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The death of 12 people and wounding of eight, we also observed during the powerful attacks following the same tactics of complex maneuvers directly in the middle of the sleeping areas, what is called, precisely where the highrise buildings have the maximum human population, people i am grateful to them for this, they are moving to shelters, and the tragedy of march 2 forced many. People to reconsider their attitude to the safety of themselves and their loved ones, and even in public they often appeal that relatives and loved ones should be warned that an air raid alarm is sounding and organize their transfer to the shelter. This is very important because the enemy is really sneaky and using this tactic is trying to make it difficult for our air Defense Forces, because shooting down drones between highrise residential buildings is really. A very difficult job, like in general, the situation at sea looks like now, according to your estimates, because we see that after kotovo , the russian navy went into disarray, there was a command post, putin threw it out, installed a new one, and what changes do you observe . Yes, we see that now the weather conditions at sea are more or less benign, but the black sea fleet itself. What storms, there are indeed personnel changes, there is indeed a reorientation of activities, because we do not observe shifts in the black sea waters , there have been no missile carriers for three weeks combat rotations, and even ordinary patrolling, the enemy does not carry out external raids, raids are limited to such internal works, observations and radar, in the sea of ​​azov. The rotation continues, there one unit carries out control and coverage of the surface situation, and the rest are obviously in a state of deep thoughtfulness, but are they in the crimea, somewhere in the black sea, in the vicinity of the crimea, crimea, or are these ships that they have a little closer to russia . They are mostly concentrated in novorossiysk bay, but some are still in the bays of the crimea, and they are thinking now, obviously. The redeployment route, in addition, the partisan movements report that the transportation of property continues, even by land they are trying to take out and move property little by little from the bases they had on the crimean peninsula. There, we, you, and we also see that they are even transporting engines from the crimea to the taman peninsula, but, in general, they cannot transfer the entire repair base and logistics to the docks, that is, all of them. There are no such docks in novorossiysk, in my opinion, are there any . No, and more moreover, there is simply no geographical possibility to redeploy what they would like to steal from crimea, and that is why they are also considering other bases, ugh, ms. Natalya, please tell me, but we talked about strengthening borders, we talked a lot about fortifications, which now they actually started very actively, maybe a little too late, but still to build in ukraine, how about you . Looks south . In fact, the mass media have simply focused more attention on them now, and in our fortifications , these works were carried out both on the arrangement and construction of new ones, in fact constantly. We remember that in our country the line of confrontation actually runs along the dnipro river, and the front line involves strengthening the borders. The enemy, on its part, tried to arrange. On the left bank of the explosion of the minibarrage, when he was still there and before the explosion of the kokhovskaya hydroelectric power station , he was expecting the advance of forces against, our. Of the Defense Forces, what has now happened to the landscape of the former rusl and the area where the reservoir was, it needs, of course, reformatting of those fortifications, that is why they continue to be built now, because the dried soil has already been more or less clarified and it is clear where the water has stopped, and that is why work has started on those. On some such areas, work has been carried out in most regions, and now they are being renewed, seasonally renewed, in principle , as any owner of a private property, understands that in the spring it is necessary to level something up, to reinforce what could float during the winter season, therefore , in principle, our works are all objectively justified and from. Take place at such a level that even the russian public records, that the defensive structures of the right bank do not provide for the advance of the occupying troops at all. Ms. Natalya, how come they decided in their eyes on saturdaysunday for two days that they would go through the dnipro and to odesa . Well, until they decided, in fact, they didnt even go on assaults on the left bank, such was their weekend. Er, nevertheless, during the past combat day, they still scraped together groups for four assaults, they really have difficulties with this, because it is very difficult for them now to find people who will go on a deliberately unsuccessful assault, and yet still without support Armored Vehicles continue to operate, they continue to operate and purely on foot, that is why they have corresponding losses, if we are talking about the loss of 50 e. In total, in our area of ​​​​responsibility 50 occupiers, then 2 3 of them are in the krynyk area, and that is why it is very difficult for them to gather people for such assaults , well, that is, butchers without equipment on the left bank bridgehead, and by the way, i was listening to your story and thought to myself, we were never interested after we blew up the kakhovsky reservoir, it went down powerful wave, and you said that on the left. They set up whole minefields and fences, well , that means they washed away these mines, where are these mines . And they are also found on the coast of odesa, in the past week two river anchor antilanding mines were discovered, which the russians installed on the left bank of the dnieper, and we found such mines very abundantly immediately after the detonation of the kokhovskaya gez, when they were first flowing. Brought a lot and now, with seasonal currents, it will obviously bring more to the coast and odesa, including and mykolaiv oblast, so we remind you once again that you need to be very careful when Walking Around water bodies. Are they now trying to restore what washed away six months ago, i mean, are they now trying to replace the left bank again . Where they have access to it, and there is a very. Complicated situation with this, they even try to maneuver boats in the mouth of the dnieper, where there are islands, and that is why in our reports there are always two, three to four boats, destroyed enemy boats , because we dont give them a chance to even get a foothold on islands, not to advance towards the right bank, the fire control that can be afforded by the counterbattery work of the Defense Forces over the dnipro river is so abundant that. That the passage of sabotage and reconnaissance groups of the russians to the right bank is impossible, and where do they take tychons, if they are constantly destroying, destroying, destroying, the locals probably dont have anything to take away, as it was before, where do they replenish supplies, from time to time we watch, they pull up supplies from the crimea, the locals are already hiding their surface vehicles there too, movement because they understand that they will confiscate them there, they also pull them up from. The depths of their rear, that is, the zaporizhzhia region, there is also a place to make money from the locals with similar, similar watercraft. Ms. Natalie, and the last thing, we saw yesterday that they finally gave sufficiently optimistic statistics of our exports to the black sea itself, more than a thousand ships, this is a huge thing, and before that there was an idea to make such v. Shruti on the danube in connection with that , that the western borders and customs are blocked, redirect the large flows to the big one and export them through the danube, is there anything already . Is this container path already prepared or is it already running . And it is still in the process and it is not such a simple launch process, in addition, really establishing navigation at the european level on the danube, this is the perspective of our country precisely in european integration, so i think that here, with the support of the relevant ship owners and interested partners, it will happen in the near future. Mrs. Natalia, thank you for being with our viewers at such an early hour, the head of the joint Coordination Press Center of the southern Defense Forces, colonel Nataliya Humenyuk was with by us, so lets take a short break now, in the meantime, dont forget that we are going to deliver on a buggy, this is a medical buggy that takes our wounded from the battlefield, well, and also for Electronic Warfare equipment, here is the qr code and number cards, after a short pause we will show you and. Tell you about lithuania, which supports us, and then we will move to dnipropetrovsk oblast and we will collect information during the night and during the weekend there, be with espress. Tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from rozpak is just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use it for carpentry work, it is. 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There are discounts on spazmalgon tablets of 15 in pharmacies plantain you and savings. The premium sponsor of the National Team represents. United by football stronger together. Vasyl zimas big broadcast. Two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. Two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. Two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. Two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. Events of the day in two hours. Vasyl zimas big broadcast. A project for smart and caring people. Espresso in the evening. We are returning, once together with our lithuanian and polish brothers, we had one state, which more than once walked nicely and fueled some misunderstanding called moscow. Lithuania generally helps us. One of the volunteers is min daugas yunushas, ​​he has his own volunteer group, collects humanitarian aid, brings it to ukraine, then brings back true information for the lithuanians about the ukrainian resistance, and whats more, he also wants to, has such intentions. To live in ukraine, thats what he shared in the story of our colleagues, let s see it, until february 24, 2022, a lithuanian. From mindaugasyonushas worked as a journalist, he knew little about ukraine, but from the first day after the fullscale russian invasion , the man began to actively help ukrainians, first of all he assembled a team and created a Public Organization to provide support to ukrainian women and children who were fleeing the war. When i came here to the border, i saw the real situation, how many ukrainians have. Peshentsi to well poland, lithuania and so on, i have this opinion, i will be together for ukrainians. In order to listen to peoples stories and better understand the pain of ukrainians, min daugas began to study ukrainian, but i was told, we we believe in victory, there will be victory, she cried, and then she said, there will be victory, thank god , and it will be, and i also have the same opinion, it will be. A very bad situation when people said, everything, everything, as if there will be victory, everything tired, give all the territories to russia and the war will end, and when the people said, there will be victory, and when people pray for victory, and when europe has the help of ukrainians, there will be victory, it is a very, very pity, i a. When i was in odessa, notary centers of the city and so on. I am learning ukrainian, ukrainian odesa to speak ukrainian, no thanks thanks, no, yes, and so on, and so on. Mindaugas is now planning to open an office of his Public Organization in ukraine. In february, he signed agreements on joint work with ukrainian churches and organizations in various cities of ukraine to help ukrainian soldiers together. The church, well, not only for. Prayer is needed, but humanitarian aid is also needed, and there are a lot of chaplains for the armed forces, and then i think how i can help a lot to the front. The lithuanian admits that, above all else, he wants to stay in ukraine, because he understands what he can really do here be useful. Here we need a volunteer, here we need help, here we need attention, here when there is a very bad situation, i want to live, ukraine, the city of lip, here you work, here you learn the ukrainian language, know the ukrainian culture, the cuisine is delicious, and i am very, very much waiting here is the moment when she told me there is a document for mindagasam. People, if his volunteer help is not enough, he is ready to go to the front and defend our state from the russian invaders. Natalya stare pravo, nazar melnyk, espresso tv channel. Well, thats the story, maybe this is our future a citizen, because he wants to live in ukraine. Im sitting here, reading the list, seven oscars were won by openheyber, and one and the first in the entire history of ukraine. Cinema received the film 20 days in mariupol, and i am thinking, maybe we can quickly request this film on a flash drive, download it and send it to the pope, let him watch it, because somehow the pope does not see cyril, who calls for the killing of ukrainians, and wants to wave everything with a white piece so that we give up, a strange threecolor such a passage turns out, just white color is so very characteristic color for the vatican and obviously. It is always advisable to use it, well, we will talk about this story, because we will have the shevchenko laureate as a guest of the shevchenko prize, and he will definitely tell us, we will talk about this and also about history. From the vatican, we will talk about this scandal with the pope , all this will also be on our airwaves today, but now something else, we promised to cast our eyes to the hopes of the propeterov region, but what will we see from here, if not for our guest, the deputy of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional council, kateryna nemchenko, ms. Katerina, good morning, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, congratulations, well, as always, you need to be classic, if you start a story about Dnipropetrovsk Region, its about being beaten and as always. They are pounding along the coast, nikopol, nikopol, just , in my opinion, this is how they are, like, good morning, this is a summary of the shelling, how the weekend has passed now, unfortunately, really, this is exactly what happens, in general, the last for several days, the shelling of the nikopol district, i. E. , this city itself, the city of nikopol, directly, and chervonagrigorivska and. Myrivska communities. In recent days, unfortunately, there have been victims there, but tonight, fortunately, there are none, but in the last few days there has been a dead 16yearold boy, and a wounded 22yearold boy, and a 5eightyearold man was also wounded. Well, if its about tonight, then its the shelling of the chervonogrigorivskaya community and the downed drone over nikopol. Well , shachet, thats basically, well, tonight, it doesnt stand out for special destruction or casualties, fortunately, but in general , the situation there is really very, very difficult, because, well just every minute, being at home or somewhere in that area, you can expect an arrival and, in principle, not even know how it will end, well, unfortunately, this is the story with the whole. While we have russia as a neighbor, mrs. Kateryna, you say that the damage is relatively minor, but we read that in the general staff report, i apologize, this is actually from the head of ovala sika information that the gas pipeline was damaged, the gas pipe was also affected, is this a normal story that is already familiar to you and these damages are substantial, i. E. How is it will affect the lives of the population, this is yesterday, the damage was yesterday, that is, tonight it is. Already the next consequences of this damage, yesterday the gas pipeline and water supply were also affected, so about 200 villages were left without water as of yesterdays attacks, this is a problem , these are critical situations, yes, but they occur there quite often, so lets be honest, people are already used to it , unfortunately, but of course the elimination of the consequences, it goes quickly, people are there during the day. Similar consequences are eliminated, therefore, it is more or less controlled, for sure, what can be said, that is, they manage to restore the highvoltage Power Transmission lines and return the supply within a day, well, not the lines, of course, but to switch to alternative sources there and, in principle, provide something for now, well, i have to keep in mind that people dont sit in oak trees anymore, except for critical cases, when, well , there hasnt been anything like that in the last month, thats why. Ms. Kateryna, we see interesting stories, for example, there i saw from colleagues, journalists, how the Psychological Office works for those who left, moved to dnipro, from avdiyivka, and began to think to themselves, this is dnipro, one of the big hubs, where a large number of people are transported from the frontline territories in one way or another, usually these are people, as they say, of small wealth, how does it generally work . This city, because as they say, bother the mayor, write to him on facebook to ask mr. Filatov, somehow his hand does not rise, then ask you, well, yes, it is like that, of course, in Dnipropetrovsk Region there are more than 300 thousand idps of internally displaced persons, and well if this amount is initially fullscale was even bigger, then people there either returned home or went on there. In principle, it was somewhere under 300 thousand people, but now, unfortunately, the number is increasing, so i think that if we add up the statistics again, it will be about 3007, probably thousands of people, because people from lets say so, in connection with the situation in the donetsk region, now really. The number of idps has grown a lot, avdiivka is no exception, indeed , centers are being opened in the dnipro and in the region, but we understand, avdiivka is the name of a populated point many people are not from it, but somewhere near those settlements, so yes, the Psychological Center is really very important, because if we are talking about social assistance, it is necessary, but also psychological, because as we know, psychologists there are private ones, they are quite expensive, and these are Free Services of psychologists, this is very important, but you know, there , at the start, some help should be given, if 300 00 is multiplied even by some symbolic amount. The number is large funds and probably greater psychological assistance to displaced persons quickly find a job, because its a month at most to last, but what about that . Well , this is also, of course, this is also a problem, well, as we see now with payments for internally displaced persons in general, the cabinet of ministers has nevertheless stopped paying certain sections of the idp population payments of 22 hryvnias, which are a lot. We and kept from the state, but they stopped paying them, the campaign of people from the association there and in general idps who fought for it, so that these payments would not be interrupted until the end of the military period, failed state, so many people are left with payments from the state, and now these people rely exclusively on support on the ground, and this. Becomes a big burden on local budgets, even on local resources, so now it is really a very big problem , but this is from this month, since march only these payments have stopped being paid by the state, and it is not yet clear how exactly it will be, but at the end of the month we will see how the Economic Situation of the region will suffer from this in us. Panikaterino, one more thing questions about dragons teeth and defense structures. It is transparently clear that dnipropetrovsk oblast is purchasing all of this and will determine whether it is possible to share information, where, whether it will be along the entire border line, regional, i mean, whether there are any areas where it is necessary to see such areas, well because we understand that, after all, Dnipropetrovsk Region is largely protected by the dnipro from the front . Yes, of course, this is a very important question, but i cannot say yet. We will have a session of the Regional Council on march 13, we will vote also for these issues, so information on this will be made public in a little more detail , which will be publicly available, i will not say now, but it is an important issue and we understand what we are saying there about air defense, about everything, but it is also a very strategic issue now, so it should be paid a lot of attention and, in principle, a lot is also allocated to it. To financing. Thank you, mrs. Kateryna, for being with our viewers this morning. Kateryna nemchenko, deputy of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional council. Well, we mentioned nikopol who was fooled, and i simply cannot imagine how in nikopol, in general, to go to work every day, because they are one of the champions, just like Kherson Oblast in shelling. And in fact , we have already asked more than once that people are not leaving the city, that is, there is no such mass outflow, so. And that is exactly what ms. Kateryna told us when we looked at the temporarily displaced persons who are simply deprived of these payments, you dont last long in a foreign city without work and without anything, then people also return there, at least their house, if it was not hit by a kamikaze drone, well, whats the point time at 8 oclock, more news, we will now find out from our team of journalists, but after the news, we will definitely talk about how trump and orban hug and together with the pope, all three of them want to hand us over and sign the capitulation, but about it after the news. Yes, now khrystyna parubiy will tell you about all the most important things, about what happened during the last time, and she has more information about it, khrystyna, you have my word. Congratulations, colleagues, thank you, i will tell about the situation in ukrainian cities after the night attack of the occupiers in the issue, as well as about work of our air defense and the situation at the front, dont miss it in a moment. News in etel spresso, khrystyna perubiy works in the studio. 15 shaheds were shot down by antiaircraft forces that night. This was reported to the general. Headquarters of the armed forces of ukraine. In general

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