In a few minutes, 50 uah, Something Like that approximately the price of coffee in some store or coffee shop now, you will drink less coffee, you will save your heart, you will save your life and our military, you will change the life of muscovites. No, Drinking Coffee is also good for the heart in moderate amounts , can you just take a break . Well, of course, its a break for the sake of the 81st agricultural mobile brigade this is what a doctor. Prescribed, dear friends, gentlemen , well, in the meantime, we are adding to our conversation lyudmila denisova, a Law Enforcement officer, head of the Ukrainian Center for the protection of human rights, ms. Lyudmila, good morning, good morning, the issue that worries everyone is the issue of mobilization, are there grounds for postponement of mobilization, as well as dismissal from military service during martial law, please tell me, are there really such grounds . And how to use them . Yes, you understand, on today, the law that is in force, these norms, they provide that at the moment they are not subject to conscription for military service at all, these are persons with disabilities, that is, themselves, respectively, or a person according to the military medical commission has such a conclusion that they are temporarily unfit for military Service Services in connection with the state of health, or the person. Who have dependent children, there are more than three children under the age of 18 or an adult child who has a disability of the first or second group of disabilities, so those who independently raise a child under the age of 18 or a child with a disability also under the age of 18 and raise them. Such a right always arises in family circumstances, that is, if the wife or husband is a person with a disability, or in the military, a person has parents with a disability or the parents of a spouse with a disability, well, under that condition, if they have no other ablebodied persons who are obliged to support them. And also, if it is related to the need for Constant Care of a Family Member of this person who is not subject to mobilization or has such rights, when she provides such care and there are no other persons. It should also be said that persons booked by state and local authorities are entitled to a postponement. Selfgovernment , enterprises, institutions, organizations, or education seekers, graduate students, Doctoral Students under fulltime or dual forms of education and scientific, scientificpedagogical or pedagogical workers who work at least 75 of the rate, there are still grounds for dismissal from military service, here it is necessary to pay a little attention to the fact that this is, first of all, a condition of a person who is fired. When the vlk was declared unfit, recognized as a person, or unfit with a review for 612 months, after 612 months, the same categories that have those children who have a deferment, they have the right to be released from military service, this is another i would like to emphasize that the presence of three or more children under the age of 18, the independent upbringing of a child or children under the age of 17 years old, raising a child with a disability under the age of 18 or a child who has not been diagnosed with a disability, but has a serious, serious illness. And the right to release of one of the spouses, if both are in military service, but have children, a child under the age of 18, also has the right to release due to family circumstances or good reasons, what exactly is this, this is a release in connection with the presence of a wife, that is, it already passes service, but the wife became a person with a disability, this has the right to be dismissed or. His or her parents, who are serving, or the parents of the wife from among persons with disabilities of the first and second groups, the need to care for Family Members in the same cases, if the implementation custodians of disabled persons, subject to exemption from military service, Pay Attention to this, persons whose close relatives died or went missing during. Direct participation in measures to repel the armed aggression of ukraine during the military uprising. This norm, unfortunately, in my opinion, is an unfair norm, it does not apply to Family Members of persons who died as a result of injury, contusion, disease, mutilation received during measures to protect the homeland. In this connection, i applied. To the chairman of the Verkhovna Rada , mr. Stefanchuk, with a corresponding letter to make such changes to the current law on mobilization, my letter was considered by ms. Bizugai, who wrote to me in a letter that she was very grateful for my concern and said that they took it into account, thus ended my conversation with the chairman , mr. Regarding the establishment of justice for people, the draft law submitted by the cabinet of ministers of ukraine on amending some legislative acts of ukraine regarding certain issues of military service is currently being considered in the parliament mobilization of military registration, please tell me whether you know whether there have been new categories of persons who can apply for deferment or exemption from military service, so we are talking about the draft law, relevant categories have appeared, i can highlight them now , these are judges , these are judges of the constitutional court, these are members of the Supreme Council of justice, these are members of the Supreme Qualification Commission of judges of ukraine, this is the head of the service of disciplinary inspectors of the Supreme Council of justice, his deputy, the disciplinary inspector of the Supreme Council of justice, according to the draft law. Not heads of ministries, their deputies, heads of state bodies, state Administration Bodies whose jurisdiction extends to the entire territory of ukraine will be subject to the prize. The right to discharge in connection with the end of the term of service is also provided for in the case of Continuous Service during martial law for 36 months, and finally such a right is released to persons released from captivity. Ah. But, unfortunately, we again did not see the right to deferment or exemption from military service, those persons whose relatives died during the implementation of measures from relevant diseases, injuries, contusions, protecting the homeland during martial law. I addressed the relevant requests, with the relevant request to the peoples deputies of the Current Parliament of. Ukraine, so that they would introduce such proposals, such amendments to the draft law, these amendments were introduced on my initiative, and now we are watching how they will be to be considered, first by the committee, which works precisely without corners, and then what exactly will be brought to the consideration of the parliament. We thought that today they would consider, as far as i know, which i. Have for now, it can be either for an extraordinary session, or which will be on march 8, or next week, so we are watching and trying to do everything so that the peoples deputies support exactly these amendments so that justice is established. Ms. Lyudmila, here is a question from viewer vira gaponchuk during our youtube broadcast, i really dont know if this is a question for you, she is asking how to treat a military man with a concussion that has become complicated. Complicated his psychological and physical condition, and whats more, he has an alcohol addiction, she says that such no one wants to treat soldiers, whether you, or you have been addressed with such, we can. Definitely help, clarify what rights, now, yes, this military man, his family can use, and not only provide advice, support with appropriate appeals, so contact us, now there is a hotline phone, thank you to the channel and to you, dear journalists, that you spread it, and therefore contact us, we will definitely help you take all the necessary actions. That the rights are protected. Dear friends, you are now looking at on the screens, the hotline of the Ukrainian Center for the protection of human rights, phone number 0800 33307 09. Please contact us if you have any questions to which you do not know the answers, they will provide you with advice. Ms. Lyudmila, thank you for the conversation and clarification. Lyudmila denisova, human rights defender, head of the Ukrainian Center for the protection of human rights, was in touch with us. Dear friends, i will report quickly. Our collection is moving little by little, there are about 67 left, no, even a little less already, 67 thousand hryvnias, so that we can collect 50 fpv drones for the 81st of the airmobile brigade, which is currently working on the pekelnoluhansk route, in the meantime, in the meantime, i want to ask you to join one more gathering, you see how many are needed. You may have seen the espresso tv channel, often, and so it can be said that almost every weekend, our employees gather, and in their free time from work, although the tv channel works around the clock and every day, people find free time to make their own vitamin mixtures for our defenders, and they make these mixtures from ginger, with citrus, cranberry, sea buckthorn, honey. Everyone here, journalists, and editors, and directors , sound engineers, everyone, everyone, everyone, even the little assistants, as you see now on your screens, come to make these mixes, and then we send these mixes to our military, so that a little their life is sweeter, and vitamins are also very necessary, and what we need, because we have to pay already today, there are about 10,000 hryvnias left. To pay for what we make those mixtures from, of course, that the employees of the tv channel also contribute their own money, we ask you to help a little so that we make this payment so that we are not guilty of those people from whom we bought all the necessary ingredients, we will be grateful to everyone, now you see on your screens the qr code and the card number 5375, 41 12 14 05 2354, thank you if you join this, we will have another guest join us, this is oleg posternak, a political technologist, good morning, good morning, the Verkhovna Rada unexpectedly decided to take a break in its sessions for one plenary week , it has been canceled, the opposition comments on it as a shame and what a shame, what are the real reasons in your opinion for canceling, well, during the war and. The time of very important consideration of draft laws for a whole week, plenary sessions, well, look, from what i heard in informal conversations, there are several reasons, first, the law on mobilization is actually not ready, and the parliamentary committees and deputies are currently immersed in work with amendments , because this is an important bill, well, on which it depends. Life of people, ukrainians in particular, but there are also hidden reasons, in fact, the fact that many draft laws that could to be nominated this plenary week, they will not find support due to the absence of peoples deputies of ukraine physically in kyiv on the ground, the fact is that the biggest problem now for the monomajority is the issue of votes, and by the way, the failure of the draft law. Of the project on mobilization of the first option, the one that was introduced on december 26, it was precisely related to the lack of support in the hall among the monomajority. In the same way, now many, well, monobolzhosta deputies count , of course, on deputy groups, on deputies, who do not belong to the opposition, to opposition groups, and many of them are not physically in kyiv now, so yes. Secretly they say that this may be connected with the necessity of canceling the plenary meetings, and on the other hand, all this reflects one big trouble. The problem of Ukrainian Parliamentarism during martial law, i want to tell you that it is objective, partly subjective, the objective is that the parliament under martial law, well, cannot be a means for the pr activity of many deputies, and it is understandable , that it should be substantive focused on a key bill, that is why the parliament is sitting in nonstop session mode, and on the other hand, we are all with you. Smart people, reading people, and we, and our viewers too, draw the right conclusions that the parliament a decorative tool for quickly promoting the interests of banking, passing relevant bills, and in principle, the activity of the parliament precisely as a platform for the reconciliation of public interests, it is now under a big question mark, well. Nevertheless, if there are no votes, then , accordingly, there is no promotion of interests, i understand that in reality everything is not so simple, we saw that , for example, the law on bep, which was promoted by the bank, he did not manage to get enough votes for it, including because that even some deputies from the servants of the people did not vote, that is, everything is not so simple, absolutely, and well, the law, lets start with the fact that the law on the bureau of economic mutual assistance, one of the key and important for our allies, has passed. So that any institution, the western allies try to make it as effective as possible and independent from the bodies of the executive power, i welcome this thing, but on the other hand, it must be understood that these decisions are still adopted by the Ukrainian Parliament in solidarity and responsibility, and therefore it is a state institution of ukraine, regardless of, for example, the wishes of our western partners, ugh, well, continuing the theme of decorating. Bodies, the cabinet of ministers are going to be reduced by a third, that is, to reduce the number of ministries, what is this connected with, and which ministries can be painlessly reduced . You know, ive heard a lot of information about this, first of all, the project of reduction and optimization of the ministry, it was made public in 2022, these thoughts, they were absolutely heard even then. Aa were articulated in the public and social space of ukraine, for example, i oppose the reduction of the ministry and against some unification. Lets say, if we analyze the last 10 years of this governmental mix, governmental mosaic, we unite the ministry of economy with the ministry of agrarian policy, then we separate them, we unite the ministry of education and science with youth and sports, then we separate them. And we are forming departments , lets be frank and honest, about 10 years of this rather controversial practice of uniting and separating ministries does not justify itself administratively, but it is a cool excuse, an excuse for pr, what should be done instead, analyze the efficiency of official positions, optimize where for this. There is a need, because in the conditions of martial law there is actually no less bureaucratic work, and you know, the authority of the state Civil Service is generally lowered below, below the plinth, and well, it cannot be like that when we are talking about quality state service, then we must understand that this is not the unification of ministries, that this is not the separation of some departments, but optimization, i understand where they are coming from. Legs and there really is a financial basis for this decision, there simply is no money to finance all this nomenclature and bureaucratic pyramid, it is possible, it is a logical and fair decision, and on the other hand, well, for example, now we will curtail the work of the ministry of agrarian policy, suppose , i take the first First Ministry that came to mind in my head, yes, in the conditions, for example, the need for driving. Dialogue now with our neighbor poland and reconciliation with these sensitive moments and in particular the direction regarding european integration, well, it seems to me that the officials of the ministry of agrarian policy were very useful, if it is the level of a department within the ministry of economy , it creates a problem, for example, of adequate perception from the polish parties to the negotiation line, so it is clear that some ministries that need. A significant audit of their activities and to which society has questions and by the way, parliamentarians should consider this decision and there should be a discussion. The reduction of ministries will not lead, i will simply remind you that, for example, the poles have 26 ministries, despite the fact that they do not have such ministries as, for example, the ministry of veterans affairs, or the ministry of affairs, as it is called, of temporarily occupied territories, that is, in essence, we have less. The ministry, if you dont count the ministry specifically related to the war, and why reduce them by another third then, uh, its really question, but the main question, as it seems to us , is correct to emphasize here and should be emphasized, it is not that the ministry, even a certain number, is whether they are in reality ministries, this episode on the border with poland, it was very eloquent, when suddenly the ministries and the cabinet as a whole, i do not know how it is right. To name, they just played in the mass of the bank, they played in a pr campaign, it was a flash mob, well , this is also a question, no, look at it, well, its a question of evaluation, how we, as an action, in fact, it a very important measure that demonstrated the disinterest of the polish government in trying to resolve the crisis, this is a step that, ill tell you, i understand what youre talking about, well , honestly, if i were a minister in this government. Cabinet , i would say, im not going, im not a clown, i have a lot of work, sorry, do what you want, well, honestly, i would say yes, and even say it publicly, and let me released himself on the second day, but i would show that there was one minister in this ministry who has dignity, at least there was, i do not observe this in these ministers who are there now, look, at the same time, the issue of joint responsibility, once the issue of. The subordination of two officials, especially in the conditions of martial law, the issue of the dependence of the cabinet of ministers on the banking department, on us we understand that the real shadow government is, in principle, on the bank, not on hrushevsky, most likely the cabinet of ministers is now more of a natural, naturalized executive body that directly implements and executes the decisions it makes. Only the Coordination Center during the banking, by the way, im not saying that these are negative things, its just the specifics of the martial law, on which the structure of power, which was formed by the electoral revolution of the 19th year, namely the majority and the victory of the president , also relies on etc. , perhaps this fact allows for the consolidation of discipline and allows for control of officials, another question is that it should not be like this in a democracy and it should not be like this in. A classical, normal, peaceful society, but this discussion is good for peacetime, well it just for the military time we need an effective government, this is not what we see now, thank you very much for the conversation , sternak was a political technologist with us, thank you, and we remind you that there is still an air alert in part of ukraine, so dear friends, please do not neglect this with this warning, be careful, be aware that the enemy, the enemy may attack. 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