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It is not very good to prove products or some other things there, because a drone or a mine may fly in, but generally in sums, that is, the opportunity for people to get a job, because after all, it depends on whether people work, have money, pay taxes, and then the city lives, then there are goods and somehow they pay for communal services, well, this is life, when there are certain problems with this, then of course the situation is more complicated, how many are alive, alive is now in the plan of peoples lives. In sumy, there are people who have left the city, and businesses that have left, but in general there are those that have appeared new to us, a lot of people have moved specifically from the border areas, who were evacuated from more dangerous areas, from the kharkiv region, from luhansk region, a lot of people moved to sumy, and i can say that there is life, there is work, and there is no extraordinary economic crisis or humanitarian crisis. There is no, and there was also a story, i will briefly mention that the mayor who was removed from the post of mayor sumy, the head of sumy, oleksandr lysenko, filed a lawsuit with the sumy District Administrative Court for his reinstatement in office, there these, well, i understand that this may not be a globally ukrainian issue, but in any case, it is, well, from the life of every city, every region, completely depends on life, the life of the state, moreover, we have stories with mayors not only in sumy, we also have the case of chernihiv, there are many other cities, or somehow. These political disturbances and politically judicial and on the life of the city, whether it is separate to itself, and the city lives separately. Fortunately, this does not affect us in any way, we now have a city military administration, its new head, at least, as we see, how journalists more or less cope with their duties, and our city, when it lost its head, oleksandr lysenko , not so much from that. Suffered, thats why were all in with this order, at least these processes do not affect life in places, then we will see, ukraine is a legal state, well, let it be here, let it be decided here, take into account all the arguments and make a decision in the name of the law of ukraine. Thank you very much, ms. Alyona, alyona yatsina, a journalist from sumy region, from sumy, was in touch with us, unfortunately, she says that this is the first time in sumy in. In the house, in fact, a whole under driving, we see this terrible picture, so far ms. Alyona says that two dead people are known, but 15 apartments no longer exists, therefore, therefore, unfortunately, putin, yes, well, these are wars, his, his people, his army, this is how they respond to completely justified military attacks by ukrainian drones on objects that feed the russian army, which. Fuel the economy of the russian federation, this is our right, the law for a military purpose, which , by the way, our partners recognize, we can hit Oil Refineries, other airfields there, and so on, they just hit residential buildings and unfortunately, they are killing our fellow citizens, it is worth going to the shelter, especially in in those cities that are not far from the front line, and in principle in all of them, we see that we see that the aggravation of the maniac does not go away, and the desire to speak objectively about the situation at the front and around the front of Serhiy Zgurets does not go away, therefore he is from on. Today, indeed, in our column, we will talk about what drones ukraine uses to destroy Top Russian Oil refineries, where the United States found money for a new package of arms aid for ukraine, and about the battle of ukrainian and russian technologies on the battlefield between fpv drones and means of reb. More on that in a moment. Every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on Foreign Affairs of the polish sejm , the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine, pawel koval. As always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland. What is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like . In the project about politics about the world with maria gurska every sunday at 3 30 p. M. With a repeat at 10 00 p. M. In collaboration with sister au. An unusual look at the news. Good health, mrs gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. Sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. And in america they also say, lets have better roads , we will have even better ones. Special. Look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what a world dreams of, mr. Norman, we can imagine it. All this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17 10, sunday 18 15 at espresso. Vasyl zimas big broadcast. This is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting. Two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. We will discuss many important topics today. Two hours to learn about the war. Right now we will talk more about the war, serhii zgurets is with us, and how the world lives, now about what happened in the world, yuriy fizar will talk in more detail, yuriy, good evening, please, i have two hours to be up to date with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchyvka with us, oleksandr, welcome, please, and sports news, a review of Sports Events from yevhen postukhov, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, thank you very much to elina chechenna for the information about cultural news, presenters that have become familiar to many, Natalka Didenko is already ready to tell. Us about the weather for the next day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. Andriy parubiy, peoples deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of ukraine. Events of the day in two hours. Vasyl zimas big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. Espresso in the evening. According to the results of february , the espresso tv channel continues to hold the first position among information channels speech greetings, its news time on the tv channel. This november we turned 1. Years, we updated the design, the sound, we continue the saturday political club, Khrystyna Yatskiv and vitaly portnikov. Our values ​​and ukrainian point of view remain unchanged. Stay tuned for espresso updates and thank you for your trust. See this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. Candidates for the constitutional court. Who failed the interview . When was the constitution of ukraine adopted . Can answer questions. But why did the judge become drunk driving the fruit of a poisonous tree . By me refused to undergo a medical examination. On thursday, march 14, at 5 45 p. M. , watch the judicial control program with tatiana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. Ukraine continues to systematically transfer the war to the territory of the enemy, and strikes at less painful points for russia. Economy, this is how you can evaluate yesterdays and todays attacks by ukrainian drones directed at Oil Refineries and oil bases in the russian federation. Todays list of targets is the oil refinery in rezyanska oblast, the plant in kirish is leningrad oblast, the novoshakhty oil plant is in rostov oblast, and the kstovo plant is Nizhny Novgorod oblast. These objects are precisely included in the five. Stars of the largest such refineries in the russian federation, for example, the lukoel refinery in nizhniygorsk region, the largest in terms of processing volume, it processed 15 million of oil per year, or more than 5 of the total russian volume, it was attacked on march 13 and stopped working, the same fate actually befell the rosneft oil refinery. Zazani after todays drone attacks, he also stopped working, and after that, a number of ukrainian agencies, citing sources in the sbu, reported that these attacks are a continuation of such a systematic special operation against enemy Oil Refineries, this is a strategy to reduce the economic potential of the russian federation, and as the representatives said sbu, the task is to eliminate the enemy. And reduce the flow of oil money and fuel that russia directs directly to war. And by the way, in russia, prices have already started to rise rapidly fuel, and the russian government banned the export of gasoline for six months from march 1, but how does ukraine get to enemy refineries, because the same lukoil plant in dnizhnogorod region is about 800 km away, and the razyan oil refinery is 450 km from the border. With ukraine, here is a video that shows the flight of one of these drones, literally a few seconds ago we saw this video, and now we can finally find out about which. And the drone may be in question, actually, this is just such a video , which allows us to clearly conclude that this is a ukrainian longrange chemical weapons drone named february, actually experts have already clearly examined this uav, and this uav was already used for strikes on taganrog on march 9 of this year. And also during the attack on the strategically important metallurgical plant in lipetsk for the enemy, it was just at the end of february 24th, and regarding the characteristics of this drone called february, from the data that is publicly available, it is known about two parameters , this range is within 1000 km and the weight of the warhead is about 75 kg, and also, as we can see, quite high accuracy. Beaming at enemy targets. There was also another video where you can see another longrange uav of Ukrainian Development called beaver. He is already better known to our viewers and our experts. In order not to delve into the technical characteristics, in general it can be said that the use of longrange and powerful drones by us, kamikaze, is acquiring more and more systemic features. But after that, some experts began to talk about the fact that if it works so well to hit refineries on the territory of the russian federation, then lets attack the Russian Military more often airfields where they are based, in particular , the same su34 planes used by the enemy for kabama strikes on our contact line. I think that this remark is quite valid, i think that if there is a sufficient number of longrange drones, the list is entirely in. The territory of the russian federation, of course it should be expanded. At the same time, we, we see that we strike at russia at the expense of our technological developments, but we still need foreign weapons, and this week we finally received such positive signals from of the United States. Just yesterday, the administration of the american president announced a new military aid package worth 300 million dollars. Application for such assistance. White House National security adviser Jack Sullivan said that when Russian Troops advance and their guns fire, ukraine doesnt have enough ammunition to fire back, and because of that, ukraine loses territory there, so this particular package is extremely important , but he also admits that this package will last for a small period of time, but in any case it is important that this package is there, it will primarily include a significant. The amount of ammunition, Artillery Ammunition and cluster and conventional ammunition, the package also says that shells will be transferred to hymars, and a number of publications have suggested that possible in this package, the transfer of attacks is also possible, although it is not known with what range, there or to 160 km of cassettes, which we have already received in a small batch, or perhaps will be transferred to attacks and a range of 290 km, especially since now in the United States itself, in the American Army, the need for these atkams is not so critical, because now the influx of atakams to the American Army has already begun, to the peresm systems, which have a range of up to 500 km, and then attacks from 300 km can in principle be transferred to ukraine, but this is actually just an assumption, and we understand that the package is american aid. Yes, weapons are transferred from the stocks of the us ministry of defense, and ammunition, and equipment, individual samples, and means of antitank missiles will be received by the Ukrainian Army quickly enough. And now we will talk about the war of technologies on the battlefield, because now the Defense Forces and the forces of the russian army are competing on the battlefield in such two directions, tsfpv drones and reb means, which. Oppose the use of fpv drones, and just today in the New York Times there was an article called jamming, that is, suppressing how the digital battlefield affects or reshapes the ukrainian battlefield. The article is somewhat interesting, because in fact it is quite technical and it was strange for me to read about means in such a general political publication of radioElectronic Warfare, as they are used by the ukrainian and russian sides, there. The strengths of the Ukrainian Army are highlighted, as well as the emphasis is placed on certain strengths of our enemy when talking about electronic weapons and approaches to their use, and now on this topic other topics are related to technology, we will talk with our guest, we are joined by anton mikhnenko, a military expert who works closely with defense express, as well as our Defense Industrial Companies Engaged in military hitech mr. Anton, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you. I congratulate you, serhiy, on loan. I started with this piece in the New York Times, which actually tries to describe the dynamics that go into the. A number of things have been done that suggest that the russians have more powerful systems, more of them, the enemy is trying to use them more systematically on the battlefield, i know that you communicate with various enterprises that know both our potential of the means of reb and the potential of the enemy, so what changes could be singled out for the last there months that distinguish . The use of rep means from the period when russia had not yet started active intervention in active aggression on the territory of ukraine. Well, look, its actually such a difficult question. We must understand that our enemy is wellversed in this matter. And they already made certain conclusions after 2008, i am not saying this for the first time. They made a line of various complexes of Electronic Warfare. These complexes, they touch on the tactical, operationaltactical, operational. Level is engaged in suppressing various systems communication, the operation of radar equipment , satellite radio networks, that is, they work in this context and work quite well, of course, they lack , first of all, a certain coordination of actions, because it is necessary that all these means work more harmoniously, if they carry out the suppression of those or other means, as i say, communication, radars and so on, on the one hand, on the other hand, of course, they in a certain way opened for themselves the direction that touches the issue of tactical. That is, if we say in in 2022 , they did not yet have the issue of using means of suppressing drones at the tactical level of the socalled kopner, they made certain conclusions and, taking advantage of the fact that they have a certain school, certain opportunities, they tried to use them already directly descending to such a more tactical level , on the trench line, they solved this task, this task, they have a sufficiently wide range of these tools, but this does not mean that our enemy can use everything sufficiently. Effective, again i will emphasize the issue of coordination, this is the first point, the second the point is that the means of antiradio control are really evolving, we also have to understand, if we say so, in 22 the question of overlapping such lower frequency ranges as conventionally speaking from 400 or 700 mhz has not yet been discussed, if we say about such means of communication, or it was partly, lets say, in the context. There was no question about suppressing video communication signals, there was no question about intercepting signals, video signals, now the situation is changing, the enemy is adapting as well as we are, he sees that we as we use fp buckets a lot, and he also tries to squeeze these frequency ranges where they work, from his side in ukraine as well, you know very well that there are a number of manufacturers who have long established themselves even before, say, 2000. 14th year and the period after 2014, after the 22nd year, a number of various manufacturers appeared that also work in this context, by the way, there are proximus companies, there are ukrspets companies at ukrspetstechnika, there is the infozakhist company, there are a number of other companies, in particular, they also work intensively in in this direction and will create a variety of means, a company appeared, for example, the same piranha, which we had not heard before, that is , here the line also has certain means that. Can be effectively used to suppress various means, and that touches on issues communication and also means of communication, that is, means of communication, and means, lets say, that provide supervision of drones, control of drones, transmission of information with a drone, that is, in principle, there is a war going on here, if we say how it began to differ, i would say yes what this war is, it is constantly improving and it is difficult to say. Lets say in the 22nd year , the enemy used the rebs means and how he is using them now, because we understand that, at times, everyone passes such questions as reasonable interference, just putting such a large interference that would simply cover the entire frequency range, well, now thousands is impractical, why, because obstacles are created for your own troops, that is, you yourself can no longer use when your rep units will apply such noise interference, which would completely cover the entire frequency range, then these are already certain difficulties for use. Own means, both communication and drones alike, therefore the use of reasonable interference that will maximally suppress exactly that frequency, that frequency on which this or that drone works, which. Generate maximum power, interference precisely in in this frequency range, precisely at this frequency, that is precisely the path that needs to be further developed, such means exist, and they are in principle implemented to one degree or another, and but again, these are precious things, we have to understand that, in general, radar reconnaissance , radar combat is not a cheap pleasure , and what else can we distinguish, im sorry to deviate a little from the essence, we have to understand that now. If we used to say that the soviet army had then there in the russian army, the Ukrainian Army , linguistically speaking, there were separate units that engaged in radioElectronic Warfare, these were tacticallevel units, where there were separate means, they were separated, lets say, into a separate unit, which is there at a certain level committed for measures aimed at electronic suppression, now we see that these means of Electronic Warfare are being brought down to a more tactical level, that is, now the guys who. Are sitting in the trenches, they already want to have ret means, and they are already sitting in trenches , they say, we need a reasonable obstacle to suppress exactly this gap, exactly this purity, you understand, i. E. , such is the use of Electronic Warfare means, it has already happened and this war has completely proven, on the other hand, how appropriate it is, how much it can be effective and how promising it will be, that is another situation, but how quickly our manufacturers vary then, but now we are watching from. This is precisely the development of the company infozakhist, which is precisely directed to the detection of various drones in the air, and the topic is extremely relevant, therefore that today we saw, we discussed an enemy video, where the enemy strikes our helicopters, and in fact there is such an escort that if our helicopters there or the military knew that at this time there were enemy drones in the air, which. Behind this plot, maybe this would affect the tactics of using these helicopters and simply do not refuel in this field. Now this is a device developed by the infoprotection company, is it being purchased, is it somehow minimizing this threat in terms of knowing where enemy drones are and somehow adjusting ones actions against the background of this threat. In fact, you have raised a very relevant issue, that is. Precisely the issue of timely warning of the units that are in the shelter about the presence of drones. Yes, recently this challenge already exists, we can see what it is the hymers situation happened, we see what happened with the helicopters, they were relatively safe, as they considered the distances from the demarcation line and the possibility of the enemy using drones, and just such means, this is exactly what we are talking about such a means as pluto, it just allows detect the presence of drones in a timely manner, while drones are just that specific. Which specifically concern the russian federation, and as far as i know, it is about the fact that they identify exactly the signals of these enemy drones, which in principle are already known to all and any electronic scouts who analyze signals, the spectrum of signals on the appropriate equipment, they know very well what is different about eliron, what is different about supercam, what is different about orland, hang , lets say, the specifics of their own signal, and that is precisely this specifics of the signal, that means allows you to single out and warn the unit in a timely manner, and therefore, it is definitely these units that are at a depth that they think is at a safe distance, it would be appropriate for them, because in this, it is shown in the video, it can be seen that he warns of the presence of a drone at a certain distance, and this distance can be exactly that and more than 30 km there, that is, he will say in advance that there is a drone at such and such a distance, there is a drone there at a shorter distance, and you you have to understand. What steps you can take at one or another moment in time, but here you still need to understand the main point as well, this is in relation to our enemy, the fact that the enemy began to fly deeper, this is certain markers of certain that they began to use more sustainable means from means of Electronic Warfare, that is , means that can direct them to the terrain, more stable means of data transmission, and we also have to draw certain conclusions. What data channels do they use, what signals are used , how is encryption done, and in principle, this is a certain challenge, i do not think that this challenge will not go unnoticed by the electronic Intelligence Unit of Electronic Warfare and sooner or later it will the necessary solution has been found, but nevertheless we need to react now from the point of view saturation of such means of timely warning about the presence of drones in depth. In ours in our depth, so that the enemy could not use technical means, and we could react in a timely manner. Clarification on the pluto system, do you know or is it being purchased. These systems are on a larger scale, because we, well, both in defense express and on espresso mentioned that this is an experimental sample that has been tested in the hands of our military, after making certain changes to the design that will be needed, it will be purchased more en masse, has this pluto systems procurement process started . At the moment, as far as i know , a part, a certain batch of plutons, it is already in the troops, in separate units, it is already in use, i cannot say. Whether it is masspurchased, i simply cannot, so that we understand that the enemy also i did not guess whether there were such means and did not react accordingly, but i can say that, in principle, we are getting closer to the fact that there will be more of them than there are now in the troops, i know that you just returned from one armory exhibitions in a foreign country, where rep devices of ukrainian production, american, european, and. South korean were presented, and there were even samples of russian reb systems, so what is happening now against the background of the cooperation of various countries in the creation of modern rep models, is there an opportunity for us to expand cooperation with powerful Foreign Companies to create more advanced models that will be much better than what russia currently has on the battlefield . Look, its actually a very interesting question, here. There are several components, the first component, definitely the fact that our partners, western countries , they are paying close attention to what is happening in ukraine, of course, they are analyzing it, i spoke with many manufacturers of radioElectronic Warfare complexes, including drone countermeasures, i can say that a large number of means are used in ukraine , and these manufacturers also look closely at how their equipment is looked after, what their equipment is used in real combat conditions, they provide assistance, and they also adapt these equipment to meet the challenges that today day exist, this is one point, the second point , regarding cooperation, yes, of course, it would be good for Ukrainian Companies working in this direction to cooperate with leading western manufacturers, what this allows to do, first of all, they have good mathematical solutions, they have good amplifiers, they have bad ones. Software solutions that allow signal processing, they have good noise generators that can generate interesting noise signals, that is, they have solutions that can be interesting to our manufacturers, and the cooperation of our manufacturers with leading western countries, with leading western manufacturers, is a certain way of development for our partners and definitely a way of development for us, because to use means of Electronic Warfare, for example, where. Most have Chinese Solutions , this is a deadend road, yes, of course , china is not the same as china, where there are Chinese Solutions that are simply, well, one thing is declared , but in fact Something Else happens, there are Chinese Solutions that are very interesting, they can even be applied, but not less we have to understand that we have to move away from this approach, to use chinese means, chinese equipment or components in our means, it is difficult, crazy, but we have to move away from it, we have to focus mostly on european markets, on our. Countries , our partners. The next point, this is about how much , this is the third point, how much these western manufacturers demonstrate solutions that are already more adapted to those real combat conditions, this is a controversial question, why, because some still do not fully understand what is happening, although they offer interesting solutions, but they do not fully understand that , for example, now there are actually no effectively working complexes on the collision line of ee. That would ensure orientation towards there is actually no gps terrain for the summer collision, and they offer solutions that are oriented to the terrain and carry out pelanging of radio radiation sources, for example, with reference to the gps signal, which actually does not exist, that is, we can say that for example, the use of one or another western model that carries out electronic intelligence, for example, nonrep intelligence, its attachment to the area will be broken, that is, it will be ineffectively applied. It is one of one component, the other component, they draw conclusions, they create certain such complex solutions, that is, they try to immediately integrate the means of intelligence, rap, perhaps there is already such a kinetic addition, that is, a fire impression in one means or several means that are in one place are located, this is also a controversial issue regarding its application in combat conditions, that is , they also have interesting solutions, there are solutions that i would say in some direction are

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