, i turned around here, and its good that i wasnt hit. Russian belgorod has been under fire since the morning, the local governor claims that 10 aerial targets were shot down and one person was killed. In the shelled. A russian serviceman was killed by a car, there are wounded. Earlier , the Russian Volunteer corps called residents of the Belgorod Region to evacuate the city or hide in bomb shelters. The bundestag again did not support the supply of taurus missiles to ukraine. This is reported by the german publication bild, although there are supporters of the provision of taurus in the coalition parties, the coalition. Also listened to the position of chancellor olaf scholz, who clearly rejected the supply several times. Let me remind you, february 22, 2024. The bundestag also did not support the opposition resolution calling for these longrange cruise missiles to be provided to ukraine. Commanderinchief of the armed forces of ukraine and minister of defense ukrainian soldiers were honored. The military leadership awarded the defenders at the front. During the presentation, the minister expressed his gratitude to the military personnel who demonstrate daily resilience and indomitable character. Oil was stolen. In Dnipropetrovsk Region and poltava region, criminals illegally joined the oil pipeline and pumped out about 50,000 liters of raw material worth more than uah 1. 5 million. This was reported to the national police. Extras of vk. Oil pump, after which it was transported to his henchman, the owner of an oil depot in cherkasy region. After processing, the Raw Materials were sold. All participants in the illegal scheme face up to 12 years in prison. Criminals managed to steal more than 50,000 liters of fuel for the total amount of about uah 1 from the state oil pipeline. Another half a million hryvnias will be established for the damage caused by the specified damage to the oil pipeline. National Police Investigators conducted 35 searches on the territory of poltava. Cherkasy and kyiv regions, during which oil pumping equipment and other tools for damaging the oil pipeline were seized. Also, a gasoline truck with more than 12,000 was seized liters of oil, a specially equipped kamaz vehicle for pumping Raw Materials and two trucks that transported the stolen goods. Illegally shot down firearms and ammunition. Kyiv police kidnapped an interregional criminal group. According to the investigation materials, the organizer of the scheme was a 37yearold resident of lviv oblast. He involved a resident of the capital in black business. Together , the men sent the goods all over ukraine with the help of logistics companies. As part of the open criminal proceedings, we documented the sale of six by the defendants kalashnikov assault rifles and a makarov pistol. In general, during the searches, we seized two grenades, makarov and walther pistols, a machine gun, a submachine gun, rifles and more than 2,000 cartridges of various calibers from the suspects. Also. Street, Component Parts of firearms, household checkers, mobile phones and other material evidence. I would like to add that the security service, in general, exposed the illegal Distribution Channel of ammunition in several regions. Of ukraine, in particular in the Kharkiv Region in the izyum district, a local resident kept weapons abandoned by the russians in loggers, and then tried to sell to a criminal authority. Several boxes of tnt, sniper rifles, ammunition for grenade launchers and 13,000 rounds of ammunition were found in the suspects possession. And in the Dnipropetrovsk Region , the attacker tried to sell kalashnikov assault rifles and combat grenades. All those involved face up to seven years behind bars. The strategy for the release of civilian prisoners and the search for the missing as a result of russian aggression was presented by the center for Civil Liberties. The organization offers clear steps for the return of ukrainian civilians. He knows the details our correspondent, dmytro didora. Dim, i congratulate you. Tell us about the points of the strategy and how many civilians should be returned from russia. Congratulations. Iro, i also congratulate our viewers. The center for Civil Liberties says that at least 7,000 ukrainian civilians are currently in prison in the Russian Federation. 155 such places were found in the center of Civil Liberties on the territory of the Russian Federation and in the temporarily occupied territories. 90 of civilian ukrainian citizens are subjected to torture in such places and are held there without. Trial decisions, this means that they cannot get legal aid and communicate with lawyers. The center for Civil Liberties offers a strategy for the release of ukrainian civilians, this is a system of pressure on the Russian Federation, which involves society, ukrainian, international and ukrainian authorities, what steps it should take, lets hear further. There is a fundamentally important element in this strategy that can perform. Only the ukrainian authorities, the top Political Leadership and the last signature of the president of ukraine, namely to start pressure on the Russian Federation with on the grounds of violation of the International Convention against torture. Russia, surprisingly, remains a signatory of this convention, that is, it voluntarily undertook to fulfill it and does not fulfill it. They also offer a package of economic sanctions against. Persons involved in the kidnapping of ukrainian civilians and diplomatic pressure on the Russian Federation. The task of this strategy is to help people live to freedom and free those ukrainians who are currently on the territory of the Russian Federation. In from the beginning of fullscale during the war, 160 captured ukrainian civilians were returned. Dima, i thank you, it was our correspondent dmytro didora on strategies. The release of civilian ukrainian prisoners from the Russian Federation, which was proposed by the center for Civil Liberties. And not all ukrainian Political Parties and public organizations comply with the law on personal data protection. This is evidenced by studies of the honest movement. Analysts analyzed several websites of Political Forces and public organizations. 16 out of 21 sites did not have information about how they are processed benefit data. Vachy, and 12 generally encouraged citizens to transfer their personal data without any explanation. Analysts warn ukrainians not to consent to the processing of personal data without clear explanations, by whom it will be processed and for what purpose . In most Political Parties, there are organizations associated with them, they do not have privacy policies on the site, very often they do not ask for consent to data processing. We repeatedly. Recorded that Political Parties use personal data of ukrainians for in order to create fake donors and get money into accounts, that is, all this personal data, they can be used later, and if all this is not regulated by internal politicians, accordingly, then a very wide field is created for abusing this data for political purposes in the first place. And i want to remind you about our collection, we are asking you to help with the purchase of mavics and accessories for them, as well as fpv drones for the 74th battalion of the 102nd separate brigade. These soldiers defend the country in the zaporozhye direction so that they do not risk their lives and do not went on an assault on minefields, drones are needed, and we can help. Our goal is uah 500,000. And with your help, we have already collected over uah 165,000. Remember, every donation you make is important, so join the collection. You can now see all the details on the screen. That was the news for this time, you can read more on our website espresso tv, also follow us on social networks, there you will find a brief description of the main thing, and watch us in. Marta oliyarnyk and antin borkovskii, we are with you see you already at 4 p. M. Thank you to iryna koval, thank you to our tireless journalists. Well, lets inform and analyze all the most important things. In the armed forces, the rotation of units and units that are on the front line has begun. For a long time, it will have a positive effect on the moral and psychological state of the soldiers. The commanderinchief of the armed forces of ukraine, colonelgeneral oleksandr syrsky, wrote about this on facebook. Syrsky said that he continues to work in the brigades that hold the defense in the zaporozhye direction. According to syrskyi , the confrontation between drones and means of electronic warfare. Direct speech of the commanderinchief of the armed forces. Despite the rather difficult situation on the entire front line, we managed to start the process of rotation and replacement of units and. Sections that have been performing combat tasks at the front for a long time , according to the commanderinchief, this will stabilize the situation and have a positive effect on the morale and psychological state our soldiers well, we are now adding oksana savchuk, peoples deputy of ukraine, to our airwaves. Ms. Oksana, welcome to ours airwaves glory to ukraine. Congratulations to the heroes slava. Well, the plenary arrived today, so as far as we understand, it has already closed, it has already closed, so what was considered, please tell me. Official information and information, of course, unofficial. What was so extraordinary about the meeting . Well, today the agenda of the meeting, to which the speaker gathered us, included the ratification and voting of resolutions. First of all, the parliament voted for the elections that putin plans to hold on march 1517 in ukrainian territories located in temporary occupation. Recognize as illegitimate and as such that no elections can take place on them, except for the ukrainian elections, which are currently impossible there, we also had to turn to the united nations, strengthen sanctions against russia, we had to turn to the red cross, regarding more active work on ukrainian prisoners and generally about the fact that the elections that will be held in russia, so that the world does not consider them. Legitimate, since they will take place, it is already known, everyone knows with violations, there will be None International observers, and in general putin , who has already been recognized today by an International Court as someone who must go to trial and is subject to arrest, this person cannot obtain his own legitimacy, therefore it is very important here that through such appeals through diplomats, everyone the head, or the president of the country or the prime minister. Thought very carefully whether in the future he is ready to shake hands with a person who is actually illegitimate, and she is elected in russia, which today is an aggressor and you definitely cannot, so there was an air alarm, and after due to the air alarm, not all deputies returned to the session hall, we did not have enough votes for two more resolutions, and in fact we voted for only one. Resolutions that you should not hold elections in russia, after that the parliament was forced to break up, and those deputies, when they were at the meeting, were no longer able to continue their work, well, they could not or did not want to continue, because here is your colleague irena gerashchenko, a peoples deputy from the eu party , says that this was one vote in three weeks, which is generally happening now in parliament, parliamentary crisis, we often hear this phrase now, but what does it mean and who is sabotaging this. Work, well, look, i was personally in the parliament, that is , we spent the air raid in shelters in the parliament, everything is provided for this seats, it was possible to overcome this anxiety there, we immediately returned to our workplace, two signal votes were held and it turned out that there were not enough parliamentarians in the hall in order to continue, if the speaker called the leaders of the faction and. Quickly held in fact, as they say, such a conditional revision , who is there, who is not, we could have waited another half an hour for the deputies to gather and continue their work, but this was not done, in fact the meeting was postponed to next week, which is actually very unfortunate, because we really did not work, and we did not meet on the sixth, and today there is only one vote, i think that this is really such a parliamentary crisis and signals. Including to the president s office and to the leadership of the servant of the people faction, that all those nuts, they who screw on the deputies, on the limitations of their rights, may result. To Serious Problems , first of all, it is the image of the country, and those resolutions that we had to vote on, we need them primarily for international diplomacy, so here, if someone thinks that in the future they will screw everything to the deputies like this, well, i am right there i would have these deputies come to the session hall and talk about it loudly, but not coming is irresponsible. In your opinion, ms. Oksano, in what way could the situation be corrected . With our parliament, we understand that some decisions are within the competence of the president s office, well of course, they are not obvious, but people are talking about it, and you de facto confirm this version, on the other hand, we also understand that it is extremely difficult to work without the parliament, and reelections are also not foreseen in the medium term. Ms. Oxano, how do you think the situation could be improved if we are talking about specific steps. Yes, because the president recently met with representatives of the monomajority, but as far as i understand, the peoples elected representatives did not receive satisfaction from this conversation. Well, indeed, according to my information, as you say, the effect that might have been expected in the office of the president did not occur, because the majority of deputies were dissatisfied with the servant of the people, they did not feel that they were needed as parliamentarians. And this really affected motivation, actually demotivated them, and today we can say that the way someone thinks that the parliament is not the main body, and the way it actually has its feet wiped somewhere, and someone thinks that it will remain as it is, then it is already there for this there are certain consequences, the consequences are that parliamentarians, someone may have some grievances. And we should definitely talk about it, because these are all backroom conversations that have not yet reached the level of official conversations, it is worth talking about it out loud, because in wartime we understand that the parliament is entrusted with a very big mission, but unfortunately, the speaker of the parliament also allowed the fact that the parliament is so discredited today, and it is not a subject, and because it actually carries out all the commands that come down to it from the office of the prepresident , and this affects independence. Parliament and so on indeed, this crisis continues, if nothing is changed, it will deepen. Ms. Oksano, please tell me what is happening now with the draft law on the banning of religious organizations connected to moscow, we know that this draft law is almost ready, it must be submitted to the parliament for consideration, but there is no way to physically consider it, so that todays situation has shown that as soon as they get together, you already know, well, some insurmountable circumstances interfere. For all this to happen, and maybe overwhelming circumstances, someone simply does not want to overcome them, well, it is more a philosophy, what is happening with the draft law, what does it look like, if it is brought up for consideration, and do you see certain risks in it, yes, because we talked with your colleagues, regarding this bill, it is not perfect, but will there actually be enough votes to pass it at least in this form, it really is not perfect, it is not in the form that we. Personally like it, because i think that it can be tougher, and today there are thousands of examples of how actually fsb agents in ryas, who hang on the websites of the Russian Church and pretend to be those who are in the ukrainian, so called Ukrainian Orthodox church, but in fact it is the Russian Orthodox church, they also have criminal cases and so on, and there are enough facts to consider it. Their activities are prorussian and they continue to calmly shrug their shoulders, because they believe that nothing will happen to them in our country, they will continue to carry out their work. Very it is important that we still passed this draft law and that there was a Strong Political will to adopt it. There are all the mechanisms for this in the president s office, they know how to do it, and there were a lot of bills, even when their satellites are from deputy groups, and opzzh. Voted, and believe me, they set them a certain bar of votes that they are obliged to provide, and they provided them, therefore, first of all, there must be political will here, if there is political will, i am convinced that even such a bill is light, i would she said, he is not tough, we could adopt it next week on wednesday, even if there was a will for it, it can be put on the agenda and adopted at our meeting, ms. Oxano, well and accordingly for. A bill that is of interest to many, a bill regarding mobilization, the way the situation with the consideration of amendments looks now, as far as i know, and today we talked about it a lot. These groups still communicate with the committee, this communication is quite difficult, because some demand that their key amendments be taken into account, i have Pay Attention to the parliamentary factions, other opposition, factional amendments, whether they are amendments from other committees, and clarify, be kind about the difficulty of communication with the Verkhovna Rada committee on National Security, defense and intelligence. I mean, until the end of the nc committee. My final position on this document, and i understand that the issue is not fully resolved today, and even some of my colleagues told me today that next week we may not start considering it, maybe the situation will change and we can, we will consider it, that is , there were no confirmed answers that we will start considering it next week, primarily regarding demobilization. These are contradictory things and lack of unity even in the National Security committee itself, where a lot of amendments do not get votes, and it is these things that do not allow us to introduce a draft law yet, or rather not us, we are ready to consider it even today, even tomorrow, but with that information , which i have, this bill is still being delayed in the committee itself. Mrs. Oksano, look, he still appeared such a draft law is on the horizon , as it relates to the conditional release of convicts for contract service, such a draft law is on the website of the parliament, the full text of the draft law has not yet been published on the website, but perhaps you and your colleagues have heard something about it, because we understand that in this draft law, which concerns the strengthening of mobilization, this category of persons was somehow casually omitted, and for this they decided to create a separate draft law, and why do it, if, for example, it could be included in this law. The draft should be submitted, well, that is we dont understand the logic, well, look, the bill on mobilization is already much , quite complicated, so the fact that there is a separate bill, we will consider it, since this bill is the position of the ministry of justice itself , and we can perceive it that way, it can be that it will be completely canceled in general, and this bill will simply be introduced separately. Alternative deputy, at the moment, since this is an initiative of the ministry of justice, i believe that they should report it. Thank you, ms. Oksano, oksana savchuk, peoples deputy of ukraine, was at the espresso restaurant, they talked about the parliamentary crisis, so to speak, we dont know if it is correct to say parliamentary crisis, but at least the fact that now the situation with the Ukrainian Parliament looks so problematic, and this seems to me to be an established fact , there is no need for extra words to understand this, and here it is important. To also understand, well, when this, when will it stop, and who can somehow normalize this process, because i would like the Ukrainian Parliament, especially , when there is a fullscale invasion, when there are a lot of challenges, still worked as it should work , as in principle it should work in order to make certain decisions, we are still a parliamentarypresident ial country, and not the other way around, well its on paper, so to speak, and not on paper, completely different collisions are possible here, but we will involve. Accordingly, competent experts, who in the future will give us specific, current diagnoses regarding our Verkhovna Rada, well, why are we going on a break now, lets go on a break, after it we will have on included volunteers of the russian freedom legion, we will be interested in what is currently happening on the territory of the Russian Federation, a raid by Russian Volunteers has been going on for several days, we will find out the course of this raid in just a few minutes, stay with espresso. The key to beauty is a healthy liver. Kar of strength gives the liver strength. There are discounts on carsel 15 in the pharmacies of plantain, van and oskad. There are discounts on mebicar ic tablets, 10 in psarynsky, bam and oskad pharmacies. Tired of heavy and bulky saws . Then the saw strong from unpack tv just for you. With it you can easily cut trees and bushes. It is so convenient to use it for carpentry. 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Free delivery, check with consultants, cut branches, cut timber, chop firewood, all this will be done in one movement with the strong saw, just look how quickly it copes with even thick branches, once it is ready, and unlike standard saws, it is so convenient to use it in hard toreach places, a powerful battery, a key and a screwdriver are included, as well as a charger, call and order a reliable and convenient tool from only uah 1499, with the possibility. Free delivery, check with consultants a powerful saw strong is what you need, call premium sponsor of the National Team presents united by football, stronger together fighting continues in the Belgorod Region. Oleksiy baranovskyi, a legion volunteer, is in touch with us freedom of russia. Glory to ukraine, mr. Oleksiy. Glory, yes, have a good day. Well, first of all, we would like to ask you about the Current Situation in the Belgorod Region, what is happening in the village of tiotkino, and please describe the nature of the fighting. The body of tetkina, the village of tyotkino, is located in the kursk region

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