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Social networks, residents of the village of gorkovskyi in the Belgorod Region post videos of tanks with unrecognizable flags, and they also complain about interruptions in light and communication. The coordinator of the legion of freedom of russia confirmed the information about the fighting on the border with the Russian Federation. In his video address to the russians , he emphasized that the volunteers of the Russian Federation will do everything to prevent putin from serving another president ial term. Russia, the alleged special operation of the Russian Volunteer battalions, these are independent units consisting of russians, said the representative of the Main Intelligence Directorate of ukraine andriy yusok. He added that the russians can act on their territory as they see fit. And oil depots are burning and exploding in russia. At night , 25 drones were allegedly shot down there, at least that is what the ministry of defense of arefia claims. One of the tanks caught fire due to a drone strike at an Oil Storage Facility in oryol, and seven settlements in the Belgorod Region were left without electricity. Local authorities claim that the drone allegedly crashed. Four explosive devices and damaged power lines, the mayor of the russian capital also reported the downing of a uav on the way to moscow, in the morning an unknown drone attacked the lukoil oil refinery in the city of kstovo, Nizhny Novgorod region. The drone got into an Oil Distillation plant, and a fire broke out there. And to operational events in ukraine. An elderly man died in the kherson region due to an enemy attack. It happened in. Ivanivka, daryiv community. Three more residents of the region were injured. Occupants per day shelled more than one and a half dozen settlements and the regional center, informed the head of the region oleksandr prykudin. Russian shells damaged 13 private houses, an Educational Institution and farm buildings. Also in kherson, a private house and a car were damaged. A 45yearold man died in zaporizhzhia. He was killed by the invaders during the shelling of the village of novoolivka. One more 60yearold man was wounded, informed the head of the region, ivan fedorov. During the day, the enemy covered 14 towns and villages with artillery and aviation more than 200 times zaporizhzhia. Rockets were hit twice near the regional center. 29 residential buildings and infrastructure objects were destroyed. There is also a victim of enemy attacks in the village of vorbivka in kharkiv oblast. A 54yearold man died in the izyum district, and an elderly woman was injured in vovchansk. Russian terrorists also dropped an aerial bomb on a highrise building in kupyansk at night, previously there were no casualties, but the fivestory building was seriously damaged, several fires broke out. Three apartments from the first to third floors and one more were on fire in one of the entrances accommodation in another entrance. The total area of ​​fires was 150 m2 during the day. The enemy shelled 15 settlements in the kharkiv region. Three injured due to enemy attacks in dnipropetrovsk region. Two women and a man were injured in the nikopol district. The russians fired heavy artillery at the raicenter and the chervonogrigorivska community, informed the head of the region, serhiy lesak. Due to enemy attacks, one private house was destroyed, 17 were damaged. There are also more than a dozen farm buildings in the ponivychyna area. Car. And shop. More than 1,700 families were left without electricity due to broken power lines. 17 enemy shaheds were shot down by Ukrainian Forces against. Of air defense at night reports the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. The russians launched a total of 22 attack drones over ukraine. They flew from the south. Another 910 russian occupiers were eliminated by the armed forces of ukraine during the day, and in total , almost 426 thousand enemies were destroyed since the beginning of the fullscale russian invasion. The fleet of Russian Military scrap metal was also replenished, eight more enemy. Tanks, 27 bmp, 23 art systems, two air Defense Systems and more than 40 tankers. The general staff reminds that the data are indicative. And to operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. 72 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. The russians are storming the positions of ukrainian troops in six directions. The heaviest battles continue in donetsk region. The armed forces of ukraine repelled 21 attacks. Near krasnohorivka and novomykhaivka, another 15 in the lymansky direction. And near avdiivka , the russians tried to break through 16 times. Ukrainian troops are defending near worked in zaporizhzhia and on the left bank of the dnipro in the kherson direction. Our soldiers continue to exhaust the enemy along the entire front line. Ukrainian aviation struck eight areas where russian personnel and military equipment were concentrated and one command post. And. Missile and gunners narrowed two areas of concentration of personnel of weapons and military equipment. The buk m1 antiaircraft missile complex and the counterbattery radar complex are a zoo. A new disclaimer about taurus. Chancellor germany stated that it does not want to create vain expectations for longrange missiles, therefore it clearly and concretely confirms its disagreement with the possibility of their transfer to ukraine. Scholz explained that, they say, the armed forces of ukraine will not be able to cope with the tauruses on their own, and they will have to involve german servicemen, and this is not justified for berlin. And i will remind you about our collection, the espresso tv channel and the iryna koval Charitable Fund are asking for help with the purchase of maviks and accessories for them, as well as fpvons for the 74th battalion of the 102nd separate brigades of Territorial Defense forces. These warriors. Country in the direction of zaporozhye, so that they do not risk their lives and do not go on an assault on minefields, drones are needed, and we can help, our goal is 500 00 uah, with your help we have already collected more than 100 uah, remember, each your donation is important, so join the collection, you can see all the details on the screen. Russias offensive at the front was stopped, the situation on the front line became stable. Much better than during the last three months. This was stated by president Volodymyr Zelenskyi in an interview with french tv channel the head of state noted that the Ukrainian Army had difficulties due to a lack of ammunition, an air blockade, russian longrange weapons and a high density of enemy drones. Currently, the russian army cannot advance further and is suffering heavy losses. At the same time, the president specified that the situation could change again at any moment, if ukraine. Will not receive sufficient military aid. The Shevchenkiv District Court of kyiv partially granted the request of the lawyers of exintelligence officer Roman Chervinskyi. The defense side requested to increase the time for familiarization with case materials. And the prosecutors insisted that the lawyers were delaying the proceedings. The judge partially granted the request of the lawyers and extended the deadline until april 1. Chervinskyis lawyers claim that it is due to the court. They did not have access to the case materials until now, and the accusation of the prosecutors is aimed at buying time. Let me remind you that Roman Chervinskyi is accused of attempting to hijack a russian plane, which led to the shelling of the kanatave airfield in the kirovohrad region in july 2022. This is directly related with the fact that romans term of detention ends on april 6. If this period were longer, respectively. On april 24, april 25, the investigating judge should have made a decision and roman should have been released from custody, because no person can be held in custody for a pretrial investigation for more than a year. In connection with this, they limited us, pointed out that we are allegedly delaying the consideration of the case, as if the case materials are not so serious that we are getting to know them for so long. They disguised themselves as employees of the tsk and extorted millions from men of draft age. In kyiv. Detained a criminal group that organized business on mobilization. Suspects disguised as Law Enforcement officers and employees of territorial Procurement Centers were stopped on the street. Ages , searched them and promised help in removing them from the military register, only one of the victims was defrauded of uah 1 million 700, and in general , the gang was responsible for 10 criminal episodes, including fraud, extortion of money, and kidnapping, it included four people, among they have been convicted of serious crimes before. The world of science, another ukrainian one the expedition went to the akademik station. This was reported in the National Antarctic Scientific Center. They have to change researchers who have worked there for almost a year. For the first time in the last 27 years , four women will work in the team. In total , the expedition consists of nine scientists and five life support workers. As the Scientific Center said, it is increasingly difficult to find professionals for the expedition, because many polar explorers are currently at the front. Participants have a long way to go. By bus to poland, by plane to chile, and sports punta arenas is already an icebreaker to antarctica. The next issue will be on the 11th , read more on our website espresso. Tv, also on our social networks, join, put your preferences, my colleagues Oksana Vysochanska and roman chaika will continue the discussion with analytics, do not switch, stay with the espresso team. We thank our team of journalists, they are collecting Fresh Information , and we also have time to look and help the russianfascist occupiers, the snow is lying, it is cold, they still have a russian winter, and the indomitable point is still working, open for you in the novgorod region on lukoil plant, it continues to emit heat. So you can warm up there , interesting events are also taking place in the temporarily occupied lands of Belgorod Region, kurshchyna, there , in particular, the armored personnel carrier on which the occupiers were riding no longer drives, it was destroyed, we also have the opportunity to watch this video about the destruction of the armored personnel carrier, which has already been reported on the pages, battalion freedom of russia, there is this video. We are already looking at what is happening there, in a word, in the swamps, now, in a very panicky mood, especially in the border areas, but this is what we will talk about now. To ask our next guest, he is an expert on National Security issues, a military serviceman, Ivan Varchenko in contact with our studio, mr. Ivan, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, good day, well, here is what is happening in the border areas, where. Three units at once in the volunteer corps and the freedom of russia, the first one is quite fresh for us , the siberian actually is such a battalion, that is , to what extent does it, well, lets say this, affect the frontline situation, when suddenly Something Like this happens on russian territory action, does it not affect at all, but rather affects emotionally, informationally and. Politically the picture of putins reelection. We cannot overestimate the weight of these measures there, because at the moment we understand that the scale of these offensive actions, they are not enough to break the backbone of the russian empire, although we saw the march of the remnants of the prigozhan troops, who joyfully fled from the ruins of bakhmut and moved to moscow. We saw how the Russian Security forces and the military did not have the resources to stop this campaign as well for several hundred kilometers, and only on the short approaches to moscow did they manage to organize Something Like a defense line. Today, todays situations, these trips to russia to the border. The territory of russia , russians who, in this way, with weapons in their hands, are ready to fight for the future of russia and every russian who to this day does not yet realize that this war is his personal, personal fault and personal duty will pay for this war throughout long time, but they want to shorten this time, payments, want to stop the end to stop the putin regime and answer. But it is clear that they are trying to do their job, we see that the Russian Security forces are now again short of resources, although several previous measures would have somehow simply had them. Stimulate to the point that at least some detachments capable of prompt response should be kept on the border constantly, as we can see, all that is capable of prompt response is concentrated in ukraine, the russians are unlikely to actively discuss this in their mass media information, not even that, they will do everything in their power to prevent this information from becoming available to the russians, i hope that the ukrainians will once again, with the help of our. Give the russians an opportunity through various other networks to understand what they have on russia is also on fire, and their king is naked, the king is naked, yes, mr. Ivan, after all, people in them also use mobile communications and so on, they have their own telegram channels there, and who spread it, telegram channels, not some propagandistic ones, but actually some other ones consider themselves underachievers. The russian opposition, but they all gave all the sites, and the moscow times, and the insider, and i see astra, and the base, all these russian resources showed a video, in particular of this destruction, which we did not show the armored personnel carrier, which is standing between the huts, and this video shows that the curtain has been pulled back, and a ukrainian tank can be seen from the hut, that is, all this has gone, what effect does it have in the minds of the russians, who are all always for. Putin and for the svo, as they say, if they understand that those , who blow up bter between their ears, not some there ukrainian fascists, as they said, and the russians . And the effect is twofold, clearly now the double effect is that the collective russian mind is now hesitating in such situations, he is hesitating between what the propaganda feeds him and between the reality he sees with his own eyes. It is clear that. The central channels may discuss this matter, but they will definitely discuss in the tone of how quickly it was possible to settle this situation and possibly expel this ukrainian sabotage group from russian territory, that is how they will to submit, at the moment i did not see that it was happening in russia on the central channels, but telegram channels picked up on it all, otherwise the effect will be, on the one hand, disappointment that they missed it. They still did not manage to prevent a similar situation, the feeling of danger , because it can affect everyone, there is a guarantee that Larger Forces will not enter and will not reach, for example, smolyansk, kursk, or some populated place in the deep, like it seems to them, the rear, because they have already been to belgorod, we remember, and belgorod chibekino, we all remember that, saw, well, on the other hand, on the other hand, of course they fear. It is a fear that something must be done, something must be done about it, how this fear will be implemented, what direction will work, as we can see, now the russians know how to sometimes use this fear in order to mobilize more of the next scum on their front, precisely the fear of the fact that ukraine will win allows the russians to be quite successful in the Mobilization Campaign for money. For a lot of money, thats why, in this case, the management of these psychological moments, emotions the russians will allow us, including , to be more successful in our goals or less successful, destroying the situation in russia, but in general, we are talking about information policy, which, unfortunately, ukraine does not have the opportunity to work quite effectively in russia, now thats why a mixture, a mixture of different emotions in each individual. The russian and in general in the collective, they are ultimately forced to destroy the russian myth about the big umbrella of putin, which he extended over the whole of russia, about the power of russia, no matter how hard they try to do it hold on, no matter how angrily they try to remove this irritant, but they are forced to admit that the umbrella flows, that the force is more of an informational myth than a real one, and it is clear that a lot of these influences. We see , which time and again provide Additional Information for this russian affected mind, or that part where the mind should be, and it will have its destructive effect on russian propaganda, do you think, mr. Ivan, that after march 17, putin can increase the mobilization , make it open, i. E. Dont tell what there are millions of volunteers here and we dont need mobilization. About the fact that they will strengthen control, actually their own, and will strengthen this, this tension between russia and the west, because here is another intelligence report. The community from the usa, which was published, is already writing about the fact that putin does not really want to fight with nato, but several months ago they said that it is necessary to prepare for war, that putin will provoke, may attack, we have scenarios, and now they talk about it a little differently, what is the point of this rhetoric now from the usa, and what will be the behavior of russia already next week, will it change . This behavior of russia should not be expected to change for the better for ukraine. Such is the nature of a dictatorship and a dictator. Putin will not suddenly become a soft kitten instead of the dragon that he is now for the world, for himself, for the russians, in the end, that is, we understand that only the destruction of him, the physical destruction of putin, whether as a result of, whatever of any cause, whether physical destruction. It is his death in one way or another, whether it is physical removal of him from management, only this can to change the nature of the russian government and russian communication, the russian dialogue with the people, Everything Else is from the realm of fiction, therefore for the world and for russians, for russians, it is important now. I think, we dont see or hear mr. Ivan, but we are talking about the fact that next weekend , yes, for three days voting will take place in russia, they will elect putin again, and in fact after the announcement of the elections, maybe even before the announcement, then even any such moments are red, conditional very actually lines, will disappear and it is possible. It will be to openly tell people what awaits them next and why they will have to go to ukraine, die, return in packages and so on, we dont know whether they have already restored contact with us or not, but actually i am looking now that this town by the way, this one in the Nizhny Novgorod region, which continues to work as a point of invincibility and continues to burn, turns out to be one of the largest Oil Refineries from that is, they have the second place in the volume of oil refining in the entire Russian Federation. And just so you understand where it is if there is, then this is the moscowkazan line, that is, this is where our drones fly. So it was not for nothing that today the mayor of moscow sebyanin sang tykh in the forest, just below badger. Well , thats roughly how it all looked tonight in response to. An owl attack by drones in ukraine. The signal and the connection with Ivan Varchenko returned. Mr. Ivan, here is one more thing we wanted to ask you, this is, in particular, the new rate of the supreme commander, which took place there, they talked about the triple line of defense. I cant hear, i cant hear, cant you hear us yes . And now, mr. Ivan, we see you and hear you well, or do you hear us . I hear you, but very, very bad. Now i can hear absolutely clearly. Its great. The supreme commanderinchief held a new rate, they talked about 200 km of defensive lines. And now we have such mixed information, we are not there ourselves , we are not there, but some say that it is sometimes a showoff and Something Like that, they have dug around, in other places, on the contrary, they show serious zigzags. As it generally all looks, that is, there is some control, indeed it is is some line of menergame in ukrainian being built . You know, with regard to control, here this control and management of processes can and must be carried out only vertically at the level of the highest management, and of course in. Providing the possibility of control and access of others, other structures, other subjects who are able to evaluate both from the rational side, and from the side of the effectiveness of the use of funds, and of course from the military side, that is, here in this case a significant part of things must be done on trust, because it is unlikely to be good when we are live on the air to inform exactly where, in what way this or that element of our line is being built, no, thats exactly me. I am saying this, here we understand that there cannot be absolute transparency, in principle we are aware of this very well, that is why it is important that the state does not allow, it is the state through its. Institutions through its verticals and military and civilian, not allowed no doubt that everything is happening as it is, but they say, b at a price that is not a price for earning, and especially for corrupt earning of some kind from impure officials, it is really done in the interests of the security and defense of ukraine, these things that we wanted to hear, unfortunately, sometimes we have a situation, including with the lines behind the. Which it was said that they exist , that they are equipped, but it turned out that in reality it was talk, not reality, well, we actually asked you about it, so in this case it is important that these 2 thousand kilometers, they really reliably protect each individual fighter and ukraine as a whole, of course, we have to finalize our conversation, one more question once i carefully study the path of our drone, if we take even directly that it was launched from the border, then it went to the lukoil plant in Nizhny Novgorod more than 800 km, and the question here now is not that, we already know that we can fly at such a distance as well further, even to st. Petersburg, there is talk of how and how the glorious air defense works, because all night long they shot down everything so that it flew calmly 803 km, where the air defense, the russians, well, calmly, restlessly, they shoot down Something Like that , but, as we can see, and our calculations according to which the trajectories along which our strike equipment should fly, they lead to the results that those enterprises that have all the possibilities, that is, all the hundred percent access to modern technologies of their defense, those that are in russia, they cannot protect themselves , let me remind you that lukol is one of the Largest Enterprises in russia, and they should take care that their enterprises are protected, this is another element of the destruction of russian myths about security, about the strength, power of the russian analog rocket weapons, and accordingly we see that every day the ukrainians confirm this for the russians, the only thing is that the russians simply do not have enough pace to understand this, because for too long they have trained this mind not to think, but to feed on what gives propaganda, well, in the end, i think we will destroy this propaganda and speed up. Including the recovery processes in russia. Mr. Ivan, thank you for participating in our program. Ivan varchenko, expert on National Security issues, military serviceman, well, we must talk about one more component, in a few minutes we will talk about the sky, and about not so much for drones as for aviation, but before that we remind you that without you we will not be able to put a buggy, such a serious, fast one, which for. Vaku will work and will take out our wounded soldiers. Yes , we need to add a little more and already 400 thousand will be in the account, and then we will reach 480, and this will be the amount that needs to be collected, so we ask you now to concentrate your efforts in the direction of these props. A good thing, and in fact it is the duty of each of us. We will go for a short pause, actually the time to blow, and then fly. About ppo, about everything that is in the air in us, and we will talk about them with our next expert. 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